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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 29, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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in the belgorod region, ukrainian drones attacked three settlements at once , there were no casualties, another shelling in shebekino, as the governor reported, one person was killed, two were wounded, due to the tense situation in the border areas, it was decided to temporarily resettle four settlements. our special correspondent, olga kurlaeva, joins the broadcast, olga, hello, what is the situation now, here are the messages coming to the news agency feed, we are waiting for details. yes, good morning. good morning, alexandra, just now a message comes from shebekino, to great sorrow one person died during the morning shelling, he did not even wait for the ambulance team to arrive, according to preliminary information two more civilians were wounded, a man and a woman with shrapnel wounds of varying severity, taken to the central hospital of shebekino, as a result of the shelling administrative buildings and social facilities were damaged.
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a car has already burned down, now emergency services are working on the scene, trying to put out the fires, but still the threat of shelling remains, in general, shebekina is literally on the front line, it is being wiped off the ground, as a populated area, it is being shelled daily, every night, yesterday evening, late at night , a meeting of the operational headquarters of the belgorod region ended, at which a decision was made. residents, it was also decided to close several villages for entry to populated areas for entry, entry there will be allowed only with special passes, checkpoints are being set up there now, these residents will, these residents are provided with payments from 15 to 150 thousand rubles for each family member, these are payments of a federal nature, because... here
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in belgorod region a state of emergency at the federal level has been introduced, housing certificates are also offered for those who decide not to return to dangerous border areas, they can buy housing with housing certificates, but already build houses or apartments for themselves in the rear of belgorod region, a decision was also made, this was already somewhere closer to midnight on... on auto payments for passenger cars, because insurance payments, well, are not provided, this is still a shelling area, and no insurance company will take on payments, they will, in general, pay from the regional budget, from the reserve fund, listen, what decision was made, this is really important information for residents of the belgorod region, they made a decision, related to partial compensation for partial damage or
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full replacement of the cost of vehicles that were damaged during shelling from ukraine, residents of the belgorod region. since september of this year payments will be made not from an off-budget fund, but from the regional budget. there will be some changes, although for most of the population this will not change, it will only affect - based on the introduction of a ceiling on payments. it will be 2 million rubles for a damaged car or for compensation in the event of a complete loss of property. another important decision concerns the educational system, it concerns schoolchildren and their parents. in the border zone 20 km from the border, there will be distance education, that is, exact education will only be in cities. safely in populated areas where
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it is safe, but at the same time, payments for teachers will be maintained. we understand that there is some reduction in the number of students in classes , we understand that this should not affect the teachers' salaries. otherwise , understanding that we will lose teachers who will disperse throughout the country, this will be irreparable damage to the entire education of the belgorod region. therefore, in order to prevent such a situation, we decided to ... take measures to maintain teachers' salaries at the same level. children can study in schools in person or remotely, but already in areas that are not subject to such massive shelling, there will also be temporary accommodation points, teachers will come here from september 1, well , in-person education is of course, in the rear zone, including in belgorod, we hope to attend just the first. september festive
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line-ups, as for motor transport, which special motor transport, that is , repair crews, ambulances, as well as school buses, which carry to... on unsafe sections of the road, they along the borders go along this route, they sometimes even close them, because there is a very high danger of getting into the pividrons, then they are now intensively supplied with rap systems, they are brought from all corners of the country, including the people's front, which helps a lot - these are the kind of car rap installations. the first one right away is the wet loudspeaker, because it is alive. the second is the dunayka, because we closed one, the third is the currant, they closed the drone, it remains, and the fourth is the new building, they all live there, they are all there something, yes, well, the rear part of the belgorod region, in everything it can, helps the border area, we
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will definitely tell about this, how the belgorod residents are trying for their fellow countrymen, who are in a difficult operational situation, we will definitely tell, we will go. we will see, alexandra, olga, thank you, we will wait, i will remind you that olga kurlaeva told about the development of events in the blagorodskaya region. now in the zaporozhye region, where the calculation of the grad rocket system, smashed the positions in the ssu. to the north of the work , a unit of our troops dnepr is operating. the concentration of ukrainian militants was discovered by artillery reconnaissance. the russian complex immediately moved to the site, took up a firing position and struck. the radius of destruction is a football field, and accordingly, in terms of manpower, this is the most passable tool, the most important thing for us is mobility, we need to quickly arrive, take up a position, aim, work and quickly leave. the cia maintains
