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tv   Public Works Commission  SFGTV  January 28, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm PST

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>> today is our new day and time of monday, at 9 a.m. january 22, 2024. we are in a different meeting room then normal, room 416. our meeting began at 902 actually. before the item-excuse me, let's call the roll. >> okay. good morning. please respond with, here or present newhouse siegel is present. post, here. gerald turner, not here, but i believe he's on his way. paul woolford, commissioner woolford is present and
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[indiscernible] with 3 members present, we do have quorum for the public works commission. public comment is taken for all informational and action items on today's agenda. to make comment in person, please line up against the wall furthest from the door when public comment is called. for members of the public wishing to make comment on an item outside the hearing room, you may do so by joining via webinar through the link shown on page 2 of today's agenda to be recognized select the raise your hand icon in the webinar and may also comment from outside by the chamber dialing 1-415-655-0001 and use the meeting id of 26606496821, # # and to raise your hand to speak press * 3. the telephone log in
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information is also available on pages 1 and 2 of today's agenda. commenters may speak for up to three minutes per item and you will receive a 30 second notice when your speaking time is about to expire. in the event we have many commenters on a item, the chair may reduce the public comment time to less then 3 minutes per person. unless you are speaking under general public comment, please note that you must limit your comments to the agenda item being discussed. commenters do not stay on top ic the chair may interrupt and ask you to limit your comment to the agenda item at hand. we ask public comment be made in a civil respectful manner and you refrain from the yufs profanity. abusive or hate speech will nobe tolerated. please address your comments to commission as a whole not individual commissioners or staff. the public is welcome to submit comments in writing via e-mail
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address or 49 south van ness suite 1600 san francisco california 94 103. on behalf of the commission we extend thanks ■r■cto sfgov buil management who make the meeting possible. chair post. >> thank you. any request from the commissioner to amend the order of today's agenda? alright. hearing none, we'll proceed to the next item, which is announcement by chair. i have a couple today. one, i wanted to on behalf of the commission congratulate the department on improved pavement commission index score. i believe director short will be telling more about that in the joint commission meeting so i will not steal her thunder. i like to as always point out the december issue of in the
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works, a very nice round of 2023 projects and services, and highlighted the month of december including the tree planting program to increase the green canomy in bayview, sand bag distribution, construction progress on the mission library historic renovation and remodel and participate in the christmas tree recycling program so i call everybody's attention on the commission and the public to the good news letter in the work. good in terms of always very informative. also in the news letter there was mention of damage to the lefty odool bridge on third street during last severe storm. the mission rock development is proceeding quickly with sidewalks and streets just about finished and reowned. this leaves the bridge as the laggard in the public right of way.
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director short, can the public expect the sidewalk on the left side of the bridge to be repaired and opened by giant opening day? it would have been a year since the bridge was damaged and think the public will expect to have it fixed by april 5? >> thank you chairpost. carla short. yes, while we-it will be a compressed timeline to finish the repairs, we do anticipate having everything completed before opening day. there were technical inspections that need to occur as part of the repair and so i think the scheduling of those has set us a little further back then we like to be, but everyone is confident we can complete that repair and we will take every necessary measure to do so before opening day. thank you. >> great. thank you. we will recognize the completion even though ideal is the public will simply walk up the game and be on the sidewalk to the bridge so thank you very
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much everybody. i did have a question about department assistance with the sink hole downtown but understand director short will talk about that in her remarks. do any colleagues have announcements this morning? secretary fuller, you announcements if you have any. >> i do not have announcements. aside from the fact that thank you to all commissioners for making the deadline and completing all required training ahead of schedule for 2023, so great work. i know we encounered stumbles along the way so thank you and just as a preview of form 700 will be due april 1, so look out for e-mails for that next big request come coming from me. that is the only announcement i have. >> no questions from the
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commission, we'll open to public comment, please. >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment on item 1, announcements by the chair, commission and secretary may line up against the wall furthest from the door if in the chamber. outside the chamber please press the raise your hand but in the webinar or star 3 on your phone to be recognized. it appears we do not have commenters in person, and sf gov tv indicates we do not have callers either so that concludes public comment. >> thank you. >> item 2 is director report. carla short is here to present and this is a informational item. >> good morning commissioners
