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tv   BOS Rules Committee  SFGTV  December 15, 2023 4:30am-6:31am PST

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(gavel) (gavel) this meeting county of san francisco rules committee meeting this morning at 10:00 am., monday, december 11, 2023. >> i'm supervisor dorsey chair and joined by supervisor walton and supervisor safai i believe is on his way we would like to express our gratitude thank you to sfgovtv for 3wr506r9 today's meeting this is going to be our final meeting before you winter
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rest of the rules committee and recognize to expend our gratitude for the clerk of the board of supervisors and ed pierson and everyone in david choosing office and all who made this possible the sheriff's department who manages the security for sfgovtv to insure our work is assessable to all we serve on behalf of all of us in the rules committee hope you have a restful holiday with our families and loved ones thank you. well earned. >> mr. clerk any announcements. >> when public comment it called please line up on the right and public comment in writing or e-mail to myself or the city clerk at or
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public comment by e-mail will be forwarded to the supervisors and included in the file. >> you may send our written communications to our office at city hall. room 244 san francisco, california 94102 a make sure to silence your devices as - items acted b upon are to be on the board of supervisors' agenda of january 9, 2024, or otherwise stated. >> thank you. >> mr. clerk call item mayor's nomination for the appointment of azalina eusope, term ending july 1, 2026, to the sanitation and streets commission. (clerk of the board). >> term ending july 1st. >> thank you mr. clerk the mayor has nominated azalina eusope to seat 5 on the
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sanitation and streets commission and we ask the nominees limit their remarks and please. welcome to the rules committee. >> the floor is yours. >> i hope i haven't miss pronounced your name thanks so much. >> good morning, supervisors my name is azalina eusope. i have been resident of san francisco for the last 21 years and run my business over the last years and a mother of two adults in san francisco. i currently reside in candle sticks my business is here. i have been on three continents before the united states. >> san francisco is by far the city that truly gives
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opportunities to every single person doing everything we can. i'm honored mayor breed nominated mow i hope i can be helpful to the community that i currently very much in love with. >> um. thank you very much. i wanted to um, just express my appreciation to freda to serve the mother of children and refuge a small business you're looking for a few things to - i appreciate you're giving back to your city and um, i was interested in looking at some of our background seeing in the new york times you were accredited by the um, chronicle the coup
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intervene in san francisco so it is important to this body but important how sanitation is. >> small businesses right now like trying - always collective at first my big thing i can't do that by myself but my staff coming up we move one step forward doing everything we can but giving our guests memorable experiences to tell other people; right? but working and giving back san francisco is always about collective efforts. in order for us to establish this perimeters how we can
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successfully have some sort of - i'm sorry. >> system that we can get to what we wanted to have sanitation and cleanliness especially in some farts of the city needs extra support and. okay. >> ag nothing questions on the roster i prefer your time open up for public comment and . >> yes public wishing to speak line up each speaker has 2 minutes and a chime will let you know. >> good morning. work in the been in the neighborhood for 15 years and i know azalina eusope known her and her partner for 20
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years. >> one thing i know about azalina eusope she is the shying away from decisions. how cleanliness makes a big difference for small business owners especially walking to the establishments she'll provide an excellent position to bring people together she's also he ever sense joined tenderloin family she has - and her partner has jumped in to resolve the issues i know - definitely
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support her and looking forward to her doing not is just for tenderloin but the rest of the city thanks (bell ringing) any other speakers for this matter? >> if you would like to speak it is just that you line up to speak. >> hi. i work for a nonprofit community leadership foundation in san francisco. and i worked in the tenderloin for 8 years in the tenderloin district i've known azalina eusope and her partner for years before openly in the tenderloin and i'd like to say azalina eusope she's passionate. she's toxic and
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within the things we talk about with be the cleanliness forefront of her business and she is knowledge but run a small business we talked about you need to have a clean um, safe environment outside of our shops before you, make a difference in the inside and would be an amazing choice i wholly support her a tough thing for her to run her business everyday she does it with support for the community so thank you. >> thank you. >> hello, my name is nancy a business owner and part of the business in the community we
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shared for the last two years. >> and i've been in connection i was one of the lucky businesses that activated in the marketplace and her and i have been talking and i was with her and one day i saw a lot of garage outside three bins were full i asked what is going on and she said well, this is what and see everyday no change. i said what will you do about it. >> he was happy because i noticed something we struggled how you can have a place that sells food if you don't ask cleanliness on the outdoor i
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hope in the meantime, her to support the business in the area where she's at in the greater san francisco. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> hi there (clearing throat) i'm one of the owners at the fedex hotel in the past year i've had the privilege to work with azalina eusope we've been trying to you know, improve the quality of life for residents in the neighborhood and recommending azalina eusope because i feel she has a really unique blend of aptitude for business in the community but i think she is the compassionate compassion to weigh it out and
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we need to right now in our neighborhood she's a good candidate. >> any other closing arguments for this matter? >> no, thank you mr. clerk public comment is closed. (gavel) i'd like to express my appreciation to azalina eusope for someone having someone of our caliber serving our city you're a blessing and make a motion to and send this appointment to the full board mr. speaker, a roll call. >> on that motion supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor safai absent. >> supervisor dorsey. >> the motion passes. >> without objection one sanitation and streets commission azalina eusope moves
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to the full board (gavel). >> congratulations. >> mr. clerk call item 2 question. >> 2. administrative code - composition of behavioral health commission sponsor: dorsey. commission sponsor: dorsey. commission sponsor: dorsey. commission sponsor: dorsey. commission sponsor: dorsey. to six; reset staggered terms for all seats;and remove seat requirements for child advocates and certain mental health professionals. thank you, mr. clerk i have some amendments to the item but first a little bit of background on the legislation i've been serving on the board for about a year and a half my honor to be chair of this committee. being chair of the rules committee is a front row
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seat how they function and you struggle we as a board can set them up for success i've talked with supervisor peskin a supporter the psychological and psychiatry between serving on small both sides and including the behavorial health commission that is large containing more seats to the board of supervisors and we were a small body my colleagues and i know how important it is to can be an impasse if two members disagree. one person self show up we don't have a meeting miss the quorum and a absent has a less of an impact this is really one of the issues we're tackling with that
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sternum to meet the quorum so the changes will help to set this body up for success by roving the district areas appointments since the work of this body is citywide concern. and removing the district specific residents requirements for each seat makes it easier to recruit. my colleagues appoint excellent individuals to those commissions i hope every office will have interested candidates we work closely with the community to make sure this new composition it compliant are the state requirement for the behavorial health oversight both sides and that nobody will lose their seat and appreciative the
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medical associate and i trust we have the person here to make brief remarks. >> thank you supervisor dorsey and supervisor safai. >> a special thanks to supervisor dorsey for sponsoring this legislation and working and my chance to speak i'm jessica brown the mvnl service act person and here on behalf of mary lasts behavorial health and the behavorial health commission who is out on vacation today. i'm here to express sf support for the direction behind many legislation and castle welfare and institution code 5804 for all california county will have
