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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  February 12, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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>> welcome we hopeed be outside today. with the sunshining it is peeking out. but it is a good moment actually to thank our colleagues at public works and the men and rem in reshg and parks for all of their work this weekend.
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mayor, it was a hectic weekend. we are here it is driveway in the building even if we turned off the heat. and we have an incredible celebration for you. so -- i'm phil the general manager of rec and parks department. [applause]. thank you. and -- we are going to start with land acknowledgment and take a second. to acknowledge. [land acknowledgment]
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>> thank you. okay. here we are. in the heart of san francisco south of market. serving the soma filipino cultural heritage district! jean friend soma rec center. the site serving the community since 1990. soccer, youth and after school programming. seniors, a play grouped, weight room and more. >> this place -- like a few other facilities has been literalliful loveed death. it is time, it is is time to
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give this place a refresher, renovation we will make it bigger and grander. this project is part of the 2020 health and recovery bond. although, i will note and you will hear from speakers, donny, and i will -- introduce you in a minute. this upon mine the very first reshg center i visited as gm, i have been as a san francisco and might have the first one this goes become it 2009 this is how long this project has been percolating. you remember, you and your brother came and we did weight room way back when. i will talk more in a second. these things take time of we could not have gotten here without our mayor and the
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commitment of the 2020 health and recovery bond. [applause] >> it turns out the projects are expensive. and without this bond we would not be here today. we want to thank the voters. during and after the pandemic there were challenges around upon this project. increased building costs. supply delays. decreased project revenues. downtown construction. everything this could have prevented this project from happening, happened. and yet here we are. and we are here. because of passionate partnerships. ir want to shout out to guillermo from public lands. community rep centation. generous [inaudible]. >> leadership and passionate
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commission. that's how we get here and get the places like this today. so, navigated the changes and make sure that the funding for the project. so madam mayor? mic is yours. [applause]. >> okay. can you hear me? phil i could hardly hear you. got this snaked in here. i will talk as best you can. let me really start by thanking phil for his extraordinary leadership for the park system in the city. he and his team from the p rangers to the gardeners to everything in between and our
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commissioners. we have the best parks anywhere in the world. and i mean that. because when people come to san francisco, folks say a lot of things about our city the one thing they can't say anything bad about are the parks and the how amazing they are. the open space. and how so men kids, seniors and communities from all over they fill the parks with so much laught and joy. and so much excitement. that's why being here today to do when this community has been asking for for so long. and we have a lot of great representatives from the community, i see you rude freunited players. thank you. [applause] not only for your w in the community but your advocacy when we put this bond on the ballot in 2020 asking the
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votereds of san francisco to support projects like this. the people of the city were amazing and did in the hesitate. i want to thank the community and the folks part of this. and the trust for public land for their continued commitment to the city of san francisco. because -- the health and safety bond was not all we needed in order to get this project done. it took a lot of different liers and so i'm so glad to see my friends don friends joining us today. the son of jean friend who will talk to you in a moment. it did take a village to bring this together. when i appreciate most the kids, families and people who used this park. they other ones had helped to decide what will happen. more gym space. work out facility. a kitchen, two community rooms.
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protected area for kids to play outside. picnic areas. this will be the place to be all over san francisco but -- i gotta say, [applause] i know this the kids who grow up in this space take pride in how they helped to usher in what will be a new extraordinary addition to san francisco's rec and park system. i want to thank you again for voting on the health and safety recovery bond in 2020. and all the resources and support we get on make this happen. this is really one of the things i'm most proud of in san francisco how extraordinary we are when it come to our park system. and i will tell you as someone who grew up in the park system of san francisco, to go from swing this is are broken, fan that was filled with other
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stuff. and the challenges this existed and what we had to pull things together to make some of the equipment and stuff we had the basic stuff we had work, to see where we were and where we are now, we have to remember what happened in the past to appreciate how wonder actively is to be here today and to realist celebrate this amazing accomplishment because of so many of you who are dedicated when park system here in san francisco. thank you, thank you, thank you. [applause]. >> i think it is mayor suggested i should use the mic. up next my pleasure to introduce a champion of this community. our district 6 supervisor matt dorsey. this neighborhood i think many
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in the room would acknowledge and advocated for a lack of park. this is a neighborhood that over historically has evolve friday being an industrial community to a residential community. and a very dense one and a community with a lot of kids. and we are so pleased through the leadership of the district 6 supervisors and the odd jens. thank you supervisor kim. [applause] between all of the good stuff and investment at dmv. and now this facility we feel like we are creating an incredible hub. a bit about this hub this , is also a hub for in the just all of our youth in the neighborhood but it is a vocal point for
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adaptive recreation. and we hosted the bay bridge tower soccer tournament upon for, dappive soccer played modified power wheel chairs. dapped basketball. we have a very we all you know warrior s and 9 and ares giants but do we been our ducks based here. the new jean friends will be an,dition to community and youth and senior serving in new disability sport's hub. for everyone to give everyone an opportunity to get out and play. whether it is basketball, wheel chair basketball or goal ball for blind and visual low impaired. athletes. to power soccer. of this is also a site hosted community ccelebrations.
