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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 30, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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now personnel from the presidential press service. things are good, the new position is a great responsibility to the residents. ukraine. serving russia is a guideline in my work and a key task.
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to us, families of those people who are fighting in our sso zone. 35 support measures have been deployed in the region, and what clearly pleases us is that our people, the appeal itself very much very proactively help those who are fighting, and not only members of their families, but also generally care about what is happening on the western borders of our country. participants and veterans of the special operations forces. here is the headquarters of the eastern military district, the district is located in khabarovsk, here , including krasot and the defenders of the fatherland fund held a large event with our support, this is an interregional competition
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among svo participants who were wounded, and this caused a very big response from our guys who returned with comparisons, who are in... rehabilitation, we are now developing a solution to create a rehabilitation center through the mechanism of the far eastern concession, we will build the usuri center for 540 places, and accordingly, of course, there is a proposal to create a specialized center for adaptive sports in khabarovsk, this is very much in demand among those of our guys who returned to the svo zones and who, of course, want to be.
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we tried to show them a big program, and that carefully, that now seeing off the children to that week, many of them intend to come to the far east, work, start their own families, then, when they grow up, they will finish their studies, so this is also very important to us, we are helping the kursk region, residents of the region are sent essential items, medicines with great pain, so they perceived what happened, here we are from ...
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the side of the liberation of neighboring china from the militarists of japan and of course holding a parade will be a worthy testimony of the heroic traditions of our country, we would ask for support in creating a thematic park russia my history, in which it is very important to display all those pages of our history that were in the far east. this is also very important for the patriotic education of modern youth, who have become much more interested. history, in the course of my work, actively moving around the regions of the region, meeting a lot with people, the main criterion of the work is feedback from residents of the region, i opened social networks almost from the very first days and in a short period more than 30,000 messages, comments from people, a lot is really being done in
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within the framework of national projects, but the problems remain, of course, there is no need to hide them in the tables, so we decided with the heads of the districts to create an atlas. problematic objects of the territories, in this atlas of problematic objects, the goals of the instructions for work are given to us by people, our residents, that is , they see the problems with the condition. playgrounds, sports facilities, broken roads, it is this atlas that is the basis for the development program of the region, which we are creating taking into account the wishes of our people, promptly worked out a list of priority social significant objects have already been repaired this summer three schools, more than eighty kindergarten territories have been developed, this program is now ending, and we launched it now, and of course the most in demand is...
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we have a 2% growth, the goal of the year is no less than 550 thousand square meters, fulfilling your order to resettle the barracks, this is very much in demand among our residents and... now here is the avenue of the sixtieth anniversary of october more than 300 citizens will move to new comfortable apartments this year, but the percentage of emergency housing is still is high, the percentage of emergency housing is high in the region and of course we have developed our own program, well , in addition to this we are in close cooperation with the government of the russian federation, now following the visit of mikhailovich mishustin we have been subsidized for the resettlement of a number of barracks, including from the federal budget. which also helped us. in the message to the federal assembly you defined program tasks, one of them
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is to improve the quality of medical care and strengthen support for doctors. i am forced to state that medicine in the region needs treat the work of the entire regional system by rebooting, our residents pay attention to unfinished objects, to emergency faps, to faulty equipment and, of course, we work with unfinished buildings, including one of the long-standing problems - this is ... in komsomolsk , a large children's hospital complex , construction began back in 1917 and the facility needs to be completed, the city of youth will celebrate its centenary in 2032, and of course, very patriotic people who love their city very much, they really ask for support in completion of large facilities that are being built on the territory of the region, the priority issue is personnel, health care personnel is also part of this issue,
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and when building programs in the field of health care, of course, i ask you not to forget about this, as if we have a lot of success in russia as a whole.
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the implementation of your decree introduced a 5.00 lump sum payment for the purchase of school clothing and sports uniforms on august 1, payments have been assigned to all 3,500 of our students from large families, we have also increased the regional maternity benefit.
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there is a need to build a new one stations and of course in khabarovsk in komsomolsk we also need to increase the existing capacities so that those investors who enter this energy consumption is high their large large industrial enterprises and of course they have a demand
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including a shortage of capacity for the future we have exceeds 1.3 gigawatts this is what. what needs to be solved, because large mining and processing plants, modernization of hydrometallurgy, here is the construction of sea terminals, mining and processing plants, this is what we are working on now special attention is paid to building up technological leadership, and here we have proposed that businesses sign a charter of industrial technological sovereignty, import substitution, more than 120 enterprises have already joined it. our region, these are large enterprises, and small medium enterprises that want to participate in cooperation and supply of products, that is, we understand that it will be difficult for us to replace all high-tech products at once, but at the same time, with all this, we can start small, with consumables, with specific parts, in in principle, western sanctions
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help us with this, so a large number of mechanical processing here...
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vladimir putin held a meeting with the acting governor of khabarovsk krai. well, and then on our air, the duty unit will host. hello, live, the legal program will be hosted by the duty unit. in the studio, maxim mavchan. in moscow , a reckless driver who hit a woman and a child at high speed at night has been arrested. they were crossing the road on a zebra crossing. as a result of the accident, the woman died on the spot. for life the girls continue to fight doctors. the driver himself. refused to undergo an examination. about the dark pages of his biography daniil sukhoruchko. german evgenyev appears in the courtroom of the izmailovsky district court of moscow. it seems that he is sober now.
