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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 30, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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join those who are made of honor, valor and courage, join yours, now new personnel from the presidential press service.
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from october last year to today we have risen from thirty-third place to twelfth and at the same time, according to the estimates of the project office of the russian government, we occupy first place in the national project of education, in the level of achievement of this national project, in the national project of ecology, labor productivity, digital economy, culture, tourism and hospitality industry and international cooperation. and exports further everything is growing, agriculture has grown, industry has grown, construction has grown, so everything, well, that's what specialists, yes, experts pay attention to, after all, a small decrease in investment activity, yes, that's true, yes, there are small decreases in investment activity, we are working on this now, there are - solutions, in the near
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future we intend to correct this situation , we will see the results, and as for agriculture, today i still owe, since we increased funding to 4.5 billion rubles in this year, we have 43 support measures in effect, and as for the level of achievement of national projects, i would like to draw attention to the fact that in terms of the quality of management of national projects , we have risen from twentieth place to fourth place in russia among all subjects in terms of the level. achievement of national projects in the field of healthcare, here too, it is very important, from 68 eighth place to forty-ninth place by 19 positions, in terms of coverage of national projects from thirty- second place to ninth, according to data from ono dialogue, in the rating of citizens' activity by 1.00 people, in social networks, we occupy the first place in russia, and in terms of the number of messages from our citizens in social networks, we occupy the first place in the north-west federal district, even surpassing st. petersburg and the leningrad region. we have created such an information
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digital funnel in a good sense of the word, and we delay the appeal, we have built direct communication with our fellow countrymen and we take 2 hours to process these complaints, appeals, messages in order to promptly return feedback, i personally work, i myself answer messages, i monitor my social networks, my comments are open to users, this is on the vkontakte page in this work causes a wide public resonance, because people see that the authorities listen, that the authorities on the instructions of the president, and came to solve specific pragmatic tasks of improving life, including rural areas in remote settlements, now i just wanted to draw special attention to this, i drove through all the municipalities, without exception - all 26, plus freedom cherepovets, and what i would like to say, i hold direct. open meetings without
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props, no preparations, no pre- prepared questions, no one prevents anyone from coming, regardless of political views and preferences, and i have had personal contact with more than 10 thousand of our fellow countrymen, while we always work live, we cover all our meetings with residents, and more than 320 thousand people have watched our meetings with residents, during these meetings, including operational instructions are given, which are launched into work online, now more than 1,300 instructions have been given following the meeting, already more than half of it has been completed, and at the same time, as i said, we are improving the feedback system with our residents, and we call it a multi-level multi-circuit system, we have strengthened the regional control center, and according to statistics we see an increase in the percentage of resolved issues by 34%. in 2023 there were
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instructions to work out, including in terms of publishing the results on our social networks, and we have a public council under the head of the region and an institute of public commissioners, in addition, i would like to draw attention to the fact that we have relaunched, rebooted the work of the legislative assembly in the vologda region, and the chairman of the legislative assembly changed, i myself joined the party, the all-russian political party united russia and headed the regional branch of the united russia party and am running for governor of the vlogda region from the party. and now, probably, the most important block to which i would like to draw attention, we
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traditionally work with the families of military personnel, our soldiers who are fighting on the line of combat contact. this is work with the families of mobilized fighters, with the families of contract soldiers and volunteers, and with the bds too, and this is such a big, important , fundamental, priority work for us now, we held meetings with residents of all municipalities on this topic separately, in total more than 2,000 participants took part in these meetings, if that's to say... than 2,100 even more, as i reported earlier, our know-how is operating in the region, if i may say so, this is a system that consists of three main blocks, the first is the regional dispatch service and call center, our project office based on a single
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numbers 122, and where calls are received for the purpose of obtaining consultations, explanations for processing payments, for example, a one-time financial payment, and monthly payments. assistance to the families of fighters can be reached from the new subjects of the russian federation, from kherson, from zaporozhye, from the lugansk and donetsk people's republics, to a long number, from any other region of our great russia, and also directly in vologda, fellow countrymen actively use this tool, the second block is our new system based on the principle of two keys, for each family. employee, and i emphasize, for each family, for each name, a curator is assigned from the regional government and either from the municipality, on the one hand, or from the social security service, on the other, and thus we see the support of synchronization of risk hedging,
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so that each family is guaranteed, guaranteed to receive support, consultation, or material support, or even to the point of bringing firewood, bringing food, if we are talking about... and here i would like to note that about 9,000 families are supported by us, the third block questions - this is the principle of one window for collecting applications signed by the commanders of military units, so that we send only the
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nomenclature that is in demand by our fellow countrymen defending russia, namely equipment, gear, clothing and motor vehicles. loaves of bread, kamaz, urals, nils, as usual, are in demand at the front. in total , we have sent 3 billion 700 million rubles to support the participants of the svo and their families. in addition, a very important block of issues is support for kursk. we have sent humanitarian aid in the amount of more than 3,175 tons.
