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tv   BOS Rules Committee  SFGTV  December 4, 2023 6:00pm-6:16pm PST

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this meeting will come to order. welcome to the monday december 4, 2023 meeting of rules of san francisco board of supervisors. i'm supervisor dorsey chair and i'm joined by walton our committee member safai is on his way. like to express gratitude to our clerk mr. victor young and the team at sfgovtv for broadcasting meeting and our producer today. mr. clerk do you have announcements. >> public comment taken on each item when your item come up line up to speak on your right. alternateively you may submit comment in writing e mail them
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to myself the rules clerk at victor. young if you commit via e mail tell be forwarded and include part of the file. you may send written comments u.s. mail to city hall 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place room 224, san francisco, california 94102. silence electronics documents should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear at board agenda on december 12 unless otherwise stated. >> thank you. mr. clerk. there are 2 seats open on the assessment appeal's board seats 3 and 7 and both have the same requirements which are a minimum of 5 years professional experience the following. cert for identification accountant licensed real estate
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broker, attorney or property apraiser a credited by an initially recognized organization certified by office of real estate or board of equalization. our appointees are steven waszerman and richard lee. first ask mr. wasserman come up. item 1 hearing to appoint 2 members to the assessment appeal's board one and item who hear to consider appointing a member to appeal's board number 2. thank you. welcome to rules. >> supervisors i think i satisfied 2 requirements a broker for close to 30 years. i ask for your acceptnessance.
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>> thank you. >> i appreciate your wellingness to continue serving. and great. and mr. lee. good morning. welcome to rules. >> good morning. i'm by the qualifications and i have been practicing and serving on the assessment appeal's board for over 15 years i have been able to say that rewarding and practical for my day today. and business. there is a lot on the line and i feel i can demonstrate effective management of the decorum of start to finish. i understand appraisal
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techniques to this role and work full time still. prosecute lee. i don't have questions my i wanted express preegz for wellingness to serve and spent my time in the city attorney's office and one thing interesting about government when we set up ways where there can be decision this is city hall makes and make sure people have access not process to appeal the decisions. this, i think demonstrates our wellingness to be fair and balanced and how we do things so people who have grievances with
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city hall, can be treated just low and fairly and they are saying you can't fight city hall but in truth of point you can. and i think this is an person thing i appreciate the work that you are doing here. seeing no one on the roster. open up to public comment. why would you like to take our -- speaker for ab2. i called both we can if there is miss miller present. i believe we can take her comment. open both to public comment. members who wish to speak on items 1 or 2 lineup. each will be allowed 2 minutes. i see no members for public comment at this time. >> grit. why thank you. public comment is closed.
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and i would like to make a motion to recommend steven wasseman to seat 3 and lee to seat 7 of the appeal's board and send appointment to the full board. >> and -- on this motion vice chair walton. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. absent. chair dorsey. >> aye. >> the motion passes with supervisor safai absent. >> thank you, on the majority vote 2 individuals are recommended to the assessment appeal's board number 1 and one recommended to the seat 3 and then seat 7. the appointments move to the full board. >> congratulations. >> mr. clerk do we have further business. >> yes. are we taking action on ab2? >> yes. apologies. call that item.
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>> item 2 consider appointing a member 2025 to appeal's board number 2. there is one vacant seat on number 2 seat 4. the requirements for min mump 5 years of professional experience in california. certified accountant or public a counsel act licensed real estate broker or property appraiser by a professional organization and certified by the state board of equalization. well is one applicant elizabeth miller. welcome to rules. the floor is yours. good morning i'm e liz beck miller i'm applicant for board 2 possession. kraut friday usf luck and practicing attorney since. i since 2014 i run my own firms and mostly practice in the area of housing and real estate law.
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in general litigation. i have been sitting on board 3 for the last year and i enjoyed my experience and learned a lot and look forward to sitting on board 2. and also i'm theme have an opportunity to serve san francisco i have been here since 2005 and it is important to mow to give become to the community to timed that balance with allowing people who pay the taxes and the government who needs the taxes and raufrg them due process when they think they are over charged or something like that. i vanish pleased sit on board 3 and look forward to sitting on board 2. thank you. >> thank you, so much. seeing no one on the roster with questions i would add also that we appreciate your service to the city. supervisor safai. >> i have a question what is the difference with seat board 2 and
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3? >> you said you sat on the previous board now applying for this board. >> i have been on board 3 appointed this year now applying for board 2. what is the difference? the different this board 3 hears the hearing officer and hear first time recommendations. and then board dwo sits on panel and basically when member appeals the hearing officer recommendation you hear it out. >> you ready? i think i am? i think you are, too! [laughter]. thank you for sharing your comments. >> thank you. seeing no one on the roster >> clerk, open public comment. >> members who wish to speak on this lineup at this time. each will be allowed 2 minutes. there will be a chime when you have 30 seconds left.
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if you like to make public ment approach at this time. mr. chair there is no public comment. thank you. mr. clerk public comment is closed and i would like to make a recommend motion to recommend e elizabeth miller on to the seat number 2 and send it to the full board. >> i believe that will be seat 4. appeals board number 2. yea. yes on that motion, vice chair walton. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair dorsey. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> thank you, mr. clerk on a unanimous vote elizabeth mill are recommended to the full board. congratulations. any further business. >> thank you, we are adjourn d
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>> we have quorum. >> okay. before calling the first item i'd like to announce the (coughing) excuse me - excuse me - are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush (rah-my-toosh) ohlone (o-lon-ee) who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory.