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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  December 6, 2023 5:30am-6:31am PST

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welcome to the city gardens brand opening very, very excited i want to thank mayor london breed this is acquired and helping us to get families here. i want to thank supervisor dorsey for your for the support
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for the acquisition stream and shout out to you you all are amazing (clapping.) i know that was this was tough that was tough, tough and very quickly i heard mayor breed talked about how that was an incredible and everyone in here worked for us worked to make that happen and thank you, staff and the department of homeless and supportive housing for the wonderful job as well and working with all of you (clapping.) and exile dan adams our strategist i want to shout out to him unfortunately, was enable to be here. but those are two hundred now units of pouring and stability and hope for families experiencing how many of those i heard how wonderful the support
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and it made a difference to families and funding for public housing and homelessness recovery program the acquisition of city gardens was fund by 56 point plus that million dollars and $100 million in the local home fund the acquisition contributed to the success of this plan that supported the expansion of the supportive housing by at or near 3000 units the building that is constructed in 2021 included a large lobby and residential lounges on every floor and office and bike storage and a courtyard this project will change lives and the lives of hundreds of families that are experiencing homelessness in our community the building offers a pathway towards families that have
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experienced hardship of homelessness and weighing in partnership and community supporting for this made that possible in addition to the city gardens will have a range of support services we case management. and by addressing the many underlying causes of homelessness city gardens will give families the tools they need for the future and with that, i want to thank london breed for her leadership and toss the mic to her (clapping.) thank you, serene and it really is great to be here you know this project happen very fast and specifically with the city and county of san francisco it would have taken a really long time to add 200 units to our protocol let alone a little with
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2, three and 4 bedrooms. i mean this when adams brought this to may attention last year, we are applying for dollars and san francisco has been a big benchmark of homekey dollars allowed to move people into the buildings faster a lot of challenges in our city around family housing so i must say to a bode and the team and all the people who are working here and the fact you choose to be here and work in this cadet is very much appreciative we are grateful to each other and you're choosing to be here at bode and helping people whether
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they're challenging or not thank you, so much we appreciate that and let me say a couple of things i'll let you guys deal with that you'll get into the deal yeah [off mic.] >> yes. >> and, you know. there are different people with different sets of challenges but at the end of the day, had i appreciate about all of you, you are here to help people and know that is not easy and now this is so important i want it is a thank you and express my appreciation and give you a view of for all the work we've done in 2018 san francisco has helped over 10
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thousand people exit homelessness and over 10 thousand people (clapping.) and that's not including our shelter system on any recommendations given night we're housing over 16 thousand people including over 36789 people in the shelter system this city working hard to support people we understand it is not a one-size-fits all a family housing shelters and supportive housing there are housing attached to resources and housing attached to independence all those examples everything we need to san francisco and i can name so many families we're doing it right but in and out without help without the people that work for you who are showing up to this base everyday we are doing it
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for people like la seize will talk about and make sure that our families especially who are raising children in the city have a safe affordable place to call home this is what this is about and this project is truly about we - the fact we got in building and didn't have to build it ourselves is amazing i want to again really thank dan adams for, you know. dan is not here today but dan went through the city for us to buy or lease for the people we're trying to house i couldn't believe this building the details especially with the rooftop gardens it is previous thank you to dan adams and i also want to thank serene
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and her team did an amazing job to help people strushlgz are homelessness in san francisco matching the right people with the right opportunities it is really a thankless job a very, very hard job we want to express our appreciation to you sherri republican and all people to make sure you're shelter beds and challenges that exist exist we are using the dollars to match with the opportunity and with the oasis last week all those great opportunity i couldn't be admonish powder of work in the city and so that many pieces of preschools by the reason we say this is to give you you a perspective this is an important place here by more importantly san francisco is
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doing a lot on the large-scale most people don't know that san francisco is one of the only cities in the bay area that actually saw a reduction in homeless a 3.5 percent reduction in overall homelessness and 15 percent in unshredded homelessness. it because of all this work to assure that places like we are today we're able to connect people the opportunity. so it is great to be here and great to to be here with the supervisor matt that work hard to make sure that we have this space but also provide the funding necessary to keep the operation going to keep the doors open, to keep this place in good condition there is so much goods into it i didn't ultimately the smiles on the kids faces that get to life and thrive here that makes that
