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tv   Arts Commission  SFGTV  January 9, 2024 10:00pm-12:02am PST

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2024.) >> good afternoon >> welcome to the san francisco arts commission meeting this afternoon at 2:00 pm., friday, january 5, 2024. i'd like to call the meeting to order. by asking commi secretary to call the roll. >>. thank you. >> president collins present. present. >> commissioner beltran oh, commissioner benavides present and it commissioner brenzel here. >> commissioner carney here and commissioner ferras here and commissioner hakimi here commissioner lu is absent. >> commissioner mccoy present. >> commissioner musleh is commissioner rothschild absent. >> commissioner shelby here. >> commissioner shelby present. >> commissioner stryker present and tanner is absent as
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well commissioner beltran is here (coughing) so thank you very much. we have members in the staff do you want to cite them and director of culture affahere. >> and director of finance and administration >> and then we'll also be hearing from some of the other wonderful staff so thank you very much for being here any other agenda changes i know an amendment motion chinese new year temporary sculpture proposal. >> that's the only change. thank you very much. >> and forb public meetings. >> i'd like to welcome all persons to in-person
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meeting located at city hall, room 416 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place. live comcast it 26 and at&t and view the web e for individuals be mindful that related difficulties my demur that contributes to the gaps as staff transitioned in the technology we're doing our best and ask your patience and remind us of programs and policies for public meetings atd to follow the structure of our meeting agenda and best practices the best practices set out good government guide every public meeting general public comment can comment on items and public comment will be in-person with remote access for those who require an
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accommodation and respected fully keep our public comment on the topic limited to three minutes and don't contribute the dialogue towards the comment each comment is documented for the record and i'm going to turn it over to dolby for public comment instructions. >> in person at the physical meeting location listed above or remotely online at: -events. once your called on come to the podium blank public comment cards not required to fill out the cards and start your three minutes using the timer and receive a 30-second warning and participants may listen for the next opportunity anyone that speaks can send a to be
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included in comments. >> rejected not in the comment speakers regulationvkls and thoser enable such comments will be made part of the official public record and brought attendance of the committee and written communications to the staff via art to by 5:00 p.m. before the date of meeting to make sure the comments are shared with the commissioners ahead of the meeting and names and addresses will be part of that become part of that public record submittals maybe made when staff will point be read aloud and communications maybe delivered to sfgovtv and will obtain shared with the commission if you need to request an accomodation under the ada or% sanction contact the
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commission square root 48 hours before and we'll make every effort to accommodate and please proceed. >> thank you very much. if i can start the can start by reading the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush (rah-my-toosh) ohlone (o-lon-ee) who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. acknowledging the ancestors,
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elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. environment in san francisco, we are committed to supporting the traditional and contemporary evolution of the american indian community. >> now call item 2. >> 2. approval of minutes for december 4, 2023. i'd like to have a motion to approve and when you make a motion also say your name. >> commissioner beltran second and any public comment on the december 4, 2023 minutes. >> for those joining in÷y in-person proceed to the podium your time starts had you given pc and have a chime when thirty
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minutes left. >> anyone want to make public comment no requests for public comment public comment is closed. >> and now calling for commission discussions on this agenda item 2 approve the minuteins i wanted to add i wasn't here the last meeting we chinatown a dragon but two things that would be great if possible to give the new development able to resurrect the pieces in storage way to do that for commence something that is new development wants to potential resurrect and put it
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into their new projects. and then two if there is a way to intense if i architects they are doing this with existing public two ways keeping public artwork and two, taking public art in storage to the next level. t?hhank yther commissioners comments or discussion on agenda item 2 concerning the minuteseing none calling the >> opposed? (coughing) the motion carries. thank you. calling item calling item
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the public to comment ne as to suggest new agenda items for the commission's consideration. any general public comment? >> for those joining in in-person proceed to the podium and fill others the public comment card we're item three as a reminder your time starts when you begin speaking and have thirty second warning conducting. >> i see no requests for public comment public comment is closed. >> thank you very much. and calling agenda item 4. >> 4. director's report. raise your hands now and. >> 4. director's report. i'm introducing the director and happy birthday ralph remington, director of cultural affairs. >> oh, thank you hello, everybody and happy new year to everyone seeing here and the everyone watching good afternoon commissioners hope you celebrated with our family and
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friends on behalf of the arts commission start out by wishing everyone a safe and wonderful happy 2024 here we go. >> we're going (laughter) on the roller-coaster and climbing the first hill this is of the year. so thank you for again for documenting your time to the city andrts commission all you do we couldn't have been possibl%bte with you and appreciate light work and everything you do 2023 was a whirl wind year arts and culture san francisco ranged 7 on the top 10 best cities now 7 in light world (clapping.)
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yeah. >> in the arts commission unveiling captivating new public art and continuing the support of spaces amazing how much we 12 short months to showcase those moments we recapped the agency under the and the and edward he glimmers or 90 moments in video clips between the core program and the initiative and shard in the upcoming monthly letter if you have not had a chance to view it did he have that carlca >> can we play it? we can okay. cool.
