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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 30, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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yesterday i saw footage of ukrainian thugs with nazi symbols, robbing and looting, taking hostages and shooting women, children and old people. this image turned out to be so far from the image of an innocent victim of someone's aggression, which the us and their satellites so diligently molded from ukraine, that they tried to cross themselves as quickly as possible from zelensky's kursk adventure.
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this is indicated by the found manuals, with the help of which the ukrainian armed forces soldiers are trained to use chemical munitions using western-made artillery systems. in addition, kiev received about 500 tons of triethanolamine, used to create the poisonous substance nitrogen mustard. i would like to remind you in this regard that western moralists have long been sending shells with combined uranium to ukraine.
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cluster munitions. incidentally, information has recently appeared about how the united states is importing cluster munitions to ukraine. this is happening through germany, where they are stored, in particular in the city of mizao. at the same time , germany, as is known, publicly opposes the transfer of such munitions to kiev, and is a party to an international treaty that prohibits this type of weapon. dear colleagues, i spoke in detail about the consequences of zelensky's kurdish adventure yesterday, i will not dwell on this in detail today. abransy, leopards, haimarsy and atakoms are burning. the russian army is rapidly liberating new regions of donbass. and yesterday ukraine decided to leave its own. what is left in these
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conditions for the rapidly collapsing kiev regime? only one thing: to engage in direct confrontation with russia and nato led by the united states. kiev simply has no other plan. the easiest way to do this is to stage a large-scale provocation.
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so far, washington and most other capitals have refrained from doing this, fully understanding that this is fraught with a large-scale escalation that goes far beyond ukraine. with all the consequences that follow from a conflict with a nuclear power, but zelensky is not calming down. according to some reports , the head of the ukrainian presidential office , andriy yermak, and defense minister rustem umerov are currently in the united states, holding meetings with representatives of the us administration, trying to persuade them to lift restrictions on strikes with long-range american weapons deep into russian territory. colleagues.
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criminal cases and unjust sentences on political grounds, a number of archpastors and pastors of the ukrainian orthodox church are under arrest, detained or directly received unjust sentences. we have repeatedly talked about this in the security council hall, this helped to stop the repressions, but the lack of a proper reaction to this sacrilege in the west encouraged the ukrainian glorifier, and he returned to his plans. we have no doubts in
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that stopping the massacre being prepared in ukraine, which is quite capable of complicating the already difficult ukrainian crisis and opening another chapter of the bloody internal confrontation in this country. the moral duty of every person, regardless of his faith, it is important that he at least believes in something. the leaders of the kiev regime obviously do not meet this requirement, and greed and servility to the west, coupled with cave- like russophobia, have completely clouded their minds. we hope that in these conditions they will take a principled position and will not allow this to happen this madness those of our colleagues, in whose hearts and minds. vera is still alive, thank you for your attention. this was a broadcast of the un security council meeting, the russian representative has just finished speaking.
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alexander lukashenko is 70 years old. on his anniversary , the president of belarus receives congratulations, of course, from his colleague, the russian leader, vladimir putin. once again emphasized that their good relations have fully stood the test of time, the russian leader also noted that lukashenko has earned high authority as a real a patriot of his country and as a wise politician, capable of making balanced and far-sighted decisions even in the most difficult situations. vladimir putin awarded his colleague the highest russian order andrei karvazanov. alexander lukashenko is the first permanent president of belarus since 1994, before that, since 1987, he was the director of the gorodets state farm in the mogilev region. lukashenko was born in the village of kopys, orsha district
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, vitebsk region, belarusian ssr. in 1975, he graduated from the history department of the mogilev state kuleshov pedagogical institute. specialty: history and social science teacher. another 10 years later, he graduated from the economics department of the belarusian agricultural academy. the name of lukashenko is undoubtedly associated with the entire modern history of belarus. over 30 years as the country's leader, he was able to lead it to social and economic success, and even attempts at coups fail in the country, since, according to lukashenko, there are simply no real reasons for rebellion and revolutionary sentiments in belarus. talking about bilateral relations can of course be discussed at length and in detail, noting, of course, lukashenko's personal contribution. the history of the relationship between moscow and minsk formally begins on june 25, 1992. it was then that... diplomatic relations between the countries were established. the interaction between russia and belarus is based on a treaty of friendship, good-neighborliness
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and cooperation. it was signed on february 21 , 1995. then, in 1996 , the presidents of the two countries signed an agreement on the formation of the community of russia and belarus, which a year later was transformed into the union of russia and belarus. and already at the end of ninety -nine, the union state was created. in general, today is a contractual and legal.
