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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 31, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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in kamchatka, where it was already morning, the search for the mi-8 helicopter that disappeared in the area of ​​the vachkazhets volcano was resumed. there were 22 people on board. our correspondent alexandra ostrikova is now in direct contact.
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25 km, but the route passes through a mountain range, in addition, a very empty fog descended, almost immediately the airline sent a second plane to search, but it did not yield results, the emergencies ministry plane also could not take off due to the weather, a ground group was immediately sent, the minister of emergency situations of the kamchatka territory, sergey lebedev told us the details of the search and rescue operations. about what actions are currently being carried out, in addition, the building of the kchs, the yelezsky municipal district and the kamchatka territory is being held, where a decision is made to bring the forces of means to readiness, in particular , the medical unit is preparing the necessary medical institutions in case they are needed, and psychologists are being brought in to provide possible assistance, our colleagues from ...
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the ministry of forestry is considering the possibility of providing assistance to the rescue operations in terms of protecting the lives of rescuers from wild animals? i am currently on the territory of the search and rescue team, literally an hour ago another ground group left from here, forestry employees have been brought in to ensure the safety of the rescuers themselves in...
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according to weather forecasters, thick fog, poor visibility will last at least another day, so air searches are impossible, we are only relying on the guys from the ground rescue groups. and i would also like to say that a huge number of volunteers have volunteered to help rescuers, but that's all i have for now. yes, alexandra, thank you, let's hope that people are still alive. alexander ostrikova with the latest information on the search for a missing person in kamchatka by helicopters-8. russia has demanded that the un condemn the shelling of the belgorod region . kiev militants launched a series of strikes on civilians on friday, using cluster munitions from czech systems. vampire,
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five people were killed, 46 were wounded, including seven children. about the consequences of alexey kornev. these terrifying shots capture the moment an enemy shell hit a moving a car on the highway. a few seconds later , another one falls to the side of the road. the driver had no chance of survival from such a strong impact. now the tragedy is reminded by melted spare parts and a small bouquet grew in memory of the victims of the terrorist act. several people died, over forty received injuries of varying severity, five civilians died, sincere words of condolence to all relatives and friends, 46 people, civilians of renin, now 37 people are in hospitals, seven of them are children, seriously wounded were quickly taken to a regional medical facility, two children are in critical condition in intensive care, five adults are also in intensive care under observation. all
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telemedicine consultations have been conducted, treatment has been agreed upon. a barrage of cluster munitions fell on residential areas of belgorod and the region the previous evening. one of the shells hit the technical floor of this residential building, it received severe damage, a direct hit was also recorded in one of the apartments there are no casualties among the residents, various cars in the shopping center parking lot were damaged, a wheel exploded, the glass was broken, the left side was broken, fortunately there were no people in the car, they said it was better not to touch it, but well, two glasses with holes, one of the warheads fell on the highway, one of the shells fell right on the roadway. part of its remains are still visible at the point of impact. the barbaric blow fell on residential areas of the belgorod district. there was a fire in the roof of two townhouses on the outskirts of the city, dry grass in flames. the fire caused great damage to the roof, the third and partly the second floor. these houses
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were not fully restored after the previous shelling. the master was doing the tiles. my wife started cleaning up this noise we ran in there, ran in, and such a roar. when it started. i hid in the toilet there, then went up to the second floor, saw that the attic was on fire, well, i tried to put it out there, but there was already a fire, emergency services are working at the scene of the emergency in belgorod in the vicinity, together with the residents they are eliminating the consequences of the landings, assessing the damage. the shell that hit the roof of this residential building caused literally an avalanche of bricks, falling construction debris fell on cars parked in the yard. you can see the damage with your own eyes. a missile hazard signal, children playing in the yard miraculously managed to take cover in the entrance of a multi-story building, the shell hit the target literally a split second later. we ran from the site, then the bricks began to fall, it's good that the adults there showed us that we need to get under cover, the door opens, we have a machine gun, when the alarm starts, they all jumped
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into the entrance there, both adults and children, glory thank god, no one was hurt, several multi-story buildings were damaged, windows and facades were damaged, immediately after the missile danger signal was cancelled. builders began restoring the thermal circuit according to a temporary scheme. after assessing the damage and taking the necessary measurements, new double-glazed windows will be installed. alexey kornev, vyacheslav podzolkov. vesti belgorodskaya oblast. in the korsa oblast , a unit of the sever group, with the support of aviation and artillery, repelled six attacks by assault groups of the armed forces of ukraine in the direction of the settlements of borki, komarovka, malaya loknya and matveevka. in one day, zelensky's formations lost 400 servicemen. and eighteen units of armored vehicles, since august 6, in the kors direction, kiev troops have lost more than 8,200 soldiers, officers, mercenaries, 701 armored vehicles were burned, well, in this footage, militants in an american humvee armored vehicle tried to escape from a russian drone, but could not,
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56 artillery pieces were also destroyed. meanwhile, the minister of defense of the kingdom of the netherlands said that he would supply ukraine. the west hopes that kiev can stop collapse of the front, but the truth admits that there is no chance of this, about the throwing of the zelensky regime, elizaveta khramtsova, confusion of surprise, words that are almost more often than others found in interviews with ukrainian military personnel recently, according to forbes, the national guard of ukraine decided for...
