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tv   BOS Rules Committee  SFGTV  February 12, 2024 10:00am-1:00pm PST

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the meeting will come to order the february 12 rules meeting i'm hillary ronen chair and joined by walton. our clerk is victor young. i would like to thank for broadcast. >> public comment will be taken on each item. lineup to speak on your rival rules clerk at victor. young city hall 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place san
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francisco, california. >> make sure to silence electronics. documents to be included as part of the [inaudible] should be submitted. actions will be on the supervisor board agenda. unless otherwise stated. read item 4 >> item 4 ordinance amending the code to authorize public health to behavioral health and residential care and treatment services for patients of the department without guarantee the competitive solicitation or accident enterprise requirements of the coached good morning. supervisor walton. greg department of public health hoping for a better hearing this
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morning but business continues. so. as you >> we have legislation requesting additional flexibility to be able to procomputer behavioral health and public health care and treatment beds in but probably more frequently outside of the county. to meet what we know as a very urgent need. we have been working for montes and wherevers to expand the supply of treatment beds of various types. come to the conclusion this in many cases there are obviously very good reasons for the rule bunkham laws we have arnold procurement, they are not fitting the need given the market for the beds. well is an under supply and a lot of demand for beds in many cases we have providers and beds available when did in the
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anticipate in the competitive process. and they make its challenging for us to figure out how to purchase the beds in a timely way. that's creating service gaps. time delay in getting people the treatment we know that they need. there are slides on the laptop. >> sfgovtv could you show the slides. >> thank you. upon at the heart of the request of this ordinance is a competitive solicitation waiver. we would continue to use competitive solicitations, rfp and rfq's but the question healered give us the option in case we find beds available that a provider had not competes in processes to enter in contract negotiations within the confines
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of this ordinance of we understand that this is a serious act and don't make it lightly we attempts to put constraints around the scope to have the ability to monitor the usage of the request and used appropriately. reporting obligations including reportoth usage. our health commission oversight. we have the regular contracting process that would still apply including contract compliance, oversight and the state and federal licensing regulation and clinical oversight of the use of the beds. while this would wave the competitive process and certain cases, we would have controls and oversight over the services. the legislation includes sunset
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prosecute vision in 5 years. what we expect that this would do is expand our capacity for needed behavioral health beds tailored to the needs of our client catharsis hard to find. they could include subacute complex license treatment beds. substance use service. with drawl management am step down and others, this solid provide us the ability when we require isolation and quarantine beds that are unpredictable and time sensitive to quickly procure those beds. goals. again are to reduce waste wait time, increase diversity. flexibility and finding the right bed for the right client at the right time. and speedup and stream line the administrative process for procurement of service.
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i will leave it and happy to answer questions. and my clothes and public health are here. >> thank you. supervisor waltonful thank you for the presentation. i have a question. why do real have to waist requirement sns so. right now for the services we have an active lb program. for these they are waived entail. so we will submit they are cbo contracts. they don't have service in the categories of the lbe's. we take the administrative step to submit to cmd but waved entail. an xr step in the process that does not result in any expansion of the lbe program. we will continue to work to expand lbe usage in a number of other areas this . is not the target these are not the target
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service for our lbe program. i want to i'm a cosponsor i continuing is important. we have not reached the 4 huh human beds we are trying to procure because partially the burdensome requirements. there are not enough beds anything we do to make it easier. is important at this point given a huge crisis we have in behavioral health in the city.
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thank you for being here. can you i know you said in the presentation. what is the average time once you have the beds procured the average time it takes to get someone in a bed? >> i will ask doctor conin to speak to that. why i'm asking that question because i'm happy to support you waiving the fees i continue is a competitive market we have to move quickly to secure the beds. big crist simples i heard from providers that work with san francisco is it takes a long time to get people in the beds. once they are available. i know that currently there are some this might not be filled or in the process of being filled. i want to talk about that on the records for a moment. i will support this today i appreciate this you allment to move quickly and think we mode to do this. and i upon want to upon talk about what the process is you go
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through to get beds filled and how long it takes that is a piece of the problem as well. >> hillary, behavioral health. thanks for your kweshg supervisor safai. i think the answer to that question is there are diversity to that answer. so for example when we procure single or handful of beds typically had this legislation is aim to address is our shortage of look subacute beds. the time frame they are already operational. already staffed. there is processes. in place to place folks. and that should be rapid. we are opening a new service type it might take time for there to be appropriate
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staffing, assessment of appropriate clients. and change in work flows. our goal is to expedite this. we don't want unused service. we want to expedite our ability to offer appropriate placements for as many as possible. >> i understand this. that should be the goal. do you all have an information on what your average time to fill beds are. >> i think. if you don't have it today it would be helpful to have this. i have spoken to service providers and say it is extreme low difficult, they work around the bay area. san francisco is the most difficult ones to deal with when it come to referrals to get people in beds. can you spend a minute telling us about that? i will add also that perhaps we can follow up to get this feedback from the providers so we can problem solve the
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specifics there. i think i will get back to you with more information. hard to generalize. >> can i ask, did our process this we have to have someone assigned as a case manager before they can be referred to a bed? >> there is what we call autilization management review for many beds not all. this is required by the state. and to determine medical necessity under medical rules. this is federal and state. >> my question is some counties allow the providetory have the manager working with them. do we require it to be someone city and county and is there a backlog in a signing? i don't believe well is a backlog. i believe i will get back there
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are federal and state regulations about separation of who is making an assessment for a placement and who is doing the place am. the separation of the 2 functions and again it sounds like you have feedback and i'm happy to fix it. >> yea. i'm happy to work with you. the biggest frustation i have with your department is we have resources, providers that some do things well. some don't. we are in the proisz. getting as many in the service as we can. whether homeless or mental health and it is sometimes our count theis somewhat of a backlog or the wrong providers chosen. we have a lot of empty beds there. in some cases. and not providing the services
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we need. i wanted say that to get on the record i'm happy to support n. i think it is important we have the ability to move quick low we don't want to lose on the opportunity to compete. i think the efficiencies within our own is manage to way a lot of attention to which i think that is one of the areas i don't think we are doing as well as we could. thank you, chair. >> thank you, doctor. >> thank you very much. we will open for public comment. >> yes. members of public who wish to speak shall lineup at this time. each speaker will be aloud 2 minutes there will be chime at 30 seconds and louder when your time has expired. if there is anybody headline like to public comment approach at this time there are no speakers >> public comment is closed. i would like to make i motion to send to the board with positive
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recommendation. >> on that motion. vice chair walton. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair ronen. >> aye. >> the motion passes to sends this merit to the board of supervisors as a committee report. >> motion passes unanimously. >> thank you very much >> thank you. >> mr. check read item one. >> item one is a motion approving rejecting the major's nomination reappointment of lydia to the successor oversight board ending january 24, 2028. >> and i see mr. ms. ely here would you like to say anything? >> good morning. supervisors lydia ely deputy for housing at mayor's office of
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housing and community development and serving on the oversight board for the last few years. please do resubmit my nomination for another term. i have been with ocd since 2009 and now as deputy one of my responsibility its aline our pipeline with ocii pipeline. the oversight board is not make policy or program recommendations. our responsibilities are narrow nan low to approve recognize payment standard drops submitted to the state. it is essentially a list of all the outstanding obligations that ocii has as it continues to wind down the operations. in the left year i have been pleased approve a line item it that is moving forward thifrngs to passage of ab93 thrsz ocii to
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complete over 5,000 additional units of replacement housing. and that was passed by the legislator and signed by the goner in 2023. and ocii is starting to dot planning work to get those units built. and working with ocd on aligning pipeline and priorities. so, it has been my pleasure and i hope you will consider my nomination for another term. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> questions? i have a question . >> thank you. thank you for putting your name forward. i have a question. in terms of the area that ocii has jurisdiction or concentration, can you name the neighborhoods this is in? i know the mission bay is one. the areas are transbay, mission bay and candlestick, hunter's
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point the 3 outstanding areas. >> no long are the fillmore western edition. >> no. >> you all have conversations about any of the work this happened there in the past, no longer under purview of ocii. i mean with the passage of sb93, which is a direct acknowledgment of the agency, the redevelopment sxaejs now ocii on going obligation to replace housing that was demolish in the those neighborhoods; i think there is intention and again in cooperation with ocd and other housing delivery agency in the city to see what opportunity there are to site this replace am housing and those neighborhoods. >> the reason i ask is buzz we are going through a situation now with a former redevelopment site that was scold to safe way
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in 81 for equal what would be single family home in san francisco today. within.5 million they had planned to try to sell this site. and there were homes and businesses that were displaced there. and this now is trans action was good intention original low for a market. and now is being sold by that market to a private developer. i wonder if there is conversation ocii or redevelopment with sb93, there should be a conversation about replacing the housing that was lost. it is a large acreage in the former redevelopment site. it is i good opportunity for there to be a good amount of affordable housing i wanted your thoughts on that. >> i thank you transaction took place long enough there is no long are opportunity for ocii to
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transact on that site. i think big are picture your ment about replacing housing that was displaced by that development and other redevelopment activities is time low. i don't believe ocii is intending to issue bonds under the sb593 authorization until fiscal year 25-26. so there is a timing issue. if anybody is interested in launching a housing use at that site they would have to be other funds identified. just so the timing does not align at the moment. jot reason i bring it up again, even though the obligation might be technically gone. i think the obligation still exists for this community. that was devastated biby
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redevelop the here is an opportunity with policy and plan to regain what was lost. i don't think that the best use of that ref resource that grocery store is now saying they will close weapon a year. an tlunt in a large site to do work. i wanted to put it out there. could be a chants for ocii through >> thank you, do you have questions. thank you for you will your work and appreciate you for everything you do. on therapy role and mohcd. why thank you very much, supervisor. >> absolutely. >> and now -- one more question. there is one more seat vacant do you know since you other mayor's office of housing do you know yet, seat is vacant >> i do not.
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i'm sorry. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you very much. can we open up for public comment? >> yes. members who wish to speak lineup to speak. each be allowed 2 minutes. if you would like to speak you can approach at this time. >> well is not public comment. >> public comment is closed. i like to make a motion to move the word rejecting from page 1 line 3 and reject from page 2 line 11. and send to the board with positive recommendationch >> on the motion to recommend as amended vice chair walton. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair ronen. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> pass unanimously. thank you. mr. clerk read item 2. >> yes.