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and happy new year. great to see every wchblt carla short, director. i will keep this report brief and i will have more to add at your upcoming joint meeting with the sanitation and streets commission. commissioners, as you know, san francisco has a holiday moratorium on street construction along commercial corridors during the holiday season starting thanksgiving and ending january 2. the idea is support businesses during the year busiest shopping season by minimizing disruption to travel and parking. several street scape projeths went on break during this period including better market street, 6th street and mission geneva. these pauses are incorporated into the construction schedules so did not impact the plans timeline. there are instances when work can continue during the holidays. if the businesses along impacted corridor agree and sign off. we saw with the safer taylor project. with january more then half over, work is well underway on
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all these projects. in addition, we'll see major street scape projects starting in ernest this year along folsom street in the south of market and minnesota street and dog patch among others. all these projects aim to make the corridors safer and more inviting. chair post, you requested a sneak peak at upcoming capital projects mentioned in the restricted communication report. happy to provide snapshot overviews. let's start with adult immunization travel clinic and relocation project delivering on behalf of public helths. the clining is at the health deparm 101 grove streelt and will be moving close to 25 van ness. the space needs to be renovate #d including a waiting room, injection room, administrative functions. the non profit clinic operated by the health department offer
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vaccination antimalaria and health advise for international travellers. the move is happening because 101 grove street is determined to be seismically unshounds and offices and services operating out of there are relocated in phases. the longer term plan is retrofit 101 grove, one of the spectacular building in the civic center landmark district. another health department projingect is development of a crisis stabilization unit at 822 geary street. the building is renovated to provide a place where street outreach workers and emt can bring people on the street and experiencing behavioral health crisis that require medical care. the project should help keep people out of the overburdened hospital emergency room and get the care they need. also work on a companion project focused on care for people experiencing homelessness. this at 629 hyde street. this includes the instillation
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of prefabicated building. the scope of services offered there has not yet been finalized. the other two projects you wanted updates are both for rec park. the public work contract administration team handles the paperwork, it is rec park commission not the public works commission that charged with approving the contracts and any project modifications. however, we included them in your restreckted communications list just to insure there is no potential conflict since we are managing those contracts. the first involves japantown peace plaza, including demolition of existing plaza, the retrofit of the structural concrete, instillation of new below grade drainage, new pavers and landscaping, new lights and electrical systems and more. public works has been involved in design and manage construction. this landmark is showing its age, the infrastructure upgrades are very much needed e
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welcoming spot for every day use and cultural events. and that wraps up the first of my two director's reports for this morning. >> thank you very much and thank you for the sneak peaks. i always think it will be helpful when we get the restricted communication list when i see project capital projects that sound large and out of the ordinary. i think it is nice for the public and the commission to learn what you up to because the department is up to exciting things so thank you very much. i have no questions or comments. any colleagues have questions or comments for the director? please open her report to public comment. >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment on item 2, the director's report may line up against the wall furthest from the door. if commenting outside the chamber, press the raise your hand button in the webinar or star 3 on your phone to be
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recognized. we have no public commenters in person and sfgovtv is also indicating no callers either so that concludes public comment. >> thank you. please call the next item. >> item 3, general public comment, which is for topics under the commission mandate, but not related to a specific item on today's agenda. members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment, once again may line up against the wall furthest from the door. if you are calling from outside the chamber you press star 3 or to raise your hand in the webinar or-press raise your hand in the webinar and star 3 on your-or star 3 on your phone to be recognized. as a reminder, general public comment is limited to total of 15 minutes for all commenters
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and can be continued to thend of the agenda if we exceed that limit. it is now 9:16 a.m. and appears we do not have any in-person commenters on this and sfgovtv indicates we do not have callers so that concludes general public comment. >> thank you. please call the next item. >> item 4, the consent calendar of routine matters. includes the draft minutes from the december 15, 2023 meeting of this commission and one contract award. please note that corrections for clarity have been made in the december 15 minutes for item 6 and consent calendar items can be heard individually upon request by commissioners, staff or the public and adoption of the consent
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calendar and all resolutions is action item. before any motion is made, happy to take corrections to the minutes and any questions. >> there were a couple tip graphical minutes. >> that is correct and they have been included. >> any questions or comments before we have a motion to adopt? hearing none, is there a motion and second? >> so move, woolford. >> second. >> thank you. if no debate on this, we will open public comment on the motion. >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment on item 4, the adoption of the consent calendar and all resolutions contained in it, in person commenters may line up against the wall.
