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tv   Public Utilities Commission  SFGTV  January 21, 2024 7:35am-9:01am PST

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here. mr. maxwell. >> ajami. >> here. >> commissioner stacy. >> here. >> ramaytush ohlone acknowledgment... can you call
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the first item. please. >> item low approval of the minutes of december 12 of 23. >> so. are there questions or addendums to the minutes. let us open public comment. >> members present to provide comment on item 3 the approval of the minutes?
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>> none, can i request a motion and second to approve the minutes of december 12? >> second. >> a motion and second can we are roll call. >> president paulson. >> aye. >> rivera. >> aye. >> maxwell. ajami. >> stacy. >> aye. >> you have 5 aye's >> item 4 is general public comment. general public comment do we have members present to address the commission in the jurisdiction and not on the agenda. >> commissioners i want to address an important issue in our community. and that's jobs.
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the way we look at it now is because that so much coming down the pipeline on church street. is skills for our young people. men and women who are dying. and we had an opportunity to invest in our young people of from the year 2016 and you failed. you may not know this, but -- the contracting center was my vision. to focus on young people of the and then -- manage got changed and all that the contracting center did for a long time was >> >> allow contractors to come. to look at the projects.
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and many of the contractors thought that the contracting center was at hunter's point and a dangerous place to go and did not visit it had y'all know that it is exactly park a gated place. now we have to make up. and we cannot make up unless we have a need's assessment. and in order to do that, you have to cult the community. don't do without consulting the community. left time there was an item about 1550 evans and left the community out. the of big new community is hurting and the time to be holistic is now. thank you very much will thank you. any other speakers.
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hello, americans i'm here i'm a skilled, trained elect rigz i got in the union in 1999. before city build was city build. i went through city college. kind of city build program. i'm here because i'm not working. i'm having a problem with going to work. and working along side i don't have a problem with working along side anyone. but it is difficult to be a san francisco native and resident and people are retained long are than you are. when i have been qualified and certified. i would like for you guys to as you see the put out bids and proposals and have what do you call that? consultants and things like that commune based organizations or
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whatever, i think addressing the issue of having skilled and trained workers who are here in san francisco. there is a huge gap within the public sector. where you guy its is difficult for you to get skilled and trained workers. i don't understand why i have been goingllow both processes. there is manage missed on these projects after going through covid. and now that all city workers are mandatory disaster i can't remember like a disaster worker. they become disaster workers. if there is a disaster. how many will travel from nevada, fairfield things like that? i think if is important to address the issue. of why san francisco residents are not getting skills to retain
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long-term or city employment? thank you. upon good afternoon. members owner of sterling builders. we have a dpeep desire for truth what is? our personnel relationships or professional lives or our spiritual journeys we long for honesty. in a world that is filled with deception and half truthing can be difficult to discern what is truly real and what is not. when we come before the most high and be truthful we open ourselves up to a level of understanding and clarity. i have to ask you as well, are you doing what needs to be done to make sure contractors and others and microreal estate developers are included in the
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projects? something to think b. i have been in business for 3 years and from my experience it has been a struggle. you know, i'm looking i came in the business to provide opportunity. and there are numerous in puc alone. so i want to be that person to give back and that company to give back to my community and my youth. you know i have nest use look to are carpenters. a lot of biosolid projects going on now that everybody not just me myself but everybody can be i part of. we want that fair opportunitiful we are qualifyd and certified. jumped hoops we want that fair opportunity to put our commune back to work. thank you. >> thank you.
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will i'm dins williams. community leader. subchair of the merchant's collaborative and a real estate developer. and others have stated that we are having a hard time in our city finding work. you know real estate developers most of the time you use cdc's nonprofits unfortunately are not reaching back to the local levels. and hiring private companies. we uncourage to you when you make the contracts and don't forget about the plaque community and we are the lowest received contract in our community we had build the youth are suffering and people are suffering and motivational and motivate nothing our community
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as we employ and bring crime down there are wins. ? san francisco. thank you. item item the report of general manager. the first up we will have a contract performance or the waste/water capitol improve am report. including the southeast area and major project's update biosolids and head works and bessey will give that report.