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item 2 a hear to consider appointmenting 2 member ending december 13, 26 to the housing stability fund over site board. >> thank you. and i don't believe edward parrillon is here but alex? >> i am not edward but he asked me. as chair i'm authorizing to speak on his behalf >> thank you very much >> good morning i'm alex i'm here speak on behalf of ed parrillon. i'm going to read you what he sent to mow. good morning, thank you to the members of the rules for take the time to consider my appointment. to the housing stability fudged owner sight board i'm edward parrillon and working in
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affordable housing 10 years worked in san francisco and the bay area. over 1,000 homes for low income families i work in an organization focused on permanent housing and i see how critical local financial support can be. for those projects sandwich capitol and operating deficits require local governments step inspect to ensurety vulnerable neighbors can remain houses. as a represent on the hsob i hope to fwling expertise to the table and work with my members to develop models for husbanding this are creative. plexable and sustainable and accountable to residents and all in san francisco thank you for your consideration. and in case wonder he is a friends mine and limp in d9 on again/off again of south of caesar chavez.
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>> thank you very much. >> any questions or comments? were can we open this item up for public comment. members who wish to speak can lineup at this time. each speaker will be allowed 2 minutes. there is no public commenteros this matter >> public comment is closed. i would like to make a motion appointing edward parrillon i'm say nothing spanish i should not be to seat 4 with positive recommendation. >> on that motion, vice chair walton. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair ronen. >> aye. >> that motion passes without objection. >> motion passing unanimously. thank you. >> last, read item 3. >> item 3 a hear to consider apoishlting a member term ending
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july first, 26 and one july first of 27 to the entertainment commission. >> and we'll start with seat one. if anthony sclander here? >> come up. >> either one. hello. good morning. good morning. i'm anthony sclander advocate for san francisco diverse communities and applying for seat 1 of the entertainment commission. as a native of san francisco my roots run deep. and cultural. you see significant events the rich diversity and history.
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my coming in san francisco extends beyond intament. deeply community service. a long standing member of the city eats we hope this will be helpful a million moles to those in need.
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the superbowl came back and i'm a lot more energetic. thank you for listening. >> you are not alone. i think this you speak for the whole city will be the lowest energy day of our lives. i am enthusiastic! >> we hear you. >> anyone have questions? >> yea. we will -- >> you are appointed to the commission? >> pret much bring diverse communities together. again i -- could applied for seat one and two because half my life spent in community service
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and entertainment. being on the commission i am irrelevant excited work with other commissioners and see what we can grow and help support the city. 24 be a great year for entertainment. in the city and i remment to support can again use what resource, experience i can to help the commission. >> great. >> thank you >> thank you. >> i will ask questions after to each. >> now >> i wanted ask i'm sorry. what is your favorite entertainment venue. >> i'm a fan of live entertainment especially sports we are talking sports the chase center. >> but historically i supported most low small businesses. i am a big fan of venues like the midway.
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and temple has done a great job in san francisco. i worked with every single small business venue in san francisco this is tough to play firsts or anything like that. but i feel like mid way does i great job in diverse programming and 1015 folsom is great we will lost a few clubs. it is now >> what is going on in the city as far as night life am so >> it sayos your application you did 250 events annually precovid.
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there were porting. accept nears know day life any type of events you can think of i was producing. we do corporate events and do food festivals. night markets i'm filipino we do agot of food and eatingy those are my favorite. this year i'm focused on the community stuff. the cull roll stuff especially you know upon just summer i think the pandemic put a hold on me. because weez all want to do our challenges with having to produce events now that -- we are free to -- produce events you know without restriction, i think this is why this year is important to me. >> great. i will say, the fact you were comborn raised in excelsior.
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how could i not support you. [laughter]. thank you. chair >> thanks for what you do it is amazing i wanted give you the opportunity to say more of when you had in your humble, i appreciate. 250 events annualet different small businesses that is when we need the backbone. gi appreciate that. >> and to add we hosted and supported 4 watch parties yesterday. and probably had 6,000 people between the 4 or 5. the outcome was not when we wanted but the community came together there were all in san francisco and different districts all the small businesses made money. it was safe and makes me proud and happy. >> thank you. >> hold on a second. supervisor walton. >> thank you, i was going to wait seems the right time to jump in and let the record show you mentioned d10 as his favorite. i was trying to push him.
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>> but. i wanted take the time to say twhoon i appreciate you stepping and up willing to serve someone with your talents i think we need on the entertainment commission. fact you worked with so many businesses here in the city and bringing lens to trying to of course make our economy get become to where we used to be and making sure night life is boom nothing san francisco. so i wanted to say thank you for willing to step up and looking forward to working with you. and the rest of the commission as we dot work of continuing to increase night life and bring more back to the city. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> that was the easy part now come the hard part. we have 4 applicants for one seat. seat 2 the qualifications are
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must representative the entertainment association or groups. and i will call a ajainicloe duncan up first. >> good morning >> good morning >> how are you. >> thank you. thank you for having me. so, i'm a retired dj and also retired dancer. i moved up to san francisco from los angeles. i'm a queer black woman. i have been in the night life scene for 18 years, i'm work happening on my social worker degree and about to start my hours. i have done a lot of community activism as well. mere and also up in portland. i lived here for 10 years and then moved up to port land and i have been back working on my degree. and i am an active member with
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the harvey myl k club and bay air work are support and national association of social workers. within this i worked with lacosta. doing volve tear and st. james. and one of my biggest activism projects that i worked on was actually getting 27 strip clubs in oregon to comply with black dancers and transdancers in order torgo through sexual assault training and antiracism trinning and holds clubs, countable and turned a nonprofit there. and i bring that to the entertainment commission as limp my strife to hold businesses more, countability and also i just want to see our city operating until 2 at night again. i feel like a lot of bars
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sometimes are notteen open on sunday or monday anymore. would be noise to see our night life community become to how it was and also coming from an entertainer side of it, i wed with larger organizations within the city. i know how they operate and i would love to work with them and bring our city become to the buzz i felt yesterday afternoon before pregame for the game. >> thank you. are there questions? >> no. no. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> i will, i'm sorry. when is your favorite venue in the city. >> there are a few. >> i like great american music hall. why great. making a come back.
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making a come back. a lot of investment it is beautiful as well. >> thank you. >> so much >> next, is bench min mc graph? hello. welcome. how are you? good morning i apologize if i'm low energy today. i was bar tending yesterday. obviously that was an emotionally and physically fax shift today is my 18 year anniversary live nothing san francisco in the night life industry for all of the 18 years. specific low working and or manager queer embarrass, the stud and i'm at l view and oasis. starring as a bar tendser and event plan and management and become to bar tending i bring a unique skill set as a work and management. i believe one of the bandwidth
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skill sets is the ability to calmly deal with many folk in heightened emotional situation i knowledge everthink a simple task of deescalation is not easy. foible low i believe being a transperson in the industry gives me a point of view not intiftant on the board. in closing i wanted say i happen to know all the people running. i think they are all phenomenonal quality people. i consider many of them close friends it is board will be served having any one of us on the seat. >> thank you that is the hardest decision. >> a hard task. they are all good people. you will be okay. i want to say my legislative aid jackie has been stressing over this >> i can imagine you would not believe. it is the best of the best applied for the seats. >> thanks for saying that. this is impossible decision we have before us. did you want to ask your
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question. >> what is your favorite venue. >> i mean. it is hard when you bartend. i have been in san finish for 20 years and i wanted work at elrio the entire time. and getting the opportunity to work there after the pandemic i got hired on had they reopened it was a dream. a wonderful venue and space and i think you have been there before and it is nice my favorite place. >> thank you very much. why thank you very much. >> now i know christopher was in the able to be here we have someone here who will speak on his behalf. good morning. >> hi. i'm not chris i'm julian. >> thank you for coming. ? sends his apologies. so i will read this. i'm chris hastings i apologize i'm not able to be here in
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person. why i'm interested in the position on the entertainment commission and thank julian for taking the time to come and read the statement. i have been working entertainment and night life for 30 years over 20 plus here in san francisco. i'm a bay area native and uc berkley graduate. own and operate 3 businesses in san francisco. i live instead same apartment on lexington in the mission for 20 years. rots in the city are sdpeep passion and the industry. i worked in restaurants in college to pifor my education it turned to vocation this shaped my life. never my intention to spend my career in the industry. teaching high school and through other career paths i kept a not in the door having a side job in the summer or weekends work nothing bars and instructs and threeing parties. this transformed my profession.
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works in restaurant and bars. thrown parties. produced street closures if party and organized small scale concerts. i'm proud of my business i start in the 2007. i'm grateful to look at management team and the staff have been well in the entire 17 years something unusual for the industry and speak its my leadership and the work culture create thered. i'm proud of the work the business does with the community raising 150 thousand dollars a year on average for various community organizations. i opened with jill yen in 2020 is following in the footsteps surviving the pandemic and thriving and embedding in the mission lbgtq+ and irish community. [inaudible]. i understand the needs promoters
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i cut my teeth throwing [inaudible]. under [inaudible] parties and doing that all over san francisco. learning the pitfalls and challenge this is come with this -- and graduating to threeing dance events in clubs throughout the city in the san francisco and bay. later i helped credit the disco coalition for queer night life. started and organized public events. during the pandemic i started the art mart on no and he i'm involved in planning and orchestration. when started as an a assessment for community then month low events on holidays complete with live entertainment and children activities i created and organized the [inaudible] run under upon [inaudible] fun run and block matter raises 100,000 a year for san francisco aids
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foundation. project reading fast] i have worked as a consultant to help others navigate. the past decade of my career a shift in developing young arent preneuros to realize dreams my expertise in my ability to navigate the challenges the city places in front of inspect operators. allows mow to do this well and one i don't believe will run a bar or night life need to have to be successful. [reading fast].
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worked from cashier, serve, 10 and owner/operator i understand i advocate for the people who are work negligent industry as well and decision makers and ordinance. i have a view in the life of artist make a living at trades in san francisco. embedded in various community in san francisco i'm passionate about the role entertainment play in building community and crucial from a perspective to foster that. navigating 3 businesses throughout pandemic depleted me. i now feel i'm coming back renude energy to give out this position will give me a way to return to the city and industry that begin me so much.
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the decline negative low impacting the street that is revealing itself. and it is in the foreign or out of state visitors the bad press is causing people from the communals of the bay area and beyond to come in to san
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francisco less. reversing this trend will be guiding and primary objective for me if appointed i want to make it easy for entrepreneurs and perform exteriors wars to thrive in the city. i believe the city we need to put energy in supporting the things we want to see more of. and if selected that is what i will champion. the experience i have had in the industry and passion stla for will trans lit to the position if you accept my application. i apologize i can't be here to actual in personful thank you. >> thank you. i want to thank chris that was a comprehensive -- statement and honest low there cannot be a better fortunate deliver than you. thank you for coming out. thank you for running my office loves so much. my favorite venue is the stud.