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>> all right. and so that's just the opening card there. >> (laughter) that's all you get a tease a little tease for you there (laughter). >> so this upcoming year more circle arts and culture in san francisco so some investments updatehe x grant to grant applications are open and accepted funding is available for to exciting opportunities number one, is district 5 juneteenth open 501 organizational sports program and/or events to $42,000 and number two, district 7 community bureaus this opportunity is on to
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artists and organizations applicants two grant you think to $45,000 the funds will be used for the projects in district 7. >> excuse me - to apply is january to june 30th and feedback updates sfac arepart firm research to evaluate the first 5 years of the investments and collect feedback from influence and shape the next 5 years allegation plan and in late february open a series of four open houses to engage the partners and representatives and individual artists live and work in san francisco so feedback into the current arts funding and shift the opportunity. we are finalizing
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open houses and plan to share information in the coming weeks on sfac website. social media platform and encourage everyone to make sure we shape the future of our grant makingprograms. some public art updates we have a few proposals and requests for qualificaeadlines i'd like to remind you about and we are a program artist application are due 2024 for the modernization public art due to january 22nd and outdoor exhibition of large-scale sculptures are due january 21st 2024 and city does park are due
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mark 15, 2024 and (clearing throat) we're on those topics i want to encourage we do that all the time but to remind commis to be a part of the panel any time you have extra time i know the panel process is the best way to get involved in what we do everyday and the money we give out obviously talking about the gallery exhibitions and - but the gue exhibitions people can make it to some panels then you can - that's were you actually - i don't this part of the process and all you see is kind of the whole port you but bait the actual in a nut shell of a project and really it up
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and deconstruct and reconstruct and the panel processes is the way to do that so anyone wants of to do that kind of thing i encourage i serve on a million panels in my career one of the things you'll hear. so in addition to being the direct the theatre of the national arts. this is can't express how important for our citizens to weigh in on definitely avail yourselves if you have any times available eats incremental updates coming soon to the san francisco arts commission main gallery excited to announce the next exhibition in conversation 8 and mccarthy on view to april 27, 2023 the eight
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conversation launched in 2005 that features the body of work by a left lane artist and alongside and conversation 8 is by the current rapport nancy and the work up too long time friends are close ties to san francisco and mccarthy and harry dodge save the dates and join us are for this on january 25th and on view is here at city hall in the north corridor july 12th for us is downstairs i encourage that a great exhibition and also artists program the public library two 0 exhibitions on view the ink of
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identity that afghanistan artists is on view on the 6 floor of the main branch january 7th and hear from the artists on the third floor of the main branch through first, this is up to checkout that and i would like to share the update about planning process as far. >> like to thank a coming for the december full commission meetook forward to continuing working with them throughout the process. and early december our consultants alting shareholders interviews with other departments and staff and including. >> (calling names.) >> and our friends and met with informative staff and held a kickoff and in the process of reviewing the documents on
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developing a melting engagement plan. there is a seeking a consultant to help to have a equity in memoriam and additional public artwork and those interested in applying for this apply by january 26th by 5:00 p.m. and details website. and some h.r. updates recent staff departure'7 community investments final days was september 15, 2023, and frank joined innd we thank him - them for had their contributions andm the best a new hire announcement we are welcoming angela is arts commission
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as our new program manager with the public art team and her you first day is january 8th a mother and producer for many years in the arts segment and direct the arts engagement and artists community relationships and her experience is california historical society for women in the theatre center and francisco music center theatre of san francisco and 2024 latino district and welcome angela we're so happy to have her join our team and that concludes my report. for friday, january 5, 2024 and happy to take any questions?. thank you very much. and director. >> any commissioners discussions or comments?
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[off mic.] >> happy new year, everybody. >> first of all, thank you for your hard work of last year and thank you, that is impressive and i'm very happy you put a have together (laughter). >> but on that note i noticed a little bit more on the social media parts of it i think we're not strong on getting the work we do message t public we come up with the social media link or timelines right at the end of it and we're miss opportunity to give me the community so for example i'd like to have that video not availableww staff can share so when i can share with people and i can report the foub showcase we are very much a part of it. >> i want to give the feedback also.
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>> commissioner, i want to ask direct the communication to come answer any questions. and respond to i with some comments based on what you're questions are were. >> that's the follow-up it would be great to have access to the video i know a lot of stuff on the websites but if you that's the way i can approach our website i don't think anyone checks the website is we can get them on our instagram page when goes on is website i noticed a couple of times i tried to share things i can't so i want to ask because it is important - people do tell me i get feedback have been following those things and a tour one thought is january 9th we should
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have had that last month i know you guys are over worked but make sure we maximize our approach. >> hat was the first question. >> if i can answer that that. >> sure communications director share the video links to all the platforms to the st. d> seph e-mail to have a chance to review and share it from there and mayor to have commissioners accounts to have direct access to share the stores and privacy settings you're for the able to share are you okay with that and ask for your help. >> we can definitely could >> for example we're having problems with the accounts i've not gotten - >> economic development and
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l-taken but i think that the culprits is sfgov e-mail so get it the upcoming thank you for your comments. >> anything else. >> no. >> there was a second that's fine to awesome we don't know about the projects and the events happening including the in the last meeting the visual arts committee was we don't even we missed the opportunity to come to the gallery none of the commissioners - i think with 4 d didn't make it to the opens i've been talking we forget and don't follow-up how can we have one gallery
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opposite to be on the calendar and ask the staff to to put that on the we're on the calendar if it is possible. >> that's i'm saying not just when you tell us advertised happening a month from now a meeting we e'll first get it revolved and make sure we have advance notice all upcoming meetings so you're aware. >> thank you. >> and thank you. i think it packs us do a better job. >> commissioner commissioner stryker and then. >> commissioner stryker i wanted to maybe pile on maybe
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the wrong word but get the of time for the gallery opening can be the wonderful. >> - >> (multiple voices). >> there's a structure how we're going to communicate within the sfgov channel. we understand for a variety of reasons it causes a roa - and take that back up in a month would image it is upcoming we all feel the is that you; right? so sfgov because again one of the underlying reasons is the structure. that our channels of are to be within our own domain we understand that challenge and see that
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>> i guess what i'm saying a guesswork for me. >> (multiple voics). >> i've been getting them they go out. >> if people are not getting them we'll look at who is getting. them and get responses from a number of commissioners we know they're going out so we don't know why getting them and unless you tell us us, we don't have to take the time in a full comssio meeting call me up basically and (laughter) then the clerk will take care of that i want to comment i have bal calendar gotten
