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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 31, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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big risk for both of you, it was probably only a matter of time before you somehow came together, do you agree with me? yeah, i think we've had a number of political realignments, about four or five throughout american history, and i think we're going through one right now with the democratic party, both political parties are really changing in quite dramatic ways, and you and i were talking earlier about a... "the transformation of the republican party into an environmental party, the democratic party there is one environmental problem, namely carbon intolerance, which ultimately benefits the oil companies, black rock and goldman sachs with their $100 billion wind energy and carbon capture projects, all of which depletes the middle class and it's..." the only
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issue you can talk about in the democratic party. i joined the environmental movement to protect habitats and preserve nature, to detoxify our. amen. and none of these issues are of concern to the party itself. the rank and file. the democrats care about them, but the party itself, no. there's a big, deep change going on, and not just on that issue. you know, it 's the dominance of this corrupt fusion.
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as it has for many years, clung to this illusion of democratic institutions that they're still democratic, considers itself, it sees itself, my friends, i was like that, so the democratic party , the democrats, see themselves as part of the good guys, the cowboys, you know, they're like the good guys at fort apache. married to hordes of barbarians who are about to storm the gates, they - the only defense, the only way to contain the barbarians is to elect a president who has dementia, because you're voting for a machine, and you're not voting for, you know,
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another presidential candidate who was appointed without any election, essentially got rid of democracy. to save democracy, they appointed a candidate who hasn't given one interview, one news source, in 40 days, and you know, one of the things that my uncle's father always thought about, how the rest of the world sees us, right, they realized that america was a model democracies, when we created our modern democracy in 1789 or 1791, when the bill of rights was ratified, we were the only democracy on earth, by 1865, during the endless civil war, there were five, they were all modeled on america, when my uncle took office, there were about 150, by the late sixties, 190,
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they were all based on the american model, and you know, we were a model country, we were...
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the job of the president of the united states is to keep the country out of war. he said he didn't want the children in in africa, latin america, and asia, they thought of a man with a gun when they heard about the united states. he wanted them to think of the peace corps, the alliance for progress, the united states agency for international
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development. he created these programs to build a middle class, to do away with the oligarchs and the war party that used to be the beneficiaries of u.s. aid. and he said, help the poor and build institutions of education, health care, all the institutions of democracy, so that we can be a model for the rest of the world and do what we have to do. expect, that is, to encourage the development of democratic government, we now have, we have a system that produces people, you know, candidates from the democratic... party, who cannot even defend the reputation of america in the world, and who parrot this war rhetoric, preaching the ideology of military domination that has gotten us into this trouble, it has caused a catastrophe in our country, it
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has destroyed the middle class, it has made us pariahs around the world, it has led to the rise of the brix, it is leading to the rise of totalitarianism around the world. and finally, i would say that if you really look at what is happening in the democratic party today, this party, demos, in greek means the people, but this party does not believe in the people, this party wants tight control, they did not trust anyone to hold real elections, they got rid of the primaries because they did not trust the people, then they appointed vice president harris without elections and without even the appearance of elections because they did not trust the people, and you know, now they are the party of censorship. and how can democracy be combined with censorship? you can't have democracy, they're
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absolutely incompatible, and everybody knew, you and i were brought up reading o'reilly, aldous, huxley, and you know, robert heinlein and alexander salzenitzen, all of these books and others were part of the classic literature that was taught in every american classroom. they said that: that the first step toward totalitarianism always begins with censorship, it's the first step down a slippery slope, and there's no period in history where we can look back and say that the people who introduced censorship, were the good guys, they were always the bad guys, because we knew, we know that these people are eventually going to beat us with a knot will be our overlords, then the thing is, you and i... talked about this clip, the clip of tim walts, governor tim
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walts, about how government should be the final arbiter of what speech is protected and what speech is not. he said the first amendment shouldn't protect misinformation, but it does. the first amendment can protect not only truth, but it can also protect lies. but it's passed not only to defend speech that everyone wants to hear, but also to defend speech that no one wants to hear, especially speech that criticizes people in power, namely, in their current formulation, disinformation is defined as any speech that criticizes their actions, with that in mind, you see the biden administration encouraging france, macron, to arrest.
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look what happened to elon musk, elon musk should be a hero of the democratic party, the old democratic party thought he was a hero, he became a villain because in fact his platform was the only platform that allowed free speech, and now he became a villain because the democratic party doesn't believe in the people, if you, if you don't believe in free speech, that means you don't trust the people, you don't allow them to figure things out for themselves, to have information on which they can base their ideas, their perceptions, and their beliefs, and their votes, and their votes, the government has to... protect people from dangerous information, from things that can
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indoctrinate them with bad ideas and it's a very patronizing system but it's also a very manipulative and insidious system and it's the opposite of democracy really and you won't find a single democrat who would really criticize it and oh i know something will come out about me because i've lived a colorful life and you know people tell stories about me but i'm ready for it i'm ready i 've never done anything criminal like stealing or getting rich i've done a lot of stupid things you know got rich on senseless wars abroad, no, not yet, and no, okay, you didn't force people to inject themselves with substances, no, i've never done that, in any case, it became clear to me that if kamala
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is elected, we will not solve the issues that concern me, namely ending foreign wars, unjust, immoral, deliberate wars, like in ukraine. defeating censorship, which is an existential threat to our democracy and protecting children from an extremely dangerous epidemic, chronic diseases, here are the... three reasons why i ran for president. your third party entry hurt trump. nobody disputes that. the polls show that clearly. so for...