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worthy we're grateful to be here with each other and thank you so much for your hard work (clapping.) with that, please welcome our supervisor matt dorsey. >> (clapping) thank you, mayor breed and welcome to district 6 everybody i got at thes starting with the mayor london breed's really want to express my appreciation for your leadership to doing everything we can to provide people exist to homelessness for projects like this and a strategy that is really making progress i think the mayor makes it an important point so many people kind of look at the issue of homelessness as an issue that is being solved what is really unseen in that? thousands of lives that are being changed. because of the work that hsh is
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doing that's my second thing thank you to everybody at the doecht and homelessness they're on the front line i feel they're doing god's work because they're all lives are changing is getting people exits to homelessness and turning their lives around we'll be hearing about that is it great to have this - it is great to know. that we are fulfilling what san francisco is about. this project is part of a the civic creed of the city and county of san francisco the city of st. francis of assisi and the partnerships and mayor thanks many of people behind us but being a trusted procedure and
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partner means the world to me as a district supervisor knowing i can count own our partners we have challenges south of market and 6. i want to say more importantly thank you to it my new residents, you know. i had the opportunity and brought some cards i say this whenever i meet a district 6 resident i hand them my card this is my number i know when i signed up and if i hear from you that's good and if you don't call me i know you're good. he's volunteered to be the point person but i actually you can call us or e-mail so if you, you don't see me well make sure you get me or bryan and express my gratitude to. >> thank it is an honor to be
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here i'll ash a supporter this the department and thank you, hsh residents will hear, you know. some project is coming and there's a lot of people a people public school hostile to that sometimes, i. really appreciate the department and mayor and the community members and resident its that are good neighbors i when i support those and people push back i'm confident talk to me as a year or two i'm confident you'll be grateful this is building a county and san francisco represents thank you and i want to introduce the abode ceo for remarks. thank you very much. (clapping.)
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mayor and supervisors thank you. for being here today and nice to do a celebration and very nice to do a celebration 90 in those times i know your jobs are impossible sincerely the nonprofit is hurting we're sfooufr what a great difference and, you know, i want to shout out for my staff here i mean, you people (clapping.) who work hard everyday to get things done and we're human beings we make mistakes more importantly we had a conversation about the influence in the neighborhood we're going to need to be aware of it and talking about the problem solving and a member of the supervisor dorsey's district you are a citizen here completely many in partnership with us
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that's true for each and lots of things to celebrate we're actually putting people in a place they can have an agency and meaning in their lives again and doing the things that give them joy and happiness and in a moment more importantly is to provide the children that are going to be in the building a family project in the middle of santa fe i mean san francisco (laughter) we're in 8 county and i forgot where i am this is san francisco think of san francisco urban to address family homelessness an incredible building like this was made for middle class people a building. to have that and have the your team put together the purchase of this. and then to collaborate o collaborate with the services to do do
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property management at least on this on time by the way. (clapping.) i mean this was a pretty ambitious timeline. collaborate so, you know. sometimes this is okay for the general public but takes government, nonprofits and citizens in the community working together to make this happens that makes this happen i can't tell you how overjoyed i am i san francisco i got it right this time and only begins here we're open to doing more and interested in addressing the bigger thing. which is the incredible social problem in california around unhoused people not being thought of for as long as it is predated you
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folks and san francisco it is california, and where in the hell this the (inaudible) we need to keep on plugging away we'll get there one project at a time and program at a time. i will stop there because the person you need to hear from is a resident here been here 5 months with her son and talked about from her heart about what this means to her and any of the thoughts she has (clapping.) hello, mayor hi and i lost any voice so i want to week everyone many people know me and will la
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and city gardens this is a grand opening celebration i'm celebrating too. years ago san francisco was my escape today it is like i'm celebrating my new home and new life. my old life i left this part behind you is that my childhood was unstable toxic and abused that would be an understatement and i was in years in foster care and - but then i ran away as a teenager (baby crying. >> i never went back home in my 20s i worked as a professional
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model and i was seen and no further heard and existed and not respected but i flirted with disaster i ran with a bad crowd that crowd is justified and abused me when i was a kid. and this crowd showed the kinks he eventually would on the street without a home and i was traumatized. my life spiral down and down i hit rock bottom but given a choice a new chance at life i took life my life. and i never looked back. i joined a program and goat sober and today, i'm celebrating 5 weeks