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from the acting head of the region smirny, alexey borisovich, we are in touch with him, and i would also like to note that this area of ​​work, in my opinion. the training in the vologda region is supervised by the relevant deputy governor of the vologda region, a legendary boxer, olympic champion, and alexander povetkin, who is from kursk, originally from kursk, this is his native land, and he personally delivers these humanitarian supplies, accompanying the convoy, and in support of our subsidiary territory, this is the city of alchevsk, lugansk people's republic, this year we...
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this includes a one-time payment upon signing a contract of 400,000 rubles. in total, upon signing a contract, we pay 1,205,000 rubles from the region. and we provide transportation for travel to and from vacation free of charge ; land plots - to holders of a number of awards that are named in the relevant presidential decree, but at the same time we have expanded the list of these awards that make it possible. to provide for the provision of free land plots - including by including the zatvan medal
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in the list of these awards - then we compensate expenses for payment of utility services for a combat veteran up to 50%, that is , we take half of the housing and communal services ourselves from the regional budget and another measure is a monthly payment to disabled people with military injuries - 50, 100 and 150%. and such a very serious segment of our work, which is in the perimeter of our special attention, in fact, this is our main brainchild, this is the strategy 2.0 program, which covers all areas of socio-economic development of the region without exception from and to, and the general financing of this program already provided by the regional budget and for the five-year period 30.7 billion rubles, that is, we have already
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calculated, scrupulously verified, combed each figure and directed it to the implementation of these projects in and in highly specialized industry, niche areas, including this year we directed 6 billion 700 million rubles to the implementation of the strategy 2.0 program this year, well, first of all, of course, this is housing and communal services and healthcare. do you use federal sources, yes, of course, we are actively applying for co-financing, now we are doing a lot of work to attract - funds federal budget for new national projects, we are waiting for an explanation of the algorithm that is required to generate applications in the main areas, i am conducting this work in dialogue with the relevant federal ministers , with the vice-premiers of the russian government, directly what people are interested in, sports grounds, public areas, courtyards, yes, yes, this is the replacement
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of elevators, you have all this in your work, rabotanovich, this year we allocated 6 billion rubles to re-lay 118 km of networks, then 85 housing and communal infrastructure facilities we either we are reconstructing or building, and i would like to highlight separately just... you are right, you immediately noticed that people are primarily interested in, yes, this is landscaping, this is public spaces, courtyards, this concerns courtyards, we have 196 courtyards this year we are repairing and 50 public areas, then, we are replacing 237 elevators, we are implementing a program at the expense of the regional budget for the replacement of 237 elevators, and
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smart stops, so-called, we are replacing 200 smart stops, in volga and cherepavets, in fact, the program is designed for several years, this year we are installing 200 stops of such new and multimedia pavilions in our two main cities, while we are planning to maintain and we will achieve this indicator of 650,000 km of housing, and we are solving the problem. defrauded equity holders, we will solve it this year, we have no defrauded equity holders left in the plan for this year 79 people, we are resettling three houses, then providing housing for orphans of the race.
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you have noticed that this is primarily of concern to our residents, it is in this regard that for the first time in the history of the region we have allocated at the expense of the regional budget funding in the amount of 4x5 billion rubles, to be precise 4.4 billion rubles for funding improvement projects in vologda in the regional capital and 4.4 billion rubles for funding improvement work in cherepovets, work is being carried out in each of the cities at more than 170 sites a...
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a very important segment of the work, which i have now included in my report, because the report still cannot contain all the nuances, too much would have to be detailed, only in such large broad strokes, i report on what has been done in the basis. so,
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support for personnel, for young teachers up to 35 years old, we have provided a monthly salary supplement for specialists. with secondary education, with up to 3 years of work experience, this is 8,000 rubles. salary monthly, for specialists with higher education, and with up to 3 years of work experience, this is 10,000 rubles to the salary, then, a one-time payment of 1 million rubles. i repeat once again, a one-time payment of 1 million rubles. for teachers of mathematics, physics and computer science - these are the most in-demand specialties in short supply, and which we are currently funding and encouraging teachers to come to school, teachers in these specialties, at the expense of the regional budget, in order to replenish the education system this year, moreover, the regional education system in the rural areas segment of rural areas will be replenished by 58 new teachers who use our support measure, this is exactly 1 million rubles at the expense of the regional
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budget, and which they use to purchase housing, in the event of a decision to move to... rural areas, so that stimulate the solution of the personnel problem, personnel shortage in the field of education in the countryside. now in healthcare, we have our own regional program zemsky doctor within the framework of strategy 2.0. we have established payments from 1.5 million to 3.5 million rubles. this is a one-time incentive support measure to stimulate the relocation of doctors to rural areas, and this. is graded depending on the accessibility of the settlement, in the most inaccessible, of course, the measure is 3.5 million rubles. this is the necessary now... a popular measure that has already begun to yield results, if it is a remote village, a remote village, but there are people there, they live and
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there is a school there, a specialist receives 3.5 million rubles and moves to the village, this year we are just measuring how many have moved here, by the end of the year there will be a final figure, how many people have used this support measure, there are still not enough doctors , yes, there are not enough specialists , there are not enough specialists, this year we... about 170 new doctors from other federal subjects from moscow, moscow region, including including not only in the management position of heads of doctors of central district hospitals, but these are doctors, obstetricians. by the way, it is very important, following the results of meetings in the territories of the municipal region, very often residents asked for support from the regional budget for the additional payment that was not absent at the federal level, which previously existed, but has not been indexed for a long time for
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emergency doctors, for emergency doctors and paramedics , we found these funds from the regional budget this year 50 million rubles, gave 120 million rubles for a year and so annually, what do they receive in reality and will this measure start to operate? from august 1 of this year, that is , specialists, doctors and filter workers will receive this additional payment from august 1 for doctors 5000 rubles to their salary, for filter workers 30,000 rubles to their salary, this is for those who work in rural areas, not in large cities, and for volga-cherepovets the additional payment will be 18,500 rubles and 800 rubles respectively, these were shots of vladimir putin's meeting with the acting governor. in educational institutions across the country they are now underway final preparations for the start of the school year. with details by anastasia ponko.
