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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  January 6, 2024 8:05am-8:31am PST

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>> thank you, everyone. i'm london breed the mayor of san francisco a hero today with so many of our small businesses and we're here and pass at the company and here with the persons in charge of the merchants association with the treatment department i don't, i don't know they're hiding the two people instrumental in working with small businesses and working with our night life and entertainment and trying to bring not just a lot more easy to do business in san francisco but a little bit of fun i'm higher to sign the legislation
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that will make that simple getting to, yes and in fact, ann this or that can tell his story one of the projects that has benefited from proposition a we worked through the changes was regulation and how if you see something, say something are agriculture to commissioner president walton didn't have to do have an architect redo a posting it is saving how much money anthony. >> that's what i'm talking about open farther and provide services and still able to pay taxes we definitely need for to. so this is how we need to make sure that businesses grow and i thrive and not 90 to mention first floor one of our first places able to get city fees and permits and other things waved
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as a way to generate business opportunity in our variation corridors as a result of this program been in existence for two years about the 36 hundred new businesses will have opened in san francisco and excited and proud to be here decide to sign legislation that will change offer one hundred - well, i have to say katie tang came to my office and said all the things yourself been talking about i was upset with cool valley a coffee shop wanted to interest to play guitar and add another pop up to sell outside of coffee the process to get live music into their establishment to maybe sell a local persons
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jewelry in a coffee shop shouldn't be hard as san francisco is in mostly saying in our new model how to say yes to small businesses and, yes to new opportunity and make that easier for people to set up shop as it thrives and be an incredible community access that's why we're hearing sprooimg got the pieces in of the legislation with the board of supervisors and we didn't want to celebrate at city hall but with an example of a business that is not only bend but continues to benefit from many of the changes that we introduced and hopefully as i said make your neighborhoods more fun ms. special neighborhood we're 200 if i see sxalg is joining us thank you for being here. and thank you to
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the other businesses throughout san francisco from the haight from you check up and other are mvrnts came here to provide support? wonderful and we can't just say we port small businesses and then not do anything about it this is doing something about it i'm excited and proud of what we've been able to do. now you or. okay - >> i was going to say talk about the fun parts of legislation. um, but to talk about you know, just a few things how that will benefit others and i know you never thought weed see significant changes but not only the head six the merchants and small business owner an k4re789d street welcome ladies and gentlemen.
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>> (clapping) thank you for making all of us comfortable i'm a little bit nervous um, good morning. i'm sandy lee the president of the small business commission and you know, small business owners are passionate, resourceful and creative people. i opened my shop with my ask his in 2010 and with my family before that. this opportunity to create and business in the neighborhood changed my life as bayview native this in the city but raised my family and fortunate to represent small businesses in the richmond districtcy citywide for the past several years and for the whole time i've been here in san francisco, and living in the bayview been proud to call this my home. >> our city it full of
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initiative people and passionate people today with the new pieces of legislation we will navigate by allowing more businesses to on on the ground floor with consistency and new life into the corridors now if they want to have retail stores social services food or drinks they can i'm excited to see see new ideas and businesses come to life and mayor breed thank you for listening to the meat and bones to share their story you'll find them on the internet and definitely during our holiday celebration. and thank you very much for making the dream of opening a business that much more assessable for those who have the dream. thank you.
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(clapping.) few i'm excited to pass is mic to the vice president of the entertainment commission. >> hey everyone. um, so i was the principle on prop h a few years ago from a document i put together in the mayor's office with unflagging leadership. with incredible published material i realized when i started to advocate for the small businesses in san francisco everyone agrees there are problems but everyone wants a simple solution and unfortunately? the result of a hodgepodge of decades of zoning and permitting and fees and legislation all kind of overlapped one another and onion sidewalks and never get to the
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bottom to undue the red tape instead of a big splash but prop h we're neurology to put in measures into that that or near and dear to my heart that is the night life in san francisco i want to talk about what this new piece of legislation does for night life a big deal more importantly it allows night life to in clubs to restaurants own wine bars to serve wine to avail themselves of 90 day exposed permit this is wonky but a big deal while you're waiting for months and months and planning you are paying rent before our opening we need to simply go back to investors and no
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guarantee you'll get no guarantor they'll approve this is a huge, huge for the businesses and so thrived thank you for that. um, and, secondly, it allows a planning code remedying for 90 like licenses and there are very, very big deal for music venues and allows the venues a lot better chance to have a code for that locally and a lot of things just removed zoning restrictions and wouldn't cloud one person from playing a guitar in the coffee shop. makes no worldly sense whatsoever thank you, to the mayor's office in any mind been impact full. >> thank you maggie and katie camping and mayor breed a very,
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very big deal. thank you. >> i want to introduce anthony strong i come to for the pasta au or you're a skilled chef heat it up and put it together this is anthony. thank you very much. >> (clapping) thanks bear with me, i'm a cook thank you, everyone for coming a big thanks to mayor breed for getting in legislation passed to remove the barriers it is a lot of small businesses faced getting on and growing. um, and thanks to prop h i had a notification process i was trying to get a wine and beer permit but thanks i didn't have
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to spend in excess time and money and hiring and architect and producing plans when construction is not done at small business owners we need to serve our customers and operating our businesses and and we just have to time to spend own requirements that doesn't make sense it is important for the decision markers and the government to continue to removal any of those barriers and courage enterpriseship and encourage thanks things that make our community to be fun and grow. we're labor day to something should be done hoping having a pasta supply iso improvements will help in continuing with you're permitting journey so, thank
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you. >>. (clapping.) easy. you licensed to the folks you make the changes in policies and define the legislation and you get back to your jobs simple the last time we'll see the legislation [off mic.] (laughter.) >> oh, you made some samples. >> 3, 2, 1. >> all right. >> okay. >> let's go.