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i partner there. and i know chris met his per in at lalinda. >> yes. >> thanks. i love this little shout out trends you started. and left but not least maria davis. >> hi. i'm maria davis. thank you for am considering mow today and i would like to reiterate an honor to be among the other candidates. i have lived in san francisco for 16 years. and its a city i complete low fall then love with and have a lot of hope for. i -- have been involved in night life since i was 12 and went to
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see bands. and i work in the clubs and embarrass since i was 22. so over 20 years. i have owned the stud with many others. for 7 years and i owned my wife st. mary's pub little neighborhood borrow for over 13 years i have been a one woman show. i have done everything there. including putting on dj events. fund raising events. you name it. chilly cook offs every superbowl. and -- at the stud i have -- have been when we -- took over i was -- their permit liaison and worked on getting our permits including the entertainment commission.
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and -- also did a permit for st. marys. i have also been a performer and dj in san francisco. i -- at the stud i worked on our financial over site committee. and -- so throughout my years work nothing night life in san francisco i worked on in many capacities. myself and ben took on one of the biggest beer distributors that was having unfair business practices toward smaller ash counts. they changed their policies and procedures. during the pandemic i was involved in supports night life community an advocate and member of the san francisco venue coalition. and the inspect venue alliance.
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and i was involved with both of the organizations. i was in talks with ben, mag and he rachel were ryan who is the president, and talks turned when became the jam permit. myself, rock, and honey wrote the legislation frame w for when became the night life relief fund. i also have been the chair for my fund raising chair for my child's presxoo will a proud parent of a san francisco unified school district 10 year old and i have done volunteer work with them. i have been an advocate for many causes but something important in the night life is for harm reduction and having narcan
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available. and i will say that my our stud my stud was the first bar to carry narcan. i have season conflict with night life and community but seen tremendous collaborations. i think that i have a unique perspective and experience to facilitate more collaboration. i know the struggles in the night life community in san francisco and i have never been one it watch i got involved where things i care about need help. i know upon this night live needs help now and i -- motivated and enthusiastic about step nothing and doing the things i can do and representing the night life community in the needs that we have.
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>> thank you so much. questions? >> i know the answer to the question but what is your favorite entertainment venue in the city? >> the stud. >> [laughter]. een more than st. marys. >> we are just like a peanut of a dive bar if we want to call st. mary's pub they are tied. >> supervisor walton. >> thank you, this is in the a question i it goes without saying and already said this we have a tough position now. because we have so many qualified candidates i want to thank everyone for steppingum and willing to serve. and understand this obviously there will be more opportunity. to serve in role this is benefit the city but we appreciate all of and you we have a hard decision to make as we move forward. thank you all. >> thank you. i had one question for you
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because both owners and workers now are suffering so much in the entertainment industry. i'm wondering how you would balance interests and ideas you have if you are apointed? >> i think that i -- would be there to listen. you know actually part of a rounds table on thursday with the mir and other bar owners. and -- you know i have my ideaos when we do to fix the thing helping and recover. to recover. we near recovery. it was incredible to heart creative ideas. solutions, from my colleagues. so00 eye think that being able
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to create an environment in which people's voices are heard. is important. i would absolutely continue that conversation. yea. >> thank you. >> appreciate that. thank you very much. >> and we am now open this item up for public comment. >> yes. members wishing to peek on this matter line up at this time. each allowed 2 minutes. >> good morning. i'm here to express support for aajainicloe duncan candidacy. i'm corey a representative of teamster local 856 and known through our membership i can atest to her commitment to work and the better am of our community. i had the privilege of working
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with aajainicloe on political campaigns john after loss. david compose. through the experience i witnessed her passion, dedication and effective knows of advocate for positive change. her ability to mobilize communities and commitment stood out. her volvement in the democratic club active participation and political campaigns place her understanding of the issues this matter most. >> advocacy work includes the contributions to harm reduction efforts. this alines with safe and inclusive space in night life industry. as a performer aajainicloe brings a valuable perspective to the entertainment commission. her experience as a dj and knowledge of the cox mrement isin adult entertainment provides her insight to address the needs in the city.
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her dedication to serving reflects desire to contribute to san francisco night life for performer and community activist stand point views are rot in the understanding of the challenges faced by those working in the night life sector. her presence will ensure a comprehensive approach to policy making. thank you. >> thank you very much. public comment? >> there does not appear to be other speakers zoom public comment is closed. >> colleague this is is the hardest choice that i med in a long time. this we made in a long time. we have an incredible advocate for sex work and safety. dancers with a wide incredible range of experience. we have transgender bar tendser,
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who thoughtfully acknowledged how all of these applicants are absolutely incredible. a queer bar owner in theination raises money for important causes and has been an absolute leader in the industry. and a queer public school mother and activist who pioneered carrying narcan in her dive bar. each and every one. you would make an incredible addition to the entertainment commission. i want to acknowledge we received tons of letters support for both aajainicloe and maria davis. i read all of them. and you know, colleagues, i love your help here is where i am i know someone has to say something. to make this impossible
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decision. you know i do think at this moment of time that it does make sense to have an owner of an establish am in the industry seat given how much we are in recovery. and -- i have just received a lot of recommendations for people i really respect for maia davis. and given what an impossible decision this is and that people closely related the entertainment commission who i have spoken with riff about her and her commitment. this would being my recommendation. i very, very much want to work with the rest of you around other leadership opportunity in
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san francisco. and i encourage to you apply the next time there is a seat open. but this is where i -- sit where it come to seat two and i'm very excited supporting anthony for seat one. >> supervisor safai. >> thank you, chair. >> they say heavy the head this wears the crown you are the chair of the committee. this is not an easy decision. i really appreciate thefrn came out today because a lot of times we don't have a plug are of really qualified people but sitting here thinking and listening to the experience that all of you have and each one of youeen the gentlemen not here, bring a very different perspective to this body. and i think this where we are now the reason i was asking about your favorite venue was to talk about how important night life and how important small
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businesses are to our city. and how they make san francisco unique. people in here because they want to go to the stud they want to go to elrio and go to look out. because they want to go to different pers of the city. these other thing this is make san francisco special. really appreciate all the diversity of opinions that have come today. the thing i think this out weighs the decision is because of where we are now. so many of the businesses. it was sfwog here maria talk about a round table with the mayor we have been trying to get the mayor to pay attention for 3 years talked about a rent relief fund. creating an entertainment funds this can support the businesses. i money this is work that needs to happen and needs to help immediately not just for owners but the work and creating safe
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places. that entire environment. so, i think recovery is the key. to what needs to be pushed now because of the economic environment that we are in. so, i will facility lead of the chair. today i think it is a verying difficult sdichgz all of you bring an important perspective and this is part of being on the rules committee that is not fun when you have to choose someone over someone when you can choose anyone of you. it is not empty words who is when we finalize this today thereir other opportunity. and i think the things i like body a ajainicloe her perspective is and her experience is applicable to men commissions we have here not just the entertainment commission. there are many things to work on
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status of women there is so many different commissions. that we are interface with. still in conticket with the chair special we be appointing to you something not guilty next year. i this is not an easy decision. thank you, chair. >> thank you very much. so with this i will make a motion appointing anthony icelandtory seat one and maria davis to seat 2. on this motion. vice chair walton. >> aye >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair ronen. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> passes unanimously. thank you all so, so much.
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>> mr. clerk do we have other items on the agenda today? >> there are no items on today's agenda. >> the meeting is adjourned. it.
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>> happy 30th anniversary. to san francisco's sfgovtv. congratulations sfgovtv on many, many years of serving the city and for bringing information to everyone that lives here. >> happy 30th anniversary sfgovtv i'm supervisor for district 7 thank you to the staff for 0 supporting the process to government to transparency and to making sure we celebrate >> candlestick park known also as the stick was an outdoor stadium for sports and entertainment. built between 1958 to 1960, it was located in the bayview hunters point where it was home to the san francisco giants and 49ers.
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the last event held was a concert in late 2014. it was demolished in 2015. mlb team the san francisco giants played at candlestick from 1960-1999. fans came to see players such a willie mays and barry bonds, over 38 seasons in the open ballpark. an upper deck expansion was added in the 1970s. there are two world series played at the stick in 1962 and in 198 9. during the 1989 world series against the oakland as they were shook by an earthquake. candlestick's enclosure had minor damages from the quake but its design saved thousands of lives. nfl team the san francisco 49ers played at candlestick from feign 71-2013. it was home to five-time super
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bowl champion teams and hall of fame players by joe montana, jerry rice and steve jones. in 1982, the game-winning touchdown pass from joe montana to dwight clark was known as "the catch." leading the niners to their first super bowl. the 49ers hosted eight n.f.c. championship games including the 2001 season that ended with a loss to the new york giants. in 201, the last event held at candlestick park was a concert by paul mccartney who played with the beatles in 1966, the stadium's first concert. demolition of the stick began in late 2014 and it was completed in september 2015. the giants had moved to pacific rail park in 2000 while the 49ers moved to santa clara in 2014. with structural claims and numerous name changes, many have passed through and will remember
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candlestick park as home to the legendary athletes and entertainment. these memorable moments will live on in a place called the stick. (♪♪♪)
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>> for us, we wish we had our queue and we created spaces that are active. >> food and drinks. there is a lot for a lot of folks and community. for us, it started back in 1966 and it was a diner and where our ancestors gathered to connect. i think coffee and food is the very fabric of our community as well as we take care of each other. to have a pop-up in the tenderloin gives it so much meaning. >> we are always creating
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impactful meaning of the lives of the people, and once we create a space and focus on the most marginalized, you really include a space for everyone. coffee is so cultural for many communities and we have coffee of maria inspired by my grandmother from mexico. i have many many memories of sharing coffee with her late at night. so we carry that into everything we do. currently we are on a journey that is going to open up the first brick and mortar in san francisco specifically in the tenderloin. we want to stay true to our ancestors in the
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tenderloin. so we are getting ready for that and getting ready for celebrating our anniversary. >> it has been well supported and well talked about in our community. that's why we are pushing it so much because that's how we started. very active community members. they give back to the community. support trends and give back and give a safe space for all. >> we also want to let folks know that if they want to be in a safe space, we have a pay it forward program that allows 20% to get some funds for someone in need can come and get a cup of coffee, pastry and feel welcomed in our community. to be among our community, you are always welcome here. you don't have to buy anything or get anything,
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just be here and express yourself and be your authentic self and we will always take care of you.