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contacts with kiev to coordinate the actions of the ukrainian armed forces in the attack on kurs, said deputy director of the special service david cohen. he emphasized that the ukrainian armed forces are building defensive structures intend to gain a foothold there. for some time, the department also reported that the ukrainians could have used satellite images during the attack on the kursk region. 2 years ago, washington provided ukraine with access to a portal with photo materials, according to the americans, the possibility of using them remains to this day. pavel durov is at large, but there are nuances. he was released under judicial supervision. the entrepreneur must report to the police station twice a week in the near future to post bail of 5 million euros. in addition, telegram founder banned from leaving france. prosecutors have charged him with ten criminal offenses. the investigation continues , emil mersayev is closely monitoring him. after four days in custody, the last eight hours of which were spent in the courthouse, french authorities finally
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released pavel durov. he left in a minivan through the central exit, where journalists had gathered, and through the side gate, modestly, wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses. comment on the charges brought against you, this became possible after the paris prosecutor's office agreed to release the businessman on bail, the amount of which is 5 million euros. another important condition of judicial supervision is to come to the police station twice a week, as well as a ban on leaving france. pavel durov must give a long interview to answer the president of france, emmanuel macron, after which he must save himself by leaving france through the land border. this is the simplest. the investigation against telegram began in february of this year, french prosecutors said. ultimately, they accused pavel durov of ten criminal offenses at once, including concealing organized crime, drug trafficking, distributing child pornography, and refusing to cooperate with government agencies, which, by the way,
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was complained about by the authorities of neighboring belgium. all of the above is an absurd accusation, said the lawyer for the founder of telegram, partly repeating the statement of the messenger team. telegram complies with european. including the regulations on digital services, its moderation actions comply with industry standards, it is pointless to say that the platform or its director are responsible for the abuses that occurred last. the minimum prison term that durov faces is 10 years. in addition, the court may find him guilty of violence against his own child. french investigators are currently studying the case; there has been no interrogation yet. paris is requesting information from geneva, where durov's ex-girlfriend, irina volgar, and...
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the issue of durovo's naturalization was already politically sensitive at the time, since for several years, the media has published articles criticizing the lack of moderation in his service. messaging, and here is an important detail, the founder of telegram sent a request to the elysee palace, and not to the foreign ministry, which is prescribed by procedure, this happened after president macron himself invited durovo to dinner in 2018, they had two or three meetings in total, the administration of the french leader confirmed, he could not have made the decision to arrest him alone, journalists are sure. this is a big step, it is very difficult for an outside observer who does not have.
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ukraine does not want to pay its debts, and it has given itself permission to do so. the necessary law was adopted at the end of july. based on this document, the cabinet of ministers has already announced that it will suspend payments of more than $1.5 billion in the fall. from september 3, the country will stop fulfilling its obligations to the cargel financial fund in the amount of $700 million. from november 9 , ukrenergo will be exempted from payments of $825 million, from may 31 of the following year.
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this is not the first time that ukraine refuses to pay its obligations, it has already started doing this in august. ukraine is absolutely not afraid to declare default, it is absolutely not shy about such actions. and it is absolutely sure that it will never have to give them this money back, so they are very tough for creditors , write it off to get at least something, otherwise you will not get anything at all. after long disputes with holders of eurobonds for 20 billion dollars, at the end of july it was possible to reach an agreement in principle. we are talking about writing off 37% of the debt. the government assures that already more than...
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today there is already a default, and the default has been going on for a long time, if ukraine were to be considered according to normal international standards, then they have been in default for a very long time, because the ukrainian economy does not work at all and exists exclusively due to external financial assistance, external borrowings, which they have not received over the past 2 years. at the same time, ukraine continues to accumulate new debts, in just 3 months its national debt has grown by more than 3 billion dollars. by the end of july it exceeded 155, and on september 4 the country imf representatives will visit to make
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a decision on the next tranche of over a billion dollars from a credit program that is designed for more than 15.5 billion dollars. endless running in circles, yes , additional bonds are issued, some, or direct injections, yes, through the international monetary fund, which will continue to credit ukraine for... ukraine is already practically in ruins, experts note, the energy crisis is intensifying, industry is falling, goods are becoming more expensive, and manipulations with the state debt add to this loss of the remnants of reputation. at the same time , the west gets new opportunities to take away ukraine's resources. by and large, ukraine is not a state anyway, it is already a territory
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with a set of resources under external management. so the process continues, just a process of preparation.
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tourism, are there any plans to create a separate unit that will deal specifically with tourism, we have now grown into a fairly large industry within the bank, so most likely we will allocate a separate unit that will be forced to do this to do, how when it can appear, we thought, most likely, that next year, here we have 3,000 people working, in manzhurok already 3,000 people work, plus a number of objects such as a university with hotels and so on. and so on all this needs to be done every day. watch the full version of the conversation today on russia-24 after 11:00 moscow time. now we will return to a short advertisement, then we will continue to talk about the main topics of this thursday.
