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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 30, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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[000:00:30;00] a civilian was killed in gorlovka, donetsk people's republic. this was reported by the regional military investigative department of the ska. in addition, a residential apartment building was damaged on one of the city streets. in just one day, ukrainian armed forces fired nine nato shells at donetsk and gorlovka, the dpr authorities said . residential areas of the nikitovsky and central city districts in gorlovka were subjected to massive artillery shelling. as a result
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, one civilian was killed, and five civilians received injuries of varying severity. in addition, the petrovsky district was shelled by ukrainian militants, using 15-mm artillery, including one with a bone warhead. in the zaporizhzhya direction of the special operation , russian heavy guns and rocket systems are hitting the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. sometimes, equipment has to be repaired right there on the front line. war correspondent anton stepanenko observed our soldiers at work. this artillery division, consisting of
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the dnieper group is smaller. the wheels and the crew showed courage, under fire, saving the gun, they got to the gun, put out the wheels, saved the optics, which is the most valuable thing in the gun, took a panorama, direct fire, brought in the entire dugout, although during the shelling they themselves should have taken cover there, but they took a risk, were presented with state awards, here we have an online broadcast, our copters, that is, they are constantly hanging, yes, that is, one leaves, the second comes, well, the korusel works, communications with the fire control point all the barrels of the division, howitzers, anti-tank guns, rczo and mortars, if the uav operators
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miss something on the ground, interesting or suspicious from the enemy, they see it here or in other units, at least five people watch the picture at the same time, recently they literally discovered trenches, the aviation worked, they climbed out of the trenches, went to look, that is, we found out how many people were sitting there, a drone was noticed over one of the positions, no, ours is not there, in short , quickly take cover, if a rumor appears somewhere, the gun is immediately quickly camouflaged, the crew shelter. walks, here we are waiting, as soon as they flew away they immediately run out, and opened up, worked , worked, closed, hid , that's how they run back and forth, each gun has its own peculiarity in operation, howitzers and mortars are usually static, the key to their survival is camouflage, for grads the main advantage is speed, how
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to protect yourself from drones, in a shaft, faster. go. in repair battalions, grads most often repair transmissions and chassis at points, while the gunner sets the coordinates, the second number watches air, for example, in the calculations of the msta self-propelled guns , an observer was added as a standard feature. if either a kamikaze drone or a barrel artillery will work on a detected howitzer, the enemy will not spare even a missile to destroy the mlrs. therefore, the less adjustments during shooting, the greater the chances of remaining unnoticed by the enemy. you have to adjust a lot or you work like a sniper , well, sometimes there are two adjustments, sometimes three, sometimes one, and what does it depend on, yes, on a lot, including on shells, it depends on weather conditions, the first shot is always a sighting shot, no matter how you spin it, there will be an adjustment here, and we always give a reserve, so that god forbid we don't hit our own, and how the weather affects, pressure, wind, temperature, no matter how much we have
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to adjust, we remain vulnerable. in one place, the mlrs tries to cover targets, because the infantry that moves the front line away from itself, then thanks them. stepanenko anton, vinokorov, valery, vesti, zaporizhzhya front. there are different chickens: mechanical for small victories, bronze, for a drop of luck, but only a tender chicken is created for big chicken burger and special moments of tenderness, large juicy chicken fillet with new
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garlic-cream sauce. without minutes easy, messengers for free, gigs remain, we will return the money, try everything for 399 rubles, small, can be more, yota 7:2, to shine with new headphones, for smartphones
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delivered quickly hashbacks in addition old things will go to the dacha sale where bought megamarket school style for school in everything new mom dad we are ready buy school clothes play today with cashback 50. megamarket - school style. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. joe biden's hopes for a second presidential term, as you know, were overturned by the failed debates against trump. and now it's the turn of harris, who. is not at all strong in public speaking to meet face to face with republican, the dispute over what rules to use for the debates, and whether to hold them at all, has unexpectedly brought the issue
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of freedom of speech in the united states to the forefront in general, and the arrest of telegram founder pavel durov in paris has cast an ominous shadow over all of this. the debates will be held on september 10 on the liberal
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abc channel in pry. the largest city in the key swing state of pennsylvania, and also the first capital of the united states. the debates will be held standing up, no cheat sheets or notes are allowed. it is unclear about the spectators, at one time biden believed that the presence of an audience inside the studio will inevitably help trump, who knows how to work with the public, the audience will work for him, as it will be with harris, it is unclear, but in any case , all this is unprecedented and difficult to predict. i think he should agree to any
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stupid rules they want. the microphone will be a test of trump's restraint, the republican party's strategies beg him to follow the rules and refrain from loud political statements for the sake of the good. of his campaign, trump's footage, who openly disrespects a woman would speak for themselves, harris would also have a chance to demonstrate her strength by repeating her famous answer in the pence debate. here is that famous answer from the vice presidential debate in the fall of 2020. mr. vice president, i am speaking. however, trump is certainly not a pence, and harris's main problem is not the choice of form, but the lack of content. she continues to reside in... a carefully inflated information
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bubble of censorship around her, where uncomfortable questions simply cannot penetrate. in the press service hari was told that she would definitely give an interview by the end of the week and that she had already given 80 interviews this year. tell me, do those 10 seconds that you spoke to her a couple of days ago count as one of those 80 interviews? if so, we urgently need to advertise it as our exclusive. this is a reference to this brief dialogue between a reporter. on the sidelines of the recent diem party convention in chicago. madam vice president, congratulations. are you ready for your interview on fox news? i am working on it. and this was the only unscripted communication between kamal and harris during the entire convention. it's funny, but if you count the time, she spoke to american television 10 times less during the entire democratic convention than, for example,
