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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 29, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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the city of popasnoye in the luhansk region, where about 96% of the buildings were damaged. in 2022, the authorities of the republic were inclined not to rebuild popasnoye, limiting themselves to restoring only the railway junction and the filtration station. the ukrainian armed forces wanted to do the same with mariupol, but the city turned out to be too big. here , 60% of apartment buildings and 80% of private buildings were destroyed. the restoration of mariupol is already in full swing according to a special master plan developed by russian specialists. it describes year by year how the city will be rebuilt, how much housing, social, industrial and other facilities need to be repaired or built anew. the city is acquiring a new look with modern apartment buildings and social. facilities, landscaped
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embankments, parks, convenient transport infrastructure. the development plan for mariupol has been developed until 2035. deputy prime minister of the russian federation marad khusnulin said that, following the example of mariupol, master plans for development will be developed for popasna, lesichansk, rubezhnoye and severodonetsk in the luhansk people's republic. about how the destroyed cities of novorossiya are being restored in the story.
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the city stadium has become a center of attraction for the youth of the entire city. over the past 2 years , a lot has changed in volnomakhi, they built stadiums at the seventh school, at the first school, you can kind of walk, play sports, play football. a lot of people gather here every evening. today the stadium is named after the yamal region-chief. in less than 4 months, builders have completely renovated more than 16,000 km of football pitch, running tracks, grass and sidewalks, replaced the stands and... created all the necessary infrastructure, everyone is engaged in their own section, someone has football, someone has volleyball, boxing, wrestling, well, we have many, well, different types of sports that are slowly developing and being restored. right now, the city is continuing to build a martial arts center, it is especially awaited here, while the guys do not have their own full-fledged training base. the facility is planned to be completed by the end of this year. however, this is only part of the big work. and naturally, we have a program up to the twenty -eighth year for the restoration of all the small ones developed. we are just waiting
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for the restoration, so to speak, of the remaining objects, we are now at our own expense from the local budget, we are also repairing our streets, which were not included in the program for the restoration of yamal, that is why there are seven streets in full swing, we plan to completely complete this work by october, however, behind the repaired facades and large-scale construction there is one important aspect, this is a thorough planning of the concept of cities, a single institute of spatial planning of the russian federation. it is here that the updated appearance of the cities of novorossiya is born, right now specialists are developing more than fifty projects. before specific objects appear on the maps are entered into the master plans of the cities, specialists meticulously collect information about what the residents themselves need first of all. this transport interchange in volnovakha is still a matter of the future. today in volnovakha there is one railway crossing in one level, in general - this territory is quite
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disparate, the overpass will be located in the area of ​​the volnovakha bus station, an entrance will be organized from lenin street, the implementation of the overpass will allow connecting two areas of the city, perhaps, from the point of view of restoration work , mariupol can be called the showcase of novorossiya, already in september they are preparing to open a branch of the na... the state-of-the-art educational cluster of the naval school, where there is everything: spacious classrooms, laboratories, comfortable rooms for living, computer classes and even the auto department. the arkhip kuindzhi mariupol state university will also open its doors. applicants from all over the country have come here. another landmark facility is the medical complex of the federal medical and biological agency, one of the best medical centers in russia, which is already accepting patients. we see that the material and technical base is now
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being seriously improved, well, everywhere where major repairs have already been carried out, where russian standards have really been taken into account, this is very high. standards, we see how the whole situation is changing, we have instructions from the government of the donetsk people's republic to compare those indicators of restoration and new construction of housing, all types of infrastructure, the current moment, for example, we see that now the total area of ​​apartment buildings has actually exceeded the indicators of the master plan for the twenty- fifth year. the infrastructure of the mariupol district is becoming part of global logistics corridors. the four-lane highway under construction , about 30 km long, will not only help to bring transit traffic flows outside the city, but will also provide an opportunity to enter the black sea international transport corridor. a significant part of this
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highway is already ready. we are talking about the m4 don and tavrida highways. the crimean bridge, by the way, is also part of this route. this is an example when the federal government acted in advance, because on the russian part of the road in priozovye , they began to develop in a planned mode even before the beginning of the svo, well, when northern priazovye was liberated and included in russia, then god himself ordered this highway ring close, otherwise, in the case of large projects, we will have to wait until the front line is pushed back, because the main demonstration project for me personally will be the severodonetsk agglomeration, it is complex, it is problematic, and it will be much more difficult to restore everything there than in mariupol, simply because there are much fewer people left there, but people are returning, this market in the center of severodonetsk miraculously survived the shelling, by the standards of a frontline city it is very crowded, i will cry, very
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we are glad, the city is being restored, this is good, we wanted it to be faster, but how is it that time is like this, we are not alone. the staffing of school classes has become peaceful life, according to the directors of several severodonetsk schools at once , students from the mainland have begun to return to their hometown. we are recruiting children from the first to the eleventh grade, these are children and those who arrived from the territory of russia, that is, they are returning home, some who left since 2014 are simply returning to their apartments. both schools and residential high-rise buildings have been restored, new roads, all this certainly contributes to the return of people. although, of course, the main condition for this, as before, remains security, because only by moving the front line can yesterday's fortified areas be transformed into cities where peaceful life returns. anna efimova, valery savelyev, anastasia popova, typical navorosiya.
