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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  September 1, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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i can't live without travel, flint, he who has flint in his pocket doesn't need a pen, soon.
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uranium capital of russia 55. we are in the city, thanks to which our country remains one of the world leaders in the extraction of this important metal. from the actual capital to the capital of uranium almost 7 hours by plane, and then another 8 hours by car or 12 by train. cities of mongolia and china krasnokamsk from the point of view of geography. even closer than the largest city
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of transbaikalia, couple. but such remoteness does not prevent krasnokamsk from playing a vital role in development of the nuclear industry. about half of all russian uranium is mined here in the priorgunsky industrial mining and chemical association. krasnokamsk owes its appearance largely to a woman. signs of a uranium deposit here in transbaikalia were discovered back in the 1940s, but for a very long time it was not possible to... metal deposits, but geologist lidiya ishchukova convinced the management that they needed to dig deeper, in may 1963 industrial ore was discovered at a depth of 220 m, the scientist was nicknamed a torpedo for her determination, and one of the from the central streets. there were so many uranium ore reserves that development is still ongoing, and although the enterprise, along with the city, experienced different times, the achievements of the soviet industry... were
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preserved, and customers from abroad began to buy the products. today , the enterprise mines brown coal, from the quarry, it is taken out by dump trucks, each of which is named in honor of an outstanding figure in the nuclear industry. ppgho produces construction lime, sulfuric acid and other products, but the main thing is of course uranium oxides, the metal is mined at mines number one and eight. we understand the reserves at these mines, we are working them out, we understand the lifespan and extraction of these reserves, but at the same time we do not stop, we are conducting exploration work underground, our desire is to increase reserves at the operating mines, to extend their life as long as possible, and , accordingly, to preserve the potential, to preserve our team. the heart of the enterprise is the mine, though in transbaikalia the emphasis is on everything.
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the city of shakhtyorsky, turned 18, went to work, alexey muratov briefly describes his path. he received the profession of a miner of the cleaning face here, at the enterprise where he came after school. in his team he does everything, drills, is engaged in fastening the face, loads ore, remembers, then 16 years ago, during the first descent to the horizon it was, to put it mildly, uneasy, of course it was scary, at first everything is interesting, you look, it is scary, and then you get used to it, you just get used to it here, and most importantly, you need to understand safety first of all, when each truck is ready, they will lay the drypchatka, blow up the massif, the ore mask on... they will chase to the surface, the mine does not accept everyone, only people who treat themselves with humor, their work as seriously as possible can cope with such work. speaking about his seventeen years of experience, pavel gurulev adds, you can’t tell from me, i’ve been well
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preserved thanks to our radon baths, a completely different intonation when it comes to the mine. you fall in love with the mine, the meaning of life, to manage all this movement, it’s really interesting, at first it’s difficult, of course, but when you learn how to do it, it becomes a pleasure, resources. the operating mines of the first and eighth are gradually being cut out, and the main asset of the enterprise will be mine number six, this is a construction site, the facility, its capacity will last for another 30 years. the main difficulty is water, in an hour the volume pumped out here is enough for half an olympic swimming pool. most of the work
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has already been done. it will be necessary to pump out about 15 million cubic meters of water. now in the shaft 20r we have three high-performance pumps, two of which are constantly in operation and 1,200 cubic meters are pumped out. vladimirkin started with a miner, worked on the horizons for 11 years. now the director says that if it were not for this experience, it would hardly have been possible to cope with such responsibility for the construction of an entire mine. only narrow specialists understand many things, but we are also trying to understand. understand that one of the advanced facilities of the future spring, a complex of clean structures for mine waters, is already operating, it is capable of pumping 1,500 cubic meters of water per hour, mine waters pass three purification stages: the first removes molybdenum suspension, the second removes uranium suspension, and the third stage is before purification.
