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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 30, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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all the necessary office supplies, this evening is leaving for a wagon with humanitarian aid, including uniforms for children of the kursk region, we are in constant contact with the kursk region, children, especially high school students, can spend up to 8 hours a day in schools, it is important to provide them with a good, healthy diet. in mordovia , an all-russian parent forum on school nutrition was held, this is traditionally the main platform for discussing all current issues. in our republic, we have created a parental control group in 100% of schools, full coverage. by at the request of parents, starting from the new school year , we are extending this experience to kindergartens, trying to take into account the preferences of children. together with the organizer of meals, we regularly update school menus. this is a class on life safety in the sixty-second school of arkhangelsk. from september 1, the subject will be called the basis of security and defense of the homeland, an innovation of this year. the basics of first aid will be studied in more depth. first aid, that is, i am talking here about. now work, children
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will again be taught to sew, plane, cook and craft, plus an extracurricular activity will be added, family studies. this year , more than a million moscow children will go to school, over 90 thousand students in college. the moscow electronic school, or mash for short , will become available for the first time to students of moscow colleges, which are completely switching to a digital format of education. this was reported at the conference by anastasia rakova, the mayor for social development. the maturity of our digital ecosystem , data accumulated over many years, and the widespread use of artificial intelligence allows us to switch to using services that will help build an individual learning path for a child. from this year, such an individual learning path can be built. in two
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subjects, these are mathematics and english, from next year the number of subjects will increase. anastasia ponko, angelina odovenko, vtaly motorin, polina bykova, news. yur, i would teach pixel to bring something useful, rubles, or something, rubles are brought to us by a vtb debit card. cashback up to 25% in rubles.
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19%. it turns out that you can under 21. i thought about opening deposit in one bank, it turns out you can do it in different ones at once. for money, your own marketplace. it turns out, open a deposit with a 21% rate. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. can a small one do that? kitten? no, iota can. internet without minutes is easy. messengers are free. there are gigs left, we will return the money. try everything for. 399 rubles. small ones, they can be more. still thinking about the ideal housing on domclick everyone will find housing for themselves. formula adapt motor oil takayama protects the engine, instantly adapting to any mode of its operation. takayama - adaptive engine protection. apply for a credit card at vtb. you will get
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a megamarket, cosmetics, palette, reviews, juicy color lays down evenly, will definitely last us a long time, like colors, there are any, olinut, shofrany pesh, and we will also take blush, foundation for me, mom and perhaps, we will buy perfume, megamarket is cool, sale, where did you buy megamarket, school style, we collected our daughter in the supermarket, you are happy, that's for sure, buy a gift set the act for 650 rubles. school style. there are many children's cards. and the most profitable is one. free children's alfabank card. with it, children receive up to 7,000 rubles. cashback for purchases and money in games. not childishly profitable. alfa is profitable. magnit - the price is what you need. sausages for children 1199. still thinking about the ideal? it's time to switch to
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domclick to buy an apartment in a new building or secondary housing or build your own house with a mortgage. choose what everyone will like. on domclick, everyone will find housing for themselves. it seems that they have already grown up, your first smartphones with children's sim cards, when the children have grown up to the first sim card, connect them beeline children's sim card with protection from spam and fraudsters. beline is the safest operator. a loan with cashback from spera is even more opportunities, the amount is up to 30 million rubles. apply in 5 minutes in the application and receive monthly cashback in bonuses with ... thank you, vtb brings us rubles, cashback up to 25%, plus one category of cashback for transferring vtb from other banks, vtb - everything will work out, from
