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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 29, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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an orange weather hazard level has been declared for today in the sverdlovsk region, an active cyclone is approaching the urals, it will bring with it a strong wind with gusts of up to 25 m/s, and also heavy rains, should we expect precipitation on the russian plain, ksenia levitskaya will tell us about this. the restructuring of the atmosphere in an autumnal way has started, where precipitation today can even turn into snow, should we expect rain in the south, which continues to suffer from wildfires, and how long will the heat last in moscow. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and the fobas center, i am ksenia levitskaya, hello! the cyclone leaving behind the urals brings autumn to siberia, but on the russian plain it, on the contrary, revives summer. gray, damp and cold. permm experienced a trip to autumn the day before. the thunderstorm front reached the capital. kami just in the middle
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of the evening rush hour, lightning flashed, it rained, deep puddles instantly formed on the streets, trees fell in the city because of the bad weather, and traffic jams reached 9 points, while the temperature dropped from july's +25 to september's +17. precipitation fell in crimea on wednesday, there is hope that they will at least slightly will reduce the fire hazard in the region. at the same time, rostov-on-don continues to suffer from the back.
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weather conditions are a consequence of the confrontation of cyclones and a stationary anticyclone, and today the situation in the atmosphere will change little. most of european russia will remain under the protection of a solar center of high pressure, here along its borders will stretch arrays of frontal cloudiness, and the most extensive will cover the eastern russian plain, the urals and siberia. another, having a mosaic structure, will continue to swirl over the black sea. therefore in the south of russia, showers and thunderstorms are expected only in certain areas and will not be able to bring much moisture, and not nastya, which will arrange an eastern vortex will be much larger, the zone of the most intense precipitation will be the urals and the middle priobye, here in some places in just one day about half of the monthly volume of moisture will pour out, while due to the invasion of arctic air in the far north of the region, rains can even turn into snow, as a result, russia will encounter damp... brainy autumn and hot
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subtropical summer. in the northeast russian plain, in the lower middle priobye, the daytime temperature will not exceed +12 +17. at the same time in the west in the european part, even in the arctic, the thermometers will show +15-20. in the middle zone, the air will warm up to +23 +28. in the black earth region up to +28 +33. and the strongest heat is expected in southern russia. here the temperature. maximum +30-35, and in rostov nadon extreme heat will persist even in early september, if in the coming days the thermometers do not exceed +32, then with the onset of the calendar autumn the heat will increase to +34-35, here the middle priobye on the contrary will be covered by a wave of abnormal coolness, you see, today the air of khantemansiysky will still be able to warm up to +18, this is a little higher than expected , but by the end of august... the maximum temperature
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will fall to +12, which is already four degrees below normal values. as for moscow, it will continue to enjoy the july warmth, while the probability of precipitation in the capital will be minimal. today in the megapolis +25, tomorrow +26, in the following days generally up to +27-28. that's all for me, goodbye!
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from the moscow exchange. sale, buy on megamarket and pay in installments. 6 months without overpayments. new brigades are being formed in poland for the war with russia. they consist of ukrainians who fled to europe. this is written about by the forbes publication, according to which kiev expects to equip these brigades with western weapons and equipment. and all the materials were carefully studied by boris ivanin. the kiev regime is striving. to prolong the military conflict at any cost for the battles next year is already creating ersatz brigades, otherwise it is difficult to call them, new mechanized formations, which forbes magazine writes about, will require thousands of units of equipment and thousands of fighters. zelensky's dream is coming true, they intend to recruit even those ukrainians who fled
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to the west. in the eu countries, according to the most conservative estimates, there are almost 650,000 citizens of draft age, this is finally last year's data. now, perhaps, the filials have even more. they will not even be returned to their homeland, they will wander right into europe. this will require very serious organizational efforts, because it will be necessary to spy on how many emigrants are there, where they are, what is their status, because if a person, for example, already has a residence permit, then his forced mobilization looks almost a impossible. in addition, the very formulation of the question about other countries recruiting soldiers for ukraine also looks , to put it mildly, ambiguous from the point of view. right, any country that declares that it is ready to cooperate with ukraine on this issue will very quickly cool off from implementing this in practice. preparations, however, are already underway in poland, here photos published by the military land portal. these shots allegedly show the fresh 160th mechanized brigade, and there
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will allegedly be a dozen of them, trained by nato instructors, with at least 2,000 people in each, meaning there will be 20,000 in total. even forft does not hide its skepticism about it. dressed as ukrainians, sent to war with russia, they will not be considered representatives of nato troops, but some special status will be invented for them, meaning you can always find wild geese all over the world, the ukrainians themselves are not ready to die for the zelensky regime, another important issue is equipping kiev, it is clear that it is counting on western equipment. tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, howitzers, systems of everything and a lot is needed, while the formation of new units began