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good afternoon. good afternoon commissioners. i'm bessey tammy director of wastewater capitol programs. today i will present the quarterly report for the wastewater program for q1 of 23/24 covered july first through september 30 of 2023. at the beginning of the fiscal year of upon 23/24 the city adopted the 24-33 capitol program. which is now used the basis for the project budget and schedule you will see in this report. here is the summary table that shows the budget and completion forecast adopted by the commission on february 14 of 24.
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so for the 3 programs we have a total of you see 120 projects the approved budget is shown with the compolice of 2037. we likes to start with construction updates. these other projects we want to highlight that are anticipating completion in calendar year 2024. on the last. area improve am projects, you see here that this is a photo showing the contractors paving between 14th avenue. most of the sewer work have been completed and we are already receiving benefits from the increase in the hydraulic capacity. now in the middle, is showing
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the contractors installing an act water for a valve in the tanks at the ocean side plant. this is you see building 04 two of the improvement project. the contractor will replace various mechanical and electrical quilt wong through 5. this dwrt the contractor continues to install various substations for the electrical project. and including inc system improvements. this picture is building 032 you see the beautiful new building this has been put up and this
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building the house the new 12 switch gear. for purposes the switch gear will obtain electrical freed 2 providers. our power and pg and e. this slide high lutes progress in the phase one. the left is the last quarter june of 23 and right is september. number remain 70. during this quarter. one move friday construction to close out and 3 projects move from close out to completion. over all, the percent complete from 59 to 64 percent. over a knife % increase over all in this phase program.
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this is a copy of table 3 from the quarterly report. shows a summary of the costs for both phase one and other sf ip. colupping shows expenditures today. current budget and forecast and contrast with budget and forecast. you see here because this is q1 reflects the budget adopted in 23 there is minimal to no variance. the same for facility and infrastructure. we like it show you the capitol mile stones we achieved. you see 10 projects a chiefed
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various mile stones from 35% to 95% design. listed here. we want to highlight photos on the right side. these other images of the new treasure island water recovery facility project the image on the top is the team at construction kickoff on the island. and the bottom photo is november of 23 photo showing the construction progress and the kickoff celebration. and we want to show you the major projects. this is the southeast plant biosolid facility project. you see the construction status that are listed here. you know construction work continues to progress. we are [inaudible] tank that is
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you see is above the sky boost grount. into the sky scomplien mechanical and electrical plumbing and the lower and upper basin of the digestive facility begun the work continuous. construction is at 45% completion. we'll peek the construction for this contract in summer of 24. and this report the major trade packages procured and buy out are completed. i adopt to give you a foreshadow we are due to market conditions and also procurement issues that we have been experiencing and lingering from covid-19 we will be forecasting and increasing budget for this project. you will hear more in the future
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budget meetings. here is the plant new head works project. >> as stated i don't want to repeat the installation complete third degree project you see is well -- floong the construction components as well. the image is you see how much of the head work facility build out and the art work on the street can be viewed. today. which is exciting for us. >> similar unfortunately biosolids the market conscience special also because we are experiencing the limitations and issues of shutdowns in the major 2022, we are also taking a look at the forecast cost and completion for the project. will be reporting to the commission in the future
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meetings. that's it for my report on q1 happy to answer questions. comments? yes. commissioner ajami. thank you. i'm bringing this up in the next item you talk about the contracts. you know i think considering i understand covid was the issue and having all this climate emergencies that are happening that are causing a lot of issues and we are building some of our projects and i wonder if this lendses itself to look to performance based contracts that are more focused on you know making sure everybody takes the
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same risks. expected from projects or finish on time. and then also we are obviously obligated to pay on time and have the tool in place and come to the contracts. you know they are popular in the water sector and number of other utilities are -- using them as they have to contracts signings and i continuing it is a bad time to be more focussed on that as well. >> thank you. commissioner. commissioner stacy. thank you for the upon presentation i had a question about the timing. got projects under construction and i saw that there were a few
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projects pushing out past 2030 and 2036 and somewhere on going grant programs. ocean beach project a complicated project. and the watershed management planning project. there was one project i wonder fud would mind explaining. kansas project that is and why it is pushed out to 2036? i read about the project is it because it is low on the priority list? or a complicated project in your view? so. for the kansas marin project, we found a low cost solution. the project team had was sent back to look at the alternative
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analysis and i'm speaking as a senior project manager. i am sharing my updates. so the marin project weep found a low cost project that is close to meeting our level service goal. society idea is that we want to go ahead and implement that solution which is low cost and observe and seat performance of the system before we put in the improvements that were originally in one of the earlier alternatives selected. when we hit a wall. off the challenges. that's where we are today. if we found -- replace am work that we do to perform quickly and want to go to observation stage. take a look at analysis more and see you know woman climate change and everything how the system will behave.