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a behavorial health commission. the primary purpose of the county behavorial health commission serving in an advisory capacity with the local becoming initiative and in addition the behavorial health commission is also subject to a local san francisco ordinance. there have been recent changes to the california welfare institution code 5604 regarding the composition of the behavorial health health the current requirements for the county behavorial health commission are 50 percent of the board membership shall be a family member or consumers who are receiving or have received market street services 20 percent shall be consumers and at least 20 percent family members and in one hundred thousand population one member of the board shall be a veteran
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or veteran advocate. counties are appointing individuals with experience with mental health and the proposed legislation will bring governing behavorial health commission in alignment with the updating of state law. in addition the behavorial health commission of san jose county xheemsz of 17 individuals difficult to meet the quorum in the last month and the proposed legislation from you 17 to 12 to meet quorum and making sure that all current commissioners will keep their seat and sfgov supports this we hope you recommend to the full board i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you so much jessica brown my apologies to missing
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middle this. and quite a few amendments this evening and i have on our desk this morning for the record add an additional seat must meet the requirements for 3er7z with experience in the mental health system and reducing the number with experience of the mental health system to two and requiring that too of the seats be persons from professions from shall be from the following prospects psychology and psychiatry and mental health social work and nursing and marriage and family counseling and board administration of a hospital providing mental health services for the community mental health facility and all the seats to june of 2024 and members have substantive to continue one
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anymore time. colleagues any comments and questions? >> seeing none, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> mr. clerk open up for public comment. >> yes. members of the public who wish to speak line up at this time. each member will be allowed each person is allowed two minutes a soft chime and a louder chime when our time is about to expire. >> hi, my name is leah, i live in the district. um, as following this particular item i don't know this has been addressed i have not been keeping or what have you i'm curious about the child advocates for the seats. to me that's a red flag i don't know the logic of or reasoning and if we can pubically discuss that i prefer it very much. being we've
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been through and going through covid pandemic. children have been seriously psychologically impacted in my opinion that means we should keep advocates for children for mental health issues. um, and as well as the rising homelessness own is revise that means more children are homeless and can't go to school, etc. and another reason i'm concerned about the seat requirements for the child advocates especially, when you're adding different seats for veterans. it is just really the child advocate seat removal maybe been revolved in an amendment but for children who are very, very vulnerable you know, they're already
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(laughter) going through a lot of issues like protection repealed in children's rights (bell ringing) again i don't understand you'll take away an advocate for children. um, so again, if you work pubically discuss that or amend this to explain that i don't know, you, e-mail me if you want to that is what i'm curious about. thank you. >> you know, shall i again. >> thank you mr. clerk. >> members of the board in the size of behavorial health commission is reduced as planned it will very badly damage the adversey those are required to be including in the commission
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by state and local law. currently the commission is all either black or white hispanic. and there is large proportion of the population that is asian has currently no representation among active members so if you refuse the size of the commission and make the current members 9 of the 11 you'll have to kickoff two active members in order to do that and not going to have members for a long time i know in asian applicants before you but the better path forward to make an appointment to the commission rather than reducing it with two appointments that committee makes you understand have an equal impact on quorum agency
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shared with reducing the size of the commission. i think the it better pathway forward this is a big county and find additional tasks without assigning people to do them (bell ringing) we need people to do the task we need to get back to you mr. clerk. >> thank you. >> any other speakers own this matter? >> mr. chair. >> public comment is closed on item two is closed and a motion to amend this. >> i do have a question. i said this is our legislation what is reason behind roman listens 14 through 16 a member of the commission shall be a child advocate for members for adult
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services. actually 14 and 15. >> on the legislation. >> i'm sorry page 2. >> wait um, yeah - page two. >> the part of having a child advocate. >> (clearing throat) and i see you put language in there any one of the members may satisfactory their reminders of subsection i think so you're adding a veteran that makes sense. the issue in working- >> (multiple voices). >> the department is here. >> (multiple voices). >> you can answer if you want to. >> i want to add in we currently will have a child advocate on the committee jackson lane is one and also with the legislation with the language so i'm not sure continuation anyone with a mental health experience or knowledge a family member or someone that's why we are trying
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to streamline the language a little bit more but will include someone that has experience with mental health we currently have a member with a child advocate on the committee already. >> i see through the chair i see on page two at the top lines 4 through 7 it says as required by california welfare institutions codes section 4. and 6 members of the commission should be consumers or parents of the siblings and three members being family in family of consumers. i understand that is captured in there but i was curious what the reason is behind taking out the language that says child advocate. >> (laughter.)
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>> in general terms. when we have a larger committee that is struggling with with to meet quorum i think looking at some of the things that not just the numbers but also areas where you know, overly proscriptive is hamstringing to recruit people as in this case we have a child advocate who is on the committee. so i think what this is- >> (multiple voices). >> no, no, i understand i appreciate one of the things we skrulgd with (clearing throat) did our oversight body here with the department of supportive housing had general language. but the thinking was from my perspective insure to have someone direct for the youth often an afterthought i'm glad
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an advocate own this body but any things to leave the language that will continue to be prioritized? you understand we had a problem - we in quorum but i do have concerns about it this person were not appointed it would be difficult - someone can answer that but in the past filling (clearing throat) meeting the language have a child advocate or a family member. >> good morning supervisor safai government affairs manager at dph and are working with folks to bring in alignment with the state law because of the requirements for 50 percent of
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membership to be either consumers or family members. we add one more seat we'll have to add another seat for advocates. >> no, no, i want to say if we had would it be difficult to leave that language in in that you could leave that language in and still have. >> we could but have to balance that with the state requirement. and that's why the legislation is as it is in front of you today. so that is - would be um, thinking behind that we discussed will be continued because those amendments are substantive by that's the reasoning behind that as we stated early we have a current commissioner. you don't know i don't believe it is hard to recruit. to this but wanted to state the reasoning behind that. >> why not through the chair or
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the city attorney a way to put language in that honored the state welfare code and not add an additional seat maybe you thought about that. >> i do think ultimately this is a policy choice. the state code requires pointing out 50 percent of the code is family members a body of 6 and further an advocate or veteran and most of consumers and their family members need to have 20 percent it is proscribed whether there are some seats on the body have anymore open edited qualifications could be limited to the one qualification perhaps this is is standing we can figure out between now and next time. >> would that is a substantive amendment?