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for those caller in, we have no in person callers and we do not have any callers from outside the-outside the chamber either so that concludes public comment on consent calendar. >> thank you. no further questions all in favor of adopting the consent calendar? i believe it is unanimous. >> the motion passing.
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item 5, regular calendar is hunter point central waterfront and potrero hill area street pavement renovation and sewer replacement contract award and project manager ramon cong will present the modification. this is action item. >> thank you. good morning commissioners. good morning director short. my name is ramon cong with public works. we are here today to request approval to award contract san francisco publicworks hunters point central waterfront and potrero hill street pavement renovation and sewer relacement contract for construction duration of [indiscernible] grading and paving inc. the
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main reason for these execution of the typical [indiscernible] contribute to the overall goal of maintaining or improving the average condition of the street maintained by public works. the scope of work of the contract includes fixing the areas on the roadway, paving two inches of asphalt on 24 blocks and constructing 40 new curb ramps. in partnerships with puc, and as a result of interagency coordination with a different agency to create efficiency and minimize disruption to the public and transit, we incorporated into these contracts two blocks of sewer work from puc. the environmental determination for this contract is categorically exempt which means there isn't potential impact on the environment. the location of the paving and sewer work shown on the slide. the work will be done on district 6, 9, 10 in the
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neighborhood of potrero hill, inner-mission, hunters point, central waterfront and bayview district. this slide shows the schedule of the paving contract. for this projethwe are planning phase initiated the first quarter of 2018 and lasted 3 and a half years before initiating the design phase third quarter of 2021. completing the job-completing the contract third quarter of 2023. the contract was advertised on august 8, 2023 and bids received november 8, 2023. pawn approval today we expect to start construction in the second quarter of 2024 and complete the job in second quarter of 2025. the slide shows the result of the bids. we received 5 bids. the average bid compare today
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engineer estimate was 97 percent. the lowest responsive bidder determined by the lowest bid after applying the bid discount. [indiscernible] 83 percent of the engineer estimate. the contract division from office of the city administrator review and confirm and made determination lowest responsive bidder. as mentioned, this is public work paving contract joint with puc sewer work. using vehicle [indiscernible] to fund the paving work. the public utility commission will be using their sewer rehab and repair money to fund the sewer work. also, each agency will set aside 10 percent of contingency use in the same funding source. to recap, we requesting to
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approve the award of san francisco public works contract hunters point central waterfront and potrero hill in amount of 6 million, 101 thousand, 953 dollars and 50 cents with duration of [indiscernible] this concludes my presentation and available to answer any questions you may have and thank you for listening. >> thank you mr. cong and welcome. nice to see you again. i just wanted to mention to colleagues that you probably noted this presentation and contract is similar to the project we just approved on the consent calendar. the reason that was on consent and this one is on regular is because of the $5 million threshold for contract approvals. this is over $5 million, the other was under so if you notice similarities that's why. we look forward hearing progress on this large project. i did have a question. since there was quite a discrepancy in the engineer estimate and bid award, i
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thought in the annual update and all the capital projects i think it is useful to in the data you show us show the engineer estimate, the bid award and the final cost and we start tracking that data. estimate, award, final cost and start seeing what useful information we can get from that and if patterns can be detected. i think it is helpful to both us the public and department and clients managing their budget i imagine. >> sure. >> commissioner. >> thank you for your presentation. what happened with the planning, the length of time for planning and design and is there a cost to that? >> yes. basically the prime phase for most of the paving contracts
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takes 3 to 3 and a half years. we basically put the data in our database and we coordinate with all the city departments, including private utilities and that is where it usually takes the amount of effort is pretty lengthy. even though there is a three year planning phase, we still continue coordinating during design phase and during the construction phase, so during the planning phase there is cost involved, engineers going out to the field calling utility companies, going to meetings, but it is very relatively minimum compared to cost on design which is typically 10 to 15 percent of the cast and there is cost associated with inspecting the job done by our staff. yeah, there is some cost associated with planning.
