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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 31, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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cashback category for vtb transfer from other banks. vtb - everything will work out. sale. buy at the megamarket and pay in parts up to 6 months without overpayments. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price. and ascafentra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. ascafen - when your head hurts. still thinking about the perfect home? it's time to switch to domclick. to buy an apartment in a new building or secondary market or build your own house on a mortgage. on domclick , everyone will find housing for themselves. summer continues contrary to the calendar. how much longer will the hot weather last on the russian plain? we will tell you about this in the next 20 minutes . here are some other topics we will touch on. at the turn of the season , people are again flocking to the beaches near moscow
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, butterflies are fluttering, flowers are blooming, why did such a hot anomie suddenly arise, will september please us with warmth, the most difficult winter in the history of the independent country, which key nodes of the ukrainian energy system were knocked out by massive strikes by the russian army, at what air temperature do rolling blackouts occur lights all over ukraine will be inevitable.
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in the end of august we will tell in our review, and then we will figure out whether this hot fuse will be enough for the beginning of autumn, who likes to fish there in the area of ​​the bridge, you can not even go there, there is no water there. negative consequences of hot and dry weather in kuban, residents of krasnodar share photos and videos of the shallow river. now, in order to fish , you need to wander for a long time along the exposed bottom, because the water has retreated from the shore by tens of meters. sharky the south of russia has unexpectedly become attractive to bats. in in novorossiysk, rescuers caught and released 12 bats in one night. they flew into the dwelling through open windows, as biologists explained, the bats are now in the migration period, and on the way to africa they happily make a stop on the hot coast of the black sea. and on the beach of baltite , dutch crabs have increasingly begun to appear. in the national park, the kursk spit associates
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this with high temperatures, because the dutch crab is thermophilic, it can be found, for example, on the coast of the mexican bay. even more surprising was the appearance of a large tuna in the zelenogradsk area. this fish usually does not go so far north, but due to the abnormal overheating of sea water it reached even here. august brought chaotic processes in plants. in stavropol and voronezh , chestnuts blossomed for the second time, and dandelions appeared again in the bryansk region. due to temperature anomalies, the risk of wildfires has increased again. for example, in the murmansk region , the tundra has been burning for almost a week. complicating the situation is a strong wind, which fans the flames. this week, crimea was fighting landscape fires. rescuers were extinguishing a fire in the feodosia region. meanwhile, the black sea coast of sochi was flooded with rain. after the downpour , the water level in the khosta river rose by 6 m. it exceeded 2 m. the sole of a dangerous phenomenon: water
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gushed onto the street, for example, in adler on some sections of the federal highway, the car ended up in water up to the hood, traffic was temporarily paralyzed. it floods us, and he thought that he would pass, so that he would not be carried away now. a powerful center of high pressure protected the center of the country from rain. thanks to the hot weather , the swimming season resumed in the central zone. a few days before the onset of calendar autumn, the beaches of the moscow region are crowded again. people swim in large rivers, for example, in the oka, in the serpukhov area, in various quarries and reservoirs. the water warmed up to 20-25 °. stoly. sharp weather contrasts formed on the russian plain due to the confrontation between a stationary anticyclone and cyclonic eddies breaking through to its periphery. so, due to the cloudless and dry weather that reigned in the central part of the high-pressure center, not only the fire hazard
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reached extreme levels, but the air warmed up to record levels. unprecedented heat, for example, was recorded in the vologda, smolensk, bryansk and here. regions, and the frontal cloud fields, shifting along the boundaries of the high-pressure center, poured out colossal amounts of moisture here. sochi suffered the most from such floods this week. in just 24 hours , the entire august volume of moisture poured out on the city, this is in four times more than the record value of the 21st century, but still significantly inferior to the absolute maximum. recorded in the middle of the last century, and in general at the end of summer such powerful showers fall on the resort capital of russia once every 35 years. in the coming days, the situation in the atmosphere will change little, a vast anticyclone will spread over most of european russia,