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>> um. >> hard to tell. >> probably not. >> okay. great. why not talk about that i wanted to make the point that i think it is for that to think about the amount of mental health stress people have been put under and having a family member i see i maybe keep that there. >> thank you. >> thank you, supervisor safai. >> if we entertain a motion it will be substantive. >> city attorney thank you. i i don't think that it would it is one of the seats we're restoring that no promises. >> i'd like to oh, supervisor walton. >> thank you supervisor dorsey i wanted to coincide any
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comments and my feelings to leave the language with supervisor safai. >> thank you supervisor walton. >> i'd like to make a motion to amend the file agency read into the record earlier and continue the item to the january 8th meeting of rules committee. >> mr. clerk a roll call. >> oh, yes on the motion to amend and continue to january 8, '24 supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> domineered, aye. >> meetings without objection. >> is amended and continued to january 8th (gavel). >> mr. clerk please call the next item. >> 3. [campagn and governmental conduct code - form 700 filers - general services agency - city administrator]
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administrator] interests) filing requirements for officers and employees in the general services agency under the city administrator. (city administrator) thank you, mr. chair we're joined by sophia from the administrations office and from the department of resources the city administrator has requested a continuation the floor is yours. >> . thank you very much. supervisor dorsey and supervisors i'm sophie from the office of city administrator as amended i want to summarize for the record there are 4 basic changes that we escalated in the amendments and legislation by the way, it is essentially a list of things that are required to file before form 700 their
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hard to read but under animal control on page three operations manager. and on page 4 under contract monitoring division we added a deputy director position. under real estate on page 10 added the transaction manager and for tids we add the analyst and project manager and my understanding that is those are substantive amendment need to be heard at a later date and in addition dhr is giving them an opportunity to chime in and as back if january i'm available for questions. >> thank you. thank you very much. ms. hayward's mr. chair
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open up for public comment members of the public wish to speak line up and each speaker is allowed three minutes a soft chiming of 30 seconds and lourdz when the time is up any commenters a no public comment for this item. >> thank you mr. clerk public comment is closed. and motion to amend item three read into the record by ms. hayward and continue to january 8th and mr. clerk a roll call. >> on the motion to continue to january 8th. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> motion passes. without objection. >> on the unanimous vote 3 for the code general services city
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administrator is continued to january 8th the reporting duties of the reentry council, and extend the sunset date of the reentry council by five years, to june 1, 2029. >> thank you mr. clerk department of motor vehicles can if supervisor safai is joining us and supervisor safai is the author and welcome to the rules committee the floor is yours. >> good morning supervisor dorsey and supervisor walton and supervisor safai the item before you extends the council date through june 1st update reentry counsel. and the ordinance that provide the reentry council have an annual report by 2024 and
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provide a response to the amendment as an addendum in the final report and 2008 the reentry council played a role in the justice community no supportive housing formally incarcerated individuals and 24 members this was as corner of the organization and with the stakeholders to create an approach for formally incarcerated people and the work of the council makes sure that no one is - individuals have access to the resources and programs positive direction and academy in the billy holiday center by the row destroy council and has changed many lives and the reentry supports
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this community. supervisor safai buildings this plays a role when justice is involved and makes a positive impact to the changing life and i'm available for questions. and victoria with the prosecution prohibition is here. >> i don't have questions i want to express my appreciation for the work in the are reentry council for this and no one on the racist open up for public comment. >> yes. any members of the public would like to make public comment at this time? >> good morning supervisor dorsey. >> supervisor walton and supervisor safai i'm for the
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adult prohibition but to urge you to support the new legislation that authorize the council will i extending the sunset date and there is no other collective body in the city or county that has 17 different city departments an organization that provides prechild services isn't communicated and formally incarcerated people that worked for incarcerated people in our community. >> thank you. >> there doesn't appear anybody else. >> public comment is closed. and make a motion to send this to the full board with a positive recommendations and roll call. >> oh, yes on the motion
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supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> and motion passes. without objection. thank you, mr. clerk and unanimous vote on item 4 for the administrative codes poivent the sunset date to the full board as committee report. >> mr. clerk any further business. >> no additional items on today's agenda. >> thank you mr. clerk we are adjourned and happy holidays. [meeting adjourned]
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>> i am supervisor melgar. i am the supervisor for district 7. [music] i am a immigrant to san francisco. my family came when i was 12 from el salvador during the civil war. this place gave us security, safety and an opportunity to thrive, so i love the city deeply, and as a mother of three kids who have grown up as city
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kids, i'm grateful for everything the city has to offer for people like me and families. i have been politically involved my whole life, either in government or a non profit worker and i care about the community. i care about people around me, and i want to make sure that as the world changes around us, other people have the opportunity that my family did. >> we are back in san francisco post pandemic. so important to be out supporting our businesses, supporting our neighbors. >> i'm the first woman to represent the district, believe it or not. i'm the first latina elected to the board of supervisors without an appointment first ever, so i do think that (indiscernible) i want immigrants to be represented, women, moms, people that have different experiences because that brings richment to our decision making and i think it makes for betting decisions so that inspired me to run.
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district 7 is one of the most diverse districts in san francisco both in economics and ethnicity. it spans north from golden gate park. it includes all the institutions in the park, the wheel. the music concourse, mew seem to the south to the daly city boarder and west to the organization. includes the zoo (indiscernible) all those fun things and to 280 oen the east. includes city college, san francisco state. i had ucsf parnassus so very large geographically. it is mostly single family homes, so it is the place where for generations family (indiscernible) nice parks, lake merced, mount
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davidson. >> this is like a village within the city, so we are very close nit community. we tend to band together and try to support one another and it is a friendly place and families and people to have a cup of coffee and check out the park. >> ocean avenue, which is the southern end of our district is vibrant commercial corridor that mostly cater tuesday the local neighborhoods and the students. as you go further west you have the mall which has some of the best pan asian food offerings in the city. if you haven't been there, it is really fun. as you go up a little bit further, there is west portal avenue, which is a very old school commercial district where you can still find antique shops and cobbler shops and as well as like more modern restaurants. it is definitely hopping and full of families on any weekday. >> i'm matt roger, the
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coowner or (indiscernible) >> carl, other coowner in west portal. >> we are a neighborhood hardware store. been a community institution since it was founded in 1936. we had a little bit of everything. (indiscernible) to gardening or gift buying. >> my entire experience in san francisco is this community. it is a very small town feel for a big city. the community is caring and connected. >> what makes me excited doing business in district 7 is i know it sell well. i grew up here. i knew a lot of customers, parents of friends. it is very comfortable place and feels like home. >> if you go up north, you have the innerpz sunset commercial corridor which has a awesome farmers market on weekdays and
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plethora of restaurants. there is everything you need. >> friendly and safe and (indiscernible) i love they bring their kids with them. they teach them how to use their money, and it is something you dont see in too many markets in other communities. i love to see the kids come and talking to you. it is something different then i see from (indiscernible) >> the ev access to transit in inner sunset and ability to do a lot of shopping on foot, and now the improved biking with jfk closed to cars, because we have a 4 and a half year old who rides her bike. we now have a safe place to go and ride bike jz don't have to to worry about traffic. >> graffiti continues to be one of these things that during the pandemic just got out of control everywhere in the city and i do think that it