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calendar that's a good central place. >> and you can when i'm doing to the director's report, you know and in a a lot of information when i'm doing the director's report the i like this is entertainment it is not (laughter) telling you dates and times what we're doing things and hoping you'll make ae of that and take it down and show up. >> commissioner. >> i want to support depress me, i'm a new member what we see an social media i'm confused could be the way the have to figure that out and i was told oh, my god on, on the twenty-four hours i'm impressed with what owe puts out so support that. >> i'll say to now we're on
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that that game has stepped up 100 percent we had the person we had before like a ton of jobs we were there doing on top of but when he brought think edward we have a team now had is better than time of the history the arts commission so the correspondence and the media imagery and of that is better than any point in time in our history and not saying we can't improve we can always improve and love have a team of 5 communications people, you know, at least 4 to 5 people that can - and have enoughhem to do but as we are we're strained in the
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department. >> so thank you for that commissioner benavides. >> just to be clear you didn't misunderstand what saying doing a great job on social media i'm talking about the public arts the applications i'm noticing not fast enough 4 that rignoht get nuisance i want to point that out and the 19 of this month is the deadline we don't have that application asking if we can make sure i'm not they're not doing a great job (unintelligible). >> thank you. any other commissioners. >> yeah. >> on a different topic before i get to that i want to say i love this analog paper and
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(laughter) actually related we can get occasional piece of paper so that would be great. but my real point is i just wanted to for the strategic planning process one thing that was talked about commissioners conversations a general timeline with the conversations are scheduling like - >> no general timeframe. >> i think they addressed it here and layout and communicating with the commissioners when we get to that part. >> okay. a yeah. thank you. >> andúp also say too we're on the commissioners alisa will schedule my yearling one-on-one with the commissioners every year i try to meet with the commissioners once a year every
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singlep4 minutes. i don't have to take all thirty but talk about anything you want to talk about and call me any time yway thank you for that. >> new further commissioner and commissioner beltran. >> thank you. question took a picture of great and put in our notes app iao recommend everyone dots same thing. >> now ask for my public comment on agenda item >> for those joining in in-person go to the podium and currently on item 4 as a reminder your time start when you - receive a warning and request from comments in-person
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one anyone want to be make public comment on the current agenda. i see requests public comment is closed. >> thank you calling for agenda item >> 5.1 committee reports and committee matters: civic design committee - kimberlee stryker, chair civic design committee report. was there a motion on the floor agenda item 5 sub item >> 5.1 committee reports and committee matters: civic design committee - kimberlee stryker, chair civic design committee report. um. >> first of all happy new year to everyone and i'd like to focus any comments for a moment on the cd r commissioner and: >> (calling names). >> commisst too so thank you for the extra work on the committee and you'll had
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the same it is demanding committee and requires sharp people every one of you are. and committed to sharing our expertise and your time extra time and for formal meetings and guidance our guidelines, etc. and i just want to say thank you, you always step up to th plate and so let me move on offering one more thing i'd like to call outner schnair (laughter) also on the visible arts committee our alliance important committees to m art texture have arts components there is an issue and that's brought up and discussed thank you and cd r
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committee on the executive committee wearing three hats shout out to her a lot of extra time. move to my report finally we only saw with an pro that was the treasure island treatment facility i want to start off with saying t sewerage plants are not the most exciting projects (laughter). >> and comparable with most landscapes especially with a high profile project overall as treasure island it and engaged in art environment the sewage plants that goes in there and thee architecture hits the spot nice organic quality and natural approach to that with works well and the structures had a little hip how
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to facilitate to have the building stand alone as architecture and a large-scale artwork that is visible so commissioners stepped forward and talked about through issues and the feedback and the proposal is so and. >> 3. roll call/confirmation of quorum. conclusion thank you to the commissioners the informal meetings that are available to the designers are struggling and have some kind of question about their work and the designers on the commit who gives time to talk about informal about that that facilitates the projects with that i conclude my report. >> i'll comment and watching
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that go through this is sort of a project up for those moments and interesting as a team they so accessible and visible and finding that the water treatment l know and any body should know about that this animates this for children and they're learning how to navigate and commissioner. >> yeah. i'm on cd r and impressed with the fellow commissioners they pushed back quite a bit on the design of the building and a touchy thing with the architect there are architect for the project for the city and um, this commission
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body the architect on staff gave really great comments on not they're focused on didn't make it a beautiful structure. so that was an afterthought and the architect and the committee really encouraged the to bump up the aesthetics of the artwork and the nature surrounding the building to be cohesive and incorporating the artwork and thinking about that the building project became something fully functional but not pleasing i saw little renderings it is really
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beautiful and it is gorgeous and will integrate the artwork a great example how you can turn a building into a piece of artwork and part of the public place thank you to the commissioners it is great building commissioner schnair. >> i wanted to comment that for other commissioners being part of those kinds of process for things that happen that's when you feel like we're able to help make an impact and really important to understand that, you know, there is a diplomatic way9w to deal with that but can result in those types of design changes that represent and also president collins comment about a teaching moment the
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southeast was the treatment plant was coming back to us in the different phaseseering but we worked really hard to make sure to keep theonsistency of the quality to keep that there. and in terms of budget cuts and the integration of the arts there. really kind of i think that is when we all feel good when you see the design coet and with the art and all pieces dough anyway, i highly recommend go on the you see how this - how our commission really works. >> any other - please commissioner. >> yes. >> commissioner stryker you mentioned one person specifically helps to facilitate
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us on the do and truly not a more wonderful chair truly for your h and (clapping.) . thank you very much. >> that that concludes my report. >> any other lnotice? >> (laughter) seeing none, for public comment. >>se joining in-person fill out the public comment card we're currently on item 5 as a reminder your starts when you begin speaking and see a timer on the podium and a 30-second warning make a public comment on the current agenda i see no >> thank you. >> now going to call two. >> 5.2 commutyhiota, chair 1. community investment committee report discussion. >> president collins and the
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community investment committee met december 12th, 20230 and went over the items some you'll consent agenda the first item the year 24 grant. the community investment committee recommended 10 grants totally 5 hundred and 64 thousand dollars opportunity by district supervisor and othersincluded. >> the second was culture grants amendment recommended thesd amendments building $589 and the applicant alternates and cultures receive one hundred and $39 increasing that to the triple a and the latino arts
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when receive totally one hundred and 50 thousand for for the innovations so three hundred funds tot and american indian culture center for the space renovation for the programming for san fran and third is the ma commend stewards grant recommendation the approval allowing the standards to extend for the by dec and denise reported the time has for that in january and provided an update
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to the culture services c apn the process will help for the grants for the arts impacts academic category in fiscal year 24 and 25 that concludes my report. an commissioner questions or comments. >> seeing none my public comment? >> for those joining in-person proceed fill out the card. we're currently on item 5.2 a reminder you'll see a visual timer on the podium. i'm requesting comments in-person. is there anyone like to make public comment? >> i see no requests for public comment public comment is closed. >> >> so public comment is closed.