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>> thank you. >> i did have a question for depy city attorney. i noticed in our resolutions that there were multiple references to planning department determinations and negative declarations required under ceqa and i presuming this is because even though this project has many paving segments, perhaps they were taken in smaller groups to the planning department, so each of the planning department findings were for subset of what we are looking at today. is my presumption correct? >> good morning commissioners, that is a interesting very good question, and the answer is different from what you inferred. there is a--the ceqa determination all cover the
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same scopes of work because the project was occurring along a lengthy timeframe there was a-- were needed to reflect ongoing agreement between planning and public works on how it was processing ceqa documents for certain city projects. so, the project scope was not any different, but it is a very good question and happy to talk about it with you off-line. it is- >> okay, because i still don't understand. it seems like a waste of
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planning department time for the multiple resolutions and findings about one project so look forward being enlightened off-line. thank you. alright. no further comments or questions on this item. we will open it to public comment. i guess we have a motion first. is there a motion to-- >> so move. >> thank you. is there a second? >> second. >> thank you. i will open the motion to approve the contract to public comment, please. >> thank you. on the motion made by commissioner newhouse segal and seconded by commissioner woolford, members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment on this motion and the approval of the hunters point central waterfront potrero hill streets pavement renovation and sewer replacement contract award may line up against the wall furthest from the door if here in the chamber. if commenting from outside the
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chamber, please press raise your hand button in the webinar or star 3 on your phone to be recognized. we do have not any in person commenters and we do not have any commenters from outside the room, so that concludes public comment. >> thank you. no other questions or comments, all in favor of the contract award and our resolution please say aye or yes. aye. commissioner turner, did i hear you? okay, good. >> [indiscernible] >> i beg your pardon. the voteue is unanimous. please call the next item on
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today's agenda. >> item 6 is new business initiated by commissioners. this is a opportunity for commissioners to suggest business for a future agenda and i want to apologize to commissioner turner for this audio visual issue with thiz screen. i will leave his microphone on unless he has comments to make while we try to address the situation. as i said, this is a opportunity for commissioners to suggest business for a future agenda or make any other announcements and this is a informational item. >> my colleagues have any new business initiatives at this point? hearing none, please open this item to public comment. >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment on item 8, pardon me, 6, new business initiated by commissioners may line up against the wall furthest from
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the door or outside the chamber press raise your hand button in the webinar or star 3 on your telephone to be recognized. we don't have members of the public in person wanting to speak on this item and--we do not have any callers on this item either, so that concludes public comment on new business. >> thank you. i believe we will not need the general public comment agenda item. >> that is correct. it is not necessary. >> okay. our next meeting will be on monday february 12 at 9 o'clock in room 408. we will now adjourn this meeting and at 945 greet or colleagues from the sanitation and streets commission for a joint meeting. 945. thank you, we are adjourned. go
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morning everyone. welcome to the january 23, 2024 meeting of the san francisco transportation authority board. i am myrna melgar, vice chair of this board. our chair rafael mandelman