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tv   BOS Rules Committee  SFGTV  November 27, 2023 6:00pm-9:00pm PST

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meet will if come to order. welcome to the monday november 27th 2023 meeting of rules committee of the san francisco board of supervisors. i'm supervisor dorsey chair of the committee and joined by walton and committee number safai. we would like to express gratitude to our clerk today mr. young. and thanks to the team at sfgovtv for broadcasting today's meeting and our producer today.
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do we have, announcements. public comment will taken on each item when public comment is called lineup to the right. you may submit in writing e mail them to myself the rules clerk at victor. young if you submit comment via e mail tell be forwarded to the supervisor and included as part of the file and send comments by u.s. mail to city hall. room 244, san felon, california 9410 two make sure to silence all cell phones documents should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the agenda of september 5 unless otherwise
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stated >> thank you, mr. clerk. will before we get start in the intf time for a meeting we have 6 items for you to consider we will limit public comment for each on today's goond to a minute. mr. clerk item one. >> item upon one ordinance amending the code to controllers odd and i responsibilities to nonprofits contracting with the city. establish performance goal for contracts with nonprofits. directing the controltory review and as necessary revise policies regarding contractors compliance with city requirements and requiring the careerer a review of the comp pliance with policies for audit and monitoring nonprofits. >> thank you, mr. young. supervisor stefani:is experience. welcome to rules the floor is yours
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>> thank you, chair dorse and he colleagues for scheduling this item. i'm excited be with you today on this piece of legislation is something i have wanted do for a long timism introduced this in september of the year after asked the city attorney's office to draft legislation codifying recommendations in the controller citywide nonprofit performance audit released on august 30 of left year. the legislation is aimed at enhancing transparency, accountability and the over all effectiveness of the community based organizations which are known, nonprofits. they are once we enter in contracts with to provide essential service. my upon ordinance will centralize responsibility with the controller spoorndrd standardized requirements ensuring measurable objectives and strengthens a corrective action policy to ensure city funding guidelines.
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this will bolster accountability and ensure help to ensure reliable service delivery. currently, the city spendses 1.7 billion dollars on contracts with over 600 nonprofits. the organizations are expected to provide a range of services health services and early education. family support service. homelessness and the list goes on. the city's lack of guidelines for the contracts is often resulted in waste and sometimes abuse. last year report emphasizes the city ineffective measures the work and the city does this on the city to mob monitor. the upon report said the city measured the work of nonam profit and it is process for reporting and remedying issues regarding underperformance remains unclear this legislation is to make it clear.
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many prop vieders voiced concerned about the ourous and inconsistent compliance requirements which is in the fair to them. residents are frustrated by a lack of progress on most pressing challenges despite billions in city spending. san francisco face tough challenges and rising dissatisfaction with local gentleman the city must ensure nonprofits run focussing on tangible results. i want to thank the city controller bhoen heeb amazing and lawa marshall on the team for work that is gone into this we had several meeting and the deputy city attorney for drafting this legislation and work wugs on it. also my gratitude to deb and he all of the other nonprofit who is work with human service network and make clear, there
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are so many nonprofits that are doing work out there x. it is on the city to make sure that we have measures in place to make sure that we are america the out xhchls evaluating the performance and we as a city are delivering tanningable results the nonprofits we have been working with have been partners and i'm grateful for their add vo kaes. i don't know if my colleagues have anything to say if not we can begin with the presentation from will you evera marshall. the floor is yours. >> hello supervisors thank you
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for having people laura marshall with controller's office. i had the pleasure of working with supervisor stefani and her team on the components of this i wanted give you a baptist an over view of the parts of the legislation. in a baptist contextualization current state and when may change. and the end a bit where we stand now and how we move in forward. we than we do a lot of business with nonprofits the city departments are recently for the monitoring of the deliver and he quality of contracted services we have a centralization in the controller's office regarding the fiscal monitoring of nonprofits. cord nay departments and work with them to set standard in that space. we have not had this in the. space so far. as a supervisor mentioned we know many in our city are doing
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high quality work. where problems arise is that we don't a clear consistent and organized path for ~esque wlagz there are challenges within the nonprofit and contract. across departments. and so this is -- in part looking at that space and creating enhance for nonprofits to ensure we are receiving high quality results consistently. the first big component that is related to the monitor activities. this directs the controller to establish standards and performance measures and measure in contracts. and then further, how we monitor that. we are looking at like what would happen and how they should happen and reporting engagement
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between departments and nonprofits that contract. most departments are doing monitoring now this is occurring across contracting departments. there can be variability within a department and across departments this is highway patrol tologist standards ice. there is focus on the monitoring on compliance this relates to funding source. and constraints the feds are interested in compliance. and so we are interested in how we use this to build a focus. there is an element of the legislation that directs the controller's office to update our city corrective action policy. there we use this consistently fiscal monitoring financial
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occurrence. within a nonprofit that arise through the monitor practice. we than there can be a strong link between financial constraints and performance within a nonprofit and -- we know well is cross departmental funding if we are see being poor performance in one space we may see it in another. this -- relook at the action policy hopefully create holistic prop that looks at all parts of the nonprofit and creates cordination.
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upon confidentiality state we have public reporting now. but -- you know sf open data and a lot of information it is not well organized and does not tell our store and he there are gaps. we know supervisor safai had legislation enhance compliance reporting. the city add administrator is working on implement ag. we see that part of the of whole xheer integrated in the transparency effort. the second element where they
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set a program monitoring itself and directs the control are office to issue reports on compliance with the monitoring practice. we do a report now in the fiscal side and think through what the upon given there are contracts how do we create a report that looks at the monitoring of the contracts that is an element of this. the final element of the legislation directs the control are office procedures that ensure nonprofits receiving 750,000 in contracts from the establishment submit audited financial statements to the city. there is current state law nonprofit that has 2 million dollars in revenue to receive a cpa audit from know accounting firm. and submit this to the state.
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the federal government has guidelines that require any nonrefer receiving 750,000 from federal sources to participate in single audit. and we have departments have internal policies that are variable but than i may require nonprofit this gets 500,000 from their department to have a cp aaudit as part of their contract there is variability. what this component does is created a single stwarnld had we would require a nonprofit to submit an audit to us. we know there are pools that are doing this because of those thresholds that have been set temperature is important to note a cpa audit does have a cost associated. for nonprofits 8 or 10 thousand dollars or more depending on the size. for those not receiving 750
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thousand dollars from us that are not getting a cpa odd lit is know element of cost there. those other elements of of the ordinance. it has time lines associated with this . has submitting and crediting and submitting the policy and pub laboring by september one. 2024. we have started think burglar this. we have a standing policy group of department and nonprofit leadership we bring and have for dwroers talk about the nonprofit policy we have been talk with this group about the implementation elements already. so we are on track to think through what the new polsdz look like and looking at what our internal prescriptions will be overicide of the practical and plan to have a plan the upon end
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of this september. i'm happy to answer questions. >> thank you mrs. marshall and supervisor safai? i wanted to clarify, can you say more about the cpa part is this required? there is no city are standard that requires a nonprofit to receive a cp aaudit. there is a state law at 2 million cpa odd sit i good practice when there are nonprofit reaches a size we would recommend or require botch 2 million perform they get one. because it helps them understand there is a lot of financial
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indicators you can use an oddist to testify help you phenotype nonprofit is in good standing and good reserves and able to meet their were payroll every among. those inld indicators we are looking at consistent low. it is a line when they reach that line. some it because there is a xoft it it is there is work associated with it. it is important to understand to sthaet threshold appropriate low and not too low.
