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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 30, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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a very powerful dilemma, this does not mean that the rate should be set at 5% tomorrow, we will all live beautifully, this is not simple, this is a subtle thing, as the president said, and therefore we see that the ultra-tight monetary policy of the central bank is a bitter medicine, the main thing is not to overdo it with the dose, otherwise it can turn from a medicine into poison, but this is a separate topic for conversation, well, this time we are talking about the economy for now... we are finishing talking.
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are quite popular in our country, and of course, there are already a lot of discussions, talks, misinterpretations, will durov give the keys, will he not give the keys, can he give them at all?
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give as much as you like, but no one knows the real answer, as far as i understand, at the current at the moment it is known that nikolai is in moscow, according to my information, most of the developers of telegram are also in russia, accordingly, well , how can you put pressure on people who are already in safe, comfortable conditions at home, well, mikhail, we will not really guess how creative the french special services are in these matters. experts say that you can get anyone to talk, and he will give up his own mother to everyone else, but we are not even talking about that now, my question is purely technical, how dangerous is this really for people, who trusted telegram from the point of view of, well, some kind of classified information, i'm not
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even saying criminal, yes, i'm just saying classified, which i wouldn't want to make public, that is, and there is also such an opinion that even if you deleted, for example, all your messages, then... somewhere on the servers that are scattered around the world, this message still remains, this is so, in fact, from a technical point of view, from a technical point of view, this is really so, that is, you can delete any information from yourself, here you have a chat in telegram will disappear, but this does not mean that on servers around the world, as you correctly said, this information will be deleted and even secret chats, the so-called peer-topper with a lock, the information can still be stored on servers, how dangerous it is for people is a completely different question, because telegram was initially used by people with the desire to hide their communication. from the authorities of the russian federation, that is, during the initial marketing 15 years
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ago, telegram positioned itself as a secure messenger, using which our the authorities will not find out anything about anyone, and i think that at this moment for the majority of russians, active users of telegram, if they have a choice to use telegram, which in theory can, something... some western intelligence agencies in the future, well , it will not bother them much, and nevertheless, that is, as i understand it, if you are an ordinary user and some personal correspondence, perhaps there may be some confidential information, it can theoretically still leak into the network now to all sorts of cyber fraudsters and so on a lot and is it worth it for ordinary people who use it, well, in the everyday sense of the word, but
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it’s difficult with the use of decentralization, that is, different pieces of information are on different servers, in theory, if someone gets, as they said, the keys, and can decrypt this information, he will simply read it, that is, the task of western intelligence agencies is to gain control over information, and not to post it on the network for everyone to see, well, that’s why i exclude such a chance, yes, i understand that real people work in the intelligence services of any country, they can be bought, bought out, intimidated, and so on, or they can have selfish interests , individual citizens, individual employees, i mean, so no one guarantees this, that is... theoretically , some group of ordinary scammers could have access so easily, so to speak,
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they will not be able to do this, and you know, i have never seen the sale of personal data in any countries of the western world, that is , let's say in the usa you cannot buy a breakthrough of information in russia, as we know, unfortunately such data is sold, therefore when we talk about - that employees of the special services can be bought, and they have very good salaries there, very long terms, colossal terms, if they sell information or leak something, so the chance is minimal, well, let's hope that ordinary citizens are not in danger, but now the question of security, it is no secret that telegram chats were used in a special military operation, they are probably still used, and...
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considering that the technical development team is in russia, i exclude such a possibility
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opportunity, that is, the case of pavel's capture, they probably considered such risks, and there was a folder there, what should happen if he goes to jail, there should be plans, well, a lot is being said about this now , yes, i understand what you are talking about, nevertheless , of course, we do not know much here, probably there are some plans.
