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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 31, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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we look, we look in the application or on the website. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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gdp data is provided by the ministry of finance, while budget execution exceeds the parameters included in the forecast. revenues in january-june exceeded 17 trillion rubles, less than 19% of gdp. the indicator increased by almost 40% compared to 2023, non-oil and gas revenues are growing, primarily due to vat, excise taxes, import duties. as for expenses, they exceeded 17.5 trillion rubles. the dynamics are also positive. about the progress of budget execution in an interview with our the minister of finance anton siluanov told the tv channel. what is the most important thing? all the obligations that we planned are being fulfilled and exceeded. these are obligations to citizens, first of all social obligations, this is an allowance, that is, for families with children, an important element of our expenses, these are salaries, including taking into account.
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receipts, this speaks of the stability of the economy, of the effective interaction of various industries, jobs are being created, and therefore the sectors of production and services feel the confidence of the budget. such positive trends must, of course , be supported and delays in delivering funding to contractors must be avoided in the second half of the year. the russian economy grew by 4.7% of gdp in the first half of the year, even better than experts predicted. according to the results of the current year,
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everyone will be provided with resources. by the beginning of october, the ministry of finance will present a draft federal budget for next year. now the department, together with the ministry of economic development, is calculating forecast parameters and key priorities for 2025. first of all, this is providing resources for the president's message, the message pays a lot of attention to issues of supporting families with children, people who need state assistance, technological development, additional funds will be allocated for this , the government pays a lot of attention to this, here is support for the regions, so that...
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magic adventures with fire, but hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm taking you not where you, a fool, want to go, where you need to go, ognepo. soon. since august 1, the green standard for individual houses has been in effect, what advantages it provides and what it includes. we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in this issue. instructions. the new gost was developed according to the roadmap of the ministry of construction and housing of the russian federation together with the national agency for low-rise and cottage construction. its full text can be found on the official website of the federal agency for regulation and metrology. it includes 45 criteria. which are divided into eight categories, individual housing construction projects are assessed comprehensively, everything is taken into account, how the building is designed, how it is built and from what materials, how comfortable and healthy it is to live in it, where the waste will be disposed of during its operation, and so on. when developing the standard, we tried to maintain a balance
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between the categories, without singling out any specific one as predominant, since according to feedback from the market company, according to feedback from experts, from... and the technical committee in which we developed the standard, we received different proposals, different wishes, and accordingly, our task as developers was to achieve a balance, and personally i can highlight the main categories, such as architecture, environmental safety of the site organization, comfort and quality of the internal environment, energy efficiency and atmosphere, and engineering support of the building, construction companies and manufacturers of house kits will be able to... offer buyers projects with gold, silver and bronze ratings. the more gost criteria the project meets, the better. to confirm compliance standard and assigning a bronze rating, it is necessary to fulfill the basic criteria. among them are the use of energy-efficient
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space-planning solutions, responsible construction, comfortable living conditions in the house, improved consumption of energy resources and controlled consumption of thermal energy. as well as acoustic comfort. compliance with the green gost is not a tribute to fashion. if a house built from high-quality materials is well insulated, there are no cold bridges in it, then there will be no dampness in it, and heating in winter or cooling in summer, it will need less. its owners will receive small bills for electricity or gas, and it will last longer. a simple example is an insulated wall and an uninsulated one, when a person arrives.
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for example, to get a mortgage for it, banks are more willing to give money for an object that is almost guaranteed to be in demand on the market, that is, if something happens , a green house in collateral can be ... easier to sell, our guest is aimed not only at individual improvement of the house in terms of energy efficiency and resource-saving technologies, we have many criteria related to infrastructure, such as proximity to kindergartens, proximity to schools, hospitals, and, accordingly, infrastructure necessary for human life, developers who build small villages or large associations of houses at once can build based on these criteria and make a higher quality product. so, let's repeat the main thing. since august, a new standard
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for the construction of individual houses has been in effect. it takes into account how comfortable it will be to live in them and how many resources will need to be spent for their heating or, conversely, cooling. houses that will be built according to the new gost will be more durable, and it will be easier to find money for their construction. want to learn more about modern construction of your own home and support measures for homeowners. write to us in telegram, send your questions, we will ask them to experts we will tell you about everything in the next issues of the instruction: our district has always adhered to the ideology of chairman shizenpin: green mountains and emerald waters are a priceless treasure. communist party china pays great attention to the university in the field of traditional shizan medicine. in the field of protection of ancient books, we need support, creation of conditions and...
