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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 29, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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it's 10 in moscow, we're continuing the morning news broadcast, here's what we've learned by this hour. in the belgorod region, after ukrainian shelling, one person was killed, two were wounded, three more villages were attacked by ukrainian drones, no information about casualties was received, one house burned down, two, the roof was damaged. the day before, it was decided to temporarily resettle people from four villages. the russian grad system destroyed a unit of the ukrainian armed forces that was trying to gain a foothold in the border area of ​​the kurdish region. our rocket complexes are also hitting artillery firing positions
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enemy and ammunition storage sites. an enemy drone in the area eliminated a crew of the pantsir s1 money system. telegram founder pavel durov has been released on bail of 5 million euros. he is prohibited from leaving france and is required to report to the police twice a week. the prosecutor's office has charged him with ten criminal offenses. the investigation is ongoing. a suspect in the illegal sale of video recording equipment has been detained in moscow. it was brought to russia from abroad and was disguised as pens, watches, network adapters, powerbanks toys. the prohibited goods were sold through online platforms , shopping mall pavilions, more than three thousand units of such technical equipment were confiscated. so, in the belgorod region, as a result of ukrainian shelling, one civilian was killed, two were wounded, about the strike on shibekina, he said. three more villages were attacked
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by drones. our special correspondent, olga kurlaeva, will tell about the development of events in the region. to great grief, one person died during the morning shelling. he did not even wait for the ambulance team to arrive. according to preliminary information, two more civilians were injured: a man and a woman with shrapnel wounds of varying severity, taken to the central hospital of shibekino. as a result of the incoming shells , administrative buildings and social facilities were damaged, a car was also burned, emergency services are currently working on the scene, trying to extinguish the fires, but the threat of shelling still remains, a meeting of the operational headquarters of the belgorod region ended late at night, at which a decision was made to resettle from four border villages, residents also decided to close several villages for entry, if only... with special
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passes are allowed there, checkpoints are currently being set up there, these residents are provided with payments from 15 to 150 thousand rubles for each family member, these are federal payments, because a federal emergency regime has been introduced here in the belgorod region, housing certificates are also offered for those who decide not to return to dangerous border areas, a decision was also made on automatic payments: not from an extra-budgetary fund, but from regional budget, there will be separate changes, although for the majority of the population this will not change, it will affect only based on the introduction of a ceiling of payments, it will amount to 2 million rubles for a damaged car or for compensation in the event of a complete loss of property.
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throughout the country, this will be irreparable damage to the entire education of the belgorod region, therefore, in order to prevent such a situation, a decision was made to take measures to maintain teachers' salaries at the same level. also , teachers will come to the pvr points from september 1, well, in person training - this is of course in the rear zone, including in belgorod. as for special vehicles, that is , repair crews, ambulances, and school buses, which are used
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to transport people on unsafe sections of the road, they are now being intensively supplied with rap systems, they are brought from all corners of the country, including the people's front, which is very helpful with these... in ukrenergo. the alarm sounded several times at night. it was announced in kiev, vinnytsia, dnepropetrovsk, kirovograd, nikolaev, poltava and a number of others regions. eyewitnesses report explosions in kiev, odessa, kharkov, sumy and cherkasy regions, as well as in kiev-controlled kherson. details are not yet available.
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russian military forces are carrying out precision strikes on infrastructure and energy facilities. and now, to the situation in the svo zone, so on... in the deyev direction, the positions of the ukrainian armed forces are being systematically destroyed by tankers of the central military district, with precise strikes they are paving the way for our assault units. mortar gunners are also providing fire support to the infantry. the forward report by alexey baranov. the sand that literally envelops the tank when the vehicle is moving at full speed is, without exaggeration, like additional camouflage. replace each other, groups of tanks of the central military district are working around the clock today in the avdeevka direction. some of the vehicles operate from closed firing positions,
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are located several kilometers from the line of combat contact and fire at targets detected by both reconnaissance and drones. pages are required in pairs, covering the group's attack aircraft troops-center, work direct fire on the front line. having spent all the ammunition, the vehicles return to the base. on almost every tank you can see traces of combat work, here is where a fragment of a mine fell. the driver-mechanic with the call sign fat, tells us the number of enemy combat drones. in recent months has increased sharply, to enter more maneuverably on the task, shot and leave carefully to take out, so as not to damage the tank to save the crew, drones are constantly flying, they are looking for us, we are now installing fish, it helps a lot ok, and so the enemy can't keep up with us,
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we're leaving quickly, 393, 3060, 360. the work of the assault groups on the front line is supported by mortar men. this unit is operating today in the krasno-liman direction. the commander of the towed mortar crew nona k of the motorized rifle brigade of the guards army of the west group of forces, call sign makarych , tells us about the ever-increasing volume of combat.