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we will talk about how the restoration construction in novorossiya will unfold with our regular expert, political scientist, historian. alexander vasiliev. sasha, good afternoon. good afternoon. sasha, the scale of destruction in some cities of donbass reaches 80-90%. how to decide which cities to restore and in which to abandon such plans? our main wealth is people, first of all, of course, we need to move for people. well, secondly, we need to understand that the urban structure itself, if we are talking about donbass specifically, yes, it has always been tied to industrial facilities. when we talk about enterprises, then it is even theoretically possible to restore some plant there, rebuild it, yes there from any ruins there if desired it is possible, but the more especially complex the enterprise the availability of qualified personnel yes in the place where it is necessary it is even possible potentially enterprises, to attract them there,
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to retain existing ones and create new ones, all this in many ways will decide the fate in my opinion of some or other well some large settlements, it is clear that the scale of destruction. first of all, serious scale of destruction, first of all affected industrial enterprises, in connection with this the strategy of development of the region after the svo, after the end of the special military operation, as it can be seen today, will it change in your opinion, taking into account the fact that, for example, in mariupol they did not restore several metallurgical plants, well, in this sense, mariupol is the most striking example that is on everyone's lips, yes, because from the point of view of restoring residential buildings and social infrastructure , a huge step forward has been made there, but with industrial enterprises everything is complicated for a number of reasons, because even with the same the notorious azovstal itself, let's say, well, it is known that a decision has been made not to restore it, but to abandon such a huge industrial zone in such a state in ruins, yes
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, that is also impossible, that is, we cannot talk about the complete restoration of the city, if in the middle of it, well, there is a shining wound, let's say, yes, and this means that it is necessary to utilize the ore there, which could, among other things, be raw material for this plant, but there is no direct railway connection with this part, but in this direction, in the direction of zaporozhye, it is necessary to add infrastructure so that in the current configuration all this could at least somehow be productive, that is, to return what began to be built back in tsarist times, the connection between the dnepropetrovsk and krivoy rog railway basins, and it is not for nothing that we spoke about it even in historical retrospect. one more point,
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again our historical experience says that novorossiya, it was developed, let's say, in several stages, the industrial metallurgical beginning, it was always present, but its specific weight was in different moments to different, perhaps we... capable not only of feeding ourselves, so to speak, and maintaining ourselves, but also
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of dating some neighboring or other regions, and this potential exists, and it can be fully, fully revealed. donbass, if we speak broadly, novorossiya was restored on such a large scale twice in the last century, after the twenties, after the civil war, after the great patriotic war, in the forties, in the fifties, in the sixties. and today the restoration will take place with using new engineering construction technologies, how can this affect the appearance of the region? we must, as it were , measure our current capabilities on the one hand, yes, they may be less there than a generation ago, but the degree of what, yes, the degree of destruction, it was at that time, yes, it was colossal, that is why this faith that we will be able to raise all this ruins for the third time, it seems to me, it should be based on this historical... experience, here is the second point, there are still really new social technologies, new approaches to
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development of territories, and what is interesting is that in the russian federation they began to be developed literally, well , you can even say the same thing after the fourteenth year, when, in fact, such a leading intellectual center was elected, it was previously a moscow, let's say, municipal-level design institute, which was engaged in the general plan of the city and so on, yes, it became a federal institution already, as it were, for the whole of russia, because the experience of a... moscow, here is the urban development, the newest, yes, it is before everyone's eyes, in russia they learned this experience moscow to replicate in the regions, for example, for donbass now so -called master plans are being developed, precisely so that this development, it would proceed in a certain sense, in a certain logic, and what is interesting is that initially these master plans were ordered for the cities of the far east and for just... polar cities, yes, here the third in this row became donbass, now, including these practices
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of improvement, yes, they are widely replicated, distributed, already as a technology, it just needs to be scaled up, we know that in in russia, the construction complex is really one of the locomotives of the economy, and today for this construction complex, and just the restoration of donbass is a very good application of available resources, competencies, yes, efforts, that's it. it is in this sense that the restoration and development of donbass seems to me to be just such a good place to apply efforts in general in this sphere of the economy. sasha, thank you very much for the detailed story. to protect and develop lands on the southern borders of russia in 18 century, according to the plan of peter the great. were to be not only his subjects, but also settlers of other orthodox peoples.
