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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 29, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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telegram founders pavel dorov was released under judicial supervision, before that he spent 4 days in custody. he was banned from leaving
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france, he must report to the police station twice a week, and also post bail of 5 million euros. he is accused, among other things , of administering an online platform for the purpose of carrying out illegal transactions. our european correspondent, anastasia popova, will tell you how the court hearing in paris went. released, but remains in france. pavel durov left the tribunal building late at night, after he paid the bail of 5 million euros, the investigation against him continues. journalists hunted him all evening, the police tried to put the press on the wrong track, distracted attention to themselves at one of the exits, until a black minivan drove up to another, dressed in traditional all black, in a branded cap, durov, quickly put on dark glasses and went into the car, without saying anything to anyone. where he will be now is a question. it is known that twice a week. must
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voluntarily come to the police, report, and so on until the case reaches court. durovo is accused of complicity in six different crimes because telegram did not remove dangerous content when the intelligence services asked to do so and almost completely refused to cooperate, here are just some of the claims. complicity in managing an online platform to carry out an illegal transaction as part of an organized group. the crime provides for a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a fine of 500 thousand euros. the preliminary investigation began in february of this year, the case was opened in july, it may still be supplemented with new details. in particular, the prosecutor's office sent a request to switzerland to understand whether there was violence against a child on the part of the billionaire. we are talking about three children together with irina bolgar. in addition, the european union decided to make claims, accusing telegram of understating the number of real users, which seems to allow the messenger to bypass the inconvenient pan-european.
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fully complies with european laws regarding digital technologies, it is completely absurd to think that the head of the social network may be involved in criminal cases that do not concern him either directly or indirectly. the french mit is now also making claims against durev, who is not happy with the way he received citizenship of this country. lemon writes that durov's statement indicated that he had dined several times with the country's president, emmanuel macron, but... he did not want to participate in increasing france's influence in the world, and yet he became a naturalized frenchman. there are many questions for durov, his lawyers consider the charges absurd, and the french officials in turn write to figaro, fearing the political consequences of this case, which, according to experts, could drag on for years. anastasia popovalia bernadsky, evgeny samsonov, vesti, paris, france.
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pain can be different, it doesn't matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy for different types of pain, pentalgin, we'll do without pain, happiness begins where we think not only about ourselves, deposit in banks dom rf with a rate of 19% per annum.
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chief expert on technology, wanted to open deposit at 19%. it turns out, you can at 21. i thought to open a deposit in one bank, it turns out, you can at once in different ones, for money, your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 21%. finuslugi, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. megamarket, t-shirts, buy. we buy
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t-shirts here, we often sit and don't care, everything is very cool, always a lot of colors, bought a couple of pieces in vkuchobi ready, delivery on click, it's convenient, we are looking for a backpack. beeline scammers - the safest operator, do business with sber, open free sber-business card, join the loyalty program sberbusiness, thank you and get 10% cashback in bonuses for purchases with the card. sberbusiness. the united states has provided kiev
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with access to hundreds of thousands of satellite images that could have been used , among other things, for the invasion of the kursk region. this was stated by the director of the us national geospatial-intelligence agency, vice admiral frank whitworth. at the same time, he noted that the vso can still use these images. if you remember, 2 and a half years ago we provided access to commercial images through a portal known as ge and gd. at that time there were more than 400. thousand files, access to commercial images is constantly maintained, if they used it for the purposes of this particular company, this limited company in the kursk region, then i leave them confirmation of this. the upcoming autumn exercise
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of the collective security treaty organization is not directed against third countries, this was stated at a briefing by the chief of the joint staff of the csto, andrei serdyukov. according to him, maneuvers will be carried out in full. the kiev regime's unprecedented provocation in the kursk region of the russian federation is contributing to the increase in tension. under the pretext of protecting against the so-called threat from the east,
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nato coalition forces are being built up in the region in close proximity to the organization's western borders. the pumping up of ukraine with finances and weapons continues, as well as the militarization of poland and the baltic states. the unified climate strategy of the brics countries is being discussed today in moscow, where the climate forum. it is chaired by russia. one of the central issues is how to transition to a low -emission economy without undermining the pace of economic development. brics representatives will also exchange views on the role of the state and society in achieving global climate goals. other topics on the forum's agenda include eliminating poverty and hunger, ensuring a healthy lifestyle and access to energy. the association is becoming one of the centers of global economic growth, but at the same time, outpacing economic growth is a challenge
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from the point of view of reducing emissions and transition to low-carbon development. in this regard, we have to find a solution on how to achieve climate goals and at the same time maintain dynamics. to select solutions for decarbonization, among such solutions i would like to highlight nuclear and hydropower, projects using natural solutions, the use of natural gas as a transition fuel. the russian tourism industry is switching to domestic solutions, products and developments. what makes them unique and where abroad they are already buy? how our business with the support of the government forms a new market in the country and can the industry? hospitality become
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on vacation, everyone relaxes differently, someone wants peace and quiet, but someone is looking for thrills. the russian tourism business is ready to provide all the opportunities for both the former and the latter. and what are the solutions for what... so that entrepreneurs can climb the mountain and at the same time keep up with suppliers and partners. what is our competitive advantage, if we take equipment? more than in tourism, the job creation multiplier does not exist in any industry. it is enough for a person to bend his arm in two places, the elbow, the forearm, and you can actually
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produce everything yourself. already on the horizon of the current decade, the contribution of domestic tourism to the country's gdp should double to 5%. over the past 3 years , the number of tourist trips in russia has grown by more than a quarter, if in 2021 66.5 million people chose domestic travel, then in 2023 already about 83.5 million. about the development of the industry.
