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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 31, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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how many steps have we already climbed, how many of them in total is difficult to say, even our guide, as he says, there are about 350 to 500, the ascent will take about an hour. the palace began to be built in 645, and this is a very dramatic story, in order to complete the construction, the regents hid the death of one of the lamas for 12 years, there is a certain leveling of all social groups that climb. up this staircase, no matter how vip a guest you are, you still have to walk this distance, also i didn't leave on foot and dalaiyma, although there is a road for a fire engine, oxygen cylinders are used when there is no longer enough breath, a humidifier blows on the queues in front of the next gate and stairs, you can see in section how the wall is built, the structure.
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i think that some, that is, a certain tragedy is today, of course, yes, of course, of course, well, how it will develop, you know, neither i will tell you, nor will you tell me, i think, and people smarter than us will not tell you either, and china today is interested in that, so that this situation is resolved, of course, or does it suit them in the current one, no, i think he is interested in doing everything for this, in order to discover ...
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this is even more opportunities, the amount is up to 30 million rubles. apply in 5 minutes in the application and receive monthly cashback with sberbank thank you bonuses. opera princess vinchenko tells the heroic story of the bloody battles of the 6th century, which ended with a dynastic the marriage of the daughter of the chinese emperor and the tibetan king. the spectators of the vip boxes are given
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army pea jackets, it is cool, the creators were not limited in creativity in almost any way. here on the stage rock walks a herd of real soviets. dusting with real dust. it is difficult to call tibet today some kind of backwater and neglected region. the central authorities consistently and purposefully invest huge funds in the development of infrastructure, and today this is as if a continuation of the wise policy of the ancient princess vinchenko. this is such a well a system-forming hero from the past, yes, who is just at the crossroads of this interaction of chinese culture and tibetan culture, when some kind of balance was found, how to unite them and bring in what
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is valuable from both cultures, that's exactly in you, yes, i watched this story, and the historical legend about the princess. and the chinese princess who came to tibet, he is very well known, it's simple and the tibetans endlessly describe this in their chronicles, that is, she is a positive hero and there, in that culture, in another culture, yes, it was a very strong tibetan empire, which competed with the arab caliphate, with tang china by the way, this king sonzengampo, in order to strengthen his empire... concluded such dynastic marriages, and for tibetan historiography and history in general, culture, it is important that they were buddhists, and that they came and began to plant buddhism in tibet, build temples.
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the city of lhasa, the capital of tibet, this is what it looks like early in the morning, if you climb onto the roof. in the center, the height above sea level 3,650 m, and this is without taking into account the roof, of course, a handsome palace, from here the view of it is dizzying, and it seems to float above the city, but the outskirts are also interesting, high-rise buildings are being built there at a rapid pace. at first, ulkhadstvo was called rasa, rasa is land in a fence, and then gradually it began to be called alkhasy, this means a place of sides, it is difficult for me now.
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i managed, yes, believers believe that buddha lives specifically in this room, judging by the noise it is difficult to guess what is happening here, a religious thing is happening here discus. and a kind of memorization of the shears with sayings, the monks thus test each other, how accurately they can reproduce ancient wisdoms, this happens a very rare and atypical situation when monks can be filmed, including filmed on video, usually it is categorically done ...
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the back streets of lhasa are incredibly friendly, the deeper from the big streets and wide
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avenues, the more interesting. the sellers bargain fiercely, they are offended if you do not bargain, but at the same time they are happy to give in, having learned that we are from russia. by the way, on the most popular chinese banknote of 50 yuan depicts the potala palace. it is hard to imagine, but just a few years ago there were fields where vegetables were grown and cattle were grazed, now it is a modern district of a dynamically developing large city. the main purpose of this computing center is the analysis of what is called big data, big data, the largest and most modern computing center in china, it was decided to build it here. we take advantage of the unique climate of the sitzan, which is characterized by low sulfur content, low humidity, low temperatures, low oxygen content and low pressure, this
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allows to achieve zero emissions, and also to convert the abundance of clean electricity of shizan into the cheapest computing power in the country. our interlocutor once again emphasizes sedzan, as tibet is called today the official language of chinese business. tibet still keeps many secrets of how to make a strong, beautiful, impeccable thing with your hands and in the old way. here is a weaving cooperative in shan nan city. our products are sold domestically and abroad, what distinguishes them from the previous generation? significant improvement in terms of workmanship and materials. look, this is a buddhist monk's robe, a more modern style of clothing.