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the whole evening the police tried to put the press on the wrong track, distracting attention to themselves at one of the exits, while another drove up black minivan, dressed in traditional all black, in a signature cap, durov, quickly put on dark glasses and went into the car, without saying anything to anyone. where he will be
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now is a question, it is known that twice a week he must voluntarily come to the police, check in, and so on, until the case ... goes to court. durovo is accused of complicity in six different crimes, because telegram did not remove dangerous content when the special services asked to do so and almost completely refused to cooperate. here are just a few claims. complicity in the management of an online platform for the purpose of carrying out an illegal transaction as part of an organized group. the crime carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a fine of 500,000 euros. the preliminary investigation began in february of this year, the case was opened in july, and new details may still be added to it. in particular, the prosecutor's office sent a request to switzerland to understand whether there was violence against a child on the part of the billionaire. we are talking about three children together with irina bolgar. in addition, the european union has decided to make claims, accusing
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telegram of understating the number of real users, which supposedly allows the messenger to bypass inconvenient pan-european rules for social networks. the french foreign ministry is now also making claims against durov, which is not satisfied with how he received citizenship of this country. lemon writes that durov’s statement indicated that he had dined several times with the country’s president, emmanuel macron, but in increasing influence. france did not want to participate in the world, and at the same time, everything became a naturalized frenchman. there are many questions for durov. lawyers consider the charges absurd, and french officials, in turn, writes figaro, are afraid of the political consequences of this case, which, according to experts, could last for years. anastasia popolia bernatsky evgeny samsonov, vesti paris, france. and now an urgent message from the cabinet of ministers, so the government has completed the formation of a new portfolio of national projects for... the period from the twenty-fifth to the thirties. to other topics. more than 95% of loans
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creditors accepted the terms of writing off part of the ukrainian debt. at the same time, kiev unilaterally decided to stop payments of more than one and a half billion dollars in the fall. alexandra nazarova figured out what such manipulations will lead to. ukraine does not want to pay its debts and gave itself permission to do so. the necessary law was adopted at the end of july. based on this document, the cabinet of ministers has already announced that it will suspend payments of more than 1.5 billion dollars in the fall. from september 3, the country will stop fulfilling its obligations to the cargill fund. financial for 700 million dollars. from november 9 , ukrenergo will be exempted from payments of 825 million, from may 31 next year, kiev will stop transfers on state derivatives of the fifteenth year. investors who accept the terms of the restructuring.
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write off to get at least something, otherwise you will not get anything at all. after long disputes with holders of eurobonds for 20 billion dollars , an agreement in principle was reached at the end of july. we are talking about writing off 37% of the debt. the government assures that more than 95% have already been written off the owners of the securities accepted these conditions. the restructuring will allow ukraine to save more than $11 billion on debt servicing over the next 3 years.