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based on that improvement before we go and put in more money to that project. we are hopeful to see how that will pan out first >> thank you. i like the sound of that. low cost looking at it again before implementing. >> thank you. i have a comment. certain pieces and thank you for prompting us on that to pile on what the other 2 mentioned, i know that you guys because in my years here i than looking at calendars and risk assessments and making sure as much on table is on possible before they are
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accepted. i than there was not long ago a brakes on when we realized there was going to be an increase in colleagues and i said, we want to know more about this. and we can't pause that contract. i know that am i'm going to be i will say i'm looking forward to whatever the elaborate things you flagged now. i know what construction is like we can talk about that forever. what you flagged will be important to me. so. thank you. any other comments from commissioners. thank you for the report. >> thank you. >> do we need public comment or do all reports. >> so open up public comment. commissioners do we have more
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comments. i want to focus on the digest and biosolids. and i want to focus on the energy. that it takes. i'm asking you commissioners. there are few people following that everthis. may be you don't be that there are issues with will with the energy. we need a report. the public. how are you going to get energy? some 6 or smends, monday was in
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the morning around may be 9 o'clock. a toll blackout in the bayview and portola you know why. with transparent to the public. and so -- we had a manager here. karen. and did a wonderful job. she had her reports on time no reports. the republic is kept in the dark. when member gives a presentation in a general nature temperature is like you are saying something but nothing. not that we don't trust you commissioners but have you to due diligence because you are
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commissioners otherwise if it is too hot in the kitchen you know what you can do. thank you very much. >> thank you. let's go to b in the -- general manager report. >> i think this whole energy use of the biosolid ka facility is a major issue. i did bring it up and we were last year, i can't remember. there are some opportunity to generate energy. you know options for potentially harnassing some of the dpoog something hydro and trying to
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use the pressure that is being built up to use generate energy. and i was visiting den america they do other work to generate energy and operate their system. it is important for us to be able to runt system in thes efficient way. go to item b.
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lynn? [inaudible]. upon commissioners. assistant general manager for infrastructure. we are responsible for deliver good to hear about that already. and as we look tirnl low how we are doing we want to take a check on the performance that we are deliver and he how we deliver. the come when there are changes. and sometimes when things don't go well and when they go well and but we looked that the from a subjective approach and initially. asking teams the reasons why projects go well or not. and we will take an objective approach to looking and we do that through construction of contract. not the projects butt construction element. we'll folk thus on the construction phase. alone.
