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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 30, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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the american press has published horrific photographs of the victims of the american intervention in iraq. they were taken back in the nineties. all this time they were banned, since washington tried to block any evidence of war crimes. but the truth has finally come to light. about the atrocities of the americans maria petrashko. these chilling images were hidden for years, dozens of iraqi civilians, including women. babies, entire families
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were brutally executed by american infantry for nothing. photo published by the new yorker 19 years after the terrible massacre in in haditha, iraq, it turned out that the brutal american execution began with the fact that a marine transport in the us in haditha was blown up by a mine, killing one infantryman. the american soldier, the accidental tragedy upset so much that they began to randomly kill everyone who came to hand. and that seemed not enough. then the marines stormed three houses, where they killed all the peaceful, unarmed residents with their children. the us peacekeeping contingent can't say anything. and the us tried to present everything as if an american patrol got into a militant ambush, and civilians died accidentally, as a result of a bomb explosion, but almost killed themselves. as soon as this happened, the americans turned on this kind of anti-crisis pr, they banned any publication of any materials, and about what happened, such a long period of time went by exactly
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20 years, they were published, terrible footage, here, but at the same time it is necessary to understand yes, that since this happened a very long time ago, there is already that kind of mass indignation that could have happened in american society, but it's already kind of gone, if in the fourth year yes it could even yes you are worth many cabinet positions as a guard for bush jr., but now it's not even clear who to blame, yes they all retired a long time ago, yes the biden administration is generally not responsible for this, mind you, no one has ever been held accountable for the atrocity. in iraq, the us authorities explained what was happening by the confusion of young soldiers operating in enemy territory, well, that's what one of the infantry killers said in an interview with cbs news in 2007. as a unit commander, you must were to call a ceasefire, to say, let's stop, we just killed women and children. my responsibility as a unit commander is to make sure that... none of my guys
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died or were killed at that point, we were in the assault, so no, i don't think we should have stopped. were we in the assault, the assault on civilian homes ? by the way, the us military prosecutor refused to hand over the footage, and the publication of the photos was made possible by the court victory of the podcast in the duck and the families of the victims. hide such a crime is difficult, but for americans everything is possible: firstly, the lawlessness of the american military in the middle east, especially in those years, has already become. preventive strikes on positions or even suspected terrorists or those forces that threaten the united states, this is the military practice of the united states, which has been going on since, if you remember, since the second world war. by the way, only the arab resource al jazeera covered the events of 2005, a brutal war crime. and today they wrote about the footage of a terrible war crime arab, turkish.
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said that the soldiers involved in the incident were innocent, and the whole world seems to have gotten used to the fact that the killers from the states are innocent, the guilty ones are always the peaceful, innocently killed residents, a terrible legacy that the us leaves behind in every country in the world. territory of meanings is a forum that brought together more than 4,000 young russians, foreign delegates from dozens of countries. what results did anna voronina learn? 65 countries, more than 2 thousand participants, over 250 new ideas for russia's youth policy, the brightest presented at an extended meeting of the state commission for the direction of youth and children right on the sidelines of the forum territory of meanings. vladislav is only 16, but he and his team have already developed a project to prepare teenagers for
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adult life. many participants, the first, in general, young people lack specific practical skills that they can use. from taking a housing and communal services certificate to i don’t even know how to communicate with another person, ask him for help, it’s trivial, sometimes it’s difficult, this is what our project is about. the participants of the service arrival presented the project on the socialization of wounded svo fighters . for a speedy recovery , they propose to conduct a mentoring institute from those who have already gone through rehabilitation. i gathered guys who have various different injuries, went to vodintsov's hospital. i showed the capabilities of the same prostheses, capabilities in general, that life, it is, it will be, and you need to continue to act, despite what you received, the most important thing here is the mentoring system. another idea concerned attracting young people to civil service through creation of a youth
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council common to all departments, which will pay attention to the initiatives of the participants. however, according to sergey kiriyenko, this idea still needs to be finalized. your project will become much stronger. if, in addition to simply a very correct description of the entire spectrum of what youth councils could and should do, you , using the example of, for example, your departments or some other areas with which you interacted, would already have made an analysis of the problematic field and maybe some analysis of best practices, here is what works, what gives result, i will not have enough of this, foreign participants of the forum proposed a project to promote russian culture and the russian language abroad through... both representatives of russia and foreigners who love your country and want to learn russian, in general i discovered
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that our countries have a lot in common, we value family values, the values ​​of good friendship, the values ​​of love, finally, during the forum's work , about 250 projects were formed that can count on receiving grants. anna voronina, yuri dzheksenbaev, denis kuznetsov, inna loschenova, vesti.
