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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 29, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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in 7 months, the country purchased it for $2,360,000, according to the general administration of customs of the people's republic of china. as a result, russia rose from ninth to sixth place among the largest suppliers. the main ones remain france, new zealand and the united states. as previously stated by the chairman of the people's republic of china, xidzen ping, he prefers russian ice cream. these were economic news. in short. one purchase, two cashbacks. choose partners by benefit on the website and receive double cashback in bonuses. when paying, a misber card in gold apple, emvidio, lenta, scooter, megamarket and other partners. more profitable with a subscription with berprim. sovito work, easy to find your place. there are many vacancies, and i just chose the best, the sweetest. and at work i only think about work, salary.
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and i worry about the rest, and i specifically looked for such a place, what kind of place for you, where you can stay with yourself, found, suitable vacancies on avit about work, you will find not just a job, but your place, you can perform in single skating, but play football together with team, you can be a blogger, but you are ready to score goals, because you have real football, the russian football cup fund is first-class football, i wanted to open a deposit at 19%, it turns out you can at 21, i thought about opening a deposit in one bank, it turns out you can at once in different ones, for money your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 21%, finuslugi, a financial marketplace from the moscow exchange, we do not know what the child will need in the future, but everything that is needed is definitely in growth points, quantoriums, it-cubes, equipped with the latter. by the way, technology, they will give
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the child the most relevant and useful knowledge even in the most remote corners of russia. national projects. rрф - national project education. megamarket, cosmetics, palette, reviews. juicy color lays down evenly, will definitely last us a long time, as colors, any are available, olynut, shofrani pesh, and we'll also take blush. foundation for me. and perhaps we'll buy perfume. megamarket is cool. sale. where did you buy it? megamarket, school style. we got our daughter ready at univers. are you happy? that's for sure! buy the act gift set for 650 rubles. school style. thank you. do you pay via sbp? modern. i'm trying to be rational, it's profitable. register on, pay via sbp, everywhere, as you are used to. collect greetings and exchange them for cashback in real money. it seems that they have already grown up. your first smartphones with children's
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vtb transfer from other banks. vtb, everything will work out. more than 300 experts and civil activists participated in the preparation of public observers. this was reported by a member of the human rights council, chairman of the independent public monitoring association, alexander brod, at a round table of the expert institute for social research, which was dedicated to the upcoming elections. according to him, all have been created in the regions.
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it is held under the chairmanship of russia, one of the central questions is how to move to low-emissions economy without undermining the pace of economic development. representatives of brics will also exchange views on the role of the state and society in achieving global climate goals, but other topics on the forum's agenda include eliminating poverty and hunger, ensuring a healthy lifestyle and access to energy. the association is becoming one of the centers of global economic growth, but at the same time, outpacing economic growth. this is a challenge in terms of reducing emissions and transitioning to low-carbon development. in this regard, we a solution must be found on how to achieve climate goals while maintaining the dynamics of development, ensuring access of our citizens' businesses to affordable energy. take into account
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the national characteristics of each of the brics countries. it is necessary to carefully select solutions for decarbonization. among such solutions, i would like to highlight nuclear and hydropower, projects using natural solutions, the use of natural gas as a transition fuel. the upcoming autumn exercise of the collective security treaty organization is not directed against third countries. this was stated at a briefing by the chief of the csto joint staff andrei serdyukov. according to him, the maneuvers will fully comply with international standards, and special attention will be paid to the use of drones to protect against them. this. the issue is becoming increasingly relevant against the backdrop of new provocations by the ukrainian armed forces near the russian borders: the current military-political situation in the eastern european collective security region, which is characterized as
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the most difficult. the kiev regime 's unprecedented provocation in the kursk region of the russian federation is raising tensions. under the pretext of protecting against the so-called threat from the east , nato coalition troop groups are being built up in the region in close proximity to the organization's western borders. well, now a broadcast from the russian foreign ministry. i will ask a question in french.
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strategy for strengthening food, economic, and energy sovereignty. senegal has important resources, gas, oil, phosphates, gold, iron, other resources. therefore, we think that we should stop. deliveries of these products in raw form to russia and process them in our country. our country should take advantage of all the good that can be brought by working with these resources in
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our country. we should interact with the private sector of senegal, work and achieve progress in this area. there are many sectors where, in particular the sector of russia, senegal can cooperate to facilitate the process industrialization, in the sphere of energy, gas, oil, food, senegal is a country that consumes a lot of bread, it is made from wheat, russia produces a lot of wheat, so it is necessary to establish direct deliveries to senegal from...
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this should be an exchange not only of money, but also an exchange of technologies. senegal is a country where it is very young.
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of this project, the spheres that we talked about today, but traditionally - this is the oil and gas sector, food, fertilizers, but it is important to transfer work in these areas to direct connections, without intermediaries, and from information and communication technologies, this is also a very promising area, i will highlight the first experience, yandex organized a campaign in senegal for...
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services in senegal in other african countries, an information security center is also being created in senegal, this is an area where we have accumulated very positive experience, both at the national level, within the framework of bilateral relations with many partners, and in the united nations, where, on our initiative, work is underway to form standards and principles of ensuring international cybersecurity, and of course today already... mentioned the creation last month of the africa, russia,
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eurasia chamber of commerce and investment, this is a very promising format for the government to help business circles directly negotiate promising projects, as a first step in october in senegal in dakar there will be a russian-senegalese business forum, for participation in which they are going.