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>> i'm alice king this is my husband shawn kim and we other ordinance of joe's ice cream in san francisco. joe's ice cream in rich mondistrict since 1959 and we are proud to be registered a san francisco legacy business since 2017. and we offer more than 50 flavors of homemade ice cream. and delicious home style burgers, sandwiches, hot dog, salad and more. we have a lot of different ice cream flavors both classic, long forgotten but classic and asian flavor inspired flavor like 3 red bean and black and now we
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also brought the korean i'm from korea. korean coffee krooem. we mix our traditional and trendy flavors all together. shawn and i are the first generation of the immigrants here in san francisco. so as immigrants, we have a special connection to this diverse community, san francisco richmond district. so we made this place our home. that is where we are trying to build our business as a place where everybody can feel welcome like we felt when we first came here what really makes fisher or joe's ice cream we have been growing together with our community. so we support our local schools throughout the fundraiser.
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we provide job opportunity for high school, i hire them every year. built a beautiful parklet outside funded by donations from over 200 neighbors and friends and i think this really shows how joe's ice cream and our community like lives together. so -- you see our mission is to serve as a fun community hub in san francisco and richmond district. so, i hope that we can stay this way for many years.
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>> this is the housing authority of the city county of san francisco board of commissioners special meeting for february 8, 2024. it is 241 p.m. and i like to call the meeting to order. we can start off with item 2, which is roll call of commissioners starting with president torres. present. commissioner lindo, present. commissioner kim, present. commissioner pikes, present. thank you, we can go to acknowledgment of ramaytush oholone community. >> just give me a moment. if you have it there, bennett. my apologies i don't have it available right away.
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the housing authority of the city and county of san francisco we acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. thank you very much,
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bennett. >> item 4, president report. y >> i will save the president report for later in the meeting. i want to wish everyone a very happy black history month and in celebration of the only mythical creature in the lunar new year calendar the year of the dragon we celebrate on february 10, i hope you are able to take part in celebrations across the city in participation with the african american and black communities of san francisco together with api and chinese communities here in the city and county of san francisco as well. our public libraries are filled with extraordinary resources free for public, programming pr children youth and families and seniors. there is a wonderful exhibit in the children section of the main public library here in close proximity where we are and extraordinary instillations
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around black history. we look forward talking to the work we have done with community along with ceo and linda mason in conversations in the western addition part of the city as well furthering efforts to insure we are accessible and engage with community members and residents councils. thank you so much. >> thank you. we can go item 5 for general public comment. before we start i like to note the portion of the agenda isn't intended for debate or discussion. it isn't appropriate for commissioners to engage in debate in a publicly noticed agenda. if you have questions or like to send a matter send to if you are online you can raise your hand for public comment and anyone-we have speaking cards too, but looks like we have a general public comment
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here and you have two minutes per general public comments. that's okay. it is very-it seems very intimidating, it is not. please take your time. don't be nervous and we'll start the time once you begin speaking. take your time. not to worry. very welcome. thanks for coming in today. >> 2003, i walked into sfha office with [indiscernible] [difficulty hearing speaker]
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>> that's okay, take your time. >> 2022 after surgery in 2019.
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[indiscernible] [difficulty hearing speaker]
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>> absolutely. absolutely. thank you for coming. i want you to see mrs. crawford in the back here. who is coming right now, and she'll come and help. please, you come. >> hello. good afternoon. my name is david woods and i am a resident of a apartment building that is managed by tndc, and they are actually a lot of violations the management continues to do. >> which building? >> 939 eddie street is where i live. they manage both 939 eddie and
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the building next door which is 951 eddie. they also manage rosa parks and 430 turk. anyway, there is a lot of violations they continue to do for one. they manage the people and not the building. they dont manage the building, they manage the people and there is a door, a side door next to the garage that has been bolted for several months until just recently when i called the fire department and they apparently unbolted it, and we felt that was a hazard if there was a fire or something, somebody need to get out and it has been bolted several months. the tenants have been blamed for wear, disrespectful to the tenants and no confidentiality
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of the tenants. i was sitting on the steps next door and the maintenance supervisor had me to move and then a month later i was setting on the same steps and the property manager asked me what i was doing and said i was tress passing. i lived at 939 eddie since [indiscernible] no one said anything to me about it until the current management and i feel i have done nothing wrong by doing that. i feel i should get a letter of apology from them and i haven't. also back in april- >> just refresh, this is for 939 eddie, correct? >> yes. >> great. thank you. >> also in april i had knocked on the building supervisor's
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door. i was--i didn't any he lived there, but he was asking what i was doing there and i wasn't supposed to be in the building and was in violation and this and that and he said he felt like dwr was stalking him. nobody said anything about us going into building next door, nobody but him, these people and again, i should get a letter of apology for that. i haven't. don't feel it's right. residents were locked out one weekend for a whole weekend. the maintenance supervisor was leaving and he was going home. i approached him and told him about it and he said he didn't care and was leaving and wasn't on duty. >> what-thank you for coming today. we'll follow up with property management for that building in particular at 939 eddie street which we have written down both of us and follow up with them.
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is there a resident council at your building? >> there is a president. we have a president. but he's ineffective. >> understood. understood. alright. okay. great. we'll follow up on that and if you want to leave your name and contact information we'll follow up with you directly. >> yes, please do. i want to do that. >> bennett will come over right now. thank you so much. >> you're president of the housing commission? >> uh-huh. >> okay. thank you sir. >> i'm joaquin torres. >> alright. >> mr. chair and commissioners, happy black history month. [indiscernible] a secretary for jones unit ed methodist church. that is what she brought to the church so we said we would try
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to help her and we figured this may be one way to help her, so now she can go back to church and tell them i tried to help her. making me look bad. >> thank you very much. >> also newly elected to the city wide senior disabled council from the john f kennedy towers, 2451 sacramento street. i'm the vice president. former president of north beach public housing. you may be familiar with the rebuild, north beach place. north beach public housing along with your great mayor and supervisors. want to put together a [indiscernible] satisfactory to all residents. we moved to john f kennedy towers where i became the president and brought skills up there to get that community going. what i hope to do is work with you like we used to work with
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housing authority. dr. shelly [indiscernible] was ins separational starting a resident relations council. what this council did is handle situations that you don't need to handle. in other words, you have the city wide senior council organization who's responsibility is to assist residents from the associations. they actually met at city hall and sat where you sat. the associations could get a taste what it really feels like to be in the hot seat, so i hope you do revisit that and we can solve a lot of problems with training. [indiscernible] and come back with some results. i just look forward to working to make the clean safe and sanitary conditions that you know we all need and help keep
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san francisco's public housing for seniors moving forward in a good direction. >> thank you so much. we can go for public comment for ann, if you don't mind coming up to the podium? >> is there a microphone i'm supposed to use? >> you can stand there and it will pick up your voice. >> can i sit down? >> absolutely, have a seat. >> i have a letter, four copies of the same letter for the board. >> thank you. >> so, i'm ann macrelli. the issues are in the letter, but i'll give background
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context if i may. hope i don't start crying, bought i do that randomly for no reason. i won the lottery--san mateo county for section 8 and at the time i was living in the city of san francisco. >> go ahead, take your time. you're in a safe space here, so please- >> this is nothing [indiscernible] i was living in san francisco applying for social security and i won the lottery in san mateo county section 8 and [indiscernible] because i was represented by a attorney for social security
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and so i [indiscernible] but san francisco continued bill san maw mateo county. because i was disabled i was found disabled by social security by a federal judge, your section 8 remains valid with us as long as you are disabled, but i found out beginning of-end of two years, end of 2022, they had arranged with the housing authority to absorb my vourcher and i have been writing to the housing authority all most a year, completely unresponsive. i wanted to confirm san mateo county tell s me, that my vourcher has been absorbed and i have a vourcher with no time limit just like section 8. but the housing authority wont conform this. >> all your contact is on that piece of paper?
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okay, great. you will be getting a response and we will follow from today and make sure you do, okay? >> please. i need to know. i don't know if they are doing this to everyone or just me. neither one is acceptable as far as i'm concerned. >> that's right. >> san mateo county housing authority is nothing like this. every time i contact them they respond to me. i sent e-mails to the address mentioned at the beginning of the meeting, board of commissioners, e-mail address, i never receive a reply from that either. >> okay. >> nothing else i can do. [indiscernible] twice earlier last year. the only time i got a response from housing authority is after i went to the board. >> well, i appreciate you coming in. sorry you had to be inconvenienced but we'll make sure we follow up, alright? thank you very much. >> next public comment is for
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henry moreno. >> i put this petition together for the jfk residents and this address was a dog's behavior. growling and barking and unaccompanied presence in common area is a growing concern. this behavior creates a ongoing disturbance and raise safety concerns, especially those with physical limitations and anxiety. [indiscernible] is on our floor without a leash and he came out
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of the garbage area or elevator area and literally attacked us. my dog is a very small dog. it is a puppy actually, and i called him to get away and put my foot in front of it, and he kept his distance, but the idea that this is not the only incident that happened. the dog has gone into peoples houses and fighting workers that come and--somebody else will explain that. he nipped people. i went out for a half hour and had this petition signed by two pages--a page and i got another
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signature, but people have said that the dog is-has been very-the dog and the owner have been very rude. people have said the dog has knocked them down. i think this dog needs to be on a leash. the person that owns the dog is called-her name is susan amble and she's really cavalier about the dog's presence and being loose on the floor. i believe it should have a lease and muzzle. it's way out--it should only be 25 pounds. i think is 55, 60 pounds. it is a large aussy and if you can be off the leash it should be a small designated area by
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her house where he could be off the leash, not the entire floor. >> okay. alright. and you have given us copies of the petition? >> yes. >> great. thank you very very much. what we'll do is following up with property management, having discussions about the petition shared and your contact information is on this as well so we can work with you? >> yes. >> as well as your fellow residents over here-? >> i'll give them a copy. >> thank you very much. thank you for coming in today and sharing. >> my pleasure. >> next public comment is scott boner. >> come up and get as close as you can and the microphone will and should pick it up. >> my name is francis hardwick.
