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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  February 12, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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wow. h wow. the san francisco police department likes to congratulate off the record for thirty years of >> we got a star studded list of celebrity guests today in china town! how exciting is this! hi, everyone. i'm san francisco mayor london breed. it is so great to be here. . yes i'm getting better with my cantonese. great to be here with you it kickoff lunar new year in san
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francisco. with excitement. this is the oldest china towns anywhere in the world. and san francisco has been the able to enjoy over the years, so many visitors and people who come from all over the world. but it is also a community. and especially during lunar new year, so many people from all over san francisco they travel on the subway the 30 stockton on various bus and with our verse ambassadors program to come to shop, dine and enjoy china town as a whole. and so when that means with the significant influx of people there are things as a city has done and will continue to do to make sure that those experience are amazing! i subside i think like oprah issue don'ta.
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amazing! for the month of february there is free parking! >> second of all on the day of lunar new year parade on february 24th, you will be able to ride the central subway for free! and also i want it thank so many of the city department heads who are here. there were so men of the business this ismentmented to do other activities you know the city can make it difficult. we appreciate the work for the work they have done with the office of economic and workforce development to make the permit access easy for the small buildings in china town. we want to thank president li of the chamber for work we did and the china town merchant
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association, they work with businesses in the community so this we can make sure this we are responding to community. this we are supporting the community and we are in the deciding -- no audio... >> during lunar new year. we than safety is at the top of everyone's mind. what i'm most proud of when we saw a spacecraft antiasian hate in the city 2 years ago we came together >> we have seen a 90% reduction in antiasian hate in san francisco because of the work this we did together. i want to thank annie chung and self help and sarah wong and community youth center. police chief scott. central station and the officers who are out here every day. da for bringing accountability. it takes a vil knowledge we are
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starting to see and feel the difference in places like china town where our grand mas can be safe as than i can be and we can take pride in our ambassador program and the w we did to come together and make this a reality. but it does not stop there. we got so many great people joining us today buzz it it is about the businesses. bn about public safety and the momentum and the excitement. of everything that is helping and it is about making sure that people know they are welcomed to come and celebrate the amazing festivities. left week, we did a nice parade for the new flower mart. marched down streets, hung out, got together. the china down merchant association lead the charge. i knowefaly is here today. we appreciate how people come
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together and support china town during lunar new year and all year round. we also are put nothing a bit extra effort. inform not only keeping the streets clean, thank you, carla short and the streets safe. we ulcment to appreciate our beat officers from the police department and ocea the eyes and ears of the streets. and of them speak cantonese it great for the communities to people in the community to ask questions to. the energy is different now. it is an energy fuelled by excitement. by joy. and the year of the dragon is really about courage and strength and progress. and we are celebrating that progress right here in china town. with so many community leaders including pius lee joining us
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here today as well as the president of the chinese company mr. c for your work and bringing your father mr.llow we appreciate you being here. it is so wonderful to be here with community. because we are going to make sure that this community in china town d is supported, protected and continues it thrive and blossom the hard work of everyone that is joining me here today. and with that, one of our favorite persons and machine who i know so many people in the community are proud of. ladies and gentlemen, welcome our city administrator, carmen chu. [applause] >> thank you so much mayor breed. i think president supervisor
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peskin thought you might have been tuck burglar him. i was hoping you were. i'm carpen chu the city administrator. i could in the put in more better wourds when the mayor already expressed enthusiasm for the new year. and i will personalize how important the time of year is for many people in the asian american community. lunar new year is a big time important time where we pull together our families. celebrate the year that passd and have hope and joy for the year this is to come. and so will the city upon. dids here are here to celebrate folks here in the community in china town and across the city. there will be lunar new year events across san francisco to celebrate the year of the dragon. we are ready with ambassadors. ocea out on the streets in the community to provide presence. during the time. i want to thank the mayor for
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commitments to fund and double the amount we put toward parid this is help to activate our neighborhoods. the choin ease new year parade coming up. applause! [applause] the best we have. and i know you will hear if men of my clothes next about the specific w they are doing. but all to say we as a city have always celebrated the diversity in a way we to that celebrating the cultural activities i hope the bay area come out to san francisco to enjoy this amazing city. the food all of the activations this are here. thank you. happy new year to everybody. >> with that -- thank you. carmen we appreciate you for being here. i wanted to recognize someone who has been an extraordinary advocate for members of chinese community all over san