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you, a heavenly path along the rocks or such a swing over the abyss, mom, i'm just in shock, a height of 1,200 m is conducive to the most important decisions, this is a large group of students who came to crimea from uryupinsk, daniil hid a ring in his backpack the whole way to propose to akina at the top. aipetri, what 's scarier, to walk across a suspension bridge or to propose or to answer yes? i think, across the bridge, at such a moment we were close and i deserved, yes, a marriage proposal , people often come and say: i'm afraid,
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i won't go somewhere hangs out at the beginning of this trail, of course we explain everything with jokes that it's all safe, well, or we just say go to the sea, relax. yuri pavlov has been participating in rescue operations since he was 14, he personally laid this trail along the rocks together with climbers. now they are building sports facilities not only in crimea, but also on the mainland. there are already two bridges on baikal and agreements on elbrus, dombay and arkhyz. now i'll ask a forbidden question: is it safe? safe, very safe. there are special belay points here, this is a cable, which holds 13.5 tons at break, can you imagine what the safety margin is, how much in percentage terms all these objects are domestic, i would say 90%, today there is development, for about five years, and ropes are being developed, systems are being developed, carabiners are being developed, helmets are being developed, everything
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is a domestic manufacturer, in terms of convenience, in terms of design, i would even say so in terms of the picture, then we understand that a person will be photographed, his... the cable car in just 7 minutes, but it was built a long time ago, during this time the flow of tourists has grown, it is necessary modernization, sber intends to do it, which is already implementing several large-scale projects in the industry throughout the country. these lifts are more than 40 years old, they are both morally and physically outdated, they need to be replaced, the peak season here is huge queues, people are unhappy, in general, they are rightly unhappy, i hope that at the end of next year we will begin construction of a new cable car, which will be about 20 times more productive than the existing one, this is how ready the russian industry is for the tourism industry to work here
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all needs are not ready, and what to do to develop, what we do? the queue concerns all equipment related to the creation of ski resorts, we conclude a long-term contract, and we help companies formulate technical requirements, because we cannot buy equipment that does not meet the best world standards, and we do not support manufacturers who produce anyhow, but those who set a high bar for themselves, we try to help in every possible way, that is, we can say that you create a request and say, it turns out that here you make a cable car, yes, but not all the units, assemblies of the cable car we produce here, but sometimes. they will make a cruise on the territory of russia, we can buy components in siberia these components to process, in the chelyabinsk region to paint them, and how do you search for everyone, that is, you have some kind of your own
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secret social network, with the help of the ministry of industrial trade, which knows the manufacturers of suppliers, they help us find them, including to establish interaction. cable cars mikhail slugin has been working for almost 20 years, started the business with partners from europe, back in 2016 they started localizing production, later, when over... years they supported the construction of about 17 thousand rooms in modular hotels, the improvement of almost three dozen city centers, hundreds of beaches and tourist routes, implemented
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167 initiatives to create campsites, including for those who travel by car, and how related businesses are growing around new places of accommodation? put this number 10 years ago, then in general in russia to buy something was it is practically impossible, today the market is simply completely different, and a russian -made mattress, russian -made pillows, textiles, a speaker for controlling the number, we used to think that this was some kind of technology, only germans, only japanese, a speaker made in russia, a russian tv, the best thing is that all the software is also made in russia and we definitely have in... healthy tea from crimean herbs, furniture is assembled at a factory in saratov, and curtains are sewn in simferopol, there is also
