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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 31, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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is having fun at an elite party, they spent several tens of thousands of pounds on alcohol alone, and also invited a fashionable american dj with a high fee. the british were outraged that rayner allowed herself to do this immediately after prime minister starmer's statement that the island really needs to tighten its belts, since the country's economy is in a catastrophic state, there is a huge hole in the budget and there is not enough money for anything. in st. petersburg. doctors were unable to save the victim in primorsky park. a tree fell on this person. here is the footage camera observations. she filmed how the tree took root and fell on the alley where people walked and relaxed in the foot court area. the investigation is being conducted by the petrogradsky district prosecutor's office. today , ufa celebrates an important date. the capital of bashkiria is 450 years old. a program for the so-called reboot of the city was developed for the anniversary. historical
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center, spheres and roads were updated, one of the largest gifts was the opening of the wrestling palace, this is a modern sports complex with an area of ​​30,000 km, it was built with the support of united russia as part of the party project for sambo. the new center has everything for classes in various types of martial arts, as well as a swimming pool, a rehabilitation center and a hotel for athletes. this is a unique facility that combines five types of wrestling: greco-roman wrestling, freestyle, judo, samba and, of course, national bashkir wrestling, here we will all train shoulder to shoulder, and of course, we will defend the honor of our homeland on international carpets, this sports palace is, in fact, a tribute to our coaches, those who are with us, those who are no longer with us, those people who are from us, boys, made men, this sports palace
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is a tribute to the great athletes who are standing behind me, here are great athletes, with gratitude for the fact that they defended the banners of our great country, first the soviet union, now the russian federation and are an example for thousands of boys. in the rostov region, schoolchildren have come up with an innovative wind generator. the project has already received the grand prix of the international competition. in taiwan, what it will be useful for, evgeny danilchuk found out. library entourage it is explained simply. the premises where the robotics club classes are held are currently being renovated, so we were invited here to get acquainted with the unique project. the choice of location is not accidental and symbolic. it was here that the head of the technical creativity center, vladimir mozgovoy, when he was still a very young boy, read a science fiction novel about the colonization of mars. on mars, accordingly, there was a great shortage of energy.
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and accordingly, they came up with the idea of ​​using piezo crystals to generate this energy from the wind, which is very strong on mars. walks, and already an adult and technically educated vladimir came across the development of spanish scientists who proposed to generate electric current by mechanical action on piezo crystals, then the idea came to combine this idea with the childhood impression of science fiction, so the concept of a bladeless wind generator was born, vladimir invited his students to implement it, and they built this working model of the installation.
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masnyuk went to taiwan in early august for an international competition of young technicians, with brilliantly defended the project and brought the grand prix to his native novocherkassk. the joy of victory was shared by the second co-author maxim arkhipov, now he is on shift at the educational center for talented children sirius, he is on video communication with us. i have always had a craving for developing innovations, i hope that i will always have one. and winning competitions is like a very pleasant bonus that can help or even better encourage the development of new ones. projects, of course, for now this is only a concept, the power of this model is measured in tenths of a watt, and the milliamps generated are barely enough to light up several leds, but the idea itself has every chance of becoming revolutionary in wind energy, this development still needs to be refined, but judging by the reaction of the comrades who are now contacting me, these are representatives of large companies, well , apparently, it has some kind of potential, so apparently we will bring it to mind.
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it is possible that this development will find application in the development of the arctic with its constant strong winds, who knows, if humanity will begin to inhabit the neighboring planet, perhaps, thanks to the technology of young novocherkassk. talents will be provided with energy in martian cities. evgeny dodinchuk, oleg pudov, vesti don, novocherkask. one purchase, two cashbacks. choose partners by benefit on the website and get double cashback bonuses. when paying with sber cards in the golden apple, emvidio, lenta, scooter, megamarket and other partners, it is more profitable with a sber subscription. small. so maybe a kitten? no, yota can, the internet without minutes is easy, messengers for free, gigs remain, we'll refund your money, try everything for 399 rubles. small, can be more, yota! pay in installments,
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somewhere nearby, apparently an observation fpv, well , there is one nearby, right now we can clearly see a drone, yes, it is better for me to put on a bulletproof vest.