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and -- this is a wonderful community. to talk more about temperature matt dorsey. >> thank you. hold to to the mic. i'm new as a supervisor that you know sometime when is there is an events for a project i will describe myself in this case as the rosy ruiz of the jean friend recreation centers if you don't know this reference it is the winner of the 1980 boston marathon who won until than i found out she jumped in the race a quarter mile to the finish shrine and took credit. there are people who deserve credit before i was on the 16. matt hene now in the assembly. champs of this. james was mentiond and i think that there are lead whores
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brought important leadership and mayor breed and the w she did to get the bond paddle for this. phil is smg somebody a friends and colleague from the city attorney days. i have known him for years and well served by his leadership. er mostlyleadership.ers mostly thaefrg could have delay third degree came up. one of those i crossed my desk and remember when we were having discussions about this. i mentioned to some people as a supervisor we come and goment important people who are served by this are the community. people like united play, west bay. the residents we will be here be for 4 or 8 years. we everything we do should be guided by when we are leaving for the community.
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and this was important and i want to express my gratitude to leaders for everything than i have done on this. >> and -- i know we will hear from don friend and i think i want to mention i did not know him but i new him by reputation. a successful business machine and more then and there that somebody who was invested in spreading the details as rec and park commissioner and did the w to make a difference for the city. and means a lot to represent a district that has a resource like this that recognizes the leadership this gene brought to this community and the friends family continues to. this means a lot, too. with this i will handled off and
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want to say, it is an honor to be a part of this and looking forward to coming here and -- being part of the things that will celebrate kick it off. thank you! [applause] >> so. our next speaker is don friends. don, you and your brother bob were with mow in 2009 when i think rudy i think the community asked for support to renovate the weight room. i remember your brother saying, phil, don't put your fell's name on a building. because when is breaks you gotta fix it. you were family never shied, way from stepping up as leaders of the city.
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doing what you can to help the city and parks specifically in honor of your dad. and after we did a small project here fix the weight room we did the out door basketball court. we all decided it was time for this build to have i bigger refresh. and keep came back and said can you help us with the design and out reach and of course you said, yes. >> and -- your support for trust for public land the per in in the design sxroesz introduce our design neap a bit allowed us to dream big. which is what the community deserved. thank you we love to have you come up. [applause]
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>> well, an honor to be here today. first of all, my dad really did serve in thanking for your kind words he was serious about president of the p and rec commission and other civic leadership activities he engaged in. he wanted make sure this people from all overnight city were able to access the parks. and whatever way this took. whether to bring kids from the tenderloin to the zoo. or make use of this facility, he wanted to make that happen and so -- when phil came with this. idea of making dolling place up, it med all the sense in the world. it was very, very intimidating with the amount of cost it would take to do this. am so. to have everyone team up mayor
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to have you come together and put this bond and get it it passd and work together as a community is special for us to see. my family origins from this area up on the sixth street notoriety cable car turn around on powell my grandfather and father had the first retail business. at this served the community and they irrelevant and love third degree people that were around here they understood the need sxsz understood how people were lifted up by participation. and so -- it is meaningful for us to have had the mayor brown at the time to shepherd the naming of this facility after my
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dad. it is warmed my heart to see all of you this have been so active in making this a turn around. so i guess our target is 2016 to get there and i wore my basketball shoes but we will not play yet with the boards missing. i hope we will of have a grand opening at that time and -- justment you all to than if my dad may rest in peace, were able to see what is going on he would have a smile on his face and thank you for your support and participation. look forward to seeing you more here in the future. [applause] >> all right. this fam sillity has been about
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community. the neighborhood has a rich diverse history. it is known for filipino, lbgtq+ culture, political activism. it is grounded by the community organizations that serve it. or per ins united play, multiservice center, up and west bay played an irrelevant in the out reach process. they have been partners in every sense of the word. and -- this project -- the history of the site is community first the project and design community first when it reopened it will be my great pleasure to introduce vanessa. [applause].
