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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 30, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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barel says they support ukraine, complains that europe has depleted its military reserves due to supplies to kiev and adds that no one wants to fight russia. how to decipher all this? and vladivostok is preparing for the eastern economic forum, it starts next week, how the huge region is changing and what will be discussed there. the russian economy is developing at a faster rate than experts expected. investments and real incomes of the population are also growing. this was stated by finance minister anton siluanov. in an interview my colleague irina matyushenko, he explained how this became possible, assessed the execution of the federal budget and determined its future priorities. anton germanovich, hello, good afternoon. at the government meeting that took place the day before, the key parameters of budget execution were discussed.
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experts expected that for the first half of the year, the dynamics of economic growth amounted to 4.7% of the growth of the domestic product, these are very good indicators, we see that investments are growing by about 8%, real available income of the population, that is, what does this indicate, that the economy is developing and including thanks to budget incentives that we... used both in previous
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years and in the current year, accordingly, the budget execution exceeds the parameters included in the forecast, we see that incomes are growing above the level of last year and above the plan, incomes this year have grown, almost by 5 trillion rubles, to be precise 4.7 trillion rubles higher than the corresponding period of last year, this is due to the growth of both oil and gas revenues and incomes received from the domestic economy, because oil and gas revenues, of course, are growing due to the good external situation, the domestic economy and revenues from the domestic economy are growing due to additional gdp growth rates, we see, then, two and approximately 4 trillion rubles. this is additional revenue from
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non-oil and gas revenues, that is , this is economic growth, this is growth and wages in the real sector, this is growth and excise taxes, in any case , we are going with a good reserve, and good budget indicators, if we talk about the budget balance, it is also lower than... these are obligations to citizens , first of all, social obligations, these are special.
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rates than in the past, the reason: we more strictly monitor the dynamics of spending, contracts, the conclusion of agreements with entrepreneurs, with subjects of the russian federation, with organizations, therefore such executive discipline this year is also one step ahead than it was in previous years, therefore if we talk about budget execution, then all obligations we... in the current
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year will certainly provide resources, in this year we will ensure budget balance, yes maybe a little...
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and as for income from the economy, i have already mentioned the figure of 2.4 plus trillion rubles, this is income from high economic growth rates and good, so to speak , economic investment activity. what are the prospects for budget execution in the second half of the year, what figures do you expect and what will budget income and expenditure depend on? budget income depends on economic activity. therefore, the higher the dynamics of economic growth, the more income, the more income population, the more budget revenues, the estimates of economic dynamics for this year are also higher than we initially included in our
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forecasts, the estimate for the current year of economic growth is 3.9%, 3.9%, last year i will remind you, this figure was 3.6%, who was high, this year we have it... all the decisions that are necessary to ensure our obligations to the people, to support the economy, to ensure the needs of the armed forces, all resources will be provided, what are the forecasts for the budget for next year? now is the most active time budget. process, we will prepare a draft budget by the beginning of october, in september we will submit it to parliament, the budget will be based on budget rules principles, we are now
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working together with the ministry of economic development on forecasts and budget parameters, we define priorities, and some priorities, first of all, are the provision of resources for the president's message, the message pays a lot of attention to issues of supporting families with children, people who need state assistance, technological development, funds will be allocated for this additional funds for this the government pays great attention to this, here is support for the regions, so that their budgets are balanced and...
