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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 29, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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let's talk today. after them, scorched earth. what do the ukrainian armed forces leave in novorossiya? how to restore the cities of donbass? a conversation with the expert of the program. serbs in defense of the southern borders of the empire. the balkan trace in novorossiya. donetsk-lugansk. agglomeration in donbass is one of the largest, most densely built-up not only in the former ossr, but perhaps in europe. therefore, when you see footage from the cities and towns liberated today in novorossiya, it becomes clear: the ukrainian armed forces used them scorched earth tactics. the essence is simple: defend, if it can be called defense, until populated areas are turned into ruins beyond restoration. residential buildings become
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trenches, and then ruins. severodonetsk and neighboring vesechsk were the last large cities of the lpr under ukrainian control. the battle for severodonetsk lasted 2 months, although it had no strategic significance, the ukrainian armed forces chaotically struck areas where the russian army had entered. severodonetsk with the huge azot chemical plant, other enterprises, was destroyed by ninety. retreating, the militants of the armed forces of ukraine looted, blew up and destroyed all municipal infrastructure. the scorched earth tactics in donbass were last used on such a large scale by the germans during the great patriotic war. in september forty-third , the group of the south verbakht received an order for a total cleansing of any infrastructure of the entire donetsk basin to the east of the river.
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the ukrainian army is trying to repeat something similar today. destroyed houses and shell craters are all that remains of marinka, a city to the east of donetsk. before war, almost 10,000 people lived here, now the city is devastated. 100 km from marinka, the city of popasnoye in the luhansk region, about 96% of the buildings were damaged. in the twenty-second year , the authorities of the republic were inclined to not ...
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russian specialists, it describes by year how the city will be rebuilt, how much housing, social, industrial and other facilities need to be repaired or built anew. the city is acquiring a new look with modern apartment buildings and social facilities, landscaped embankments, parks, convenient transport infrastructure. the development plan for mariupol has been developed until 2035. deputy prime minister of the russian federation marad khusnulin said that, according to the mariupol plan, master development plans will be developed for popasna, lisichansk, rubizhne and severodonetsk in the luhansk people's republic. about how the destroyed cities of novorossiya are being restored in the story by anna efimova. the first circle. a city in
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the dpr, liberated at the very beginning of the svo. this is how the settlement looked in march 2022. and this is how it looks now. the local football team lokomotiv-volnovakha club leads with a score of 1:0. parents and friends are cheering in the stands. the city stadium has become a center of attraction for the youth of the entire city. over the past 2 years , a lot has changed in volnovakha, they built stadiums at the seventh school, at the first school. you can kind of take a walk, do sports, play football, a lot of people gather here every evening, today the stadium bears the name of the region of the chief of yamal, in less than 4 months the builders completely renovated more than 16 thousand square meters of the football field, running tracks paths, lawn and sidewalks, replaced the stands , created all the necessary infrastructure. everyone is engaged in their own section, someone has football, someone has volleyball, boxing, barnya, well , as if we have many different sports that are... now developing,
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being restored, right now the construction of a martial arts center is continuing in the city, it is especially awaited here, while the guys do not have their own full-fledged training base, the facility is planned to be completed by the end of this year, however, this is only part of the large work. naturally, we have a program up to twenty eighth year on restoration by semal developed, now we are just waiting for the restoration, so to speak, of the remaining objects. we are now at our own expense local budget repairing our streets that were not included in the program for the restoration of yamal, that is why there are seven streets in full swing, we plan to complete this work by october. however, behind the repaired facades and large-scale construction hides one important aspect - this is careful planning of the concept of cities. unified institute of spatial planning of the russian federation. it is here that the updated appearance of the cities of novorossiya is born. right now, specialists are developing more than fifty projects. before specific objects appear on maps or are included in
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the master plans of cities, specialists meticulously collect information about what the residents themselves need first of all. this transport interchange in volnovakha is still a matter of the future. today, in. from the point of view of restoration work, mariupol can be called the showcase of novorossiya, already in september , a branch of the nakhimov naval school is preparing to open here, a state-of-the-art educational cluster, where there is everything: spacious classrooms, laboratories, comfortable rooms for living, computer labs and even an auto shop.