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the kiev patient. ukraine is dead. there are still some signs of breathing, but the vital organs are damaged. and a quick collapse is a matter of time. we have already seen the failure of military operations in donbass. the front lines are crumbling very quickly. russians over the past 2 days took something like seven cities, and before it took three weeks to take one city. the situation is aggravated by the death of the long-awaited american fighter. analyzing the consequences of the loss of the f-16, ukrainian experts note two circumstances. the dismissed head of the air force, alisch, threatened to sue nordip bezugly, who told about the circumstances of the crash, and thus went against the gray cardinal of the bank, the head of the administration, yermak. at the same time, ukraine is outraged by the fact that the american fighter is more important to the authorities than its own citizens, because the russian il-76 with ukrainian prisoners on board was shot down
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by the same patriot, but then aleshchuk sat still. for kiev, the plane crash is a double blow to its reputation. the pilot alexei mes, known by the call sign monfish, who died on monday, was one of... these guys with hollywood looks, with impeccable english, with very clearly written messages, convinced both the american people in general, because democracy works there and the opinion of voters is very important, and american senators, congressmen, they had meetings at the top level. and now have to beg for weapons with the forces that are left, and these are people who do not have the same heroic appearance as the pilots. the day before , a group of ukrainian officials reported to the head of the pentagon on the situation at the front. and although the delegation was officially headed by deputy prime minister sviredenko, and the words
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were given to lloyd austin by defense minister umerov, the website of the president of ukraine in the illustrations indicated that the head of the office iermak is the owner of this house. viewers of the endless telethon are instilled with the idea that the officials almost persuaded washington to allow strikes deep into russian territory with american weapons. and the official statement by the pentagon about maintaining restrictions in kiev is described as a clever move. so what kind? i really want all these statements to be such a fog of war, such white noise around the fact that a decision will be made, and this is no longer what is relevant, this should have happened not the day before yesterday, but a year ago, then the war would have developed differently, but the logic of the process shows that all conceptual decisions are late, and zelensky has repeatedly said this. according to official reports, the ukrainians insisted on strengthening air defense at the meeting, the same f-16s have already been used by the ukrainian armed forces against russian fighters.
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the ukrainians have two options that the west recognizes: the first, in which the ukrainians lose even more territory, the second, they begin some negotiations and come to an agreement, they will get a frozen conflict, in which ukraine will be doing better than if the conflict had not been completed. in addition to the pentagon, the head of the ukrainian presidential office, yermak, managed to go and bow to the us presidential adviser on national security salivan. the meeting was attended by advisers to the heads of germany, france and great britain, the result was. the stingy terms of the press release on the west's support for kiev. ilzetta khramtsova, andrey sapekin, matvey popov, news. yes, now the news
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that comes with the urgent mark. the israeli army reported that it destroyed by air strike in the central part of the gaza strip, the field commander of the central camps brigade, one of the palestinian groups , mohammed katroui. vladimir putin congratulated the president of kyrgyzstan sadyr. dzhaparov on the day independence of the republic, noted that the relations between the countries are based on the principles of strategic partnership and alliance. the state effectively interacts within the framework of eurasian economic union, csto, cis, sco and other structures. putin expressed confidence that russia and kyrgyzstan will continue to build mutually beneficial ties in all areas. well , then, after a short advertisement, about those who decided to send macron into retirement.