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is this cpa related in the federal government requires participation in the single audit. may occur different low. i don't know how the single audit i can find out how that flows from the controller's office. but usually it does require some sort of auditing practice happening within the nonprofit. why got temperature thank you. i wanted say appreciate supervisor stefani's work on
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this and you noted, we had done work left year through prop c for audits that we are doing fwhoshg with the d. homeless houseings. i think this is a good practice and appreciate the work that has gone into clarifying what is required. and to say and i want to reiterate. you know we have over 600 nonprofits that do tremendous work. it is between i billion and a half and amount of money that we do that city cannot do the city has to work with the nonprofit and we need the threshold and accountant. i appreciate this legislation and thank supervisor stefani and as she said, i know she worked with many of the nonprofits to craft this legislation temperature is time low and i
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think well is a lot of money that guess in and out of city gentleman. and i think it is important for folks to know how upon things are spent and tell help have more clarity and guidance on what is required of them. the past that has not always been case itch would like to add exclude work with supervisor steph no on this. thank you, chair >> thank you. vice chair walton >> thank you for the report. miss marshall. a couple of things one i would be interested in knowing what cbo's having audits yearly without a cpa. it would be wise for us to come up with a technical assistance
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strategy. does this apply to a fiscal agent as well? i mean is if you are a small organization and if your budget is over 750, does this requirement you or the agent? there are when we are talking about monitoring we are talking about what are the expectations established in a contract. and the performance measures and other service expectations that are contractual inform a contract when well is i fiscal agent or sponsor the sponsor is the one accountable to the city to ensure the services are being delivered in alignment with the contract expect and. when they have i project they
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are working with it creates complexity in how the monitoring occurs. but ultimate low it is am the organization as a city have a contract with who sark countable to the deliver of the contracted services and receives funding and they are responsible to manage the work of their program they are experiencing and giving city resources there is complexity how monitoring occurs we would like to have n for nonprofits. joy appreciate that. we would love to follow occupy that. and as someone who has monitors contracts for the city of san francisco worn reason that monitor suggest not universal because some organizations receive local funding and state
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funding and federal funding and federal requirements can be cumber submit. how will we take this into account in >> it is why this has not been done temperature is easier to standardize the financial side of monitoring we expect nonprofits to operate financially similarly. the program percent so diverse and different and funding source requirements are diverse as well. i don't expect there will be through this work complete standardization of everything. it is not feasible. i think the work that have been we can think about are creating base lines to make sure the upon departments not may be monitoring enough or in the right ways are doing monitoring what alines with our standards.
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i know stlp a joint form this city departments monitor organizations together. and to your point there is i base of what they require from the cbo and then additional montorcomponents for poke who is receive federal funding. is it a matter of changing that and make that uniform or coming up with a new system? for nonprofits. it sounds like a lot of this going through the legislation. like a lot of this is in place and a lot of ways. there is a lot in place. most of the d. this is do a lot of nonprofit contracting have established policies and have frameworks for more conducting
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monitoring. well is a lot of availability across those departments some of that is because a department may have a funding source that requires an amount of variability. submit organic growth of programming over the years it makes sense to try to stream line. we want to find that and use thz to understand why there is variability. what purpose it is serving and if it is serving i purpose. i don't imagine that this would -- necessarily in the first run flult overhaul or creation of a new program there is a lot of work happening when we are trying to been is how do we create a bit more structure around that work so we can understand what is happening. and may be move it in a direction over thyme if we are
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seeing there is the requirements that make sense let's think about that. i think -- i don't envision this we would -- because there is existing work and a lot is strong, we would want top overhaul everything. i think we want to learn from what is working well and try to promote that across the departments. as we work to be efficient one difficulty for the city is getting in a contract in a time low matter anything will being done on make sure our city departments are getting contract in place in a timely manner? there is an upon element in the legislation this talks a bit about the city.
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we have a lot of work that the controller's office and the city add administrator and others doing around contract improvement. improving the process. not a component of this legislation but there is active work thinking about expediting and speeding up contracting. i know it is not included in the legislation but hard it monitor get nothing place 3-6 months later. thank you. and -- okay. supervisor stefani >> thank you, vice chair walton
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for the questions i want to note the audit that was the genesis of the legislation found that no common definitions for types of performance measures used in agreements between department and cbo and departments funding similar promise don't use a set of measures to point to success and could help ensure departments are met and alined with makeing an around package -- the controller's office to standardize and coordinate the business practices have been and will be
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informed by community involve and want racial equity lens. i want to make sure that it is said this you know this is in the standardization of when we are trying to do here many things will taken in consideration and i have faith in the controller's office you have been able to the do it around the compliance per of this. we are talking about the programmatic and performance monitoring and developing the standards which i think is so important. i will be work to develop a dash fwhoord has transparency to not only the public bullet board to understand what department is contracting with whom and for how much. and why. and when are the expectations and the audit done and what are the results. that will be coming as well. and i do view this legislation as essential first step in stake the system that ensures
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accountability i would assume
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that for the most part our home for assessing audit system the fiscal monitoring program. through that program, we would identify sort of procedures how we want to receive that those audits where they live and how we do financial assessment of those audits. it may not be uniform. may be that we use the typical tools of our fiscal monitoring program. which does have a process to create a pool of majority of the nonprofits but not all nonprofits to conduct reviews of. so, we would look to that program and create the structures for that >> the other thing in the controller's office >> we cord departments to do monitoring. you courted nay the department sns >> yes.
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>> not clear yet basedow this will be implemented. were the nun profit is requesting the money from. yet way we there are a couple things over lapping. one is typically in the fiscal monitoring process departments cord nay departments and they lead the monitoring and reach out as a single document upon request to nonprofits. the ordinance you created that requires public posting of that material as well. and that's being designed with the city add administrator. i think those their is i bit of
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implementation planning needed know how our departments receiving the audit when is they are doing monitoring. and versus how are we doing public posting of information. that is submitted to the city. need to work through. joy get it i say and i know we can teep talking about this. i think for implementation. you know easy of ease of implementation and working with groups that are audited. it says they work with a certified accounting firm. i think is a good thing. is that -- if have you 8 organizations that is receiving dph and hsh and let's say hsh money, who are they to? and so i think that is manage to work with and i look forward to working with you on that. we want to make that flow easy
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as possible on both ends. can be reviewed public low available and then for those that are able to do it or have not been doing it, it will be parent and those that are we move on and implement the performance measures that are also another important partism appreciate the idea of dash board.
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there will be a chime when you have 30 seconds and louder chime when your time has expired.
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>> like to read something from an article in delores park. dream keep are initiative impact analysis rely on survey responses from grantees vested interest in receiving more money provide detail which to judgeow efficient low the funding was spent. initiative has a complicated fiscal relationship to san francisco's bureaucracy. it dispurse fund to other city departments the passing of public upon funds brokered by new city employees tasked with spending the budget.
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in many ways. -- this is how bureaucracy expands out transforming taxpayer dollars bo new government jobs. meaningliless impact reports and no strings attached grants of merit. jury room good morning i'm lucy i'm the director of the san francisco latino parod competence equity coalitionepting 21 nonprofits and we believe in the transparency and the establishments of standards in the ordinance and we firm low believe the process providing services to the city viewed as a partnership. we have occurrence we believe are important to consider we believability the process of citying perform goals have efforts with departments and include input from nonprofits
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who are serving the city. we see the service you see services we see community strategies. it is important that the performance goals are alined with the strategies. we urge you against increasing reporting and affording the heavy and required by different departments. in our organizations are operating at capacity the way of essential service. reporting requirements will be a sipping cant stroke to resources. >> good morning. with humachining service network a quick history lessons 22 years ago so far maxwell experience the city nonproperty task force that met for 2 years with city departments and nonprofits and developed 13 recommend eggs to include the condition transacting process. time low certification.
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and get rid of unnecessary requirement this is report upon included basics of the over due legislation that nonprofits and the 73 agreed to 20 years ago. there are 2 objectives related to performance monitor they talked about standards that have a main out come we support accountability and always have. strengthen services and make it easy to do business support this thank you. the family resource center and safe and sound i'm representing 40,000 families receiving services through 40 nonprofit
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family organizations. thank you for this legislation. there are many accountabilities that exist and family resource enters are not fund by one departmentful and varying over site requirements. standardizing account believability will support including family service organizations to serve family and children. tell, lufamily support organizations to institute fullo when they do best. provide services to families. thank you.
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and establish performance goals relevant to the work we to as families. and as always i like to push back on the baseless claims the complex is wasting gentleman funds cbo's do very much with very little and look forward to strengthning our partnership with city per ins to strengthen the city safety net. thank you. >> good morning i'm the executive director an of fit plus year old art's organization and the cochair of the well tino equity coalition representing 21 based organizations serving 5 zip codes in the city. i want to follow up on the relationship between our nonprofits and city.
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our organizations are also waiting for contracts as we stand now. this has to be a muttial transparency we put in affect and ask you to consider the needs of the organization fist we will do implementation we invest in the capacity of the what will require for us to be fully transparent and following the guide lines we have provide. an example a grantee of economic and workforce develop. given resources to catch fire a capacity tool exit think if you are implementing tell be an impact and brrd on the nonprofits. and put in play in advance. thank you. good morning i. immigration attorney. 50 year old legacy business in the city and, ward wing legal aid honors by the da's office.
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i'm reaching out buzz i think this is a good proposal. i think the spirit is good. i have 2 proposed edits employs an attorney one of my duties is to review legal document is.