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>> hi. everyone. this is a bittersweet experience i'm so happy to see positive change happen nothing my community. i was worn in the neighborhood. i have been to the rec since the second grade. when carmichael was where the p is now they took us here for pe class. this is where i met a lot of good people. childhood friends i still connect with today. i met rudy here. before a know what his mission was. united players. and tim my first basketball coach. i'm noted going to lie i was trash when i first starred playing ball. and i knew that well, when i started playing i knew he was. tim was my first basketball coach and i was treasure i know he knew that. but never showed me
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discouragement. he kept mow in good spirits and motivate mode to go sxhard that made me want to be better. he instilled resilience where i did not want to give up i practiced until i got bfrment by the time in the fourth and fifth grade i was balling. i remember this one game it was soma and st. mary my coaches were gar and he tim at the time. and we went in double over time and the team could make the next shot winful it was nerve racking you felt the gym's energy and going back and fourth for 3 possessions. until i was abling to get a steel. i was going for a drive and heard and saw tim waiving to go for a lay up i stopped mid range and slowing up a shot i swear time stopped for seconds and i
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med the wing shot. everyone was going crazy and it was a good feeling. i go become to the bench, and celebrate. tim yelled his line, vanessa business get down to business! which is his nick name he gave me and this day i hold it dear to my heart. there will be takeing rec down that has held so men memories and helped build character for so many people i hope this when it becomes this modern state of the art woulding we never lose itself trough soul. we will keep it alive and we can build more legacies and generations to come. and i look forward to being a part of this. thank you. [applause].
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>> you can see, this is personal. you know it is a bond for some and another plans and contract for other this is is personal for us. i'm michelle the director of community and family engagement with united police born in san francisco and live in south of market for over 20 years. thank you, thank you, to everyone who helped us get to this day. we have to give a shout out to former commissioner lee for being soma champion for years. on the park and rec commission. former supervisors kim and mt hene. and a huge shout out to melindz at project manager. she has done her fwoeft stay
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engage exclude make surety new building the meet community needs as much as this one has and they will get in on schedule! [laughter] and also huge thanks to the friends family for your support of soma and helping to make this place as great as it category. as was stated soma neighborhood with the least amount of public open space and this is our one and only indoor facility. in the neighborhood of crisis and chaos. this has been i safe haven, refuge. a place of rest for men young and old, like. this building held so men events and moments for the community. good moments, hard moments, but we have done together because of this place. building never dltd land and oz for kids and summer program
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plays. and the city was the hoyt of the pan dem thick was a life safer. it allowed us in west biit hold the cityy largest community hubs for neighborhood kids it do distance learning safely. the walls of building have nurtured the neighborhood's future like vanessa. and so many of our staff. so many of staff grownup in this building. my own children grownup in this building. and so we are excited for when the future holds as vanessa tuesday is bitter we. we are so thankful for our partnership with phil and rpd staff. shout out tim we love you, june. we could not do when we do without this partnership. buildings only matter because of the people this fill them up.
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we are so excited be back here with all of you in 2 years or so for a ribbon cutting for the new facility or neighborhood deserves. we are committed to moving back in, running program. holding events and creating community. and continuing this partnership society new rec center means as much to the neighborhood and the people in the future as this old building did. thank you all for being here today this building deserves the most amazing send off and we are happy this we are able to do this in community with all of you. and will see you soon. [applause]. >> so. vanessa we have a present for you. and misha you took the thank you
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section out of mine you were awesome. in honor of coach and his incredible legacy and memory here. and his influence on you, vanaesz this is a net from this building. that we are -- presenting to you. [applause]. >> all right. a few thank you and we are going to break grounds! there are folks we want to recognize and acknowledge. supervisor safai, thank you for being here and interested in parks [applause] david mentioned --the trust for public land. guillermo. thank you for involvement in this project. and your stewardship of an incredible design team. i want to call them out.