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(coughing). >>. thank you very much. >> i'm now calling on agenda 53.1. arts committee report discussion. >> thank you very much. president collins and i do want to follow myuyen and thank the visual arts committee for the work you'll continue to share. specifically calling out commissioner beltran and commissioner schnai for your knowledge and wisdom i bring to the meeting is invaluable so thank you very much for being onnly the visual arts committee but the arts commission and to my fellow commissionersr hakimi and: >> (calling names). >> so really blessed to get to work with you on the
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and could not thank the visual arts committee without thanking staff project managers and the artists so thank you, guys for thank you for all you do and how we can what the arts commission is doing with san francisco is doing and it is amazing to have year-end review maybe a little bit slower than the 2023. but shows all the arts were commissions and created as part of the the work that you guys do thank you guys and staff. and thank you, commissioner thank you, artists. i really am proud to be part of this group. >> so and commissioner beltran thank you for your leadership and (clapping.) with that, we have many things to go over for the visual arts
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committee report. so i'd like to get the visual arts committee for december 13, 2023. first have a by thomas that is proposed to be temporarily installed at the embarcadero for the african-american woman that challenges who is memorialized nd it is moving this is not only a woman of color that is something that came up in the the repetition in art and one of the examples of that. the bronze work from the images and observations and 3-d and the installed in front of the gallery in london as exhibited his work in the park the first installation in
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california. as proposed location along the embarcadero promenade on pierion of this work in part and the mayor's objective to transfer to downtown san francisco. the designation. present was motif in 2023 and measuring 5 hundred feet in length and the motifs as is story telling hyattsville the community exercise history and culture identity 78 the definition patterns in the background for the murals to honor the unique and the appreciation for r
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ann she was of freedom continued to fight for the human rights the united states and created under extreme duress and the understanding that everything in the past, connected and another shout out that's the third and final installation of the southeast treatment plant artist installation and all the artists were amazing another amazing example of san francisco and the arts commission is doing to make sure is represent representtion for the community next, we is fernandez for pier 27 art project was presented. the actor review panel met to review the proposals in the finalists brooks and james and others and recommended for
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approval of the proposal. and proposal is for artwork made of color and panels framed by steel talking about. and meaning captures changing lights and color as proposed across changing light and weather throughout the day and the colors we call rainbows and offices scale and dominance of nearby architectural features invites a welcome to passengers and pedestrians alike the art will stand 15 feet 24 feet wide. with that for the first part of report i'd like to call for my commissioner an introduction. >> hi commissioner lu i want to say how incredibly excited
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i'm looking at the artwork and encourage the continue to push for diversity we have many underrepresented artist need to work with the presenters and contacts to make sure we ge applicants to apply. i was so encouraged by the work and want to thank our commission staff and project manager here an incredible uplift and see the change so congratulations everybody. >> i wanted to follow on my colleagues commentsant to thank the staff and telling you i - to make sure that especially women of applying for this and i got call backs if
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people thanking the commission and thanking the staff had webinars and offend art projects and each feedback was incredible. we really appreciate and thank the staff i know that you are listening to what we're asking and the artist i asked about i to tell you i'm really grateful that is most important work we're looking at but what you're bringing and doing is effecting communicates thank you for all you do. >> (clapping) i'd like to asking add i had the to be on the staff for 9 years and unions they exceeded for the project at ocean beach that is a great support the exhibition she was chosen at the
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terminal was a test time to what was said the staff in one situation didn't mean you're out and the staff encouragement in a remarkable location and emerging artists and add to staff i know it is is. >> any other comments we have no action. >> you want to make a is. >> when we started the panel i served on the panel when we started the panel recommended again about the systemic bias think that about that and one of the things wek were reminded of don't be like a slipped from looking something in terms of
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support of the concept and the work the artists is in so doing this is really important inland empire of how we to move her forward it is important to understand systemic is not just about diversity but it is essential to keep in mind when you're in those positions comfortable that's why is systemic so i want to throw that in a new other commissioner questions or comments any public comment on this agenda item? >> for those joining in-person proceed to the podium fill out and we're currently ve a 30-second
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chime when your time is almost up. >> no requests for public comment public comment is closed. >>. thank you. >> now g >> 5.3.2 recreation and park department temporary artwork installation initiatives discussion and possible action. >> thank you president collins. >> we have motion to approve the temporary art initiate on the rec and park at tw side of the plaza adjacent to 50 u.n. plaza at the decomposed granite planter area on the northwest side of the plaza adjacent to 50 u.n. plaza. adjacent to 50 u.n. plaza. adjacent to 50 u.n. plaza. adjacent to 50 u.n. plaza. on fulton plaza, for temporary artworks to be installed before december 31, 2024, for an exhibition period not to exceed two years, and to authorize the director of cultural affairs to review and approve the individual art projects acquiring the necessary insurance and waiver of proprietary rights for artwork
