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tv   BOS Land Use Transportation Committee  SFGTV  February 11, 2024 4:00am-7:00am PST

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>> good afternoon every one, the meeting will come to order. welcome to the february 5, 2024, land and use and transportation committee. i'm mirna melgar chair of the committee joined by aaron peskin and vice chair dean preston. the committee clerk is john caroll and i would also like to thank--for sf gov. tv for staffing this chair. mr. clerk, do you have any announcements? >> clerk: if you have any
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announcements to the file, you should submit them to me. public comment will be taken after each agenda. if you want to public speak, stand up along the way, you may email your written public comment to me. or you may send them via postal office. the clerk's office is room 244 within. if you submit your public comment in writing it will be forwarded to the members of the committee and part of the file on which you are commenting. and finally, agenda items account acted upon today are expected to appear board of supervisors agenda on february 13, 2024. unless unless otherwise stated. >> please call number 1.
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>> number 1, is commemorative street name designation veterans alley. >> thank you, mr. clerk. vice chair preston is the floor is yours. >> thank you, chair melgar and colleagues, i'm proud to sponsor today others resolution for a commemorative street named designation of shannon alley to veterans alley, let me start by thanking you chair melgar. i know we've had some very busy agendas including this time and i appreciate you making time to calendar this and hear this item. so the veteran's alley mural project which is also known as vets alley for short was founded in october 2011, by aim
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us gregory and gil avato two u.s. military veterans. mr. gregory, i believe is not here, oh just arrived, is here with us today. mr. lavato sadly passed away in 2021. in 201 1, shannon alley was a troubled alley ray and inactive area, to the south and north and north and taylor east and west. and keenly aware of the high homeless veteran population in the neighborhood, aimus and gilbert believed that by transforming the alley, would help transform the community and they soon began the mural project and invited other veterans and their loved ones to add to the walls and the rural along the alley. for many san francisco
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veterans, this was the first time they've been able to share their stories and process their military experience in a productive positive day. vets alley has been a gother place for veterans to find comradities with other veterans and uplift the dialogue about the realities of war and military experience and to find services for veterans who are struggling. the art draws a regular crowd of visitors and colleagues if you have not been out there yet, would i urge you to come visit vets alley, happy to meet you there anytime. it's visitors from all over, from san francisco, from all over the city to international tourist and other visitors to our city. veterans alley has created a sister city mural project, the deported project which is
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located in tijuana mexico on the u.s.-mexico border. the alley works worked directly with u.s. veterans advocating for their repatriotation to the s. the first victims of war are too often children, they've already created the syrian refugee children's mural project where they collaborate with istanbul artist to create art and schools in community centers in intan bull. in the tenderloin, the veterans of veterans alt have not only brought beautiful art but brought safety and cleanliness of the alley and hosting regular block parties in partnership with other community groups to bring life to the formerly inactive block.
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so i've had the pleasure of visiting the alley many times, i'm very proud of the cultural space it holds in the district and after the redistricting in 2022, when the tenderloin became part of district 5, one of the first meetings i had was with the veterans alley project to meet with amus and other projects and we've been working together to work on the project. i'm extremely excited that we're here to honor the art, the artists and the importance of veterans alley and the mural projects through this commemorative street naming. i want to comment that my office has received what can only be described as a out pouring of overwhelming support from neighbors and neighborhood groups for veterans alley. i would like to recognize and thank tenderloin tenants, tenderloin, the tenant association coalition of san
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francisco, tndc tenants, north of planning coalition, alliance for a better district 6, tenderloin campaign, central city democrats, demonstration gardens and many other individual residents for their support. and i especially want to thank the cofounder of veterans alley who will speak in a minute aim us gregory for bringing this idea of aiming to our office and working with us. and i want to thank our cosponsors, peskin, stefani, walton, and supervisor mandelman and colleagues, i've asked mr. gregory to be here, understand he's a short presentation for the committee, madam chair, to provide some more context about veterans alley. >> thank you, welcome mr. gregory.
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>> speaker: hello, thank you. my name is aimus gregory and i'm the cofounder of the san francisco veterans project or veterans alley as it's known today. we founded veterans alley in 2011, and it was gilbert lavado and myself and this was after a year of doing work with unhoused veterans in the tenderloin. we had founded a photography project which was aimed at photographing unhoused veterans in 2010. on the streets to give them a positive self image of themselves and to break down the barriers between ourselves and the veterans that were sleeping outside to begin to advocate for them. and i met gilbert lavado to to
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it day is the toughest, badest, most gentle unhoused person that i've ever worked with. and he had been on the streets for 15 years when i met him and gabriel, the street name gabriel and i developed a developed a good friendship. he eventually lived with me before he got his housing. one time we were walking around in the 3:00 o'clock in the morning and we were photographing and he walked me towards an alley which was shannon alley, and he challenged me. he said kid if you want to do something for this community, the residents this neighborhood, do something for this alley. and i've never painted a mural in my life, i'm a visual artist, i concentrated on photography and photos press groups and individuals. and i immediately, took on this challenge. and i said gabe, we're going to
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start to paint muirals here and i'm going to make you famous. and to show the power of community art and the community that we have here in san francisco, i reached out to a few folks that are visual artists here in san francisco. one of them being clerence dobbs and rig o 23, are the cofounders of the proj edmontoneding. and they are wonderful great artists who saw the value in the project that we were proposing. and we worked with these two individuals, and several different visual artist here in the city. and guiding us into how to create a mural project. how to actually create a place make thating visually represents the community that is around us.
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we took on all that we could from all the different sources in october 2011, we laid down our first mural and veterans alley. the only thing that i know, this is going to be a lifetime challenge we're here 11 years later. and we started off with unhoused veterans, and from there, the project built upon what we had created and we housed veterans that are millionaires. wee had famous veterans come in through the alley. we had out reach from presidents who are veterans themselves. and we kept on with the project. and then we expanded the project of course to include the port of veterans who are down in mexico, and other locations. and we also spread the project
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to istanbul turkey where we traveled with ourselves and several colleague students who were working with us, we took them to turkey. and we were invited, we have never gone to any space where we were not invited. i was invite today go by the homeless to go into shannon street, they invited us to come and collaborate with them. we've done art work for the port of veterans and we've been invited to collaborate with them. so what we thought was going to be a mire al project for mainly unhoused veterans has turned into a project that incorporates veterans and non veterans, not only abroad but also here in the community in the tenderloin. so military motto is no leave
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no one behind and we felt bad with all the support that we received from property owners from everyday residents who are not veterans, and the overall community that it was only proper for us once we had a footing within veterans alley to be able to expand and offer services to non veterans also. and so, if you look at what we have today, you know, we, we have, the mural project, we have an inter ship program which we brought in over 32 mainly non veteran artist over the last two and a half years and trained them in the art science of creating mural projects and activism. we hosted numerous black parties within the alley. we hosted fleet markets, we hosted bicycle workshops, we opened a community center where
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we have physical space. and so, a lot of people that i have listed here, a few people that i listed here that i like to read off their names, because you know, over the years, 13 years, i've interacted with well over 1,000 plus individuals. but these key individuals were there in the beginning when it was just gabriel, gilbert and myself running around and trying to figure out how to create a project. this is mr. rigo 23, cofounder of the claire en project. ms. meghan wilson, claire alley project. clerence dobbs, rest in peace. alfonso, the mission district port society which has, which has really supported veterans
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alley in so many ways over the years. mr. daniel doherty a mentor and school teacher here in san francisco. the clearan alley project, which is if you talk about san francisco, people talk about our alley ways and all the different types of projects that we have in the city. but if you really look at it, these projects are done by very few people, maybe 15 or 20 people that are the core of these projects. and we have a community and we support one another. and without the support of this community, and the example of the alley, the example of clairian valley, there would be no veterans alley. we would like to thank the tenderloin nation at forest, if there was no tenderloin
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national forest and luggage, there would be no veterans alley. and i would like to thank dornia, i don't know her last name, but show was a worker and shop called a irish castle that used to sit at the end of shannon street doaneria who lost a boy in the vietnam war, took on to the project and she ran up to me, and she said honey, i don't know what you're doing, or realize what you created, but when you do, i want to you name this project veterans alley, that's how we got the name veterans alley. thank you dornia, thank you all the partners, glide, tenderloin people's congress, sky watchers, tenderloin national forest, demonstration gardens,
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ymca, we've done so much work with so many groups in the community that, that i feel like we have known them forever. and all of the support and and backing that we've had has been rell' really appreciated and we thank the supervisor dean preston for bringing this forward with us to see if we can get this named finally changed to veterans alley. thank you very much, i appreciate it. >> thank you so much, mr. gregory. unless there are questions or comments. >> no questions, i would just like to be added as a cosponsor. >> thank you. >> let's go to public comment, mr. carailer. caroll. >> clerk: thank you, if you have come to speak, please line up along the wall.
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when the first speaker is ready, i'll start your time. >> speaker: okay, i'm richard 535 gary street for a number of decades. you received my detailed letter so i'll make some general points. since the project has began, mr. gregory has conducted about zero out reach and held no public meetings which are against the protocols. the only building on the block of 5 buildings that is given information to paint there is the--he has painted on people's walls and windows without permission, he has threatened my reputation and i'm not the only one to get the treatment. just one panel on the mural has, 10% of almost half block mural. much veter older work has disappeared. yet, we have come to understand
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that he has done some helpful work for the veterans. we hear he does a lot of work in oakland but he's not spending san francisco money there in oakland. maybe we should calm down and deny or delay this naming until we make a sunshine ordinance request to find out just how the project is spending the money. we and others have given it. meanwhile let us take down the vet alley street sign he put up under the shannon alley street sign, thank you. >>. >> clerk: thank you for your comments, can we have the next speaker. >> speaker: hi i'm greg giuliani, i'm not a big fan of the murals there. to me, it's not art. it's graffiti. i'm the managing partner and i never gave permission for this to be done.