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so the region is mostly sunny and no rain. only an atlantic cyclone will break through to the northwest, and here autumn. starts to the accompaniment of rains, another vortex stuck over the black sea will cause local showers and thunderstorms in the south of the country. it should be said that cyclones will continue to pump air masses from the mediterranean to the russian plain, although a slight cold snap awaits residents of the northwest over the weekend, and the hot anomaly territory will be limited to the middle and southern latitudes, but at the beginning of the new week... a stream of subtropical heat will again begin to break through to the coast of the white and barents seas, in central russia , on the contrary, at this time the midday heat will weaken a little, for example, in moscow the sunny and dry weather will linger in the coming days, the peak of warming in the megapolis is on
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sunday, at midday around a record +30, but by the middle of next week the heat will subside a little, the daytime temperature will drop. to +26, but this is still more than 5° warmer than usual. well, what do our models' calculations say about the weather for the whole of september, i will tell you at the end of the program. on other topics: in winter, the ukrainian energy sector will face serious tests, there is no doubt about this, even the functionaries of the kiev regime. the head of the ministry of energy golushchenko predicts the most difficult winter in the history of the independent country, and the chairman of the board of ukrenergo kudritsky almost guarantees regular power outages for the population. details from tatyana belova. tanya, are the prospects gloomy? vadim,
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gloomy, no matter how you look at it, even now ukrainian energy workers themselves admit that with the onset of cold weather, even with light frosts , it will be impossible to balance the ukrainian energy system without disconnecting, which is not surprising given the recent... but the ukrainian energy system has become even more closer to disintegration into separate isolated islands. here is an electrical substation burning in zhitomir. black clouds of smoke rise into the sky. and the following shots are from the outskirts of the ukrainian capital. the kiev hydroelectric power station was burned through by a precise strike. the structure is engulfed in flames, traces of destruction are visible. explosions thundered almost all over ukraine, including in the kharkiv, vinnytsia, ivano-frankivsk, kiev and dnipropetrovsk regions. the russian army used a wide range of weapons for the strike, from kamikaze drones, the giran family to winged and ballistic missiles. traditionally, the ukrainian military reported the shooting down of all russian missiles and drones. ukrainian air force commander alischuk counted as many as 99 destroyed uavs and
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102 intercepted missiles. well, the lights in the ukrainian telethon studio apparently went out on their own during the live broadcast. the power and water supplies were also inexplicably cut off. the nature of air defense, namely object-based, is of a focal nature, firstly, secondly, here we have - the attack is carried out in a comprehensive manner, there are means that allow concealment, here is the air defense system, then it is attacked, then it is targeted, here is the attack on the object of attack, the targets of the strike on august 26 were industrial facilities, the military-industrial complex, transport infrastructure and , of course, energy. the kiev hydroelectric power station, which is the first link in the cascade of hydroelectric power stations
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on the dnieper, was seriously damaged. as a result of the strike , several substations with a capacity of 330 kv were damaged at once, in particular the trikhaty substation, nikolaevskaya region, pervomayskoye in the dnipropetrovsk region and usatove in the odessa region. a fire was also recorded on the territory of the vinnytsia substation, and this is already a large distribution hub with a capacity of 750 kv. we emphasize that the failure of the single-phase autotransformer of the vinnytsia substation created problems for the entire energy system of ukraine, since this facility connects the three remaining nuclear power plants in the country: yuzhnoukrainskaya, khmelnytskyi and rivne. at the kyiv gs, two of the five generator transformers were knocked out. as a result, the facility lost 40% of generating capacity. today we are witnessing precisely the already critical damage to the energy structure of ukraine. and indeed. ukraine has no chance of surviving the winter quite calmly, therefore
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, unofficially, in kiev everyone is advised to move to the private sector, stock up on firewood, buy generators, buy fuel in advance, that is, relatively speaking, get ready to survive on your own as best you can, that is , in fact, the state itself is removing itself from this issue, the process of de-electrification of the military machine of the kiev regime is in full swing in progress, now ukraine looks like a black spot in... nighttime images from space. the contrast is especially noticeable compared to brightly lit russian cities. the rally in ukraine was cancelled to save electricity , and the routes of 74 commuter trains were cut. back in mid-april, energy minister goloschenko admitted the loss of more than a third of generating capacity, and emergency power outages were introduced throughout ukraine from may 15. but ukrainian energy experts seem to know how to lead the country out of the darkness. they just need to make the people work some more more, if i were the state, if i were the government, i would consider the option of switching