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production, where they have been making for decades natural essential oils, since 2022 , cosmetics for hotel rooms have been developed to order, to replace imported ones, your guests take crimean cosmetics from their rooms, a funny story is that on the day of departure they ask to add cosmetics, because they want to take... with them, you add, we don’t add, because later there will be demand, demand is growing, in 10 years a whole large industry has been born around us, a number of related industries are being revived, you told me, listen, we need to buy a state farm, we need to grow our own vegetables and fruits, but we refrained from doing this temptation, now around us very strong crimean entrepreneurs have been born, who produce products that are not embarrassing to offer to our guests, about supporting the tourism industry, what is already being done, what may still be needed in the future, now the government is doing a lot for quite a lot of mechanisms have been created, these mechanisms need to be filled with investments,
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the tourism industry is one of the most important, it gives development to the regions, it creates the largest number of jobs. so, you are going on a trip to russia, how decide on the direction of the plan, the easiest way is to go to the portal puteshestvuem.rf, where ready-made tourist routes , online guides and tips from professionals are collected, for example, how to visit a plant where engines for a space rocket are produced or go snowkiting, the list is constantly replenished by large and small businesses, offering domestic technology and products at competitive prices. in any situation, it is important to hold the steering wheel tightly in your hands, this is good. know entrepreneurs from crimea. in the fourteenth it became difficult to deliver components for imported boats here now domestic electric catamarans are produced here. these are the galleys and
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more. sergei troitsky saw an unusual vessel with the head of a trojan horse in a dream: he took out a loan of 5 million at a preferential rate of only 5% from the microfinance fund for entrepreneurship. he borrowed another million from his future wife and 4 months later the fabulous golera took the first ones. long ago he even came up with a giant banana for 60 vacationers, and 7 years ago he decided to produce small vessels for which started making boat electric motors themselves. what happened to the rubik's? here's what
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part was missing, and you understood, that's it, patience ran out, they will make boats themselves, i remember how we went to an exhibition in moscow, all imported motors were practically in a single copy, after all these sanctions there was a shortage of motors, prices there reached 3.5 million, the entire small fleet, business, you could say, died, because these are... lifting costs, we simply had no choice, how not to follow the path of creating something of our own, our own. now sergey troitsky's boats take tourists for rides not only in sudak, but in siberia and dagestan. thanks to their environmental friendliness, they have the green light even in protected areas, and their low price is a competitive advantage that
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customers have appreciated even in the united arab emirates. and there are already two agreements with india and egypt. what summer vacation would be without such attractions? the main thing is that the captain is experienced, a boater with a powerful, reliable motor. also, the hospitality industry brings with it related production, and this allows different businesses to work in a single bundle. by the way, it's vacation, it's time to watch all the releases. the programs are solutions that can be found by qr code, and there is also everything that was left behind the scenes.
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the armed forces of ukraine shells the city of lgov in the kursk region, two residential buildings are damaged , a civilian died in belgorodsk, two were wounded, another attack on shchebekino, what do our stanislav bernwald and olga kurlaeva report? explosions are thundering in ukraine again in kiev, odessa, sumy, poltava, nikolaev regions, where the light part of kharkov. enterprises in cherkassy. we will tell you about the actions of our military. the ceo of magat grovosi announces his visit to the zas. he intends to visit it next week, and the decisions were announced on the american cnbc. how will the kiev regime react? the eu buys weapons for kiev with the income from russian assets , barel admitted. one and a half billion euros have already been allocated. at the same time, scholz says there are no new decisions on arms supplies to zelensky.
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what kind of double game is this in europe? and pavel durov was released on bail of 5 million, but to leave france is not allowed. the billionaire faces 10 years in prison. what is he accused of? humanitarian aid for the kursk region is being collected from all over the country. thus, muscovites brought almost 200,000 vital items to collection points. siberians are helping, irkutsk. the region will send several hundred sets of school uniforms, the situation in the region itself remains tense . our correspondent, stanislav bernwald, is joining the broadcast on the direct line from the kursk region. stanislav, hello, well, here's what 's happening at the moment, how is the situation when humanitarian aid will the next shipment arrive? yes, alexey, hello, well, answering the last question, humanitarian aid comes to the region regularly, constantly.


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