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is hampering our recovery of commercial corridors, so some of the volunteers on west portal avenue, some of the merchants got together with interns at our office to do some hands on abatement and we have been doing it regularly. we are doing it once a week and we have a wonderful neighbor, carrie organizing and storing the paint and supplies in her office on west portal, but this needs more then just a volunteer efforts. >> i'm grateful for the collaboration. we passed legislation at the board and put $4 million in the budget over the next 24 months to help the department of public works hire laborers and labor apprentices to abate the graffiti on private property on commercial corridors. i think that for a couple years this recovery strategy so
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we can get back up as normal after this awful pandemic. participatory budgeting is a pot of money that is available every year for district 7 neighbors to propose projects that improve the neighborhood and the district. anyone, any organization in the district can propose a project and then it's a vote. it is popular vote. we have 14 projects just approved and they span from you know, a vegetable garden at aptos middle school to pedestrian safety projects on (indiscernible) it runs the gamut, but it is wonderful because it allows people to be engaged in a real way, and then to see the outcome of their energy and work, because the things get improved in front of
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them. >> i like it is really close to the parecollect parks and bunch of businesses as well as a calm feel. it is a very peaceful feel even though it is close to a lot of things. (indiscernible) also not boring. there is stuff to do too. >> so, there is lots to see and experience in district 7. [music]
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>> i think a lot of times we get in adult lives we are afraid to follow our passions and think life can't be that easy. but i truly do believe i followed my heart this time in my journal in city government i did not know that is where my passion lied. i kept following it and ltd. to great opportunity to serve the city. [music] >> i'm katy tang the executive director of the office of small business. >> small business contributes to
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san francisco's economy. they provide the bulk of employment in the city and employing a million people in san francisco. and roughly 90% of the businesses are defined as small businesses. so, they contribute to the economy but also just the quality of life. small businesses are more then and there a place of transaction it is a community center. a play where people gather. know each other and form memories about the city. >> at the office of mall business i run a team this helps report all mall businesses in san francisco whether they are looking to stfrt a new business or expand or perhaps they are feeling with issues. our office is here as a point of information for anyone with a business that has 100 or nower employees. >> i was growing up i had many
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ideas of when i wanted to do. i wanted to being an olympic swimmer. and i wanted to men be an architect, you name it i had many ideas for what i wanted do when i grew up. and i never anticipated entering in politics. this opportunity came along wh started working for former supervisor carmen chu and she became the district 4 sunset district supervisor. that was my firstent row in politics and government in a different level. and so when i was finishing up my time working for legislative aid i thought, i will go off and do something else. may be explore opportunity outside of city government what was then approached by this opportunity to also serve as a district 4 supervisor. if not the traditional route that many people think of when
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you enter in politics. a lot know that is manage than i want to do and run for office. that was not part of my culture and upbringing with manage my parents were wondering why i wanted to go in that role this legislation and important because so many women when have it return to work after having a child feel embarrassed or don't feel comfortable asking their supervisor for will any lactation accommodations. i saw it as an opportunity you could use the position where you have tools creating legislation and pass laws and where people listen to to you help the community and pass cause catharsis important to the city and individuals. my family immigrated to the united states from taiwan. and they came here in pronl probably late 20's almost 30.
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and so, they came also in the knowing english limp barely read or write but had to quickly understand english to i can't haveigate services and find a job in america. i grew up in the san francisco sunset district i spent most of my childed hoo up until i went off to college. so when i started working in city government, i think i had mixed reactions about my involvement working government because for some of our parents generation, there is i bit of distrust in government. i think there are questions about why i was entering in this field of work. i think you know when i went in city government i thought about my parents like so many other who is have to navigate city services and resources english first language and help the individuals both navigate,
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intercept that is on an application approximate signage. it is fulfilling to mow to help people like my parent and feel like government is there to support them and not to harm them. my parents are happy that i retired early from politics and being a district 4 supervisor i could have continued on for a couple more years approximate decided to leave early. i think that over all they were able to see some of my work appear in the chinese newspaper. through that they were able to see i was able to help communities in a tangible way. >> the member of the board of supervisors. >> transportation authority. for the city and county of san francisco. congratulations. >> i think about one importance when i was worn in as district 4 supervisor. years ago, and someone actually came up to me during the swear nothing ceremony and said, wow, i'm traveling here from canada,
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and i just i could not believe i saw an asian female worn in in this role a leadership role this meant so much that someone would say that and felt they were inspired by the scene. so -- i hope that as more people see people that look like them and more women coming in positions of leadership than i feel they can doing the same. person this inpyred me is carmen chu who is our city add administrator but also was district 4 supervisor when i worked with her as a legislative aid. at this point, i too, was skeptical of going in politics. i saw someone who had herself never seen herself in politics. got thrown into it and put her heart and soul and dedication to serve people. and it gave me the confidence to
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pursue that same job and i honestly would not have either chosen or accepted or considered serving on the board of supervisors were not for carmen. >> if you want to make your business accessible. >> in my role in city government where i have seen the most challenge is people who don't know you and you are here to serve and help them that they classify you as our city government and here to hurt you. so, people will talk to you and -- and just you know treat you disrespectfully. and sometimes i noticed that they might do more to me as a female compared to my male colleagues. but you know i try to be empathetic. one of the most significant barriers to female empowerment we feel like we have to be 100% meeting all of the qualifications before we think that we are qualified to do a
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job. if we look at a job description or an opportunity to come your way well is self doubt about whether you can fulfill the obligations of that role. i think that the confidence is huge and sometimes i think we make up for it by trying to gain more experience. more and more and more in whatever we can put under our belts we'll feel better. that may not be the case. we might be qualified with when we have already accomplished. i started rock climbing indoors a couple years ago as an activity to try to spends time with my husband and also to try something new and i finds that rock climbing there are so many parallels to life. you know when i'm on the wall i'm concentrating and trying to make it to the next piece
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without falling. there are daying you think i'm not making progress. you come back and wow, i hit another level. and so i feel like in our daily lives and w we think we are not making enough of i change in the city. and sometimes we have to take out time to reflect every day as long as you try and give it your all and you look back you will have made a significant contribution there is no limit to where you go in terms of rock climbing. i want to reminds myself of that in terms of daily life. >> follow what it is you are interested in, what makes you feel excited about wake up every day. you never know and be open to all the possibilities and opportunity. [music]
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>> bob morts, global german and chief executive officer of pwc. >> good morning everyone. thank you to be the early birds. sitting here, fighting all the possibilities so that we guarantee a great conversation
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and my name is kim way, the moderator for this panel. the gobel economy and state of the world. i am a moderator coming from [indiscernible] so, this is a big one. the global economy and the state of the world. we could spend 10 days here, but i'm so glad i'm joined by a very capable international business leader, bob moriz, global chairman of pwc. i know bob for a long time, but i think every conversation we had over the years, there is always fresh input given the circumstances. so, bob, i don't want to do too much introduction. everybody has a perspective what the world is like and state of the economy but i want to jump to you about the global supply chain.