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none of my other partners have a say on this building. it makes it harder for us to rent apartments there at a time when we really need to rent a apartments. we paid two and a half millions in the year that we own this building. but we have not taken one penny out in the last three years since covid hit and the city has been such a disaster to deal with and dealing with tenants and everything else that has gone on tl. the same goes for three of our other four buildings in the tenderloin, in fact, we have had to put 700,000 in over the last three years. my nine partners are all retired, average 83 to 77. and this was going to be their retirement. i think it adversely affects the tenant on shannon alley. if i were a tourist or anyone
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parking downtown, would i think twice before pulling into a driveway where there is upside down white crosses painted on the entrance and all this other gar bell. i'm not against veterans. my son-in-law was in the wall, my wife's brother was a colonel, i'm not against veterans i'm just against the things that keeps us from being business. >> clerk: speaker, your time is concluded. >> he gets 20 minutes and i get 2? did you say that earlier? i didn't get permission, i'm going to paint it out. >> clerk: next speaker, please. >> speaker: my name is joe
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braden, i'm the property manager of 535 gary which is along the corner of gary and shannon street. our building runs about more than a third of our side of shannon street which is the block in question. i've been there six years. i also have an office right on shannon facing shannon, we don't participate in the mural projects there is none of the mural on our side. i'm only going pressed for time. i'm going to talk about one aspect that we've had problems with this nonprofit, during their street events, they also paint the street and after, it's happened three times since i've been there six years and when i asked the special events department about it, they only had permission for chalk. and it took a lot to get the paint off because i found it was dangerous because these
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letters are 3 to 6 feet thick, 20 feet long, and they become slippery when wet and there is folks and bicycles that travel that block. so hi to go through public works to have it twice. because the following year, he did it again and they gave him another permit. there is a third one there now, i just stopped asking to have it removed and this one has been there two years, it's weathered unsitely. >> speaker: is that it? >> clerk: you have 26 seconds. >> speaker: it's also hard to rent apartments when it overlooks this basically graffiti on the street that was not approved. and also the sidewalks are only four-feet wide, it's a one-way street there is no place for people to congregate, this should not be an event block.
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and basically, i oppose the renaming for this organization. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments. before we hear from the next speaker, you're going to hear two chimes, the first of the two chimes is a reminder that you have two seconds remaining and the second means your time is done. speaker please begin. >> speaker: hi i'm denita williams and i'm going to, you know, doing a mural and i've been getting a lost compliments from people out of town and out of the city, oh you doing a good job and stuff. and i'm making the alley really nice, because other alleys look all plain and everything. sxl this alley looks like people are trying to do something for themselves. and a lot of people, you know what i'm saying, a lot of people, hello. a lot of people don't have, other things to do.
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so they find time to do that and get them off drugs and alcohol. i think it's a good thing, thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> speaker: i live at 455 o'farrell street and 214. i'm for the veterans alley being changed to, shannon alley being changed to veterans alley. i've been there for 7 years and i've seen it changeover time and there is been a lot of art and people coming through that are interested and i think it helps with the community. so i'm for, i'm going to agree, thank you. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> speaker: good afternoon, i'm casey rios i'm with the demonstration garden, the tenderloin's people congress
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and luggage store and a number of artist coalitions in the tenderloin and i'm speaking in favor of recognizing the work of veterans alley by renaming the street officially the whole rest of the neighborhood calls it veterans alley because of the hard work that has been going on there. the way, aimus and the, the rest of his coaddition have really taken up the mental of leading the way for making our streets for livable in the tenderloin. more vie grant. what i heard previously in other speakers, unfortunately, the people who are speaking against it, i find a lot of coded language that has to do with not appreciating the diversity in the neighborhood and want to go do business as
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usual as in other neighbors. and this is our unique neighborhood and veterans alley represents that, so please, i urge you to support it and let this be the beginning of more support so that we can have, continue to have more and more representation in all the different way that's we envision in the veterans, alley and in the neighborhood. >> city attorney: jao* thank you for sharing your comments, can i have the next speaker, please. >> speaker: hello i'm zachary and i've been working and turning, just making friends arounded tenderloin a long time and i'm here to support to change shannon alley to veterans alley. it's a place that i bring everybody to san francisco to. this is a place where people come together and create something beautiful, this is a place where people can collaborate and it's a place where people can do things for themselves.
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and in order to honor that and the spirit of the people, it's necessary and it is fitting to change shannon alley to veterans alley. i think the attitude of business owners in the area, thinking that this is in one way going to challenge their business, is severely self centered. there is people in this neighborhood who use this arts program and the social services as a way to improve their own lives but to make sure that everybody else has a place to go, that not only confirms their identity but gives them a sense of beauty that is beautiful inside. and a lot of restriction that's business own residenter putting on this, is the source of many of the problems, a lot of challenges. we cannot have two opposing ideals, we either honor the community or we look after the businesses that have not been looking after the neighborhood. thank you. >> clerk: thank you, for sharing your comments.
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can we have the next speaker, please. >> speaker: i'm eddie tomas the third. >> clerk: can i get you to pult the microphone up to your mouth. >> speaker: i'm part of the meal project and we be out there fighting to keep--aimus is a beautedful people, he fights hard. and i fight with him. he already addressed the project that we have. but i just want to say, i'm very happy and proud of being a meal project. and i stay right across the street from where the meal project is. so i go* like i said, god bless everybody. and veterans alley is a beautiful thing to do. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> speaker: good afternoon, i'm anthony ford, i'm a resident of
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445 o'farrell, i've been there a short while just about a year. the development in alley really did me a favor i'm the ones trying to help to keep it clean in the middle of the night and help people off the area. like he said, it's a place for people to get together and share, you know, they don't take the whole time and, it's art. i'm looking at, function to it and it gives people a chance to do something with their time instead of doing drugs. i appreciate, i appreciate what aimus is doing here. i saw it from a distance and he put me on board and i thought it's a great opportunity for people to do something with your time instead of creating havoc around the street. that's all i have to say, thank you. >> thank you for sharing your comments.
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if we have any others please line up along the wall. >> speaker: my name is, i've been there 15 years and i'm working deli. aimus is a good friend to all the crew here, we work together and we keep each other clean, i'm--but we keep, come down to the alley way, it's nice. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments. do we have anybody else. >> speaker: hi i'm shawana, i live at 445 o'farrell and i work with the veterans alley program, aimus, he's a nice man to work with. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments, do we have any other comments? >> speaker: i'm a member of collection impact and over the last year or so, the alley has
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become, better improvement in the alley, being involved in the community activity, and people who come in, take pictures and everything. and it's more positive flow in the community in the area where it used to be negative all the time. it's a big improvement. >> thank you for sharing your comments. do we have anyone else? madam chair. >> with that, public comment on this item is now closed. chair preston, vice chair preston. >> thank you, chair melgar. and i want to thank every one who came out and smoke on this item and every one who emailed me us and shared the thoughts. looking forward to this, moving forward. i do want to say until the hearing, we had only heard from one person and mr. hack who
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spoke in opposition so some of the other concerns that were raised by couple of other folks, are now to our office. we're happy to engage and facilitate conversation between the veterans alley folks and some of the neighboring residents and property owners. either by connecting you or by engaging directly in facilitating or immediate ating. i generally found mr. gregory open to the input from neighbors and especially, you know, we've in advance of the one of the block parties for example, we talked to a property owner who didn't come here but had some concerns and we're happy to have that level of engagement. even, noting those concerns, just want to strongly, recommend the support from colleagues for this, i think
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it's a really important project that has been overall very positive for the neighborhood and meaningful for the veterans and direct neighbors of this project as well as visitors to the city. thank you. >> do you want to make a motion? >> yes, i would like to move this item with full recommendation to the full board. >> clerk: on the motion that this be sent to the board of supervisors with recommendation of land use, vice chair. >> aye. >> member pes con. --peskin. >> aye. >> chair melgar. >> aye. >>. >> clerk: that motion passes. >> just to accommodate folks ske,d i'm going call item 3 out of order please. >> clerk: item number 3, planning subdivision and--second, to amend the
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planning code to up greater of one unit or per 11,000 square feet or individual up to six lot units and the arch district, the greater of up to 12 units or 1 per per one acres and the greater of up to 10 units. in the rh1 districts. up to 18 units relating from 3 lot mergers in our hr district. relating from two lot mergers. and group housing on hr1 district for eligible project in the special use district. third, to end the planning code in the special use district from certain height open space and rear yard requirement, continual use authorization.
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four to amend the subdivision road to authorize eligible project in the special use district to qualify for condo median conversion or condo map to new dwelling units. 5th to amend the administrative code to require new housing units constructed due to the density unit to be subject to the rent ordinance. and 6, to amend the zoning map special use district and a efficientlying the department and other findings found throughout the city's code books. >> okay, i would like to welcome supervisor joel guardio and i think we're going to have a present awesing by ms. flores, before i pass it on to you. welcome ms. flores.
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>> speaker: good afternoon, i'm veronica flores, briefly the planning commission heard this item on october 5th of last year and recommended approval with modification. the recommended modifications are as follows. amend the density exception limits to also the greater of 1 dollar unit per 1,000 square feet of lot area. so when the original file was duplicated this increases the exception the one unit was applied only to the non corner lots and erroneous left out of
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this duplicate ordinance. so this recommended modification is to correct that omission. the second recommended modification is was to include rm11 within the eligible zoning districts for the sud and the third modification was to allow lot mergers and rm11 and all of the rh zoning districts. both of these amendments were incorporated for the area bounded by great highway, lincoln highway, 19th avenue and slow boulevard. so it's just within that sub set of the larger sud. the fourth recommended modification was to revise the required rear yard requirement to allow for the corner lot provision to be able to shift rear yard to the interior of
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the lot to better respond to the neighborhood context. the mayor's housing reduction ordinance made this amendment city wide. so now, the ordinance in front of you today has removed the required requirements within the sud, because that is now just the base code and it is, will be live in the planning code already. and the last recommended modification was to decrease the proposed corner height limits from 65 feet to 55 feet. this has not been incorporated into the ordinance. this concludes the commission report and i'm available for any questions. thank you. >> thank you very much, ms. flores. supervisor enguardio do you have any remarks? >> yes.