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the water that passes through the complex is used to cool the krasnokamskaya tets for its own needs at the hydrometallurgical plant. the installation is unique in its kind. it is the only one in russia, it was specially prepared for our enterprise. the city has begun implementing a master plan for development until 2030, which was initiated last fall by president vladimir putin. the two main goals are to increase the number of residents and their standard of living. new roads and public spaces, hotel construction and development of production capacities for pgho, finance different items. plans will be from different sources, including private investments, the most ambitious project is the reconstruction of the runway and construction of the airport, the opinion of residents was taken into account, that is why 35 main events were born, 34 sub-events, if
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we talk about the city in detail, yes , today in the city of krasnokamsk events are being carried out in the amount of 318 million rubles. according to the master plan. by 2030 , almost 5,000 new jobs should appear in krasnokamsk, the vrosatami consider it possible to open a branch of the university in the city, simultaneously developing secondary specialized education. cities like krasnokamsk are the backbone of the russian state, miners are a special category of people, they have their own traditions, their views on life, they divide very strongly, their own and someone else's, if you are one of them,
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huge pins were knocked down with a metal ball launched with a ladle. the winner of this year's competition in miner's paint. strong roof. head, health, strong, well, happy family life. it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture. in pursuit of views
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, entire locations are changed. it is easy to make a deepfake, change the voice. we will expose all the fakes. august 19, 2024 marked 71 years since the anti-government coup in iran, the legally elected prime minister mohammad masadiq, who defended the interests of iran and achieved the nationalization of
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the anglo-iranian oil company, was overthrown. today we all know this company as british petroleum or bp. the change of name of the anglo-iranian oil company took place just after the overthrow of the undesirable prime minister. that is, it regretted that it was the united states that contributed to the overthrow of masadyk, that is, this is an indisputable fact,
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and now some of the documents have already been declassified, that is, it is clear that quite serious money was allocated for this. of course, there is no doubt that the cia played a huge role, well, actually not a huge role, but by the hands of the cia, it was curtailed. another question is that in iran, as if ... they took control and this country and most importantly the americans began to approach iranian oil after the weakening of great britain as a world power following the results of the second world war and the british and churchill personally paid great attention to iran, iranian oil, in obadan there was the largest oil refinery in the world in the late forties, iran was considered the leading oil producing power.
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britain - these are closely related things ultimately won, the united states won, they took control of iran, iranian oil. yes, before that really great britain received the main profit, and according to the agreement that was concluded between iran and great britain, there the iranian government, that is, the iranian state received 16% of the income, then. some documents were also signed where this
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amount was increased, but still the lion's share of the income, it went to this british-iranian oil company, and the fact is that the percentage changed as a result of all these negotiations, sometimes more, sometimes less, but the fact is that even 16%, this must be taken into account, here's another circumstance. such agreements and even the later period did not imply audit, that is , they did not disclose any of their accounting books, i mean the agbiran oil company, as later to the consortiums, therefore we can determine exactly, well, approximately, we can say that yes, within these limits, but the fact is that
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in order to attract the iranian government of that period to their side... the americans offered at least 50/50, this is already almost three times more, and even some companies offered 65%, even reached 72%, if only only to preserve the status of the company that extracts this oil, conducts exploration, extracts, has the right to sell it, after all, to...
