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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 30, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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where did the conversation take place and what word did harris, her rival trump, respond to the revelation with? barrels declare that they support ukraine, complain that europe has exhausted its military reserves due to kievo supplies and adds that no one wants to fight with russia. how to decipher all this? and vladivostok is preparing for the eastern economic forum, it starts next week, how is the huge region changing and what will be discussed there. russian air defense systems shot down a ukrainian drone in the kursk region. this is data from the ministry of defense. the alarm sounded here four times in the first days . in addition, early voting for the governor's election is currently underway in the region. according to the regional committee for savings , there are no violations. humanitarian aid from all over the country continues to arrive in the kursk region. so two trucks today.
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ukrainian militants do not abandon the desire to launch missiles and drones, including kamikaze drones, into the kursk region, i said, i will repeat again, and they have declared a real hunt for the civilian population, for the civilian population, they watch when people try to leave the border areas, they attack cars, with drones, they set up ambushes, they shoot at cars.
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what is the situation in the humanitarian spectrum, what is needed, where something needs to be tightened up, what things are missing, let's listen to what she said, what is worth paying attention to, regardless of how it will be...
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inspected the humanitarian aid warehouse, this tvr where we were today, and this is a temporary accommodation point, and a point for issuing humanitarian aid, it comes from all over russia, today we also filmed the unloading of humanitarian aid from the ministry of transport of the russian federation and the federal road agency, first of all it was household appliances, the demand for it is very urgent now, these are heaters. these are refrigerators, these are microwave ovens, everyone understands perfectly well that temporary accommodation points will be open for a long time, now we need to prepare for the autumn-winter period, including, and also the ministry of transport transferred humanitarian aid to volunteers, volunteer firefighters the teams that are currently putting out fires in the border area, there are more and more of them every day, firstly, it is very hot...
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secondly, after each shelling , the grass and forests begin to burn, and this can lead to very serious consequences, so literally the guys are putting out fires under shelling in... doing their job, let's listen to what else was brought in this humanitarian convoy? various kinds of humanitarian aid are coming from all regions of the country, to fellow countrymen, to kursk residents, so that in the temporary accommodation centers, or volunteer fire brigades, at least somehow feel there, at least in everyday life it is quite comfortable, these are household appliances of various kinds, these are heaters, water heaters, coolers, thermo pots. microwaves, electric kettles, well and other household appliances, we have four districts, sudzhansky, belovsky, khomutovsky, rylsky, eh, many guys, you know, have their houses destroyed, they now live - in such cramped conditions, and i am grateful that colleagues responded to at least
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improve the life of these people in the border areas, well and another request that comes from the regional authorities, not to ignore the sounds. two colombians have been detained in russia, as reported by the fsb public relations center, they are suspected of participating in military actions on the side of ukraine. a criminal case has already been opened under the article on mercenarism. during the search , documents were found on the foreigners that confirm their illegal activities, as well as military clothing of the ukrainian model with
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the symbols of the carpathian sich battalion of the armed forces of ukraine. in russia, this organization is recognized as terrorist and is prohibited.
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suffered, a whole set of new statements by josep barel, the head of eu diplomacy offers to strengthen the training mission for ukraine, as well as to expand the training of ukrainian armed forces soldiers on the territory of the european union, in addition to the 60 thousand that have already been trained. in addition, another point is to allow strikes with european weapons on russian territory, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, barel complains that the eu countries have exhausted their reserves by helping the kiev regime with weapons, but all this does not mean at all. that europe is at war with russia. we are thinking about creating a coordination center in ukraine, but we do not have an agreement with the european structures on training ukrainian soldiers on ukrainian soil. but i want to emphasize once again that when we support
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ukraine, even when we consider the possibility of striking russian territory, we are not in a state of war with russia, no one wants to fight russia, we simply support. ukraine, well , slovakia did not support barel's call to lift all restrictions on strikes by the ukrainian armed forces on russian territory with western weapons. this is written by the publication of the politician, citing its sources. in turn, they share militaristic attitude of barel: latvia, the netherlands, poland, france and sweden. some of them noted that international law does not prohibit kiev from entering russian territory for self-defense. kiev lost its first american fighter. 16, as the wall street journal writes, citing its sources, this happened due to a mistake by a pilot who was undergoing accelerated training in the west, american media are now concerned about the low level of training of ukrainian crews, although other versions were discussed in ukraine. all the details from emil mirsayev. today