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i know that is on the mind of every business person in this world. what do you think might be some of the latest science that could help us to analyze better about the real state of the global economy? >> thank you. pleasure to be with everybody today. as pwc, we have been a partner 14 years. the reason is the importance of the country's in the global economy that represented in this room and to your point, let's go back a year. the countsry here, the economy was thought of positive globally and very positive locally. the ceo community had confidence what is going on and here we are a year later and you have a concern about the slowing of the global economy, but yet the representatives and ceo here in these countries are still very positive about the
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economy and opportunities in their region. that is important. having said that, they can't have a sense of complacency and let's talk about supply chain in that regard. what happened over the last few years is organizations have worried about the concentration risk in supply chains, the resiliency of supply chains and aspects like that. many governments are try toog insure more on-shoring as well from a policy perspective about the ceo community continued to focus on four major themes. are the economics right? do i have the resiliency and agility of that supply chain from? can i actually greener and cleaner? and likewise, can i get the data to make faster better decisions? that's really important because
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historically the supply chains and decisions where to go focus oen a couple key ing thes. it was the skills in the country. is there availability of resources in the country? what does infrastructure look like and they look at the risk factors. is there certainty, regularty risk and ease of doing business? the two new things right now are the green element of that supply chain and the data. that's where digitalization technology and ai will be really important for management teams to think about how can we create opportunities for people to use our supply chains either corporate or the countries that are providing them and that is the upset going forward. >> i'm glad you mapped out important factors. we like to dig into a bit later. about resilience, we have seen political environment changes over the years. now some miner signs things
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might be getting a bit smoother, for example with [indiscernible] taking place on the siteline of the events we are seeing here today. what do you think the business leaders would like to say to the political leaders that are coming here during the apec week? what is likely to be the common ground between the business community and the political leaders? >> so, let me take this from three angles. first, as it relates to particularly the big elephant in the room, the china u.s. relationship. we are looking for a de-escalation and more bringing the temperature down in terms of a little more normalcy. can can't be total normal but more normally then the tejz world filled year we had. second is the signs that there is a willingness and wanting to actually continue the trade and let's be fair here for a second.
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the amount of trade between the two countries and the importance of the two countries of the world, very very important. >> yes, indeed. >> last but not least is make sure the tech [indiscernible] those that should be talking to one another regularly about policy changes and trade agreements and other aspects are able to talk more freely to enable the infrastructure and trade and direct investment to move forward and that's the importance of today. the second point though is, let's not limit this to just the u.s. and china. the reason this particular group of people gather is that, which is how to get more policies and procedures in place more certainty in place to move forward? you heard from the secretary a moment ago talking about her responsibilities. we'll hear from the prime minter of mulasia.
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they want less risk and more certainty. last but not least the third element, how you indicate the sign of the direction of travel, because when you make decisions on supply chain you think about the conditions that exist today, but the conditions that exist over the next, 3, 5 years so look frg the stability. not obviously interesced in today's policy and procedures but the plans going forward and that is the dialogue we hope to hear today from policy makers and politicians. >> you hit a important power word, dialogue. used to be the case we say that all the time. every minute all most and it is not the luxury and now it becomes quite a luxury. that is also what i want to ask with you, bob. what does it take to have real dialogue? >> i want to hit this from two
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perspectives. to have meaningful engaging dialogue requires a element of openness and discussion around the challenges and opportunities from both sides. or multiple sides, depending who is in the room. second, is understand the rational and reason why, not just the what, but the why behind it. people can understand where each other of the parties are coming from. that is important to start the discussion. the realty is, you want to enable trust and trust means you have to deliver on what you committed to deliver previously, and that is equally as important. it is one thing to have dialogue and discussion, but another to execute and deliver against that dialogue to enable future trust so the foundation is stronger moving forward. as we sit here today, the one thing i would say is discussion isn't good enough t. is execution of getting things that is equal important to enable the trust to continue to
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sustain itself. >> people say, are you guys having on the stage communication one on one? actually, sometimes this become a luxury these days. having said that, how are we going to set all these conversations with the backdrop of asian pacific? there are so many different ideas related to this region so how do we look at the state of the ecaenomy of the region as to what group should we have? what would be the nature of the different groupings? what are likely to be the chemistry among all of them? if there is any. bob, as a business leader. >> as a business leader i say for pwc and all our clients, we see a lot of upside in the region. you see that upside driven by
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three primary rationals. one is the domestic economy are continuing to grow. [indiscernible] think about the rise of the consumer and the consumer what they need in terms of goods and services. the second thing is that, those particular countries and the companies within them are now more alternative sources for supply chain and creation of goods and services and important to the world wide economy and that's equally important. last but not least, it is not only the issue of the economy, but the contributions that come from this part of the world as well to future endeavors. technology digitalization ai is a good example of that, where the skillset s today are fantastic in the region to be leveraged and turned into a big opportunity, so it is not all the economics, it is also the policy setting, the standard setting and other aspects that are really important and we hope that the countries in this room in this cooperative are more so at the table, at the
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global table to make sure their points of view are brought and advances invasion happening here are brought to the rest of the world. >> we see the governance of technology including digital technology, such as ai lack behind the real development of technology, so much so we have seen this transfer all most past the four decades. since the very beginning of the computer and stuff like that. anyway, are we seeing with the recent discussion both at the un and earlier taking place in the uk bringing all the players together around the table, real consensus about the discussion? on ai. >> you do not have consensus on ai. this is a very early stage right now in terms what is happening. aa has been in existence a long time. we are talking about degenerative ai and what is happening of autonomous ai
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where thinks are done in such a way where it is replacing humanity and within that it has the ability to bring the language it is so interictive that had has ease of use. you have three things fundamental of the standard setting of ai. how comfortable and trusting of the of what has been done. what is responsible coding to make sure we flush out that and have a buyer be ware concept if i use it i understand what the coding leads toward of the outcome. the second piece is data. the ai only works if it has access stoodata. the question is what access is providing to ai to give the outcome and that is equal important understanding that. if i limit the ai to have the data in a particular country, that may give me the basis for
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country. last but not least is make sure the ai that is created is governed appropriately supervised appropriately and in fact delivering what is intended. those three things are being discussed in various forms. what do not have is the ult to converge what responsibility ai looks like. there are a number frameworks put out, but what the world needs to do and why the region can be so influential is be at the table to converge lective thinking in country, across sector and government and business working more so togethers. >> we have seen asian pacific region dynamic bringing consenss for the trade mechanisms given the backdrop of a ever evolving world has been functioning well in the
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region. would that be a wonderful precedent of people coming to consensus on all the technology related governments as well, particularly regarding generative ai as you said? >> absolutely. >> where are we now the state of the world? >> we are at the early stage, but i think there is a opportunity for discussions today and what comes out of the meetings to continue to be a roll model for the world and the world to jump in but to have in a open way, because there is different points of view. back to your point around discussion, it is discussion, agreement and ult mltly framing up in the right way to apply at the local level. i do think there is a big opportunity. organizations are seeing it today in invasion happening in this part of the world and think they will want this going forward because aioneed you need the trust in the ai as that is important to them to deal with effectiveness and efficiency as we go through
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economy and margin improvement. at the same time ai is dealing with that and discorrupting strategy and business propositions of corporate and that matter countries as well. >> the wonderful thing is, how latest ai technology and governance work with sustainability which is one of the core issues we have seen focused on during this year's apec ceo summit. what do you see likely to be the synergy here? >> there is first question which is definition of sustainability. >> right. >> if we think about climate there is a huge opportunity for how ai can help with that. let polk get granular for a second. if i think about the efficient of a building, there is not enough humans and not enough computing power right now to actually indicate how that can be most effective and efficient of energy use and ai
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is powerful enough today and efficient enough today to do better then human decisions can be. there is a tremendous opportunity as a result to think how we can drive for more naeshancy using ai as we think about energy use of buildings like this, for example. having said that, you got another element of sustainability and that is implications to humanity and labor. as ai comes forward, there is many different dooms day discussions around how many jobs will be taken away and yes, if we don't actually think about how we enable the ai to be more effective and efficient while at the same time redeploy the talent in new and different areas we will have a mismatch which create more social unrest which is something we cannot afford to have. when we talk about here is a timing gap. humanity has proven any time there a large scale transformation impactful on labor we have historically been good, some time thereafter
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figure what to do with excess labor capacity and put in new different ways. there is a need to deal with that ination invasion as much as ai of supply and talent. when we think sustainability we should think climate because we are not doing enough and far behind as evidenced in the discussions coming up, but let's not forget implications to labor, workforce and humanity overall as wem. >> here is similar logic with the question of ai and governance of ai. we see geo politic changes so much over the past few years and that people wonder whether we should wait for decisions coming from the big powers and then--or we should have parallel passages with different players playing their role and bring consensus. this means a lot of different chemistries.