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august 1, the green standard for individual houses is in effect, what advantages does it give and what is included in it, about this in 5 minutes we will tell you in this you... instructions: the new gost was developed according to the roadmap of the ministry of construction and housing of the russian federation together with the national agency for low-rise and cottage construction. its full text can be found on the official website of the federal agency for regulation and metrology. it includes 45 criteria, which are divided into eight categories. individual housing construction projects are assessed comprehensively, everything is taken into account, how the building is designed, how it is built and from what materials, how comfortable and healthy it is to live in it. where will the waste be disposed of, when it operation and so on. when developing the standard, we tried to maintain a balance between the categories, without singling out any specific one as predominant, since according to feedback from the market company, according to feedback from experts, from
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the technical committee in which we developed the standard, we received different proposals, different wishes, and accordingly our task as developers was to achieve a balance, personally i can highlight. the main categories, such as architecture, environmental safety site organization, comfort and quality of the internal environment, energy efficiency and atmosphere and engineering support of the building. construction companies producing house kits will be able to offer customers projects with ratings of gold, silver and bronze. the more gost criteria the project meets, the better, to confirm compliance with the standard and... the bronze rating, it is necessary to fulfill the basic criteria, including the use of energy-efficient space-planning solutions: responsible construction, comfortable living conditions in the house, improved energy consumption and controlled heat consumption, as well as acoustic
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comfort. compliance with green gost is not a tribute to fashion, if the house is built from high-quality materials, well insulated, there are no cold bridges in it. then there will be no dampness in it, and it will need to be heated less in winter or cooled less in summer, its owners will receive small bills for electricity or gas, and it will last longer. a simple example is insulated wall and uninsulated, when a person arrives after a long absence, his walls are frozen, the appearance is lost, the load-bearing capacity of wooden structures is lost, for example, and if we take for example a good house with high-quality... external heat insulation with a high energy efficiency coefficient, accordingly there is no such problem, the house retains heat, maintains stability, which in the long term affects, of course, the marketable appearance of the preservation of property. it will be easier to find funding for green projects, for example,
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get a mortgage for it. banks are more willing to lend money for an object that is almost guaranteed to be in demand on the market, that is, if something happens, a green house in collateral can... will be easier to sell? our guest is aimed not only at individual improvement of the house in terms of energy efficiency and resource-saving technologies, we have many criteria related to infrastructure, such as proximity to kindergartens, proximity to schools, hospitals and, accordingly, infrastructure necessary for human life. developers, who build small villages or large associations of houses at once can build based on these criteria and do more... so, let's repeat the main thing, a new standard for the construction of individual houses has been in effect since august, it takes into account how comfortable it will be to live in them and how many resources will need to be spent on heating them or, conversely, cooling them. houses that will be built according to
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the new gost will be more durable, and it will be easier to find money for their construction. do you want to know more about modern building your own home and support measures for homeowners? write to us in telegram, send us your questions, we will ask them to experts, we will tell you about everything in the next issues of the instructions. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, the amount is up to 30 million rubles. apply in 5 minutes in the application and receive monthly cashback bonuses sberspasibo. look, i'm sure it's time, it seems they have already grown up. your first smartphones with children's sim cards, so that you are always in touch and safe. belain
11:41 pm
will definitely take care of this. when children grown up to the first sim card, connect them to a beeline children's sim card with protection from spam and fraudsters. beline is the safest operator. there are many children's cards, the most profitable is one. free children's card of alfabank. with it, children receive up to 7. cashback for purchases and money in games, not childishly profitable, alpha is profitable, knee pain, back pain, in the neck can be, pentalgin, extragel, pentalgin extragel against muscle and joint pain, there are different chickens, mechanical for small victories, bronze for a drop, good luck, but only tender chicken is created for a big chicken burger and special moments