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commonly built through san francisco, we see them on the west side on post portal and erving street. san francisco built multi family housing since the 11915 but since then limited single family units. as supervisor for the sunset, i hear from many resident who have housing needs that could be solved by once again embracing the 5 and 6-story apartment building. and here are two live probablies. problems. one people want to stay close to their families, but multi generational families can't find houses in the same neighborhood. second our seniors can't age in place when it becomes too difficult to navigate a set of stairs, our seniors lack option to see downsize within the community. many don't--can't relocate
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without leaving san francisco entirely. so to provide more opportunities to families and seniors, let's increase building heights on corners to 65 feet. think of it as anchors, we don't interrupt anything mid-block. the ground floor anchor, the ground floor of that anchor building can provide a nem pits for the entire neighborhood. i would like to point to gus's market at noriga and 44, it's a four stories next to a roll of a--homes. so we can do more like gus's market and aim for up to six stories. the six-story building is essential to a concept called do missity, it's 5-stories of housing above a cafe, grocery,
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new residents would bkt customers that sustain the neighborhood small businesses and merchants, it's a win-win. and i want to be clear, this is for corner lots only. i do not want to replace all single family homes. my amendments will not force anyone to rebuild their home. west side areas will always be a majority of single family homes. all of this is create options, option that's don't exist. option that's families and seniors are asking for. if only 5% of sunset homes were converted to six-story, it would create 6,000 new housing units that would help a lot of families and seniors. and the sunset would still be 95% single family homes so. this is reasonable, they will help at difficult children and of long time residents stay in san francisco and give seniors more options, they can downsize to elevator building. sxik report that many residents want this housing, the concept
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has been written about in the san francisco chronicle, i talk about it in community meetings and often feature in my supervisor letter which goes out to 2500 people. i'm going to read three quick coats. --quotes. denise said, i want to sell my large house and live out my days without having to leave my beloved neighborhood. and lilly said, i would love to down side. and ron said, i own my home and the one on each side is vacant. one neighbor has already ex preds interest. some claim did i minutity is not affordable because it's for families making 100,000 to 190 but that's the combined income
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of teacher and fire fighter, that cannot afford to live here. we need to create the missing middle housing and dismissity does that. lou is a retired architect spent years building the dismissity concept. and talked about dismissity with established west side neighborhood groups many many times. and i promoted his concept for many years. enhances the lis ability of established neighborhoods and promote communities throughout the website. so today i'm here to provide amendments to housing special use district, incorporating the con zest has resulted with the register sleighsing before you, i propose calling this the family and senior housing opportunity special use district. would you like me to read the amendments at this time?
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>> i think, ms. flores went through them, right? we're good? >> speaker: i wept troughs the amendments and incorporated the planning commission modifications only. >> okay, go ahead. >> this committee knows substance tiff amendments in mid-2023 through fall 2023, those were incorporated into the family and referred back to the planning commission and heard in october of 2023. those amendment right side shown in green, highlighted text. the amendmented highlighted in blue text have not been heard by the committee. it incorporated into the draft legislation post commission hearing. so in some proposed amendments include minor clerical and renumeration changes throughout
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but here are specific amendments, they include pages 2 and 3, new proposed findings, expanding sud to south of lincoln and north of sloet. page 5, line 14 specifying corner lots may not specify units. number 23, language, page 6 line one, expand to go rh1 within specific agree graphics. page 7 line 9, language excluding mix configuration from proposed projects. page 8, line it 21, housing production ordinance. page 10, line 22, application requirement to housing production ordinance. page 11, line 12 to propose up
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to 6 units or one delg units. line 19, allowing for greater density on corner lot projects, page 12, line 7, construction of rear yard units. page 13, line 6, specifying standards. bottom of page 14 on top of page 13, corner lot sixplex project and fed room configuration. page 17 line 5 and explanation of ordinance formatting. no one special use district adu program or zoning amendment will provide to cure san francisco's shortage my hope is this legislation is part of the solution to see keep families together and in san francisco. thank you, i ask the committee to adopt this amendment sxz continue this item to next
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week's land use and transportation committee meeting. >> thank you, supervisor engardio, vice president peskin. >> thank you chair melgar and thank you to yourself and supervisor engardio for bringing this forward, two questions, one is, in changing the title from family to family, and senior, is there a, or i don't see, are there any provisions for receiving housing for seniors or inclusion of restrictions for seniors? or affordability requirement for seniors. >> i thought in the spirit, the intent of this is, you know, i think there will be a huge market foreseen who'ser who want to use this housing.
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another is for senior care at the bottom level. and planning recommendation on corner lots at 55 which presumably is 5 stories versus 65 which is presumably is 6. any thoughts why you're not taking that recommendation? >> well, the idea, that the original thought was the 6 stories, because, nothing will be built unless, obviously it pencils out. i keep hearing that six is the magic number. some of the planning commission were concerned about, because right now, we're zoned for 40 feet as it is.
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but not every single family home goes to 40 feet. the differential between if it's 20 and 60, it's high, some that are at 40 into 60 is not bad. that was the thought. but i think since there will not be whole scale change in every corner, i don't see that as problem for it to seen happy, because at this point, not much is happening. >> the only reason i ask and this is not my area of expertise, but i think you go from type 4 to type 1 construction when you go from 5 to 6 stories, and it gets a lot more expensive, it's 6, because you often go from construction to concrete construction and a whole bunch of fire life safety pro advicesing kick in at 6
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stories that are not at five. but i forgotten more about this than i ever knew. but i think that's right. but i mean, the market can produce and bear it and--i think it's more expensive once you get to six stories in terms of infrastructure al costs. >> does chair melgar have anything on that? >> i don't know it's six stories but this was a recommendation of the planning commission. >> okay, just curious. >> supervisor preston. >> thank you for your work on this and your out reach and efforts to flush out this concept as this was moving through planning commission. i just had a question i think
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for planning, just really a request for clarification, and this is something that we raised in some emails and i think are still unclear. and that is just whether this ordinance has any impact. i think i understand what you're trying to do in the area bounded by lincoln way and sloet and 19th and the great highway, i think i understand the impact tl. i just want to make sure that the impact of this ordinance are limited just to that area or if this would have any impact outside of that, including my district.
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thank you vice chair preston. while this map comes up on the projector, there were some changes for clarification for the ordinance. one of them was the clarification for the rear yard units. and what would be included and that was e gre, stairs to be able to accommodate second means, so that would be. there was another clarification to exposure to make it more similar to how we review for other units and that included, the allowances for, ducks, stairs, i don't have the full
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list in front of me, forgive me. but there were some minor clarifications to that sud wide. >> if i could, because this was originally my legislation. so all of these were clean up things that we have identified? because it's complicated right? so mesh this with the existing code and everything coming to it. the only thing that does not apply to the boundaries that you mentioned was the application of the to rm, which is only within what is district 4, and does not pertain to your district or outside of the area in the sud map, correct? >> correct. and one more thing, the lot
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mergers, sud allows within h1 marcels. it would also allow mergers for rh2 and 3 and 1. >> sorry, so the last, so on the lot merge thaer would ally pply sud wide. >> wnt 19 th grade highway. >> got it, thank you very much. and thank you chair melgar for clarifying. >> okay, i just had one last question. is there anything in the amendments that needs to go back to the planning commission. deputy anne, no it will require continuance. >> okay, thank you very much.
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>> okay, if there is no other questions or comments, let's go to public comment on this item, please. >> clerk: thank you, if you've come to give public comment on agenda item number 3, please come to the podium. please line up to speak along the western wall of this room and if you're ready, please begin. >> speaker: i'll just be brief. number 1, there was a major six-story complex built on 47th and sloet and last time i saw, very few people live in that building if any. if you're going to build buildings on the corner, you need to understand that it's going to have a multiplying affect, you need to have infrastructure.
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otherwise, these new resident right side going to take up the parking of other people already living there. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next speaker. >> speaker: it's obvious that nobody understand this proposition, how can you pass it when somebody understand what it means? i've lived in the sunset since 1988, and we do not need more housing. the problem is the infrastructure in the sunset sucks. hurts the people in the sunset, building more housing, only makes it worse on corners
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because as we know, san francisco hates cars, so there will not be parking with these like 8 units to accommodate them and putting back your unit destroys the peace and quiet on of everything on the entire block. i had to call the police more than one time about renters having parties in their back yards until like 2 in the morning. and somebody who is living in the back yard unit can do what they like and disturb the entire block because the sound travels, when people have fireplaces and have fires, i can smell it inside my house. it is absolutely insane to try to pass something that nobody understand. and i say that 99.9 percent of the people in the sunset don't
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know that this exist, this is being done in secrecy as possible. like all the other things that happen here. >> clerk: thank you, can we have the next speaker. >> speaker: corey smith on behalf of the housing coalition, thank you supervisor engardio and melgar for leading this conversation in the district. i've been meet with eugene lou weekly for a lot of months now and he's got family in town was the reason he was not able to join. a couple of things, we talk about the numbers and everybody agrees that there is nothing for this 80 percent income. we're building up the platform and designs and engaging with development partners, specifically so we can have the 80 to 120 percent home
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ownership units, these are designed fob home ownership but we don't want any of dan's dollar, the goal is to be privately finance middle income housing. and this amendment is about feasibility. as board member pes a looted, 60 is, you can get to 8 where you can have 5 over 3 where it's 5 stories of wood over 3 stories of concrete and that is relatively inpensive and cost prohibit tiff. this is housing that is in the neighborhood, as the board member mentioned. it's been designed to try to fit in the story have the top stet back to make sure that those incorporated within the fabric.
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we have details off to every office next yearbook let for your review and we're hopefully coming to a pretty significant point. like i said we got a development partner on this and we're looking for funding options and hope to get to it real soon. >> thank you for sharing your comments. can we get the next speaker, please. >> speaker: good afternoon, jane notali, i want to thank you for your work today especially supervisors engardio and melgar, i heard about it today. i've been hearing about this, i know you've been working on this store a long time. this is creative trying to address the housing shortage, seeing the kinds of homes that
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we need, topolology that we have. it i live in an older building and it does not have those things. this has been a good journey and i appreciate all the work that has gone into it and i look forward into continuous, i think, as corey just said before me, we're about to turn the corner and it seems like this is actually, you know, despite being a long time coming, a possibility that is coming soon. and it's excite to go see. i appreciate the continued work and i know there is still a little bit more to go but thank you and keep it up. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments, can we have the next speaker, please. you can leave it there. i'll start your time. >> speaker: good afternoon, supervisors. the city creates a lot of its own problems, case in point.
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the rent control situation actually exacerbates the problem, we complain that people are saying that rents are high. but those that don't pay, those that moved into sunset, my tax right side now at 17,000. it's going to increase my taxes up to 30,000 by the time i'm my dad's age. i don't know how i'll pay na and my neighbors. what the city needs to do, if you really care about elderly people get staying in their houses and not being pushed out, look at things like amending constitution to say look, keep prop 13 just as it is, but anybody once they turn 65, if they're paying over 10,000 in taxes which most will not be able to pay and maintain their live at all, if they're
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living off social security or a few other things, they're going to get pushed out of their houses. literally 20 or 30% of the neighborhood is going to be pushed out and these items are great but really, i think, i'm the only one on my block using my in law unit and renting it out and i need to do that because i need to stay there. all of my neighbors are afraid to do it because if they want to move somewhere and i have to sell my house, that renter can say, no i need 50,000, i even heard up to 4,000, so that makes it so the owner can't even sell their house. the rent i charge is probably 30% less than any other in the city for the same type of unit one bedroom. there is thousands of them after built. we don't need to build more just free people out so they can rent their units out. >> next comment please.