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more than 100 drone operators have already been trained in the training center, which was created on the basis of the 155th separate marine brigade pacific fleet. those who have decided to serve under contract undergo training there. the military acquire piloting skills and learn the tactical features of the work. next is victoria sutenko's report. accelerate the drone. up to 180 km/h, evade enemy fire, conduct reconnaissance of the area and accurately hit enemy targets in any conditions. skills that
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drone operators from among contract soldiers acquire during field training in order to bring their actions to automatism. a special training area is equipped for the fighters at the training ground platform. tunnels, windows, rings, that is, this is an imitation of windows of buildings, some basements, something else, so that it is possible not just as if from the outside to get into the building. but specifically into the room where the enemy is sitting, but this is the highest level of skill, first, newly-minted fighters are introduced to different models, they are taught to repair drones. before picking up a real drone, military personnel learn to control the drone on simulators, here they virtually learn to gain altitude, the speed of the device, navigate in space, overcome obstacles, master a real remote control. a fighter with the call sign kim, like his fellow soldiers, spends up to 10 hours.
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for this, they are taught army tactical shooting, cover each other, fight back the enemy, find mines, navigate in the forest belt. at this training site , the soldiers are required to have the skills of moving , using folds of the terrain, as well as accurate shooting, observing the enemy. here, fighters are taught to fight absolutely in in any conditions of urban, rural areas to storm the enemy, using various shelters. here you go, such fire training awaits all fighters who sign a contract with the ministry of defense. every day
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at least ten people come to the blagoveshchensk selection point for military service under a contract, events at the front, communication with real participants in the hostilities, prompted mikhail to take this step. what is happening in the kursk region, this also prompted, because i do not want this situation, that is, to get to this point, because relatives, family here, children. i don't want them to know this, for those who are ready to selflessly serve the motherland, a one-time payment of 800,000 rubles is provided, half of which is from the regional budget. in addition, fighters are entitled to a wide range of federal and regional social support measures. medical, clothing, and housing. housing is provided by joining the accumulative mortgage system. the solution to any issues of both military personnel and members of their families. are engaged in the state fund defenders of the fatherland, the establishment of monetary pleasure allowances, individual payments, registration of insurance payments,
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assistance in the preparation of documents for referral to organizations of institutions, as well as for comprehensive support can be relatives of military personnel. recently , more and more men signing a contract in the amur region will go to the front lines to bring victory closer, for them it is a matter of honor. notice hundreds of testimonies about how in the territory of the kursk region ukrainian nationalists shoot civilians trying to leave the combat zone, including pregnant women, hit
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civilian cars, launch drones at ambulances, journalists , volunteers trying to save people from ukrainian punitive forces. they are conscious of the matter , looting in russian villages and stores, and posting all of this on the internet. they shell and destroy civilian objects, including residential buildings, schools, hospitals, abuse the civilian population and take them hostage, demonstratively using this nazi paraphernalia and symbols. moreover, there is irrefutable evidence that the kiev regime is deliberately shelling the kursk nuclear power plant, an accident at which could lead to global consequences, while zelensky's adventure, like everything he does, has failed. the obvious awkwardness of the western sponsors of the kiev regime was increased by the fact that the kiev regime did not even try to hide its true face, which stunned many in the world, during the attack on the kursk region. in fact, ukraine, at the cost of huge losses in manpower, western technology, for some reason holds several villages in the kursk region, diverting scarce reserves to this, including from the eastern direction, where the front
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after the attack on russia looks like this: ukraine will lose a lot of resources, in the west in germany and the usa the internal political pressure will increase and ukraine will be perceived as an unreliable partner, which carries out risky maneuvers leading to nowhere. in the end, everything will collapse. and there will be no more weapons, as for the supply of weapons, there are no new decisions from germany, he said german chancellor. we are still very careful about the issue of arms supplies to ukraine. if you look at the polls, you will understand that many germans do not support our desire to help. 50% of citizens do not want american missiles to be deployed on german territory, 40% want to cut aid to kiev. zelensky is already complaining that support for poland has noticeably weakened.
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reports: interia helps losers, warsaw clearly does not want to. the only solution for ukraine is to negotiate peace with russia, and on moscow's terms - many point out experts, but judging by the rhetoric of the independent, peace is not needed by kiev or washington at all, noted at the security council of russia. maria skorodilka, news.
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he does not need a pen, who has a splinter in his pocket, eh, what started, flint, i can not live without traveling, soon, the general plan ost, left no doubt what they wanted to do with us, before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, apples, take it all, take it, all this is in your hands, about 30 million russians will be superfluous, a document confirming the intention to pursue a policy ethnogenocide, the very same crime against humanity on nirenberg, which just fell into the planost. the expected losses of the civilian population, numbering in the tens of millions of people, were clearly indicated. this policy of pressure on the east, it was hitler's borrowing. he will solve the issue
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of creating a thousand-year-old great reich at the expense of the eastern


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