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, the un security council will hold a meeting on the problems that were provoked by the supply of western weapons to kiev. this will happen at russia's request, our diplomats intend to touch upon aspects of the ukrainian crisis that are inconvenient for the west. at the same time , 300 km to the south, the us secretary of defense will receive his ukrainian counterpart. the head of the department, lloyd osten, will receive ukrainian defense minister umerov here at the pentagon. we will receive updated information on the situation on the battlefield, including in kursk. the report of the ukrainian ministry of defense is expected today in brussels at the informal eu council at the level of defense ministers. the agenda is the same as in washington. the heads of the defense departments of the eu countries will hear updated information on the situation on the front line from the ministry of defense of ukraine, european ministers will review progress in providing military support to ukraine, and the minister will also discuss how to
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purchase military equipment for ukraine at the expense of frozen russian assets, in that will be of any use, even western analysts doubt. we have already provided kiev with these weapons, and this has had almost no effect. if anything, russia's position is now much better than at the start of the conflict. by the way, the situation with the f-16 fighters best illustrates this . it was widely discussed that their transmitter. kiev will really play a big role. we will not go into details now, but this is simply absurd. the authoritative american publication wall street journal also says this. earlier, its journalists reported that ukraine has lost its first western fighter. many of the f-16 fighters received by the ukrainian armed forces are second-hand and have been in use for decades. they are vulnerable to russian air defense missiles. in addition, the ukrainian pilots underwent accelerated non-standard training. this is risky. the plane crashed precisely because of a mistake. the pilots confirmed the newspaper's source , an anonymous official in the us government, thus refuting the version of ukrainian
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deputies that the american f-16 was mistakenly shot down by an american patriot air defense missile system. the pentagon refused to comment on the incident, there they noted that ukraine did not ask for help in investigating the incident, apparently, reputational checks are too high. things are moving slowly with the f-16, out of just under a hundred promised aircraft , only about ten are currently at ukraine's disposal. the collective west itself no longer has the strength to help ukraine, american analysts are sure. europe risks losing political stability. the europeans do not have the opportunity to continue the conflict in ukraine, take germany for example. they were unable to adopt a normal defense budget, they agreed on a slightly more than a billion euros in quality. increase, which does not even correspond to the rate of inflation, and the french are now some kind of circus,
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just a disaster. macron faces impeachment or worse. the russian military industry, as well as the entire economy of the country, on the contrary, are showing confident growth, reuters writes. the increase in gdp in the first half of the year was almost 5% compared to two 2023. unemployment remains at a historically low level. it seems that the west was not ready for such a response to sanctions. emil mirsayev, to lead. who is always in a hurry to help. aim exactly pain. knee pain, back pain. all the same. shoulder may fail. let's call pentalki soon. pentalgin extragel against pain and inflammation in muscles. every month when
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the president of belarus turns 70 today . in a congratulatory telegram , the russian leader emphasized that it is difficult to overestimate lukashenko's personal contribution to the development of friendly russian-belarusian relations. vladimir putin also signed a decree awarding the belarusian leader with the highest russian order of st. andrew the apostle. as reported on the kremlin website, for outstanding achievements in the development of relations of alliance and strategic partnership between moscow and minsk. during the battle of khalkhingoli, japan used biological weapons against the red army. historical documents in connection with the 85th anniversary of the battle, published by the russian fsb, have been declassified, in in particular, the testimony of a japanese army non-commissioned officer. he claims that he served in a unit that was engaged in contaminating the terrain and river water with typhoid bacteria . the fighting on the khalkhin gol river in
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mongolia lasted from spring to autumn of 1939 and ended with the victory of the soviet union and mongolia. kamala harris gave her first interview as a candidate for us president, american media loyal to the democrats note that harris felt comfortable and did not allow any obvious failures, here are the conservative journalists analyze the questions that the democrats refused to answer and the topics that she completely ignored. our own correspondent in the us, dmitry melnikov, watched the interview. the gray and even gloomy interiors of a small cafe in the state of georgia, where this was recorded...
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a plan that developed our economy, i have already put forward several proposals: we will lower prices on household goods and develop small businesses. in an hour with commercial breaks, which lasted for the interview, host dana bash several times honestly tried to add color in this pale stream of demagogy, for example, harris suggested a direct response to those who call her a shape-shifter. how voters should feel about some of the changes you have made to your rhetoric and should.