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francisco. thank you so much to lilly lee and the team from b china town. lilly created an initiative called, china town lunar new year shopping, go, go, go! go, go, go, and spends all your money in china town for lunar new year. thank you again lilly for the w you do and twhchl, want to intlus our d adoing an amazing job here in san francisco ladies and gentlemen, welcome brook jenkins. >> happy new year! this is such an exciting time in san francisco. i must tell you since becoming da what is felt like to be a part. celebration amation for me and my children. who were in the parade left year and look forward again this
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year. i want to highway light it it is not just that is does for san francisco i grew up across the bay in the east bay i used to come here for the chinese new year parade and march in my marching band. it means to the surrounding areas for the students and experience you get and to be able to celebrate with this community. and so first i want to say i'm here to talk about safety. and keeping this community safer not just during lunar new year 365 days a year. and so -- i want to first thank the police department. for their per inship in making sure this we gotten back to a place in san francisco we are enforcing our lus each day. each law that is on the books. we are working hard to make sure that were this community feels safe. we know that post covid there were many issues with antiasian violence with -- stores broken
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into and vandalized in china town we come a way in making leer that we will not tolerate the act in our city. we not not tolerate them in this community. that we are hear to uplift and support and protect this community as we try to do everything community in san francisco. and so, again we made progress. i was proud to see so many seniors as driving up here out shopping. here in china town. we want to make sure that as they come to and from they feel safe and live their every dpa lives. we will continue to work with per ins to get this work done. other thing briefly is to warn our most vulnerable community members about blessing scams this is a time of year where people try to that i can advantage of numbers of asian community knowing is a time when they offer guests to loved ones. i want to encourage everyone to
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avoid having contact with strangers about the gifts you are giving. we are working hard to per merwith self help for elder low. chinese new comers and organizations to educate and inform the commune about the dangers of blessing scams and also inform of when than i need to report when something happens. we will be there it make sure we prosecute those arrested for enengaging in the scams. again, help new year. so q.ed to be here now i will turn it to david chu. >> good afternoon. upon i think it is entirely appropriate after weeks of stormy weather the sun is shining on china town today. my son second grade class is visiting china town the first time this hour. and i was with them an hour
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agoeng thinking what it would be like to see this municipality the first time through their ice. someone who representatived china town last 16 years i'm so grill to everyone standing behind me lead by our mayor. i want to thank our police officers and community ambassadors. i want to thank our public works staff for making sure we are cleaning and steaming and painting to make san francisco beautiful. thank our leaders for everything than i do to revitalize corridors. elected officials and supervisors to make sure our small businesses are thriving. we can do this together. and i'm grateful on behalf of modify family for everything we are doing to move forward san francisco and the greatest china town in america. thank you very much. have a wonderful lunar new year
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>> thank you. welcome our chief scott. [applause]. thank you, mayor. happy new year, everybody. i want it say thanks again to the mayor and our elected officials. department heads standing upon behind me and among the crowd. also thank you to the community members. you know this year has started out very good for our city in terms of crime and public safety. i want to thank the officers the beat officers behind us here the command staff i gallon to detail about when i mean by that. i was asked this morning the da jenkins and i has a business forum how we feel about the state of things. my answer was i'm feeling better and hopeful. last year, it was a different narrative. and the whole whole boom picture about the about the city. being the city we are.
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we fought back. we fought back mightly. as far as the san francisco police department in this community, we we put more officers on the am baz dorse adding value to our patrols. plain clothes working now to catch people committing crimes but deter people from committing crimes. restale theft operation had a tremendous amount impact and success rate in terms doing what is is designed to do arrest people. what this is amounted to for us is this first year of this year started off very niechls homds down by 50%. burgs down by 40 percent. larceny yee down by 66%. here is the bottom line in terms of crimes last year we had a
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thouz an. first month of january this year 392. that is amazing work and amissing progress. we know not everything is reported. but i would be standing before you saying we are down than up. we are down 600 property crime in this district. thank you. >> that's because of all of our work. and it is in the over. lunar new year a chance to show case this great city it is and we will work hard to make sure that lunar new year is fun and safe. officers will hand out fliers. and the d ajenkins brought up. we will arrest anyone who seeks to prey on vulnerable residents especially elder low residents. this is unacceptable.
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we cannot do it alone. we need your help. if somebody is trying to offer you a dheel is too good. it it is too good to be true. call somebody. trusted family member or us. don't let this help to you. we he to see it happen top anybody. one thing that the folks came to do who victimize people is they isolate. they make you feel embarrassed. not reach out for help. reach out for help. are make sure that. when you are enjoying yourgz yourself, watch surroundings. make sure you see if somebody is following you. using atm watch. if you are shopping. watch. this is what something we said we said. don't leave valuables in your car. car smart. stay vigilant.
