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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 30, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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34 strikes new fortified ukrainian armed forces. neo-nazis who tried to establish a network of defensive structures in this area in the kursk region have been destroyed. stanislav nazarov, evgeny terelenko, mikhail siberev, vesti kurskaya oblast. well, now to the gas topic, let me remind you, some time ago the ukrainian authorities announced, today, by the way, they confirmed it seems, that they do not intend to extend the contract for the transit of russian gas to europe, and the contract, let me remind you, ends this year. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said that there are alternative supply routes in russia. professor, member of the scientific council of the russian academy of sciences for system research in energy andrey is in touch with us. na plyanik
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andrey aleksandrovich, hello, what kind of routes are these, are they known, at least theoretically, well, let's do it this way, i don't really want to comment on the commentator, the commentator, yes, but i want to comment on zelensky's initial statement and the broader statement of his adviser padalak on the same topic that followed, where replacements are proposed in ukrainian transit, because when you talk about alternative routes, yes they exist, or rather they were, yes there were the northern streams, which are no more, there was the polish route, which is no more, it is closed.
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moral, i will start with the technical, but i will definitely finish morally. firstly, for understanding, the termination of transit since the twenty-fifth year, yes, this means the termination of supplies to the eu along this route 2 years earlier than the european union adopted the program, the so-called repower european union, reboot the eu, it was adopted in march-may of the twenty-second year, according to which it was declared that all russian energy supplies should be zeroed out by 2027, and the european union is active, persistent, i know very well how it works. first of all, it will be ukraine itself and those countries that are sitting on the ukrainian pipeline, and this means slovakia, austria, since hungary and serbia are sitting on the turkish balgan stream, so i would really like to bring a little clarity here, that if gas transit through ukraine stops, then ukraine will be the biggest loser, its income will decrease.
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but very briefly: to supply gas to the eastern and central regions of ukraine, the country has always taken gas from the transit pipe and compensated for these volumes by taking from underground gas storage facilities in the west of ukraine. and therefore, with the termination of the transit contract, in order to compensate for the absence of russian gas in the transit pipe running from east to west, ukraine will need to reconfigure most of its gas transportation system, that is, make bypasses around the compressor station, and this is time and money, yes, so that gas can go from west to east along the gas transportation system in which compressor stations are oriented for deliveries in the opposite direction, and this will need to be done not only so that the gas bridge from the european union can reach the underground gas storage facilities in western ukraine, where it is currently supplied, because these gas storage facilities are used... as a warehouse for
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the temporary storage of european gas, but so that it can go further to the center to the east of the country, and of course, today the problem is acute somewhat reduced, because the population has decreased for obvious reasons, industrial production has fallen sharply, that is , consumption has decreased, but domestic production in the center of the country in the shabelinka region, yes, it is not enough to cover the lack of gas in the transit pipeline, therefore it is vitally important for ukraine that supplies from east to west are maintained, therefore when politicians there zelensky, podalyak and others talk about this... i am free to assume that either they do not understand the technical side of the problem, yes, or it works as a cover operation, because they lose transit revenues, and, i emphasize, they lose transit revenues for the work that they do not fully perform, because from what i said, it follows that not all the volumes of gas that come to the eastern border of ukraine are pumped, yes, they cross the whole of ukraine, all these 1,200 km to the eu border, hence this rhetoric about replacing russian gas, which... especially now
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podalyak has actively expressed, yes, about replacing russian gas in the ukrainian system with the so-called alternative supplies, either from azerbaijan or kazakhstan, but necessarily through russia to ukraine and further. expenses and so on and so forth, but nevertheless, if we stop supplies to the european union, let's be honest, we will suffer greatly, today gazprom has counted, its business has again started to go uphill a little, then there were problems, now it is going uphill, so if we stop doing this, we can
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sell to someone, also go for some trick, sell to someone, and then they will decide whether to sell to europe or not, but directly sell, well people ask questions, it's wrong, people are right. i'll say it again, i know how the european bureaucracy works, i worked in brussels for 6 years in very close contact with them, this task will be accomplished, yes, the sanctions will only get tougher and the zeroing of supplies, it will happen, so we are talking about for 2 years, for 2025-2026, well , you know, as they used to say in childhood, either with a carcass or a stuffed animal, yes, but to extend accordingly these additional incomes for...