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sober (clapping) thank you. >> slowly but surely rebuilding my life and city gardens help a lot too it is important it is not easy and i learned it is never too late to change. >> i take him he's a mouth full and change but when i was making progress i had adversity here's an example i began taking classes at a school and get a housing voucher but one problem i was about to lose my housing voucher it was about to expire i was stressed all my hard work would be done gone and
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homelessness one again, i would not give up and at the last minute i got the call they told i had a home and finally this amazing home i had of my own a whiff place called city gardens. and this is the second best thing that ever happened to medical the best thick my baby? in our thoughts and prayers my the boy is the truly the best thing ever happened to me and my goal promise to him have a place for him (baby that's a good question.) >> as for me, i'm a person of checking off lists and the folks at city gardens they offered so in services like pavrnt services and we even get to play bingo on
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saturdays. so i feel i need to thank a few people jill any of the paerp and rob and the family rising the homeless creative program and john austin. cynthia herrero and fought for me when i didn't feel like fighting for myself and and kenneth thank you for move to approve i walked with my head high and everyone at city gardens means a lot to me and a lot of people they're super kind and work hard their angels and everyone has been too important to my journey those programs really work thank you for the help and their help to
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keep this going to say vital for city gardens the creative sense of community they are eir plausible i never feel loan and i want to use any credentials to help other families just like me bring me joy i look at my personal growth. i think of my his over the years i collected a bunch of plants and taken snippets and they have their story before i was never stable enough but as long as i've been sober my thoughts have grown and we're healthy and my plants are used it is satisfy safe to say in a flapts like this and guess want i can't wait to see how big
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- you see city gardens where i found hope, hope for me and my little son this use to be my escape but now my home i could not leave my heart in san francisco like the song i found my heart, i love living here in san francisco and city gardens and city by the bay never too late. >> thank you for giving me this chance mayor and appreciate you coming today and listening to my story thank you, (clapping.) it was amazing. >> i don't know how to follow with that, i. yeah, it is beautiful. thank you very much.
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>> so i guess want to thank everyone for being here at the abode for you're amazing services and sharing your story and thank you supervisor dorsey. >> thank you and i think we're going to do a ribbon-cutting is that correct? where are we going to go oh, we're going to be right here. need everyone to come up and go ahead and cut the ribbon. >> okay. >> [off mic.] >> that's fine.
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>> all right. >> thank you very much. (laughter). >> all right. are we ready? yes. >> let's start counting 4, 3, 2 , 1. >> wow. welcome, everyone to t
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creative and dell library future the union square the opening of millard lux. >> yeah. >> (clapping.) my aim my name is phil ginsburg and have over 200 parts parks in san francisco and this would think is beautiful amazing union square might be you are most historic our most celebrated in the world it is perfect that we have one of the most revokable celebrated and most historic in
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the world. >> (clapping) 27 years on food tv and a kitchen. >> great. worse cook in america and as the great fire trucks and more importantly all you've done for san francisco i know the mayor will talk about public safety to enjoy union square look at this amazing public plaza we got our tree and ice skating rink and not the first but second celebration here today so thing bes are happening in the square and san francisco is back baby san francisco is back (clapping.) so it is my great honor to introduce anyone who works tailoring to create a strong and
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vibrant san francisco she as a big park advocate the reason we're here and she is making public safety in downtown of a foodie and loves to party ladies and gentlemen, the mayor of san francisco london breed. >> thank you phil. >> (clapping) this is like dui just have you this might advice just to enjoy the sun and grab a ticket and other feed and millard lux hang out at union square but let me start off by thanking jeff for building in san francisco this man has been on the food network tv and all over the world and the has should amazing restaurant millard lux which is located at pay center hard to
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get into millard lux after a warrior game one of the most sought after chef in the united states and we have him right here in san francisco and now we have him for people all ever the world been to san francisco in union square (clapping.) and when you talk about the san francisco san francisco is a foodie town whether it the james beard award arrest the michelin star people can find cuisine if any country in san francisco that is what san francisco makes to special with the people. today were are joined yes by phil beginning berries and rec and park staff let me tell you union square right here looks amazing from our park patrol and
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other folks that supporting this area and downtown ambassadors and our union square (clapping.) alliance partner mri religious rodriguez all the hotels let me tell you to has seen 27 new businesses open right here in union square. and there is more to come. (clapping.) i think the only toy store in the city is down here next to mason will be a long line for the holiday season and thank some of the other partners here today including the scene of toys jeanine nicole son and thank you, to the director of the public health department dr.