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>> good afternoon, supervisor, my name is jessica pola i'm a local real estate in the city and i support this so we can build more units so that more people live there, it's a very desirable place for those that want to move from the east side to the west side, thank you very much. >> thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. >> speaker: hi, annie i'll just give a brief comment thanking supervisor engardio and melgar on this. i think it's important to really normalize, multi family on the west side, particularly for folks who have scared of it or fearful or sort of uncertain of how they're it's going to impact. i commend you on your work on this and bringing more people and making sure that people can stay in their neighborhood during different phases of their life.
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>> speaker: thank you for sharing your comments, can we have the next speaker, please. >> speaker: eileen with speak in support of continuing this item. also due to the fact that the newest feasibility study has yet to be released. the department staff stated last november that, this feasible, excuse me, feasibility study will be released at the end of 2023 with informational meeting in december of 2023. the upcoming feasibility study for the rezoning process, could provide information that lob pertinent to the typology to the lots being proposed in this duplicated file. thank you. >> clerk: thank you, for sharing your comments, can we have the next speaker, please. >> speaker: good afternoon, supervisors, catherine howard and i'm still waiting for my
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stipend for taking uni down here and not being able to call in. i appreciate the supervisors efforts to have housing for seniors but i want to say that naming something is not the same thing as it happening. and i, i, i don't want to be derogatory but we have green washing and now we have age washing, please if you want to make it for seniors put a requirement for there that at least one unit has to be affordable or for seniors. and if they're going to have big buildings, make sure it's useful and it's not filled up with a whole bunch of folks who just arrived here hoping to make their first billion dollars. thank you. >> thank you. can we have the next speaker, please. >> hi, you might want to take a closer look at the map because the blue line in the key shows most of the city, words say,
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one thing but the map shows another wing. --thing. be clear what you're voting for, because that map blue line goes most of the city and most of your territories, so, be sure of that. the other thing, i think this was a marketing problem and it seems like our supervisor right side now in the business of marketing, because some of these problems, don't exist, i live in the sunset, many years. and i have 100-year-old neighbor, she is in her house, she does not want to go anywhere and if she did, she could not afford any of those houses that you want to build. and i have an 80-year-old neighbor down the street, she is staying in her house as well and what is keeping them in their house, is nothing other than their will and that they can afford their houses. buzz they cannot be able to afford what you're trying to build. and i think this is a false
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problem with a crazy solution. and who benefits, and they're not here lining up at the door. so think about and know what you're voting on. >> thank you for sharing your comments, do we have anyone wish to go offer further public comment on item number 3? madam chair. >> president peskin? >> thank you, madam chair and thank you to the members of the public who came here to testify for and against. , i did hear this is, apropos my previous--that he said he is under the impression but i don't see it in this
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legislation and supervisor engardio and i talked about this that there is deep restriction for seniors did i not hear that? >> let's ask supervisor engardio since he's the one that drafted the amendments. >> i don't recall him saying anything about the--for five or six stories, naz what i recall him talking about. >> since this is not a conversation with mr. smith, it is not part of your legislation. i just before, we could not fuse things further, i just wanted to make sure that we understand that's not what is being added in the amendment. we're also not voting on this today because all of these are
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substancetive and make sure that what we're voting on is what we intend to vote. anything else? >> knoxer the rent is too dam low. >> okay, i would like to make a motion that we incorporate the amendments as read into the record, and that we continue this idea until next week. >> clerk: january 12, on the motion offered by the chair that the ordinance be amended and continue to january--february 12, 2024 land use meeting. on that motion, vice chair. >> aye. >> member peskin. >> aye. >> melgar. >> aye. >> madam chair, there are three ayes. >> that motion passes, thank
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you, thank you supervisor engardio. so we have a lot of folks here for items 4 and 2, and at the request of president peskin, i'm going to take item 4 next. >> clerk: item 4, resolution opposing california state senate bill number 951 and will be set forward to tomorrow's full meeting. >> thank you very much. mr. peskin, the floor is yours. >> thank you madam chair, and thank you--phober being
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cosponsor. preston for. and i got to serve in the committee and got to know how so important this piece of policy was passed by the voters in a fight that pitted californians of every stripe against the real estate industry in 1972 when proposition 20 passed against all odds, it was, the grass roots effort was out spent by many multiplies, every one was in the side coastal zone initiative of 192 passed and
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that lead to the creation of coastal commission to protect, the california coast 840 miles from the border of mexico to the border of the state of oregon for access for all californians and people around the world and it has, really been a coastal zone management act that has become the envy of coastal governments not only in the united states of america but around the world. in 1976, the california state ledge enacted it into law and made it permanent with the california coastal act of 1976. so this has been on the books first passed by the voters and then by law bit california state legislature signed into law by then govern jerry brown for over half a century for 52 years.
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in 1976, the state legislature set the coastal zone boundaries in the 15 california coastal counties and those have not changed in the intervening half century, there have been a handful of extremely minor boundary adjustments that have been made by the legislature for technical reasons such as when a city has been incorporated to deal with a handful of parcel that's were in split jurisdictions ie they were in and out of the coastal zone. but senate bill 951 introduced by our own state senator is the first time that there has been a proposal to remove swofz of land under the coastal zone in the entire history of the act. i frankly was shocked and dismayed not to have been
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consulted nor was superintendent mandelman who to this day an alternate and more surprised to see that the sponsor of the bill as setforth in senator wiener press release was the city and county of san francisco. this is the policy and body of city of san francisco. we were never consulted, we were not asked about it. senator wiener corrected that to say that the mayor was the sponsor and not the city and county. this has been done under the gies of housing and nothing could be further from the truth and i state this south side a matter of objective act. the way the coastal act works, is that once, a coastal zoning
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is approved by the coastal commission which in san francisco's case happened in 1986, all jurisdiction is turned over to the county. this county has issued their own coastal permits since 1986. in that period of time, now get to go 40 years, 45 years, there have been two appeals of the issuance of coastal development permit to the coastal commission from a local action. one of them having to do nothing with housing. it was an appeal in 2009 over artificial turf soccer field in the western end with light standards that is natima in the neighborhood regardless of what people thought or what side of the issue you were on which was on any side of the issue, because the coastal commission decided in the city of sf and
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reject thed that appeal. the other appeal came in the late 1980, and the permit was upheld. the point here being, there have been no fights between the city and county of san francisco and coastal commission in that time. the california coastal commission in resent years has evolved into the preeminent agency on dealing with sea level rise and 'em pair tiff that we all face in the change of changing climate. and to that end, and i'm very proud of this work and i'm proud of the city and county of san francisco, in a combined effort with spur, and our planning department after a number of years with the great help of then district 4 katie chang, the city and county for
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the first and only time amended our local plan originally approved in 1986, i actually served in the commission. to adopt the ocean beach master plan. this is an area where pursuant to that plan which we adopted here in the board of supervisor before it was certified by the coastal commission where the city and county of san francisco is in certain places going to have to retreat from the coast line, this is the area where our san francisco public utilities commission in close collaboration in a very meaningful way have been dealing with the future of our ocean side sewage disposal plant which is also going to have to recreate which is the coastal commission has already heard and concured with and helped facilitate the actions
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of the puz that are part of this capitol plan. the idea of taking all of this land out of coastal commission jurisdiction, makes no sense. this is not supported by what senator wiener's is claiming that the coastal commission is getting in the way. i want to thank the organization that's immediately sounded the alarm because this goes far behind san francisco, if one can rip out jurisdiction in his or her county, it's going to be open season on the coastal act. the president here is remarkably dangerous about one of california's model cherished pieces of law. and so i want to thank the surf rider foundation, i want to
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thank azul for ring the alarm and yesterday as i was preparing for this meeting, i saw what surf rider had published on the on their website. and it's worth reading. it says surf rider san francisco objects to this attack on the coastal act because it's a bedrock environmental law that plays a critical law in ensuring public access to the coast and helping the state and local communities preparing for sea level rise. senator ween or claimed in a press release that the intention is to allow the san francisco to streamline housing development. yet data shows that commission oversight is an 'em pedestrianment. the postal commission approves 95 and a half percent applications across the state
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only two appeals of local decision making have ever been considered by the postal commission. i spoke to that. in other words, they assume that they are affected by the implementation of the coastal act which is not the case. the bill boundary change removes portions that underlining by the infrastructure, portions where a controversial 50-story tower was proposed last year from the coastal zone while surf rider san francisco does not have a position on any of these projects, we support environmental review. instead senate bill 951, we support approaches that will achieve real increases. and let me just say a little bit about that, for the first five years of the coastal
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commissions, tenure, one of its mandates was to build affordable housing in the coastal zone. and in the first five years, until state senator mellow, took that language out, the commission built over 5,000 permitted over 5,000 units of affordable housing in the california coastal zone. in the state legislature and our own senator ween yor want to help build housing, they can put that well in the act. i think we should do that. taking an acts to the jurisdiction is not the way to go about it. i'm getting worried that sacramento is increasingly becoming, is being ruled by
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special interest groups including those that would like to undo the california coastal act. and it's time to come to an end. i do want to offer in the spirit of trying to work with senator senior, because there is one provision in the bill that albeit, makes sense which is, there is in the first part of the bill, language about local coastal plans being updated up and down the state of california. i think that language does make sense particularly if it's accompanied with money. and the reason i say the money part is the california coastal commission actually gave the san francisco planning department a sizable multi hundreds of thousands of dollars grant floweder to do the wrork around the ocean beach master plan. that did not come out of our
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fund that came out from the coastal commission. so i think if that part of the legislation does make sense. but the provisions that that alter reduce, eliminate, the existing geographic and appellant authority, and to that end, and colleagues i have sent this to you. would i like to amend the short title to say opposing 951 unless amended long tight senate bill 951 unless amended and in the resolve say that the resolve of the board of supervisors of the county of san francisco oppose senate bill 951, unless existing appellant authority those would be the amendments that i would like to offer. i want to thank and acknowledge
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the already listed cosponsors of this supervisor preston, chan, ronen and mandelman and i want to thank the committee who without, have been contacting us with emails in droves. >> thank you, supervisor preston. thank you for--peskin. i did call senator senior last week to understand where this was coming from and going. he told me that there are on going negotiations right now between our planing department and the office. that are not have finished. and i am actually reluctant to have an opinion on this resolution unless those things are seem to fruition and even,
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you know if you're amendments unless i would support it. but for me to add to maintain the california coast at commission, appellant authority, is flexibility that i think i want to give them in the negotiation. and that is because, this does affect my district. so in the boundary, i'm not sure that the boundaries that senator wiener have proposed work for me, better than what is there. i will just say that the existing boundaries include the southern part of brotherhood way which has the orthodox
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church and paster armenian lot. many have enormous parking lots many have congregation in the orthodox, there is a preschool a the least the tenants want the possibility of expanding. it would be great to have housing there. i don't know if this makes any difference. but it does affect my district. the other thing that they include and left alone by senator wiener's amendment is the hotel and banquet facility. again, it does not make sense why that is included but this is above my pay grade. and a big part of san francisco golf club, many of the holes are within the jurisdiction of san francisco which is the uphill from the lake and not near the coast.