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iran weapons for huge sums, using, of course, talk, the soviet threat, the threat of the soviet union, by the way, under this same slogan and the coup took place, because everyone in one voice, then now they say that the main goal of the coup was, it turns out, not
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oil, but simply not to give the soviet union the opportunity to strengthen its position in this region, in particular in iran, therefore on in later stages, the arms trade became the main profitable business for the americans in the border, but the thing is that if we look at where iran got the money from to pay, the money from the same oil, that is, part of the income that they received, which they got, it again returned... to the united states as payment for completely unnecessary publicly available volumes of weapons, which iran could not even absorb, the shah was so addicted to these new products, especially american ones, and it happened that,
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that the americans had not yet launched the plane. and they, the iranians, had already bought it. it was during this period that tehran became the paris of the east, where women dressed in the latest western fashion and had all the benefits of civilization. but there was also a downside. tehran was a showcase, and the vast majority of iranians continued to live in poverty. shah pahlavi became a dictator and held on to power with the most brutal methods... that the us habitually turned a blind eye to, such external, bourgeois, perhaps unacceptable for most iranians morals customs that were promoted through cinema, then through television, they, of course, irritated many, not only the clergy, but
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simply a large part of the population, on the one hand, on the other hand... let's not forget that with the active participation of the cia and masada, a brutal system of surveillance, dictatorship, torture was created, any freedom of thought, any possible opposition views, they were simply eradicated cruelly, a huge number of people were tortured, thrown into prison, that's... that's not freedom, that's this despotic regime that does not gave people the ability to breathe normally, and there was no talk of any democracy, he... of course also played his role, because you are all tired of this, all the people. we see
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that after masadyk was overthrown, that is, these forces that supported him there, both on the left and on the right flank, they just lay low, because already at the end of the fifties mass demonstrations began again, at the beginning of the sixties... there were very strong mass demonstrations, especially against the reforms of the shah. well, relative stability, calm in our first half of the seventies, but then , due to the wrong policy of the shah, the population began to live even poorer. what is also very important is that if during... masadyk, the clergy was an ally, his ally, but one of the main forces of all these processes, and there was no strong leader who
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would unite the religious masses and support iran's further aspirations for nationalization, then during the islamic revolution, it was the clergy that took responsibility, a charismatic leader appeared who was able... like masadyk, that is, to take the sympathies of a religious figure, because he himself is a religious figure, but he was also able, khamenei was able to take the sympathies of the left, because he began to come out with ideas about the fact that there are disadvantaged people, there are oppressors, it is necessary to fight against oppressors, and it is precisely in this sense that the left intelligentsia that was in iran during the islamic revolution, it sided with khamenei. that is, it was such a symbiosis of both leftist views and religious views, after the overthrow of the shah and ayatala khameini's rise to power as a result
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of the victory of the islamic revolution, tehran took an active anti-american position. western media began to write about the medieval horrors of the iranian regime and the intolerance of the kanoverians. they are accused of everything, that they are irreconcilably opposed to the west in general, that they hate israel. they want to destroy it, but in many ways this is the demonization of iran, they are pursuing a fairly tolerant policy within the country, the film version, suffice it to say that there is a fairly large jewish community in iran feels great, there the armenian communities feel great, armenians, forgive me, of course, christians, that is, there is no such narrow-mindedness and such fixation on islam and even more so...
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despite the harsh pressure of the usa and numerous sanctions, iran lives and develops. of course, iran in this sense amazingly demonstrates miracles, on the one hand, fortitude, and does not retreat from its principles, on the other hand, flexibility. the ability to adapt to this harsh pressure, sanctions against iran really very tough, but look, he has achieved significant success, of course,
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they have failures, right now there is a lot of discussion about the military-technical sphere, they are very far behind the modern world in military aviation, they are very far behind in armored vehicles, they are able to produce themselves and they do not have access to technology, but they have learned to do many things themselves, first of all, unmanned vehicles, secondly, this is a significant number of very original inventions in the field of rocket engineering, we don't know everything yet, let's say that the iranian leadership says that we haven't used all of our military-technical capabilities, i'm inclined to trust this, because there are things that they don't want to use, they understand that they are quite destructive. they can thereby cross the extreme red line and start a major war in
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the middle east that iran doesn't really need. we watch educational programs and documentaries to learn about the world, we watch, look.
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mom, why do we need these letters? for a fairy tale. in the three ninth kingdom, in the three tenth state.
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let's translate from official language into understandable language, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. june 22, 2014, he told me, mom, who, if not us, raised the people here in donbass, understood that the day would come when the war and these nazis would get to donbass. no nation would want to return to ukraine when weapons are used against civilians. as you can see, the fields are planted, people live peacefully, calmly, we
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until now... we are defending our rights and freedom in the ranks. in the kursk region, a unit of the sever group, with the support of aviation and artillery , repelled six attacks by assault groups of the ukrainian armed forces in the direction of... on august 6, in the korsk direction, kiev troops lost more than 8,200 soldiers, officers, mercenaries, and 701 armored vehicles. well, in the following footage, militants in an american armored car, hanve, tried to escape from a russian drone, but failed. 56 artillery pieces were also destroyed. about the situation.


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