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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 29, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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promsvyaz bank is implementing special housing programs so that people have an additional incentive to work in the defense sector. this was reported by psb chairman petr frodkov at a meeting with the president. kristina kuruma joins in with the facts and details. yes, kristina, welcome, the initiative is really interesting, but are there any results from the implementation of such preferential programs? hello, almost 400 families of employees of the defense industry enterprise will receive new apartments in the near future. chairman of promsvyaz bank petr frodkov told the president of russia vladimir putin about opening branches in new regions. there are currently 460 branches in all four regions. the level of customer satisfaction exceeds the national average. fsb is one of our largest banks, it operates in all regions of the federation, including new territories. i would like to hear today how you evaluate the work of our largest financial institution.
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moreover, the bank is probably not the leading one in providing support for state order turnover, it works very actively in the defense industry, well, actually, we are for this it was created. promsvyaz bank is truly one of the largest financial institutions in the country, its assets amount to 7.5 trillion rubles. at the same time, the portfolio of civil corporate clients amounts to more than a trillion, small and medium-sized businesses more than 600 billion. as for the military-industrial complex, almost 85% of all settlements on state defense orders now go through promsvyaz bank and this is up to 80 thousand transactions per day. particular emphasis is placed on maintaining the necessary infrastructure to ensure continuous, uninterrupted settlements. and of course lending more than 2 and a half almost already trillion rubles of issued loans specifically in the defense industry. i
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mean, 70% of them are so-called preferential portfolios. the overwhelming majority of these loans are preferential, which allows defense enterprises to plan their work, fulfill state defense orders and modernize production in a more comfortable mode. psb also provides services to individuals. the key category of clients is military personnel and veterans. the work is carried out jointly with the ministry of defense and the defenders of the fatherland fund, so that clients can easily and quickly access their federal and regional benefits, as well as preferences. for employees of the defense complex, the bank has a housing program, this gives young people an additional incentive to work in the industry. from 15 to 50% goes, so to speak, as the market value of housing, so in the near future we can already say that four almost 4,000 families of employees of the enterprise oborotki will receive new apartments here on ... such
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more favorable conditions, or what, this additional extra-budgetary source of support for this category of our clients. in addition, promsvyaz bank invests in the development of dual-use technologies, promotes legal services for clients individuals provides insurance services. to create all the conditions for the development of education of children of young people is the goal of the new strategy of youth policy. the government approved it for the next 6 years. this topic today became one of the main ones at the meeting of the cabinet of ministers, to control the implementation of the strategy, mikhail mishustin personally taught a lesson to deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko. on the instructions of the president , a strategy for the implementation of youth policy has been developed and approved. the strategy is aimed at creating conditions for the comprehensive development of young people, it takes into account the specifics of different social age groups, from 14 to 35 years old, as you said, from older ones.
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who are now continuing their education, or who are preparing to become parents, a profession, and of course young people who are getting used to their first job, defending russia during a special operation of all, it is important to provide them with the necessary support, and not the future of our country. jake sullivan's first visit to china, us national security advisor met with chinese president xidingping. the meeting took place. in the great hall of the people in
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beijing. as two major powers, china and the united states must be accountable to history, their peoples and the world, xidingping said. according to him , china and the united states. the white house press service reported that the parties also reviewed the further implementation of the two countries' commitments in the areas of security and drugs and risks in the field of artificial intelligence. china and the united states also discussed future contacts between the leaders of the two countries, however, salevan did not receive a sensible response from the chinese side. the official representative of the chinese foreign ministry, liyan, did not comment on the possibility of a personal meeting between the chairmen shizen ping and joe biden. and
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in general, it seems that, apart from general routine phrases, salevan did not hear anything during the visit, the chinese authorities are already set for a more substantive dialogue, but already with... the new us administration. i don't think sullivan's visit can be assessed as productive. it seems like there will be a telephone conversation between the chinese and american leaders, well, anything is possible with that. but in other respects , we see that the americans are unhappy with the fact that they failed to convince china to reduce cooperation with russia. here, regarding taiwan, regarding the philippines , all the contradictions remain. we also need to understand that both sullivan and biden are already lame ducks. and there, too, i fully admit that the chinese are getting ready to work with some future administration, but regardless of who wins, yes, relations with china will be problematic for the us. concluding his visit to china, jake salevan spoke at a short press conference at the american embassy in beijing. what statements were made and what