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mark and elizabeth from -- architecture landscape [inaudible]. [inaudible]. youville your moment. supervisor matt hooern staff member is here. thank you. [applause] our great rec and p commission helped us steward this project. we got our vice president. joe and commissioner louie is here. >> i want to acknowledge allen low for passion in this neighborhoods and the space. and fighting near this community. >> the san francisco parks alliance. their neighbors down the street. they will help us program this space and helped us lift up the culture in san francisco they deserve applause, too.
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[applause]. i mention third degree design team and i want to mention the construction team. misha gave a shout out i will, too. to angie lieu and [inaudible] here [applause] and all come together under city staff, our public workers sdreshth carla short is here. with her staff. our [inaudible] rec and pak sdreshth stacy bradley and melinda sullivan. thank you for your leadership. carla the executive director of west bay multii service center here. thank you very much! the can equity center a great per in. i mentioned soma filipino and
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rec program helping elevate the game and make sure all are acceptable to all of us. thank you and also to our great park staff that will steward the space and david williams and lucas is here. i'm sure i have left folks out. you can remind me of that later. now we will get down to business and we are going to break ground. so if -- you know -- if you are not outside bring outside in here come the dirt. and so i life to have the mayor donny -- supervisor dorsey. vanessa and misha and after that we will take some photos i would like to welcome our rec and park commissioners. guillermo, rodriguez. carla and june and tim is here.
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i did in the, oh . come on up. hi, june. and we will break ground. come join us. here we go! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! [applause]
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>> good morning, every one. hello. thank you so much for coming to today's press conference mayor, conference and our lunar year the year of the dragon. san francisco has a special place in history, in december of 1992, san francisco watched the city where the historic unveiling of the first-ever lunar new year took place in this entire country. and since 11992, we have many national first days and national ceremonies. but whether we get the first day or not, we always have an unveiling as part of our lunar new year celebration. it's very excited.
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last week i was very comfort to join seattle to join the postal state for the unveiling of the lunar new stamp. it was attended by 300 people by eduardo who is the president of the retail of the postal service. vod me and the public that lunar new year is the most successful program in the commemorative stamps. we are very happy to keep up with the tra kissing. --tradition. today we're gathered today, although the stamp is already out there, but it's our tradition in our city to unveil the stamp for every one in the san francisco bay area. so without further ado, i would like to introduce our mayor,
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maryland on --our mayor, london breed who has unveiled a lot of stapp p. >> mayor breed: hello welcome and welcome to unveil this stamp. it's an exciting time filled with so much joy and excitement, especially after coming out of this global pandemic. it has been very difficult and for whatever reason, i feel like even though, we have the worse of it behind us, this is the one of the first years that i feel like people are actually coming out and coming together differently than they ever have before to celebrate lunar new year. i was at events in china town, in the richmond and in the bay
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point where they were celebrating lunar new year in a joint celebration together. and it's been great to see and these places have been packed with people. so the excitement is in the air and i could not be more excited and proud to be here today to celebrate a time honor tradition for the past 30 years here in san francisco, thanks to the leadership of cludine chang and the organization that has been doing a lot of work during the month of may and lunar new year to bring communities together. thank you for all your amazing work. we have a number of other special guest from across the api spectrum from japan town to tenderloin, to the various groups who will have activities and events all over san francisco including our city liberian, michael lambert which will be a number of great
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events so make sure you check out the san francisco library system and look at all the activities and events and things that are going on in our libraries and in our park. it's going to be a good time in san francisco. and lion dance, mean, man these folks know how to put on a performance. right now this is a relaxing moment, even though it takes a lot of strength to hold this dragon up, they're going to be performing all over the city and doing all the exciting things that they do. and clearly they're a lot younger than the rest us, because they have the energy and strength to do it. we're joined by a couple of people, and i want to again recognize clawdene more being here and post master, i'm so
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happy to get hor land, he's behind the most exciting parade, the lunar new year parade that will be happening in san francisco on february 24. book up all the hotel rooms and come to eat and enjoy china town and all during the month of may. there is something for every one. so we're excited to have you here, as well as our city attorney and thank you to our police commissioner larry yee representativing chinese consolidated benevolent association. so we're happy to kickoff the year of the dragon which represents, strength, courage, and it represents progress. and i must say that this city
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has made significant progress. we know that this pandemic is not complete xlaoe behind us, but during the piem we experienced challenges in our api community with a rise of api hate and making an effort in our program, ambassadors protecting our communities, coming together to do what is necessary to keep people safe with our police officers, as a result since 2021, we have seen a 90% decline in api hate crimes in the city of san francisco thanks to the work who are here today. [applause] because we want people to come out to all the neighborhoods of san francisco, our seniors and our grandmas who we love so much, they have to feel safe in the city and the work that we're doing together is ensuring that, especially during the lunar new year. we're cleaning up the streets
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even more. we're puting out all the various activities and food and fun and festivities, you're going to see smiles all over the city and county of san francisco because of everything that we have done and we'll continue to do to ensure the success of lunar new year of san francisco and the unveiling of this stamp really kicks it off to full gear. thank you all for being here. with that, i would like to introduce our city attorney, david chu. [applause] >> thank you, madam mayor for your leadership and for being our chief cheerleader when it comes to the lunar new year. let me start to the api federation, andclaudiaeven year after yae, you work.