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school style, pash, look, what magic, apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything most important, gazprombank, 7 days fly by unnoticed, but not for the liver, because giptral is active from the first week of admission, the liver is tired, giptral time, order us dravcity. in st. petersburg, doctors were unable to save the victim in primorsky park. a tree fell on this person. here now there will be these shots from surveillance cameras. the camera just filmed how the tree took root and fell on the alley where people were walking and relaxing in the food court area. the petrogradsky district prosecutor's office is currently conducting an investigation. in france
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, the impeachment procedure of president emmanuel macron was initiated. this was done by the party unbowed france, which represents a coalition of the left. they won the parliamentary elections. the reason was macron's refusal to appoint lucia castet as the new prime minister. this decision was supported by other political forces. a rally was held in paris. under the slogans, macron must resign, and no to the dictate of the puppets macron and zelensky. macron is just a pawn of the oligarchic system. we all see clearly that western countries led by the united states are waging a war against russia and our president says that we must go further, we must stir up the conflict, he was the first to say that we must introduce our troops into ukraine, just think about how stupid it is, and later , under the influence of someone in the united states, i am sure of it, he arrested pavel durov, now he says, without blushing that he fights for freedom of speech,
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what, it's a disaster, he works against the interests of the french people, the founder of messenger. telegram pavel durov, during interrogation in paris, said that he maintained contacts with employees of the french counterintelligence and met with them in dubai. this was reported by the publication liberation. it placed a portrait of the businessman on the cover under the headline "the man who hid too much." durov himself noted that he would not talk, oh, i quote information constituting a military secret. the businessman was detained last week, was released under a ban on leaving france. bail of 5 million euros. he faces six charges, including refusing to cooperate with the authorities in aiding and abetting drug trafficking and fraud. but all this does not concern his personal involvement, the use of a messenger for these purposes. lawyers called the charge absurd. it is the same as trying the owner of an auto concern for the fact that, for example, terrorists used a car, all this has already been noted in the kremlin.
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residents of veliky novgorod celebrated the day. city, it is 1165 years old, the festivities unfolded on nine venues, there were concerts, exhibitions, master classes and costume performances, volleyball and football tournaments were held on the city beach , and motorcyclists demonstrated their performances on the central square. an initiation ceremony was held at the st. petersburg university. ksenia yakubina visited the students at the celebration. a four-point suspension system for four-point cargo drop is being tested. you can try to control a drone, if you managed to take off 10 times and not crash a model airplane, you can control a real one device, in an interactive form at the student fair they talk about
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the university's opportunities. here are the stands of all our teams, toro's layouts for this year for first-year students, a lot of sports movements, and first-year students and just all participants of this event can set their own record for the fact that they will break the record that already stands, they receive our calendar, museums. the center only has time to combine with lectures, to get into the ranks of those who have access to these student bonuses in this year there was not just a competition for a budget place at st. petersburg state university 21 people per place. i decided that i would enter medicine, literally six months before the exams, i prepared very quickly, entered st. petersburg state university in the medical field, and i am very glad that i was able to enter. i was very worried, because for me it was the first time. such an experience of passing exams, guys from 140 countries of the world tried to enter us, for the first time in our country from all regions of russia. this university on the neva is one of the largest
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scientific and educational centers in europe and world. today, more than 20,000 students study here, more than 15 large laboratories and 23 resource centers have been created, which are part of the country's leading science park. st. petersburg university is the first university in russia. this year, the institution turns 300 years old, and its graduates include two presidents of the country. government representatives and several nobel prize winners. and those who are just starting their student journey at the legendary university are launching paper boats. each one has a cherished wish written on it, this is one of the traditions of initiation into students. ply the boat. meanwhile , real yachts with winners of the international mathematical olympiad on board are cruising in the neva waters. white sails as a symbol of the beginning of a great voyage in the sea of ​​knowledge. ksenia yakubina, sergey fodiyev, news! find out
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8:26 pm
per month, i welcome you, dear viewers of the russia 24 channel, to our next issue of our program of the author besagon tv, it will be called pokon. the bell rings, listen, kanya, do you see this pack, 100,000 days, i 'll throw it into the fireplace now, into the fire, here in front of everyone, i say, all witnesses, and as soon as the fire embraces it all, you climb into the fireplace, and with your bare hands, pull this pack out of the fire, you'll pull it out,
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yours! all 100 thousand are yours, and i 'll admire your soul, how you 'll climb into the fire for my money, and if you don't climb, it will burn, i won't let anyone near, look, i'm throwing it! what are you standing there for, ganya, climb in, don't be ashamed, or else you'll hang yourself afterwards, i'm not joking, let me pull you out with my teeth for one thousand, for 500, what are you,
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lord, lord, lord, mother, queen almighty! be damned! you just watched an excerpt from a wonderful film by ivan alesanovich pyriev. based on dostoevsky's novel the idiot, and we see how gannya, who is probably more than anyone else here who is raging, but needs money, cannot step over his own dignity, cannot fall into a stupor, this is a very interesting thing that i wanted to talk about, what is money? money gives the opportunity to live,
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to eat. they have meaning for his life, and what happens to a person or people for whom money loses its meaning, simply loses its meaning, and i wanted to talk about this, because it is directly connected with everything that we will talk about later, recently there was information that...
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told me that he listened to the interrogation, the investigators showed him the interrogation of a man who worked as a storekeeper at a military warehouse, and as is known, every certain amount time, everything that was in this warehouse was taken out and new muddling was brought in with...


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