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the ministry of finance to draw up a balanced budget so that on the one hand all the issues are resolved and supported by finances. 2.7 trillion rubles. all this money will go to the tasks set by the president in the message,
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will go to ensure the priority obligations of the state. of course, this money will be taken into account not only next, but for a six-year period. we are now doing forecast not only for a three-year period, but also, since the president's tasks are set for a six-year period, we make an assessment. of our financial capabilities in terms of the needs of the economy for a six-year period, that is, we will make such a forecast of the financial plan for a six-year period. anton germanovich, thank you very much for this interview. now, in the kursk region , our artillery, army aviation, and drones are hitting the enemy in the border areas. meanwhile, for the residents of those places that suffered from ukrainian militants, the country is collecting humanitarian aid. kalmyks sent two trucks, yaroslavl oblast and kuban volunteers collected 20 tons each, and
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this is far from the first batch. stanislav bernwald has all the details. several times today, a missile threat has been declared, ukrainian militants do not leave the desire to launch drones and missiles into the kursk oblast, including kamikaze drones. they have declared a real hunt for the civilian population, for the civilian population, they watch when people try to leave... border areas, cars are attacked as once with drones, they set up ambushes, shoot at cars, there is a lot of evidence of this, all the people talk about these atrocities, well, and also those who recently left, they say that ukrainian militants are engaged in looting everywhere, they take out everything that is possible, they send entire cars towards ukraine, well, in general, who can explain here that terrorists are terrorists. there is no other way to call them, the situation in the kursk region remains very tense, sudzhansky and
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korenevsky districts, there are fierce military actions, the enemy acts in small groups, namely conducts a sabotage and reconnaissance campaign, tries to break through, but our intelligence works well, reports on the derges in advance, actually further our artillery aviation, if necessary, the purpose of her visit in the humanitarian spectrum, what is necessary, where something needs to be tightened up, what things are not - to inspect, how things are in enough, let's listen to what she said, what is worth paying attention to? regardless of how the military situation, how things stand with this, humanitarian aid will still be needed. that is, without a relatively military situation already now throughout this from experience of work
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in all our areas, here is how the state headquarters worked, the situation is being restored, aid is still needed, people are moving, we still need to continue to support. anna kuznetsova visited today one of the largest temporary accommodation points in the kursk region, inspected the warehouse of humanitarian aid, this temporary accommodation point where we were today, and this is a temporary accommodation point, a point for issuing humanitarian aid, it comes from all over russia, today we also filmed the unloading of humanitarian aid from the ministry of transport of the russian federation and the federal road agency, first of all it was household appliances, the demand for it is very urgent now, these are heaters, these are refrigerators, these are microwave ovens, everyone understands perfectly well that temporary accommodation points will be open for a long time, now we need to prepare for the autumn-winter period in that... among other things, and also the ministry of transport transferred humanitarian
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aid to volunteers, volunteer firefighters the teams that are currently putting out fires in the border area, there are more and more of them every day, firstly, it is very hot, secondly, after each shelling , the grass and forests begin to burn, and this can lead to very serious consequences and so the guys are literally putting out fires under shelling, doing their... work from all regions of the country , various kinds of humanitarian aid are coming to fellow countrymen, to kursk residents, so that in the temporary accommodation centers, or volunteer fire brigades, well, at least somehow... they felt there, at least in everyday life, quite comfortable, this is everyday various types of equipment, these are heaters, water heaters, coolers, thermo pots, microwaves, electric kettles, and other household appliances, we have four districts, sudzhansky, belovsky, khomutovsky, rylsky, eh, many guys, you know, have their houses destroyed, they are now living in such
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cramped conditions, and i am grateful that colleagues responded to at least improve the lives of these people in the border areas. another request that comes from the regional authorities: do not ignore the sounds of missile danger, do not ignore the call for to go down to the shelter, it is very important, it is to save lives. let me remind you that in kursk region at least ten times a day sirens are turned on, warning about the missile danger. this is your personal safety, do not neglect it. stanislav bernwald, sergey soldatov, vesti kurskaya oblast. russian tornado complexes. framed a column of military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the south donetsk direction of the special operation. modified shells allow to hit objects at a distance of tens of kilometers. all capabilities of the equipment assessed by sergey samokha. rockets leave the guides at incredible speed. a salvo in the direction of the enemy column, which is trying to approach our positions. four vehicles
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worked out a salvo package. the objective control footage shows that the enemy column was never able to enter the battle, it was destroyed on the approach to the fortifications controlled by the russian army, after reloading immediately another combat mission, now fire already at the enemy positions, we help the infantry, so that it will be easier to storm, we will work mainly on columns, well, on manpower, works, well, on armored vehicles, the high firepower of the tornado multiple launch rocket system of the vostok group is now in great demand in the southern donetsk direction. every day, combat crews prepare the ground for the advancement of our forces. advancement is a coal mine, although to encircle, there the road equipment there to cut and further, further, further to advance. tornado is a new generation of mlrs systems, in which the main functions are already assigned to the machines. sharp okachey is aimed