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of tenderness, a large juicy chicken fillet with a new garlic-cream sauce in a big chicken burger is already in a delicious point, order in the car, wanted to open a deposit at 19%. it turns out that you can under 21, i thought to open a deposit in one bank, it turns out you can at once in different ones, for money your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate. financial services financial market from the moscow exchange i buy a steam generator for 13,999 rubles. you confirm transfer? we will protect you from spam and fraudsters now in messengers. set up protection in the my security service in the beline application for free. beline is the safest operator. vtb brings us rubles, cashback up to 25%. plus one
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category of cashback for a vtb transfer from other banks. vtb, everything will work out. one of my friends breaks not only hearts. an actress on the set, i will not act in this. and you will be left without money. and without a smartphone. will you buy a new rabbit? mega discounts up to 50% and mega gifts when buying a smartphone, for example, second smartphone and others in stores or on the website. only in megaphone, hello, i am your stress, and this is your energy, i love it when you are exhausted, like a squeezed lemon, stress leaves you exhausted, elkar contains elcarnitine, a source of additional energy and helps to cope with stress. elcar - you can fight stress. still thinking about the perfect home? it's time to switch to domclick to buy an apartment in a new building or secondary housing or build your own home on a mortgage. domclick, everyone will find housing for themselves. this is
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america, a program about a country that is difficult understand. hello. joe biden's hopes for a second presidential term were famously dashed by the disastrous debates against trump. and now it's harris' turn, who is not at all good at public speaking , to face the republicans, the dispute over what rules to use for the debates and whether to hold them at all has unexpectedly brought the issue of freedom of speech in the us to the forefront, and the arrest of telegram founder pavel durov in paris has cast an ominous shadow over all of this. the debates will be held on september 10 at the liberal abc channel in prime.
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to be afraid, they say, avoiding the debates. but no matter how much you flap your wings, you can't avoid a meeting. for the candidates, during this race, this will be their first one-on-one communication. philadelphia studio. philadelphia is the largest city in the key swing state of pennsylvania, and also the first capital
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of the united states. the debate will be held standing, no cheat sheets or notes are allowed ... it is not clear about the audience, at one time biden believed that the presence of an audience inside the studio willy-nilly will help trump, who knows how to work with the public, the public will work for him, how it will be with khakharis is unclear, but in any case , all this is unprecedented and difficult to predict. i think that he should agree to any stupid rules that they want. kamela wants an excuse to refuse the debates, do not let her do this. some people really think that with the microphone - this is such a trap of the democrats. they say that khakharis will deliberately try to drag trump into a squabble, and he is an emotional person who gets carried away, he will not resist, which will harm himself. the included microphone will become a test of trump's restraint.
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republican strategists are begging him to play by the rules and forego big policy statements for the greater good. if the campaign's images of trump openly disrespecting a woman had spoken for themselves, harris would also have had a chance to show her strength by repeating her famous answer from the pence debate. here's that famous answer from the vice presidential debate in the fall of 2020. mr. vice president, i say. but trump is no penny, of course, and the main problem haris is not in the choice of form, in the absence of content. she continues to exist in... a carefully inflated information bubble of censorship around her, where uncomfortable questions simply cannot penetrate. haris's press service said that she will definitely give an interview before the end of the week and that she has already given 80 interviews this year. tell me, can those 10 seconds that you talked to her a couple of days ago be considered one of these eighty interviews? if so,
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then we urgently need to advertise this as our exclusive. this brief interview is meant fox reporter dialogue. chicago, madam vice president, congratulations, you are ready for your interview on fox news, and i am working on it. and this was the only unprepared communication between kamal and haris during the entire convention. it's funny, but if you count the time, then during the entire democratic convention she spoke to american television 10 times less than, for example, the governor of california spoke to television.