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>> this is a summary of the contract tools available on chapter 6. first is traditional design/bid. others below can be considered we called alternative deliver. a move want to say what chapter 6 when written they were alternatives they were alternatives to design/bid build. now that is not the case. a changing rebranding in the industry that leaves collaborative ownership integrated project deliver. we have a p 3 given tote energy element. we those [inaudible]. we fwon a public/private [inaudible]. and that's not here it is not a tool available for you to use for our project to receive an ordinance it was approved and wents to board. we pulled contract data
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construction contracts that reached completion. 89 those in 5 years. this is looking at completed contracts. 10% variation for duration and budget. we come to you for approvals when there are change its is a management eable variance. completed within 10% variance. 10% of the duration. the contract. you see am types in categories
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on the left. can be award amounts are assisting shows the number of contracts and the dollar amounts. in the caves as needed the top there were 13 contracts in the 5 year period they were worth 87 million dollars. 6 within 10% of the duration. those 6 contracts worth 37 million dollars. we wanted look at performance by the number of contracts and the dollar values put it in perspective. >> needed in joc. contracts we intentionally. and allowable increase under chapter 6. we look at the data. >> and 40% here is hall see on the right in the contracts. 60% of the contracts fall on
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side of the 10%. that's a wide range some are beyond and some experience longer delays. note for the project delivery shows zero there were 4 this complete in the this table in the left 5 years. first types of contracts we tried that were alternative integrated project deliver today. >> budget perspective the number of contracts you see on the left. 89. 2 thirds of contracts fell within the original 10% of the original. >> the vast majority of the work all 3 of those design builds fell within 10% the low are numbers which we typically
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increased. >> and the same data represented from budget perspective 60% on the right. joc is low again because we increased those sliver everdeliveries. final and only a small portion of the 89 contracts. this is interesting but compared with the industry. i like to confess this is my own research i looked into and spend time looking at the availability of data. and i will have a go to show you what i come up with i found 2 main source of interesting data referencing back from other agencies and studies all seemed to point back to the 2 main source. one by the management consultant mc kenz and he company.
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the 2 oft left and second a data base by oxford university. 2 on the trite is not easy to translate well for yous. this was the baptist found i welcome anyone else who has a data base that trax these. the top left is the most relevant. uses the 10% threshold and by comparison we were 2 thirds of the contracts within 10% of the budget this shoes 31%. we are 40% of our projects finishing on schedule this . data is 25. we are double had the industry standard is, it suspect one data point. i thought it was interesting we are more than double that the standard. the other quote provides a broader perspective the projects on budget and schedule.
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on the right the vast majority the megaprojects go over budget and schedule. this is a part. >> construction projects prosecute today are challenging. and we or i could argue we are not initiating contracts with a more reistic understanding after inception that is common place we have a realistic double at least what this factoid and example is showing. or perhaps because we are doing the best with the resources we have and we are doing really limp we are delivering. so all the staff saying to the staff and prushth. and partnerships for which we serve, thank you and well done we are doing good work and want to celebrate that. we want to celebrate the
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majority of the work the majority is going well. so i wanted acknowledge the data set ups from 5 year and during this time we seen most volatile marketing conditions and environment we have seen and have been trying and experimenting with models. let's look at what it means for diversifying delivery manageds. again data set over 5 years she was 76%. 3 quarters of contracts through design/bid billed thought it would be higher. look at as needed weue those a lot. >> the right is the same data of the 89 contracts completed. and raded in contracts on going today had it is a broader current representation under us that is 162 contracts.
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look at the difference. upon design/bid build is 64%. there are increases in as needed and joc. no visible change in the integrative deliver, dollar amount we shot up from 29-34%. some of the large are projects that are under way are delivered by the collaborative delivery.
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want to give the snapshot and theme take questions special feedback. i want to say thank you for doing this. this is good to see to in front thereupon is analysis going on and you do this after you go home when you do your day job. >> free time.
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what my brain goes to when you talk about why there are cost over runs i than contractors and estimators and folks in the department know what to look for when you put out the speck its is like we want to put a man on the moon. a woman on the moon and like. what does that mean? tomorrow or 50 years from now.
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is it is tech untiling or supply chain or was it 80 people died. noise it have nonprofessionals to have that check list that you go into and by the way you know what happened. we ran out of copper. and can't do anything. and in plumbers left. a check list of availables cost over runs has been cost over runs are -- just a part of construction in general prushth. those are my 2 comments the general comments to kick things off.