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the idea of ​​the organizers of the trip is more or less clear: gradually we climb the mountain serpentines from the previous shooting point to the next one, higher and higher, then yaks grazing on the picturesque slopes come into the frame,
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and finally we climb to the highest point of all where we had been before. here... this mountain peak is one of the real himalayan seven-thousanders, from here the mountain is visible in all details, we are at an altitude of about 5,000 m. it is believed that the very center of tibet is located here. after spending some time in this place, it is then difficult to say how much of it has passed. due to the rarefied oxygen in the region, there are many unusual things, for example, there are almost no birds. high-mountain lake yamdrok tso. it is believed that the color of the water in it is constantly changing and never repeats. this is one of the sacred tibetan lakes. we managed to see several of these lakes in the mountains. the high-mountain lake basumtso is located at an altitude of about 3,500 m above sea level. translated from tibetan, basumtso means a lake between three rocky peaks. here is one of them, its height is already more than 5,000 m. this
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is what the oldest, most complete, most famous library of books on tibetan medicine looks like. the books themselves.
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human existence, here, some section of medicine, they all describe in one way or another all aspects of the physical , for example, a pregnancy calendar, where the corresponding pictures indicate each of the 38 weeks of a woman's pregnancy. this image, sometimes quite straightforward and more than unceremoniously describing this or that phenomenon, is more than 300 years old, and these are copies. for 35 years since its founding, the communist party of china and the state have paid great attention to the university, which specializes in educating high-level specialists in the field of traditional shizan medicine. the university offers secondary vocational higher education, as well as
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master's and doctor of science degrees. only documented history of chinese.
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special lid. previously, such dishes needed such a special teapot with here simply were not produced, they made do with what they had. now , with the help of a targeted subsidy, the state gives the residents of tibet the opportunity to buy each teapot or saucepan for a little more than 10% of its cost. such special dishes for high-mountain cooking are so affordable here. after testing in different regions, our company developed steam cookers, high-pressure kettles , steam cookers that make life easier for people
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living in the highlands. the percussive cacophony sounds like a heavy rock concert, these are the residents of the rehabilitation center for the disabled in lhasi. throw and the ball hits the target. due to the fact that i have a physical disability, it is inconvenient for me to live in an apartment and i have no opportunity to work. after i got to the center for the disabled, the local professionals began to care about life, promote physical rehabilitation, develop work capacity, provide employment opportunities. how the rehabilitation of tibetan residents with disabilities is carried out here is shown to us completely openly with the maximum possible details in such a situation. to see how these people suffer, how they fight for life, and how the state helps them to rehabilitate, fully finances,
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this, this is very difficult, but this is really an indicator that they have revealed a lot to us. tibetan tanka academy, here they teach painters to carefully paint traditional tibetan subjects. one such a work can be created within a year, i even leaned over my diploma work. the pose in which the artist sits while he paints his picture is very important, his legs should be tucked under him, he has complete control over his body, maintains balance, all this is done so that the heartbeat during the painting is absolutely even. this is a kind of iconography of buddhism, going into the past and the future at the same time, and having mastered this technique in the present, will definitely not be left without work, tibetan masters, as they believe.
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like this painting, which may seem like something out of a fairy tale, tibet today also balances on the edge of mysticism and reality for those who often unexpectedly find themselves in it. this is how you see the future of tibet, it is clear that no one can guess this, but this is how, perhaps, you would like to see it, what it will be like there in 50, in 100 years, you know,
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on the one hand, it was gratifying for me to finally leave this foreign land, on the other, involuntarily it's sad when i remember how much is hidden and incomprehensible to me in this country. when i looked at this city for the last time, i couldn't resist a vague desire to visit it again. find yourself in tibet, look at yourself from the outside, this can often be exactly what you come here for. it turns out here, are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? we install, open, watch, russian channels, all tv series, movies and
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cartoons. we watch, watch in the application or on the website. we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective.
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the expected losses of the civilian population, amounting to tens of millions of people, were clearly indicated. this policy of pressure on the east, it was hitler's borrowing, he will solve the issue of creating a thousand-year great reich at the expense of the eastern territories, which from his point of view are much more adaptable for the german population to live there.
11:00 pm
in the korpskaya region, a unit of the north group, with the support of aviation and artillery , repelled six attacks by assault groups in the armed forces of ukraine in the direction of the settlements of borke, komarovka, malaya loknya and matveyevka. since august 6, kiev troops have lost more than 8,200 soldiers, officers , mercenaries, 701 armored vehicles have been burned in the korsk direction, in these shots, militants in an american humvee armored vehicle tried to escape from a russian drone, but failed, 56 artillery pieces were also destroyed, situations, stanislav nazarov: after the destruction of an enemy drone, an aircraft type, by air defense forces on...


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