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the arkhip kuindzh mariupol state university will also open its doors. applicants from all over the country have applied here. another iconic facility is the medical complex of the federal medical and biological agency. one of the best medical centers in russia, which has already accepts patients. we see that the material and technical base is now improving very seriously, well, everywhere where major repairs have already been carried out, where russian standards have already been taken into account, these are very high standards, we see how the whole situation is changing, we have an order from the government of the donetsk people's republic to compare those indicators of restoration and new construction of housing, all types of infrastructure, at the current moment, for example, we see that now this total area of ​​​​apartment residential buildings is actually exceeded the master plan indicators for the twenty -fifth year. moreover, the transport
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infrastructure of the mariupol district is becoming part of global logistics corridors, the four-lane highway under construction, about 30 km long, will not only help to bring out transit...
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the structure, if we are talking about donbass specifically, yes, it has always been tied to industrial facilities, when we talk about
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enterprises, then it is even theoretically possible to restore some plant there, rebuild it there from any ruins, there, if desired, it is perhaps, but the more especially complex the enterprise, the availability of qualified personnel in the place where it is necessary, perhaps even potentially enterprises, to attract them there, to retain existing ones and create new ones, this will largely decide. an example that is on everyone's lips, yes, because from the point of view of restoring residential development
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and social infrastructure, a huge step forward has been made there, but with industrial enterprises everything is difficult for a number of reasons, because even with the same asovstal sent there, yes, let's say, well it is known that a decision has been made not to restore it, but to leave such a huge industrial zone in such a ruined state, yes , that is also impossible, that is, it is impossible to talk about the complete restoration of the city, if... in the middle of it, well, a shining wound, let's say, yes, and that means that it is necessary to dispose of all this there, yes, accordingly, instead of - there are these industrial facilities to create some other ones, that is, there is a really big complex of problems here, on the territory of, for example, the zaporizhzhya region there is a city dneprorudny, where ore is mined, which could also be raw material for this plant, but there is no direct railway connection with this part, but in this direction, in the direction of zaporozhye, it is still necessary. to add infrastructure so that in the current configuration all this could at least somehow be a production chain, that is, to return
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what began to be built back in tsarist times , the connection between the dnepropetrovsk-krivorsk railway basin and it is not for nothing that we even spoke in the historical there retrospective of the donetsk-krivoy rog republic, because this is the groaning ridge, this is the central part and the eastern part of novorossiya, yes, they functioned in this sense, of course, this is very... important today, and one more point, again, our historical experience says that novorossiya, it was developed, let's say, in several stages, the industrial metallurgical beginning, it was always present, but its specific weight was different at different times, perhaps we will simply move on to industrial development, yes, but this territory also allows for the efficient use of agricultural resources, in general this region, which... today certainly requires serious investments for this restoration, it, but we
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remember this very well, yes, its contribution to ukraine's gdp, yes , it was huge, yes, and they count it differently there, ukrainian experts tried to understate it, but the point is that this region is potentially very, very rich, capable of not only feeding itself, so to speak, and maintaining it, but also of supporting some neighboring or other regions, and that too...
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he was involved in the city plan and so on, yes, it has become a federal institution for the whole of russia, because moscow's experience, urban development, the latest, yes, it's well before everyone 's eyes, in russia they have learned to replicate this moscow experience in the regions, for example, so -called master plans are being developed for donbass now, precisely so that this development, it would proceed, well, in
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a certain sense, in a certain logic, and what's interesting is that initially these master plans... they were ordered for distant cities east and for polar cities, and here donbass became the third in this row, now these practices of improvement, yes, they are widely replicated, distributed, already as a technology, it just needs to be scaled up, we know that in russia the construction complex is really one of the locomotives of the economy, and today for this construction complex, and just the restoration of donbass. this is a very good application of available resources, competencies, yes, efforts, in this sense restoration, and development of donbass, it seems to me, can be just such a good place to apply efforts, in general , this sphere of the economy. sasha, thank you
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very much for the detailed story. for... to clear and develop the lands on the southern borders of russia in the 18th century, according to the plan of peter the great , not only his subjects, but also settlers of other orthodox peoples were to be. he pinned special hopes on the serbs living in the balkans. under peter , the first hussar regiment was recruited from the serbian people, which was placed on the then new lands in kiev and azov provinces, but the mass migration of serbs to novorod.