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commissioner ajami. unless you want a quick answer otherwise i will that's a global question. i did reach out to comparable cities. dc water a relationship and san diego and l.a. seattle. portupon landful i thought tw
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years ago you tracking why there were were delay and [inaudible] that was part of the data gathering process. we had the presentation about 6 months ago when katie touched on that. a more subjective opinion from the project manager bunkham team why there were challenges. and we have been tracking that and did this hol ~ically at the project complefl realized that open for opinion. . may or may not be helpful the data set is more mature. coming to the conclusion we were not getting solid themes. and we were not getting a
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broader theme we those to look at construction projects and data and information. types of contracts and facility and see where fweept change the approach or do something different. joy appreciate that you know huge focus of mine since i joined the commission. it is excite to see now we have the data and doing analysis. one thing i say is i appreciate averages. they sound good. can make you look good or not. but i think -- it would be great to have a baptist beyond bench marking against what mckenzie had sdpn we don't have detailed data on what they garthed we'll see averages. but going deep and see if we can
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bench mark ourselves against you know global utilities that are in the same stature. and size. as us. and because you can match match that small utility with limited staff. these average consist get of direction and inspect actions. it important to bench mark ourselves against people who are similar to us. i appreciate that you reached out group and i'm not sure many of them are doing we have done. may be this is manage we have more constructive conversation bid p. with the leadership and the utilities. i would say that it is good to look internationally. because there are many other things that are happen and that is important. i appreciate you doing that.
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i want to go back you know after looking. and this is another thing i say the idea of doing this was not to say we are doing bad. it was when you have the data awe know where you are. it is better ton than not and not fight. the out come. i think it is great that we have the data. i want to go back to something that came up in public commentful i mentioned to the [inaudible]. and wastewater enterprise capitol improvement project. one thing there is a new model of partnerships we are getting into them. but there is a new model used in the east coast in maryland and dc that is called community based public/private partnerships. it is focused on when you bring
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a private entity in your community to work on a project. than i have to meet a percentage of the local hires. they can bring people in and dot project and bring that business to a community. and it has smoen it improves the quality of life for -- the locals and also create more trust in the project. creates more better -- utility -- and also it is good for the companies if they come in not beyond having a headquarter here to use the workforce in your local area, too. the second one is the -- wheech this conversation about [inaudible] based contracting. i be it is not applicable to every project.
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the market and how we are dealing with environmental issues which we are benchd and not going to stop now. to make sure that everybody accounts for the risks this are taking for the project and we are not on the hook for this. een sometimes for the contractors not just environmental, sometimes the contractors don't feel accountable. for the projects. they have put in place. trying to see how acoup okay and important as you are working on projects and making deliver. time to give partnership in a formal way it is important to think about how we reduce risks. on try to manage the risk and
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who take on the risk and who takes on the benefits of the of contracts and process. thank you. >> commissioner maxwell? so, what do you want us to take away from this research? what was thereof unexpected out come? something that, wow, this is -- >> thank you. i think motivation was to understand president ajami said what are we doing. put data and facts on the table the take away for the commission and the staff is the level success that were added to the woundsful contracts in continue % of budgetful a statement we conclude that is good or bad. relative to market restarch is good. i extend that appreciation and thanks and doing the work unsung heros that are not here there is an amendment or challenge we
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have to report. it is a thank you and extension to them. and it helps for the commission to understands the direction we are moving and look at performance based contracting ti and power projects we are doing that now. and because that is new and different and we learn lessons. during that froesz is helpful to appreciate we might not get right the first time of unexpected. >> i knew that was somewhere i was surprised by the work that is traditional designs and build we dom i thought it would be higher. they are different [inaudible] we use the proportion of our work.