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>> good monk i'm a local architect and citizen. and i'm concerned about the rumors i heard about a lot of scandals and nonprofits it is unfortunate shadows the good work. i applaud supervisor steph no for bringing legislation. like to focus on the 2 main items i think the supervisor needs to look at is the about of money going directly for services versus the amount spent on nonprofits administration. and the second low is the effectiveness of the services delivered. . so you know how many homeless people are taken off the street and how many gone to drug
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treatments and the key metrics. thank you. hi. thank you. supervisor steph no for this legislation. i think best practice requires anything like this to be monitor exclude make sure that what people say they are doing they are doing. i'm just up here because a lot of us appropriated 2 minute statements and you reduced the time to a minute. i'm wonder figure you can make it 2 minutes again gospel them each a minute again is tough to get everything we want to say, thanks. a request. >> i believe that was our left public commenter. >> thank you, public comment is now closed. >> vice chair walton >> thank you, i do just have to
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say this because no one else will. dream keep are contracts are monitored as much as any other contract in the city. in fact, more so because black organizations and organizations of color have always burned a microscope in the city. all the racist rhetoric that happened in the city, to track dream keeper or other funding goes out to our organizations it is ludacris. we don't allow organizations to go unmonitored. >> thank you. vice chair walton. gi want to thank my colleagues for comments on this legislation and to those this came to speak. thank you for your input. and especially debbie for the history lesson, 220 there was a report and i'm happy we are
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guesting around to impletting what was in this report that supervisor maxwell starred. i'm excite body this legislation and want to thank my chief of staff. and i'm looking forward to watching with the controller office does in developing the standards and when we do to monitor city dollars and make sure they are spent effectively. and to thank all the nonprofits we worked with and the nonprofit this is are out there doing sfuch great work i serve on the board in the city and watching what work can be done by people who are passionet about take care of others was amazing. thank you again. clothes and i look forward to your support and thank you sparz safai for joining. >> thank you. and i guess i would like to make a motion to send this to the
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full board with a positive recommendation. roll call on this motion yoochl on this motion vice chair walton. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair dorsey >> aye. jot motion passes will. thank you, mr. clerk and item 1 administrative code with city contracts moves to the full board with positive recommendation. >> mr. clerk, item 2. >> item 2 ordinance amending approving the surveillance technology policy the use of the automatic license plate readers the scompleept making findings in spchlt said approvals. >> thank you. chief of police bill scott is joining you to discuss this item. welcome to rule this is morning. floor is yours. good morning thank you chair
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dorse -- hole it is work again. we want to check with management to be sure we are good.
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we are back in session with chief scott for item 2 provision governing surveillance technologies the police department come in this case automatic license plate readers. bill scott. welcome to rules the floor is yours >> thank you. and good morning vice chair walton and supervisor safai. i'm here along with my colleagues to present on the autolicense plate read are policy. alpr. i want to talk about why had is so important to the city and our san francisco police department mission to reduce crime in our
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city. as you may know, the p d funding allocated to pay for 400 new alp r cameras from 15.low million dollars guarantee to combat retail crime. pd is already approved in alpr policy but to use the grant funding i mentioned the board of supervisors needs to approve the technical policy amendments that first allow cameras from different vendor it is current policy does not and allow different funding sources including state grand funding. it back up a step for the audience minot be familiar with, lpr. automatic lance plate read everybody images of plays and vehicle information to comper se with suspected vehiclesmented in
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crimes and provides law enforcement with actionable leads to solve crimes determine figure a vehicle was involved in a crime examine provides retime alert bunkham crimes are detected. why is it important to this police department and the city? research to chiefs of police show that 70% of all crimes committed are committed with a vehicle involved and our city is no exception. san francisco worked to address high property crime rates and go to the crime scene and flee and sometimes use vehicles to drive into vehicles to defeat the security measures the ketailers put in place. our license plate readers can
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help identify vehicles used in the city's challenging crimes theft, burglar, converter theft. stolen vehicles and more and many crime vs lower clearance rates the suspects move quickly and hard to apprehend and there is little evidence without us having to take advantage of identifying the vehicles. so, license plate readers can none only identify vehicle in real time and identify other cases and the readers help solve violent crimes as investigations like acber alerts and stunt driving and more. our placement is short 500 officers and would act as a multiploy are alleviate staffing and enhance the ability to solve
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crimes quicker. i like to talk more about the targeted approach in terms of what this technology does to help us. alpr assist our police department to make investigative stops more resighs knowing the vehicle suspend in crimes. officers have accurate information with conducting investigative stuff we have better in addition and make better and precise stops. than i don't use facial recognition to deliver alerts with personal information and data is never sold to third pers. userern case numbers associated with an investigation to search system and logs preserved for oversight purposes. this question that i'm about to answer or discuss has been asked by this committee on other
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issues. talk about the other agencies and how important to be a part of a network to solve the crimes. understands of agencies using alpr technology. agencies can share information allows law enforcement to collaborate rit and solve crime in cases when the cases cross jurisdictional lines. many cases dom the cities oak land and alameda. concord. san jose are expanding alpr use with stationary networks similar to what were our city is trying to accomplish. south san francisco who introduced the new alpr sxanlded their alpr technology. 80% decrease in burglars and 50% decrease in autotheft. after 6 months for the new expanded technology. oak land council voted fund
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3alpr cameras similar to when we are trying in san francisco. to address crime in the city after failing to secure a state grant funding. part of the urgency sewe need this help now. we came through a language holiday weekend and had our officers out and combating retail theft. made some rests but it is my opinion that we could have done more and more fortunate low if we had the technology now. skoal we can expand our technology and in a position to solve crimes. with that. we will have a brief power point presentation to better describe
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the process. so. this policy falls under the san
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frap add traitive code 19b requirements mean nas several things have to happen. department has to deteriorate a surveillance impact report this addresses the technology descriptions and authorized uses, restrict mission creek and did the captured. potential civil liberties, mitt fagz. data secures. sharing. cost and funding sources. also that includes residents in the department benefits compliance and directions for the public to ask questions and submit information and request file a complaint and noncompliance with this policy. than i are there are many measure in place to ensour well is a public process and they are there are -- civil learnts are protected. next slide.
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our policy went through the code 19b requirements. the things i mentioned and i want to point out here that the privacy board the psav, evaluates surveillance technologies. that board has 7 members that represent various organization in thes city controller's office. data circumstance f, contracts or office of contract administration. san francisco i t government digital services. committee on information and technology. and the committee on information tech untiling is a body this makes decisions regarding the city and county's technology. policies. the members representing the administrator's office the mayor avenue office of innovation.
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board supervisors dhrsfpuc and library. and hsh and hrc all sit on the coit board. the next slide. guess through the process. and if you facility arrow goes from start when the policy is smimented to the ending when the policy guess throughout different levels of oversight. committee of assignment and the full board there is a thorough process that goes to the policy approval. i stated in my opening the department submitted alpr
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policy. that was approved in a couple years ago. but the policy needs minor modifications in order to beably to take advantage of funding we, ployed for. just of note and 2021 when this policy was initiate period, the san francisco police department had only vehicle mounted alpr technology. 19 b policy to semi fixed and smart phone mrksz new are technology expands in order for you to do more with the technology. including identification of vehicles. descriptions and not just license plates. the reason for the 19b surveillance technology policy minor amendment system to allow
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for vendor specific language to be modify in the the policy. ability to seek occupant the competitive vendor or the vender right for the stay and not a specific vendor as the current policy reads. data formats in the current surveillance technology presented flat motor form expansion. there are different formats as this technology e involves we don't want to limit ourselves in terms of the formats the data can be receive in the the modification will also expand our ability to the do this not limit ourselves with the types of formats the data is rafted in. and the. third most important thing the funding source. points to sfpd operators.