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colfax and hearing in sarah and philip in just a moment let me give you a perspective san francisco like other major cities has had challenges and we register a couple of years ago had all eyes on san francisco and people were wondering what is happening we rolled up our sleeves and the proposed solutions earlier day with the police department and the chief of police talking about safety strategy and is a district attorney talking about the prosecution we have eyes and ears on the street and ducks in a row make sure safety of people in downtown union square in san francisco (clapping.) but we want 0 people to have a
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wonderful time we want phoenix to see celebrate the holiday spirit to enjoy the ice skating rink to come and witness the tree literally on thursday to explore the winter walk and harangue out at the various location and you know what people get hunger what when they're shopping who without the possibility of parole want to come and sit outside in this beautiful location and enjoy the cu songs or joy and glass of champaign while 240e let their kids run on union and hang out in the holiday season and will be so many to enjoy during the holiday season in union square in san francisco i can't thank
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jeff enough. not only committing to san francisco but working hard to make sure that those locations are open for people to enjoy during the holiday season the last thing before i i'll turn it over to a couple of folks so many of you are here yooift victorville or what kind of thank you for supporting and believing in san francisco we know that has been tough-minded we have been to kwaeshthsdz and pandemic everything you can think of and still san francisco continues to on the other hand, messenger stronger than before because we don't give up we continue to rise and put our best patio forward because people love and building in the staying city that's what today is both the economic development we came together and knew the downtown needed improvement we invested $7 million provides
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support for activation but also to provide for policies so that places like millard lux permission can open to the public sooner rather than later we also helped to support how community ambassadors and we're going to continue to do everything we can whether paving policies and making investments and providing a great environment for the people who live and work and visit here whatever it takes to get our city back to where it needs took because of people here today and one of those persons o - [off mic.] >> i'm on a roll bill i'm on a roll. one of those persons i said this guy i can't say enough he is a television star but no tactic of any of his locations is too big or small he made it a point to hire from the community
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to provide people on intent to work with local people from all the city and appreciate his work and advocacy and love for the city and county of san francisco ladies and gentlemen, please welcome chef. >> thank you very much. (clapping.) san francisco how you guys doing? >> can i told you we're to incredibly thiefrld and a honor to be with everyone and san francisco i promise i are not finding a harder parch inside millard lux and shout out to andy in operations (clapping.) and our entire team of millard lux we got the keys to this place on the 11 of last month wow. and is we building in san francisco and here we are neighbors we're concerned citizens like everyone and 0 collectively as a community we
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are going to plug in energy into the walk that's exactly what we're to go; right? and ownership of us are part of the solution and this is our mail contribution to the city so millard lux opened yesterday and had hundreds of people walk there and telling us it of the we're healing that's was that of the like people walked there the park and said we i don't know how long those places are open but we've as i said a 9 year lease and want to have the experiences in the park so over here open on power side carla world-class give
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world-class give a caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. with incredible work and over here also really, really excited on to have post script coffee a brand new coffee out of jackson square roosevelt coffee and dropping off and san francisco pastry and open 7:30 and the last couple of days feels like humanity in the park though know exactly la to do i think our products so to speak and people slide in like they've been doing it for years the odd side of park we didn't too man we're taking both sides of park to the rooftop history with two cafes so martinez or optimistic chicken and farmers' market and
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all day brochure and warren out and champagnes and on tap all kinds of great things we like this to be a picnic in the park so san francisco is celebrate at a x quest world-class experience to recognize and the world will pay attention and i promise to not only to the mayor by gavin newsom the governor of california said how fast can you get guessing open i said 45 days thankfully here we go here we go so (clapping.) not just me my lovely family and florence we give my wife a roirmdz yeah and behind every good chef is a good woman knows what is going on so my in-laws and feels like a big family this
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is what it is all about and thank you to the rec and park and neil a roourmd and getting us across the goal line and we can't we're to excite to be here and from the bottom of my heart san francisco you'll not find harder working partners so welcome we're happy to be here and the 2023 holiday season let's go (clapping.) and thank you, mayor breed and (laughter). >> so i wanted to stay here and certainly during your speech had your chef a couple for acknowledgements we're joined by members of your fabulous workplace rec and park todd anderson and our newest