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one of the largest banks in russia, providing. the needs of the army and the workload of the military-industrial complex. promsvyaz bank today plays an important role in the life of the country. russian president vladimir putin spoke about this at a meeting with the head of psb petrov frodkov. psb is one of our largest banks, it operates in all subjects of the federation, including new territories. i would like to hear today how you evaluate the work of our largest financial institutions. moreover, the bank is probably the leader in providing support
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for state turnover orders, it works very actively in the defense industry, well, actually, that's what we created it for. probsvyaz bank is increasing its potential. its assets today amount to 7.5 trillion rubles. this is almost six times more than it was several years ago, when psb became a universal state bank. according to petr fradkov, among its clients there are enterprises in the civil sector, they account for 85% of all settlements on state turnover orders now passes through promsvyazbank, these are large
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volumes, this is up to 80 thousand transactions per day, and of course, lending more than 2 with almost already a trillion rubles of issued loans specifically in the defense industry in the broad sense, of which 70% is the so -called preferential portfolio. the chairman of promsvyazbank noted that given the macroeconomic situation, these loans are 70%. psb also began to invest funds in the development of dual-use technologies. according to petr frodkov, there is already experience in issuing various equipment, which is used , among other things, in a special military operation. separately, the president asked to tell how the bank works with military retirees. i cannot help but mention the work with individuals.
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including veterans of the special military operation. and another important area for promsvyaz bank is work with employees of the defense industry. the military-industrial complex is currently developing, and qualified personnel are needed. together with enterprises, the bank is introducing support mechanisms so that young employees have additional incentive to stay in the defense sector. for this purpose, psb has special housing programs. one of the programs that we implement is the provision of.
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psb studies how satisfied customers are. in the kherson region and the luhansk people's republic, satisfaction with the services of promsvyaz bank is at the all-russian level, in the zaporizhzhya region and the donetsk people's republic, even higher than the national average.
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what is remembered about this day in history, we will tell. right now. hello. on august 30, 1854, the defense began petropavlovsk. this was one of the most significant battles of the crimean war. the british and the french, in addition to the main theater of military operations, wanted to defeat russia in the pacific ocean. kamchatka seemed like easy prey. our settlements there were few and weakly fortified; only at
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the beginning of the war did they manage to build a fortification in the port of petropavlovsk. but... the enemy's forces were superior, the allies had six ships in their skaddr, we had one, however, despite the advantage in strength and technology, the russians managed to heroically repel two landing attempts landing and prevent the capture of petropavlovsk. during the second attack, the british lost four hundred fighters, ours 37. the pawn abandoned the cannons, banners, and did not even take all the killed and wounded. one of the heroes of the defense, prince alexander maksudov, brought the victory report to st. petersburg and published the victory report in the newspapers. in europe, this news caused shock. the press was full of mocking articles and caricatures of the english and french sailors who were unable to cope with the small russian fortress. on august 30, 1906 , the voyage of the norwegian explorer roald amundsen through
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the northwest passage. this is the name of the sea route through the arctic ocean along the northern coast of north america, where the atlantic and pacific oceans meet. this passage was sought for several centuries in order to shorten the route and not go around the continent through the south. the discoverer was the british polar explorer, robert john maclure. he passed through the passage half a century before amundsen, although he traveled part of the way on ice, and returned to england on a ship of another expedition. but maclure proved that the passage exists, here is amanson was the first to pass this route by water. to use the canal. it turned out because of too harsh weather conditions, at the beginning of the 20th century the panama canal was already built, and the problem of shortening the sea route from the atlantic to the pacific ocean was solved. now, when the area of ​​ice in the arctic has decreased, the northwest passage is already considered quite navigable, but so far it is less developed than the northern sea route. there is no infrastructure, no population, no icebreakers.
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exactly 80 years ago, on the night of august 30 , 1940. on the fourth, british aviation began barbarously bombed künexberg, today's kaliningrad, this then german city, 200 english heavy bombers dropped 480 tons of bombs. they almost completely destroyed the historical center.