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it was low are than i thought. again not good or bad. there are tools available. the desire to move to the integrate pardon smotsdz not a one size fits all. move toward performance based contracting and need to considering san francisco and our market and find a place what is good for us. we got work to do and we are on the right track. >> i'm really theme hear the report t. is g. for us to know where we are if you were going to do one thing. if you were going to change and felt something could make a difference. for us. we are doing well. we can comment. what would this improvement look like. i have lots of ideas. but consider appropriate
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contract delivery strategy early in the cycle. we have dhn but industry might say. we need to do something different. what did that look like? and the project deliver look at planning. and move to design and construction. that in itself is a traditional design model. when we do capitol planning to the commission and reports and
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capitol plans. the capitol planning stage we are defining a correct need to start the delivery model. as we move in planning we do need's assessment and figure out need and the issue we solve and look at alternativing to see how we solve that need and develop a conceptual design 10 pvrms early before the alternative is selected. we should think about temperature and as we select the alternatives i propose for selecting the deliver of contracting as well. . instead of once in design and deciding how. something to consider for large are projects and the variety of work we do careful how we pick the strategy. that has ramifications. workforce and partner with the community and how we dot job. >> it is expensive to change. we seen that process millions of dollars.
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thank you very much for this presentation and00 eye appreciate everything you are doing i continue is challenging in the bay area with the projects. i mean -- to sit here and have local community members employees business owner and
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potential take time out of their day and come here and ask us will you incorporate you know i grew up in this town and there is nothing worse than walking by a construction site where you know you could be a part of this. but you are not a part of it. it is right in your neighborhood and i think advantage of that -- that -- don't end when the project ends when you are what if we have the community to lift up the neighborhood and community.
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i know they are complicated and make sure we have that -- prioritization for our community and community members and make sure we are addressing that. that was a comment. i wanted ask do we incorporate liquid damages in the construction contracts and if not why don't we? we dom in all most contracts. the effectiveness and complex how we use it. is it effective >> i want to look into more how effective is the bench marking exercise.
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thank you for the sdmchgz good work all around i want to go back to your data on the sdarnd page. if i mead mckenzie data that is from 2015? correct that's the reference i had. >> has to -- worsen with covid. you think that was the surprising nature. bench mark it is not easy. and the other citations. we are not you are not sure what their threshold was. it has been below 10% or above. >> correct. >> i was going to ask a question. similar to what commissioner maxwell asked.
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that what you see in the future for expanding our strengths. or -- fix whatting we don't do well i think you answerd that and i appreciate that. you are looking at it. different ways of approaching contracts. looking at manageds weather the community or the contract performance or the public partnership. i think also i assume from your outage to utilities was not for data collection. a conversation about what works for them and what doesn't. that is effective way of staying on to which thshg. good work
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>> one last thing i wanted say. you know going throughout items in the consent calendar and there are a few that are in there, i know some point i asked if we have a comparison with the people who give the contracts to versus the lowest bid every versus the high sdpeft where we tended up. had bid for the project and i know this is obviously -- you don't know if you get it lined up. you know ready. they are and the project would be multiple unparticipated. and it was interesting for me >> the lowest bid and what does this mean and how does this work
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and is this the most effective thing that can. what does this lead to. where do we end up with going through that path. >> and i want to state if you are reviewing bid. i know you are not but when they are reviewed. i would say some point we think about who is providing us with the best design that can be outside of a box. interesting, and think about who -- you go to treasure island i forgot. upon even if you are paying more and pay for something that is forward looking. i'm not sure how to build this in the project. it is important to think about it. in point we have to build
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something for the future. so -- something like that would be important. one last thing i say if we need that data and need money how industry performs. bloombergs and other places are correcting that dataasm pay that money and get that data there is not a doubt. because there was a start up that came i met them in a meeting and talking about how they are collecting the data and doing a lot of web scraping on news and everything to see how projects faild and succeedd and why. people were think burglar it and that information. you are not the only dealing with that, too. tell be good for us to may be
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build our own machining of getting this information. and help us to do better. thank you. final comments for me and am thank you. conversation. i want to do a bit of a shout out to -- the puc team. particular in my here is what i was recruited run the building trades i spent at least one if not 2 days a week out well and puc was a pain for me in part of my day job. >> community -- and the
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contractors come in to find how they can do that stuff and find out what the latest is. this was a place where your team was out there making sure training directors and community leaders and business agents and whatever were there. and i want to shout that out. because the puc where we have the projects labor agreements that ensure local hire and ensure trained workers and making sure the contracts given out will be done by the community and trained people this is the structure of the way san francisco is. the community is engaged at the airport, port. the park and rec, public works. the departments that community and worker organizations when i say that in this town means the unions.