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just 3 months after the previous expansion of the armed forces of ukraine. then 10 new brigades were also created, four mechanized, five infantry, one jaeger. where they, for the most part, have already been ground up in a meat grinder at the front, there are also piles of scrap metal from nato equipment. it is no coincidence that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine tsirske is being cut off now the pipes to the american general who commands nato forces in europe, designates the basic needs and not only for the future already. now there is nothing to fight with, and the allies' help is melting away. poland has once again refused to supply, warsaw's charity has dried up, the republic's defense minister announced, now the decision is being made based on their national interests, and billion-dollar donations to kiev have not brought dividends, only losses. with the current level of supplies, of course, the shock brigades will not be equipped it won't work, that is, the equipment that they have, they will try to concentrate it, and the lighter brigades, less equipped, they will... use for defense, they basically did this already in 22, in 23, as a result we
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saw that their attempts to attack precisely the provided defense lead to the fact that the equipment is ultimately used very limitedly, attempts at an offensive are carried out by small infantry groups, although without much success, however, the kiev regime, despite the failure of last year's offensive and the current slippage is already announcing something new in the next... year, supposedly new mechanized brigades of the 160 series are being prepared for it, although much more, it looks like just a loud pr campaign of ukraine and its western curators, who do not want to stop the already started military machine and lose orders for their military-industrial complex. a certain number of units are being created that impress western customers, you see what we have, this is how it is combat-ready, new orders are received, then some kind of action is organized, well, for example, something like... attempts to break through in the kursk region or, in general, to aggravate the situation on this part
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of the border, first of all, to show that the ukrainian leadership is still quite solvent, that is, they should not be written off and this conflict can be continued, this is the main goal, and what number of soldiers there will be, what they will be equipped with, what they will ultimately represent in real terms, this is a secondary question, so that the new ersatz brigades, recruited from different countries and equipped from all over the world, become at least a little combat-ready, rosstat reports, let me remind you that to calculate this indicator, the average monthly accrued
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salary is adjusted for the inflation rate, just as employees of the organization were accrued more than 89 thousand rubles in june, the growth exceeded 15%, in january-june, nominal salaries increased by more than 18%. meanwhile, unemployment in the country remains at a historical minimum, at the end of july 2.4%. the volume of construction in russia in january-july increased. more than 3%, almost to 8 trillion rubles. such data is provided by rosstat. for july, the indicator grew by half a percent and reached one and a half trillion rubles. at the same time, the commissioning of housing last month exceeded 8.5 million km, and over 7 months, more than 62 million were delivered. rusal summed up the financial results of the first half of the year, its adjusted net profit according to international financial reporting standards.
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creditors accepted the terms of restructuring part of the government debt, we are talking about a group of investors who hold eurobonds for 20 billion dollars. earlier, the parties reached an agreement in principle to write off thirty. 7% of this debt. in addition in addition, in the fall, the cabinet of ministers is going to unilaterally suspend the fulfillment of obligations for more than one and a half billion dollars. at the same time, kiev will continue to take out loans. on september 4 , representatives of the imf will visit the country to make a decision on the next tranche for more than a billion dollars. any refusal to pay
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is a default. therefore, in fact, the state of ukraine today is already a default, and the default has been for a long time. if ukraine were to be considered according to normal international standards, then they have been in default for a very long time, because that the ukrainian economy is absolutely not working and it exists solely due to external financial assistance external borrowings, which it has not received for the last 2 years. that's all i have for now, more news in the next hour. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, the amount is up to 30 million rubles. apply in 5 minutes in the application and receive monthly cashback in sberbank bonuses thank you. do business with sberbank. open a free sberbusiness card, connect to the sberbusiness thank you loyalty program and
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minute: ukraine will have to pay in full for the attack on kursk. this was stated by the first deputy permanent representative of russia prion dmitry polyansky at a meeting of the security council. the diplomat also emphasized that kiev chose the escalation mode with its attack on russian territory. artillery of the dnepr group of troops destroyed ukrainian militants during their rotation in the kherson region. the enemy was hit by a kornet atgm crew . they were eliminated by a precise launch of a guided missile. pavel durov was free for 3 days, but under judicial supervision, he left the paris palace of justice on bail of 5 million euros. to the founder telegram was banned from leaving france, the prosecutor's office accused him of ten criminal offenses. the investigation is ongoing. the servicemen of the southern group of troops were awarded state awards for the successful completion of combat missions in