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does not work and exists solely due to external financial assistance external borrowings, which have not been received over the past 2 years. at the same time, ukraine continues to accumulate new debts, in just 3 months its government debt has grown by more than $3 billion by the end of july it exceeded $155, and on september 4, the country will be visited by imf representatives to make a decision on the next a tranche of over a billion from a credit program, which is designed for more than 15.5 billion dollars, an endless run in circles, yes
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, some additional bonds are issued, or direct injections, yes, through the international monetary fund, which will continue to credit ukraine for a certain amount, another imf commission will arrive, which will assess the state of ukraine, will say that everything is very good, and they will give money, while the economy of ukraine is already practically in ruins. experts note: the energy crisis is intensifying, industry is falling, goods are becoming more expensive, and manipulations with the state debt add to this the loss of the remains of reputation. at the same time , the west is getting new. opportunities to take away ukraine's resources? by and large , ukraine is not a state anyway, it is already a territory with a set of resources under external management, so the process continues, just the process of preparing assets, resources of ukraine for distribution for debts, this is one of those steps that lead, in their opinion, to an absolutely
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legal such legal basis, plundering ukraine, when it is finally declared a default, they will say, well, basically. that's it, the client is ripe, it's time for everyone to take their own. ukraine's budget requires about $3 billion from foreign partners every month, and no more than a quarter of the financial aid comes on a non-repayable basis, the finance ministry notes.
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in kostram, dozens of people come to the single point of selection for military service every day. since the beginning of the year, about 1,500 volunteers have signed documents. maria golovkina found out why they make such a choice. a fighter with the call sign makar is an experienced participant of the svo, he commanded an assault squad in the zaporizhzhya direction for six months. then a serious concussion, almost 10 months of rehabilitation. but today he is again at the point of acceptance for contract service, he says. i couldn’t sit still, there is a comrade who is doing very important work for the country, it’s time to return to duty. he watched the news about the kursk region, found out and went back, to continue to calm the bandits, nationalists, as his grandfather used to say, fascists. together with makar , a resident of the makaryevsky district, denis, is signing up for the armed forces, he has his motives explains simply. brother, there and i'm at home. i went
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to him to be together. today, up to ten volunteers a day come to contract service, the military registration and enlistment office employees say that after the attack on the kursk region, the flow of those wishing to participate in the svo is only growing, people are coming from all areas of the region, a rest room or military accommodation was organized especially for them at the point. in any case, our registration takes a day, but a certain amount of time is needed to process a personal file and all documents, conduct a medical examination certificates, at the point... all the necessary conditions have been created for this, that is, there is a location where citizens can rest, there is a small kitchen, there is a shower. since the beginning of the year , more than one and a half thousand fire-swords have already signed a contract with the ministry of defense, now, by order of president vladimir putin , everyone who goes to the svo zone has received an increased pay, a one-time payment of 4,000 from the regional budget and
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the same amount from the federal budget, and participants in the special operation and their family members are also provided with other benefits and... young people from different regions of russia. all the details from ksenia yakubina. it is convenient for you to pay here or at kas. the holy of holies of pulkovo airport, from here the dispatchers distribute the flow of passengers so that there are no queues anywhere. additional parking zones and check-in counters are opened when necessary, monitoring, the passenger flow per minute is unprecedented. according to statistics for last year, pulkovo became the second most visited airport in the country for the first time in its history per day. the departure and arrival areas here are visited by about 80,000 people, that is, conditionally, the air gate of the northern capital receives the entire population of anapa
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or magadan every day. because of the tourists' indifference , the airport began to lack hands to satisfy the personnel shortage ; a program was organized in polkovo. alexander is a fourth-year student at the russian customs academy, was looking for a part-time job during the holidays, and ended up staying in pulkovo, combining it with lectures, says that working with the counter requires stress resistance, but there are also pleasant surprises. recently, a couple came to the check-in counter, we agreed with me in advance, and the guy proposed to my girlfriend, for me it was just a summer job, and so for 2 years i have been working officially. at the airport, and it seems to me that for the first job it is a very good, kind of a breakthrough, a start. the project vletnaya poloza helped me get a job, to participate in it in st. petersburg for the third year. students do all the work that the basic employees do, including this year we have new vacancies in