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>> how you doing? >> i'm a resident of 1750 mcallister street and member of the board of ccfd and that i have a file a complaint with your commission. we have a elgivator problem in our building. it is serious. people got stuck in the first elevator and the company that is contacted by the city of san francisco apparently are not doing a very good job fixing the elevators. >> okay. >> this is the third time this happened last month in a half. i'm with my apartment complex is in the homerise company, which used to be called community housing partnership. there seems to be a problem with the elevator company. every time they come out they charge outrageously high prices to fix the elevator and really
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don't do a proper job to make sure the elevators are up and running, and stuff like that. i wanted to bring that to your attention. >> thank you. >> yeah. my apartment has not been called yet, but we are in the process of maybe-i'll be in the process of calling them is and let them know. >> okay, great. we'll do similar to this, we'll work with property management. 1750 mcallister, correct? >> correct. >> and we will work with the elevator company and have conversations. >> he might be over-charging homerise. >> we'll take a look. >> you want this? >> yes, please. >> there you go. >> thank you bennett. >> there you go. >> thank you very much for coming in today. >> no problem. >> thank you. >> scott boner.
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>> hi. my name is scott boner a tenant at jfk towers next to henry in fact. i'm here with the same complaint about the tenant in apartment 1109. i have been in the building three years now and [indiscernible] since the beginning. in the beginning she was very friendly and all a sudden she just turned nastly, really nasty, and she's been like that. you say she is nuisance to others on the floor. somehow she thinks she is responsible for the garbage and recycling. there was one time a couple weeks ago she barged into my door with some cardboard left by the recycling complaining i wasn't doing a good job at recycling. there was time with her dogs
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problems with her dog is ongoing. she again barged into my door with the dog hysterically saying that if i got to know the dog then i would like him. in both cases i pushed her out, but it is just really disturbing to have this going on. one time i was in front of my apartment in a chair, and the dog who is never on a leash came running down the hall, charged at me barking and i had to run into my apartment for safety. i was really upset by this because i should be able to sit on the balcony of my own apartment outside and feel safe. this woman has no respect for other people. no consideration at all. we had our first tenant association meeting, she was there with her dog. her dog was barking and chasing people and she expected everybody else to put up with
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that. she claimed it was a service animal, which i really doubt. there is no way any animal could be a service animal and that uncontrolled and undisciplined. it is just a real nuisance. it has been going on since i moved in three years ago. i put in several paper complaints. nothing happened. been doing e-mails because it is more convenient to send them in. they said something would be done, but i would like to know if something is going to be done. the dog should be on a muzzle on a leash and frankly i think the owner needs mental health. >> scott, thank you very much for coming in today. everyone who came from jfk towers to share this with us. i appreciate you taking the time and making us aware. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> scott, what breed of dog is
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it? what breed of dog? >> an aussy, like a aussy--okay. usually used on cattle ranches. yeah. black and brown? white and? okay, got it. alright. okay. >> thank you. >> thank you. thank you. >> any additional public comment in person or online? thank you. we can close general public comment and go item 6 for the tenant representative board. we have from ccsd here that would like to report out. >> thanks for coming. >> thank you for being here. my name is margaret mc nulty the newly elected president of ccsd. i came with background of
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managing my apartment buildings and rentals back east as well as a degree from pennsylvania state university and the university of manchester england. then i moved to california about 13 years ago and found myself homeless so i have that to bring to the table and with house by the hot team in a sro and then moved up to now in the third term of president of 1760 bush street and therefore was able to be elected. i look forward being a advocate and straul alley working with you guys for the betterment of the tenants and i work with the mental health association of san francisco as a peer counselor as well, so i just hope we get a working relationship going and look forward to seeing you. there are just a couple issues that i didn't know if i would
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be first or second or last- >> please share them. thank you. >> for jfk towers and the dog business and also mcallister street is imposing a fine for smoking in their own apartments, and that's not what the lease says. just not in the common areas, but now they are trying to fine $250 and they want to enforce it for people smoking inside their apartments. so, that's a issue as well. eme polk sure i will have many more. i do welcome the position. >> great. it is great to to see you in person and great to have you with us. can you remind the address? 1750 as well? >> that's correct. >> got it. great. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. item 6. any public comment?
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>> just a quick-president mc nulty can you provide your contact information so we can set up a time to connect? great. thank you. >> public comment on item 6. >> thank you so much once again happy black history month, chinese new year. i'm new on the council and we look forward working with the president and chair and to be more a asset in anything else. so, i really feel comfortable together. we can disagree and agree, but we can still work together on any issue at all. i think one word we forget to say is i are love you, and i mean it from my heart and i think if we said that more that people would calm down a little bit. that's coming from general
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united methodist church so you are all invited to come and worship with us and we look forward seeing at some of the city council meetings. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> any public comment on item 6? you can close public comment and go to item 7 for the chief executive officer report. the first report here today is item 7a, plaza east development update. provided by [indiscernible] salazar or john stuart company. >> before we begin, i know ceo wanted to make a quick note about the conversation she is having the hga. >> thank you through the chair. we are meeting with our phta team. we do that on a quarterly basis. we currently are doing it by zoom and we are more then happy to do the same for ccdc as it
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relates to your position,ic as it relates to other tenant resident associations. i am open to speak with you at any time and of course our president of the board is as well and anyone on our board, but you do have access to me and please fee freel to reach out at any moment in time. bennett will make sure. often times he is reviewing my e-mails so he'll coordinate and we can set up a reoccurring meetings if you like, or however you would like that cadence to be. i'm here at your service as well. >> great. thank you very much. >> 7a, plaza east development update. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> my name is shannon jackson as well here with john stuart,
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ron who will be discussing presenting our property. next slide. >> good afternoon. first slide is the staffing slide. we are fully staffed, so that is good news. we have two new maintenance technicians in particular are impacting the property because we have been able to increase our service. we started doing unit inspections and proactively getting ahead of some repairs, so staffing levels are really well right now. the next slide is work order slide. so, we missed a month, but i reported of course on both november and december since we met last. i'll primarily talk about december. in december we had 132 work orders opened. we closed 128.
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the average time to close a work order was two days. we had three emergency work orders and closed all three and the average hours to complete a emergency work order was seven hours. of the 120 work orders closed, 60 were general miscellaneous, 21 plumbing, 16 appliance repair and 29 carpentry and [indiscernible] >> just a quick pause. really appreciate the specificity. thank you. just what was the 4th work order that wasn't closed? three emergency orders were out of 128 but what were the 4 remaining? >> absolutely. i have that information. in december there were 4 work orders not closed. one was opened december 27 and it was a check for a leak between buildings. it was not in a resident unit,
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it was a common area. the other three were unit terms for vacant units. we use the same system for unit turns we do for residential work orders, so unit turns take much longer then a regular or emergency work order, so why you see that. i also add in november we had two work orders not complete bay the end of the month. it says they were emergency work orders but they were not. one was for a showerhead, the work order started november 30 and we closed on december 4 after we ordered the showerhead and the other item was opened on november 29 and a resident asks us to wait till december 1 to make the repair. >> great, thank you. >> the work order trend line
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data is we are doing more work orders and have more staff, so we are recording more work orders. as mentioned, we are doing our annual unit inspections and we'll do them for the next 7 months. 15 percent per month. we go in every unit and look at work orders that need to be done and repair them. we write work orders from inspections and repair them. i anticipate seeing increase work orders over the next several months. >> what is the reason for that again? >> annual unit inspections. >> great. >> next slide is occupancy slide. there is 193 units at plaza east. 171 occupied as of december 31. there were 5 vacant rental and 17 units that are off-line.
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next slide. we had one transfer in november. we had one transfer in december and we had two move-outs in december. there is no questions-that is my last slide. any questions on my portion? >> no, i just-for me i don't any other commissioners have questions, but i very much appreciate the level of detail. i loved hearing the breakdown of work orders. great to see the time in terms of less then 48 hours to close the items. it is very good to hear about what to expect in the months ahead and e reason for with annual unit inspections being a cause we anticipate increased work orders. if there is other work that could be done to communicate with residents prior to inspections taking place when the issues could be taken care
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of sooner, love to hear about that but appreciate how diligent and specific this is and thank you and congratulations being fully staffed up. >> thank you. if i can just respond. last month we sent a special notice to residents reminding them of the work order process. it is difficult sometimes to -sometimes they don't read the notices, so we work when they come in the office. we talk to resident services and send notices reminding people to do work orders. a lot of people are fearful doing work orders and that is a hard stigma to get past. >> how did things go with the rains? >> really well. we had a good year. we checked the gutters and had them cleaned and repaired. i think there was one gutter that broke, but we inspected during the rain and fixed it right away. so, we had a pretty good year
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for rains, considering how bad they were. >> i appreciate the time to come to the commission meetings and sharing the updates. do you have a strategy in place on how often you will be communicating with resident council? >> i do not to be- >> okay. i'll make comments about that later on more generally at the end of the presentation. i'll wait until then to share some of those items in terms of trying to make sure the communications are happening from all levels both from a day to day resident perspective and where a large group of people might convene who might not hear the same updates we hear at this commission. >> look forward to it. thank you. >> through the chair. thank you. so, one thing i like to have us all be mindful of and i was in the meeting this past week all of you, as you start the annual inspections on the unit and you
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are really trying to get ahead of things and making sure you are not waiting till the end of the year and i really appreciate that so i want to acknowledge that openly, so as you are doing that 15 percent inspection keeping in mind how important it is going to be that we are collaborating deeply as we are getting ready to release the funding, rfp for the $7 million of capital funding and really determining as we are-we had a contractor come through, but also in the work you are doing from inspections, where is the intersection to all that work with capital dollars as well and as you talked about the gutters being inspected, because those are some things we have to keep our eyes on to keep the water going where it needs to, everything is repaired on the outside as well as inside, so just making sure that we tightly work together
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and making really solid decisions so the money we have this current fiscal year can be utilized in a way that our residents can see a difference in property. that's really important to me, so i thank you for that. >> i look forward to conversation on the topic to get the line between-they overlap regular maintenance and [indiscernible] >> yes. a lot of the conversation will be done with our sustainable director mariano and with our cfo. thank you. >> if i might, thank you so much. i do appreciate. we had conversations and appreciate the charter and trending, it is helpful to see. it is really helpful to see one, the number of work orders that come in and then how
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quickly they are addressed. i look at slide 9 if we have the same slides. so, do you-couple things also interest ing to note is that, the more work orders you get it seems on this--we are trending 6 months, but the more you get the faster the turn hp around time is in order to address them. the fewer you have the longer it takes. this is just a 6 month thing, so not predictive thing, just looking at a interesting thing. do you staff up and what happens the rest of the year? >> i have been on this project about 9 months and as have the staff that work there, so we had a complete turn-over of staff at this property, and so i can't speak to much that happened before that. i will say 2023 for us was a
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year of rebuilding and training and hiring, so when you look at this report from july, and there was only 69 work orders and the next month 67, our office was staffed with temps. i will be honest, i'm not sure how many work orders might not have gotten done or answered, but right now we have three trained people that are dedicated and writing the work orders down and communicate daily and having team meetings every day and prioritizing work orders and being done the way it should. i think that's why you see the numbers increasing and the time to fix them decreasing. also, now that our staff is-our office is fully staffed we are able to record the work orders, because doing the work is one part, but recording it takes a lot of administrative time. we have to enter every work order and you have to remember
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to close them and staff trained to put the right information on the work order to close them properly. i have confidence in the numbers here, but i think they are more accurate now then they were several months ago. >> so, that's clearly there is work being done and i really appreciate that and i just encourage you-one thing we know with some level of confidence is that probably you will not always be fully staffed. you will probably always be training and things will always happen, so are you putting contingencies or processes in place so that this work continues to happen beyond the people you have there? beyond you? beyond us? so it isn't relying on individuals to do the work, but it is standard practice.
