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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 30, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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mom, what are these letters for? for the fairy tale. in the three ninth kingdom, in the three tenth state.
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in an understandable way, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. the savyolovsky court of moscow today began considering the case of elena blinovskaya. the blogger is accused of tax evasion in the amount of 906 million rubles. the defense today asked. to close the court from the press, but blinovskaya's lawyers were refused. our correspondent anna voronina is following the trial. yes, she is joining us. anna, we welcome you. please tell us what is happening now near the courtroom and what news there is by this minute, we see that the agencies are reporting that blinovskaya has partially admitted her guilt. yes, elena blinovskaya, colleagues, not only partially admitted her guilt, but it has become known that the sovelovsky court of moscow has allowed her to sell
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another apartment for 90 million rubles to settle a debt to the tax authorities, the hearing is still ongoing, some journalists have already been asked to leave the court building, given that it will close in the next few minutes, but nevertheless the hearing itself will continue until the very end, until it is some specific decisions have been made today and - elena blinovskaya herself will not be returned back to the pre -trial detention center. earlier, as you already said, the court began to consider the criminal case on the merits, the defense nevertheless asked the press, despite all the previously announced invitations from the court that the hearing would be open to the press, the defense nevertheless asked to do it and hold it behind closed doors, to which the court refused, i will remind you that elena blinovskaya was brought here to the building of the sovelovsky district court at around 2 o'clock day, she brought a notebook, a pen and a thermos with her, she was led into the hall itself. in handcuffs to
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journalists' questions, elena blinovskaya did not answer. elena alegovna, who helped you optimize tax charges? according to the investigation, elena blinovskaya used a business splitting scheme, she is accused of non-payment of taxes on an especially large scale from. also in money laundering with the help of 18 organizations of three individual entrepreneurs, she understated her income and did not pay value-added taxes on personal income totaling over 918 million rubles in the period from 2019 to 2021, from prison, elena, with the help of lawyers, is seeking to declare herself bankrupt, and is also trying to sell her property, which
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is currently under arrest, the maximum punishment for elena blinovskaya, for two articles, for two articles of the charge that i voiced, she could face up to 3 years for... articles, she partially admitted her guilt, let me remind you that elena blinovskaya was detained last year under one of the articles and up to 5 years under another of on april 27, while trying to leave russia in a rented car, the court initially placed her under house arrest, but in january of this year it tightened the measure of restraint and sent her to a pre-trial detention center for violating restrictions within the framework of house arrest, i remind you that elena blinovskaya threw a party at her place, well and... on august 14, the sovelovsky court of moscow extended elena blinovskaya's arrest for another six months until february 2, 2025. i remind you that the hearing is still ongoing and we will wait for details, colleagues. yes, anna, thank you, we are waiting together with you on a direct line with the facts was our correspondent anna voronina. now about
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the weather: record heat at the end of summer came to the baltic coast, in the center of the country heat records may fall at the beginning. autumn, we will talk about this in more detail with tatyana belova, she is joining us, yes, tatyana, welcome, in moscow, we should expect changes in weather statistics. in moscow , the thermometer on september 1 may rise to +30, and the probability of setting a temperature record is quite high. on the beach of the baltic seas increasingly began to get out dutch crabs, in the national park kurzhskaya spit, they associate this with high temperatures. the dutch crab is thermophilic, it can be found, for example, in the warm black and azov. seas, as well as on the coast of the gulf of mexico. even more surprising was the appearance on the shore of the baltic sea near zelenogradsk-large tuna. this fish usually does not go so far north. according to experts, one of the possible explanations for its appearance may be climate change. the last few days are striking examples of this. the water temperature in the baltic sea is now like
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in the middle of summer, the air has already warmed up to +30 in some places by midday. temperature records in the region have been broken for the second day in a row. and the hot south of russia has unexpectedly become attractive to bats. in novorossiysk, rescuers caught and released 12 bats in one night. they got into the dwelling through open windows. as experts explained, the bats are now in the migration period. on the way to africa, a stop on the hot coast of the black sea is quite comfortable for them. tomorrow, almost all the territory of european russia will remain in the area of ​​hot sunny and dry weather. small centers of cumulus rain clouds, carrying local showers and thunderstorms will continue to. deepen over some areas of the black sea region. another massif of rain clouds of the atlantic cyclone will break through to the extreme northwest of the region. because of this invasion , the daytime temperature here will begin to decrease, but in the rest of the territory of the russian plain the temperature regime will be significantly warmer in the midday hours the air in the south of the country and