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this exceeds the established parameters. finance minister anton selunov stated this in an interview with our channel. according to him, budget revenues this year increased by 4.700 billion rubles. investments and real incomes of the population are also growing. what is most important is that all the obligations that we planned are being fulfilled and exceeded. these are obligations to citizens, first of all queue, social obligations, this is a benefit, that is. for families with children, an important element of our expenses, these are salaries,
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including taking into account the increase in the advanced, this is also support for the economy, which is also important, this is ensuring the needs of our armed forces, everything is being done, the volume of issuance of preferential mortgages in july fell by almost 73%, this is stated in the central bank review. in total, russians took 185 billion rubles from housing loans, a month before that by 680. the fall is due to the cancellation of preferential mortgages for new buildings by rate of 8%. by the end of the year, the central bank expects the volume of issuance to be at the level of 4.800 billion rubles. this is comparable with the figures of the twenty-second year. meanwhile, the central bank allowed a reduction in cash in the hands of russians by 200 billion rubles at once. news reports write about this. if the reduction occurs, it will be. no the first since ninety-eighth year, the tightening of the monetary
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policy of the central bank speaks in favor of this scenario, and the growth of non-cash payments may also have an effect. in the first half of the year , the volume of cash in circulation has already dropped by 430 billion rubles. a similar situation developed in previous years, but then the decline was compensated. russia and azerbaijan increased the share of settlements in national currencies from 58 to 73%. this was stated in an interview with rian osti by the ambassador. in the republic mikhail evdakimov. according to him , the trade turnover of the two countries by the end of the year could reach 4.5 billion dollars. last year it was at the level of four. as for tourism, it is expected that...
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industrial parks, with high-tech centers, with educational institutions, this is a city for people, when building housing, it is mandatory schools, kindergartens and clinics are being built in the same order. our task today is to study the experience of st. petersburg in terms of social standards, social initiatives, to try to make it so that this becomes the basis for the laws we adopt, so that these practices... are implemented in other regions. the largest film production center in russia is being created in moscow. the former industrial zone will become a territory for the implementation of creative projects in the field of cinema, music, and innovative technologies. four filming pavilions are already operating there, a center fashion and design, as well as the largest warehouse of stage costumes, props and
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scenery in europe. moscow is the main location for filming, 80% of domestic. is filmed in moscow, by moscow companies, and moscow today is developing a film cluster, in fact , all historical locations of moscow have become a large film set, there are such opportunities today, we are reviving historical studios, building a film park, and of course, i am sure that the moscow film cluster will be one of ... he is accused of calling for terrorism. the day before, he called on the ukrainian armed forces to kill civilians in the kursk region. our correspondent, stanislav
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redekultsev, studied the scandalous video. former football player, forward for moscow lokomotiv, makhachkala anzhi , and the ukrainian national team. aleksandr aliyev, in passing , literally while sitting behind the wheel, called on the ukrainian military to kill civilians in the kursk region. guys, the most important thing is to take care of yourselves, move on, kill this scum, kill the civilian population. aliyev was born in khabarovsk, in the family of a russian military man, and lived in the distant 12 years old in the east, and his parents still live in the kursk region, although they do not communicate with their son, who earned his living... all his life in russian football. the 35-year-old crazy russophist, who has forgotten his homeland, previously stated that he would gladly kill russians. the investigative committee opened a criminal case against the former football player for public calls to commit terrorist activity. aliyev publicly posted a video in the public domain in which he made a call to
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commit terrorist activity in the kursk region. today , the capital's investigative committee. the very first day of competition at the paralympics turned into a scandal: ukrainian swimmer alexander komarov refused to be photographed with russian kirill pulver on the podium. ukraine hopes to politicize the paralympic games in paris as much as possible. thus, the national paralympic committee of this country was unhappy that political actions were prohibited at the games and issued an ultimatum for the russians and belarusians to be checked again for neutral status. ukraine - sports stadiums are trying hard. to make a battlefield. yaroslava moguchikh triumphantly performed at the olympics in paris. she won gold with a world record that had stood for 36 years, 2 m 10 cm. in her homeland, she was met by volyn border guards, under the traditional. glory to ukraine. moguchikh herself hugged the olympic champion , russian maria lositskena, in tokyo three years ago. after which
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she apologized for a long time. after her victory in paris , the record holder immediately appeased ukrainian nationalists. i will give part of my services to the armed forces of ukraine and also as a volunteer. other the winner of the paris games, fencer olga kharlan, who became famous for her refusal to shake hands with russian anna smirnova at the world championship last year , after the olympics, posted a photo with the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces valeriy zaluzhny, before that she had never had a photo with the military. famous ukrainian athletes do not spare money for the nationalist battalion azov, which is banned in russia and recognized as a terrorist organization. in particular , the london arsenal footballer boasts about this oleksandr zinchenko, who sent millions of dollars to the nationalists. zinchenko , who has been sitting on the bench in london for the past year , once played for ufa in russia. former borussia and westham footballer andrey yermoolenko also actively finances the armed forces of ukraine, while recording a video message called "sport outside of politics", in which he calls on russian
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athletes to agitate others and surrender. russian athletes, if you want to return to world sports, and not go to competitions in somalia, you too will useful, at least not publicly, but to agitate your entourage, in a good way, to surrender. absolute world champion in heavyweight boxing. oleksandr usik, born in simferopol, quickly moved from the rhetoric of russians and ukrainians are brothers slavs to the insulting pig-dog addressed to russian speakers and even mortar fire in donbass. not to mention the multi-million dollar donations to the ukrainian military. still, the powerful blows to the head he took did not go unnoticed. usik signed up for territorial defense, though only a month later flew to london, where he remains. stas ridikultsev, alexander talmashevsky, news. and now the latest data from the ministry of defense. from august 24 to 30 , the armed forces of the russian federation carried out
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a massive and 14 group strikes with long-range precision weapons, hypersonic aeroballistic missiles kinzhal, as well as strike unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which critical energy facilities and airfield infrastructure of ukraine, fuel depots, arsenals for ... aviation assets were hit and artillery ammunition. in addition, workshops for the production of unmanned aerial vehicles, storage sites for unmanned boats, and temporary deployment points for units of nationalist formations of foreign mercenaries were hit. during the week, units of the vos sever group continued to destroy formations of the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk region. strikes by operational-tactical army aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, and artillery fire caused damage.