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>> shop and dine the 49 promotes local businesses and changes san franciscans to do their shopping and dooipg within the 49 square miles by supporting local services within the neighborhood we help san francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant so where will you shop and dine the 49
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hi in my mind a ms. medina
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>> today's special guest michelle ginsberg. >> i'm chris and you are watching san francisco riegz the show that focused on reguilding and reimagining our city our guest is the general manager of the san francisco rec and parks, with us to talk about new parks, music and other developments. mr. ginsberg, welcome.
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>> thank you a pleasure to be here >> nice to see you again. >> last time was during the pandemic and virtual. so it is good to be back here. >> indeed. before we get in specifics, let's start with a broad question, how can will park's system play a part in the economic recovery? >> well, our parks system playing an important role throughout the pandemic. parks were here when people in san francisco needed them the most. a place where people could gather and could care for mentality health and fizz cat health and have a sense of community and a sense of place during a really weird time. and now that things are reopening and figure out how to recover, parks are going to continue to play a significant role >> people are out and having a good time.
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there are special events happening in parks. concerts and the weather is good. the best way parks play a role in our economic recovery is to motivate -- people to come to our city from other places and to motivate our residents to get out and enjoy themselves >> exciting to her we opened a new park and there is another. what is special about the 2 new projects? >> sure. san francisco is going through, i think, a park renaissance. we opened the francisco park, which is just magnificent property that sits on top of an old reservoir dating back to the gold rush and has tremendous views of the golden gate bridge and bay and a place where you can bring kids. a cool play ground to bring dogs an amazing dog park. a meadow to watch the fireworks.
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fog willing. fleet week, community gardens, it is just such an incredible unique space. we are proud of it. >> and then right down the road in a few years, we will be pleased to welcome everybody to india basin in the bay view in the southeast part along the southern water front. 1.7 miles of waterfront that until recently has been under utilized and under fulfill in the a community this needs it the most. india basin is really a feel moment for the bay view and southeastern part of san francisco. it is going to be san francisco's next great and one of the most important parks >> that's fantastic. now, we have a great history of having conference in parks. can you touch on the year's
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highlights? >> upcoming and on going. this is something i'm particularly excited about. i don't think there is ever have been more music in san francisco parks than there is right now >> so, let's go around the city and talk about music. stern grove, is in the 85th concert season. back after the pandemic. in this just fabulously treasured meadow. free concerts all summer long. in golden gate park, at the man shell not guilty music concourse free concerts 4 days a week. wednesday, friday, saturday and sundays. we have sing are song writer wednesday. jazz and seoul on friday. communities performances on saturdays of different kindses and sundays reggae it is extraordinary. and of course, later this summer we are pleased to welcome back
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outside lands for an exciting 3 days and 3 nights of incredible concerts and food and community. as we go across the city, we got wonderful performances in the jerry theatre in mc clarnin park a special jerry day coming back to the theatre. on june 21st we had make music day appearing all over the city in park in civic center. on the marina green. again in golden gate park. it has been a great time for music and ties into the recovery and the tremendous energy where we are feeling and -- you know anybody who says san francisco is struggling needs to hang out in the park system. where well is joy and beaut and he inspiration every day. >> so, the san francisco board of supervisors passed
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legislation to make jfk drive in will golden gate park car free. how have residents responds. >> the san francisco residents responds positive. families. bicyclists, joggers, people with dogs and people from every corner of san francisco have discovered that jfk promenade is a treasure. it enhances the parks so much. imagine a beautiful day in the park and weather on foot or on bike you are strolling down jfk, you pass sixth avenue and head to the music concourse for a concert or the museum; it is joyous and made golden gate park sproord. i have been hering about disk golf and pickle ball. can you tell us about and where people can practice and play.
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>> i knew you were going. pickle ball the fastest growing sports. you know across between 10 and is ping pong and may be with a whiffle ball. ping pong on a life sized course it is easy to learn about skill based people who are good are irrelevant good and it is easy to play. it is fun and accessible. we are trying to accommodate sport. we have over 55 courts around san francisco. 11 dedicated just for pickle balt others per pickle ball and tennis. we have 5 or 10 space you can play pickle ball indoors and keeping up with the tremendous popularity of the sport. disk golf has a loyal following it is also going to continue to growch we opened our first disk
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golf course in golden gate park in 2005. and you know, whether you are an expert at disk golf or beginner, the idea of chucking a frisbee through the beautiful park and. it does not matter what you score t. is just a good excuse to be outside and enjoy a beautiful day in nature. >> exactly. well, thank you. i really appreciate you coming on the show, thank you for the time you have given us tuesday. >> thank you, i hope everybody enjoys summer. get out and play in san francisco's parks. >> thanks again. that's it for this episode we will back with another shortly you have been watching san francisco rising i'm chris manners, thanks forrrrrrrrrrrrrr .
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okay. good morning everyone, and welcome to the san francisco planning commission and recreation and park commission special joint hearing for thursday, december 14th, 2023 to enable public participation. sf gov tv is only streaming this hearing live today and we will receive public comment for discussion and action items on today's agenda. each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes and when you have 30s remaining, you will hear a chime indicating your time is almost up. when your allotted time is reached, i will announce that your time is up and take the next person queued to speak. we will take public comment from persons in city hall first, and then open up the remote access lines for those persons calling in to submit their testimony, you need to call area code