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you need time to sort it out, but still which to you as a business leader would likely to work the best? >> the realty is, we are not in a world where we can afford to wait for the powers to be to make a decision and rely on government alone or anybody else to make that decision. invasion at the local levels cascadeed off and scale off is the way to make progress and what we see today is business community more so the concepts within the business community actually driving the invasion. the employment of capital in the ai space or deployment of finance in the climate space and we can no longer afford to wait for government policy tew gree. that takes way too long so it has to be the culmination of business working together in the ecosystems to drive the change. to your point, the realty is, when business does this, it is not just what they do with themselves for themselves, it is what they do with themselves
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andwritten the ecosystem they operate and climate is a great example. any individual company can make decisions but it isn't enough. what they need to do is deal can scope 3 and elements of the supply chain and they have to work together. it is a lot of little things that get scaled up to drive the change needed to be much more sustainable and achieve the goals looking to achieve. we can't afford to wait for a grand decision or big bang theory that come through to save us. >> small, but beautiful. having said this, business communities have their own very specific interests and core issues to work with. for example, for financial benefit, that is always one of the goals of any business. how to make sure things like green washing, pr, mainly related to the so called discussions on ai governance, and also how would business
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work with political leaders with rules that prevent free trade and prevent the flow of data and consensus of data among business and between business and society? it is over-loaded question. >> let's take 2 examples. as you think of climate and green washing and elements of that you need a set of standards what should be reported and trust within that and accountability. to give people a sense-if you look at the european companies today, the top 50 there are rules and regulations what to support and system hasn't changed. the incentive for management changes have come to life. what is interesting and if you look at last year's discussion, only one of 50 ceo had compensation impacted because
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they did not meet green objectives. one . it tells we are not putting enough emphasis on that or the setting of it goal was way too low. >> what do you think? >> i think it is a combination of the two that gets you there. the realty is, you have to change the entirety of the system. what is the strategy at a senior level? how do you incentivize the right behavior and how to survive and thrive? all most 60 percent of the ceo in this part of the pworld believe the businesses are not sustainable if they don't radically change in the next 10 years. they have to move with speed. they have to be agile to dial with policy decisions changing radically and uncertain and it will be the benefit of those leadership teams that actually are most agile and take advantage of opportunities and mitigate the downsize risk. better data, quicker decision
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and less bureaucracy. that is important for corporate as much as government. >> always a pleasure. >> thank you so much. >> appreciate it. >> please rise and welcome to the stage his excellencyacy primary of malasia.
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>> thank you everyone. thank you mr. prime minister. what a pleasure to see you again. >> thank you. >> this morning you were working with colleagues to be here. there is a lot of things coming up every day we need to work so we will be both at the focus of our attention on the most important issues, and be able to look for solutions. mr. prime minister, therefore i want to ask you, what is your view of the state of the world ? it is big question. coming from political leaders mr. prime minister. what does this region mean, asian pacific of bringing the best to the states of the world from your perspective? >> thank you. always start with easy question, not difficult within.
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[laughter] thank you for the opportunity. the assembly and the important players and roles. you start with this question about the [indiscernible] political leadsers and you want to [indiscernible] democracy and promote development, then the rule of the private sector, industry becomes more [indiscernible] more relevant, more critical now then ever before. apec is one of the more significant and has to play dynamic role. there have been negative perceptions but i still believe apec is like the rock of gubraulter, it has to succeed and this is one that we have the [indiscernible] engage effectively. i'm pleased last night when
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president biden make reference looking forward to this engagement with president. very important to take a different view. [indiscernible] business leaders must view this like the [indiscernible] many political leaders, therefore to my mind, we in the asian pacific look forward to this engagement because it is immense benefit to the region and to the world. >> as we speak, the meeting i guess is taking place right now somewhere near san francisco, so what do you hope exact hope i just put it this way, this meeting bring to the discussions we are having right now? >> we talk about inclusivity, we talk about globalization. we accept that the global
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situation geo politics changed and we do acknowledge that. china has a role and has to be engaged effectively and there must be great effort to insure that it is part of the global community, and well based competition, but this engagement for example between president biden is different. to me, it is critical because it should give a clear message that we are here to be able to work together and trust each other to resolve tedious problems, climate issue, ukraine or gaza. to too many contentious issues in the world and you must try to engage accepting the fact that you may not achieve all the
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desired results. this engagement is important to try and establish areas and work together. countries like malasia cannot be forced to see the world and big powers in the whole world mindset. united states, traditionally has done immense task in the early phase of development. the total example, the total investments and trade with malasia is lead by the united states. things are changing. there is increasing investment to china, so why put us in the fix and zero sum game for the benefit of countries?