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the governor of california spoke to television. he could have been in her place. newsom was seriously tipped to be biden's successor, but now harris will have to work hard, as the governor of california said, despite the fact that there is no sign of complete trust from the party leadership. i think we should remember that kamala harris was essentially national joke, until this media explosion, the democrats hadn't forced it on the party without a single vote. and one reason for that is that every time
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she spoke , she barely managed to come up with a coherent campaign
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platform, something even liberal commentators are already noticing. joy is not a strategy, as the new york times columnist put it. if the main idea of ​​the democratic convention had to be summed up in a short slogan, it would be harris is joy, but joy is not a political strategy. americans want it to lower the cost of living and make it easier for people to find housing. happy mommy won't win the election. and smart, then show me your money, could parry harris and would even be right in some ways, they give sponsorships for it, since biden was removed from the race. the democratic campaign has managed to collect more than half a billion dollars in total. this will allow them to flood the swing states with tons of advertising, pay for the work of thousands of workers on the ground across the country. harris's company is doing very well provided in order to prepare for november. at the beginning of the summer, it seemed that all the major sponsors were in trump's pocket, but
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now, apparently, the trend has changed. the largest personal donor to the harris company, media mogul michael bloomberg, gave 41. dollars, even more, 60 million, was contributed by the political reform fund associated with george soros, this is the largest organization. who is not on this list is mark zuckerberg, although last time he, together with his wife prystylichan, invested as much as 400 million dollars in biden's company, now regrets, the head of the meta corporation banned in russia and recognized as extremist, zuckerberg wrote a letter to the us house judiciary committee, where he admitted. that during the pandemic he actually worked as a censor for the biden administration. in 2021, senior biden administration officials, including the white house, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain content about
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covid-19, including humor and satire, expressed great disappointment when we did not agreed. i think the government pressure was wrong and i regret that we did not speak out more openly about it. during the pandemic , facebook deleted more than 20 million posts, zuckerberg succumbed to pressure from the fbi regarding the story of hunter biden's laptop . the new york post published an article about the bidens' corrupt ties, including with ukrainian burisma. but it was not an october surprise that could have changed the outcome of the election. in the end, all this did not happen. the article was announced russian disinformation. the first amendment says that the government will not abridge free speech. that's exactly what they did by forcing zuckerberg to impose censorship. they violated the first amendment. and it's not just facebook, it's all digital media and probably all media in general. to prevent americans from doubting biden, they digitally
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stifled content, artificially reducing the potential audience that could change their minds and vote for trump. dana white, it was white who represented trump on republican convention this year, it was he who came up with the idea of ​​holding a charity fight between zuckerberg and his rival billionaire elon musk,
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who openly supports trump. the owner of x has become one of the most influential americans who has responded to the founder's arrest. it would be useful for the world community to know more details about why he was arrested, here is internet entrepreneur, who is facing extradition to the united states, who has already openly stated that the situation with durov's arrest coordinated in washington. the scale, quantity and style of the accusations, as well as the malicious slander, leave me with no doubt that the us government is coordinating this, only biden's insane justice department would use the legal mechanism. to achieve its goals. durov recently spoke about the fbi getting close to his employees in an interview with tucker carlson. carlson invited us presidential candidate robert kennedy jr., who always publicly challenges, to discuss the incident with the head of telegram. to the american deepstate.
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the biden administration is encouraging france and macron to arrest telegram owner and founder pavel durov, who is currently in a french prison. i think it's. yeah, you know, we've lost europe, europe has no freedom of speech anymore, you know, look at what happened to elon musk, he was made a villain because his platform was the only one where people were allowed to express themselves freely. robert kennedy jr., who supported trump, a republican, was included in the his transition team. another valuable acquisition is the former hawaiian congresswoman. if trump wins, they will both be taking over from the current administration. when he makes decisions, he thinks about us, we saw this during his first
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term, when he not only did not start a single war, but also took measures to de-escalate and prevent new conflicts. gabbat, an iraq war veteran, a military police officer, now a lieutenant colonel, often says that she is afraid of no one and nothing, however, she has her limits, it was worth the democrats one day... to accuse a former congresswoman who ran for president of sympathizing with russia, as she has been running from us like the plague for several years now, the only thing scarier than censorship is self-censorship. excuse me, i have to go there, thank you. excuse me, i have to go, thank you.
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chinese rails. two colombian mercenaries were detained , they were wearing ukrainian-style military uniforms, the results of the fsb special operation, what testimony are the detainees giving? ukraine lost its first f16 and now they are looking for a scapegoat. according to one version , the plane was shot down by its own pedriot missile, in the us they claim it was a mistake by the pilot, who was trained in an accelerated mode. who will blame it all on? early voting continues in the kursk region, there are no violations, a missile threat was declared several times, what stanislav bernwalt will tell in the region now. kamala harris's first interview as a candidate, what she talked about and what she didn't talk about, what kind of cafe it was where the conversation took place and what word did her competitor trump use to respond to harris's revelation. barel
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declares that they support ukraine, complains that europe was dragging its military reserves because of supplies to kiev and adds that no one wants to fight russia. how to decipher all this? and vladivostok is preparing for the eastern economic forum, it starts next week. how the huge region and what will they discuss there? the russian economy is developing at a faster rate than experts expected. investments are also growing. and real incomes of the population, this was stated by finance minister anton seluanov, in an interview with my colleague irina matyushenko, he explained how this became possible, assessed the execution of the federal budget and determined its future priorities. anton germenovich, hello, good afternoon. at the government meeting that took place the day before, the key parameters


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