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more than 6 thousand residents died, many historians still explain these carpet bombings by the fact that london wanted to inflict as much damage as possible on künexberg to spite the ussr, because it was already known that after the victory over hitler's germany, this city would be handed over to the soviet union, and there was no military need for them. august 30. the single european currency, the euro. the european union had been preparing for the transition from national currencies to the single currency for many years. since january 2002 , new banknotes and coins have been circulating in 11 countries: austria, belgium, germany, ireland, spain, italy, luxembourg, the netherlands, portugal, finland and france.
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for several months, the euro and the old national currency were used in parallel, and then... the euro is used as the main currency, albeit unofficially. all banknotes have the same design in all eu countries, here are the coins that differ depending on where they were issued. currently , 7 out of 27 countries in the european union have not adopted the euro. that's what this day in history was like.
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the summer great reich at the expense of the eastern territories, which from its point of view are much more adaptable for the german population to live there. the osaga policy was removed from the mandatory list of documents needed to register a car with the traffic police. from march 1, 25, you will be able to first register it yourself, and then, without rushing, choose the appropriate insurance. what there are also innovations in the adopted amendments on vehicle registration, about this. in 5 minutes we will tell you in the program instructions: registration without osago is not the only innovation, now owners can deregister a car
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immediately after the transaction, with one condition, the purchase and sale must be completed electronically, that is, through government services, how all this works we told in one of the previous issues, how the transaction was closed with the help of a letter of credit or without it does not matter, the new owner will have 10 days to register with
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a ban on registration actions, the old owner cannot deregister it, and the new one does not want to register, so that there are no such incidents, the previous owner who sold, at the time of signing the electronic purchase and sale agreement, they remove this car in combination, well, another addition that will work ... next year the ability to deregister a car that is wanted. this is necessary so that, for example, you do not have to prove to the tax office that you do not have a car. you do not you will pay taxes, why? the car is no longer under my responsibility, i do not drive it. how long can they look for the car? they can look for a year, two, three. and during these 3 years , many car owners continue to pay road tax. look, this is good, you and i have cars, not very responsive. road tax is somewhere around 10,000, and for those with 300 horsepower, expensive cars, there are taxes of 50,000, so multiply 50,000 by 3 years, give 150,000 to nowhere, and your car
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is just being looked for. also amendments, makes life easier residents of new regions. the explanatory note to the law notes that the ukrainian side puts their cars on the international wanted list without any reason, and the traffic police cannot register them, but now the contradiction will be removed. another addition to the osaga rules, which are already in effect, disabled people for whom the vehicle is a medical necessity will be able to return half of the amount paid for the insurance policy. compensation will be calculated automatically if the system already has all the necessary information, then there is, firstly, a valid card is linked to your personal account on public services, secondly, there is a record in the federal register of disabled people that you need a car. and finally, the insurance company has transferred to the social fund. the information that you bought the policy. the payment is processed a maximum of 10 working days after the purchase of osaga, if the period has passed and the money has not been returned, then you should write an application on the public services portal.
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the electronic assistant will prompt you for the form by keywords, compensation saga for disabled people. at the moment there is a discount of up to 50% of the cost insurance policy osaga, which can be returned either to the disabled person or to the disabled person's legal representative. to do this, at the moment you just need to leave applications in public services, a recalculation will take place within five working days for the specified details, and the insurance premium will be returned. so, let's repeat the main thing, from the spring of the twenty- fifth year they will no longer require a saga policy in order to register a car, but the requirement to insure a car if you use it does not exist anywhere will disappear. the car can be deregistered immediately after you sign the contract through public services, and not wait 10 days. it can also be deregistered if it is stolen. disabled people can already get back half the cost of the policy if they need the car for medical reasons. want to know
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what other changes are being prepared. despite the development of alternative energy, traditional energy will remain with us for a very long time. reducing energy costs is the main way to reduce co2, water use is also energy. hydroelectric power station, once you built a dam, wind stations, the wind is there, then not, and if there is no wind, then diesel generators work. of course, diesel power plants will continue to work, for what the wind and sun cannot provide.
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used to watching videos on the network, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the site, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law, shoot first. there was a sensation, and what a sensation, people in america and beyond were tense, what is the remaining intrigue, why do we need to watch and follow now, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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in white medical coats, they penetrated the border area under the guise of a sabotage and reconnaissance group to evacuate civilians. kursk volunteers, stories of those who went to the border area for their loved ones, and ultimately saved 12 people. the verkhovna rada called on ukrainians to evacuate pokrovsk. tempos the advance of russian troops frightens not only the deputies in kiev, but also analysts abroad, what are they so afraid of? fantasies or hallucinations? kiev stated.


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