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sthchl department embraced the community support workers that are out there. and it is called a contract there are hiring and lots of stuff. your staff is out there and we have to make sure you pay right. i want to thank you for talking about performance. i want to acknowledge what does happen. yes >> it is community a free parking lot. combachl thanks for your report and any other comments from colleagues? i guess we should open it public comment. donna. >> members present to provide comment on 5b. >> none. go to item c.
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mr. were flynn? is that concludes the manager's report. >> okay. >> so that said, go to the next item. 6 the consent calendar. do we have questions or our pulled. question doeses not mean you pull interesting. commissioner ajami. did i not take you off. >> that was. thank you. >> i have a comment on 6b. i was wondering if somebody can speak to that letter pel position that was highlighted in the item?
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sorry. good afternoon commissioner this is is regional project manager for [inaudible]. program. and [inaudible] letter you mentioned there were 1 protest letter from the second to the [inaudible]. and regarding the good faith effort therapy the upon [inaudible]. 3 managed to achieve the [inaudible]. the lowest [inaudible] achieve the good faith effort. they pick the wrong box the second one instead of the third one. so they look at over all compliance. and they determined that that's
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why they reject the letter. >> okay. >> that was it thank you very much. >> answer. >> i had a couple of quick questions to confirm. under water tank i note there is very low lb e participation and may be that the lbe waveod this project. and is that because of the specific nature of this work? i imagine it is hard to find qualified firms to do this work other than the ones who bid on it, is that right? somebody can answer that?
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were thank you for the question. yes. this is a very unique contract it is technical work. we worked with the contract montordivision to review the skoecht work and the equalization in the data base. and the contract monitor division. made a determination that to wave the lbe requirement. the proposer did list an lbe for upon 1% of the work. i had another question. 6 f. i want to make sure because we want to have enough fwoj cover these items. now there is budget we are
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adding in the upon funds to the upon contingency contract so you can issue the change order. am i understanding or -- wrangling it. you are. >> upon upon yes. to exercise the alternates. 3 million dollars and maintain 50% construction contingency on the based project. plus.3 it gives us00 autoflex at to main they be 10% on the entire scope. and then allow this work as a change order. thanks. any other questions on the
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consent from the commissioners. open up to public comment. >> members provide comment on consent calendar? were under the i had a comment -- question about waiving the lbe requirement? under the contracting monitor division? can someone explain that part. public comment if you have a comment on any of the items this will be recorded for the record. >> sorry. the comment is -- if we get more details why that was waived it was because you upon could not finds qualified workers or contractors? and how they are implementing their program in executive park with the center.
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because that center has been up in going near years special i'm wondering why -- the lbe requirement is not fulfilled. i would like to know that. and what snells the -- i guess that's tiwant to been contract contingency for the potrero extension. i guess i will have to find out who to speak to. >> thank you. >> are there miles an hour other than public comment on the consent calendar? okay. seeing none a motion and second? >> yes. hi. did not want to speak out of order there remember questions about this item d. and i wanted to clarify my
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understanding this is a repair and maintenance on smurnd water impacted by sediment. they are related our emergency firefighter water system. this is a specialized contract that would utilize a vender that has scuba and be very technical in nature and in my experience, we had an extremely increased amount of debris in our firefighting water system and damaged some of our working fire engines large amount of sediment this . is a critical contract. and technical that furnl there were not any lbe's available. that's my understanding.