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i'm not ready to support this resolution today. if they don't come to conclusions, i may think differently but that is how i'm seeing it affect district 7 and the plans that we're still trying to make for development. >> and if i may, chair melgar and i respect your right to vote however you choose now and in the future, two things, number one is actlly as a matter of fact. i convened last week not senator wiener a meet between our planning director rich and his counterpart, dan carl who is the coastal commission head of their north central region that we lion what was a
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remarkably productive conversation that could have happened. let me start with this. they used to have a coastal planner that retired a couple of years ago and nobody in the planning department knows anything about coastal plan, act, and in the absence of that, mr. hillis has been respectfully flying blind. when i put the two of them together, they had a fantastic conversation and i have every belief that this will be resolved and it will be resolved through the process that has existed through the century. had senator wiener called, we would have resolved quite easily. this would have been resolved in a matter of few months, if senator wiener's bill is going to be heard, it's going to be
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heard long before mr. hillis and mr. carl figure out the right words. but all of that, notwithstanding, i will say this about the boundary at justments as proposed by senator wiener which is the pass majority of property that is being taken out of the coastal zone is in district 1 and district 4 and the west end of golden gate park and around brotherhood way is virtually identical to the existing coastal dismissing boundaries. but let me say this about that, and i can say that with this experience. being in the coastal zone, does not prevent development at all, as a matter of fact. there are thousands and thousands of coastal development permits for all sorts of things, controversial, not controversial that are issued along the coast line
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from oregon to mexico's border every year. so whether you're a parking lot or a school, does not in inhibit development, as a matter of fact that is the underlying argument that i'm making here which is a solution looking for a problem. but i respect however you choose to vote in this matter. >> thank you, president peskin for convening that meeting and making the effort. with that, if there is no other comments or questions, let's go to public comment on this item, please, mr. clerk. >> clerk: thank you, if you have come, please line up and come forward where it's your turn. and if we can get the first speaker, now. please begin. >> speaker: i'll try to get it in two minutes. first of all p the population of, of bicyclist and pedestrians on the great highway, during a weekend has
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diminished since the, somewhat end of our pandemic. furthermore, people seem to forget that there are two existing pass that can accommodate bicyclist and pedestrians, i've ridden my bicycle in the city, i have nothing against people riding their boik. but i think it does not make sense to close it to highway when it is used particularly by tourist which is a major revenue for the city of san francisco. we have small businesses, we have the beach shalet and now we're going to have the opening of the new cliff house under a new name, the partners are a going to sign a 20-year lease. this is one of the most popular restaurants in the country. not only that but we have the historic bass, people flock to the cliff house and flock to the beach. i hope the commission is allowed to do their job.
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two xlitions, one is economic and quality of life. the quality of tief issue is there are people, that access this road who work on weekends, who run errands who go to doctor appointments to support the families. there is no reason that the highway should be clodes. >> speaker: do i have another minute or am i done? >> clerk: 30 more seconds. >> speaker: there are people who bought the homes who enjoy the highway, who enjoy what the district offers. and yet we're infringing on their quality of life allowing pedestrians and bicyclists, use the great highway. they pay their taxes like every one else. why is it weird for that quality of life to be diminished. >> clerk: thank you. speakers time is concluded. just a reminder to upcoming speakers, the agenda before is
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a resolution a potion senate bill number 951. next speaker, please. >> speaker: this resolution oppose ing 951 says exactly the what the board of supervisors must say. state senator wiener to eliminate which means the sunset enrichment district is outrageous. it's the first step towards gugt the coast at commission authority. they have made improper statement supporting sb951. they quoted dan siter chief of staff saying sb951 gets rid of extra bureaucracy that is not doing anyone any good. you can make this about any law whether it's the federal
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americans with disability or california privacy act. since the legislature passed the coastal act in 1956, the coastal commission has protected coastal resources and access and put into place a model that is respected globely. there are many places where coastal access is for the wealthy and lux' hotels and luxury apartment buildings block nature. look at wakiki and miami beach and jersey shore, that is not who we are in san francisco. as the resolution points out, the basis of sb951 is a false narrative related to housing. it would seem that they would turn ocean beach into miami beach as san franciscans, we must prevent this from happening. >> clerk: thank you for sharing
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your comments, can we have the next speaker, please. >> speaker: laura wal much with the surf rider foundation i want to thank supervisor peskin for his comments. i live in the sunset and work with the san francisco chapter lot, so i'm with them. we ask to you reject this and support the resolution. this just isn't sensible policy because it seems that the coastal xlition i am mrimgt the coastal act are impediment to affordable housing in san francisco. and two appeals and in both cases, the commission ruled with the county of san francisco. at the time, it's an important backstop for review to have because they make sure that our coast liner remains public.
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coast at act boundaries which dictates the area, consistency, those boundaries have not been changed. it's not something that we want to be tweaking boundaries for. >> thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker. >> speaker: good afternoon, jake price with the housing coalition. asking this body to oppose. while it is true that there are not appeals.
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i think about the state laws that are enable to be used in the coastal zone. specifically sb35 two of the law that's have seen great success with the production of affordable housing. i think about the ocean beach safeway in la playa. why should that parcel not be able to benefit. and then as supervisor melgar pointed out, there are multiple congregations in this geography that can stand to benefit from sb4, to produce 100% affordable housing. and withouter sb951, they would not be able to benefit. i knew there is a lot of nuance with this state bill and i appreciate further conversation but, i do believe that it is good policy at the end of the day. thank you.
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thank you for sharing your comments. please. >> speaker: also registering our opposition to this as it is currently written. a lost discussion about the boundaries, the vas remain unchanged and it does open up opportunities on places as jake mentioned before me. when we look at the safeway in la playa which has a parking lot, and one of the best ways is to ensure coastal access is to ensure that people can live near the coast. so people can enjoy the resource that's san francisco has. i also just want to, say that, you know, i don't think, the boundaries are going to be set in stone. we're living in a different
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time with different needs. i do think that looking at something that leaves 90% untouched while trying to creatively address what we do in the 5 percent that have development on them. there are homes and businesses, i think that's a creative approach that we need. 50 years ago, we were facing different challenges and we need to update for our times, we need to think about things differently. that's what the spirit of this is. so once again, asking you to oppose this. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments, can we have the next speaker, please. >> speaker: good afternoon, mat i'm a long term outer term residents. i'm here to support president peskin's opposition to senator's wiener's bill. he spoke eloquently, and in two
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points, i say weakening the bill to serve a different purpose which has ramifications that are not understood stands to harm the state of california. there are reviews and processes which need to take place and what has happened in the west side of san francisco since the pandemic is the city has taken advantage in many ways on the west side. and the people there are tired of the city's processes being sir come vented. --circumvented. all of these developments need normal processing review as supervisor, i'm sorry, ummmms engardio who is not here, he fostered a robust conversation, that's what we need to see modify with san francisco not
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one push through the state level weakening a bill that will hurt all of california. thank you. >> clerk: still 30 seconds. >> speaker: i'm good. thank you very much. >> clerk: next speak per. >> speaker: ye, i also o pos, i support board member peskin's resolution. i'm a sunset resident, and i lived there since 1978, i think it's appalling what is happening in our only coastal highway in san francisco is being destroyed on this closure, people are climbing over the lands, destroying--. >> clerk: i'm going to pause your time, i'm going to make sure that, we're super clear about what is being heard. >> speaker: i'm talking about the coastal commission, protection of our coast line and one of the things that they
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need to do which they didn't do is resolution to close the highway on weekends, and friday, and it has reached havoc in our neighborhood since then. we have traffic jams in the park. we have more and more traffic on our residential streets because of the closure of that highway. and it's pardon of the coastal highways commissions jurisdiction and it should never have been closed. and it was never voted on and they always said, oh after covid it will be open again, well it wasn't. that's what i have to say. i support you. supervisor peskin, and your resolution. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments. can we have the next speaker, please. >> speaker: good afternoon, i'm gene secretary of the
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enrichment and today i'm speaking on my own behalf. it's not often that i get to say a public comment to say thank you. today i want to thank you for introducing this resolution, which i wholeheartedly support. senator wiener's sb951 is another way for greedy to sink their teeth. there is no need for housing in this area, and it should not be allowed. so i thank you for recognizing the senator wiener's legislation will eliminate to regulate land use and development along san francisco's priceless and world famous shoreline. thank you too for resolution, that confirms the city's concern about coastal development and the values and
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wants to protect the future of all of california's coast line. i'm pleased to support this resolution that will send a message to sacramento. that one of the most beautiful areas must be protected. and sb151 must be defeated. i urge your committee to approve this resolution as amended. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. >> speaker: supervisors, mike nor i live out in the outer sunset. i think part of the confusion is, if you ask 99% of the people in the city, what is this? they don't know what it is. i bet there is some politicians i can ask that what it is that we're voting on. do you understand what you're voting on? probably not. in a resent meeting, i said
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what are we calling affordable housing? unless you're the lucky person that wins the lotto, for the rest of it, it's not. the 8 2000 units at 1.2 million which is what the self-help elderly program and tndz have said. that amount times 100 units--we would have to shut down the entire city for 7 years and divert all the money to building those units. there is nothing affordable about it. and now hearing a possibility of losing another safeway, i lived on the block of one on filmore and webster. that is going to make a food desert for the poor, they're going to have to go all the way down to the marina and now i hear the one in the marina may be taken out.