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points did the national security advisor decide to dwell on in more detail. let's ask our own correspondent in china, alexander baletsky. he comes directly with the facts. alexander. "hello, this is the aftertaste after this visit, it seems that it was not possible to agree on salivan with chinese partners, well, from the side to beijing, not a very good connection." with china, the connection is not yet fully configured, okay, and we will try to return to this topic later, alexander baytsky from china, we are waiting for him again on our air, of course, and now about the weather, the beginning of autumn in central russia promises to be hot, like in the subtropics,
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we will talk about this in more detail with the leading specialist of the foba center with vadim zavodchenkov, now he joins us live, vadim, hello, vadim, welcome, it has been so warm these last few days sunny, will it get even hotter? or is it all over, good afternoon, good afternoon, to be honest, the heat has subsided a bit now, for example, in moscow thermometers show about +26, this is 2-3° lower than it was at the beginning of the week, but in the coming days the fresh air that has hit the russian plain will warm up again very strongly, because of the unusually warm weather for the end of summer, residents of the capital region have again flocked to the water bodies on the beach. the moscow region is crowded, as in the height of the swimming season, they swim in large rivers, such as, for example, in aka, on the outskirts of serpukhov, so in reservoirs of artificial origin, quarries kotelniki and derzhinsky, well , what's surprising in the middle zone
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of the summer renaissance, after the cold snap of the first days of august , reservoirs warmed up again to 20-25 °, this is 3-5 ° above the norm, more ... corresponds to the climatic indicators for this time of year in the black sea region, and at the traditional black sea resorts of russia the situation is more than optimistic, now the positive anomaly is about 2 °, the temperature of the sea water on the beaches, as in cannes or nitsa, 25-28°. the main core of the cyclone, which earlier brought rain and thunderstorms to the northeast of the european part of russia, has shifted beyond the urals. today, heavy rains were observed in yugra, puddles in the city of pytiya, cars drove through water up to the hood. for example, tomorrow, the cloud fields of this cyclone will still be able to spoil the weather in siberia in the east of the russian plain, and the heaviest precipitation is expected in yamal in
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the nezovye khenisei, in most of european russia, thanks to the stationary anticyclone, it will be sunny and no rain. here only in... usual at this time of year coolness will reign subtropical heat, so tomorrow in the mode on most of the russian plain instead of midday hours even in the arctic the air will warm up to +18:23, in the south of the region and in the black earth region the thermometers will show +28-33, in the middle zone the air will warm up to +23-28 and this is only the beginning of warming, for example in... by sunday
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but then the temperature will begin to rise quickly the thermometers will reach the thirty-degree mark the usa again as decades ago is trying to introduce an imbalance in international. today , 75 years later, a conference dedicated to the anniversary
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of the rds-1 tests was held in the atom pavilion of vdnkh. in the hall are veterans who actually worked on this project, as well as current employees of the nuclear industry. exactly 75 years ago, at 7 o'clock in the morning , the first soviet nuclear charge was detonated at the test site, in fact, it was this event that preceded the end of the us monopoly on nuclear weapons. the dropping of two american nuclear bombs in 1945 on the cities of hiroshima and nagasaki made the development own nuclear weapons, in fact, a matter of the country's survival. it was necessary to build a new industry, but it was necessary to build a new industry, the nuclear industry, then at that time all the country's forces were thrown precisely at fulfilling this task. today's conference was opened by sergei kiriyenko, he conveyed greetings from president vladimir putin to its participants, and then congratulated all employees of the nuclear industry on this most important day. i would like to join
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in the words of gratitude, immense respect to veterans of the nuclear industry, people who created, stood at the origins of the creation of the soviet nuclear industry, i am absolutely sure, taking into account the tasks that are being solved today by the teams of nuclear centers of unique enterprises of the nuclear weapons complex of our country, that... today the founding fathers of the russian nuclear industry would be proud of their successors. the first soviet atomic bomb absorbed, one might say, the entire technical and scientific potential of that time. the creation of the bomb was first and foremost a challenge for soviet designers, since new materials, their physical properties, features of use, all this was the first time for... people, but the soviet people coped with it. successful tests of rds-1 essentially destroyed the atomic monopoly of the usa, this
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became the first step in creating a nuclear shield for our country, and as the director of the foreign intelligence service sergei naryshkin said today, russia, quote, will always be at the forefront of military-technical progress, which means it remains invulnerable to foreign dictate and to any external threats. today, as it has been for 75 years.