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the executor of such a messenger for large russian state corporations, he has a project developing quite successfully, here is what cannot be done - this is to forcibly imprison people, the messenger you are talking about, quite possibly used by officials in france to discuss work issues
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between them, if they use some other messenger, there may even be a long term applicable to them. i don’t know, however, as for the average citizen, if you give the average citizen a choice: here is our staunch orthodox messenger, approved by all our special services, or here is a messenger of hostile countries, in the first case , the nearest police department, your local police officer will know everything about you, and in the second case, they will know western intelligence agencies, what do you think they will choose? western intelligence agencies, they are very far away, and people are small, western intelligence agencies are not interested, let's take it easy, we will sit on that, that's why we all use whatsapp, telegram, well , you know, this is such a controversial issue, i don't quite agree with you here, of course , some kind of commercial streak is needed, an offer, it is clear that people need to be interested, and
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so on, you can't force someone to be nice here, here i only agree with you, now this story with... the cube is somehow very strange, but this is a separate topic for conversation, but i don’t really understand why everything is happening this way, and not somehow differently, and nevertheless - traffic in our video hosting services is growing, that is, we are slowing down youtube, traffic is growing, if, what do you think, can restrictions be imposed on telegram in our country? and they can, as far as i know, this was the subject of pavel’s dialogue with our government. at some point, so that telegram is not blocked, telegram, in my opinion, has taken a long time ago, absolutely pro-russian position, in my opinion, this is the real reason for pavel's arrest, because it has already become absolutely obvious that telegram is a 100% pro-russian messenger, in what way this
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is expressed about russianness, i don't understand, look, from the moment it began. ukrainian channels, which, let's say, were engaged in fundraising, that is, were erased in some way, such moderation took place after all, yes, yes, moderation, among my acquaintances who are engaged in tax optimization, there is such a sphere, a very large one, they erased about.
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if you said so, that in russia, well , how to make it so officially the russian messenger telegram, this is how some say, you need to buy out the team, so if it is in russia, then buy it out, how is that, but i also do not understand what it means to buy out the team, because the team already has a political choice, they will be imprisoned there, here they are free, and the answer is absolutely obvious, the money here... is secondary, and telegram itself easily pays its employees very good salaries, well, mikhail, i understand, thank you very much, well, let's hope that telegram employees are reasonable people, and will make their own choice. thank you very much, all the best. well, here i would like to add a few words, well
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, firstly, western intelligence agencies are not as far away as everyone thinks, they work with us through the hands of the armed forces of ukraine, unfortunately, quite actively, and if some of your unpleasant information falls into their hands, you can become a objects of blackmail, recruitment, and so on. well , this is by the way, and one more small point. probably the arrest of pavel dorov dispels all the dreams of the it community, i really want believe it, but judging by mikhail's statements, for now, and he, as a bright representative of this community, expresses his position, and once again you can agree with it somewhere, somewhere not, but one thing is clear that the age of the internet there are no secrets, there is just a period of access to certain information, everyone needs to understand this always, before you write something on the internet. one purchase, two cashbacks.
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points are carried out both from the ground and from the air, where our army aviation and attack drones operate, their targets include the ukrainian armed forces reserves in the sumy region, stanislav nazarov's report. in the battles near korenevo, our artillery is working with the support of reconnaissance attack drones. sight 122 exactly, received 122 exactly. each rotation in the gray zone of the kursk region takes place under closing the electronic warfare system, the rotation routes are constantly changing, here on the trees the servicemen of the northern group of troops leave such ribbons to navigate, we get to the forward command post early in the morning along the forest belts along the box, someone watches
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mozig in theory. also after detecting enemy armored vehicles that are trying to move along the roads of the kursk region, a cumulative munition is installed on this attack drone. quite a lot of western equipment, regarding this, this is the m113 and max pro. two pieces specifically were rolled out onto the road and worked on our stormtroopers guys. well, here it does not take long to open it, it designated itself, in the process of calculation it was destroyed. our operators destroy the tank with shock lancets.
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did, but normally, now it is being slowly pushed out of our land, this group of neo-nazis in the settlements of snagost was destroyed during another unsuccessful attempt to attack, lying around, here are four, commander, here are four, there are 18, a total of 22, after the battle ukrainian prisoner of war from eighty the second airborne assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces talks about disrupted logistics and poor
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neo-nazis who tried to establish a network of defensive structures in this area in the kursk region were destroyed. stanislav nazarov, evgeny kirilenko, mikhail seberev, vesti kurskaya oblast. well, now to the gas topic, let me remind you, some time ago the ukrainian authorities announced, today, by the way, they confirmed, it seems, that they do not intend to extend the contract for the transit of russian gas to europe, and the contract, let me remind you, ends this year. the president's press secretary dmitry peskov stated that russia has alternative supply routes. professor andrey, member of the scientific council of the russian academy of sciences for systemic research in energy, is on the line with us.


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