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place on city property under vara and capa. is full commission approved the proposal last year and introducing the directoro present the item. thank you. commissioners great to see you happy new year so - what ghappened? >> (laughter) . thank you. >> so the rec and park department is working with the alien art museum and the library process and fulton plaza with series of other activities and the intent of the kwachgsz to encourage folks to visit in the space with an exciting programming and activity. the for the arts installations as shown include a deep granite planter and in the fulton plaza
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on railroad are there and example this is for proposed for the union square plaza by charles previously installed at and for the temporary painting murals as well as installation to facilitate this an approval of those installations we request the commission authorize the commission to approve this for the install for installed in this calendar year 2024 up to two years and as noted in the motion the rec and park department will be responsible for requiring the permits insurance and waiver of the proprietary rights the arts commission has to sculpts at fulton plaza and plan to work closely with the rec and park to make sure the coordination and
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any new temporary works. and is direct the property manager and regulations for the rec and park want to i'm going to turn it over to darin in a to see if we have anything to add to the presentation. >> thank you. appreciate you working with us and get an opportunity it sort of (clearing throat) enlighten those areas and testing the different installations it is similar to what we need the for the park that worked extremely well, so this is coming from where and working with the arts commission
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to make sure those are appropriate. thank you. >> great. thank you very much. mary. any commissioners questions or comments i want to make one someone for people that thank as part of the work that the - our partners including rec and park a sf puc important to have robust and productive relationships with otrtments (coughing) and credit to the staff and how the relationships work so, thank you. >> >> i'm going to say something hnhere i think so - in ourts to try to and the mayor's efforts toate and reactivate city the siting as the district council and the activists
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undesirable activities owe move them out of the space requires activation so we're fully in support of this and fully and trying to make those things happen i see no other way for the city to come back. with that i'll on that other commissioners. >> xhirldz (clearing throat). >> commissioner and i didn't understand the comment there we go some comment no funding i don't understand how that related to the proposal. >> i believe that dana made it comment. dana. >> my only comment we don't know when the propos come to us and we want to work quickly not a situation we have funds and not going on a process they're available
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to everyone this is a separate situation sorry about that. >> i believe that is a procedural kind of initiative so as funding could c l projects can get released will be- >> (multiple voices). >> i see like a preapproval so funding for the projects a- >> (multiple voices). >> that's a good explanation dollars, you know existing artwork this is just more formal permit fees i might see i think i created tension. >> it is cleared upnow. thank you very much. >> hiioner mccoy here i want to echo the comments this
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is not funded, however i want to make the example i want to arts commission to consider other commercial corridors for projects like this if we have - we need assistance outside of downtown and spaces can benefit like 40 or 50 projects we looked at a inequity how monuments are placed through the the integrity a good opportunity for the just to be a monumental like encourages people to come back or other events that are put on love this. those we - need more of those projects that come to us and wanted to say if in a way to
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encourage office spaces and plaza need the many points that can benefit and receive a huge economic boom putting people in. >> here, here looking at commercial corridors around the city small businesses will as well as neighborhoods that typically don't get a lot of art not a lot of new buildings and construction that contribute for the spe areas. i know legislation is very tight and how and where that funding be - but maybe ways to get creative other funds throat). >> the motion do you want to or? >> we have one more
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commissioner. >> thank you, chair. first, i want to bring up one instance i'm surey that the staff can point to the comment no funding. what happened organically in the past we collaborate with other organizations for nonprofits or artists and the great example is blanking out the french sculpture what was a temporary exhibit of gold sculpture in front of that was a artist that funded that buyer endeavor and in the endt's a nice example how no funding from the city but that was collaboration. and so if we put our antenna and we have gotten
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collaborative funding for many of the plaza projects. so have been essentially beneficiary regulatory costs. >> commissioners any other - okay. i'm opposed to go ahead and remind they make the motion to motion to approve the temporary art installation of rec and park department at two locations planter on the north eastern 50 u.n. plaza and installed by december 31st, 2024, for exhibition periods not limited to two years and the review and
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approve the individual projects prior to installation. and the rec and park department will be responsible for acquiring the necessary permits for the installation a acquiring the necessary insurance and waiver of the proprietary rights for the artist placed on city vara & capa. >> may i have a motion and second. >> so moved. >> president collins and second. >> any public comment on it 5.3.2. >> for in-person fill out the information we're on 5.3.2 your time will begin when you start speaking and have a 30-second warning had your time is up in-person anyone would like to make a public comment on the current agenda item?
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>> i see nolic comment public comment is closed. >> thank you. we have motion to approve temporary artwork inauguration rec and park department at two locations as stated any for the final motion. >> all in favor say "aye." >> aye. >> opposed? manages unanimously and call on agenda agenda 5.3.3. >> 3. chinese new year temporary sculpture proposal discussion and possible action1. discussion and possible motion to approve the temporary installation of two sculptures by artist stefanie mufson in honor of chinese new year,year of the dragon. will be it back to commissioner ferras we have a motion to approve the temporary installation of two skrurptsz we have an i didn't lects the correct name the actor. discussion and possible possible to approve the temporary installation of two sculptures by artist stefanie mufson in honor of chinese new year,year of the dragon.