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and don't say, like obama, you're going to keep your physician, that was his dream, that's what breed would like but it does not mean that that will happen. people will have to go miles to get their grocery. what is affordable housing and since 1950 our population has only grown by 60,000 people, yet we doubled our housing allowance. we don't have a housing unit issue, affordable housing yes. but plenty of houses out there. >> thank you for sharing your comments. can we get the next commenter. please begin. >> speaker: hi, i strongly support this resolution and so should every supervisor. supervisors, you make a lot of types of laws over the months and years that you serve on the board of supervisors, but
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protecting san francisco's coast line, and the state of california aoets coast line from millionaire billionaire developers is the most important and most long lasting role you will ever have as your time on the board of supervisors. so i'm ask youing please, don't be mislead by people who are developing or work for developers or get paid by developers or take campaign contributions from developers. you really need to look at what this coastal commission does. it protects all of us. and it has it allows us access that without it, none of us may have. and this is, and this is your
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time to stand up to the outside interest and stand with the people of san francisco and the people of california to protect our coast line and not, not get rid of our coastal commission. for generations, we kept our coast line pristine and weakening the coast line and opening it up to development would be awful. and just keep in mind, we wouldn't do that to the grand canyon yosemite park and we should not do it to the treasure which is the coast line. and every one should vote and support president peskin's resolution. thank you. >> thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker please. >> speaker: hi, i fully support this resolution, i am the person that embarrassed the san francisco's zoo about their strobe lights for the ocean
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during christmas for a few years that went on for weeks and weeks it was disturbing what was out, the little bit of wildlife that still exist there. the california coastal commission protects the wildlife and helps stop the emotion. the more giging and building and cement poured and foundations, will totally vibrant into that area if the coastal commission is abolished. it is really important that we have access for all and that means, parking, public transportation, and access, not walking through gated communities where condos are 2.2 million dollars, because that's they're going cost. because the cost of building is really high. these are not going to be low income housing. this is going to be housing for the ultra rich or the people who just pass through and want
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to have a little place by the sea. california coast belongs to every one in california and the coastal commission helps to protect it. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. >> speaker: eileen with speak, thanking board president peskin for introducing this resolution. speak is strongly concurring with the resolution resolution. it targets san francisco's very narrow coastal zone and could lay the groundwork for beach become miami beach. it's not the plan to turn ocean beach into miami beach. however, this can seem inconsistent by the commented may about the department. the planning directer stated that the department coastal
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requirement has brewer cat i can and a waste of time. sb9591 seems to reflect the department's views as well as being the reaction to a coastal commission hearing on housing on december 14th, 2023. during public comment senator wiener and his alleys made derogatory comments about the coastal commission. in closing, speaker, board members to not only support this resolution but also to sign on as cosponsors, thank you. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments. let's have the next speaker. >> speaker: good afternoon, catherine howard. got to get used to these things. i'm a member of the san francisco land use coalition and i'm also helping deforward in the outer sunset right by the coast. we oppose sb951 and we support this ordinance.
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sb951 is not about affordable housing, it's about opening up the coast. it is also about senator wiener's continuing attacks on our environmental protection. furthermore, i was alarmed to learned that sb9591 removes a large section of golden gate park from the coastal zone o. this is frankly terrifying in terms of the protections needed for landscape park and habitat area. why is it in this legislation? where senator wiener was center of--failing project. by removing this major parkland and habitat area from the possibility of an appeal to the
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coastal commission, we're opening golden gate park up to extensive exploitation. and i say this as san francisco appeals ever made to the coastal commission and we lost. obviously, i don't agree with that decision but we had our day in court and we were glad to have that opportunity and i think everybody should have it. to hear that bureaucracy is holding up a project is not substantiating the coastal commission. >> clerk: that's your time, thank you for sharing your comments. do we have anything else? if so please come forward. madam chair. >> without public comment on this item is now closed.
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vice president peskin. >> thank you to those who came to testify on one side or the other and i would like to make a motion to adopt the amendments that i previously read into record and send the item--well let's do that first. >> clerk: on the motion to amend followed by member peskin, vice chair preston. >> aye. >> member peskin. >> aye. >> chair melgar. >> aye. >> clerk: madam chair, there are three ayes. >> and i would like to send the item as amended with a positive recommendation as a committee report. >> clerk: on the motion offered by member peskin that the resolution be amended as a committee report. preston. >> aye. >> member peskin. >> aye. >> chair melgar. >> no. >> clerk: there are two ayes
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and one no with member melgar on the dessent. >> okay, that item passes. let's go back to item number 2. >> clerk: just a moment please. agenda item number 2 is an ordinance amending the planning code clarify the ministerial approval process for certain accessory dwelling units meeting certain requirements single family and multi family buildings. >> okay, we have ms. veronica flores here to present on this item. >> speaker: good afternoon,
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again, veronica flores, planing department staff. this was before you two weeks ago, january 2, it's the mandated adu ordinance introduced by the mayor. since the last hearing, we do have some additional amendments that will be carried through, not all of the amendments discussed two weeks ago, will be carried through. so i did circulate a revised draft ordinance earlier today with the amendments highlighted. so this includes all the amendments discussed back on december 11th of last year and reiterated january 22, before additional changes are mostly clarification and those are as follows. the first is to remove the unnecessary and inaccurate
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uncodified findings relating tenant relation for the adu program. we also have a clarifying amendment to the city's state mandated adu program clarifying the density limits and there is also amendment regarding the notice of special restrictions or nsr for state mandated adu projects and this is really to remove the requirement to record nsrs, documents the requirement. these requirements are within the government code and reference as such and regard any additional conditions or further restrictions specific to that project. so that is another amendment that we've included today. lastly, there is an additional amendment forwarded by president peskin and that is to
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expand the list of historic resources that are not exempt from neighborhood notification under section 311 and this will be applied only to the local adu program. we ask that those amendments again, the amendments in their entirety to be incorporated into the ordinance and committee today and then we will return to this body after we take this to planning commission. this concludes the staff presentation, or update rather and i am also joined by sheila nicolafolis forgive me if i miss pronounced your name, but we're available for any questions. thank you. >> thank you. vice president peskin. >> thank you, ms. flores, i'm happy to move the three amendment that's planning discussed, actually the four that they discussed three of
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them from planning and one the expanded list of the notice for expand i can historic resources on age 27. but i want to say that i had prepared and thank you deputy city attorney two other amendments which would have made minor changes to the state program that would have stired more adu applicants from the state adu program which despite our product stations is not subject to rent control which according to the current program, it is rent control. and even though i was hold that these amendments are defensable and would not rise to the level of getting a cautionary advise memo from the city attorney, never asked questions if you
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don't want an answer through the mayor's office received feedback from the state hcd, that they disagree with the legal opinion of our city attorney and there are hcd may have taken action to harm the ability of local affordable housing developers, to access state affordable funding which is rather ironic because of what these amendmented intended was to create more affordable housing while we're trying to create more affordable housing. wrap your head around that. and by the way, it is a all over a section of code which is, a very ambiguous state statute, meaning that the hcd, threatened to defund affordable house hading to defend their
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own interruption interpretation of the statute which rivers from our city attorney's legal advise. in order for me to get to the bottom of this ambiguity, in a appropriate legal venue or a discussion between yozeder. instead they resorted to their usual which was threats and bullying which could reduce the number of a dus but because i don't wish to enable them to follow their i will shelf these amendments. but i want to say for the record, that i deeply object to this method of intimidation policy making. and my amendments would have expanded our innovative policy to build more affordable
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housing through rent control and threatened to defund affordable housing, the lel of with a city that has a demonstrated track record ensure the benefits of rent control to lead the state on the development of affordable housing. i think is really threat noting our ability to create and maintain affordable housing, while simultaneously, threatening affordable housing funding. anyway, it is deeply troubling and i'm not going to introduce those amendments but i wanted to say that for the record. but i will introduce the other four amendments which as ms. flores said, will require
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rereferral to the ordinance to the planning commission. and then we can take it up after the planning commission has heard it. >> thank you, president peskin. i would like to hear from ms. mroeres about the tile line. but we can still make it to not risk millions of dollars in affordable housing and transportation funding. >> thank you, chair. so after committee today, we are tend antly lacking at a hearing. still need confirmation for that. if we're able to move forward with that date, we could we can proceed the following monday on
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march 11th, i believe. and if we're able to get that out of committee, we could go forward with a second read on march 19th. the march 19th is the deadline or one of the milestones for pro housing designation. i derstand the different points involved but we would be able to get our second read and adopt it that day and then from there, i'm, if still wait to go learn if hcd will consider that as acceptable for meeting this deadline. okay, so we're doing all of this and we still don't know if hcd is going to--maybe ms. nicolepolis can shed some light this. >> speaker: good afternoon, sheila, based on our conversation wz hcd, they would
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like to see significant progress in moving this amendment forward. so we believe if we can get it through the second reading by the 19th, we feel confidential but >> okay. let's so after conferring with president peskin, i think it would be vice to duplicate the file. and perhaps take the amendments that he intended and continue to the call of chair to give us time, to see if we can come to any agreement with hcd on the rent control units. i just want to add that, we went through this with housing opportunities legislation which that also has rent control in the units that are being
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created for rental. it will may be that we don't come to an so i will schedule it until we're ready to do that, after we've had two conversations. but i don't want to get in the way of getting the designation housing. sol if we can do that after file and we can do that after public comment, the amendment. vice president peskin. >> two things, there were a number of amendmentds discussed couple of weeks ago which are setforth in what ms. flores has hard copies if you want them. the green amendments were discussed by us and we're
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actually to be in accordance to issue. and both green and yellow amendments, and the en through the chair, to deputy if he i prefp appreciate chair mell fwar's idea here as well it ne with our states over lord and will be ap' to do what i is what supervisor melgar is doing, which is to duplicate the file. i understand you prepared two amendments so i'm happy move them. but i have p circulated that to my and i've got another meeting, can reready to go?