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he pinned special hopes on the serbs living in the balkans. under peter, the first hussar regiment was recruited from the serbian people, which was placed on the then new lands in the kiev and azov provinces. but the mass resettlement of serbs to novorossiya became under empress elizabeth petrovna. in 1751, she issued a decree on the acceptance. into russian service of about 300 people, led by colonel horvat, they were allocated lands on the right bank of the dnieper, in the north of today's kirovograd region, former ukrainian ssr.
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they built orthodox churches, cultivated land, and, of course, served in the army on the southern borders of the empire, proving themselves to be excellent combat-ready units. during the seven years' war in europe, two squadrons of slavic-serbian hussars as part of the russian army took berlin, and although there is almost no official data on serbs in the censuses of novorossiya since the end of the 19th century, the balkan trace in these lands still remains, it was sought and found by the slavic-serbians and its the vicinity, olga mokhova. no us holy brotherhood. these words are inscribed on the monument dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the founding
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of slavyanoserbsk. it was erected here in 2003. russian soldier, serbian hussar zaporozhian cossack. centuries, the borders of the austrian monarchy expanded, the border guards there began to be deprived of privileges, trampling on their orthodox faith. that's when they rushed to the co-religious russia. in 1753, a decree was issued by empress elizabeth petrovna on the allocation of lands on the right bank of the seversky donets to two hussar regiments under the command of yov
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nashevich and rajk priradovovich. they were representatives of the noble serbian.
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brod is the oldest district of lugansk, the third company of prime major petroshevich was located there. according to legend, it was on his initiative that a wooden church in the name of the apostles peter and paul was built here in 1761. this temple, miraculously surviving through all times and, of course, repeatedly rebuilt, is especially ... revered among the people of lugansk. by the sixties of the xvi century , about thirty orthodox churches had already been erected in slavic-serbia. serbian the settlers also actively opened parish schools, where they taught not only literacy, arithmetic, the law of god, but also a foreign language and other sciences. until 1964, slavic serbia was directly subordinated only to the military collegium, it was not
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part of any districts or any associations, it was... an independent administrative-territorial unit, they spent all the money they earned on their development. in 1756, a government decree allowed immigrants from the balkans to distill duty-free. they were among the first discovered the possibilities of mining local coal. they were engaged in horse breeding, agriculture, hunting. over time, the chances grew into settlements, where even fairs were opened, people went here in search of work, and runaway peasants rushed here. confessions and bulgarians, and macedonians, vlachs, hungarians and others, there were about 20 nationalities. the serbian trace is still alive in the toponymy of luhansk region, for example, the memory
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of colonel shterich is preserved by his former rank dacha, the village of shterovka under the red luch. depreradovka in the perevalsky district named after the serbian regiment commander, major general rajk priradovich, here slavyanoserbsk grew out of the village of podgornoye, it was a trench. companies, at the end of the 18th century the village became a city, and it was called donetsk, only at the beginning of the 19th century the city received its current name. the commander of the eighth company stefan sabov built a church in podgornoye in the name of his patron saint. in august 2024 , slavyanoserbsk celebrated its 150th anniversary, according to the date of the newly erected cathedral stefanovskaya church. temples, there are about sixteen of them - the only material heritage.
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slavic serbia formally ceased to exist in 1764. the regiments of shevich and priradovich were united into the bakhmud hussar regiment with sixteen companies and a center in
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the city of bakhmud. in this form , it became part of the novorossiysk governorate. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelev, typical novorossiya. that's all we wanted to talk about today. kirill vyshinsky was with you, see you soon, one purchase, two cashbacks, choose partners by benefit on the website and get double cashback bonuses, when paying with sber cards in zolotoy yabloko, emvidio, lenta, samokat, megamarket and other partners, more profitable with a sber prime subscription. a loan with cashback from sber - and even more opportunities, an amount of up to 30 million rubles. apply for it in 5 minutes in the application and receive monthly cashback with sber bonuses thank you,
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confirming the intentions. to carry out a policy of ethnogenocide, that same crime against humanity on nirenberg, which just happened to fall into the planost. the expected losses of the civilian population, numbering in the tens of millions of people, were clearly indicated. this policy of pressure on the east, it was hitler's borrowing. he will solve the issue of creating a thousand-year great reich at the expense of eastern territories, which from his point of view are much more adaptable for the german population to live there.
12:00 am
in the korda region, a unit of the group. north, with the support of aviation and artillery , repelled four attacks by assault groups in the armed forces of ukraine, in the direction of the settlements of korenevo and cherkasskaya porechnaya. zelensky's formations lost another 400 militants and 30 armored vehicles. but since august 6, in the mountain direction, kiev troops have lost a total of 7,500 soldiers, officers, mercenaries. 660 armored vehicles were destroyed, including 74 tanks and 64.
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