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slovakia, i feel sorry for him, it was assassination attempt, yes, which said that it is necessary to extend this contract, yes, and austria, which today is more than 90 percent dependent on russian supplies, they depend because this is a pragmatic policy, the business of these countries, russian gas is the cheapest for them today, alternative supplies are possible, gas can be supplied to slovakia, to austria via other routes, other gas, to slovakia, for example, gas can be supplied from polish - lng terminals were built in their own from lithuanian terminals lng, connecting pipelines were built at the time, which on the territory of slovakia are part of our gas transportation system, which supplied gas to europe, to the west of velky kapusany, that is, to the west of the ukrainian slovak border. austria can receive gas, it
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tried to receive it through germany, from german lng terminals, but germany introduced additional fees for the gas that it supplies in the eastern direction, because it purchased a huge amount of gas in its underground gas storage facilities in twenty the second year, when prices literally skyrocketed 10 times there, yes, now it is trying to compensate for those of its past costs, yes, by introducing additional, respectively, such payments, who are the last in the chain, those countries that are going to replace russian gas with another gas, that is , the same slovakia, austria, so they tell us that how is it possible, yes, how is it possible, in 2040 our contract ends, respectively, with austria, if we interrupt it, arbitration proceedings and so on, well, first of all, let's say where we are now where is international law after?
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which says that they have now written down in their philosophy or in the concept there or in the policy in the strategy of economic security of the country that the threat to economic security is supplies from russia, that is, countries that declare that supplies of russian gas for them, accordingly, are a threat, countries that in the twenty-seventh year will have to refuse our gas, they want to simply reduce, that is, extend the period of cheaper supplies for themselves for 2 years, that is, commercial, respectively business, it is simply looking for its additional... benefit in order to either by the skin of its teeth or by the skin of its teeth, yes, but to extend for itself, respectively, uh, that means, the period of cheaper costs, and the moral imperative here from my point of view is the following: i anticipate questions from our readers listeners, and i have already heard these questions, because an analogy suggests itself, regardless
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of whose gas will go through the ukrainian system, yes russian or or maybe some other, that means sources, now i'm ready to talk about this, but i have a thought: analogies with the minsk agreements, which, as it turned out, were needed at the time only for regrouping, accumulation of enemy forces for a more effective war with us, yes, so today all the countries that receive our gas in eastern europe. including those that i named, which are on the turkish stream, and serbia, and hungary, and slovakia, and austria, i wrote about this in detail in my article in the oil and gas vertical, they are all actively looking for alternative sources supplies of russian, russian gas so that when the pressure comes, it would be possible to switch to other supplies, these are lng terminals in the north and south of europe, this is azerbaijani gas, and other various alternative options, there are measures to increase energy efficiency, there is green energy and so on.
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all of ours, well, basically, and without our gas europe will freeze, everything will be lost and so on and so forth, it is really bad without our gas, that's a fact, but not as bad as we all assumed, why did we miscalculate so much? everything, it turns out that we were saying how bad it is for them, yes, they cut back, tweaked things here, greased the pot here, and it turned out that they were preparing for this in advance, and we turned out to be not
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very prepared for this in advance, apparently, well, you know, eh, as they say, there, well, horror, but not horror, horror, horror, yes, we really had an idea, and i must say that i probably had a hand in this, i had an understanding that yes, indeed, for europe to do without our gas, yes, well, to put it mildly, it would be very it's difficult, but they went for all the additional, accordingly, costs, that high level of prosperity that exists in europe, yes, especially in western europe in old europe, yes, it allowed it within the framework of that picture that the funds created. the ruin of europe, which we also wrote about quite a long time ago, because on the one hand, what is a loss
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for europe is a gain for the united states of america, because the states needed high gas prices in europe in order to their liquefied natural gas was profitable there. and the next step after that, the americans needed high gas prices in europe so that either the western european industry, which is a competitor for the us in global competition, would go bankrupt, or so that it would gradually move and flow from europe to... and for this, for example, a law was passed, accordingly, the so-called fight against inflation, which created additional incentives for the flow of knowledge-intensive, high-tech industries of europe, to the united states of america, that is , from my point of view, it was a targeted company on the part of the united states of america to ruin europe, and the europeans accordingly accepted it, because that's what we were, so to speak, they suffered as if for such a good and just cause, yes, they suffer these significant deprivations, and energy consumption has fallen, among other things. first of all, because very large volumes of industrial production are going bankrupt, many enterprises in
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industries that were sitting on cheap gas there and glass, so to speak, and cement, and fertilizer production and so on and so forth, that is, this whole chain of domino effects, it relies to a large extent on a powerful propaganda machine that paints us as an enemy, here zhvanets mikhail mikhailovich wrote in his time, yes, that a big disaster is needed, yes, it is necessary for everyone to blow up on one mine, yes , why can we never be defeated, so that 's approximately it... the same image was created within the framework of european countries, and how they support refugees who destroy, accordingly the european union, and i don't know whether it will go abroad or not, yes, as accordingly many other things are happening related to how their brilliant first political ally the united states of america is ruining europe on purpose, they nevertheless accept this matter, i really agree with you, europe is being degreased, this is an objective fact, nothing can be done about it, the americans are simply milking their european allies. all 100%, but if we return to us, to our gas market,
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it is clear that we have shifted part of it to other routes, to the east and so on, our gas industry, our flagship gazprom is not having it easy now, and nevertheless we need to change the new strategy, in what it is literally in several, maybe, as you see it, this is a new strategy, maybe we really should send more gas to our village, this work is also being done and so on. what needs to be done here, well, i can say it here in a few words again, but since i am a person who writes, speaks, i am writing many things on my website now, that's where consolidations are and how we can do what.