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>> absolutely, we have those in place. it is helpful being a larger property management company with a lot of properties in san francisco, because properties are able to support each other and the office staff. there was a perfect storm of issues in 2023 coming out of covid. the staff ing crisis. a lot of things going on, and i hope we never have to go through that again. but we definitely make plans to make sure the work gets done no matter the staffing issues. >> okay, thank you. >> any other questions from commissioners? thank you. >> for the resident service updates, these are the few events and the work shots happening on site. mental health 101. there was a [indiscernible] there was a holiday toy give
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away with the tenant association and resident services. hot meals weekly wednesday and a list of referrals and support that providing to the residents and provided 103 residents with support and referrals for the above activities. it could have ben support with rent or crisis service, substance abuse, the list goes on. just meeting with residents with property management to come up with a payment plan and review their ledgers to make sure it was accurate. i think one of the questions was how you [indiscernible] how do you come up with the events to support the residents or some things that the residents services host or events posed
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to the communities. these events come from the residents and there support and services meeting with the tenant association regularly to come up with a plan to maybe share budget and maybe share events and work together, especially with the holiday, the turkey give away and holiday events that work hand in hand on those events. we have relationships and those get figured out. >> you are reading my mind right then. >> there are challenges with any-services coming into the community and we-i try to stress with the service team, [indiscernible] been there a very long time so we need to make sure that we support and whatever and be there and whatever they need, we are helping to be there and they know what is best for the community, so some things come
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out of the tenant association, some events they want to host, and the services go follow through with the work with the tenant association and some events come from directly from the residents through focus groups, through some of the one on ones that they would like to see in the community. some of the events. >> great. >> next slide. this is some data here showing that the support and the referrals compared to the percentage of occupied units. in december there was 103 residents that the households supported and that was 53% of occupied units. next slide. this is also the tenant engagement, how many households attend the events.
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december was 67 so 41 percent of the occupied units. >> what do you think accounts for-may we see the previous slide? what do you think accounts for the large increase of resident service here and also, the difference between what happened in august last year of attendance and attendance now? is the a reason for the fluctuation? >> i think there was a in july and august there was the rad meetings and the rent ledgers that went out and [indiscernible] and then that prepped residents to look at the rent ledger and get support from the services, so that you see those numbers increase during that time. >> that's right.
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okay. >> alright. emergency repairs. happy to-i think from our last commission meeting you wanted to get a overview, review of how did this get started, how do we come to this. we finally completed 188 units as of january. have been completed by marcus lion so giving you a overview here. in 2021, the plaza east partnership receiveped [indiscernible] the contract was for 187 units. out of the 187 units, 137 units had repairs that exceeded $12 thousand and 12 units exceeded $7 thousand. some typical repairs were flooring, shower, tubs toilet, heater door and washer and
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dryer and not to mention paint and in september 2023, [indiscernible] enter into a loan with housing authority and we were able to receive $160 thousand and that was able to streamline the payments because we did have a small minority general contractor and so we were able with the funds from the housing authority able to pay him weekly as repairs are getting done so we were able to boost productivity and the repairs were getting done quicker fashion then before. then the process before. so, in january we finished our final unit that took a lot of work. i think we saved the best for last. that is what the city told us. we were able to complete a total of 188 units and that extra unit came from going water intrusion happening in one of the units that were from
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another unit so we end up fixing that unit and that is why we have 188 at the end. >> how do we feel all these are done now? as a first phase of ongoing repair needs we know will never- >> we will never be done with repairs, but i think has been a long time coming and was a huge accomplishment, responsible me coming from transition with the team and to be able to complete this, it was a huge accomplishment. yes, there is more work to be done at plaza east, but it was nice to see units and impact it had on residents and their livelihood to be able to come into a fresh unit, no mold, fresh paint. those interactions and support them and have services whether for increasing the furniture or bedding and so residents were feeling a lot better when they moved back then when they were living in some of the conditions that the units were
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in. >> i hope you feel very very good about being able to reach this milestone, especially in context knowing the work is always continuing, but again i very much appreciate the work you and john stuart have done to get to this point. i know it has not been easy. it has taken a lot of collaboration, but i hope you feel good there is a milestone you can point to to say, if we could do this we can build on the success and continue to make sure residents are getting the services and resources they need, comprehensively so they can simply live their lives and i just want to say thank you for taking it so seriously. thank you for being so driven about it in a very complicated environment holistically. i just am very glad and appreciative of the level of detail you provided here and excited to see what challenges we have to take on next. thank you. >> once again, thank you for approving it to the commissioners for the letters
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you-for the [indiscernible] the whole team for making this [difficulty hearing speakers] complete it in a timely fashion. >> thank you. i know now that we are done with this milestone, there is a broader amount of day to day work the housing authority is going to be leaning into that includes i know both the capital [indiscernible] resource dollars and services dollars from the past meeting. we met and i made a mention of this in my comment at the beginning, we met with members of resident council who spent time in other committee meetings as well and really the majority of issues were around day to day services. day to day responses. rate of responses. like some other residents mentioned today existing or not existing in terms of i don't hear back from people.
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these common themes that we will be working on together with you together with residents to focus really i think more specifically on those very specific issues. conversations around rent ledgers, around other questions people have around policy as well, so i think that is the work that will be continuing. i want to echo what ceo said at a high level. the collaboration, the communication, which means over-communication, the diversity of the communication. the letters or communication at large to residents then there are bodies at exist of people that are more involved that require communication and simply keeping-i'm at fault too sometimes, not keeping people up to date as necessary as to keep moving forward. just to keep that in mind as we continue to see how we can better serve our residents
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around these basic questions like we have been seeing in it the report today. >> absolutely. >> really nice. thank you. >> thank you. >> through the chair, i like to echo our board president sentiment and i will say it has been difficult and the pandemic did not help, but the realty is, together we can make it happen, and the housing authority is committed to each and every resident at plaza, but not just plaza, but everywhere we serve, we are committed to this community, and there is not a day from my perspective that i don't wake up with the housing authority and our residents, our community on my mind and go to bed with it, because it is important the trust we build it is important the services that we provide and it truly is my hope as we continue to all work
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together towards moving our properties in the right direction, providing the services that every resident deserves and need that we see a greater level of transformation in the lives of our residents whom i deeply love. i'll say it just like that. it is really important to me, because it is important to me that the next generation that comes from our community can thrive and have the tools to thrive and as the housing authority continues to transform, it is our goal to work in a way that we are assisting in that transformation in a very different way then we have in been able to in the past, so thank you for the work you do each and every day and i know that it is difficult work at times, and but i believe you have the heart to do it and so thank you for operating with a heart, versus just from our intellect, because it is very
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important. and meeting each and every community member where they are and meeting us where we are as well. thank you for that. >> thank you. this is the data to show the difference when we receive the revolving loan you can see in september you can see a drastic change between the remaining units and the units we are able to complete in brown, so in october we got the revolving loan in september, you can see the difference. we started to increase, got 13 units completed and 9 in november--no, yeah. 9 in november. 5 in december and then we completed the last one in january. just seeing how the increased and fast-pace we are able to complete the repairs in.
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>> great. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> 7b for accelerated conversion potrero and sunny drail contractor update. >> happy new year commissioners. happy to be here. we had a-been quite a new year for us. started with covid, covid, covid, so been struggling with a lot of covid within the team, but i did want to share that in the month of december, we did want to remind the commissioners that we did have [indiscernible] visit to it property and during that site visit it was a very-it went very very well. it was a welcomed visit by all.
