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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 29, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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which, from his point of view, are much more adaptable for the german population to live there. the government is expanding support for border regions ; an additional 15.5 billion rubles will be allocated in the korsa region. about this.
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dmitry marokko was monitoring the work of the cabinet of ministers, he is joining us, dmitry, welcome, so what will this money be spent on? ah, hello, most of it will be spent on purchasing housing for people who have been left homeless. the government continues to take measures to assistance to residents of the belgorod, bryansk, kursk regions, and everything necessary is being done to support businesses, establish cellular communications, internet access and prepare for the heating season. in the kursk region, an additional 15.5 billion rubles have been allocated, said mikhail mishustin. a significant portion of these funds will be used to purchase housing for citizens. the government is expanding support for border areas. an additional 15.5 billion rubles have been allocated to the kursk region. most of this will go toward purchasing housing citizens who have lost it and those who cannot temporarily live in their home. we also continue to finance.
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temporary accommodation points, both stationary and mobile, with free meals, and we need people to feel safe and have everything they need. earlier, residents of the kursk region began to receive compensation in connection with the loss of property. every victim should receive such financial assistance, financial assistance in the case of partial property losses will amount to 75,000 rubles, in the case of a complete loss - 150,000. the corresponding order has already been published on the government website. it is also necessary to ensure the availability of medicine for residents of the kursk and belgorod regions, who are forced to seek help in other regions. more than a billion rubles have been allocated to cover the associated costs of territorial compulsory medical insurance funds. the government meeting also discussed the program for the socio-economic development of new regions, in particular the issue of developing energy infrastructure. about 6 billion rubles have already been allocated there for the purchase electrical equipment over 1 billion rubles for
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the restoration of distribution networks. today, a decision was made to additionally allocate more than 2 billion. measures are being taken to improve the efficiency of the energy infrastructure. about 6 billion rubles have already been allocated there for the purchase of electrical equipment over 1 billion rubles for the restoration of distribution networks. today, we will additionally allocate more than 2 billion rubles to form a material and technical reserve, these funds will allow us to promptly eliminate emerging faults in the power supply system, to carry out its maintenance in a timely manner, to purchase a modern domestic device, components, so that people, industrial and social facilities of new regions are provided with light. the issue of the execution of the federal budget was also discussed at the meeting. for the first half of the year, during this time, revenues increased by almost 40% and amounted to. over 17 trillion rubles, it is especially
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worth noting the increase in non-oil and gas revenues, the total volume of expenses, and amounted to about 18 trillion. for 6 months of the current revenues increased by almost 40% and amounted to over 17 trillion rubles. what is important is that non-oil and gas revenues increased by more than a quarter, which indicates the stability of the economy and the effective interaction of various industries. at the same time, do not allow delays in delivering funding to the executors. the goal of the new youth policy strategy is to create all the conditions for the development of education of children and young people.
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on behalf of the president , a strategy for the implementation of youth policy has been developed and approved, the strategy is aimed at creating conditions for the comprehensive development of young people, it takes into account the specifics of different social age groups, from 14 to 35 years old, as you said, from high school students to young specialists, this allows for segmented, targeted work with them. by the thirtieth year , a system of work with young people should be formed in russia, which will ensure education.
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during a special operation of all, it is important to provide them with the necessary support, and not the future of our country. the first court hearing in the high-profile case of an assassination attempt on the governor murmansk region andrey chibes today postponed to september 17. the accused, alexander bydanov, has a new lawyer. in addition, the defense failed to gather the required number of jurors. we will find out how the trial began from our colleague oleg. in particular, yes, oleg, welcome, uh, tell us what happened in the courtroom today, and what is generally known now about the actions of the suspect and his motives. yes, colleagues, this case will be heard in the patitsky city court
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by a jury, and today was supposed to be, were supposed to start their selection, but the accused in the assassination attempt on andrei chibis, aleksandr bydanov asked to postpone this hearing precisely because of the change of lawyers. instead of one appointed lawyer , a second, more experienced one will appear by agreement. it was clearly visible in the courtroom that the defendant is not yet able to step on his injured leg. he was harshly detained on the evening of april 4 at the appropriate dk immediately after the attack on the governor. and andrei chibis was then taken to the hospital in serious condition. the operation lasted more than hours, then the governor was transferred to intensive care, and then a few days later sent. by helicopter to murmansk. the most interesting thing is that the same doctor, then the next one operated on bydanov, restoring his leg, collected the bone literally piece by piece, literally a few days later in the same hospital bydanov was already taken into custody, for this
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a special visiting court session was organized, now bydanov is in a pre-trial detention center, his preventive measure has been extended, that is, he has already been almost 5 months, another... almost month, at least another month he will be in the pretrial detention center and now he is really counting on a jury trial, but at the same time, of course, he does not feel very well, just as governor andrei chibes went to work literally a month later, despite the fact that he was very seriously injured, just the day before andrei chibes presented a plan for the development of the murmansk region for the next 5 years, and it provides for gasification, very active housing construction, but ... what is interesting is that the interests of andrei from chibis will be in court represent a lawyer. the next hearings will be held in mid-september. colleagues. thank you. our correspondent, oleg posobin, reported on the high-profile case of the attack on the governor of the murmansk region, andrei chibes.