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emerging economics and also for the west and the east. i believe that the solution is of course greater collaboration, and this said must end because the world and post normal times is more [indiscernible] more complex and full of [indiscernible] it requires leaders with vision, with commitment, with shared ideals to resolve it effectively. [applause] >> do you think your idea is representative of colleagues? >> well, we have consensus, even more contentious issues like [indiscernible] there are differences, but we all share the view that it must not be unjust, it must not discriminate, it must not
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continue with atrocities against your own people, so there is a point of consensus. similarly, china, there are different level of emphasis, but generally we want to preserve the region, the most vibrant economic region as independent. i use the term, fiercely independent to express our views, to share our concerns, but to accept the thought, realty. united states and the west remain a very important ally to us and china is very important trusted neighbor that would have in our attempt to prepare the economy and insure a peaceful vibrant region economically. >> let's talk about the economy, mr. prime minister. you and your scalleges have
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worked on thatd in your country but looking at the region we see important mechanisms working extremely well in the asian pacific region. [indiscernible] is one of those and also we see rcep as well. how do you see these trade mechanisms are helping us and moving forward? we know difficulties, but still how can we maintain a certain level of stability and predictability? earlier you heard mr. moriz coming from the business perspective asking for that as business leader. mr. prime minister. >> i don't think we have a choice. [indiscernible] 9, 10 percent gross and even budget surplus in the 90's, because it was a trading nation, and through
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[indiscernible] the fda we have, the more beneficial for the countries. we should utilize. i believe countries must be able to engage more and accept the fact that an arrangement is more beneficial and that means countries cannot be marginalized or discriminated for reasons for other reasons, [indiscernible] whatever, that is my position and i think most countries share this view. >> let's talk about some of the synergy among economy in the asian pacific region. we see there is a debate about the so called global north and global south, but actually, between the north and south and among the south itself there is
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tremendous synergy going on. i could put on the example between mulasa malasa and china but that is one example. how do you see the synergy taking place, despite the fact we have issues politically for the world? >> [indiscernible] i always stress on the new realty, that the old mindset of the cold war must end. it does not mean it ended. look at the [indiscernible] what is our concern? [indiscernible] committed to pay hundreds of billion and not forthcoming. so many positions of economics and i think to me it is unhealthy we. need to therefore have a mechanism that we will not have
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this sort of division. now, that's why i say-i still maintain the only way forward is to see us as one community. climate change is not puculiar to the west or east. we all suffer. [indiscernible] this issue should not be allowed to further divide. [indiscernible] we must have a common vision, including the private sector. i don't believe that--i see the new dynamics and analysis on csr and inclusivity and [indiscernible] better wagers for workers, on issues of climate. these are universal concerns. what we lack in politics, in business in my humble view is
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lack of humanity, lack of compassion. we compartmentalize people. we [indiscernible] and i think this has to change. i'm appealing to you to help us in this cause, with this cause. [indiscernible] you can't depend on to the political leaders, because they have been entrusted and to some extent exceeded, but also failed. the private sector should pay a more dominant and assertive role along with society to make sure whether you call democracy or participatory democracy or people engagement works. i state my case. >> how would you be of support for that? we see countries different one from another where you
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encourage business communities to engage more. the business communities also have their core issues to work out. for example, how to make the business healthy. the political leaders have to be accountable and also has to be supported. providing the platform for everybody, including many business leaders here. >> business leaders too. i have been quite unpopular in some remarks when we had this-to deal with this scandal. i said, it would not have happened without the complicity or [indiscernible] goldman sachs. i think we must have humility to accept things have to change and to acknowledge that we had limitations and on humility, my standard code is from ts elliot.
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the only wisdom we can hope to acquire is the wisdom of humility, and humility is endless. let us accept the fact in order to insure that we resolve major outstanding issues of the world from ai that we heard just now, to climate change, to [indiscernible] we have to make the necessary adjustments, and accept the fact that either in democracy you talked about democratic accountability. it isn't just elections every 5 years, so accountability isn't only among political leaders, but business and civil society
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leaders. interesting enough, one of the traditions of the profit mohammed which we learned from early age is that all of you are responsible and all of you without exception is accountable for your action and your deeds. of course the next question is, do people actually implement these principals? of course, no. i think can we--you are right in saying that we all should be accountable. for a government, what do we do? we have a framework. there is clarity in policies and acknowledge the fact the country cannot move forward without involvement of the private sector, without foreign investment, so all possible avenues including census must be brought to insure that it is better employment is addressed.
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with clarity in policies, including energy transition issue over digital transformation has got to be clearly laid down and our task with the bureaucracy is to effectively implement this stow the private sector understand clearly what is to be expected for any of the countries. >> thank you. mr. prime minister, i really enjoyed the quotes you had from the saints and the poets. they are providing a lot of inspiration for us, but i have to be pragmatic in my question. we are seeing the coming year, 2024 with many elections going on in the world. these economies big, small, and yet there is always an issue of how political leaders will work on their domestic agenda, the state of the world. so, being a responsible player,
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from your perspective, representing the political leaders, what are some of the important steps you see that are crucial these days for political leaders? >> of course, [indiscernible] the statesman, plans for the next generation. [indiscernible] for the next elections. >> we see more statesman or more politicians? >> i think it needs to combine both. you think of the next generation you would lose the elections. [laughter] if you only see the next elections you condemn the next election. i think it is important to make sure that both of these concerns are met. people do understand the vision, the policies and political decisions however popular cannot condemn the next generation. i am fortunate in this because
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we have secured comfortable majority in parliament and my election is another 4 years. [indiscernible] make for malasia. >> i see you are talking from a very neutral perspective right now. mr. prime minister, now we are at a important cross-road. the economy whether big or small or middle size economies are all trying to strive with the circumstances they have to deal with. what do you think are some of the most important tools for political leaders like you to work with your business communities and also work on the economic partnerships with your friends and partners in the asian pacific region? >> from my limited experience, in the early period of the 90 as minister and now i think
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political [indiscernible] is very critical. but clarity of policy is what is required. consistent clear policy, whether energy or [indiscernible] program or investments. then of course, effective implement vision. we all talk about ease of doing business. we all talk about one stop agency and it used [indiscernible] one stop agency does not mean it stops there. it means that you have to facilitate the process with clear procedures and policies and i think if that is done--i'm very fortunate, from china, united states, europe and the region we have established a record investments far exceed our projections. i'm talking about real huge and this signifies a confidence of the private sector to the way
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we set policies and we do business. my take based on our past experience is good governance. we must be [indiscernible] policy and [indiscernible] against corruption and this way of doing business squandering public funds to enrich those in power and that is made very clear i think we are on the right track to propel economy and count wrae ry in next few years. very ambitious and think the last 6, 7 mujts we can achieve that. >> before we go, we only have 30 seconds to go, mr. prime minister. how political leaders like you and your colleagues, to make sure that you are not being hijacked by rhetoric and able to focus on the real issue and responsible for the next
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generation as you said from mr. churchill? >> it is not [indiscernible] because finally you are judged by your action. people give allowance the first few months, but then they have to see whether you mean business. all political leaders, come up and obtain power by fighting corruption and abuse of power. the test is when you in the responsible position whether you can really deliver. the second of course, clear economic policies and you are right, because people become--that is why i started with deficit against political leaders, because the [indiscernible] is not met with concrete action, and thank you very much again. i need your support.