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the chief executive officer over the pha was also in attendance in addition to other hud housing officers. it was attended by our executive teams. attended by our maintenance teams. attended by housing authority teams. we all jointly walked the properties and it was a very very thorough walk. they wanted to see what the vacant units how they were borded up. they wanted to see the overall condition of the property. they wanted to see how the progress has been made on the parking and towing of vehicles. all those were factors they were looking at. the overall condition of the landscaping and pruning of the trees, and it was as i said, a very thorough search and visit. during that, we had interesting
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feedback with regards to it. we had residents actually out and about on property, and even those residents who were bringing-picking up debris in front of their home saw the housing officers were there from hud and even had engaged with them and said, we love what we see happening at our property and we are participateic to make sure it stays nice and clean. we have that very positive feedback in our walks with the residents. additionally, we also had-overall comment by the housing authority is that. excuse me, by the hud official is it was a marked improvement over their prior visit that they had to the property. [indiscernible] not a
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participant of that walk, but they had seen dramatic improvement of the over pall condition of the property and some had not been back to the property in 5 years of the hud group and they also commented how they also noticed dramatic difference especially in areas of vehicles and parking controls and things of that nature. it was a very positive experience and we were happy to be part of it. the [indiscernible] identified through that whole process and so it gave-they each had an agenda, what they wanted to add to the agenda and open question and answer period through all of it, so it was a very positive experience overall. we continued through the month with quite a bit of activity with residents. there was a tremendous effort-if you recall in
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november, [indiscernible] if you recall in november, our plan was to snd out to every single household their history along with their voucher letter so they knew from the get where their voucher requirements were, what the subsidy portion was, what their payment history, so they had a complete snapshot from each of their occupancies. that actually brought a slurry of cooperation with the residents where they have been coming in and we have been working with the collaboration with the share holders as well, but they have been coming in being much more active and proactive with getting their ledgers caught up, so we had changes in vacancy through the month and you will see those
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numbers here, where we had the number of vacant units adjusted over the prior period and apologize, i don't have month over only because of struggling with covid, but for the next period you will have the comparison month over month where you are able to see. i wanted to also have you the occupancy percentage that is changing as persons are moving out and as we assist housing authority for persons moving over into other available redeveloped sites. >> just a quick moment. i notice the numbers dont add up between vacant junts occupied units for total units . i think it is 517 when you add them up. it says total units, 515 on potrero terrace and annex and same on the sunnydale side. >> i think we have a couple on notice and they were included in the vacant on notice. they just had not been moved
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out yet. i apologize. the vacant count is including the ones on notice that have not moved out so i apologize. >> okay. okay. >> and then on our next slide you are going to see what that outreach with the residents and has really brought. there is a tremendous increase in the rent collected from the past rent. just sunnydale alone there was over $36 thousand in past rents working with them reviewing ledgers with them, working with the cbo partners and mayor's office of housing getting other funding that might be available out there to get households caught up to date, so it has been a collaborative effort to be able to bring up the total rents collected. what you are seeing in this period for the 101, 315 and
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148, 772, those are showing those individuals that have brought in both payments and/or may have started in on repairment agreement. if they said, i can enter repayment agreement for additional hundred dollars a month that is in that but a lot of that work [indiscernible] i didn't realize. i thought this was dropped off. let me go ahead and get this brought into the office. that's why you see such a dramatic spike, because of that concentrated outreach. what we have also done as well is, at the beginning close and beginning of each month, once they get the historical record and [indiscernible] letter hap adjustment letter as reference for them, each month we are also sending out to them a statement so each house is
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receiving a statement showing what we received from them, the current bill and what the upcoming period would be so they know on a regular basis where they stand as well as a gentle reminder to come and get your rent paid. we are definitely seeing positive effort there too. also this is going to demonstrate the households that remain delinquent because there is a past due there, but the type of delinquency notice you see the 1200 and 1345, what we are doing is we have-we started with a courtesy notice. we wanted everybody to know where they were from the starting point, and then every monday every household with a balance receives a delinquency notice reminding you, this is where you are at, i haven't received payment this week. weekly they are getting that posted on the door on a weekly
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basis, every household that hasn't paid. even the ones that may have paid the current month and a balance from a prior, they are also part of that outreach, so that there's this many contacts and we are seeing that when we make this many contacts, it is showing in the bottom line numbers for them responding. in addition there is also the phone calls and the customer service they come in and pay their rents or ask for a work order. there is connection made. did you need to make a payment arrangement or we need all your household members here to discuss a plan if you need additional help. we are having those conversations with the households as well. >> great. just on the rent collection, you talked about city and cbo partners and diversity of funds
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made available for to support residents, do you have an accounting of which city programs are they supporting at the administrative level or through direct payments to residents as well? >> there are-i give a example. there are-i have a household [indiscernible] outreach effort. they were able to get $3 thousand for a household in services through the outreach program to get assistance. i had other resources where mayor office of housing has outreach and i get direct deposit on behalf of households such and such. mayor office of housing also. it is a [indiscernible] of what those outreach efforts have been by the cbo working with mayor office of housing and working with residents.
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>> do you accounting or ledger of knowing which organizations are providing direct subsidies? >> [indiscernible] we are not tracking on the source. >> okay. >> through the chair i apologize. >> sure. >> but based on receiving a ach or check, if it is written to [indiscernible] you would be able to actually go and look at your ledger to determine where that payment came from, correct? >> absolutely. >> okay, so you-you are not compiling the data, you are the capability of compiling the data, is that not true ? >> absolutely. we track where every payment comes from but it is tracks on behalf of the residents on their balances. every single payment that comes through every residents gets scanned into the system and there is a image of even
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verifying where the sources came from. we do have that. that is within our system. >> okay, great. >> we are just not keeping a separate track of the sources giving-paying at the account. >> if i wanted to know or the commission wanted to know and see how resourced community based organizations are supporting rent stable ilization for residents you could let us know there are 5 organizations, here they are, here's the volume of funding supporting over the three month period of time. you couldprint on that to us? >> i could. >> great. thank you very much. >> absolutely. also wanted to follow up on our next slide. i did provide the staffing and what our pers for ourf staffing
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are. i wanted to talk about this. they are open positions, we are backlife filling with a tempary agency when and where possible. potrero i have someone on fmla and expect them back at the end of this month, so the other 5 positions are quarter positions and those are being filled with temp services. on the second bottom portion of that there, we are looking at the total work orders performed. >> if i may just on staffing, as you are working to fill these open positions, can you again-i know there has been conversations about this with the city, but how is recruitment and communication of opportunities being
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communicated to residents? >> we actually ordered and had manufactured huge posters that are in each of the leasing offices that says we have opportunity for employment now, and in addition we added into that same poster, but we did a secondary section on the bottom that also says, we are here to assist housing in collecting your recertification information if you like to drop your declaration information we will forward to housing for you for collaboration. big bold and posted on each property. >> great. thank you very much. >> and it is every time in they a reminder. we also have going into-any other questions? >> was there a poster sent to casala? >> casala? it is in the leasing office of
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potrero and sunnydale. >> are in the leasing office. i was thinking of the properties too. >> at the property office. at our offices that our staff are attending is where those are posted. >> good afternoon. just to clarify commissioner, [indiscernible] managing the sunnydale site so casala is managed by mercy and mercy hires that staff. ebmc is staffing for the old site of sunnydale. different management. >> i said i ain't seen no poster. okay. thank you. she knows me. >> and then with regards to our work orders, we had 177 work orders for potrero and 80 work orders for sunnydale. some of the 177 were unit
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inspections and that is why that is peaked during that period and we were doing a lot of reinspections and follow-up for those individuals in abatement so there was a tremendous amount of going back and going back to make sure that we are making sure the households that in abatement had the numbers drop dramatically and they were. we wound up with 37 emergency work orders and [indiscernible] of those that met the standards that were open at the end of the month and only potrero had 1 open at the end of the month and that was within the standards. it had been a work order called on the last day of the month. and so our maximum days to completion for sunnydale was 6.9 days and-excuse me, potrero
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is 6.9 days and-covid brain i apologize. sunnydale was 13.9 average days to maximum days. we have the calculation for average days of completion so roughly 2 and a half days or just under 2 days or just about 2 days for each potrero and sunnydale respectively. the teams are still very much very active, following up getting work orders put in the system and taking care of the needs for the residents. a lot of those tend to be fairly simple requests, which is why it makes it easier. somebody just needs a light bulb replaced or door handle is loose. work orders of that nature. >> great. >> our next slide we talk about quality control.
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because we were so very involved in the hud preparations and hud walks and hud presentations that we had less time to be able to spend on doing the quality control, but so we exceeded the rfp, which is 10 percent standard so that was the number of work orders we followed up on for both of the properties there, but that is the reason it was less over prior months because as i mentioned. we did do interior unit inspections. five were done at potrero, one at sunnydale, and we had four pass at potrero, leaving only one that still has a challenge with a hqs inspection and we have since reached out and engaged on that one and that will be on the january report.
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and so that's everything. [indiscernible] is they have encouraged and brought a festive feel through the holidays with our residents, and we realize it is very important for people to feel that this is their home to have their family and friends and so we also are accommodated following-if you recall i provided the maintenance plan. we also made sure that the dumpsters were in place at the end of the year so some anybody wished to dispose of holiday debris, boxes, gift wrap, christmas trees, anything of that nature there was a opportunity for them to be able to do so as opposed to having it wind up and overflowing rubbish containers. things of that nature. the residents did make avail
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of some extent of those services. we closed out the month of december with 33 households actually entering and executing repayment agreements and we are tracking that separately as well. these are not individuals making bulk payments but individuals that have a long-term payment so we are entering those in the system so on the financial statements provided to housing, you will see--i'm crediting rent and debting a repay, so we'll be able to-the tenant repay code you will be able to see on a monthly basis, the revenue being received by the households participating. and we continue to press for those repayment agreements and collaboration with the residents to be able to do so.
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and that's the december report. i did want to share with you, we were looking at rolling out the 14 day notices to be effective in january and there has been a preliminary plan provided. we have gotten feedback from housing. i will do revisions on that plan and that will be provided to housing tomorrow so we did not issue the 14-we want to make sure everybody is on the same page. it is a good roll-out. especially with receiving as much positive response to the constant delinquency notice and constant residents statement. we are seeing dramatic increase of responses, so before we start with a very heavy hand, engages many different layers before legal action, we want to make sure we have a firm plan in place. >> great. thank you very much.