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femina must choose a measure of restraint for him. according to the investigation, evgenyev is the culprit of the fatal accident. the accident happened the night before. here is the video from the surveillance cameras: german's car drives right along the pedestrian crossing and knocks down two small figures - a child and an old woman. the elderly woman in eventually died on the spot, the girl. refused to undergo a medical examination, on this fact, the investigative department of the investigative unit of the internal affairs directorate for the eastern administrative district opened a criminal case under part four of article 264 of the criminal code of the russian federation. by the way, eyewitnesses have a suspicion why yevgenyev decided to refuse tests. to put it mildly, that evening he behaved strangely, but he basically stands insane, perhaps from shock, but i doubt it wildly, because how can you not notice a person here. of course, yes, it is not covered and so on, but still in such a state, even if everything was covered here, it is clear that he was inadequate. later, interesting details from herman's biography appeared. it turned out that he already had an outstanding conviction. according to
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some information, yevgenyev, being drunk together with a friend, set fire to a loading crane and received a 2-year suspended sentence for this. by the way, at the time of the collision with pedestrians, yevgenyev was on probation, he left the courtroom already as an accused. during the investigation, the court expectedly sent herman evgenyeva in a pre-trial detention center, which of course is unlikely to have tech. from the relatives of the injured child of the deceased woman, but such a decision of the themis may well save other pedestrians from getting under the wheels of hermann's car. danil sukhoruchko, viktor barmin, alexander polivka, vesti duty chast. people learn about legal news in their region or territory thanks to the work of local journalists. the vesti duty chast program is broadcast in many regions of the country. ekaterina loskutova will tell us about the topics that interested our colleagues in the tomsk region. hello, maxim. my friends and i colleagues have been closely following the events in the region all week, the most significant incidents in our materials.
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clean water is too expensive, in tomsk the director of a company stole money from the national project ecology, the damage exceeded 5.5 million rubles. a criminal case has been opened. recruited foreign intelligence services, a resident of tomsk was convicted of treason, he collected and transmitted information. the position of the peninsula's most important defensive lines, what term should a spy of foreign intelligence serve, we will tell you in our issue. conflict over friendship: two residents of the region were sentenced for the murder of a fellow villager, what was the reason and why the men committed such a brutal murder. our correspondent, vladislav otmakhov will tell the details. his head was turned, was in this direction. without emotion and regret during the investigative experiment, the detainees clearly show how they killed their friend, fists came first. the body
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was wrapped in a blanket to take out of the house, they called a taxi driver they knew, came up with a legend, supposedly they needed to bury a large dog, the load was put in the trunk, they asked stop near the local dump, where they got rid of the main evidence, as soon as the investigators learned of the crime, they immediately went to the scene, found the body, ordered an examination, which confirmed that the villager died from gunshot wounds. now the defendants in the criminal case are in a pre-trial detention center. the court will decide how many years of imprisonment each faces. we will also show you in the new episode of the program. only excellent. troite swords illegally helped migrants pass exams, created a criminal group, exposed foreigners answers to exam tickets in russian language and history. how much did the service cost and what threatens enterprising teachers? about all this and much more. in the new issue of the program, in addition, the latest legal news of the region in our telegram channel. maxim, thank you, we are returning to federal news, the queen's judicial marathon.
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the savyolovsky district court of the capital has begun to consider a high-profile criminal case. the cramped corridor barely accommodates all the journalists present. the blogger traditionally ignores numerous questions blinovskaya is not allowed to communicate with the press. the line to enter the courtroom stretched for several meters, journalists are allowed in groups of several people. elena bolinovskaya has three lawyers at once. the defense filed a motion to have the case heard behind closed doors without the presence of the press, but the court rejected it. in the courtroom, the blogger sat quietly, her eyes downcast. there are 28 volumes in the criminal case,
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more than that have been questioned. hundreds of expert examinations have been conducted on witnesses, bloggers are accused of tax evasion and money laundering. earning billions, she used simplified taxation scheme, which is intended only for small entrepreneurs, when the income is small and only 6% goes to the treasury. investigators believe that blinovskaya withdrew part of the profits through her husband's numerous companies, he has more than a dozen companies with a total annual income of about a billion rubles. here and mining, and the hotel and jewelry business. alexey blinovsky. is accused of aiding and abetting: the criminal case has been transferred to a separate proceeding, he has been declared a federal wanted person. elena blinovskaya was a member in the top ten most popular bloggers in the country. her fortune was estimated at several billion rubles, psychological trainings, marathons of desires were popular with the audience, but her personal marathon called to reveal taxes, the blogger completed early, dropped out of the race. ublinovskaya's talent as a coach woke up during her next maternity leave, she began to conduct psychological trainings marathon of desires. i just pull out the necessary,
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so to speak, resources. bought a ticket for a flight to tashkent, and herself, in comfort, rushed off in a maybach belarus, she was detained at the border. rare footage of investigative actions in blinovskaya's house in the moscow region. investigators open bank safe deposit boxes, in which cash, rubles, dollars, euros are packed in paper and cellophane bags, on one of the packages there is an inscription of lenya blinovskaya 150323. at first, she was placed under house arrest, but after
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repeated violations of the rules. sent to the pre-trial detention center, the blogger celebrated her forty-third birthday there, in prison blinovskaya discovered her gift as an artist, she paints still lifes. in the detention center, she visited by representatives of the moscow poc. we visited elena 2 days after her birthday. when we entered the cell, she was just putting the painting aside. the painting depicts a blue vase and white flowers. elena was in a stable emotional state, smiling, dressed in... 385,207 rubles in the courtroom elena blinovskaya admitted guilt only in tax evasion, and rejected the charge of money laundering. the blogger is starting a new marathon called a trial. and the finish line may be unpredictable. accusation
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presented. knocked out captured american apc max pro. it belonged to the forty-first brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, to the marines - this is far from the first captured vehicle, but more often our soldiers still do not leave a chance to the enemy and equipment, eliminating armored vehicles and tanks on the spot. the day before, a cluster of armored vehicles was discovered.


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