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i'm doing, you know, today is a quiet day because i'm doing one interview with you, but i usually do about seven or eight interviews a day, sometimes 10 or 12, and i've been doing this every day for 16 months, we have a list of 400 people right now who want to interview me, i'm talking to as many people as i can, i want, to have my voice, my vision, my concerns heard and... "i can't imagine living publicly any other way, president trump does the same thing, he's not afraid of interviews, even with theo vaughan, he talks to you, he talks to everybody, to the people who disagree with him, he doesn't censor you, no, he talks to the reporters
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who write shitty stories about him all the time." you know, from the new york magazine with meggie heiberman of the new york times. heiberman hasn't written one good word about donald trump, and he talks to her as often, very often, yes, often. kamala went 40 days, she didn't even give a scripted interview. the only unscripted interview she gave was when she got off the plane. i think it was at andrews air force base, and there was a reporter waiting for her, you know , with one question. when are you going to do an interview, she said, i've got the team set up one, it was the third of august, and i do, you know, seven or eight interviews a day, that says a lot, and you know, i'm not bragging, i'm just saying that's what you do if you're a public figure, and
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what's the point of being a public figure if you don't want to push your vision, so i saw kamala harris... in her convention speech talking about voting access, i know, i was in court in new york trying to get on the ballot while she was, you know, talking, the john lewis voting rights act, we're going to pass it, everybody has a vote, yeah, except their opponents, i think that's obviously a big political story, you support trump. that's a big change in your life, you were a democrat, you're still a democrat, but i also think, like, you said at the beginning, i'm an independent, i registered as an independent when i was running, when i talked to president trump, we talked about, you know, we were going to form a unity government with independents, that's not really
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a typical endorsement, that's... like abraham lincoln's team of rivals, where we might continue to disagree publicly on some things, but where we do agree, we're going to seek to get into government together to make sure that those issues are priorities for our country, and you know, i liked his attitude, and maybe we can continue, there are some...
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and so, i believe in that, yeah, you see how this realignment has happened where the elites on wall street, the big tech companies,
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the pharmaceutical companies, the big banks , are all now on the democrat side, and on the republican side, the working class, the middle class, the cops, the firefighters, sean o'brien from the teamsters, great guy, great guy, great guy. i like him a lot, he spoke at the democratic convention, so i mean, in the republican party. so you see this massive change, and even on environmental issues, it's so strange to me because the democrats have become part of this carbon intolerance politics, and i've talked about this, their only issue is carbon, and that's led them to do something that you should never do if you're an environmentalist, which is to commodify everything and quantify it, everything is measured by its carbon footprint, how many tons of carbon does this or that produce, essentially you put everything on some
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kind of scale to quantify something. and explain its value, you know, in numbers, and we protect the environment for a completely different reason, and by the way, it's better... what you can do for the climate is restore the soil. the soil is the solution to everything. the soil soaks up all this carbon, if it soaks up the water, it will stop the flooding. it will give us healthy food. that's what our national policy should be. we should restore the soil, and you know, look, if you want to unite america and talk about these.
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the whole midwest is being robbed of people's rights property, expropriation , who makes money off of it? black rock, it's a useless technology that doesn't work, it's just useless labor. and
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that's what has become the environmental movement in this country. and if you deviate from that orthodoxy, you get kicked out. if you want to make americans fight each other, talk about carbon. if you want to unite americans, talk about protecting the environment. your description of why we protect nature and its role in our lives, and what happens when you're cut off from nature. and animals? which is part of nature, the best thing i've ever heard. i'm serious, when it becomes a matter of quantifying for profit, then it kind of ruins the whole thing. so my last question is, what's going on now? you made such a great announcement with donald trump, it's only been a few days. what are you going to do between now and election day? i'm going to work to get him elected, and i'm working with his company, we're working together on policy issues. i've been asked
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to be part of the transition team to help select the people who are going to run the government and i'm looking forward to that and i'm going to fight. "i don't know what will happen to me if we lose, but a lot of people that i know personally that i'm friends with have gone to jail, one of them is in jail now, pavel durov, there are others, what will happen to you if he loses, i mean, if trump loses and kamala harry becomes president, well, i don't know, but look, i never think about that, i think, okay, that's what i am. i think, okay, here's what i have to do today: get up and report for duty, just go and do it, there's no word crisis, there's the word task,
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right, and... so i'm going to be a kind of happy warrior, you know, i know what i have to do and i'm going to do it, robert kennedy jr., thank you, thank you, it's an honor to talk to you, thank you.
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aerial searches are currently impossible due to darkness, dense fog in kamchatka, another mi-8 helicopter with 22 people on board. about how rescuers work and what is known by this minute in the report of our correspondent from the region. 37 people
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remain in hospitals in belgorod after yesterday's shelling of the vcu, 11 are in serious condition. the city was hit by a vampir rocket system with cluster munitions. new rules for installing traffic cameras, insuring taxi passengers, increased pay for overtime work. our colleagues from the economy section will tell you about the main innovations that come into force on september 1. new technologies, new opportunities for... a new hospital opened in the city a modern educational campus where it specialists will be trained. how the training will be conducted and what technical innovations have already been demonstrated at the opening ceremony. and let's start with the situation in the kursk region. russian.


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