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he could have been in her place, newsom was seriously tipped to be biden's successor, but now he has to work, as the governor of california said haris will have to work hard, despite the fact that there is no sign of complete trust from the party leadership. i think we should remember that kamala haris was essentially a national joke until this explosion of propaganda in the media, the democrats did not foist her on the party without having a single vote. and one of the reasons for this is that every time she said:
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it is hard to pull off a coherent election program, which even liberal commentators are already paying attention to. joy is not a strategy, as they called a column in new york times. if the main idea of ​​the democratic party convention had to be summed up in a short slogan, it would read, harris is joy, but joy is not a political strategy, americans want her
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to lower the cost of living and make it easier for people to find housing, a happy mommy won't win the election, if you're so smart, show me your money, harris could have countered and would even have been right in some ways, they give sponsorships for her, since biden was taken off the track, as... contributed a political reform fund associated with george soros, this is the largest organization, who is not on this list, is mark
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zuckerberg, although the previous time he, together with his wife prystylichan, invested as much as 400 million dollars in biden's company, now he regrets it, the head of the meta corporation banned in russia, recognized as an extremist, zuckerberg wrote a letter to the judiciary committee of the us house of representatives, where he admitted that ... during the pandemic, he actually worked as a censor for the biden administration. in 2021, high-ranking officials of the biden administration, including the white house has repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain content about covid-19, including humor and satire, and expressed great disappointment when we disagreed. i believe the government pressure was wrong and regret that we did not speak out more candidly about it. facebook has removed more than 20 million posts during the pandemic, and zuckerberg has caved in to fbi pressure over
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the hunter biden laptop story. article about biden's corrupt ties, including with ukraine's burisma, were published by the new york post. but it was an october surprise that could have changed the outcome of the election. in the end, it was not. the article was declared russian disinformation. the first amendment says that the government will not restrict freedom of speech, and that's exactly what they did by forcing zuckerberg to introduce censorship. they violated the first amendment to the constitution, and it's not just facebook, it's all digital media and probably all media in general. so that americans do not doubt biden, the materials began to be digitally stifled, artificially reducing the potential audience that could change their mind and vote for trump. for me, this is interference in the elections and the state.
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dana white, it was white who represented trump at the republican party convention this year, it was he who came up with the idea of ​​holding a charity fight between zuckerberg and his rival, billionaire elon musk, who openly supports trump. the owner of x became one of the most influential americans who responded to the arrest telegram founder. pavel durov. it would be useful for the world community to know more details about why he was arrested. but the internet entrepreneur,
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who is facing extradition to the united states, has already openly stated that the situation with durov's arrest is being coordinated in washington. the scale, number and style of the accusations, as well as the malicious slander, leave me with no doubt that the us government is coordinating this. only biden's insane justice department would use legal mechanisms. to achieve its goals, about that the fbi is closing in on his employees, durov recently told tucker carlson in an interview, to discuss what happened with the head of telegram, carlson invited us presidential candidate robert kennedy jr., who always publicly challenges the american deepstate. the biden administration is encouraging france and macron to arrest the owner of telegram founder pavel, who is now in a french prison. yes, you know, we have lost europe, europe now has no freedom of speech, you know, look what happened to elon musk, they made him
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villain, because his...
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in those old days, when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where
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you need to go, here... they call me, because i'm taking you not where you, a fool, want to go, where you need to go, he doesn't need a pie, who has a flint in his pocket, uh, uh, what started, flint, i can't live without traveling, soon, the general plan of the island left no doubt what they wanted to do with us, before you... a country where there is a lot of white bread, apples, take it all, take it, it's all in your hands, about thirty million russians will be superfluous, a document confirming the intention to carry out a policy of ethnogenocide, that same crime against humanity on nirenberg, which just fell into the planos, the expected losses of the civilian population, numbering in the tens of millions of people, were clearly indicated.
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this policy of pressure on the east, it was hitler's borrowing, he will solve the issue of creating a thousand-year great reich at the expense of the eastern territories, which from his point of view are much more adaptive for german population living there. our region has always adhered to the ideology of chairman xidingping: green mountains and
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emerald waters. a priceless treasure. the communist party of china pays great attention to the university in the field of traditional xidan medicine. in the field of protecting ancient books, we need support, creating conditions and considerable finances. tibet has become part of the prc, it is entering modern life on chinese rails. the sso shelled belgorod, five people were killed, another 37 were injured, including six children. kiev militants targeted peaceful neighborhoods. about another war crime of the zelensky regime, olga kurleva. ukrainian.


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