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so there are no possibilities for there to be a gap between us and the sahel states. we united by geographical, economic, political factors. knowing that we treat them with respect. i presented the point of view of our president recently. and also the point of view regarding.
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not quite the correct explanation of what is happening, zelensky is not the one who commands this dog, it is a dog in the form of a coalition, almost all european countries, plus their allies in other parts of the world, there are about 50 of them in total, they seriously intended to carry out the instructions of their senior comrade to inflict
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a strategic defeat on russia, this is recorded in their... doctrinal documents, they repeat this daily, weekly at their various meetings, each time they pump ukraine up with more and more modern weapons, now there is a discussion about how to use these weapons, but i want to say only one thing, that it is not because zelensky has already tired them all out and whatever amuses the child.
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those, those actions that are obviously aimed at escalating the situation, in their, in their terminology, well... i am convinced that these plans are doomed to failure, i have no doubt no, because they do it for
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geopolitical selfish purposes, for the sake of continuing the line of preserving their dominance, their hegemony, we have justice on our side, our legitimate interests, we have the un charter on our side, which... in the very first chapter requires respect for human rights, including the rights to one's native language, to one's religion, this was trampled without any reaction from the west, like many other principles of international law, which the west prefers to remain silent about, all this brings me to the conclusion that i have already made, and that all this is a strategic goal that the west has set for itself,
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as they say, from ukraine to the south china sea, continuing in africa, in latin america and in all regions of the world without exception, this era has passed, it is painful, i understand, for the west and it wants to make this process painful for everyone else in the illusory hope of somehow delaying the end of the neocolonial era. thank you very much, we conclude on this. so, this was the press conference of sergey lavrov and the minister
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foreign affairs of senegal following the negotiations. now, to the situation in the svo zone in the avdeevka direction, the special operation position of the ukrainian armed forces is systematically destroyed by tank crews of the central military district. with precise strikes , they pave the way for our assault detachments. mortar gunners also provide fire support to the infantry. a report from the front by alexey baranov. the sand that literally envelops the tank when the vehicle is moving at full speed is, without exaggeration, like additional camouflage. replacing each other, groups of tanks of the central military district in are working around the clock today in the avdiivka direction. some of the vehicles are operating from closed firing positions, are located several kilometers from the line of combat contact and are firing at targets
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detected by both reconnaissance and drones. other crews, always in pairs, covering the attack aircraft of the center group of troops, are working with direct fire on the front line. having used up all their ammunition, the vehicles return to their base, traces of combat work can be seen on almost every tank, here is where a fragment landed mines. the driver-mechanic with the call sign tolsty tells us that the number of enemy combat drones has increased sharply in recent months. drive in more maneuverably to the task, shoot and drive out, carefully take out so as not to damage the tank and save the crew. the drones will stand. flies, the ship is looking for us, we are now installing fish, it helps very well, and so the enemy cannot keep up with us, we leave quickly, 393, 3060, 30 60, the work
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of the assault groups on the front line is supported by mortarmen, yes, well, let's go, ready, push, hit, excellent, hit, from the first shot, excellent. this unit is operating today in the krasnolimansky direction. the commander of the towed mortar nonak of the motorized rifle brigade of the guards army of the western group of forces, call sign makarych , tells us about the ever-increasing volume of combat work. the intensity has increased by 90 shells, 96 were fired per day. if ours are already moving forward there, we must help them destroy and suppress machine-gun emplacements. the takeoff point of the uav was destroyed at a distance of 9 km, everything is fine with the shells, there are supplies, everything is delivered on time, so that never stopped, always supported their infantry. alexey baranov, yuriy marchenko, khalit
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tankiev, donetsk and lugansk people's republics, the line of combat contact.
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on vacation, someone wants peace and quiet, someone is looking for thrills. the russian tourism business is ready to provide all the opportunities for both. and what solutions are there for entrepreneurs to climb the mountain and at the same time keep up with suppliers and partners. dark. competitive advantage, if you take equipment in price first of all, how much cheaper is our equipment, about 30%. and will there be demand? of course, given the development of domestic tourism, i think that demand will be much greater, a whole large industry has emerged around us, as for furniture, these are agricultural entrepreneurs who supply us with meat, dairy products.
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the ukrainian armed forces are shelling the city of lgov, in the kursk region, two residential buildings were damaged, a civilian was killed in belgorodsk, two were wounded, another attack on shchebekino, as reported by our stanislav bernwald and olga kurlaeva. on
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explosions are again thundering in ukraine in the kyiv, odesa, sumy, poltava and mykolaiv regions, part of kharkiv is without electricity , enterprises in cherkasy are burning. we will tell you about the actions of our military. general director magatte grossi announces his visit to the zas, he intends to visit it next week, and the decisions were announced on the american cnbc. how will the kyiv regime react? the eu buys weapons for ... euros already allocated with the income from russian assets, while scholz states that there are no new decisions on arms supplies to zelensky, what kind of double game is this in europe? and pavel durov was released on bail of 5 million, but he can't leave france, the billionaire faces 10 years in prison, what is he accused of? well, first of all, kursk.


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