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the armed forces of ukraine are shelling the belgorod region again. the strike hit pashibekin. one civilian was killed and two were wounded. the victims were taken to the hospital. also. three villages were attacked by drones, olga kurlaeva talks about what is happening in the region now and how schoolchildren's education will be organized. to our great sorrow one person died during the morning shelling, he did not even wait for the ambulance to arrive. according to preliminary information, two more civilians were wounded, a man and a woman with shrapnel wounds of varying severity, taken to the central hospital shibekino. as a result of the shells flying in, administrative buildings, social facilities were damaged, and a car also burned down. now emergency services are working on the scene, trying to put out the fires, but the threat of shelling still remains. late at night , the meeting of the operational headquarters ended belgorod region, where
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the decision was made to resettle residents from four border villages, it was also decided to close several villages for entry. only special passes will be allowed there, checkpoints are currently being set up there, these residents are provided with payments from 15 to 150,000 rubles. for each family member. these are federal payments, because a federal emergency regime has been introduced in the belgorod region, housing certificates are also offered for those who decide not to return more to dangerous border areas, a decision was also made on auto payments for passenger cars, from september of this year, payments will be made not from the off-budget fund, but from the regional budget, there will be individual changes, although for the most part ... will not change, this will only affect
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the calculation of the payment ceiling, it will be 2 million rubles for a damaged car or for compensation in the event of a complete loss of property. another important decision, it concerns the educational system, it concerns schoolchildren and their parents. in in the border zone 20 km from the border there will be distance education. that is, in-person education will only be in cities where it is safe, but at the same time, payments for teachers will be maintained. we understand that there is some reduction in the number of students in classes , we understand that this should not affect teachers' salaries. otherwise, understanding that we will lose teachers who will disperse throughout the country, this will be irreparable damage to the entire education of the belgorod region, therefore, in order to prevent such a situation, we have adopted decision on taking measures to... maintain teachers' salaries at the same level. also, teachers will come to the temporary accommodation points
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from september 1, well, in-person training is of course, here in the rear zone, including in belgorod. as for special vehicles, that is, repair crews, ambulances, as well as school buses, which are used to transport on unsafe sections of the road, they are now being intensively supplied with rap systems, they are brought from all corners of the country, including the people's front, which is very helpful. such vehicles rap installations, the first one right away is the wet group, because it is alive, the second one is dunaika, because we closed one, the third one is smorodina, we closed the drone, it remains, and the fourth one is a new building, they all live there, they all live there. olga kurlaeva, sergey shcheptev, belgorod region. us presidential national security advisor jake salevan today completed his visit to china, where he had been since monday. as the press wrote, in the us salevan went to china on a diplomatic mission,
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to establish cooperation between the states and china, if possible to convince official beijing to refuse support for moscow. our own correspondent in beijing, alexander baletsky, summed up the results of salvan's trip. from the outside, this flight from alivan to beijing, it must be said, is the first in 8 years. the visit to china of the us president's national security advisor, looks quite conciliatory in relation to... keene, but one must, of course, look at the background that accompanies this entire visit and these three-day meetings, met with alivan, not only with the head of chinese diplomacy ivan yi, but also today with the deputy chairman of the central military council kener jan, and his status in the chinese military-political hierarchy is higher than that of the minister of defense, it is clear that salevan was clearly warned about the actions of the united states around taiwan in the south china sea, about the deployment of american military bases.