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having heard the alarm signal, teachers of the volgograd gymnasium go to the shelter. according to the legend, drones have been spotted in the sky. and while the air defense is working, the teacher and students need to go to a safe place. these are all-russian exercises before the start of the school year. all teachers know a clear algorithm. and accordingly, if god forbid some emergency happens, the children will feel quite calm. the main goal of the exercises is to practice the algorithm actions of teachers in case of a real threat. in tula, the rosgvardia task force arrives at the school in a few minutes, allegedly the security guard pressed the panic button. the first main task is to determine the cause of the alarm, if he, when approaching the object, hears screams, explosions, reports immediately to his duty officer, asks for help from special forces, and if his actions do not require delay, then accordingly he takes measures to
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detain the criminal. serviceability of panic buttons, knowledge of instructions in case of emergency, availability all documents and compliance with the requirements of the security guards themselves, all this is checked in each school in the tula region on the eve of the day of knowledge. the exercises were also for the ministry of emergency situations. the fire allegedly occurred in the chemistry room and began to spread quickly , blocking several people, they needed to be rescued as soon as possible. in addition to the exercises, the ministry of emergency situations employees also checked the automatic fire protection system emergency exits. before the day of knowledge, they have already inspected over 107,000 schools across the country. in the belgorod region , additional preparations are underway for the new school year. the windows of kindergartens and schools are covered with armored film. it protects against shrapnel during shelling. definitely. and how else, it is safety. residents of pribaikalye help children of the kursk region to get ready for school, to the border region from
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siberia, to send 500 sets of uniforms of local production, and also all the necessary office supplies. this evening a wagon with humanitarian aid leaves, including uniforms for children of the kursk region. we are in constant contact with the korsk region. in schools , children, especially high school students, can spend up to 8 hours a day. it is important to provide them with a good, healthy diet. in mordovia , the all-russian parent forum on school meals was held, this is traditionally the main platform for discussing all current issues. in our republic, we have created a parental control group in 100% of schools, full coverage. at the request of parents, from the new school year we are extending this experience to kindergartens, we try to take into account the preferences of children. together with the organizers of nutrition, we regularly update school menus. raincoat, sleeves, gloves, put on gas class life safety in the sixty-second school of arkhangelsk, from september 1 the subject will be called the basis of security and defense of the homeland, an innovation of this year, the basics
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of first aid will be studied in more depth, the provision of first aid, that is, i am talking here about non-medical, yes, namely pre-medical care, because we are not doctors, we do not have the right to provide medical care, here pre-medical yes, and also instead of technology now labor, children will again be taught to sew, touch, cook and make things, plus an extracurricular activity, family studies, will be added to the school this year more than a million moscow children will go, over 90 thousand students in college, the moscow electronic school or abbreviated mash will become available for the first time for students of the capital's colleges, which are completely switching to...
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watched, discussed with the authors, held meetings, of course, we did not start the work from scratch, we took as a basis all the best that was in the current textbooks, summarized, supplemented. the cost of one new textbook will be 209 rubles. and this is taking into account delivery to the regions. hardcover books contain 2,000 illustrations, and also qr codes that take you to the site. archives or museums. by the way, previous softcover textbooks cost about a thousand rubles. but even more important than cost and form, of course, is the content. as vladimir midinsky emphasized, the authors did everything to make the new textbooks interesting to read. this is no longer a set of theses to memorize, but a window into the world of history, an invitation to discussion. another interesting point: the image on the covers of the textbooks.
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they have a historical docking with ...
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in the history of history textbooks for schools, glorification of vlasovites, that this is our history, it should be, by the way, for ukrainians, history textbooks have been written in canada since 1993, so everything is clear here, let me remind you that the tenth and eleventh grades are already studying according to new textbooks, and as the minister of education sergey krovtsov noted, teachers perceive these publications positively, for the development of textbooks for middle grades , the same principle was taken as a basis, which has already been worked out in books for high school students. we changed the structure of the fifth grade. earlier after all, the history of our country began in the sixth grade, there were many, i will tell you now, frankly critical comments on this matter, that greece and rome begin, then only a year later.


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