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with the economy that she and biden were supposedly trying to save. last month, trump said that you have now turned into an african american for political points. it's all an old, broken record. trump himself commented on this interview on social media with only one word: boring, at that time he was also giving an impromptu interview to his former democrat, and now her ardent supporter,
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tulsi gabbort, came out much more lively. in fact, this interview was pre-recorded, why do we always perform live, and she does it on tape. kamala haris was sitting at this massive table, and she did not seem like a leader to me, i will be honest, i can’t imagine that... how the harris administration will build its foreign policy in a lengthy interview also almost nothing. the foreign agenda in her speech was limited to washington's relations with israel. haris and walls did not mention the topic of ukraine touched upon not once. as a result, observers and voters were left perplexed. they were unable to extract anything intelligible from the hour-long conversation. without a teleprompter, but with an assistant. if before the debates on september 10, the miracle of trump is probably rubbing their hands with joy, because
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it will happen, then the very first meeting of harris and trump for the democrats could turn into a disaster, worse than it was with biden, only it will not be possible to replace harris after the failed debates. dmitry melnikov, pavel kostrikov and aleftina sorokina. news from washington. in germany, politics tried pour paint on her while she was speaking at a rally. the politician was not injured in the attack, only a few drops fell on her, but the perpetrator is now in custody. according to the welt newspaper, the man was shouting something about ukraine. i would like to point out that sarah wagenknech has repeatedly spoken out against the deployment of american long-range missiles on german territory, against arms supplies to kiev, and has called on the german government to engage in dialogue with moscow. the attack took place in the federal state of thuringia, where on september 1 elections to the local parliament will be held. according to polls, it will take at least third place, losing to the right-wingers from the alternative for germany and the centrists from the cdu. it is expected that the ruling, so-called traffic light coalition
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will lose the elections in thuringia. high quality of life, affordable housing and amenities. cities in the far east and the arctic are rapidly changing their appearance. new ideas will be discussed at the eastern economic forum, which starts in vladivostok next week. about why more and more russians today are choosing far east for life and work. managed to choose to register a plot under the far eastern hectare program, now there is a spacious house, outbuildings, a flower garden, a preferential mortgage helped to realize all the owners' ideas, and of course, the most important thing is
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the desire of the friendly gubenko family to live in the far east. for those who like the rhythm of a modern city, comfortable multi-story neighborhoods, this is what builders are building in the nadezhdinsky district on the territory of vladivostok's satellite. its development will give the capital of primorye a new impetus for development. this is such strategic. the task for the entire macroregion is the emergence of the city of milionnik in the far east, and we already see such an emerging agglomeration of the city of vodvostok and artem, which is located near the airport, here the city of sputnik is territorially located just between vladivostok and artem. within the framework of the agglomeration, it is planned to build new roads and interchanges, light metro, and develop tourist infrastructure. this is not just a complex of multi-storey housing, practically from scratch such a self-sufficient u. from the urban environment, which in the future, as the builders claim, will have everything necessary for comfortable living. very soon , entire neighborhoods with roads, playgrounds and public
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spaces will appear here. on 650,000 km of housing, on it about 25,000 residents will live, two large schools for 1,100 places each, two large kindergartens will be built. concrete structures for the new microdistrict are produced at a plant located in the advanced development area. recently here the process of assembling panels was significantly accelerated thanks to the new marking system, it was designed and implemented by the engineer-technologist timur kamalov. the laser projection allows you to project the size needed on the pallet without errors, and the worker can install this or that mortgage according to the projection without simply looking at the drawing. timur came to the far east from the chelyabinsk region, a serious move was quite easy, the labor mobility support program worked, when the state compensated. costs preferential mortgage, far eastern hectare, attracting young professionals, master plans for cities, the territory of transitional development, ideas that formed the basis of working state programs,
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were first proposed. here on the russian island , the next eastern economic forum is ahead, which means that very soon new opportunities will be announced for those who want to live, study, work in the far east. andrey kolesnikov, sergey svestnikov, dmitry popkov, news. and now it's time for economic news. the central bank allowed a reduction in cash in hand russians by 200 billion rubles at once. this is written about in the news. if the decline occurs, it will be the first since 1990. the tightening of the monetary policy of the central bank speaks in favor of this scenario. the growth of non-cash payments may also have an effect. in the first half of the year, the volume of cash in circulation has already dropped by 430 billion rubles. a similar situation developed in previous years, but then the decline was compensated. the government extended measures to protect the domestic food market. so export duties on sunflower seeds and soybeans will now be to be valid until september of the twenty-sixth
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year. the same applies to floating rates on the export of sunflower oil and meal, instead of a temporary ban on the export of rapeseed , the authorities are introducing an export duty. in russia , a record number of car loans were issued in 7 months - more than 960,000, the volume exceeded last year's by two times. such data is provided by the national bureau of credit histories, in monetary terms up to 3 million 400 billion rubles. most loans were issued in moscow and the region, st. petersburg in tatarstan. and gazprom's profit from the purchase of up to. in sakhalin 2 exceeded 167 billion rubles. this is stated in the holding's report on international standards. the 27.5% stake previously belonged to the british shell. it refused to be part of the new company sakhalin energy, created to replace the foreign operator. gazprom bought out this stake for almost 95 billion rubles. after which it began to own 77.5% of the project. these were economic news.
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briefly. in the lights you, villains, have imprisoned me , you will get the magic ink, the main thing is to hurry vanya, so give me a horse, mechanically, in those old days when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but hit yourself on the head. you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you, a fool , want to go, where you need to go, he doesn't need a pen, who has a tinderbox in his pocket, eh, what started, flint, i can't live without traveling, soon, the general plan of the ost left no doubt what
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they wanted to do with..., before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, apples, take it all, take it, it's all in your hands, about 30 million russians will be superfluous, a document confirming the intention to carry out a policy of ethnogenocide, the very same crime against humanity at nuremberg, which just fell under the fullness, the expected losses of the civilian population were clearly indicated , estimated at tens of millions of people, this policy of pressure on the east, it was borrowed by hitler, he will solve the issue of creating a thousand-year great reich at the expense of the eastern territories, which from his point of view are much more adaptable for the german population to live there.
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vysu struck gorlovka in the donetsk people's republic, a civilian was killed. this was reported by the military investigative department of the ska for the region. in addition, a residential apartment building was damaged on one of the city streets. in just one day, ukrainian armed formations fired nine nato shells at donetsk and gorlovka, the dpr authorities said. residential areas of the nikitovsky and central city districts in gorlovka were subjected to massive artillery shelling, resulting in one civilian casualty, as well as received injuries of varying degrees of severity.


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