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ready. it has an asuno computer , an automatic fire control guidance system. can you be born without leaving the car, what makes this job easier? modified shells hit at an impressive range of 40 km, but still the artillerymen try to drive much closer to the target. the closer, the more accurate and we try to get closer, the closer to roll up, quickly work under the targets and roll back. but approaching closer to the enemy, the car itself becomes a target for the ukrainian armed forces, the most expensive thing is covered with anti-accumulative nets - the launcher with ammunition. this is protection against drones, however, as it turned out, enemy missiles are not always effective. well, speaking of the quality of our and nato weapons, the vaunted american hymer exploded 10 meters from this vehicle, here all the doors and the body are still punctured by shrapnel, but despite all this, after that the combat vehicle left the position under its own power and
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the entire crew remained unharmed. both the vehicle and the crew are real lucky ones, punctured. from shrapnel here, as they say, in a circle, how many explosions there were nearby, you can no longer count, but every time everything worked out, they worked, as soon as we drove away, about 10 meters, it flew to our place, well, most likely from the gavabitsya, probably, as soon as we drove away, the car, when we were leaving, gave it a lift. however, recently in response it flies less and less often, the enemy is daily pushed back in the southern donetsk direction and he simply does not have time to take up new positions for counter-battery fire. sergey samokh, aleksalshchuk, indeed! in russia, two colombians were detained, as reported by the fsb public relations center, they are suspected of participating in hostilities on the side ukraine, have already opened a criminal case under the article on mercenarism. during the search , documents were found on the foreigners that confirm their illegal activities, as well as a ukrainian-style military uniform with the symbols of the carpathian sich battalion of the armed forces of ukraine. in
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russia, this organization is recognized as terrorist and is prohibited. always returns, to care for loved ones, a deposit in banks, dom rf, with a rate of 19% per annum , cashback 10% on the card. with constipation, slabilen
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play today with 50% cashback. megamarket, school style. today, an informal eu council at the level of defense ministers is taking place in brussels, where
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, naturally, ukraine and military aid to kiev are being discussed. at the same time, the head of european diplomacy barel, on the one hand, proposes to allow strikes with european weapons on russian territory, on the other, in his logic, all this does not mean at all that europe is in a state of war with our country. about what moods. at the council and in the corridors will tell our european correspondent regina sebastianova, she joins the air. so, regina, good afternoon, well , barrel is clear, and have other european politicians already managed to react? and hello, well, first of all, i will say that kiev stated that it is dissatisfied with the pace of arms deliveries to the european union, in particular, as the head of the mfa of this country stated, kiev's european partner needs to better cope with the implementation of the promises they made, as the publication politico writes today, in particular, on the first day of the so-called anthem of the informal meeting of ministers, which is taking place in brussels, the mood was gloomy, despite the persistent calls of josep barel, the eu countries still failed
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to agree on lifting restrictions on the use of western weapons by the ukrainian armed forces. ukraine will decide for its part how they can be used, but i think it is ridiculous to say that allowing strikes on russian territory means... waging a war against moscow, we are not waging a war against moscow, i think, it's funny to say this, we support ukraine, and ukraine is being attacked from russian territory. joseph barel was forced to admit today that this issue has been finally removed from discussion ; the eu countries will still have to decide for themselves whether to grant permission for the weapons they have transferred to be used to hit targets in russia or not. today, on the second day of the anthem, ministers are meeting here. they will discuss, now for the first time formally, the possibility of directing the defense of the eu countries; among other things, european instructors to the territory of ukraine. at the moment, the west, a soldier in
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the ssu, which, for example, barel today called the most successful training mission in the history of the european union, ukrainians are being trained on the territory of the eu and great britain, in the eu, this is germany and poland. germany has been and remains the largest sponsor of ukraine, and i will emphasize once again that people in ukraine can continue to rely on germany. the same applies to the subject area of ​​training. it was passed. 60,000 people, ukrainian servicemen, undergoing training in the european union. germany is participating in this project until the end of the year with 10,000 troops from ukraine who will be trained in the country. now the eu is considering the possibility of going one step further and sending instructors to the eu territory. it is known that the first informal talks on this issue took place in brussels at the beginning of the summer, then the opinions were divided, if france -
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the baltic countries will give and also the risks that this will bring, because, for example, we know that ukraine is still under the risk of air strikes attacks, it is necessary to quickly make all these assessments and then conduct a dialogue. the day before, the heads of the eu mfa failed to agree on the possibility of allocating another 5 billion euros from the european peace fund for the armament of ukraine, for 18 months now this transfer of money has been blocked by official budapest, the issue
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of financing weapons. as for ukraine, we should once again realize that we should invest now, while large expenses are not planned, however, if we do not spend money to support ukraine now, in the future we will have to pay for this is a high price. latvia is doing its homework, fulfilling its obligations to support ukraine. despite the difficulties in negotiations with the united states to continue funding the promises that the european union has already made to ukraine and accused hungary of being the only country that is against it, however, it is known that at least one other country - slovakia, also opposed the transfer of additional money for
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weapons. ukraine i will add that these meetings, which have an informal status, are held in brussels as a sign of protest, the fact is that the anthem is usually held on the territory of the country presiding over the european union, now it is hungary, but at the suggestion of josep barel it was decided to move them here to brussels , and today, as is known, the hungarian foreign minister announced that he is paying another visit to russia in st. petersburg to hold talks on energy issues. alexey. yes, regina, thank you, our european correspondent, regina sevastyanova, was in touch with the studio.
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