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>> this policy approved but has to go with the accept and extend policy in order to take full advantage of this guarantee as quickly as possible. as you see these other steps that were taken starting august
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7th of 23. and after approved for the grant and now the november 27 hearing. and hopefully this gets supported we go to the full board for the first and second read and like to do that soon as we can. and it is end of all this, we like to seek procure am of am mobile applications using the new technology i described. and this it is it for the power point. we are available for questions. >> great. thank you, chief. vice chair walton >> thank you, chief scott i have a few questions my first is -- for clarity. this is not a new policy for san francisco? >> that is correct this is amendments to the one the board already approved. >> why do you think the current
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policy does in the allow for the use of state funding. or other funding source? the policy reads the way we sunday that it is only allows for pd budget to be used for this technology. so grant funding outside source funding the policy does in the allow for that. >> this was a determiningination by city sdpaern? >> yes. >> and i know you mentioned this would be used technology only used for vehicle suspected of a crime signal >> the way it works the license plate readers alert if stolen vehicles or vehicles that have been energid involved in crime that alerts the vehicles. vehicles used in robberies. . and so am it also this
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technology also captures the vehicle itself. so you not only have the license plate you have an image of the vehicle. say a red car used in a robbery and the scar evercar is stolen on top of that this would capture license plate and the vehicle image and that is where the lead is generated that alert would issue forward to the officer and they would know they are dealing with a vehicle used in a crime >> read refers are trained to focus on how do they determine what to read and not to read >> as far as the license play? all license plates are read the worns awk lettered in the system as stolen or involved in a crime. >> everybody is being surveilled. all license plates are read when the readers are active all license plates are read nobody
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gets energid unless that vehicle that license play is flagged for being involved in a crime or stolen. >> this would not be used for folks with outstanding parking tickets or traffic infractions. >> and then -- just for my clarity. all we are asking for here sorry to be ail to increase the number. funding sources that can gentleman toward purchase of the readers and also increase upon the opportunity vendors? >> yes. vendors the 3 things are not having a vented eversingle vendor it is better for the city it opens it up to competitive bidding and if there is a change of technology. second allowing outside source of funding like grant funding
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and then the third the data now the format is rigid as far as what data formats we is receive and like to expand this use technology evolves and there were many formats of data >> thank you. it thank you. supervisor safai. >> thank you, chief and chair. on you were time line it said, september 21, 2023 coit hearing voted recommend to the board of supervisors. correct. and here we are the end of november. kwhafs the delay between september and november? there were a lot of discussions with the language. there was a lot of discussions on with us and our city
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attorneys andeen internally on -- interception of the current policy. were and just to add, please >> this process actually is much even with the delays firefighterer than what we have experienced with other policies. >> i saw that. based on your previous time line you showed. it seems like it is august and now and -- but let me ask you a question . you said you submit
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amendments to the in august? during our recess. and then psa hear to review the amendments proving edits. were there more edits and changes after the coit hearing? >> no. there were not more edits and changes but there were discussions about how to make it work quickly there is a lot that goes in the process and thoughtful discussion. >> there was not even any legislative changes it was. internal conversations on behalf your department? >> changes you have in front of you are what coit approved on september 24st. that's what i am trying to understand. was there then debate or guidance from the city attorney whether you needed to bring it back or not?
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is that was slowing counselling the process? there was a date. >> both. >> okay. thank you, i want to ask the city attorney throughout chair. so, i know supervisor walton asked this. what was the determination from the city attorney's office in terms of whether or not this had to go through legislative process? or account have i guess there is another interpretation. could be amend without the process. what was the thought process? >> i have not been involved in this process nor would i disclose confidentialing add vise my office has goin its clients there is a summary in the lgdz of several changes that are being made. and -- those are changes to the policy.
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there can't be administrative changes without going throughout legislative press this is internal a policy of the department and policy of coit and for the city i'm curious i know that many departments amend internal policy without going throughout legislative process. i'm trying to understand for future reference because this might come up again and i appreciate the chief highlighting that this went a lot faster and everything we see flonlt of us was here. from september 21st. and then internal conversations with your department and their d. i'm trying to understand am how we ended up here and are this is something this will need to happen if internal policies that are adjusted? these internal policies issue
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required by article 19 b adopted by the board supervisors that requires this process the chief described for you. not every internal policy is subject to similar requirement that is codified in the code. so -- what made this rise to the level having to come to the board? i can't sfeek this. i don't know what elements of this were debated internal low and would in the disclose confidential advice begin. >> if you direct question. if you say if we say we want to change a vendor. versus one versus and others does this require legislative change? >> arm 19b requires policy
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include specific information and does require identifies vendors. that is a component of many policies and can i am not expert in 19 b. gi understand i'm not trying to put you on the spot this way. i'm trying tonld how wipe ended up here and could not have done this quick kerch think about efficiency. >> i heard you say, chief. you make the language broad so in the future there are other this is come in this category you don't to come back and do this again? >> that is our understanding. i would say this. and this may be helps to answer your questions, this was the first 19b policies that we bruto the board. envision when we might encounter in the future.
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ncric and or other vendor utilized by theed department may host alpr dataasm vehicle abatement funds the budget or upon grant funds may pay for
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maintenance. >> no that is data upon repository that is -- talking about paying for maintenance. talks about different sources of fund figure i guess that language is mirrored in different parts. there is a false narrative saying the board delayed or intord not doing its job. i appreciate you saying this language was the same on september 21 and waited for theory and when the chair was notified this was scheduled and put on the agenda to move this forward >> yes, i don't know the narratives you may have heard. i do know when we have asked for some 2 things have to happen the
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policy move and the accept and extend move forward. the board does not go on recess for september we are hear for the first half of december. i do have another question for you, chief. this is the data storage. and i noticed in the policy is says data stored by the in the following location. it says local storage and then veblder managed storage. is this a normal practice for the vendor to manage data. it gives multiple locations and department of technology data software and service product.
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cloud storage local storage is your department >> which phase. >> page 8. it is about the data storage. the vendor and you meaning the upon department have the ability to control special storage of the data. correct. can you talk about this. i guess what i'm asking what other policies on how to manage the vender themselves in terms of having access to this data that is important to people pimp understand you have your internal policies and we have a way to over see that the know vender themselves, what are the controls in terms of how they have use and have access to the data we aim to put protection in
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place venders limited how they use the data we protect privacy and we want the data to solve crimes and nothing more than that. those issue measure it is/khrer in the policy. the sections that dwooel that will. the vendors in this policy whatever we deal with cannot sell this information to thirds parties. where does it say that?
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y that is that protective clause. when we deal with contracts we make sure they are compliant. our own system. >> using acronyms i don't know. >> thank you. il read them to you. >> criminal justice information services the compliance of fish compliance punish for law enforcement agencies to keep dataasm also the california law enforcement telecommunication systems.
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core self a confidential record information. law enforcement suspect required to comply with all coming to data maintenance. you did read the clause about maintains the content and data throughout the policy and the impact report it is not revise. we talk about how we maintain the data and the upon vendors go through a cop tracting process we maintain the data and beyond. okay, thank you. >> thank you. chief. can you ask you about the timing of this. presuming if this were to win approval from this committee today, and gets 2 votes at the
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board. how quickly could you quinn the press of procuring the cameras? >> if after the second reading for this policy? we still couldn't the other part is the accept and extend has to happen as well both component vs to get through that process. >> okay. has it, for this -- we did wave the 30-day hold to move forward on in. and take advantage of the state grant fundings. >> yes >> is it moving a pace? >> yes, for tht 30-day a request made approved by president supervisor peskin. the waiver for this policy did happen >> and may be this is to the mayor did the mayor's office ask on the accept and extend? a waiver of the 30-day hold?
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>> thank you temperature tom with the mayor's office we asked a waiver for the 30-day holds. for accept and extend. they accept today >> it is from in a separate commit tee is moving a pace. >> of the can accept and extend ordinance is pending before budget and finance not schedule yet. how quickly would we have the license readers. schedule for december 6, i believe.
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okay is this right >> will the accept and extend is pending related this item as an ordinance require 2 readings. it is scheduled for next wednesday december 6 put a second read and signature from the mayor in second week of january >> okay. we are moving quick low in this committee >> okay. okay. and i would before openingum i don't have questions i appreciate your presentation. i don't see vice chair walton if you have questions. i do share some of the occurrence about make sure that 19b is something this we can move fast on. i have a bit of experience working with this owner ands i
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feel like this is in the building we realize this is something where there is 19 b growing pangs we get the process done faefrt. i shall everrecall in terms of interpretation of this law, which is involved. there is a lot going on and there was litigation over this. and many add vocated upons written a way ended up lose nothing court. i do share the occurrence about everything we kedo. i appreciate your work on this and seeing no one let's open up
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to public comment. thank you >> thank you. >> members of public who wish to speak lineup to speak on the side by windows each allowed 1 minute. you may begin when the mayor and you approved defunding the police pd reorganized the budget to prioritize officers or technology. for those of you who don't want a staff with actual officers one would hope you would support all technology to help the remaining officers work efficient low. the platform does not use facial recognition nor alerts to identifiable information. if you upon pay lip service
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cannot pass this legislation jeopardize property or cost the city stop loyaling and add mitt you will not make your voters safe and offer an explanation why okay for our mt ameter female use handleds every day but not police. is them not on schedule like connie chan not schedule this for wednesday we have to wait until january for this? san francisco needs speed toad to utilize every technology during short used by a thousand agency in california collects sxefdz preserves privacy and we get for free. let's adopt and ought lives every tool to combat crime tell
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be tell figure than i don't pass this. vice president. the popular's association supports this initiative. tht chief is pitingly forward and all police officer in san francisco support this . the ewe it is imperative not only to us in san francisco but the bay area. it is not specific to just to our community. this it is occurring in the east and south bay and the north bay and you ton have that technology that supports this bay area is when we need.
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multiple vendors is imperative and essential. and you know we have the guarantee and i believe we should use it wisely. thank you. >> good morning ownership now afternoon. supervisors pip to speak in support of osh taining technology. it speaks volume fist our city uses this technology every day for mt apurposes but does not allow it used for police purposes. that tells me anyone who disagrees values criminals over the residents of thank you very much city. please value residents and tell us you value us. and adopt this technology. push it forward.