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i wanted clarify that for people who are upon listening in. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you for that clarification. >> okay. >> comments from the commissioners? have a request for a motion and second to approve consent. >> move to approve. >> second. >> president paulson. >> aye >> vice president rivera. >> aye >> commissioner maxwell. >> aye. >> ajami >> aye >> stacy >> aye >> you have 5 aye's. >> communication calendar has been noted. let us read the next item 8. >> items initiated by commissioners. >> do we commissioner dos we have items we would like to talk about for the future? commissioner maxwell. i think we have numbers and reports on what we have dmn our
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upon the -- lbe and -- our community benefits. people working on our at the the big dichlg the biosolid project prichled like to see a report so people could have arounding of where we are. what we are doing. as far as community benefits and community -- people that are working and lbys's. i like to see that. i think we can have that by february. we have the information. it needs to be garthed up i like to see that in our february some time in february at a meeting. >> thank you. is this regularly scheduled to coinside with this request by the commissioner? if not we that request is noted. >> okay. >> anything else. >> commissioner.
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>> nope. >> thank you. >> again we have the information. we need put it together so excuse me see it. >> i -- ran to another point of the city. reasonable and learned that some of the other commissions have public comments still provided to through phone or -- virtually. and i was surprised i thought they would we were told that whole thing has been shut down that's why we have the follow suit. i wonder if someone can look into it and if a possibility i would hate for you to shut the public out from the meetings. if they can join us. so can we address that. >> may be we can have a summary of where we are at the position
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we near now. on either mr. flin or legal can answer that now? otherwise let's note that. i don't have. >> is there should we note that has been a request by the commissioners. >> okay. >> duly noted. >> i mean can you answer that. >> summarize the fact. >> question whether other commissions are accepting public comment upon may be a handsful that might be. it is limited. >> we can break those that is information we can. staff can put together. >> i was under the impression that the city has banned or moved on from remote public comment. i was surprised hear that other
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commission vs it still. apparently there was no direct requirement for us to drop it, either. that's what i like to know. >> okay. >> thank you. >> and what we have to do to go back to it if we choose to. >> okay. >> i think that should include the time line of when the board of supervisors took action and a directive of the mayor which what we acted on or add viseed act on as commissioner. that history needs to be part of that the request. >> that's those meetings have been post all that. and they are still. gi then and there we are asking to have that time line so if we make a decision we know what we are talking about. okay. thank you. >> other pieces that are discussion that the future discussion, commissioners?
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okay. seeing none. i guess it is time we ask for the closed session items to be read. >> public comment on item 8. >> we will open that up if you could open that up to public comment for the commission and discussion. >> public comment on item 8? for items discussed. >> none. >> none. commissioner are read the closed session items, please. >> public comment on matters to be heard during closed session 11, conference with legal council others mason and the city of san francisco else isment of personal injury claim with the city and county of san francisco 9 million dollars exchange for full releechls subject to approval by the
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board. item 12. conference with labor negotiator are represent commissioner max scombel employee general manager and negotiation compensation. we should open public comment on the 2 items before closed session. >> do we have anyone present tom provide public comment on closed session? >> none. >> a motion whether to acert the attorney/client privilege. a motion? move to acert attorney/client privilege. >> second. >> roll call. >> >> air. >> aye. >> commissioner maxwell. >> aye. >> ajami. >> aye >> commissioner stacy. >> aye. >> 5 ay
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no, action was taevenl we need a motion to disclose the discussion during closed session. can i get a motion not to disclose. >> moved. yo roll call. >> president paulson. >> aye >> vice president rivera. >> aye >> maxwell. >> aye >> ajami. >> aye >> commissioner stacy. >> aye. >> thank you. everyone we are adjourned.
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>> good afternoon and welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting for today, january 9, 2024. our first meeting of the new year. happy new year. madam clerk, would you please call the roll? >> chan, present. dorsey, present. engardio, present. mandelman, present. melgar, present. peskin, present. preston, present.