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>> these amounts are not idea to be added to a few. >> so add them to at some point in the future but we'll have two miles that are the same so we'll have to make them a little different. >> yes. >> deputy city attorney, pierson, that is correct. but you could also -- ~>> if we took it now. amended to >> that's right, you could not did you plate it now, wait for it to come back and due mrik ate it thep. >> the only question is would
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my question would the amendments have to be deferred? >> clerk: give me just a moment to ponder that question. yes, at least one of your amendments would require a referral back. >> how about, and i don't want to put you in the spot, given our stop start and hcd's unwelcome intervention, if we continue this item one week would they be ready and we send the entire package back for one referral? rather than doing it piece mile? >> speaker: peter millage, they our office probably could have those amendments ready for you in one week. but the sense that i received from the planning department
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and the mayor's office is the timing on rereferral and passage of these additional mibz is very tight. and that the deadline for receivinger the pro housing des i go i go nation. and i would be reduct ant to recommend any what about we duplicate the file and s seeing if we can toss it to planning. maybe so that the training one and that the one that we referred today, can be at the planning commission at the same time. how do you feel about duplicate and rerefer one and continue that one to the call 69 chair until the planning commission is done, amend the duplicated
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file, being rerefer that and hopefully they all meet together and we can consider, we can use your good offices, chair melgar to go and -- ~>> sure. sure. if the timing doesn't work, though. i just want to make sure that that we have a mile that is aended accordingly that can be accessed by the planning commission. >> we would send that one out today. >> right. >> and if the other one got caught up, great, if it can't, so be it. >> okay, let's take tb comment on this agenda item, please come forward at this time. first speaker, please. >> speaker: good afternoon,
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jake price again with the housing action coalition, urging you to support this legislation so we can achieve a pro housing designation, achieving a pro housing helps us stand out for grants from the state and every point matters. this is especially important given the proposed cuts in the state budget for non a sek affording housing. and i'll keefe this brief, they're good even without the housing at stake. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for sharing comment. >> speaker: amy speaking with spur. i'll going to have my phone off because i have a lot of things to read off. we need this ordinance in order to receive designation. and the reason we do that is so
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we continue to consolidate which are two critical priorities that are on the chopping black right now through other state funds. the other thing that we need to less to earn that designation is to pass this ordinance before the 2024 deadline for the funding applications. and i think it's also important to distinguish this specific this is the only affordable housing that is protected from state lujet cops because it's hundreded so at this time when the dollar is all the more precious, we need to mandate our chances because this pot will be over described even more than we're accustom. what is on the block? so we have four applications that lined up and ready to go
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for the march deadline. in 100% housing projects as well as up to 40 million dollars, up to 40 million dollars for maoun' and other bicycle and pedestrian for those patients. those that would be xlud san francisco housing cooperationer, related housing division and a couple of projects from housing mercy. and in district 8 and span beneficiaries such as seniors and other families experiencing homelessness. thank you so much. and i urge your support. >> thank you, next commentator please. >> speaker: jane natoli urging
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support of this adu ordinance. as you heard, this is important for our prohouse designation. a lot of that money comes down to 1 or 2 points, it's very nair'. every little thing that we can do can help that. so this is an attorney piece of the puzzle for us and what it's going to be a tough time at how we're looking to put more funds to throughout san francisco and also looking forward for the production of adus and just the ability to being able to do that, that is another and i'm happy. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. >> speaker: unfortunately i have a lost experience with this. at the beginning of covid, my in neighbor on one side decided
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to xlotly tear their side apart and rebuild. it he destroyed it my foundation is broeng up. it was a nice mayor. and i met with the city and i said look, if you're going to move these things forward, at least take into conversation about what happened. and if you can look at me while i'm talking, i would appreciate it. during the time that was going on, the neighbor on the other side, started to tear their house apart and they were not going to do anything but a remodel. they start today tear out half of their house and broke up more of my house and both of them put and then and the affordable housing unit, they
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for that a watter none want to return calls or respond when there are dollars. they ignore you, and they can do it at 3--there was no break at all. it was or mable so when you're preparing these things when it's your office, how do you and now mu backi have at least 6 to 8 inches of rain in my back yard. i have to run out there with a poll and punch a hole to will the the water go. trying to hit a mole hole so that the water goes through. >> clerk: thank you, that
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concludes your public comment. can window i want to say, i support this because i have a to put an adu in the back yard. so he's trying to its so condo loud ated. he was looking to move into that and. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker please. >> speaker: good afternoon, chair melgar and supervisors, john we do have concerns however that conforming with lawyer milloy state law the city may need to let go of went
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and viable points in scoring san francisco against state. on the line is $200 million in transit for projects in district 6, in 2i69 7. the nine block project that is a project, my phone is not working right here. if san francisco loses its prohousing egg des i go nailt, it would be state overall we agree with president peskin, this real states how some are not count, irony is abound and
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under to recognize the local jurisdiction must be able to assert self determination to get development right as we produce and protect affordable housing and protect displace. and the people that they wefsh will only there is healthy tension that has come together to help support this situation, they have been talking to spur and hack and we need to plan affective italy and a hopele lao we can disagree but find demon. do we have anything else that with madam chair. >> okay, supervisor preston. >> thank you, chair melgar. i just want to comment on what
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i think mr. avenue loss ha severed president peskin has spoken to some of it's funny when things get normalized into our conversation, great success, propaganda efforts but we went from the conveniencing of the term pro housing by developer lobbyist to the adoption of that term by our local and then national immediate ya, thanks to a well funded organizing campaign online to normalize the term pro housing to klaep pro market rate deregulation requirement. the two having that work its
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way and in the last few years where we just throw around the term, as if pro housing somehow means something here. and let's be clear that the prohousing designation that i put in quotes here, kudos to the reshaping of language. but our pro housing designation, is not at-risk based on our failure to go forward, that is what is so troubling about how this term is. so it's as risk as i said at prior hearing based on the levels of deregulating and answering market rate housing that is not affordable. so our pro housing is not at-risk because this
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administration refuse to see spend over hundreds of millions of thatser of prop i funding on affordable housing. we don't see the state intervening and say you're not prohousing because you're not using these funds for affordable house hading. you don't see the states spring into action. i don't see them weighing in here yet on whether we should build affordable housing on a city owned affordable housing site where the city has been promising now for decades and reneging on promises but we don't get a wanger letter that the administration that if we don't act on that and build 100 units of affordable house hading were not prohousing, right. we don't get that kind of wanger letter when the administration reneges a plan. and the list can go on.
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i don't want to normalize on how the state wants acts. i also want to point out that for a lot of advocates who site these deadlines and these threats from the state, as if they came out of no w i just want to be clear that these are the same advocates that advocated for the same policies that create this absurd system where the state conditions our affordable housing and transportation money on the extent to which we deregulate and streamline the production of unaffordable housing. and i want to separate that from the legitimate question about streamlining and incentivizing market rate house hading. that's a fair discussion to have in our city. but there is something very
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sick about a system that, that conditions affordable housing money on how effectively the city creates housing that is not affordable ho most working people and that is the system created by the real estate lobby that, the sfnb and other groups that are here and real estate interest in the capitol. that's how we end up with this. when we hear this testimony over and over again, we're putting thesing things at-risk. yes, these things are at-risk because of a system that you lobbied for, and created that is underlining affordable housing in san francisco as president pointed out in this case undermining rent control protections on adus. so i think if we were in
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another context, sometimes people have trouble if we had the state withholding funds for hospitals that serve low income people, based on how efficiently the that would be absurd withhold funding for hospitals deliberating critical medical care to low income people based on pro health. and the question on pro health is how quickly do they allow upscale clinics how quickly do they allow them to be permitted? the absurdedly of that situation, that goes beyond the adu question before us. but i think that when we have these presentations, public
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comment and now in state law, and the threats from the state, we have to recognize where that comes from and how damaging it is to efforts locally to create affordable housing. >> thank you, mr. clerk, reminded me i had failed to close public comment. so public comment on this item is now closed. so do you want to make a motion member vice president preston. >> yes, i would like to first duplicate the file and then a meaned the file to add all the green and yellow, thank you attorney millmich of things that first discussed.
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that would be my first and the amendment to amend the original file has been made. >> motion has been offered to amend the original file, on that motion, vice chair preston. preston, aye. member peskin. >> aye. >> chair melgar. >> aye. >> clerk: three ayes to amend the original file. >> okay, then i would like to make a motion to continue the amended original file to the call of the chair pending its rereferral to planning and their recommendation there on and i guess that requires a roll call. >> clerk: on the motion offered by member peskin that the original file be continued to the call of the chair as amended. on that motion, preston? aye. melgar. >> aye. >> clerk: madam chair, there
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are three ayes once again. >> and then as to the duplicated file i would like to continue that one week to incorporate the amendments that we started and stopped so that we can vote on those hopefully next week and refer that to plan to go catch up with the file that we just rereferred. so motion to continue the duplicated file one week. >> clerk: as it duplicated contains no amendments. >> correct. >> clerk: on the motion offered by member peskin that the duplicated file now be continued to february 12, press ten aye, member peskin. >> aye. >> chair melgar. >> aye. >> clerk: chair there are three ayes once again. >> okay, that motion passes. let's go to our last item number 5, please mr. clerk. >> clerk: just a moment while i
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correct a few things on my notes. very good. agenda item number 5 is an ordinance amending planning code to continue alley waive certain fees for projects along the corridor of the downtown rail extension affirming the planning department's consistency. >> okay, thank you we have the staff >> speaker: thank you, representing supervisor dorsey the sponsor of this legislation. coordination between the city and tjpa and the developer to get a deal structure that is really a win-win to every one. this supports our ambitious goals to build more housing,
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particularly this legislation pertaining to central and to support the tjpa's portal project. through the chair, we have a presentation on the legislation from monica from the planning department and t.j. pa. >> >> speaker: thank you so much madison. today i'm joined by lee from the mayor's office economic and workforce development and we'll provide a brief overview of the ordinance as well as a recompany of the recommendation. the ordinance for your recommendation would amend to allow projects located along the downtown rail extension also known as the pouredable to continue al wave or reduce their assess transportation sustainability fees and infrastructure impact fees. on december 14th, 20 23, the
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commission passed a resolution to amending to the board of supervisors and determination under the california environmental quality act, made findings of consistency with the general plan and the policies of code, 101.1. and welfare pursuant. the commission did not request any modification to the ordinance as proposed. in recommending their approval they found that the waivers given in general money is disbursed to the impact fee and transportation sustainability fee, and transportation related projects and that partnership with t.j. pa, naturally supports the respective fee funds overall goals of improving and increasing safe options and supporting
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infrastructure in the city. like wise, the ordinance would encourage development projects that would likely require specific approaches to avoid any impact to the portal projects. this project that was provided for us, shows the path period of time portal which takes an l.shape.
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>> speaker: good afternoon, supervisors my name is cameron robin, i work with the operating engineers that, the operators locate at 3 supports the downtown fee waiver, the waiver of fees for qualifying projects in the central plan area can stimulate economic activity and creates opportunities. waiting to instruction projects and ultimately the transformative project of the downtown extension tunnel. these are important projects for our members. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments. do we have anything?
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madam chair. >> okay, public comment on this item is now closed. thank you very much for the presentation. i would like to make a motion to send this item out of committee with a positive recommendation. >> clerk: on the motion offered by chair melgar to be sent stott board of supervisors with a positive recommendation. vice chair preston. >> aye. >> peskin. >> aye. >> chair melgar. >> aye. >> clerk: madam chair, we have three ayes. >> do we have any other items on the agenda. >> clerk: there is no further business. >> thank you, we are adjourned. thank you.