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of the dragon. of the dragon. of the dragon. of the dragon. the sculptures will be made from wood painted in a blue and white ornamental pattern, measuring 5' high by 4.5” wide to be installed in rose pak station and union square from january 28, until chamber of commerce and will not become part of the civic art collection. on view if january 24th through mark 2024 and sculptures by the chamber of commerce and not become a part of commissioner and introducing mary chu to present. >> thank you commissioner ferras for the past several years with the chinese chamber of commerce creating successful installations ofres at locations throughout the city and for this year year of the dragon chamber of commerce is proposing too dragons meet at location one of them will be at union squarek at the entrance and
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the dragon located in a aaron the dragons created by stefanie mufson installed station and next commissioner ferras approximately if january 28th to for us and just as a note on the consent agenda the arts commission the reason we're bringing it back because a change to one and bringing it again for presentation for your review and approval and i joined by tony from the chinese chamber of commerce and said to tony and tony would you like to say a few words and thank you commissioner and to let you guys know we have spent four years on this and so one of the (clearing throat) at times where we didn't
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have any - couldn't do parade - i'm thinking that will get approved so we can extend our celebration to the community. >> thank you tony. >> great. thank you tony and. thank you very much. mary and like to call for commissioner discussion and like to say this is a good opportunity we're talking about private fundinge arts to different areas where they might not get it and for example mayor breed has a desire to sprinkle our artwor everywhere and any questions or comments back to president collins. >> thank you very much >> is there any public comment on this item? >> ask for a motion. >> i'm sor we have a motion
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to approve um, the temporary installation of motion and second, please. >> so moved. >> second (unintelligible). >> thank you. >> those joining in-person proceed to the podium and fill out the card we're currently on item 5.3.3 and your time will start when you begin speaking and see a timer on the podium and in-person anyone want to make a public comment on the current agenda item? >> i see no requests for public comment public comment is closed. >> thank you very much. and now going to ask for a motion as amended. >> all in favor, say "aye." >> aye. >> opposed? oh opposed none motion passes. before
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you agenda item 6. >> yeah. i wanted to clarify with um commissioner beltran comments about the sculptures give this to the city that actually with the french government and with the arts commission and it was donated by them and done a lot for san francisco and a lovely art so, you know those can happen our beneficiaries they are generous with and approach that kind of collaboration all across the board. thank you. >> i want t we thank the chinese chamber of commerce for they're ongoing work with the zodiac sculptures and thank you very much for what you're
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doing for the city. >> thank you. >> we're on item 6. >> 6. sfac galleries 2024 main gallery exhibitiion staff presenter: carolina aranibar-fernandez. to give ahe sf working group oon, commissioners good to see i wish all of you and a blessed year share the 2024 main gallery opening on may 16th at the main gallery 4 artist exhibition with kennedy and: >> (calling names). >> curated by me and the
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exhibition is inspired by. >> (calling names.) >> of (unintelligible) and seeks to embrace complimentary nature for history of good afternoon is connection do ann ancestry and a curator artist and their work culture by technology and movement of the american and the way movements through the spae and spaces have been affected by those two and the coloradoism
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many other latinos - and is a bayview visible artist that makes dynamic painting videos and from art shows i got his work and those methodology analyzed the construction and enjoying the unique of those heritage are departments together and intersections from and consent the - rear view mirror a disciplinary artist and educateer her work with ideas of
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displacement and memories and immigration to celebrate - and she built this and invite us to be together she hopes to celebrate difference culture on the immigration of culture artists. and dean yell i'm part of this encouragement boundaries performing on a stage (unintelligible). >> and last but not least tren in a robinson a san francisco educatorr int media and other materials she wants to get to the memories relationship to immigration and they are initiated by opportunity where
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all stories and she cited the memories and repurchasin life of her ancestors ancestors stories with woolen into every detaithank you. >> thank you very much. (clearing throat) any commissioners questions or comments or discussion or - >> congratulates (clapping.) and thank you for the advance notice (laughter). >> any other commissioner questions or comments any public comment. >> for those joining in-person please proceed to the podium and fill out card and we're currently on item 6 as a reminder your time starts with beginning of you're
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speaking. i'm requesting comments from those in-person anyone. >> no requests for public comment public comment is closed and calling agenda item 7. >> 7. racial equity updates discussion staff presenter: sandra panopio, senior racial equity and engagement analyst it present updates on the sfac racial equity action plan implementation. >> good afternoon, everyone and happy new year want to say thank you for the shout outs to thef they're linking as you know anyways today i'm presenting to our quarterly arts commission sfac racial equity action plan updates to this body tennis the beginning of the year a refresher about the information about our city requirement and racial equity i know sometimes when i presented like updates of what we're currently doing but the focus of
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the majority of any job to look at the sfac racial equity action plan and the requirements to the citywide requirements for mainly with the racial equity. >> so you may recall that we are the arts commission was in san francisco to participate in the government racial equity and deputy a racial equity action plan we tried to hold true to that making sure the sfac racial equity action plan is what we want to do andre continuing to work like we created the agency of the - our city; right? in 19 the city passed legislation to create the office of sfac racial equity action plan to evaluate us and address the racial disparity and each department must do the submit a departmental racial equity action plan and post that action
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plan on you are website to make that to post any updates or process reports on this so if you have a question especially about applying for grants want to know what we're doing we sinned them to the website and matrix to against a team of racial equity leaders. okay. >> so as part of the legislation requirements an annual budget over $10 million is t¡ establish a racial equity group from all distinctions we're slow because, you know all the transitions have been going on and the pandemic and all of that we were meeting as a racial equity staff and we're talking about the issues it come back but more specifically now have a group that is working internally so this is really important because based the legislation it
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really means we have individuals from everyone program in the department and serve as like our alliance to really support the racial equity work that's the subject do all are arts divisions to coordinate our racial equity policy and issues. representatives from all the programs are here to provide input about the activities andging their sniesht from their experiences of decision and services and resources to kind of like us all talk together whe to those things i want to share all the people so you saw i first. >> (calling names.) >> fernandez from galleries and public programs and i should doheir titles two the deputy director is on the team veronica for modifications and finance. investment