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commissioner a big roourmd and (clapping.) all right. i any like to introduce my partners in the gear oh, i want to introduce and acknowledge the commenting rodney von (clapping.) and sarah phillips the new head of economic development she came in and said let's go to work we talk about pretty much all the time and travel care for the talk show (clapping.) may sarah is doing an amazing job and together takings 0 challenges and difficult pieces and revitalizing making this fun ladies and gentlemen, sarah phillips. >> thank you philip as you can tell by the san francisco rec
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and park is our partnership in every step in their journey since the mayor announced the road map in february we made may i strides including in winter walk will come back for very soon and that concludes my report. the downtown welcome ambassadors here today making sure that everyone is safe and having a good time and sporting public realm improvements on a new combinations combielgsz a better place to move up and down and providing day to day support and technical assistance to the small businesses we're seeing about 800 businesses start every month each month over the last three months seeing investment in san francisco including 27
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new businesses and last improvement we're excited about millard lux they're totally down the line of the mayor's road map not only a public place for people wanting to be and come several times a day and supporting a local business and entrepreneurs chef thrilling florence and businesses in san francisco o san francisco and have local employees that are san franciscans it hired in the resource program we're excited about and more importantly and this story has been told we're telling san francisco stories he is committed to the city the world will see what we know about san francisco and what the city is. um, i want to thank everyone for coming her and madam mayor for having the vision to move this project forward when she hired me i told
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her her my staff and getting it occupying and b will be it it be nimble and thank you. the entire team for they're peed and making san francisco a huge part and finally a thanks to where you are partners at the my own square alliance um, have been with us every step of the way and with that, i'll introduce the next guest and i think i'm shedding a tear (laughter) we're finally here and man what a journey. you know, that was not quite like this two years ago come to the park and feel like has happening to our city but the future is so to bright. just want to thank tyler for beth own union square betting on
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union square and our city and bringing (clapping.) us back too important indian trail we have so much potential in the park and i know i phil feels this way it is maybe well the cafes and trees and the activation all the things we expect when we come into to the public spaces in the heart of san francisco we celebrate lives greatest moments where we live and our i'm telling you it is allergies but so meaningful we met over a year and a half ago i want or remember to millard lux and sat there for dinner in celebrity chef roles up and the someone says this the woman for
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union square he said wait i want to talk it to you and really and i'm thinking maybe over here and maybe he liked the park that's a whole different thing (laughter) he stick with that and that means so much he's going to stick with us and continues to ask when do we need and the except what do we need 23 mean the world to us i look at the crowd a big crowd i see mason i see our art galleries and our board members and the foundation of union square alliance and tiffany's and mason and van cleave i saw yes, we're all here so many faces and people - chambers is here and the travel is here the hotels i saw alex
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and other board member and the ambassadors we're all here and phil thank you for being here everyone is here this means so most the heart of the city we come to celebrate the cable car we're not going to let it go away i see liz polio if anything we're going to take the opportunity you know what we have a clean slat what do we want to bring to the square to off to our san franciscans and bay area and visits from all over the world it is the holiday season i can imagine a better time to be here we're open for business. >> thank you pair thank you, mayor.. for having this vision and helping us get over the finish line to skillfully millard lux and over out here
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all san franciscans bay residents depend on that. thank you very much. and we're about to cut a retain thank you, captain kim thank you, for being here and be safe i want to echo a couch thanks that the mayor and tyler gave to the rec and park the gardeners and maintenance people on the ground that keep our park system the finest thank you for all you do and neil and dave for your hard work and last but not least to our may i public affairs staff a lot of those events around the city never don't want things like to be in the shadows so i want to thank them pubically a their anyist team member shawn
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white. >> all right. we're about to cut a retain. (clapping.) and their sharp please be careful you're our mayor [off mic.] >> - >> (multiple voices). >> you want rec and park (laughter). >> we're going a count down and here we go. >> everyone ready everyone is here. >> all right. come in where is mri religious 54, 3, 2 , 1. >> wow.