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it should be on the budget committee a. s. a. p. i can'tis not already temperature is common sense. >> good morning. i urge you to adopt this measure and am. eshgs pel indict it society city gets the grant funding.
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the the police department top brass was here right here in this room it tell us we will lose 300 officer unless we do something drastic. are you listening to me. >> direct to you speak on the item before us and not on an item not on today's agenda. you doimgd everdon't have blue
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hair and not screaming obscenities. fiwas french and here blabbering on would you intercept me i never seen you interrupt those people you are interrupted me now for that. in thanks. public upon comment is closed. 120 million dollars was not taken from the police department i want to make sure. we state fact in this meeting. 120 million dollars was never taken from the police department you can check that with the police department. you can talk to the chief. you can talk to the mayor you can talk to anybody in leadership 120 million dollars was not taken from the police department.
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i would like to make a motion to sends you and you aloning 2 to the board with positive recommendation. >> on that motion. vice chair walton >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair dorsey. >> aye. >> the notion passes without objection. >> thank you on the unanimous vote item 2 code surveillance technology policy and police department and automatic license plate readers moved to the full board yoochl item 3 ordinance approving the surveillance tech untiling for fine arts museum, camera management and vo monitor system. >> thank you. and paul peterson is joining us. this morning. to present on their policy and as always coit director jimmian is on stand by to answer questions about the froesz for the committee on information
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technology. mr. peterson, welcome. >> good morning chairman dorsey. vice chairman walton and supervisor. we presented our 19b security surveillance technology policy to the privacy board and the coit technology committee and they approved if the fine arts mull seems of san francisco are composed of the deyoung and legion of honor. the policy defines the authorize the and restricted usage of our cameras and cam upon raand come ramanagement system and video monitoring system. describes restricted use cases and on going operations. the system support are mission in 2 ways ensures ability to provide public access to our art
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collections and world class exhibitions and allows the museum to review footage in the cases of art damage. that is it. any questions. >> i don't. i appreciate your i know we got a few things on 19b and appreciate the work you have don this and the process you have gone through. no one else on the roster appreciate your presentation and there are no questions can we open up to public comment? >> member who is wish to speak lineup to speak. each member allows a minute. public comment is closed.
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vice chair walton. >> on the motion to recommend item 3. aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair dorsey. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> thank you, on the unanimous vote item 3 the code surveillance technology policy the fine arty museums moves forward with a positive recommendation. >> the next item >> item 4 ordinance approving surveillance technology policy the use of social media monitor software near are various city departments. before discussing i want to take the opportunity to thank jillian zns this is left week the committee on information technology have the benefit of having her in the role director. the city is not losing jillian she has been recruited by sfmta. we'll middle or level head and
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ability to do cat herding on issues that are complicated and difficult and things that people are not knowledgeable about and often can be the back burn emissues i know this in my time in government. i heard about your leadership there i know this accomplished a great deal a million dollars in refresh you understand if funding the digital accessibility and inclusion be standard. keep will consider a single policy for social media monitor
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tools covering 28 departments and ms. johnson we appreciate your service and service for a different department. now for welcome to rule and the 34 is yours. i did not upon dmap i did not know it would have been circulated i appreciate temperature thank you very much. and good afternoon supervisor safai and walton. so i will present on the social media monitor software policy for 28 departments are signod for this policy. we made a multidepartmental policy you seen policies that are upon one department and technology. and but given social media monitoring as a tool is used the same a tool for other communication. if we made 1 policy that covered departments they will use them the same am way.
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and -- we built the policy based on you heard 4 overnight left scombreer those approved we if you in air policy for the 28 departments. a description social media monitor technology can review all accounts for a departmentful search their content on those platforms that they have accountsos by type nothing key words. the tech nong schedule post for thes departments andan likewising engage am for posts they can understand if their effortings are effective. the functioned can vary by vendor and type andune they allow to be labeld and save content. on these central social media
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monitor motor forms. the 3 use case departments signod for this policy intend to use it under are to publish content social media community with users about news and share information on service through channels. and analyze data garthed to assess effectiveness of out roach and optimize messaging to the public. the policy was heard on june 8 and by coit the following week and both bodies recommended approval. and i will make a note there was a nonsubstantive correction after those meetings. to the environment are to weres portion of the pomps addressing the department of environment. they added 3 job titles to the jobs. titles and the related personnel costs associated with the titles
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and also corrected the floor are number for their address. . i don't think coit would have changed their opinion. we introduced that to you all for your review. any questions? i don't i appreciate the efficiency of the. and you want multidepartment process you lead and i think this is an upon good model. and i mention third degree is not reflects the anything wrong about the policy i thank you is anything that is bringing policy understand the technology changes and sometimes the struggle we have as policy makers make sure we keep pace. i appreciate your work on it. seeing no one i think i appreciate your presentation and
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your service to the city and good luck with the sfmta. >> thank you. >> open up to public comment y. if there are member whos would like to make public comment you can approach at this time i don't see anyone at this time for public comment. >> thank you, public comment on this item is closed. >> and i would like to make a motion to thenned to the full board with positive recommendation item 4. >> yes, on that motion vice chair walton. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair dorsey. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection >> thank you on a unanimous vote item 4 code approval surveillance technology policy for city departments moves to the full board. >> call incomes 5 and sick together. item 5 a motion reappointing rafael mandelman term ending
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december first of 24 to the california state association of counties. item 6 a motion reappointing supervisor mandelman term ending june 30 to the association of bay area gentlemans executive board. >> thank you, mr. clerk. supervisor mandelman is not able to join us i have a statement are his staff i will read in the record for both appointments regarding supervisor mandelman apply to the california statesorption of counties as the san francisco representative on the board of directors. in the past term supervisor mandelman represents san francisco at the board. meetings and the conference took place in oak land a couple am weeks ago. at the conference supervisor mandelman was a panelist on the california county round table and shared efforts and challenge in tackling the fentanyl over dose crisis and a leading voice
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in support of prop 1 govern newsome's march 24 ballot initiative backed by this board modernite mental health service act and sick.38 billion dollars bond for new housing and treatment settings. as for abag the the bay area government supervisor mandelman aplaying for reappointment to that body and will san francisco representative. served the association of governments efforts in the sustainable and equal growth of cities across the bay area. throughout endorse am of state housing transportation and legislation. he is also participated in discussions related plan bay area 2050 for the future and includes funding the next generation network and bond and
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other solutions to tackle the affordable housing crisis. economic development and protections to were address sea level rise. i don't know if there are questions or comments. seeing none i will thome up to public comment. mr. clerk >> call for public comment. . no per in thes room we can close public comment wrochl public comment on items 5 and 6 is closed. i would like to make a motion to send these to the full board with positive recommendation. >> on this motion vice chair walton. >> aye. >> supervisor sa fei. >> aye. >> chair dorsey. >> aye the motion pass. jury room thank you on the unanimous am vote 5 and 6 the reappointment of mandelman to the california state organization of count and hes the association of bay area government executive board moves forward with positive recommendation. do we have further business?
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>> that completes the agenda >> thank you we are adjourned.
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[music] hi. i'm san francisco mayor london breed i want to congratulate sfgovtv on 30 years of dedicated service as a broadcast channel for our vibrant city. you played a critical role during the pan dem and i can worked keep residents informed. adapted to changing situations that allowed our residents to engage and participate in government. thank you for 3 decades of informing and inspiring and connect the people of san francisco as the voice thatgo. >> shop and dine the 49 promotes
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local businesses and changes san franciscans to do their shopping and dooipg within the 49 square miles by supporting local services within the neighborhood we help san francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant so where will you shop and dine the 49 hi in my mind a ms. medina
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>> my family's starts in mexico in a small town. my parents are from a very, very small town. so small, that my dad's brother is married to one of my mom's sisters. it's that small. a lot of folks from that town
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are here in the city. like most immigrant families, my parents wanted a better life for us. my dad came out here first. i think i was almost two-years-old when he sent for us. my mom and myself came out here. we moved to san francisco early on. in the mission district and moved out to daily city and bounced back to san francisco. we lived across the street from the ups building. for me, when my earliest memories were the big brown trucks driving up and down the street keeping us awake at night. when i was seven-years-old and i'm in charge of making sure we get on the bus on time to get to school. i have to make sure that we do our homework. it's a lot of responsibility for a kid. the weekends were always for family. we used to get together and whether we used to go watch a movie at the new mission theater and then afterwards going to kentucky fried chicken. that was big for us.