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and will work in europe. we will not leave international markets, we will work everywhere, including in europe. every year we will offer more and more new solutions in order to consolidate the indisputable fact of absolute leadership in the export of nuclear technologies. our projects take our breath away, as well as our opponents. the creation of rds 1 gave
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impetus to the development of new areas of fundamental and applied. and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra, free payments and transfers for business. bankural sip, nothing extra. in russia
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it is necessary to implement more actively. in shipbuilding universities, this was stated by the presidential aide and the head of the maritime board nikolai patrushev at a meeting on training personnel for domestic shipbuilding. the meeting was held at the st. petersburg state marine technical university. among the important problems that need to be solved is the quality of training specialists and, above all, engineers. the most in-demand specialties are engineers, designers, commissioning engineers. equipment fitters of various professions, ship welders, turners and some other specialists. in the near future, the shipbuilding industry's need for kat is estimated at 10-9 people per year; for the period up to 2034, according to estimates by the
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russian ministry of industry and trade, it is necessary to train more than 80 thousand specialists. in donbass, they remember the first head of the donetsk people's republic, alexander zakharchenko, who died on august 31, 2018, as a result of a planned explosion in the separ cafe in donetsk. memorial events on the eve anniversaries are taking place all over the republic. in shakhtyorsk today an open lesson was held for young army soldiers. the true story of the birth of the dpr
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about the role played by alexander zakharchenko in this process was told by his comrades in arms. he traveled very often, but he talked to children, and traveled, look, even on video, well, on video on news channels they show how he traveled, talked to people, came to the enterprise, talked there, went down into the mine, that is, he inspired people with his personal example, that is, leaders, yes, he said it was hard, yes, there is a war, but we must overcome all this to build our own state, i am saying that when we were in...
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well, i am not afraid of this word, and as a mother he gave love and as a father he gave edification and instruction, that is what he was for the republic. in the kursk region, russian troops defeated units of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of seventeen settlements and thwarted enemy attacks. the situation in the borderland remains tense, but even despite this, power engineers continue to work there. employees rosseti daily travel to dangerous areas to restore light to the homes of local residents. for... rosseti, almost 200 people of the highest class professionals are preparing to travel to the border areas of the region, where their help is needed, now, despite the difficult combat situation. suggestions, questions, everything,
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then preparation for departure to work, disperse. preparation - this means checking all elements of ammunition, helmets, body armor, tactical first aid kits, drone detection systems, communications. in such times, ammunition a representative of a peaceful profession here looks, alas, exactly like this. there is still half an hour before leaving for the point, another briefing already. work to restore power supply in one of the settlements of the border area. vladimir alifanov received shrapnel wounds, was able to provide himself with first aid, colleagues quickly took him to
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the hospital. i am from belgorod, i live on the border, everything is fine there, but here they got me, now they let me go for the weekend, after some time there in a week to return back. less than 100 km to the destination, the power engineers' car is a little ahead, we are behind them , the drone detector starts to emit a sound signal, which means there are drones in the sky within a radius of 2 km, on the way to the border zone, the anti-drone is constantly on, so we hear the signal, and while it is weak, this means that there is something in the air, but quite far away, we continue moving, but we must be extremely careful, because ... the sound can be like this, or it can just be continuous, indicating that there is a drone somewhere nearby, already directly in a populated area point where the power engineers are working today,
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the equipment warns, there is an fpv drone not far from us, we decide not to risk it, take cover under the trees, here the rossite employees are now hooking up one of the supports, it needs to be moved from one point to the second, we have to work very quickly, the uav detector is constantly on. there are continuous breaks nearby, here the team has arrived, let's go, on the road again, we will install the supports and throw a line by siphon to power the residents from another substation, here is the support and across the road, here everyone knows their area of ​​responsibility, they work harmoniously, without no need to talk, the first support... through which the electricity will be connected to the de-energized houses, the power engineers installed it in a record 10 minutes. for many of the guys from this team, this is not even work, it