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beijing is extremely indignant, well, literally the day before salevan's flight to china, the white house
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added about 40 more chinese technology companies to the sanctions lists for their alleged support of moscow supplies to russia, and this pressure on china the americans do not hide, in fact, even before salevan's arrival here in china, one of the main goals of his visit the american press called precisely the desire to force beijing to reduce the level of cooperation with moscow, which, however, as the americans themselves admit, is hardly possible, but salevan himself today is already after. the american position the us very strictly adheres to a simple maxim: nothing about ukraine without ukraine, so that ultimately ukraine itself must decide how it wants continue diplomacy and negotiations. china has publicly expressed its opinion that the war should end diplomatically. well, another important statement is that the us does not support taiwan's independence, but will continue to provide assistance to it, that is, again
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, such american ambiguity is obtained, what was clearly expressed was biden's desire at the end of his presidency to have time, well, or talk on the phone or even meet with the leader of the prc, it is unclear, however, what this will give both him and china, considering, that no matter who is in the white house, anti-chinese rhetoric prevails in the speeches of american politicians of the american authorities, but if this meeting does take place, then obviously it will be at one of the summits of either the atc or the g20, so biden will still go down in history as the only american president in the last decade, the us president, who during his entire presidency has never visited china, which of course also... speaks volumes about american policy towards beijing and the attitude deep state to the state of the middle, this is how china is translated, jungua. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, news beijing. shortness of breath, cough, fever, well , familiar to many. the russian ministry of health warns of a new serious disease that has
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symptoms similar to coronavirus. doctors called this disease acute lung injury, which is caused by smoking electronic cigarettes, the english abbreviation of these words gave the name of the disease - evali. today , experts wondered whether it could become so called the vape epidemic? well, because in some countries, for example, in the united states, the disease has already become widespread. since 2019 , several thousand cases of the disease and dozens of deaths have been registered in the states. experts believe that evali is most often found in teenagers who are fond of smoking hookahs and vapes. and in young people. symptoms, and its detection has stopped growing, which, however, does not reduce its danger to vaping consumers. unlike coronavirus, one of the first symptoms of evali is considered to be a digestive disorder
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human system. also, one of the main symptoms of this disease in the departmental. called severe shortness of breath, and without cause, which can occur just like that, even if the person has not experienced any physical activity before, in addition, evali is characterized by fever, general weakness, malaise, cough pathological changes in the lungs, if you do a ct scan, then, as a rule , a specific picture is revealed, the lungs in the pictures look like frosted glass, the best recommendation is to refuse electronic cigarettes. most people who got problems associated with leips, and they got on art and ventilation of the lungs, some ingredients in liquids and dangerous, such additives, they are now of course already banned everywhere, we also have a ban on the use of this additive in
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liquids, not so long ago, but nevertheless this is not the only additive of this kind. as reported by the ministry of health, the number of smokers in russia in the period 2009 to 2023 decreased from 41% to thirty. at the same time , the department noted that the problem of rapid addiction, especially to electronic cigarettes, of course, remains. in russia, in connection with the spread of addiction to vapes, measures have been taken to limit the sale of electronic devices with nicotine. since june 1 of last year , such products can only be purchased in pavilion stores in the country. in may of this year , a bill was introduced to the state duma on a complete ban on the retail sale of vapes in russia, and as the authors of the document point out, about 4 million people in our country use electronic cigarettes, and the number of smoking teenagers has begun twenty-third year has grown 10 times compared to 2011. well now to the reports that are coming to the news agencies' feeds at this very moment, the united states
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has confirmed the loss of the first f-16 in ukraine, an american official told the wall street journal that it was the first of the f-16 fighters delivered to ukraine, it is noted that this happened on monday, in fact, it turns out just weeks after the first american fighters arrived in ukraine, well and as an unnamed source adds, a representative american authorities, the f-16 was not shot down, the crash occurred due to pilot error, well, and it is worth adding to this... news that foreign, so to speak, partners of the ukrainian regime continue to provide and comment on this topic, for example, the nedarlands banned ukraine from carrying out f-16 strikes on civilian targets in russia. although other countries were somehow less cautious on this matter. so, to other topics, more than 300 experts and civil activists participated in the training of public observers. this
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was reported by a member of the human rights council, the chairman of the association independent public monitoring alexander brod at the round table of the expert institute of social research. this round table was devoted to the upcoming elections. according to the regions, all conditions have been created without to ensure public control during the vote. the strip of russia promises to become hot, like in