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strategies, not to try to somehow prolong the old model of relations, say, with the western world, with all of europe, yes, in order to drag additional volumes there for two to three years, but to build a fundamentally new model of energy technology cooperation, in particular in eurasia in brics, i see the basis for this, which is based on gas, not only network gas and not so much on network gas gas, how much on lng, and not large-tonnage, on small-tonnage first of all, yes, to combat energy poverty, this is... a fundamentally different ideology, yes, to say, not only gas, naturally, it is our nuclear electricity, first of all our floating nuclear, that is, installations like lomonosov, which in the island, that is, in the system of island economies of the eurasian states, yes, which in the meantime are from the islands, yes, can provide demand not only for our electricity, for the expansion of production at
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we have equipment here for the production of this very energy, so that it is not only the supply of energy resources. yes, so that not only the supply of raw materials, but so that we enter into joint production in these countries so that it is possible, well, relatively speaking, eurasia is a huge territory, yes, there are four zones there that are covered in one way or another, by pipeline systems, megaprojects, yes, from the north there are several of ours, yes, from the west they will go or not from turkmenistan, from iran, there are several corridors from turkmenistan, which cross, respectively, all of eurasia, go to the shanghai area, from the south there are several, so to speak, gas pipelines from offshore fields from myanmar. so, it is possible to set up plants for the production of small-tonnage lng at the compressor stations of these fields, but this is now one of those ideas that i am working with and working with my colleague, varoshilov, who is engaged in unmanned cargo airships, to set up plants for small-tonnage lng, from there - when packaging this small-tonnage lng in tank containers, in griogenic tanks,
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in standard twenty-foot or forty-foot tank containers, to deliver them by unmanned cargo derricks to populated areas of different... sizes, and there in these populated areas of different sizes, we must have and we must do this, and gazprom can do this, it has the resources for this, to create a correspondingly discrete series of gas turbine units so that it would be possible to form gas power plants according to the lego principle, which could provide heat and electricity, small settlements, medium-sized settlements, where people need this very electricity, heat, where they need gas, so that it would be possible to fight energy poverty, because in all these countries, countries globally... south the main problem is not the climate problem, the climate problem is the sustainable development goal number 13 among the seventeen goals, and number one, number two is the fight against poverty, the fight against hunger, neither one nor the other it is impossible to fight if the problems of anarchic poverty are not solved, renewable energy sources in their pure form will not solve this problem, here in eurasia with our huge volumes of gas, in order to develop first of all our eastern siberia, here is this
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huge space of inner eurasia, a bundle, for example, small-tonnage lng, cargo derejabls and modular. formation of local power plants on the lego principle, yes, they can get, they can provide, expand the demand for the corresponding energy technology equipment, which can be used further as a model for work in africa, and for work in latin america, that is, within the framework of that expanded brics+, where we can enter again with our energy resources and our energy technologies, and where , for example, gazprom's experience in building gas transportation systems that are needed in africa, in latin america, can be in demand , because if the coast of these... continents is developed, then the central territories are not at all, there may be, and we have money for this - that is, for these napoleonic plans of gazprom, the state, as long as our central bank pursues a policy of prohibitive interest rates, which kills credit, we will not succeed, so until we change this policy, because moving forward, any
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new projects are developed only through credit, here in the context of credit they write a lot about this... it can be like a loan, yes, where you have a guaranteed future income, which you will repay the loans you have taken, or it can be a loan from yourself, it may not be inflationary emission financing, our people write a lot about this, accordingly here: those specialists that i have already told you about, you are saying some crazy things, what kind of non-inflationary emission financing can there be, look at our central bank officials
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saying, everything is being built in 20, there are 5-30, we will do everything, they will lie there, but we will not have inflation, and there will be silence like in a cemetery, and you are talking about missionary financing, yes, well , you understand, well, you understand what the thing is, well , first of all, i am not the only one saying this, yes, to that set of people that i named, yes... to name there, for example, there is bubakova, the vice-speaker of our state duma, who, that is, constantly, accordingly, says to solovyov, yes, while the number of people who say that the policy of the central bank today, it kills development, it kills industrial production, because it kills credit, without credit there can be no development, yes, and non-emission financing is that if you have stable rules of the game, why i was involved in the psa, because it provides a guarantee that the conditions do not change project, no matter what the ministry of finance's wishes are, that means...