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we get kentucky fried chicken on sunday. whoa! go crazy! so for me, home is having something where you are all together. whether it's just together for dinner or whether it's together for breakfast or sharing a special moment at the holidays. whether it's thanksgiving or christmas or birthdays. that is home. being so close to berkley and oakland and san francisco, there's a line. here you don't see a line. even though you see someone that's different from you, they're equal. you've always seen that. a rainbow of colors, a ryan bow of personalities. when you think about it you are supposed to be protecting the kids. they have dreams. they have aspirations. they have goals. and you are take that away from them. right now, the price is a hard
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fight. they're determined. i mean, these kids, you have to applaud them. their heart is in the right place. there's hope. i mean, out here with the things changing everyday, you just hope the next administration makes a change that makes things right. right now there's a lot of changes on a lot of different levels. the only thing you hope for is for the future of these young kids and young folks that are getting into politics to make the right move and for the folks who can't speak. >> dy mind motion. >> even though we have a lot of fighters, there's a lot of voice less folks and their voiceless because they're scared. welcome
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creative and dell library future the union square the opening of millard lux. >> yeah. >> (clapping.) my aim my name is phil ginsburg and have over 200 parts parks in san francisco and this would think is beautiful amazing union square might be you are most historic our most celebrated in the world it is perfect that we have one of the most revokable celebrated and most historic in the world. >> (clapping) 27 years on food tv and a
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kitchen. >> great. worse cook in america and as the great fire trucks and more importantly all you've done for san francisco i know the mayor will talk about public safety to enjoy union square look at this amazing public plaza we got our tree and ice skating rink and not the first but second celebration here today so thing bes are happening in the square and san francisco is back baby san francisco is back (clapping.) so it is my great honor to introduce anyone who works tailoring to create a strong and vibrant san francisco she as a big park advocate the reason we're here and she is making
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public safety in downtown of a foodie and loves to party ladies and gentlemen, the mayor of san francisco london breed. >> thank you phil. >> (clapping) this is like dui just have you this might advice just to enjoy the sun and grab a ticket and other feed and millard lux hang out at union square but let me start off by thanking jeff for building in san francisco this man has been on the food network tv and all over the world and the has should amazing restaurant millard lux which is located at pay center hard to get into millard lux after a warrior game one of the most sought after chef in the united states and we have him right
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here in san francisco and now we have him for people all ever the world been to san francisco in union square (clapping.) and when you talk about the san francisco san francisco is a foodie town whether it the james beard award arrest the michelin star people can find cuisine if any country in san francisco that is what san francisco makes to special with the people. today were are joined yes by phil beginning berries and rec and park staff let me tell you union square right here looks amazing from our park patrol and other folks that supporting this area and downtown ambassadors and our union square (clapping.)
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alliance partner mri religious rodriguez all the hotels let me tell you to has seen 27 new businesses open right here in union square. and there is more to come. (clapping.) i think the only toy store in the city is down here next to mason will be a long line for the holiday season and thank some of the other partners here today including the scene of toys jeanine nicole son and thank you, to the director of the public health department dr. colfax and hearing in sarah and philip in just a moment let me
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give you a perspective san francisco like other major cities has had challenges and we register a couple of years ago had all eyes on san francisco and people were wondering what is happening we rolled up our sleeves and the proposed solutions earlier day with the police department and the chief of police talking about safety strategy and is a district attorney talking about the prosecution we have eyes and ears on the street and ducks in a row make sure safety of people in downtown union square in san francisco (clapping.) but we want 0 people to have a wonderful time we want phoenix to see celebrate the holiday spirit to enjoy the ice skating rink to come and witness the
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tree literally on thursday to explore the winter walk and harangue out at the various location and you know what people get hunger what when they're shopping who without the possibility of parole want to come and sit outside in this beautiful location and enjoy the cu songs or joy and glass of champaign while 240e let their kids run on union and hang out in the holiday season and will be so many to enjoy during the holiday season in union square in san francisco i can't thank jeff enough. not only committing to san francisco but working hard to make sure that those locations
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are open for people to enjoy during the holiday season the last thing before i i'll turn it over to a couple of folks so many of you are here yooift victorville or what kind of thank you for supporting and believing in san francisco we know that has been tough-minded we have been to kwaeshthsdz and pandemic everything you can think of and still san francisco continues to on the other hand, messenger stronger than before because we don't give up we continue to rise and put our best patio forward because people love and building in the staying city that's what today is both the economic development we came together and knew the downtown needed improvement we invested $7 million provides support for activation but also to provide for policies so that places like millard lux
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permission can open to the public sooner rather than later we also helped to support how community ambassadors and we're going to continue to do everything we can whether paving policies and making investments and providing a great environment for the people who live and work and visit here whatever it takes to get our city back to where it needs took because of people here today and one of those persons o - [off mic.] >> i'm on a roll bill i'm on a roll. one of those persons i said this guy i can't say enough he is a television star but no tactic of any of his locations is too big or small he made it a point to hire from the community to provide people on intent to work with local people from all the city and appreciate his work and advocacy and love for the
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city and county of san francisco ladies and gentlemen, please welcome chef. >> thank you very much. (clapping.) san francisco how you guys doing? >> can i told you we're to incredibly thiefrld and a honor to be with everyone and san francisco i promise i are not finding a harder parch inside millard lux and shout out to andy in operations (clapping.) and our entire team of millard lux we got the keys to this place on the 11 of last month wow. and is we building in san francisco and here we are neighbors we're concerned citizens like everyone and 0 collectively as a community we are going to plug in energy into the walk that's exactly what we're to go; right? and ownership of us are part of the
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solution and this is our mail contribution to the city so millard lux opened yesterday and had hundreds of people walk there and telling us it of the we're healing that's was that of the like people walked there the park and said we i don't know how long those places are open but we've as i said a 9 year lease and want to have the experiences in the park so over here open on power side carla world-class give world-class give a caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. with incredible work and over here also really,
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really excited on to have post script coffee a brand new coffee out of jackson square roosevelt coffee and dropping off and san francisco pastry and open 7:30 and the last couple of days feels like humanity in the park though know exactly la to do i think our products so to speak and people slide in like they've been doing it for years the odd side of park we didn't too man we're taking both sides of park to the rooftop history with two cafes so martinez or optimistic chicken and farmers' market and all day brochure and warren out and champagnes and on tap all
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kinds of great things we like this to be a picnic in the park so san francisco is celebrate at a x quest world-class experience to recognize and the world will pay attention and i promise to not only to the mayor by gavin newsom the governor of california said how fast can you get guessing open i said 45 days thankfully here we go here we go so (clapping.) not just me my lovely family and florence we give my wife a roirmdz yeah and behind every good chef is a good woman knows what is going on so my in-laws and feels like a big family this is what it is all about and thank you to the rec and park and neil a roourmd and getting
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us across the goal line and we can't we're to excite to be here and from the bottom of my heart san francisco you'll not find harder working partners so welcome we're happy to be here and the 2023 holiday season let's go (clapping.) and thank you, mayor breed and (laughter). >> so i wanted to stay here and certainly during your speech had your chef a couple for acknowledgements we're joined by members of your fabulous workplace rec and park todd anderson and our newest commissioner a big roourmd and (clapping.) all right. i any like to
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introduce my partners in the gear oh, i want to introduce and acknowledge the commenting rodney von (clapping.) and sarah phillips the new head of economic development she came in and said let's go to work we talk about pretty much all the time and travel care for the talk show (clapping.) may sarah is doing an amazing job and together takings 0 challenges and difficult pieces and revitalizing making this fun ladies and gentlemen, sarah phillips. >> thank you philip as you can tell by the san francisco rec and park is our partnership in every step in their journey
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since the mayor announced the road map in february we made may i strides including in winter walk will come back for very soon and that concludes my report. the downtown welcome ambassadors here today making sure that everyone is safe and having a good time and sporting public realm improvements on a new combinations combielgsz a better place to move up and down and providing day to day support and technical assistance to the small businesses we're seeing about 800 businesses start every month each month over the last three months seeing investment in san francisco including 27 new businesses and last improvement we're excited about millard lux they're totally down the line of the mayor's road map
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not only a public place for people wanting to be and come several times a day and supporting a local business and entrepreneurs chef thrilling florence and businesses in san francisco o san francisco and have local employees that are san franciscans it hired in the resource program we're excited about and more importantly and this story has been told we're telling san francisco stories he is committed to the city the world will see what we know about san francisco and what the city is. um, i want to thank everyone for coming her and madam mayor for having the vision to move this project forward when she hired me i told her her my staff and getting it occupying and b will be it it be
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nimble and thank you. the entire team for they're peed and making san francisco a huge part and finally a thanks to where you are partners at the my own square alliance um, have been with us every step of the way and with that, i'll introduce the next guest and i think i'm shedding a tear (laughter) we're finally here and man what a journey. you know, that was not quite like this two years ago come to the park and feel like has happening to our city but the future is so to bright. just want to thank tyler for beth own union square betting on union square and our city and bringing (clapping.) us back too important indian trail we have so much potential
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in the park and i know i phil feels this way it is maybe well the cafes and trees and the activation all the things we expect when we come into to the public spaces in the heart of san francisco we celebrate lives greatest moments where we live and our i'm telling you it is allergies but so meaningful we met over a year and a half ago i want or remember to millard lux and sat there for dinner in celebrity chef roles up and the someone says this the woman for union square he said wait i want to talk it to you and really and i'm thinking maybe over here and
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maybe he liked the park that's a whole different thing (laughter) he stick with that and that means so much he's going to stick with us and continues to ask when do we need and the except what do we need 23 mean the world to us i look at the crowd a big crowd i see mason i see our art galleries and our board members and the foundation of union square alliance and tiffany's and mason and van cleave i saw yes, we're all here so many faces and people - chambers is here and the travel is here the hotels i saw alex and other board member and the ambassadors we're all here and phil thank you for being here
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everyone is here this means so most the heart of the city we come to celebrate the cable car we're not going to let it go away i see liz polio if anything we're going to take the opportunity you know what we have a clean slat what do we want to bring to the square to off to our san franciscans and bay area and visits from all over the world it is the holiday season i can imagine a better time to be here we're open for business. >> thank you pair thank you, mayor.. for having this vision and helping us get over the finish line to skillfully millard lux and over out here all san franciscans bay residents depend on that. thank
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you very much. and we're about to cut a retain thank you, captain kim thank you, for being here and be safe i want to echo a couch thanks that the mayor and tyler gave to the rec and park the gardeners and maintenance people on the ground that keep our park system the finest thank you for all you do and neil and dave for your hard work and last but not least to our may i public affairs staff a lot of those events around the city never don't want things like to be in the shadows so i want to thank them pubically a their anyist team member shawn white. >> all right. we're about to cut a retain. (clapping.)