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who were ordered to settle to the east between bakhmut and lugan. these lands were called slavic-serbia. today, this is mainly the territory of the lugansk people 's republic. in less than 10 years , more than 120 settlements with a population of over 25 thousand people were created on the territory of new serbia and slavic-serbia. they built orthodox churches, cultivated the land and, of course, carried out military service on the southern borders. empire, showing themselves to be excellent combat-ready units. during the seven years' war in europe, two squadrons of slavic-serbian hussars, as part of the russian army, took berlin. and although since the end of the 19th century there is almost no official data on serbs in the censuses of novorossiya. the balkan trace
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still remains in these lands. olga mokhova searched for it and found it in slavyanoserbsk and its environs. there are no bonds of holier brotherhood, such words are inscribed on the monument dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the founding of slavyanoserbsk, it was installed here in 2003, a russian soldier, a serbian hussar zaporozhian cossack symbolize this union. the zaporozhians arranged winter quarters and hunted on these lands, then the serbo-granichniki developed and settled them, as the inhabitants of the military border were called in austria. they became famous as brave warriors, loyal to their employers, the habsburgs, in the era of mercenary armies , it was generally not very typical, in general, they lived a way of life reminiscent of the cossacks, although they did not have the choice of the ottomans, they were still commanded by appointed officers, but nevertheless they lived as a community here. when by the middle of the 16th century the borders of the austrian
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the monarchies expanded, the border guards there began to be deprived of their privileges, trampling on their orthodox faith. fastenings, chances that expanded as new recruits were attracted. living conditions here were much harsher than in new serbia. the land was wild, the terrain
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was foliated, the climate was dry, so they tried to settle only along the rivers. the life of the first settlers was very difficult, because the land was uncultivated. and from the memoirs of general piščević it is said that the stay of the settlers on this land could be compared to the stay people who had suffered. shipwreck on an uninhabited island. in each of the twenty companies formed by immigrants from serbia in the area between the seversky dons and lugansk rivers, there was always a field church, but there were only three priests for two regiments. in the kamenny brod district - this is the oldest district of lugansk - the third company of prime major petroshevich was located. according to legend, it was on his initiative that a wooden church in the name of the apostles was built here in 1761. and paul, this miraculously surviving temple at all times, and of course, repeatedly rebuilt, especially revered among lugansk residents. by the sixties of the 15th century
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, about thirty orthodox churches had already been built in slavic-serbia. serbian settlers actively opened parish schools, where they taught not only literacy, arithmetic, the law of god, but also a foreign language and other sciences. until 1964, slavic-serbia was directly subordinated only to.
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and so, for example, the memory of colonel shterich is preserved by his former rank dacha, the village of shterovka near krasny luch. depreradovka in the perevalsk region is named after the serbian regiment commander, major general rayka priradovich. but slavyanoserbsk grew out of the village of podgornoye, it was shanets of the eighth company. at the end of the 18th century, the village became a city and was called donetsk. and only at the beginning of the 19th century, the city received its current name . the commander of the eighth company stefan sabov built a church in podgornoye in the name of his patron saint. in august 2024, slavyanoserbsk celebrated its 150th anniversary, the date of the newly
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erected cathedral-stefan church. there are about 16 churches in total, the only material heritage of the serbs in donbass. without the serbs, there would be no novorussiya. the serbs made everything so that it would become russian. yeah. entered the elite lost their identity, very successful and prosperous, exactly all of this, instantly assimilated and completely dissolved in the local society. according to the 1900 census , there were few serbs left in these parts, and after the revolution of the seventeenth, even fewer. many local residents, even having serbian roots, indicated other nationalities in their documents. i believe that... each person living in the territory of the slanservsky municipal district has here this small part of the serbs who lived
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then, because devotion to their land, it was passed on. and today in luhansk region they collect evidence of the glorious historical past bit by bit. slavic-serbia formally ceased to exist in 1764. the regiments of shevich and priradovich were united into the bakhmud hussar regiment already. with 16 companies and the center in the city of bakhmud, in this form it became part of the novorossiysk province. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelelev, typical novorussiya. that's all we wanted to talk about today. you were kirill vyshinsky. see you soon. who is always in a hurry to help, aim accurately pain, knee pain, back pain, neck pain, all the same, your shoulder may fail, we'll call you soon.
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