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by frequency, determine the type of drone, reconnaissance, unmanned aerial vehicle, observer or strike fpv kamisa, also know how to determine the degree of danger, drone analyzers, which beep. they were installed on cars, so of course, buying for each unit is expensive, because
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such a unit costs more than 600 thousand, for a combine we bought around 450-500, thank god that they help, to be honest, they help and help thoroughly, the fields of novaya zorya stretch along the shibekinskaya bypass road, on one side, the border with ukraine, on the other - shebekina, there you can hear the loud wail of a siren, there were already dead and wounded in the morning and now literally 10 minutes ago. 15 years ago on the outskirts of the city of shabekina there were also landings. there are flights and many over my fields, because everything from the border to the district is the responsibility of our farm. why the battle for the harvest, because when we enter the field, they deliberately hit the combines, they didn’t even let us harvest. out of 1,300 hectares, we harvested only 550 hectares, 700 hectares, only a third of it, well, we harvested about 40 percent,
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they burned 60%, they deliberately burned it, because we enter the field with half a bunker to thresh, a drone flies in, now the vsoo sent missiles to a peaceful city, wow, a missile flew, yes, you see, yes, it was most likely our air defense that worked, our air defense worked, yes, that's why this happens here often. we watch flights, everything, everything, well, and the battle for the harvest, why did i say, russian air defense servicemen are sincerely thanked here, we will hear more than once during filming, thanks to our air defense, but more on that later, now we have reached the most dangerous section of the road in the belgorod region, 26 km, there used to be a pit stop here. departure stop, but it was bombed by ukrainian artillery last year, when they shot at buses with refugees
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during the mass shelling of shibikin, they will be singing, i don’t know, it’s easier for us when we turn on rap, we just need to turn it off, so we we will turn on the fish along the bypass road we rush at a speed of at least 120 km/h, it passes 4-5 km from the border with ukraine, exits are heard, the consequences of landings are visible, but a law-abiding citizen slows down on... soybean harvesting started in belgorod just a couple
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of days ago and ukrainian terrorists immediately declared a hunt for combines tractors working in the fields from dawn to dusk, in our military is helping russian grain growers in the battle for the harvest, they are on duty with rap right in the fields, from dawn to dusk they were always with us, a huge thank you, i will say it again, 69 division and the law unit, this again. from the side of ukraine, where it flies, i do not know, but the sirens are working, you hear, now literally from today, when we started to harvest, we again found, as they say, mutual understanding, the guys came, in addition to protecting the military, they are now protecting us in the harvest. gennady chmerev says that the machine operators, before going out into the field wondering if our dornolovs are guarding the sky, seeing a frying pan they go to war. the harvest is a means of rap, frying pans, the principle
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of their operation is quite simple, two people work, one directs me, i work with these means towards the drone until it falls completely, we completely destroy its connection, it falls, falls, explodes in the air, the main thing is that it ... does not reach its goal, such simple frying pans and help, yes, during this harvest we neutralized at least a hundred epividrons and uavs that flew into our fields from the other side of the border. this is us we intercept a video signal drone, a signed rusorez, which attacked our combine, after the first arrival, you see circles in the center of the field, there was a field fire, uncle sasha took us with a tractor to jandir with disks, he quickly put it all out, because he was standing right next to it, literally 20-50 m from it, but the second drone arrived 20 minutes later, guys,
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the rybovites warned us, we hid the combines closer to the landing and ... here is one combine, here is the second, but it is aimed and tries to attack also further than the combine, this is literally 20 minutes after the second arrival, we of course, when he is a drone of the combine-protected system, you will now see a video of how he will take it to the side, it will fall, it will also explode, we decided it would be better to leave the field , because for, well, this is in your hands direct evidence of crimes against, yes , here he is, he was going to strike the combine, here he is, everything, and well, here i am... here they are, drones, yes , shooting, shooting - this is now shooting at drones, already there is this arrival, most likely an observer who was flying and adjusting fire, now shooting at somewhere it goes, it is not shot down by that surveillance drone, combine operators, it seems, do not pay attention to the danger in the sky, they try to harvest the crops as quickly as possible, in a day they can process up to 500 hectares of half a field,
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yes, let's say i wanted to thank my relative, thanks to him, when... the drone was heading towards me on the combine, he simply reported in time, said, guys, leave the cars, a drone is flying towards you, and that is, so i maneuvered, in short, and escaped the main attack of the drone, this is you helping each other, my relative, yes, he was just at the fire station on that day, well, i was on duty, suddenly, if there was a fire somewhere, well, to prevent, in short, a fire, a relative, we are together, the machine operator sergei pykhanov really asked me to thank his...
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hello to you, vitaly nikolaevich, for our partner russia 24, what did you hear, was it an arrival or an exit? yes, it’s not clear, it seems to me like an exit, it seems, or maybe an arrival, i don’t see it yet, nothing from this side, everything is fine, artillery started working on the other side of the border, there was an arrival,
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they urgently show us to leave, the machine operators have no more than 2 minutes to drive the equipment into the landing.
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a table of smoke, there are also gennady ivanovich's fields. 2/3 of the wheat harvest has already burned. farmers are trying to save soybeans and sunflowers. up to 200 hectares can burn out in a couple of hours, and this is with a light wind. we are going to see where the ukrainian shells have landed. look, it is blazing up. there have just been landings on the fields, on the harvest, which are so carefully preserved here near shibekin. and the tractor driver, uncle sasha, our old friend, continues to work. by the way, he has already extinguished fires in his fields more than once. we met the machine operator alexander gerashchenko in may, then just sowed soybeans, and now he's harvesting, and hello, you're back again, yeah, how are you,
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fine, how are you, uncle sasha, since what happened, well, on a mine, on a magnet , i think, but otherwise everything is fine, well, somehow on a mine and alive, everything is fine, yeah, as you can see, i'm walking, i didn't even have an onosmark, dasha twice repaired his tractor after ukrainian attacks and 13 times saved wheat from fire, again and again, returning to his battlefield. how can we abandon it, but what are we sowing, sowing, then we'll abandon it, let it all burn. no, where possible, we extinguished the fire ourselves, ginady ivanovich said, we will take risks, we will not go there, but it was dangerous there. he took off his helmet, it's hot, but here you can even take off your t-shirt, it's too hot. radiat finally broke through the air conditioner, we are waiting.
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what will happen tomorrow, but we are still preparing, yeah, we are trying, and those who burn the fields, he calls in one word, yes, fascists are fascists, well , so what can i say, who i know, we need to work, uncle sasha is already dreaming of a new harvest, he is sure that these will be golden ears, and not shells, drones and tails of the mines with the ukrainian trident, in this war the grain growers will definitely win. still thinking about the ideal housing? it's time to switch to domklik to buy an apartment in a new building or secondary housing
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10:00 pm
let's translate from office language to understandable. everything is not so scary if there are instructions. in the korpskaya region, a unit of the sever group, with the support of aviation and artillery , repelled six attacks by attack aircraft in the ssu in the direction of the settlements of borki, komarovka, malaya loknya and matveyevka. in 24 hours zelensky's formations lost 400 servicemen and 18 armored vehicles, since august 6 in the kursk direction, kiev troops have lost more than 8,000


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