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and their sharp please be careful you're our mayor [off mic.] >> - >> (multiple voices). >> you want rec and park (laughter). >> we're going a count down and here we go. >> everyone ready everyone is here. >> all right. come in where is mri religious 54, 3, 2 , 1. >> wow. >> (clapping)
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>> good morning, everyone i'm san francisco mayor london breed and welcome to union square (clapping.) i want to thank maurice from the union scare lineups our downtown ambassadors and police department fire department and - all the city agencies the department of public works supervisors president peskin our district attorney meaning and bill scott so many people to
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talk about the existing emphasis holiday hopping season (clapping.) all the shoppers out there the visitors i want you to make our way we want to see the businesses here doing well, let me tell you we're experienced challenging times in san francisco i don't know about you i'm feeling to how much and lemon tell you why yesterday, we announced the mba all star game is coming to san francisco in 2025 we announced that will be back in 24. (clapping.) next week e next week san francisco will play host to action park or pack the park and planning coordination we will be welcoming 231 economics from around the world the significant
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event is at san francisco. has it's host an international event of this magnitude since 1945 with the united nations nations was established in san francisco we're to welcoming people and our hotels packed how restaurant packed. >> this is a holiday season where people and families come together and, of course, they come to the to eat at restauranteur and cafes like millard lux opening today we're excited about that (clapping.) they come to tree lighting ceremonies like this thursday the tree behind us thanks to macy's will be diane in the holiday season come to stay skate and look at macy's window and the window walk on street
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where people could gathered and have ice cream and celebrate the holidays of san francisco as 27 new businesses open right here in union square and including just last week was at it in i boutique of banana republic one of my favorite stores and looking forward to even more excitement and opportunity from people to stop and dine in the 49. that shop and i told you just to be clear, people will be safe. we have more police officers. about uniform officers as well plain cloths police officers will be all around this area. and just to give in appreciative because despite the challenges three exist that had limitation around our law
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officers are city making a arrests and we're break-ins lower and making sure we are doing everything we can to prevent those things from happening in the first place you'll hear in the district attorney and the police chief so just today we're introducing legislation we received a grant from the state and anticipate will be pitting 4 hundred now license plate read cameras all over san francisco (clapping.) and let me tell you we are reaching the barriers to share that technology is eyed in order to prevent those issues and crimes and other things from happening in the first place. so i'm looking forward to that legislation making get to the board of supervisors to get those cameras up and continue to
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do do amazing work and ambassadors will be in the transformation area and our bart stations all over union square will be an exciting time whether or not you're for a pack or anything else we invite them to downtown san francisco some amazing now restaurants including on the form rooftop i'm looking forward to experience and what better than that to do it november when the sun is shining and in san francisco at a rooftop restaurant (clapping.) so i can go on and on and on but i want to appreciate the patience and merchant all around union square who have worked with us to make sure that we address the challenges that exist in this area we have worked hard to keep the streets clean thank you, you department
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of public works we are work hard with millard lux thank you to the ambassadors that provide direction and safety and square feet for those looking at for the neighborhood location presenter autopsy and thank you to the nonprofits and the relationship we have with the union square alliance has been invariable in getting in amazing place are we where we want to not law school but we are getting there thank you everyone for being here and talk about some of the plans around public safety is our police chief bill scott. thank you. let the record show and thank you, sir, leadership. and thank you for keeping our city safe am this is personally my favorite time of
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the year and our goal this year to really make special holiday season how where are we going to do that we talked about one of the number one, priority in the city and that will be evidence next week with a a pack conference and all hands on deck and help in the california highway patrol and law enforcement agencies and rode for this incredible moment. with that help we are a health of awareness i'm talking about that before i go further thank you to the from other law enforcement around the bayview dave murphy from our park ranches (clapping.) and have deputy chief scott and london logan an incredible partner and eric chang and
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captain and d hall is responsible for the union square area they have been done an amazing job and getting us back on track (clapping.) and have officer level from our our foot beat probably on the foot beat when i see him say hi he's doing the work to keep us safe and he next our years standing behind w i they don't a great job and speak to them on off duty. and also, we have our sf folks and later have community and can't do anything would the the help of our community with the square alliance and many more than just
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in conference that morning day to day to keep the city safe to work together i want to talk about had that looks like right now. joe as the mayor said joe we're where we want to be by better than that where we were the mayor and i stand behind you as one of the events and that we'll make that better and and think we have delivered on that in terms of of making it better but i by no means saying the work is done. we have employment with the retail theft operations we needed to organize bets deore store and right there and unfortunately, can't preventive that but talked with the people that did that and it is what that is going to take. so i wanted to send a message out to
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those would be sales theft people that walk in our stores and have a retail theft operations arrested offer 200 and thirty people from theft when you walk in a store from to and try to steal we have a sf pd officer maybe waiting to and/or you so don't take the chance, don't take the change 200 and thirty people got arrested that and 90-day grace period not including the investigations four very prolific organized retail our -
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because everyone is working we're also preempting we work with the california department of oes office of emergency services and all the departments we will be proposed and get the contingency happening we anticipate will be protests for a variety of reasons our goal to facilitate the activities but doing everything we can to make sure that any protest activity
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will be peaceful not tolerant transport discussions and ready to make arrests and make those events happen work together with the sheriff's office and our federal partners to make sure this city shines and we doing everything we can to show the world what san francisco is and what we're made of and our resiliency with that, thank you, again, for being here and mayor for the leadership and all the officers here today and next, we have our da our. (writing on board.) president peskin >> (clapping) >> thank you chief scott and mayor breed the ambassadors that are here and his officers we are the my heart goes out to you the san francisco and over the last
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one hundred and fifty we've been through that before pare the did town burned to the frown and survived the san francisco earthquake and ernest time has come back and in deed we're celebrating the recovery and rebirth of the to yet again, this is a decade the right place to do that one, the three original parks has been here since the founding days on the overview of the reopening of concessions with the union square park and the eve of a pack look the pan pacific exhibition of 1916 after the 1906 earthquake san francisco remerged an opportunity not only for us to shine on the national international stage this is an opportunity for san francisco to feel good about itself and everything this is right in san
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francisco. so do what my mom and dad didn't i was was a kid shop and we don't have schwartz but have so much in chinatown and union square and celebrating our row birth and recovery so joy yourselves the safety place in urban america (clapping.) good morning. i'm district attorney i'm here not only as a san francisco resident who loves to shop and loves the holiday a good excuse to buy myself a gift while i hop for my kid but also here to say we have any turned the corner on the recruitment with respect to retail theft as
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district attorney i made it here we are prosecutor those who steel in our city city it is no longer retail theft as a minor crime it is with decimated our left our city we're doing everything we can to protect those when p are still here and invite those who are thinking about coming to florida on a business to come here now because now is the perfect time. i have to give credit to the san francisco police department. who has done tremendous work to make sure those who are being committing crimes in have been caught a stagger number of arrests for those who have committed retail theft in san francisco and possess recently
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my office secured a guilty verdict in one of the individuals reasonable for looking at if took place in this area too years ago. on that infamous night (clapping.) i - i think what that tells you that even san francisco juries have tired of that and when we give them the leverage though need they will hold them accountable that's been been clear san francisco has tinder the corner on to issue i stand with the mayor to urge the board of supervisors have the need for increased technology to catch those perpetrators we know that so many see stores bashes of brazen nature the theft they had to move off policies their employees and shoppers feel safe we have to make sure would before be criminals we'll doing
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everything we can to make sure though are caught and prosecuted this is no longer a city that will tolerant criminal behavior and certainly mother at this time it is making sure that i and me family and all other families and visitors in san francisco have the ability to come down to the union square and eye skate and shop all the thimbles they want to joy the holiday free of worries that nothing might happen or stand in line to pay while someone walks out with the manufactures i thank the mayor and police chief and the my own square alliance and ceo mariah's recognizing to make sure we have a strong partnerships to make sure it come to an end in san francisco and the thing we're going to do together to. thank you. (clapping.)