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the subtropics. we will talk about this in more detail with well, now about the weather, the beginning of autumn in the middle of the leading specialist of the foba center with vadim zavodchenkov. now he joins us live. vadim, hello. vadim, hello, it's been so warm and sunny in recent days, will it get even hotter, or is it all over already good afternoon, good afternoon, to be honest, the heat has subsided a bit now, for example, in moscow. lower than it was at the beginning of the week, but in the coming days the fresh air that has hit the russian plain will warm up very much again, because of the unusually warm weather until the end of summer, residents of the capital region have again flocked to the water, the beaches of the moscow region are crowded, like in the height of the swimming season, they swim in large rivers, such as in aka. on the outskirts of serpukhov, so in reservoirs of artificial origin, quarries kotelnikov and derzhinsky, well, what 's surprising in the middle zone of the summer renaissance,
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after the cold snap of the first days of august, reservoirs warmed up again to 20-25 °, this is 3-5 ° above the norm, more consistent with the climatic indicator for this time of year in the black sea, and at the traditional ... black sea resorts of russia, the situation is more than optimistic. now the positive anomaly is about 2 °, the temperature of the sea water on the beaches, as in cannes or nitsa, 25-28°. the main core of the cyclone, which earlier brought rain and thunderstorms to the northeast of the european part of russia, has shifted beyond the urals. today, heavy rainfall was observed in yugra. puddles in the city of pytiya, cars overcame. up to the hood in water, for example, tomorrow the cloud fields of this cyclone will still be able to spoil the weather in siberia in the east of the russian plain, and the heaviest precipitation is expected in
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yamal and the lower reaches of the khenisei, in most of european russia, thanks to the stationary anticyclone, it will be sunny and no rain. only in the black sea region and the caucasus , scattered massifs of rain clouds may appear again, carrying short showers and thunderstorms, but they will not have a noticeable effect on the temperature regime, and in most of the russian plain, instead of the usual coolness at this time of year, subtropical heat will reign, so tomorrow at midday, even in the arctic circle, the air will warm up to +18.23, in the south of the region and in the black earth zone, the thermometers will show +28.33, in the middle zone the air will warm up to +
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large-scale anti-terrorist exercises, in them the ministry of emergency situations, the russian national guard and the ministry of internal affairs are involved. terrorist situations in educational institutions are being practiced all over the country, namely, the seizure of a building and the planting of mines. alexandra perfileva observed the special services' maneuvers. everything is as realistic as possible. the seizure of a school by terrorists, weapons, shots and even hostages. but literally a few minutes later , law enforcement officers are already working on the territory of school number 19 in krasnogorsk . we see how in operational mode.
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the institution's personnel, from the institution's personnel depends on a lot, initial information, actions, how much time do you have to react and arrive, minimum and short time, attention, air raid siren, air raid siren, close the windows, but that 's not all, air raid siren, the principal announces a drone over the school, all employees quickly go down to the first floor, a card with an office, how long did you
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have to evacuate? about a minute, we pass shelter number one, without fuss, after the air raid siren was announced, all employees in promptly move to the shelter, here everything necessary is provided, first of all these are medicines and water, now we measure the pressure, because the person has become ill, and in this situation we always go to help, such exercises are useful, say teachers. lyudmila aleksandrovna, a teacher of russian language and literature for more than 40 years. admits, she has been in similar situations in real life, but they do not like to remember it, it is necessary, it is necessary first of all for us, teachers, children and parents, and i i believe that such exercises should not be held once, but monthly, so what happened in our school today, you know, is the highest level of what teachers should be able to do, they brought, they brought, they brought,
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open up, the so-called criminals in transbaikalia in chita also held anti-terrorist exercises. the staff acted very quickly, very harmoniously, amicably, according to the required instructions. attention everyone, hostage taking in room 308. exercises were held in all educational institutions in chukotka. in anadar such events are held twice a year. in one of the schools in chelyabinsk they told what to do if they suddenly found a package with explosives. we retreat as far as possible, as far as possible, i can get there using the map, using the map, please, in khabarovsk schools they have strengthened the access control system, now you can only get inside using a fingerprint, or an electronic pass, if a criminal came in, turned off the power everywhere , the school, they will not be closed anyway, they will be closed anyway, readiness for the school year is being checked in kazan and saransk, so please tell me, is your video surveillance working properly, all cameras are working properly
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, metal detectors at the entrance. video surveillance in each classroom, panic buttons, which were checked again before the start of the new school year. alexander perfil'eva, dmitry shevelev, maxim devyataykin, veronika takmacheva and raul mamedov, news. russian military personnel liberated two settlements in one day, these are stol'makhovka in the luhansk people's republic and nikolaevka in the dpr, the ministry of defense reports. a warehouse of cruise missiles was also destroyed in the special operation zone long-range missiles stormshadow.
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countries, said that the proceeds from frozen russian assets were directed to kiev and those who supply ukraine with weapons, which we are knocking out in the course of.


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