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so we have more from community investment of guidelines and thing they work on we need to in case you have a question and myself and from communications and from public arts a really great group to have everyone has really - a lot of new and old experiences not intergenerational but for the month sometimes, people have bc been in with the agency but been helpful and only one meeting but as far an amazing group like a different perspective like you know what being with the commissioner shortser so much u knowledge and initiative projects and programs people are bringing about the group our first task to implement tha racial equity survey we
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initially in 2021 and 2022 yeah 2021-2022 and climate will provide more motion for the racial equity work in the future and provide a summary for this body as well as for staff and so for the racial equity action plan we milestones that are we're looking forward to in the near future that is we have aó09 the annual assessment of our projects and programs that is proposed to be provided to the office of racial equity and in 2024 the departments were moved from the racial equity action plan looking at trying to identify and understand like what hiring practices are and like internal programming we have at the do and the next phase will be external what it entails to
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really like serve with equity to really look at our programs all the external programs and the office of supportive and they're trying to kwoerpt with us we're in the process of see was that looks like or phase two but with my title i'm in charge of engagement the community engagement like another the8ñ racial equity action plan is so um we're really in it we're in the thick of things and learning and going and so for the next year we're going to work together to understand how we're doing it collectively and how that will be reflected in all the action plans so we're really corresponding and collaborating our work in a better way earlier we need know what
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other department of planning are doing - working financiallyalk to different about departments and ask them when they're in communities we don't want to waste people's time and efforts. so that's the major focus for this coming year and again, on the slide you see that the link to our racial equity action plan and in the here to talk about the development and the progress report for listening. >> and happy to take questions. >> commissioner mccoy thank you for this i'm happy to see the work continue and happy about one of the things working with the city partments. to really - you
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know you're a small team but the city outreach and the citydepartments working with the community work with the communities every single day they're out there. from the economic development and i think that and knowing who the community partners are as well. that some don't self identify i'm glad to see you're putting the solutions together so, thank you. >> i asked director to help me understand something. i believe that we have two levels of agencies. i think the commission will help us understand you're engaging on the interdepartmental; right? so engaging with the communities.
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>> no that's not quite. >> (multiple voices). >> so 0 how the breaks down 19 that sandra is engaging with the communi carlene carlene convinces interactions as artist interactions that kind of thing and carolina is more about the artist expression in collaboration with communities and sandra how we gave in the community not just the actor part of it. >> and if i may we can also there are definitely the overlaps since of what i'm working on is wi and the programs we think know that everyone works with similar if not the same thing internally let's say;
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right? so making sure that when we have public programs all the necessary shareholders and actors are invited if i may add i the commissioner mentioned like the group of artists for the middle east and north africa but to contribute to the - with the large public engagement opportunities of c sap the mmunityvices the strategic plan will be large engagement projects we want to make sure that our list internally and both externally are actually people that as shareholders should be included so overlap.
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>> thanks and i should add a sandra and carolina they have different scopes by working closely on community projects. hi president collins again a question (clearing throat) unr scope finding how the surveys a based on the communities like just the survey process. >> how they question themselves and it depends on what surveys we're to be producing i can say if the memorials the advisory committee many of you are aware of that gave us a like in my time i've not been here to do any public service but the process for the survey
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taught us (clearing throat) what that means in translating langua consent how we wanted to be communicating with the public and also lessons learned part of work is the shreds who should be involved and working with the communicated the best ways relevant to them and with us and different community require different action additional in the future we'd lo to hear anyone has feedback when we're ready to do those phases. >> i definitely encourage we look atth actual i'm thinking about the language, you know, but i'm thinking about the enar and finding the audience. and our surveys is difficult but as
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awkward but to really dive in and look at how we are(gg and saying how we're asking the questions. as the art specific communities. i would like to say in watching the evolution of this work and where it is today and the engagement of the commission and finding what is the engagement mean and working through to congratulate you for your effort and on the. okay. but it and make reference to our training having to do that and all of this for the first time took trainingqz in th transcommunity that was really important. and that was for an opportunity for us to le that whole notation of engagement it is one of th like an eco system
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we're building and . >> uh-huh. >> but starting to climb up a little bit. >> any other commissioners questions or comments on this report. and the mostsome report we've had we see integration starting to happen. >> i want to thank you and see on a personal note community is underrepresented i work with the planning commission on my equity council and i've been on that commission i can see listening and appreciate that means a lot to my community and emphasize we're underrepresented and not
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an option i want to point that out it didn't exist on any of the applications and forced to ask >> i think it's the kind of stuff i want to come back and issue i want to my own time and service to how we can help. i'd like to be called to action how we can help it to give voices to especially the women in the community is different language how to reach them and i r don't - i see the efforts but on a personal note, i want to presenter how i can - and i have direct i know i'm out of time but the office 6 racial equity has been working on data democrat gastrics how the terminology we're using so
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augural the difficultiest all the departments i'm hoping the next quarrel really is quite more expensive than we thought and the city had before they're trying to see how we implement into each city department but we have a sample i believe i can share it with you all if you want to see what it looks like we're to start collecting fees for that is robust but never been done before i can't imagine through the process for the city for the office of racial equity this year is so really get it out because we know we're already that miguel's community and wenow that impacts with the phase two to we're looking internally it is significant not have the data points but the process how we work with the communities. >> thank you for that