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and we celebrate lunar new year the right way with the postal. and the line dance meet troop the access or and i were talking how we would like to dawn those polls poles, but we'll be doing some arm curls with our law books to be ready, is that right, walkine? when i was little, i collected stamps but when i was growing up, there were not stamped that reflected our culture, our api heritage, our inclusive diverse beautiful culture that is the
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asian pacific community here in the united states. and when i think about how different it has been over the years that generations of kids get to be reflected in something as common as the stamps that we put in the letters. my son who is p, is slightly obsessed with stamps because of course he's my son. and for me to share the year of the dragon stamps is going to be excited to him, but it means that just as i learned about black history and women's history and other aspects of american history from the stamps that i observed in the 70s and 80s, he will learn that and more. i want to thank the post master and the leadership of the postal service for uplifting who we are as americans, uplift who we are as asian pacific americans and uplift who we are as san franciscans.
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with that, thank you so much and do i bring you back claudiadine or madam mayor? come on back madam mayor. >> mayor breed: thank you so much for your leadership. and i want to recognize some of the leaders here, nelson lum is with us as well as steven lee our port commissioner and night life champion, lions deny will be packed all throughout lunar new year. grace herothi thank you from jam an town, ron lee, good to see you, i saw the hawaiian shirt is always good for any occasion. elvin louie and al perez, thank you for being with us commissioner perez and so many of our wonderful leaders as well as our commissioner a raoen lee rylee, we appreciate
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what you do on boards and commissioners and activities all around the city. and with that, i want to introduce the post master, i was going to say post master general but just post master from the united states postal service to help introduce and talk about this stamp douglas smith. >> good morning, every one. thank you mayor breed for the kind words, claudine, i don't think there is any place in this country that represents what we provide with the stamp and in this city, although we were not first, i think we're always going to be the most important so thank you for the words. it's an honor to be here as we celebrate the year of the dragon.
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i would like to thank the speakers for your support. as a post master of san francisco, i'm proud to recognize this meaningful stamp that is val owed by those who celebrate the lunar new year as well. it's a time when families get together as you have done today to celebrate the celebrating of our stamp. as one of america's oldest public institutions, the postal service is proud to celebrate through our commemorative stamp program. likewise, i'm proud to say that the workforce is one of the most diverse in america. sxl that's appropriate since we serve the most diverse customers on the face of the earth. ours is a world culture, which is why it's so important that our stamps reflect the rich multi cultural traditions.
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for more than three decades, they celebrate the lunar new year. in fact the lunar new year are the collection right side the most exciting releases the postal service has had. that's no surprise that more than 1.5 billion mark the event. the success of the series is a wonderful reminder to bring friends and family together in the spirit of celebration, a tradition of course is what lunar new year is all about. this year's stamp showcases the only mythical creature in the chinese zodiac, dragons are considered by many to be welcome harolded of hope for the future. it's also been said that people mourn during the lunar new year tend to have the features. enterprising, wise and powerful, are the traits. i'm proud to say that i was
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born in the year of the dragon in 1964. i hope you know that we have quality, wisdom in our judgment and good luck and good fortune. the stamp, the 5th in the lunar new year series, created by camille chu, sevensers the beautifully adorn mask used in lunar new year parades, on the long tradition of paper cut folk art cuts created during this yaefrment the mask was constructed out of hand painted paper and and used flowers and tassle. gold and red, gold representing prosperity and red good fortune. you can purchase this stamp in our places, and from the convenience of your home at
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u.s. as you add the stamp to your collection, or use it to mail your lunar new year greetings, it's our hope that the year of the dragon brings peace, and comfort to you and your families. thank you again for the opportunity to be with you today and i would now like to ask mayor breed and our participants to come up and help me unveil the 2024, year of the dragon forever stamp. [applause]
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>> mayor breed: all right, join us in the count, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! [cheers and applause]
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>> thank you, everybody.