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cases: six tanks, 181 combat armored vehicle and 103 automobiles. four multiple launch rocket launchers were destroyed, including one hymer made in the usa, 35 field artillery guns, 12 electronic and counter-battery warfare stations. as a result of the coordinated actions of units of the western group of forces, the settlements of stelmakhovka, luhansk people's republic and senkovka, kharkiv oblast, were liberated. on... the defeat of the formation of six mechanized tank, assault, airmobile brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, two brigades of the territorial defense of the azov special forces brigade, repelled 34 counterattacks
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of assault groups of the armed forces of ukraine. over the week, the enemy lost over 3,450 servicemen, two tanks, 11 armored combat vehicles, including three american m113 armored personnel carriers made in the usa, 51 cars. during the counter-battery battle , a launcher of a croatian-made rakhsa-12 multiple launch rocket system and 38 field artillery guns, including 18 self-propelled artillery units and a 155-caliber gauvitz, were destroyed. mm of western production. destroyed 16 electronic and counter-battery warfare stations, as well as 18 field ammunition depots. decisive actions of units of the southern group of troops liberated. the settlement of konstantinovka, donetsk people's republic, inflicted defeat on the manpower and equipment of three mechanized, two motorized infantry, two infantry airborne, four assault
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brigades of the armed forces of ukraine and two brigades of the territorial defense. five counterattacks of the enemy assault groups were repelled. the armed forces of ukraine for week in this direction, over 4,840 servicemen were lost: abrams tanks made in the usa and leopard tanks made in germany. four combat armored vehicles, 60 cars and 57 field artillery guns, of which 23 were made in nato countries, 11 electronic warfare stations and 16 field ammunition depots were destroyed. as a result of the active actions of the units of the eight-center group, the settlements of orlovka, kamyshevka, nikolaevka and novozhelannaya in the donetsk people's republic were liberated. a defeat was inflicted on the formation of seven mechanized, two-jaeger,
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during the week in this direction the enemy's losses amounted to 3,720 casualties, seven tanks, 14 armored combat vehicles, including a mardor infantry fighting vehicle, manufactured in germany, and two m-113 armored personnel carriers manufactured in the usa, 38 cars, as well as a grad multiple launch rocket system combat vehicle and 42 field artillery guns. the units of the east group of forces occupied more advantageous positions.
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production, as well as four electronic warfare stations. units the dnieper group was defeated by the formation of the infantry, mountain assault brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, two brigades of the marine infantry of the territorial defense brigade. the losses of the armed forces of ukraine in this direction for the week amounted to 460 servicemen, two combat armored vehicles, 32 cars and 16 field artillery guns, of which six were american 150. in addition, seven electronic warfare stations and three field ammunition depots were destroyed. during the week, air defense systems shot down a mik-29 aircraft of the air force ukraine, three operational-tactical missiles attack of the usa production, four tactical missiles.u, 19 guided air bombs hummer of the french production, 31 rocket projectiles highmers (manufactured in the usa) and 300. 11
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unmanned aerial vehicles, including 127 outside the zone of the special operation. the forces of the black sea fleet destroyed six ukrainian unmanned boats. during the week on the line of combat contact, 58 ukrainian servicemen surrendered. in total, since the beginning of the special military operation, 641 aircraft, 283 helicopters, 30,701 unmanned aerial vehicles: 575 anti-aircraft missile systems, 17,783 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,431 multiple launch rocket system combat vehicles, 13,809 field artillery guns mortars, 25,447 units of special military automotive equipment. despite the development of alternative energy,
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wind sun.
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at a meeting of the un security council in new york, russia's first deputy permanent representative dmitry polyansky accused the united states and western countries of direct complicity in the military crimes of ukraine in kursk region. according to polyansky, without western weapons of foreign mercenaries and provision of intelligence data, the kiev regime. would never have decided on this adventure. in august, the head of the ukrainian junta made a fatal mistake by moving his troops across the border into a peaceful russian region. and the world, as i already said, the day before yesterday, saw footage of ukrainian thugs with nazi symbols, robbing and looting, taking hostages and shooting women, children and old people. this image turned out to be.


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