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(clapping.) th sandra and one of the objective thi conversation isñ really important and robust and deservely so we live in racial listed country northeast is absorb concept it is absorb the human raise and have cultures within the human race so we're talking about culture if you talk about the latino culture the larkin and black folks and white folks and asians where people say latino the're thinking about a one sized story that is in hollywood that is crazy and the was not but greek (laughter)
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so it's a crazy concept ands at mta the friend was another culture checking white i'm from lebanon and so this is messed up so the concept of race is absorb and we're trying to fix ourselves when we're talking about is acknowledging and representing all cultures. and so and the united states is still grappling identify latin and african-american culture and um different cultures within the middle east there are all kinds of cultures; right? . so we're ing the best we can and sandra has her arms full and carolina as well butconfidence
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we're have the right team in place to grasp with the issues and the right commissioners so thank you for everything you're bringing to the table and conversation. >> (clapping) any public comment on item no. 7? >> for those joining in-person please proceed to the podium and fill out the card. we 7 your time start with you begin speakinge thirty second timer in-person anyone want to make a public comment on the agenda i see none public comment is closed. >> thank you i'm calling agenda item 8 consent agenda. >> commissioner beltran has left for another appointment%/ but asks to recuse herself in item
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15, and 17 for proximity to her residence. >> thank you every one fent agenda is robust and some of the items (laughter) culminates in the consent agenda and i can tell you not a confession i dolby to have the consentge make sure that we can reading it and weighing seeing the amount of work but alsoo clear ourselves any other conflicts we could cite before we move towards the consent agenda? >> now, when it has here we're goingll consent items concept 15 have we now - we can take all items 15 16 and 17; is
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that correct? >> i'm going to ask for a motion to approve the consent agenda with no exception. >> secd. >> any public comment - commissioners discussions or comments? >> for those joining in-pers n you begin tok will have a 30-second warning and in the comments for 2013comment. >> i see no requests for public comment public comment is closed. . thank you. >> i'm calling for a final approve the consent agenda items. >> all in favor, say "aye." >> aye. >> motion passes unanimously. >> um wait a minute oh,
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this was anticipating so, now was attorney general along and befo i want to thank all of you for your training and you probably got a little of courage along the way they're important so as far as you live within a regulatory structure and it is impor us but as i committed earlier i'm so proud of our city training we can develop our culture within our context and we really are - this is where we talk about the constitutional law not just - but to conclude more people under the protection of our constitution we see this the community and cultures that
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needs identity so i think that to me is that - trainings we started i think are extremely valuable to the culture we're building in and also, you know director that type of work. so thank you for doing the>. training. >> so, now any. >> 9. new business and announcements/discussion. we would like to bring forward? >> to the commisoners and the director. >> um thank you president collins. i wanted to make a to i guess we are staff are now looking at we call a great segue for president collins series called coons and so to look at how are the bill of rights and every single one
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of the bill of rights and look at it within the context of artists and culture there large with at large with the convenings and commissioner shelby we're going to go to the bill of rights and the amendments. andp# have and have law professors and developing that with director paul henson he's a lawyer and obviously all up in art will be a yearlong kind of explanation but start in
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may or june and have those conversations in the war memorial but as we progress with that we'll let you know further developmentnd >> thank you. (clapping.) >> right. >> (laughter) the commission i want to say i had the utmost honor to see see sf and see commissioner shelby in action and thankhis i showed up and thank you that was an experience we loved it. thank you. >> so, please go and (unintelligible). >> (laughter.) >> thank you. >> culture i want to point out and thank our communication director for his alternate life in
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promoting drag culture and a formerer empress of san francisco and performed during the summer on drag and in north s fantastic and took part in the i'm not sure the name was for but for drag artists working in market and 6th with the antique cable car and super star world you know that. >> (clapping) a movie is out actively and that's awesome. >> yes. i wanted to that we have coming up san francisco art week this start around b show and exhibition january 17th with the full art week in the 13 to the
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20th and (coughing) all the galleries and art organizations all of their them are not all of them but involved are doing special programs throughout the art week. and it is really incredible t the fog shows s exhibition and art fairs starting about 20 years ago it is kind of amazing but grown so much and to see the celebrations of visible it is just become to major here i love the fact they called is san francisco art we you can look at sf a w or i can send the link with all the stuff and then we can get it out to everybody but going to be so many programs and discussions and panels all kinds of things happening everyone not
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just the fog at port madison but expands tothat. >> and including a major celebration a member of this his visionary ideas that led us to where we are a acknowledge a very unique person and. >> oh. >> and support of arts it is amazing what he's been able to do a commissioner mccoy. >> a general announcement i want to remind over this has to many free museum things on january 8th it is really an incredible um benefit for you cityts and reminding everyone to put it on your calendar make it detain
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it is incredible. >> i'm thinking calendar i want to mention san francisco symphony january 15th and 16 and with the final three concerts as planned for the fil concert as being someone that made a difference in the art world and san francisco.ñn amazing anyway willed conducting over the last 50 years if you don't have tickets getthem. >> any other commissioner comments and questions or four times. >> just the 24 is the opening of baa let and end with rita a
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new production. jt - >> awesome. >> are there any public comments on item number 9. >> for thoseoceed to the podium and fill out the card we're currently on item 9 your time starts with you begin speaking and have a timer on the podium you'll receive a 30-second warning anyone. >> i see no requests for public comment public comment is clos. >> public comment is closed. may i call the next agenda item. >> thank you. >> [meeting adjourned]
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♪ >> thank you for coming to the nt dance performance and talent show. [ applause ] >> today's performance and talent show. ♪
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>> public recreation has every bit of the talent and every bit of the heart and soul of anything that any families are paying ten times for. >> you were awesome. >> e called to
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order at 2:09 p.m. is the sheriff's department oversight board meeting. it's now in session. on behalf of the sheriff's department oversight board, we would like to thank the tystaff of sf gov. tv to provide assistance and provide the broadcast. please stand to resite the "pledge of allegiance". >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all. please call the roll, dan. >> clerk: thank you, madam president.
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