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>> (clapping) >> bring up person that [laughter]. for me it was we had neighbors growing up that were fold my dad he is raising me wrong for having me pursue the things that are not traditionally female roles. and i think the biggest barrier to anyone in general is when you have cultural norms that make
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you feel like you can't do something that make you doubt yourself and make you feel you should not be there i don't belong. those other big efbarriers i think that is the thing to focus on the most is belong everyone should belong here. [music] >> wishing we trained women grow in production. and recording arts and so we have everything from girls night classes for middle and high school girls. we have certification academy program. that would be women and gender [inaudible] adid you tell us. progress in the internship frm program where they are working
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in the studios. they are helping to mentor the youth in the youth programs and the job place am component. most of the time we hire interns instructors in our programs and engineer in our studios here. we have conferences we do all overnight country and we have concerts that we feature bay area women and gender artists. [music] [music] >> an education forward organization. and so advocacy organization. dedicated to closing the gender gap and the audio and production
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industries. >> started out of the lead answer, why is there a critical gender gap in this industry that started at city college. why are there so few in this
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class i was ashamed i did not have the answer being a feminist. why have i never thought of this i have been in the industry for decades and why have i accept today of all people. it was out of that and unraffling it. actually started the infernship last fall and just fell in love with all the things about women's oshg mission because we are diverse and so many aspects of audio i did not know and i feel like eyes opened up and i gained a lot of confidence in myself and other fells and queer people in the industry i felt there was more connection and community. ironically my time in the industry is all pretty good. i think what happened is i was raised by a father who is an engineer. i was comfortable being strounlded by men all the time in his lab i was used to technology. when i got in industry my mentors were men and i saw i had a unique importance that got mow in the place i could be fluent and navigate something difficult and it was the norm for me. what if it was not woman was createed provide it for everybody. have this environment you are surrounded by technology and people that are going to support you and get you in this industry in a good way. i have been interested in audio i was never trained in music took piano when i was a kid. i never pursued it because not a
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lot of women doing that. and my family is not musically inclined. when i want to davis the first time i took a music class there were few females in the class. like a rodey for my dayed was load you will the mixers and monitors and the giant speakers and gigs and help run out the cables and take things down and set up mics i did all of that growing up and never occurred to mow that that was a field they could at all. and then one i could pursue i didn't nobody else was doing temperature my dad and then i go with him to studios and see -- the men in the studio. dj for 5 years now and comments you get like wow you are a girl
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dj that is crazy. that is wild. and i have great moments where it does not happen. and they treat me like easy. telling mow what to do they correct mow in ways that make me feel less i sprjs the opposite and i notice hand's on like you don't know what you are doing rather than asking me. not consistent times it happens. it is like when i talk to other females they are like say the same things it is like funny i know that nice men don't experience tht main thing triggers me when i experience different treatment and that happens a lot in the audio world. industry is changing slowly. there is still that issue making the places that are places belonging for everybody.
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i don't think so. having a studio where it is not all run by white men like most studios. the studios are only in the word built and run by women. it has been super normalize thered are opportunity for girls and nonbinary people. you go in school and middle and high schoolers know that this is a field. this is a thing there are many jobs you can have in this field. some producing pod casts to setting up live shows. there are so many things you can do >> wee go in and teach the audio skills and give them equipment. i pads and then teach them how to make music and they get to come in here and will getting the tools to people who don't have t. that is really important to me. that's why i was like wow. i want to be there for other
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fell and queer people who don't have the opportunity and also to be a mentor for them to really push them to experiment and not going to break it. does not matter if it sounds bad that is the point to try it. i think it is the goal to see confidence what they are doing and passionate and asking for hymn and excite body learning and excited about making music and it changed my life to realize i'm callented in the field i can make music without being trained to it it is amazing to be able to be part of that process and -- ushering women to the field. we can entirely transform how -- the technology part of what you hear every day. we can put xhg something in women's points of view in this every time. it affects the store and he
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messaging. think our best example is how we transformed an entire city. place that major artists on tour one of the men looks likeip don't get it there are woman every where i go and the person was like you are in san francisco. you like oh , you are right it is here. most venues have graduates we are grateful to the city for that reason because than i supported us at the beginning. following your curiosity and interest and don't let anybody get in the way what is presented to you, go for t. no matter what! we are here for a reason. find what it is. don't let somebody else tell you what it is. you are the oldsmobile one that
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have been can know when you are supposed to do. go do it. . >> i call this meeting of the public works commission. today is friday december 1, 2023. the meeting began at 9:34 a.m.. please call the roll. >> good morning. please respond with here or present. lynne newhouse segal. >> present. >> lauren post. >> here. >> gerald turner.