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from an eight- hour workday to a ten-hour workday, so that people would work another 2 hours to restore the country's economy, for energy capacities, for the military-industrial complex, for everything related to the war. a truly gloomy outlook is emerging: either toil for the kiev regime in the rear, or die for it at the front. there is no third option. although, we can still offer zelensky's team one way to replenish the energy deficit. the scheme is not yet operational, but it is very promising, and the main thing is that it is completely harmless to the environment, so it will be much easier to ask for money in the west to implement such a project. in california, they are developing mirror satellites. according to the idea, the network of spacecraft will be. connected to a smartphone application, through which it will be possible to order illumination of the desired
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location on the ground from orbit. the satellites will be equipped with special mirrors that can capture and reflect sunlight onto certain areas of the earth. it is assumed that the devices will be located in solar synchronous orbit at an altitude of 600 km. in a day they will be able to go around our planet twice, flying from the pole. to the pole, there are plans to create a group of 57 small satellites. mirrors measuring approximately 10 by 10 m will be deployed in orbit. they should concentrate light into a narrow beam, which can then be directed and focused depending on the needs. but what are these needs, where can such technology be used, how much energy will such a beam bring to each square meter of surface, and i would also like to note that everything new, well forgotten old, russia at one
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time also conducted experiments with space mirrors, what results came out of this, you will learn in our material. two californians ben novak and tristan samekh puzzled over global energy problems. in the west , solar power plants are actively being built, but the snag is that energy production on them depends entirely on. incoming sun rays. yes, we have these giant solar farms in the deserts, generating huge amounts of energy during the day, but when the sun goes down... they are idle and we thought, what if we direct sunlight that flies past the earth at night onto them? we are working on solving this problem, we are thinking about how and where to deploy mirrors in orbit that would reflect the rays directly from the solar panel at night. this is how the idea of ​​a startup was born: to launch satellites equipped with mirrors into a heliosynchronous orbit and set up the reflectors
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in such a way that they could redirect the rays of the solar panels around the clock. by the way, the americans honestly admitted that in their project was based on the russian space experiment program znamya. by controlling sunlight, the world would be powered forever. in the nineties , the russians launched a reflector satellite, and it worked, but we have come a long way since then. how far they have come is debatable, in any case, the znamya project was purely scientific and did not pursue commercial goals. its main task... was to test the energy efficiency of such a reflection, here we immediately see a startup that wants to announce this idea to her, that is, to the entire constellation of spacecraft as a business model, but by and large, technologically , they have not gone any further than they have here, there is no additional interesting, possibly ground
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station that could process this, there is nothing else, it is exactly the same idea. in exactly the same execution, last summer californians tested mirrors on a balloon hovering at an altitude of 3 km above a solar farm, then they managed to generate 500 w energy per square meter of solar panel, which is about half of the intensity of solar radiation, and if we are talking about some practical application, then we need to understand that the light spot that this reflector can make, even if we put everything together, it is not enough for some... serious power plant, to understand the minimum of russian solar power plants, professional ones, has a size of 15 hectares, on average about 200, and here we are talking about a size of 10 by 10 m - this is one hundred square meters, this is very, very little, although the company has received funding to launch its first test
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satellite into space next year, in general the project is in its infancy, if... to approach the matter seriously, then no amount of money will be enough to implement, even a good idea. the largest experimental sail made of the thinnest mylar film was deployed in space in 2015. with dimensions of 38x38 m, the cost of the project was 30 million dollars. in order to effectively implement the idea of ​​the californians, hundreds, if not thousands of such mirrors will be needed, and if we add to this the operating costs of a huge number of satellites, then the cost of the project will become truly astronomical, in addition, astronomers have sharply opposed orbital mirrors, they say that after the launch of the starlink satellites it has become more difficult to observe space, musk's devices spoil the image from telescopes, leaving traces in the pictures, and dozens of reflectors in orbit will generally put an end to astronomical observations. and
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now our traditional column: forecast space weather, which we compile together with our colleagues from the institute of space research of iran. experts are expecting a trick from the sun every day. the fact is that by all indications, the outgoing week was quite calm. the most noticeable event was the magnetic storm that occurred on wednesday, it lasted for about 5-6 hours, and was able to reach only two points on a five-point scale. flare activity in recent days has been moderate. flares of the highest x point were not recorded. however, geomagnetic the calm on earth contrasts strongly with the real situation of the sun. the star is in a very active state. there are many groups of spots on its surface, many active centers.