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the transport repair and maintenance service. the good side of this project is that you can easily move around various services, try yourself in completely different areas, from the platform to the office, in the end, find something that really interests you, involves you, and maybe even your main area is connected with this, your profession, but you will find something so special for yourself that you will say, wow, this is what i want to do, hello, pulkovo airport has become a concert venue for the first time, this is a kind of graduation for the participants of the runway project, the end of the hot summer season, a musical holiday thank all the current employees of the air gate. before the performance, the group "kultury room" also underwent an express internship. they sent two planes,
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learned how to extinguish planes, learned how to prepare them for the winter period, load luggage, load luggage and issue tickets to passengers. what was the impression? incredible. our life was divided into before and after, not to fall in love with you. students often want to work at the airport and not from specialized universities, the sky planes attract romantics and dreamers, but for those who are serious thought about mastering a working profession, the internship project at pulkovo could be an excellent starting point for a career takeoff. ksenia kubina, sergey fodiyev, vesti, st. petersburg. kiev deceived everyone with whom it discussed peace, and with its attack on kursk , it removed all questions about a possible solution to the ukrainian crisis. this was stated by the first
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deputy permanent representative of russia, dmitry polyansky , to the un security council. all the details are in maria skorodilka. the kiev authorities will pay in full for the attack on the kursk region and their war crimes, the first deputy emphasized pospryada at the un, dmitry polyansky. with all the desire, our western colleagues could not help but notice hundreds of testimonies about how, in the territory of the. oblast, ukrainian nationalists shoot civilians trying to leave the combat zone, including pregnant women, hit civilian cars, launch drones at ambulances , journalists, volunteers trying to save people from ukrainian punishers, expertly engage in looting in russian villages and stores, and post all this in internet, shelling and destroying civilian facilities, including residential buildings, schools, hospitals, mocking the civilian population and taking them hostage.
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the obvious awkwardness of the western sponsors of the kiev regime was increased by the fact that the kiev regime did not even try to hide its true face during the attack on the kursk region, which stunned many in the world. in fact, ukraine , at the cost of huge losses in manpower for... ukraine and the united states are friends forever. in this context , i would like to inform you that all nato members have already expressed their support for ukraine. this is our the principle of our commitment to unlimited
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assistance. support for ukraine is unbreakable for us. kiev's military adventure could not have taken place without the approval of washington and nato countries, said former un inspector scott reiter, stressing that numerous foreign mercenaries, including american ones, were sent to help the kiev regime. ukraine
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clearly does not want, the only solution for ukraine is to negotiate peace with russia, and on moscow's terms - many experts point out, but judging by the rhetoric, neither kiev nor washington needs peace at all, noted at the security council on the russian federation. maria skrodilka news. drones have become a mandatory attribute of almost all military units today. operators are trained at the primorye training centers. maria yazhevskaya talks about all the intricacies of this work.
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as a drone pilot, debut, even if it is a virtual bird, but thanks to the program, it flies as quickly as in real conditions, buildings, trees, obstacles interfere with it, in the training center for training combat drone operators - this is the initial stage of training, the fighters say, it is not difficult, you will learn each, for a normal flight, without any, i don’t know, freestyles or sports, well, basic, you can just even fly into car windows, i think 2 weeks is enough to basically. be able to control it well, the military needs not only to be able to deftly operate the remote control, but also to read maps, understand the types of copters, and repair them, yes, it is quite possible to repair it in the field, for this you only need a small soldering iron with you, which works from a usb power bank, the wires go to the motors, this is the wire for power from the battery, the flight board and wires, that is , the device is not complicated, the device is simple, you can figure it out easily, the main thing is men's hands, the main thing is -
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thanks to such machines, print some parts, droppers, make them on site, also samples of ammunition, light, convenient. put on vr glasses to control the drone on the training field, fighters are allowed when all these stages have been completed, here the military is already learning to fly into real windows or crawl on the ground, here the operators need aerobatics, an exception was made for our film crew, entrusted.
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a small mission, i will control the drone for the first time , my colleague, a cameraman, is responsible for the picture, including the flight, now we will try to fly a few meters to drop a training grenade, we exchange weapons, aha, the mission is accomplished, but not without the help of an instructor, training is not a quick matter, although specialists are expected in the svo zone, now these fighters are their buzzing machines... a strong shoulder of assault groups, reconnaissance, the eyes of artillery and sometimes the lives of hundreds of comrades in arms depend on their work. maria izhevskaya, maxim molygin, vesti primorye.
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