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hello.culture. >> well to c h f a the society of america here on a chinatown the district preserved and the history of chinatown with any person of any background is sketch plan or accepted for all people the founder help to create the studies and with a major collection on the objects that tell the material history of chinatown and so much is offend in chinatown incredible all the texture of the design a way to get from the east to the west and beyond that have an amazing institution like c h f a
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to >> the vibrant south of market neighborhood in san francisco is deep lee rooted filipino if fluences to shape the cultural identity. soma pilipinas known for [indiscernible] night life and art scenes is home to growing filipino community that thrived for generations. >> soma pilipinas is a community, the village that has been over a hundred years in the making. this is home to many generations of filipino from the turn of the century, to the present. continues to be a gateway community for a lot of filipinos just arriving from the philippines. >> one of sth most prominent
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scines is filipino owned businesses become staples in the neighborhood. restaurants like manila bowl and jp restaurant offer [indiscernible] >> we call it [indiscernible] this is my passion. everybody's who came right now. we feel good right here. community is like a family. >> the eatery serve mouth watering dishes and provide a sense of home to the filipino community, preserving traditions passed down generation. >> a filipino restaurant utilizing california ingredients we honor traditional family recipe [indiscernible] we shop in the market 2 to 3 times a week. we make the filipino cuisine
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proud in san francisco. >> along with the culinary deliteds, soma philippine ow is home to san francisco top mix aulgists. filipino artistry is a facet of soma pilipinas rich tapestry. the filipino cultural heritage district transformed public spaces into canvases that depict the stories and experiences of filipino americans. >> parlt part of the work we do is support filipino artists to work with community to really create and develop community based art. this is murals and designs that really reflect the rich history, the culture and the struggles and triumps of the filipino community. >> the presence of the filipino cultural center which offer workshops, language classes and community resources is a testament to the community efforts to preserve and
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promote the heritage. >> features the [indiscernible] philippines which is a indigenous community weaving textiles and tapestry for hundreds of years so proud to feech were modern ones and very antique ones and showcase fashion from the community and we are inviting everybody to come experience that with us. >> the center not only caters to the filipino community, but welcome all who wish to learn about and embrace this culture. >> we want to develop a cultural district where you have the young generation learn their history, language and culture and where you have also the seniors be part of the cultural and share their stories and their traditions, and continue to grow young in the neighborhood. >> the intersection of technology and culture in this part of san francisco provides a unique back drop for a
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thriving community embracing the past while looking to the future. the filipino influence ingrained in soma serves as remindser of the power of cultural diversity and importance of celebrating in our ever changing world. >> (music). >> hi, i'm emmy the owner of emmy's spaghetti i offers working that with some kind of fine dining and apron and feeling stuffy and in the 90s in
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san francisco it was pretty pretense in a restaurant in the restaurant scene i want to it have a place to have a place for my friends to guess i started the restaurant a no better place the outer mission spaces were available that's when i opt in two 10 he start with all people and work with them and the events they create one of the events we do every year and backpack give away and give piaget away and a christmas part with a santa and bring 5 hundred meatballs and pa get and we're like in the mission not about them knowing where the food
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comes from but a part of the community. and my restaurant emmy's spaghetti and fun banquet and san francisco not the thing that everybody knows about we stay under the radar we show the showcase i take it food and we started to eat we wanted to have comfort food and that a claims friend from i take it and helped me create meatballs and dealing evolved over the years in the beginning one plate of spaghetti and a meatball we tried to make the portions as big as they could be. and now we have quite a few types pasta dishes with a
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la begin and meat sauce or have a partition to a lot of food we are at a point with all the favorites i don't change the menu often 0 i eat here so much but everything is fresh your cocktail menu is the best it's ever been one thing on the menu our magazine ghetto we change the flavor one of the fun things it is served in the historically we're known emmy's spaghetti as a friendly place and when i opened i wanted my friend to be welcome and other parents to be welcomed and it is very for this is a place for families especially in san francisco and this is where though hold their
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celebration important i mean you're coming to a family restaurant and you're coming for o to a fun place i love being the owner and pretty sure my life i enjoy running the psta spaghetti place i hope to be here a while we'll see how it goes we everyone is a friend we're hoping you'll be a the mng