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chernozem will warm up to +28 -33. in the middle zone, the prevailing daytime temperature will be +25-30. in st. petersburg, a surprise is likely, august 31 may become the hottest day of the month, the air will warm up to +25-27, the daily record of +27.9 belongs to the last day of summer in 1938. on sunday, after the passage of an atmospheric front, it will cool down to +19. next week , sunny, abnormally warm weather will return to the banks of the nava. midday hours up to +24 +26. in moscow on saturday, the maximum temperature is 28. on sunday, the thermometer columns can rise to +30, approaching record values. let me remind you that the hottest september 1 is considered to be the first day of autumn in 1938, when the air warmed up to +3.8. the first
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day of the new school year will also be hot, on monday in the capital up to +29, and a record is also likely, only after that will the reward for another cooler one be. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin is in st. petersburg today, where an off-site meeting of the duma council was held, using the city as an example , they discussed issues of socio-economic development, support for participants in the special operation, as well as families with children of pensioners. st. petersburg is a modern, developing city, with industrial parks, with high-tech centers with educational institutions, it is a city for people. when building housing , schools, kindergartens, and clinics are also built without fail. our task today is to study the experience of st. petersburg in terms of social standards, social initiatives, and try to make it so that this becomes the basis for
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the laws we adopt, so that these practices are implemented in other regions. chapter minpromtorg. spoke about plans to update the fleet of strategic aviation aircraft, according to him, work is already underway to create new machines and new types of engines. the minister is on a working visit to samara today, he visited the aviation. in fact, strategic aviation will have to be significantly updated, new
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machines are being created, in fact, new types of engines, which were developed here in samara, they will already be put on combat duty on those aircraft that will be supplied to our armed forces. in the kaliningrad region for the yantar shipyard today a new repair floating dock was laid down, it was named in honor of captain anatoly ermalaev, it will be capable of launching with... yes weighing up to 12 thousand tons, thanks to this the enterprise will be able to work with larger ships and vessels, which will significantly expand its capabilities, the most important thing is that this dock will be the second at the enterprise, which is capable of helping us in the implementation of those programs that today are facing the plant and the industry and, accordingly, ours oysk companies, we do our own, we build ours, increased production capacity, our victory here at the itar plant.
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as a candidate for us president, american media loyal to the democrats note that harris felt comfortable, did not allow obvious failures, here conservative journalists analyze the questions that the democrat refused to answer and the topics that she completely ignored. our own correspondent in the us, dmitry melnikov, watched the interview. the interiors of a small cafe in georgia, where this long-awaited interview was recorded, and the same shady guests who are going to lead america. from the first minutes , kamela harris and tim waltz set the tone of the conversation, you should not expect any specifics from them. if you are elected, what will be the first decision in the white house? there is a whole list
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things, but first of all we will support and strengthen the middle class. so what would you do on the first day? i would make a plan that would develop our economy, i have already put forward several proposals: we will lower prices on household goods and develop small businesses. during the hour with commercial breaks that the interview lasted, the host dana bash several times honestly tried to add color to this pale stream of demagogy, for example, she suggested that haris directly respond to those who call her a shape-shifter.
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haris did not even respond, she just ran away all the troubles with the economy, which he and biden allegedly tried to save, are on him. last month, trump said that you have now turned into an african-american for the sake of political points. it's all old and a broken record. trump himself commented on this interview on social networks with only one word. boring. at that time, he also gave
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an impromptu interview to a former democrat, and now his ardent supporter, tulsi gabbort. came out much more lively. in fact, this interview was pre-recorded, which is why we always perform live, and she does it on tape. kamala haris sat at that massive table and she didn't strike me as a leader. i'll be honest. i can't imagine her negotiating with chinese president xi jinping. the lengthy interview also said almost nothing about how the haris administration would build its foreign policy. the foreign agenda in her speech was limited to washington's relations with israel. haris and walls didn't touch on the topic of ukraine even once. as a result, observers and voters were left perplexed. nothing intelligible could be gleaned from the hour-long conversation. could. without a teleprompter, but with assistant walls, kamela harris demonstrated her limits in full. and trump's headquarters is probably rubbing their hands with glee. after all, if
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a miracle doesn't happen before the debates on september 10, then the very first meeting, harris and... regarding the information that pavel durov, after leaving russia in 2014 , visited the country about 50 times, and allegedly met with vladimir putin. the kremlin spokesman said that
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he does not plan any negotiations with... and did not plan to meet with pavel durov, who was detained in france, verified the information that he personally invited the founder of telegram to his residence. incidentally, the information about the reception was disseminated by the satirical newspaper canar anchane. the publication reported that, allegedly, during his detention at le bourget airport, durov told the police that he was expected at the elysee palace for dinner with macron. other french media took this information at face value and disseminated it. as a result.