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[♪♪♪] >> i really believe that art should be available to people for free, and it should be part of our world, you shouldn't just be something in museums, and i love that the people can just go there and it is there for everyone. [♪♪♪] >> i would say i am a multidimensional artist. i came out of painting, but have also really enjoyed tactile properties of artwork and tile
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work. i always have an interest in public art. i really believe that art should be available to people for free, and it should be part of our world. you shouldn't just be something in museums. i love that people can just go there, and it is there for everyone. public art is art with a job to do. it is a place where the architecture meets the public. where the artist takes the meaning of the site, and gives a voice to its. we commission culture, murals, mosaics, black pieces, cut to mental, different types of material. it is not just downtown, or the big sculptures you see, we are in the neighborhood. those are some of the most beloved kinds of projects that really give our libraries and recreation centers a sense of
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uniqueness, and being specific to that neighborhood. colette test on a number of those projects for its. one of my favorites is the oceanview library, as well as several parks, and the steps. >> mosaics are created with tile that is either broken or cut in some way, and rearranged to make a pattern. you need to use a tool, nippers, as they are called, to actually shape the tiles of it so you can get them to fit incorrectly. i glued them to mash, and then they are taken, now usually installed by someone who is not to me, and they put cement on
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the wall, and they pick up the mash with the tiles attached to it, and they stick it to the wall, and then they groped it afterwards. [♪♪♪] >> we had never really seen artwork done on a stairway of the kinds that we were thinking of because our idea was very just barely pictorial, and to have a picture broken up like that, we were not sure if it would visually work. so we just took paper that size and drew what our idea was, and cut it into strips, and took it down there and taped it to the steps, and stepped back and looked around, and walked up and down and figured out how it would really work visually. [♪♪♪] >> my theme was chinese heights because i find them very beautiful. and also because mosaic is such
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a heavy, dens, static medium, and i always like to try and incorporate movement into its, and i work with the theme of water a lot, with wind, with clouds, just because i like movements and lightness, so i liked the contrast of making kites out of very heavy, hard material. so one side is a dragon kite, and then there are several different kites in the sky with the clouds, and a little girl below flying it. [♪♪♪] >> there are pieces that are particularly meaningful to me. during the time that we were working on it, my son was a
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disaffected, unhappy high school student. there was a day where i was on the way to take them to school, and he was looking glum, as usual, and so halfway to school, i turned around and said, how about if i tell the school you are sick and you come make tiles with us, so there is a tile that he made to. it is a little bird. the relationship with a work of art is something that develops over time, and if you have memories connected with a place from when you are a child, and you come back and you see it again with the eyes of an adult, it is a different thing, and is just part of what makes the city an exciting place. [♪♪♪]
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you're watching san francisco rising with chris manors. today's special guest is jeff tumlin. >> hi, i'm chris manors and you're watching san francisco rising. the show on starting, rebuilding, and reimagining our city. our guest is jeff tumlin and he's with us to talk about our transportation recovery plan and some exciting projects across the city. mr. tumlin welcome to the show. >> thank you for having me. >> i know the pandemic was particularly challenging for the m.t.a. having to balance between keeping central transportation routes open, but things have improved. how are we doing with our transportation recovery plan? >> so we just got good news this week. we're getting an extra $115 million from the american rescue plan and this is basically the exact amount of money we finally needed in
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order to close the gap between now and november of 2024 when we'll have to find some additional revenue sources in order to sustain the agency. in the meantime, i finally have the confidence to be able to rapidly hire, to restore services and to make sure muni is there for san francisco's larger economic recovery because downtown san francisco doesn't work without muni. >> quite right. i guess the other impact of the pandemic was that some projects like the valencia bike improvements had to be put on hold. are we starting to gear up on those again? >> yes, so it's an interesting case study. of right before covid hit, we were about ready to invest in quick build bike lanes. arguably the most important bike order in san francisco. that got stopped with lockdown
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and then as you'll recall, during covid, we invented all kinds of other new programs like shared spaces in order to support our small businesses as well as sunday street light events for neighborhood commercial streets where streets were closed off to cars and turned over to commercial activity. those successes now that they've been made permanent actually interrupt the draft design we had put together. so we've gone back to the drawing board and we are looking forward to having some additional community conversations about other design ideas for valencia. we're committed to completing a quick build project on this calendar year. >> that's such good news. valencia is a really great street for biking. so there are two huge and exciting projects that are about to be or have just been completed. let's talk about the bus rapid transit project on van ness avenue. how extensive have the improvements been? >> what's called the van ness
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transit rapid project is in fact more about complete reconstruction of the street and most importantly, the 100-year-old utilities underneath the street. so all of the water, sewer, telecommunications, gas lines under the street were basically rebuilt from market street all the way to lumbard. the part on the surface which provides dedicated bus lanes for golden gate transit and muni, that was relatively straight forward and we're so excited we're going to start revenue service for muni on april 1st. >> that's fantastic. i understand there were some sidewalk improvements too. >> there were sidewalk improvements. we planted 374 trees. there is new storm water treatment including infiltration in the sidewalk, there's a bunch of art.
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there's all kinds of things. we put in new street lights for the entire corridor. >> finally, the other big news is about the central subway. can you briefly describe the project and give us an update. >> yes, so the central t-line project, another stop at union square that connects directly into powell station and a final stop in the heart of chinatown at stockton and washington. that project has also run into challenges. it's 120' under muni, under bart, 120' down and out under chinatown in some unexpectedly challenging soils. but that project is nearly complete. it's at about 98% completion right now which means we're
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testing trains, we're testing the elevators and escalators and the final electronics and we're still on track to open that in october presuming all of the testing continues to go well. so fingers crossed on in a one. we're really looking forward to allowing people to have a subway ride from the heart of chinatown all the way to the convention center to the caltrans station and all the way down to bayview and visitation valley. >> it's great to see all these projects coming to completion. we're all grateful for your team's hard work and i really appreciate you coming on the show, mr. tumlin. thank you for the time you've given us today. >> my pleasure. thanks for having me. >> and that's it for this episode. for sfgov tv i'm chris manors. thanks for watching.
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>> i'm connie chan district one supervisor and welcome to the richmond. >> i'm an immigrant and came to san francisco china town when i was 13 years old with my mom and brother. my first job is at the community organizer for public safety with san francisco state. and land in the city hall and became a legislative aid to sophie maxwell. went through city departments when kamala harris was our district attorney i'm proud to represent the richmondad district supervisor.
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[music] we have great neighborhood commercial corridors that need to be protected. the reason why we launched the neighborhood business for supporting the [inaudible] for 15 years special more. we have the legacy business program the business around for 30 years or more and thought, you know, we gotta make sure the next generation contains for generations to come. am i'm ruth the owner of hamburger haven we came back on july 11. we were opened in 1968 at that time i believe one of the owners of mestart today went through a guy named andy in the early 70s and my father took it mid 70s.
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>> originally was just a burger joint. open late nights. then it changed over the years and became the breakfast staple. we specialize in breakfast, brunch come lunch now. i love this neighborhood. i grew up here. and it feels like home. i walk down the block and recognize people of people say hello. you say hello you talk and joke. has that familiar environment that is enjoyable and i have not experienced anywhere else. there are many things i would like to see improve ams the things we might see are making sure that our tenants stay housed our small business in tact and those are the solutions that will contain to push to make sure that you know our communities can take root, stay
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and thrive. >> i'm proud of you know, welcoming folks to the richmond. everyone loch its we got farmer's market every sunday there. the you see really business at the noaa. ice cream at toy folks and going to chop for book like green apple. and that's when you like the deal is pizza place haall families love. you will see a lot of great chinese shops that is readily available for everyone. >> and that is just thein are richmond there is more to do in the richmond. what is love is the theatre. >> i mean adam and with my wife jamie, own little company called cinema sf we operate the balboa theatre. the vocabularying theatre on
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sacramento and soon the 4 star on clement. >> balboa theatre opened in 1926 and servicing this outer richmond neighborhood since then. and close on the heels the 4 star opens since 1913. >> when you come in to a movie theatre, the rest of the world has to be left behind. but you get e mersed in the world that is film makers made for you. that is a special experience to very much we can all think of the movies that we saw in the big screen of with everybody screaming or laughing or crying. it is a shared human experience that you get when you go in to places that are gatherings and artist presented to you. >> a shared experience is the most precious. and the popcorn. [laughter]. at the balboa especially, we
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stroif to have movies for people of every generation from the pop corn palace movies on the weekend mornings, for families and kids. this is for everybody of all ages. >> what is great about the richmond is it is a neighborhood of the immigrants. belongs to immigrants not ap i immigrants you will see that there are also a huge population of rush wrans and ukrainian immigrants they stay united you am see that the support they lend to each other as a community. and cinderella bakery is another legacy business. if you go on the website it is known as a russian bakery. the first thing you see their pledge to support the ukrainian community. you will see the unity in the richmond i'm so proud of our
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immigrant community in the rich monthed. >> my dad immigrate friday iran the reason he stayed was because of the restaurant. has more centamential value it is the reasonable we are in this country. when he had an opportunity to take over the instruct he stayed that is why we are here part of our legacy and san francisco history and like to keep it going for years to come. >> another moment i'm proud to be supporting the richmond and the only asian american woman elect in the office and as an immigrant that is not happen nothing 3 decades. you see it is my ability to represent especially the asian-american community. in my case the chinese speaking elders in our community that really can allow me to
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communicate with them directly. i'm program director of adult day centers. i have been here for 7 years i love to help the communities and help and the people with disability. i foal a connection with them. i am anim grant i love helping our community and new immigrants and improvements. >> if you want nature, richmond is the neighborhood to go we are between ocean beach heights and golden gate park. >> i love the outer richmond. for me this is the single best neighborhood in san francisco. everybody knows each other. people have been living here forever. it is young and old. the ocean is really near by.
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and so there is that out doors ocean vibe to it. there are places to seat golden gate bridge it is amazing. businesses are all small mom and pop businesses. houses get passed down generation to generation. it has a small town feel but you know you are in a big city at the same time. it's got a unique flavor i don't see in other neighborhoods j. it is about being inclusive we are inclusive and welcome the communities, anybody should feel welcome and belong here and shop local, eat local. we believe that with that support and that network it come in full circle. it is passing on kinds knows. that's when richmond is about that we are together at once. welcome to the richmond. [music]
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>> good afternoon and welcome to the february 6, 2024 san francisco board of supervisors meeting. madam clerk, please call the roll. >> thank you mr. president. chan, present. dorsey, present. engardio, present. mandelman, present.