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therefore, scientists froze in anticipation of a burst of activity, but the sun seems to... such a decrease in temperature is enough for this area to become much darker, the surrounding. spots really sometimes form funny shapes, although not often, the fact is that spots are formed by magnetic tubes, tubes by definition have a round cross-section, therefore
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the basic shape of a spot is also a circle, so seeing a spot in a shape other than a circle, and even such an unusual one, like a heart, is really a rare event, unfortunately, yes, such forms are short-lived and well, in general , right now at the end of the week this heart is no longer there, what? as for forecasts, so far the models as the most likely scenario show moderate activity in the first half of the coming week and its growth in the second, from interesting observations we note the surprisingly asymmetrical activity of the sun, all the spot flashes are concentrated in the southern hemisphere of the star, in the northern there is absolute purity, apparently energy is accumulating there, scientists do not... that it is from there that it will soon fly by land. and finally, as promised, our
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exclusive weather forecast for september, what surprises to expect from the heavenly office in the first month of autumn, i will tell you right now. at the beginning of the calendar autumn, in most areas on the russian plain, the temperature regime will be 2-4 ° above normal. the only exception will be the north of the region, here nature will implement a cool weather scenario, atmospheric processes in siberia will develop in the same way, most of the far east will be in the area of ​​a warm temperature anomaly and the average temperature will exceed long-term values ​​by 1-3°, but let's return to central russia, the entire first ten days of september... the temperature regime in the region will be quite summer, the average temperature will significantly exceed the required threshold of 15°. meteorological autumn will begin only in
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the middle of the month, almost 2 weeks later climatic terms, at the end of the second ten-day period a powerful arctic invasion is expected, so thermometer readings will be almost 4° below normal, and only at the end of september again. chances for warming will appear , that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it is, goodbye, there are many children's cards, the most profitable one, a free children's card of alfabank, with it children receive up to 700 rubles. cashback for ... and money in games, not childishly profitable, alpha is profitable, now we will find you a new laptop, for study,
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school style. buy a gift set. the act for 650 rubles. megamarket, school style. despite the development of alternative energy, the traditional energy drink is still very will stay with us for a long time. reducing energy costs is the main way to reduce co2. water use. this is also energy, a hydroelectric power station, once you built a dam, wind stations, the wind is there, then not, and if there is no wind, then diesel generators work. of course, diesel power plants will continue to work, for what the wind and sun cannot provide.
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we start with belgorod as a result of yesterday's strike. five civilians were killed, 46 people were injured, seven of the victims were children, one child is still in serious condition. our correspondent olga kurlaeva is on the line from the region. olga, i welcome you, tell us what the situation is at this moment, how are the victims feeling? yes, tatyana, let's start with the operational situation, again the long-suffering shibekina, who finds the shibekinsky urban district,
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which on...


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