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august, this incident caused a great resonance and widespread public criticism in many countries. the founders of telegram in france is suspected of ten criminal offenses, including complicity and administration of an online platform for the purpose of carrying out illegal transactions by an organized group. durovo is also accused of refusing to cooperate with the authorities, complicity in the distribution of child pornography and drug trafficking, and could face up to 10 years in prison. the businessman has not yet been formally charged. on wednesday , the billionaires were placed under judicial supervision on bail of 5 million euros. he is prohibited from leaving french territory. but in moscow
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today, a new line of history textbooks for grades 5-9 and colleges was presented. as stated by the minister of education sergey krovtsov. the best of what was in the current editions was taken as a basis. and the work on the books took literally 24 hours. what other interesting statements were made at the press conference dedicated to the new school textbooks. let's ask our colleague svetlana chmykhal. yes, svet joins us, we welcome you. when will schoolchildren themselves be able to evaluate the new textbooks? greetings, colleagues, well, the so-called the testing of new editions will begin in september, but they will only appear on the desks of every russian schoolchild in the next academic year. however, the authors of the textbooks told about them so interestingly that it seems that the editions will be useful not only for children, but also for adults, this was expected for 10 years back in 2013. this year vladimir putin said that a single school history textbook is needed, previously there were fifty of them, that is, each school class could have its own version of the history of our country, now
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a single textbook, on which 50 scientists. the work was carried out daily, in fact 24 hours a day. i am not a historian myself, i am a teacher of mathematics, computer science, but... we were constantly in touch with the authors, i also looked at many texts myself, discussed them with the authors, held meetings, of course, we did not start the work from scratch, we took as a basis all the best that was in the current textbooks, generalized, supplemented, the cost of one new textbook will be 209 rubles, this is taking into account delivery to the regions, books, in hardcover contain 2,000 illustrations, and also qr codes that can be used to go to archive or museum websites. by the way, previous softcover textbooks cost about 1.0 rubles. but
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even more important than cost and form, of course, is the content. as vladimir midinsky emphasized, the authors did everything to make the new textbooks interesting to read. this is no longer a set of theses to memorize, but a window into the world of history, an invitation to discussion. another interesting point. we believe that the study of history should not divide peoples and countries, not look for some wormholes, turning points, reasons for old conflicts, etc. at least, not to focus attention and give examples. the desire for peace, for cooperation, for peaceful competition, as they used to say systems with different social systems, now we say different countries
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of the multipolar world. let me remind you that the tenth and eleventh grades are already studying according to new textbooks, and as the minister of education sergey krovtsov noted, teachers perceive these publications positively. in fact, when developing textbooks for middle grades, we took as a basis the same principle that has already been worked out in books for high school students. we changed the structure of the fifth grade. previously, the history of our country began with the sixth grade, there were. many, i will tell you and now frankly critical comments on this matter, that greece and rome begin, and then a year later we only approach the history of our country. now this is not the case. now in the textbook, for the fifth grade, there is a large section concerning the primitive society on the territory of our country. the new textbooks will be printed in a circulation of 16 million copies. all schoolchildren.
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the country will begin to study them in september 2025. forward alexander sobolev moved to zenit. the player was officially introduced as a player of the club at the presentation of the hockey club ska. for the blue white-blues , the twenty-seven-year-old footballer will play under the seventh number. the agreement is designed for three seasons with the possibility of extension for another year. sobolev moved to zenit spartak, for which he played since 2020. the forward played for the moscow team.
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dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv while we are on vacation, i hope that you will find it interesting to remember what we talked about, i look forward to seeing you at these screenings.
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kharkov was partially left without power after a series of explosions. according to local media, the shutdown affected several areas of the city. four explosions were heard earlier ; currently , an air raid alert has been declared in the kharkov region. it is also reported that the local tractor plant and infrastructure were the targets of the strikes. russian troops have liberated seven settlements over the past week. our army has taken control of settlements in the dpr and lpr, as well as in kharkiv region. also, as reported by the ministry of defense, the armed forces carried out a massive.


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