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commissioners, any additional questions? >> i just had a--this is just more a big picture thought. from the reports i do appreciate the reports and the thoughtfulness because it is clear there a lot of effort and activity. i'm reflecting on your comment regarding the staffing and the issues with covid, which of course we have been struggling with for years and i know the previous presentations talked about struggles with staffing. my question continues to go to putting in process and protocols and work so that we are not-youe not so reliant on a individual person or individual people being there in order to get the work done because the realty is, staff is going to come and go. staff is going to-we will always have challenges in staff
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and i think somebody who spent 20 years in government and big organizations a explanation of staff is not available. this person is out, therefore i couldn't do it is something i heard, but it needs to have--i just want to stress necessity to put structures in place that doesn't rely on a individual person so if you are not there things don't get done because we have been talking about-i have been talking about metrics for months and i understand and the priority is towards residents and resident services and again, i want to stress i see a lot of effort and activity. i just want to put out there the part of the perception, which is just a perception. it may not be realty, but the perception on some of this is there is a lot of-there is
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reaction to things going on. this is today's picture a snapshot of today. these don't necessarily reflect the vision and big picture of where were you yesterday, where are you today all in relation to where you want to go, where do you want to be. what are the areas that you are responsible for? what is the goal you are trying to attain? how far are you from that goal so each of these key components are met? as you start thinking about this next iteration of reports, while i definite see increase and more information provided which is really helpful, but i also ask you think about not just more reports for the sake of a report, but really understanding what are the key factors? where are we and where we need
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to go and how do we know we are going in that direction and it wasn't this person isn't there and that person isn't there and why it couldn't get done. organizations out last us. it can't be just any individual person so i ask you think about that as you put this together because i am sure as you do your work you are making decisions about the future and i just ask that that be cap which captured in the way you present information. >> also sharing elaborate on that a bit. one thing we have also gone back to and confirmed is we met with [indiscernible] and their team and they actually have approved and i'm going to add those to the final budget numbers the addition of a couple key positions or
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analysis so-it wasn't just me that covered it, we just shared it and so it snow balled so i apologize, but we are having additional individuals to be able to perform that type of analysis for you from the site level, so that the site teams can truly be focusedthose resid are receiving the ability to make those repayment agreements and to secure their housing, so we will be shifting from those responsibilities too. so it will help. >> manage the property currently, how are you making decisions on what to do and where to--? which direction you should be going, versus looking at it each day and saying what do i have to do today? >> there are positive plans we follow. we have a management plan provided to housing that outlines the way we conduct
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daily operation of the property. there are regular walks on the property. there are assessments of things needed to be done. one thing we just realized is we dialed back in the month of january the number of trash pickups because we wanted-realized the addition of the dump trucks had dramatically reduced that need, so having in-house team taking care of that instead of outside vendor so we dialed back on that. there is regular weekly meetings with housing where we discuss these things. we let them know what our plans are, make sure we are all in collaboration of it and to where we are planning on going and one of the meetings it does talks about where we are going because they just brought to our attention the over 37 households that will be-housing is trying to explore and
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discuss where individuals would be transferred for the next phase so these are regular weekly meetings and all that is examined. >> thank you. >> you bet. >> alright. i think that is it for now. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> item 7c, mgo2022 audit presentation and we have scott online that will be able to facilitate this presentation and scott, if you want to test your mic so we can hear you in the room. >> testing. >> you sound great. thank you. >> thank you. good afternoon. we have online scott. the audit manager been working on engagement for the past 8 years. going to present the results of the audit for fiscal year 2022. that audit was completed july
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2023. >> we can go ahead and go to the next slide i think with the summary of the reports. these are the deliverable reports for the audit and as with prior years there is a financial statement audit report and the single audit report for federal compliance and then the communication letter the reports to the board which summarize the result of the audit. in terms of the scope of the audit, the audit financial statements cover the authority primary government and the authority presented component units which includes [indiscernible] plaza east associates for 2022 and those are included in the financial statements, but they are audited by other auditors other then us. then for additional submissions there is two to note here. there is federal audit clearinghouse data collection
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form submitted for single audit and [indiscernible] report filing. go to the next slide. as mentioned on the previous slide, the report includes two key sessions the financial section with the basic financial statements and the single audit section and i will be covering both of those. in terms of the audit opinion on the financial statements it is unmodified opinion the highest level opinion we can give. it means the statements are fairly presented and all material respect in conformity with u.s. gap and in the audit opinion there is also a section for impetus of matters and those paragraphs are included to draw to your attention to any matters disclosed in the statements. they are important for a user for the understanding. the two items one direct the reader attention to [indiscernible] highly
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dependent on hud for operating revenues to tune of 96 percent for 2022 and the second one directs the reader to note 13, which is discussing the concern situation noted for the plaza east associates by their external auditors as reported in the report for 1231, 21. and there is one finding noted for the financial statements. we'll discus findings in the second half of the presentation, but it summarized under comment 202201 near the end of the report and relates to financial reporting. for the single audit reports, there were three programs identified as major for 2021-22. the ones we did test and the unmodified opinion issued on one. the mod rehab program and the other two received qualified opinion for specific compliance. next slide.
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this is summary from the report that lead to the board of commissioners, the audit results and just to run through information here, the purpose of the letter is communicate key information so [indiscernible] for the organization in terms of presentation and disclosures, for the financial statements if there were significant unusual transactions or something to bring up in those areas. there is a section which covers significant financial statement estimates and disclosures footnotes deemed to cover key information for the authority financial statements and those are mapped out here and include allowances for [indiscernible] accrued interest. items related to pension and [indiscernible] and concentration with hud [difficulty hearing speaker] the last item with significant disclosures to highlight. the rest of the items are discussing other areas like
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significant uncorrected misstatements, difficulties with management in the audit, [indiscernible] nothing to highlight for those areas here. we can go to the next one. in terms of audit opinions, just to clarify for context, there is four different opinions that can be listed. [indiscernible] financial audit and the compliance audit. financial reporting and compliance respectively. unmodified opinion is the statements or materially accurate, qualified opinion means materially accurate accept for one specific area that will be highlighted. scope limitation. the auditors are unable to attain evidence necessary to render a opinion and then adverse opinion is for cases where the financial statements are misstated or multiple items causing them to be off.
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next slide. in terms of findings, the significant deficiency internal control. there is a [indiscernible] operation of a control that doesn't allow management or employees in the course of performing functions to identify or correct statements or non compliance for a single audit. it is basic definition for deficiency and material weakness creates a reasonable possible a material misstatement could result from the deficiency. then a significant deficiency level below material weakness is one something identified less severe then material weakness but still important enough to communicate to the governing body. we can move on from here. starting with the financial statements areas, as mentioned there was one finding noted for this financial statement and it is related to controls over the
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financial reporting process. mainly the population data, how it is put together and the process for reconciling data to the underlying [indiscernible] and audit adjustments that result from the process of the audit. there wasn't a reported finding in the previous year for this area, but it is a area we look at each year with the audit adjustments and how they impact the reporting process. can go to the next slide. for federal compliance, there were three findings noted for 2022 and looking at these charts for historical context you see there is a improvement trend noted in terms of the number of findings and severity. as evident by the chart. can go to the next slide
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covering details for the current year findings and so there are three noted and again, to reiterate, there were two material weaknesses noted for the public housing and hcd programs respectively and [indiscernible] for the mod rehab program. [indiscernible] at the end of it and reference for earth details on each of these. we can go to the next slide. prior year findings, so there were three noted in 2021 under the single audit and one was corrected for the current year and the other two are still in progress in terms of corrective action and just overall context in terms of the current year findings, fy22 represent the year we are coming out of covid-19 pandemic and largely
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coming out of the covid-19 pandemic and for the previous couple years there were a number of wavers and extensions in place that during those audit periods that we xu knew will be ending and it was brought up in last year's presentation for this. it was expected there will be more scrutiny for the 2022 audit because of that because the waver periods were coming to a end. so, overall the comparison with 2022 and 2021 is fairly consistent with the improvement over the year's with the number of findings and severity and so on, just wanted to throw that in at the end. any questions by anyone? >> just want to say thank you very much for once again the extraordinary amount of detail and diligence and providing the audit to us.
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i don't have any additional questions beyond just next steps for when our next audit will begin the process? >> the next audit will be under the pandemic the last couple years was on a 6 month extension. [indiscernible] time period again, so that is the target for 2024 so i expect we should look to get started in march in terms of coordination and getting things requested [indiscernible] >> fantastic. commissioners, any questions? any comments from you either [indiscernible] >> thank you. i like to thank scott for the presentation and for this year audit we would like-[indiscernible] end of
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february, march and make sure we get audit published and completed. >> great. >> thank you. those are my exact remarks. i really would prefer that we begin now with the request for information, because as we-as you stated and scott and as we all know, there has been a lot of transition as it relates to public housing and it made unwieldy of all the different transactions and i like to begin now for the information request, because we do work with our contractors and there are a lot of in truicacies to this work and it is my goal we do not miss the june 30 date. it is not acceptable so let's begin now. thank you. again, i want to thank the ngo
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for all the hard work you have done over the last several years while i have been here in this position and the collaboration between both organizations has really made the difference in making sure that we meet our time lines and understand the different types of transactions taking place in our organization. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you again very much. we look forward meeting our next deadline. thank you so much scott. >> thank you. >> next item today is 7d, the leasing plan year end report by housing authority staff led by joe mueller, senior performance analyst. >> good afternoon everybody. i will be going through the updates at the year end to 2023 leasing plan today.
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if i can go to the next slide, please. here is a quick summary of recap of the presentation i had given earlier the year outlining what the leasing plan for 2023 would be and updated numbers showing where we were at close of calendar year. and, we have a lot of for this meeting in particular a lot of residents in the audience today, can you provide just level setting for all us in terms what you are presenting in terms of what this presentation applies to and what it means for the goals of the authority? >> i can do that. >> thank you. >> no problem. every year we are-have been setting forward a leasing plan which sets what our goals we wish to accomplish that year are with respect to issuing voucher, housing tenants and ongoing services throughout the year. so, all that is tied to our budget we receive from hud and
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this one was written with a focus on spending down the reserves we have each year. those reserves that are with hud, if you don't get to a certain amount of those extended in the year, they are subject to recapture from hud, so the goal of the leasing plan is to set forward our benchmarks that we need to hit in order to maximize the support we can provide from the dollars we have access to. >> thank you. back to the slides. the update shows during the year, there was reconciling done on hud end that result in a change of the reserves we had subject to recapture. you see at the beginning we forecasted $17.8 million and throughout the year the number increased to $26.2 million, so that resulted in us having to
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make adjustments to our execution of our plan as we went through the year, but luckily because we had set out the plan and able to follow it we were able to hit the mark of 26.7 year to date expenditures out of reserves which was higher then the 26.2 subject to recapture so now we forecast no recapture from the reserves for 2023. so, i will quickly go through a couple of these leasing plan goals we set out at the beginning of the year. you see those listed. >> you talk about the-thanks for bearing with me on this. you talk a moment ago about the importance of allocating these resources in our reserves to insure that those dollars are maintained. what does it mean from a unit
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providing perspective? >> so, by able to preserve this funding year over year, it means that we will be able to assist larger amounts of residents moving forward by avoiding recapture. it gives access to larger amount of renewal funding renewaled from one year to the other, which we can then use to issue more vouchers, house more tenants, contract more project based units. >> thank you. >> yes. >> to add to that, it isn't only that we are increasing the number of individuals who have a opportunity to be housed, but we also look at strategies of insuring that our residents are not rent burdened, so these dollars do more then just adding to housing, which is very important, but it is also helping to continue the stabilization when someone
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potentially is there income has become higher and they might have to pay a higher rent, and we want to insure each of our community members who are a part of our program are always only paying 30 percent of their income. >> yes. thank you. i will be going through 5 of these strategies listed at the bottom. next slide, please. the first strategy for 2023 was voucher issuance for the housing choice voucher program on the city tenant based vouchers. just a quick recap, we had anticipated pulling 3100 names off the public housing wait list to provide the opportunity to receive a voucher to those individuals. once we had actually been able to go through and pull the name s there are 1492 names left on that lest.
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list. a lot is due to updating status from the previous pools we had done in 2022 so there were only 1400 names left on the list. of the 1400 names, as of the writing of the report we received 818 responses issued out 737 vouchers and admitted 264 new tenants on the tenant based hcd program. you can see the number of admissions is less then initially forecast. that is due in part to that lower number of individuals on the wait list when we had conducted the pools; but the reserve is higher then we anticipated. two of the main drivers on that are number one, we had increased payment standard during 2023. that was another of the leasing plan goals and i'll go more into detail later. another reason is, just based