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malasia is the most stable and vibrant place to invest and i look forward meeting you individually in malasia. thank you so much. >> thank you so much mr. prime minister. appreciate it. >> third thursdays at the commons is a monthly event series to really activate krisk krisk -- civic center, fulton mall,
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and other locations through social operation. >> in 2016, an initiative called the civic center progress initiative was launched, it was launched by a bunch of city agencies and community partners, so they really had to figure out how to program these places on a more frequent basis. i'm with the civic center community benefit district, and i'm program manager for the civic center commons. also, third thursdays will have music. that was really important in the planning of these events. >> we wanted to have an artist that appeals to a wide range of tastes. >> i'm the venue manager. good music, good music systems, and real bands with guitar players
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and drummers. >> we turned uc center and fulton street into a place where people want to be to meet, to laugh, and it's just an amazing place to be. there's a number of different exhibits. there's food, wine, cocktails, and the idea, again, is to give people an opportunity to enjoy what really is, you know, one of the great civic faces in america. when you look from the polk street steps, and you look all the way down the plaza, down market street, daniel burns' design, this was meant to be this way. it's really special. >> the city approached us off the grid to provide food and beverages at the event as kind of the core anchor to encourage people who leave a reason to
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stay. >> it's really vibrant. it's really great, just people walking around having a good time. >> this formula is great food, interesting music, and then, we wanted to have something a little more, so we partnered with noise pop, and they brought in some really fun games. we have skeeball, we also have roller skating lessons, and we've got a roller skating rink. >> if you're a passion jail skeeball player like me, and you're deciding whether you're just going to roll the ball up the middle or take a bank shot. >> our goal is to come out and have fun with their neighbors, but our goal is to really see in the comments that it's a place where people want to hold
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their own public event. >> i think this is a perfect example of all these people working together. everybody's kind of come together to provide this support and services that they can to activate this area. >> there's no one agency or organization that really can make this space come alive on its own, and it's really through the collective will, not just of the public sector, but both the public and our business partnerships, our nonprofits partnerships, you know, neighborhood activists. >> i really like it. it's, like, a great way to get people to find out about local things, cuisine, like, it's really great. >> it's a really good environment, really welcoming. like, we're having a great time. >> we want to inspire other
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people to do this, just using a part of the plaza, and it's also a good way to introduce people if they're having a large scale event or small scale event, we'll direct you to the right people at the commons so you can get your event planned. >> being a san francisco based company, it was really important to connect and engage with san franciscans. >> how great is it to come out from city hall and enjoy great music, and be able to enjoy a comtail, maybe throw a bocci ball or skee ball. i find third thursdays to be really
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reinriggating for me. >> whether you're in the city hall or financial district or anywhere, just come on down on third thursdays and enjoy the music, enjoy an adult beverage, enjoy the skee ball; enjoy an adult playground, if you >> i think a lot of times we get in adult lives we are afraid to follow our passions and think life can't be that easy. but i truly do believe i followed my heart this time in my journal in city government i did not know that is where my passion lied. i kept following it and ltd. to great opportunity to serve the city. [music]
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>> i'm katy tang the executive director of the office of small business. >> small business contributes to san francisco's economy. they provide the bulk of employment in the city and employing a million people in san francisco. and roughly 90% of the businesses are defined as small businesses. so, they contribute to the economy but also just the quality of life. small businesses are more then and there a place of transaction it is a community center. a play where people gather. know each other and form memories about the city. >> at the office of mall business i run a team this helps report all mall businesses in san francisco whether they are looking to stfrt a new business
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or expand or perhaps they are feeling with issues. our office is here as a point of information for anyone with a business that has 100 or nower employees. >> i was growing up i had many ideas of when i wanted to do. i wanted to being an olympic swimmer. and i wanted to men be an architect, you name it i had many ideas for what i wanted do when i grew up. and i never anticipated entering in politics. this opportunity came along wh started working for former supervisor carmen chu and she became the district 4 sunset district supervisor. that was my firstent row in politics and government in a different level. and so when i was finishing up my time working for legislative
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aid i thought, i will go off and do something else. may be explore opportunity outside of city government what was then approached by this opportunity to also serve as a district 4 supervisor. if not the traditional route that many people think of when you enter in politics. a lot know that is manage than i want to do and run for office. that was not part of my culture and upbringing with manage my parents were wondering why i wanted to go in that role this legislation and important because so many women when have it return to work after having a child feel embarrassed or don't feel comfortable asking their supervisor for will any lactation accommodations. i saw it as an opportunity you could use the position where you have tools creating legislation and pass laws and where people
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listen to to you help the community and pass cause catharsis important to the city and individuals. my family immigrated to the united states from taiwan. and they came here in pronl probably late 20's almost 30. and so, they came also in the knowing english limp barely read or write but had to quickly understand english to i can't haveigate services and find a job in america. i grew up in the san francisco sunset district i spent most of my childed hoo up until i went off to college. so when i started working in city government, i think i had mixed reactions about my involvement working government because for some of our parents generation, there is i bit of distrust in government. i think there are questions about why i was entering in this field of work. i think you know when i went in
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city government i thought about my parents like so many other who is have to navigate city services and resources english first language and help the individuals both navigate, intercept that is on an application approximate signage. it is fulfilling to mow to help people like my parent and feel like government is there to support them and not to harm them. my parents are happy that i retired early from politics and being a district 4 supervisor i could have continued on for a couple more years approximate decided to leave early. i think that over all they were able to see some of my work appear in the chinese newspaper. through that they were able to see i was able to help communities in a tangible way. >> the member of the board of supervisors. >> transportation authority. for the city and county of san
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francisco. congratulations. >> i think about one importance when i was worn in as district 4 supervisor. years ago, and someone actually came up to me during the swear nothing ceremony and said, wow, i'm traveling here from canada, and i just i could not believe i saw an asian female worn in in this role a leadership role this meant so much that someone would say that and felt they were inspired by the scene. so -- i hope that as more people see people that look like them and more women coming in positions of leadership than i feel they can doing the same. person this inpyred me is carmen chu who is our city add administrator but also was district 4 supervisor when i worked with her as a legislative aid. at this point, i too, was
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skeptical of going in politics. i saw someone who had herself never seen herself in politics. got thrown into it and put her heart and soul and dedication to serve people. and it gave me the confidence to pursue that same job and i honestly would not have either chosen or accepted or considered serving on the board of supervisors were not for carmen. >> if you want to make your business accessible. >> in my role in city government where i have seen the most challenge is people who don't know you and you are here to serve and help them that they classify you as our city government and here to hurt you. so, people will talk to you and -- and just you know treat you disrespectfully. and sometimes i noticed that they might do more to me as a female compared to my male
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colleagues. but you know i try to be empathetic. one of the most significant barriers to female empowerment we feel like we have to be 100% meeting all of the qualifications before we think that we are qualified to do a job. if we look at a job description or an opportunity to come your way well is self doubt about whether you can fulfill the obligations of that role. i think that the confidence is huge and sometimes i think we make up for it by trying to gain more experience. more and more and more in whatever we can put under our belts we'll feel better. that may not be the case. we might be qualified with when we have already accomplished. i started rock climbing indoors a couple years ago as an
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activity to try to spends time with my husband and also to try something new and i finds that rock climbing there are so many parallels to life. you know when i'm on the wall i'm concentrating and trying to make it to the next piece without falling. there are daying you think i'm not making progress. you come back and wow, i hit another level. and so i feel like in our daily lives and w we think we are not making enough of i change in the city. and sometimes we have to take out time to reflect every day as long as you try and give it your all and you look back you will have made a significant contribution there is no limit to where you go in terms of rock climbing. i want to reminds myself of that in terms of daily life.
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>> follow what it is you are interested in, what makes you feel excited about wake up every day. you never know and be open to all the possibilities and opportunity. [music] 2023.) >> welcome to the san francisco city and county board of supervisors regular meeting this afternoon at 2:00 pm., tuesday, december 12, 2023. >> our last meeting of calendar year