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the donetsk direction. the fighters were awarded the zhukov and suvorov medals for bravery for courage, after the awarding of them personally. thanked for the work for the commander of the unit. it will be easier to register a car next spring, this can be done without a pre-purchased osago policy. and also new rules will make life easier for citizens from new regions. and all the details are in stanislav bernwald's program instructions. the osaga field was removed from the mandatory list of documents needed to register a car with the traffic police. from march 1 , 25, you will be able to first register it yourself, and then, without rushing, choose the right insurance. what other innovations are in the adopted amendments on vehicle registration, we will tell you about this in... we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. registration without osaga is not the only thing innovation. now, when selling, owners can deregister a car immediately after the transaction. with one condition:
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the purchase and sale must be completed electronically. well, that is, through government services, how it all works, we talked about in one of the previous issues. how the transaction was closed with a letter of credit or without it does not matter. the new owner will have 10 days to register their purchase, even if the previous owner deregistered it right on the day of sale, but if you miss this deadline, then you won't be able to drive the car, to register it at the traffic police, you'll have to bring it on a tow truck, with an electronic sales contract, here's what i think, this is just awesome, because there are a lot of people who say: sold the car, and the new owner doesn't want to register it, so they fly to me:
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they impose a ban on registration actions, the old owner can't deregister it, and the new one doesn't want to register it, so that there aren't these incidents, the previous owner who sold it, at the time of signing electronic sales contract, they remove this car, another addition that will work next... year the ability to deregister a car that is wanted, this is necessary so that, for example, you do not have to prove to the tax authorities that you do not have a car, you will not pay taxes, why, the car is no longer under my responsibility, i do not drive it, how long can they search for the car, they can search for a year, two, three, for these 3 years many car owners continue to pay road tax, look, this is good, you and i have cars - not very responsive road...
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also the amendments make life easier for residents of new regions, the explanatory note to the law notes that the ukrainian side puts their cars on the international wanted list, without having any reason for this, and the traffic police cannot register them, now the contradiction will be removed. another addition to the rules of the osago, which are already in effect, disabled people, for whom the vehicle is a medical necessity, will be able to return half of the amount paid for the insurance policy. compensation will be calculated automatically if the system already has all the necessary information, that is, firstly, a valid card is linked to your personal account on the state services website, secondly, the federal register of disabled people has an entry stating that you need a car, and finally, the insurance company has transferred information to the social fund that you purchased the policy. the payment is processed within a maximum of 10 working days after purchasing the osaga, if the period has passed and the money has not been returned, then you should write an application on the state services portal.
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the electronic assistant for key information will prompt you for the form. words compensation saga for disabled people. at the moment there is a discount of up to 50% of the cost of the insurance policy osaga, which can be returned either to the disabled person or to the legal representative of the disabled person. for this. now at the moment you just need to leave applications in public services, a recalculation will occur within five working days on the specified details will be returned the insurance premium. so, let's repeat the main thing: from the spring of the twenty- fifth year, they will no longer require a policy saga in order to put the car on registration, but the requirement to insure the car if you use it will not go away. the car can be deregistered immediately after you signed the contract through public services, and not wait 10 days. it will also be possible to deregister if it is stolen. disabled people can already get back half the cost of the policy if they need the car for medical reasons. do you want to know about
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what other changes to the laws that affect car owners are being prepared? write to us in telegram, ask your questions, we will ask the experts and tell you in the following releases of the program instruction.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective. it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. "we will expose all the fakes, we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch in the application or on the site, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law, shoot first.
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the general plan ost left no doubt what they wanted to do with us. before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, apples, take it all, take it all, it's all in your hands, about 30 million russians will be redundant, a document confirming the intention to carry out a policy of ethnogenocide, that same
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crime against humanity. the expected losses of the civilian population, estimated at tens of millions of people, were clearly indicated. this policy of pressure on the east, it was hitler's borrowing, he will solve the issue of creating a thousand-year great reich at the expense of the eastern territories, which from his point of view are much more adaptable for the germans to live there population.
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8:00 am
the enemy unit that tried to gain a foothold on the border has been destroyed, russian grad crews are working in kursk. the trial continues, the founder of telegram pavel durov is free, but under judicial supervision, he is prohibited from leaving france, what official charges have been brought by the prosecutor's office of the fifth republic. the kiev authorities will pay in full, all questions about a possible peaceful settlement...


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