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hello union square. and give me a hello. >> are we are excited when the ice rink opens that means the holidays are here this is the best time and union square why? because union square is with we. come to celebrate this is where we make our members san franciscans bay area union square is on for you come down this is the heart of san francisco and we are exciting to welcome i back i would like to thank the leaders behind me their focused our making sure many our crown jewel remains the place to to be to celebrate the moments i want to thank our partnerships here we're eco system we have the hotel council and love the hotels rooms in union square we have
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the reagainst is st. francis and behind us we are going to see the sugar castle and winter wonderland is the campaign we're bringing it be back it is opportunity to wonder the district and score the sugar castle and pop the champagne bar i know that zone in the audience has a pop up back their ornament pop up shop we have mason at the to mason for our great tree again so on will be lit by the tenth and the ice rink this is the closure from december 15th to the 24th will be covered in and see food trucks and what
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happened then penguins and color boats all of those come down and enjoy and make those memories. i want to thank you are partners in all of this and alliance my team for all they do to push back on that 2345i6r9 we have great stories to tell you want you guys to capture it mayor said 27 new stores that is nothing here we're making sure we hear about that let's talk about the all the great things we came over covered in and now for the holidays something for everyone here 2004 union square and looking at a lot of restaurants bars and hotel bars in the district and food, food chefs with betting on union square but in fact, we're right here in the square are tyler
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warren a celebrity chevy has two cafeterias in the park on the come back and which is above the old mason row imagine the latter restaurant in san francisco 0 more than 4 hundred and 50 needed e feet? really, really excited and i want to thank our staff and in blue as well as our ambassadors in orange and welcoming you excited to have i get in union square to enjoy the holidays it is started i see our partners here as well there is security around and especially police department and the ranches thank you so much and to 70 and the district attorney's office and michael jenkins former support and focusing on retail crime we're not going to
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tolerant it and thank you to the police department and being there for us and want to acknowledge please come up this is my partner in crime lieutenant dedicated to our square you don't know him by making sure we have a district for you to enjoy and with that, i i'd like to welcome up the magic of mason john parish and thank you mri religious i'm the store manager the mason in union square thank you mayor breed and thank you to all the officers to recognizing the importance the roll in creating a wonderful experience for all of us and insuring a safe working environment for the store employees and want to thank the fire department the outreach
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team along with the police department and sheriff's department in front of our store psa anti safety information addition look forward to seeing in in front of our mason store and do it again and mri religious roger's worked tyler to provide experiences for all of us and proud of our partnering with mayor breed and officers but the my own square alliance was the police department and fire department and partnership as well as our favorite holiday traditions like the great tree literally this thursday and a new location overlooking union square and the favorite holiday san francisco pes any window option will be back this year those partnerships have made successful partnerships in the
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past and look forward to a scoff holiday season in 2023 and now use of force to mark sullivan the manager (clapping.) you good morning, everyone my name is mark sullivan ventilation the manager think tiffany's additionally as a board member thank you for the alliance and this is a a journey in 19 three 7 in the first store in new york and san francisco opened the first location away from new york and this is the largest store outside of negotiation in the nation 60 years of service in san francisco thank you, thank you at the (clapping.) we'll see more. thank you. >> i can tell you in our current said security and safety and trendness are the primary
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concern to that end i want to thank you, mayor breed for the safety and it didn't go unnoticed to achieve where is the chief. >> thank you pushing back scott and lieutenant i'm british thank you for keeping us safe. union square has never looked to beautiful you got me on the ice the christmas tree is ready correct so a holiday tree is ready to take part we're watching with tyler on the junior restaurants and i know we're clean we are ready to welcome thousand and thousands of visitors so a pack and the
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holiday season but make sure we get the business we need to be present so to that pend own behalf the tiffany assure the businesses are healthy and prospering for the holiday season thank you (clapping.) thank you, march and said to add a few things we may not have an f a force but have a person at mason and the points are a lot better (clapping.) you also want to say the district attorney put the a strong message those who try to perpetrate crimes in our city but i want to send out a message san francisco is a place of opportunities and second chances it is place to give people new start we have almost 4000 positions in the city and county of san francisco we have band
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the box we can give folks who have challenges with real second chance and hot at a good paying job for benefits to work for this amazing city at the end of the day, we need accountability we we'll doing everything we can to hope hold who who across the line accountable by here if you have an opportunity and want to look at jobs in please call three 11 or go on the you may also watch live at and also the police chief call three 11 is a tool for non-emergency and redirected thank you for being here we predator all the various partners that are joining us, we know we have a lot of work to do but as i said not raining in november is gorgeous and
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beautiful month. >> questions most people can play hockey from work and come out to union square and have a good time with that open up for questions. >> mayor what is your reaction and my relax to dream force 24 hours their home base from the very beginning dream force is san francisco so note getting a in his dress a native loves san francisco i'm grateful and 40 thousand people and in september a lot of conventions we're making to confirm for san francisco in addition to dream force dream force is one of the biggest conferences we host every day we're glad they're coming back and doing everything we can that dream force and the
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conventions have amazing experiences (clapping.) what is controversial so many things. >> cameras. okay. [off mic.] >> but um, can controversial in the past what ask our plans for (unintelligible) and trying to get [off mic.] >> well, i would and about cameras look as much as people feel about skirt people are filmed whether ppo want to be or not things are changing and to view this kind of technology and who helped us address crime is something we need to do other jurisdictions are using it and the fact that anyone if not in law enforcement can use it in the way a our law enforcement
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can't that is for the something that can be happening technology is everywhere examiners all over homeless and places you go that is one it is going to be what we need to mayor wearing able to responsibly with laws on the books use this technology in order to help us deal what crime 2w50rgz with the - we had access and able to use the kind of surveillance we know other jurisdictions are using that's the kind of thing we could have prevented to make sure it is not happening in the first to insure we're open and transparency with the public for technology a part ofs reports as well after cases are solved and what have you but 2023 and important and a price to pay for safety.
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>> brief closures, etc. part of the [off mic.] >> initiative can you describe how large [off mic.] >> thank you for the question will be street closures as part of the plan in union square and basically that will go from better to o'farrell and to mason. and some of them will be hard closures and from the hours of 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. see those closures next for a pack at holiday season beginning november 25th to december 24th and the reason we're doing that is that we found parallel in 2020 able to manager the situation for street closures work with the community and the circumstance make sure that we
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lessen the impact if you don't hear anything else we want to make it hard for the people who decide that we're talking about make it hard to do that in our city and street closures it part of that that will be just that so those are the dates and we'll be communicating with the public when those closures start and stop to make sure there are will be mile-an-hour inconveniences but safety in the top priority. >> what's the impact around the neighbors? >> well, there will be foolish in we know a lot of as mayor mentioned 21 economics and world london breed's from around the world will be here so will be motorcades and things like that
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will be traffic impacts so again we're to communicate to make sure that people that make the sxrauchlt they need to make and some of the closures the perimeters will be open for business to people live in the areas for example, a question about trader joe's will do what they need to do and lessen the impact on the community so have to have closures an event of this magnitude so those interested in on the sf mta website and scroll down to and see where the closures will be and has not
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>> okay, good afternoon everyone. this meeting will come to order. welcome to november 27, 2023 of the land use transportation committee of the san francisco board of supervisorsism i hope everyone had a nice break. i'm supervisor melgar chair, joined by aaron peskin and vice chair dean preston. the committee clerk today is john carroll and i like to acknowledge and thank calina mendoza at