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is a matter of honor. in fact, a real hero, a few minutes ago there was an explosion, something fell in a populated area, white smoke is visible there, and the guys continue to wrap themselves in this special anti-fragmentation fabric, here is the very top now... they will get down so that people have light, a hero. only after finishing the work, we learn that exactly at kilometer away from us, an enemy drone attacked another civilian car on the way out of a populated area. a few hours later , the repair crew, with whom we spent the whole day, safely returned to the base. we managed to talk to the general director of the energy company rosseti center igor makovsky on the road. he is also now in the kursk region. there is little time, a lot to do - he says. from the first days we formed our field camp, deployed a rapid response group, formed its activities in the rear, in a safe
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distance, the headquarters works all night, at night it calculates routes, movements, ensures security, organizes it, prepares equipment, tools, and in the morning early from 5-6 am we go out in convoys to accompany the gray zone, behind the shoulders of many guys ... thousands of people of different professions, these are power engineers, doctors, builders, volunteers, sometimes at the risk of their lives they carry out their very important work in the hottest spots of the kursk direction, because
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there is no other way now ... a department in the zaporozhye direction, then serious concussion almost 10 months of rehabilitation, but today he is again at the recruitment point for contract service, he says, he couldn’t sit still, there is a comrade who is doing very important work for the country, it’s time to return to duty. watched the news about the kursk region, found out, went back, continued to calm down, bandits, nationalists, as my grandfather used to say, fascists, together with makar , a resident of the makaryevsky district,
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denis, is signing up for the armed forces, with his own. he explains his motives simply: my brother is there, and i am at home, i went to him to be together. in kostoramskaya, the recruitment point for up to ten volunteers a day come to the contract service today. the military registration and enlistment office employees say that after the attack on the kursk region, the flow of those wishing to participate in the svo is only growing. people are coming from all areas of the region. a rest room or, in military terms, a location was organized at the point especially for them. registration with us takes a day in any case, right? a certain amount of time is needed to complete a personal file and all documents, conduct a medical certificate, all the necessary conditions have been created for this at the selection point, that is, there are location where citizens can relax, there is a small kitchen, there is a shower. since the beginning of the year , more than one and a half thousand kostromechi have signed a contract with the ministry of defense, now, by order of president vladimir putin , everyone who goes to the svo zone has an increased
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pay. 4,000 are paid from the regional budget and the same amount from the federal budget, and other benefits are provided to participants in the special operation and their family members . maria golovkina, yuri karatyev, vesti kostroma. in kamchatka, ash from the slopes shevyaluch volcano rose by 2.5 km. due to the wind, the plume stretched for 60 km and now threatens the local village. shevyaluch began to erupt on the night of august 18 in the ust-kamchatsky district. then there was ashfall, because of this the municipality introduced a heightened level of readiness, the institutes in the institute of volcanology and seismology iran reported that the ash was dangerous for local air travel. more than 300 experts and civil activists participated in the preparation of public observers, this was reported by a member of the human rights council, chairman of the association independent public monitoring alexander brod at the round table of the expert institute
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of social research, which was. participate in the elections, exercise their right to vote, exercise the rights specified in the constitution.
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pavel durov secretly met with macron, and french officials are worried about the political consequences, to which will conduct an investigation into the affairs of the founder of telegram. so, pavel durov left the courthouse in paris the day before, he was placed under judicial supervision on bail in the amount of 5 million euro. durov is required to report to the police station twice a week and is prohibited from leaving france. moreover, he can only live at...


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