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an exhibition dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of actor anatoly solonitsyn is opening in the cinema museum, he became widely known after his role as andrei rublev in the film by andrei torkovsky, then there were stalker, solaris, mirror, the actor was filmed by the most famous. turned inward. anatoly solonitsyn
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of the generation of directors always looked as if he had invented his own technique, bought in household cutting boards, squeezed paint out of a tube, burned them, and such pictures turned out. daughters, when torkovsky saw them, he would definitely. take them before going abroad and loved to give them to our great directors, they were all delighted with him, who is this, this is mine, my actor, the same fillini, antoni, he gave them, alexey alexeevich still considers anatoly to be the closest person, he was next to his brother in joy and sorrow, when anatoly three times did not enter the theater, gitis demanded either the lonovs. it was necessary either the tikhonovs, or the simpletons, like
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misha kononov, and actors like anatoly were not needed, the time had not yet come with maktunovsky, oleg borisov, dvorzhetsky. after failures in moscow, solonitsyn entered the theater studio in sverdlovsk, then served there in the drama theater, daily memorized a poem and began to read them from the stage.
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light up - this is my role and goes to moscow, nowhere, arrived at the mass film, there was already approved for the role of andrei. so as not to offend him too much, arranged photo tests, when in this solitaire there were 10-20 actors. suddenly for some reason people started choosing solonitsyn's photograph, first of all, probably, sava yamshchikov had his say, he was such an outstanding restorer, yamshchikov said: "here, here is this, here, here, i can't explain, i don't know, the first shooting with solonitsyn, it is also the most difficult, the final scene, in it rublev
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interrupts the silence during dinner, so his voice had to be hoarse, for this he wrapped a scarf around his throat. he tightened the scarf and was silent, well, they say that he was there for several months, no, not months, more like weeks, but his voice really did go, and torkovsky was horrified came, he said, you could have lost your voice, so let's go together, you to ring the bell, i and co to write, and this bribed me very much that he left the theater. to be in a role, when his daughter was 2 months old, he moved with his family from sverdlovsk to novosibirsk, for the sake of a role in boris gdunov, then there were minsk, stalin, leningrad, he was an incredibly unpretentious person in everyday life, but to say that he lived like a homeless person, in general he had nothing at all, also no, i remember, in
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some letters that my father wrote to my mother, he wrote that i was tearing up my life. i spend all my life to earn these pennies, i can not be near my beloved wife and beloved daughter, sometimes i have the feeling that i am a simple soviet loser. film director yevgeny tsymbal met solonitsyn in the seventy-sixth filming of the film larisa shipitko ascent, this is perhaps his most sinister role of the police investigator portnov, working for the fascists. now you will see. what is a scumbag in reality? do not be surprised, it will not be me, but you yourself, you will discover something in yourself, it does not come to mind came, even children's eyes a little naive, but at the same time he had eyes, i don't know, like a transfacator in a movie, when he
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played a tailor, he somehow, well, such a feeling that his pupil ... went deep inside, such a prickly, sharp and unpleasant look, of course, he was an actor of a very high class, later they will meet on the stalker of torkovsky, evgeny vasilyevich in the group the second director, fate zone, reveals a wonderful person, a meat grinder, what a word, and what right do you have to decide who to live, and who should get into the meat grinder, and he was naive. he was, here is a story by andrei platonov, and there is such a concept, a secret person, he treated his work with some kind of delight and spiritual trepidation, to what he should do, and he himself said, i am a function, here is a director, this
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is the person who creates the rules of the game for me.
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and the same thing, his hands are shaking, this blow, when he breaks glasses and so on, that is, you can see that he is nervous, here is torkovsky, after all, he achieved from actors. practically physiology, man is created by nature to learn about it, endlessly moving towards the truth, man is doomed to learn, everything else is blush, let me ask you, dear colleague, why did you fly here to solaris, you must get to the very essence, pastoral, where not jokes are required, but complete death. seriously, that's how salt shaker played, if necessary, he would have died on the set, but he practically
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died on the set, at the same time he was filming solaris with sergei gerasimov, in the film to love a man, and actually saved tarkovsky's film, mosfilm allocated him limited amount of film, it turned out that we don't have a codec, nikita mikhalkov's full-length debut, with screenwriter eduard voldarsky, he wrote the role of vasily sarachev specifically for solonitsyn. i was the initiator of sending
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the gold, and i will answer to the party according to all the laws of our hard times. that humor and that hooliganism that lived in him was incredible, absolutely, i remember.
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"i have things to do today, i do, but will i do them, no, they buzzed for the whole evening, that's tolya's whole thing, absolutely, humor and depth, tragic note, while the lightness of solonitsyn, all this remained in the director's memory, the actor did not act in mikhalkov's films anymore, but the friendship remained for many years, there was absolutely no acting in him."
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will not be 47 years old, his last role in a nine-minute diploma film conversation, the entire dialogue in the finale there will be a monologue on the grave, the actor did not like, was very embarrassed by applause, they always interfered with him in the same conversation with himself.
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in so, belgorod was shelled, five people were killed, another 37 were injured, including. six children. kiev militants aimed at peaceful neighborhoods. about another war crime of the zelensky regime, olga kurleva. ukrainian criminals aimed at a residential area, this is the khar district of khar mountains, it is the most densely populated area of ​​belgorod. this is city mall, where in the evening at 8 pm there are many people, walking near an apartment building, which.


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