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oil, well, or get the proceeds, and borrow from yourself for this business, yes, and this will not be justified, what kind of profitable inflation acceleration you will receive, because this will be investment money, and you will launch it, accordingly, into the development of production and in order for us to have no people, no one to work at all, no money can be used. kills the supply, and it is necessary, accordingly, yes, that is, a high rate, accordingly, yes, andrei alexandrovich, you and i are in the long run we will now enter into a discussion, unfortunately we no longer have the opportunity for this, your
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position is clear, thank you very much , by the way, i share it in many ways, but not everything is as the president said, there are subtleties here, and there really are subtleties here that need to be used carefully, otherwise we will break wood together, it will be like in turkey, and we do not want to do that with you, that's all, andrei aleksandrovich, you understand, but as sergeyevich said. the main thing is to start, therefore this discussion about an alternative path, not like this, like mikhail sergeych, there is no need to start, thank you very much, and i will remind you, andrey aleksandrovich, thank you very much, i will remind you, andrey konoplyanik, member of the scientific council of the russian academy of sciences, on systemic research in energy , we had connections, we talked about very interesting topics, well, now to the messages that come from the belgorod region, during the evening attack of the ukrainian armed forces, one person was killed, a shell hit his car directly, another seven people were injured, this was reported by the governor. belgorod region vyacheslav glodkov, according to his information in belgorod itself there are direct hits, an apartment building, several commercial properties were damaged, a passenger
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car, well, in the village of dubovoye, two private houses are burning. kiev is unsuccessfully trying to hush up the diplomatic scandal, let me remind you, foreign minister kuleba called the ukrainian part of the territory of today's poland, well, and... the polish ministry of foreign affairs, accordingly, the parties hastened to declare that the minister was allegedly misunderstood, the polish side is responding harshly, especially since kuleba's speech once again demonstrates the fundamentally different approaches of the two countries to the problem of the volyn massacre. with details natalia solovieva. the youth trail in the city of olszton has often been accompanied by loud scandals, collecting this exclusively political noticeably biased. but this year the resonance turned out to be truly international, putting. i wonder how we will cope with historical difficulties, in particular, when poland will be able to exhume
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the victims of the volyn massacre? on the last day of the forum, the guest was the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine and answering this painful question for all of poland, dmytro kuleba managed simultaneously make territorial claims in warsaw, declare that kiev has no problem with exhuming the victims of the massacre, demand that the memory of the bandera executioners be immortalized. let's leave the stories to the historians and build the future together. if we started digging into history, the quality of the conversation would be completely different. we could remind each other of the bad things that the poles did to the ukrainians, and the ukrainians did to the poles. do you know about operation vistula and olsztyn's role in this operation? and do you know that all these ukrainians were forcibly expelled from the ukrainian territories to live here, including in olszten. you are talking about exhumations, we have no problem with continuing the exhumations. we only have a request to the government in poland.
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in terms of the current lublin, subcarpathian and lesser poland voivodeships. polish mp janusz kowalski demanded that the head of ukrainian diplomacy be expelled from the country. after today's scandalous statement by kuleba regarding volyn and his revisionist speech about forced expulsions from ukrainian territories in the context of the vistula's actions, this the politician should be recognized as persona non grata in poland and leave our country immediately. the diplomatic anti-talent of the head of the ukrainian mfa is shocking.
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will not become a member of the european union without poland's consent. ukraine must meet standards, and they are varied. this is not just a question of trade, the boundaries of legal and economic standards. this is a question of standards, i would say, cultural and political. until there is such respect for these standards on the part of ukraine, then, of course, it will not become part of the european family. joining the european union for ukraine already has a very illusory prospect,
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in this sense, the kuleba is not risking anything. his verbal carelessness has already hit those ukrainians who are currently in poland, and this is almost 1 million refugees. immediately after the scandalous statement, warsaw announced that it no longer intends to pay benefits to families whose children are not enrolled in schools. according to the most conservative estimates, this is about 2,000 people. natalia solaveva, matvey popov and olga lvukhina. vesti. after a short commercial, our broadcast will continue with the vesti program. duty part. alfa investments - this is for money, we give up to 5,000 rubles to everyone, open a free account for investments in alfabank and get a gift, not just profitable. alpha is profitable
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