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we need your eyes and ears to help us do what we do. that is protect the city. remember, don't give your personal information to anybody on the phone at your door. don't give it up. if you see something suspicious, please report it. so this year the dragon we want everybody to be healthy, safe and prosperous and want you to engi a great lunar new year. on behalf the police department -- [applause]. >> now please welcome the president of the board of supervisors supervisor peskin. >> we are 4 days away from the beginning of the year of the dragon which come around every 12 years. for mow, it will be my fifth
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time, i was born in the year of the dragon and i'm once again a would dragon temperature is significant for me. the city administrator and i were sharing cultural stories about jews and chinese and we actually share a tradition in common. which is that the days leading up to the new year are days for cleaning. symbolically for sweeping away the old and the troubles of the previous year and welcome manage new beginnings. and it it is in that vein i want to thank our public works staff, our new not so new director carla short. jada who runs operations. rachel gordon and the staff who work daily who are focusing love and attention and the 25 million dollars supplemental we got you last year helped i bit with that.
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and got some equipment for cloning of china town, thank you public works. upon to the police department, to company a central station, yes, we are all created equal. i am lucky because i represent the greatest district in san francisco that includes the greatest china town outside of china. and i have the greatest police district in the entire city and county of san francisco. to our new not new captain of the eric kim thank you for leading central station so well. and the officers and beat cop in china town, chu and tang and sang and lauren chu. thank you for the w this you do daily. this is truly the embodiment of community policing. all the grandmas and grandpas and the kids. than i know the officers by name. they know the families. that is when makes china town so
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safe. thank you san francisco police department. this is we don't just do this during the loo you knowar new year we do it 365 days a year. >> good afternoon. i'm carla short i'm the director of san francisco public works. thank you president supervisor peskin. lunar new year is the biggest in san francisco and china town the heart. public works has a team of hard working street cloning staff on the ground i don't remember round. we come out in force to ready the neighborhood for the seasonal. i will sthout out to tessa jones the street cleaning supervisor for the district. ticks pride in preparing the city for the lunar new year.
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in addition to the enhandled steam cleaning on the corridors andalys. we are cleaning the china town gate. grant and bush. scrubbing down the broadway tunnel and graffiti abuyment on the roll up gates painters touching up the dragon lamp posts they look beautiful. prior to the parade later this month our street crews will patching president holes on the parade route. we do this china town is the most loved neighborhoods in the only in san francisco but in the world. we are so proud and grateful to be pardon of the city and community team to prepare china town for the year of the dragon and welcome the crowds of locals and individualors during the holiday season. thank you again to our hard work public works staff here today and every day. i want to thank mayor breed for
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leadership and president supervisor peskin and our community part ins who work tireless low to keep san francisco vibrant, safe and welcome. wish you a joy filled and healthy new year. with this i'd like to bring up sarah phillips from workforce are development. >> local chinese owned businesses are critical to san francisco. what better way to celebrate than the lunar new year. oewd is excited urge all to celebrate year of dragon. yes in china town but also the city. in the excelsior. ocean avenue, port ola and the richmond and sunset. we can visit the dragon statutes throughout the city while you shop. whether you are in union square, lake shore.
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stones town. and of course here in the heart of china town. there are events throughout the month. including here on february 10th we are excited about and the lunar new year in golden gate park on february 11. you can find the celebrations and all of the places to shop at govern sfgovtv-lunar new year we are working hard with our office of small business to market and prosecute mote the great businesses you bring us here today. i want to give a thanks to mayor breed and president supervisor peskin grating legislation and preponder helping to get businesses out where than i touch more visitors and have more impacts. i want it thank our per in i know than i were mentioned already. from oewd the choin ease chamber is partner. has been critical.
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chinese consulate association. the community youth center. and ocea keeping streets safe. now the key partners inferenceis channel and katie fong with me key partners to you here today. i want to give a shout out to office of small business. katie tang. who are working heard to promote this . and with this i like to introduce the president of the chinese benevolent association. >> good afternoon everyone. before i say anything i want to extend my sincere gratitude to mayor breed for taking time in her busy schedule wo come it china town we cheesht hour support for public safety and
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beautifying the street and supporting small business. support [inaudible] with the efforts with cordination with all the partners in the city. especially in china tunnel your. this is vielth to our community. so this mayor, thank you. thank you for your support for our community. we than the mayor in here all the time today is very special. we are for you days from the new year and it is [inaudible] upon new year the [inaudible] chinese families go out shopping. planning for arrival of the new year and are this year the year of the dragon the wooden dragon. dragon shows the growth and the practice perity and development of the year. so if i go down to china town to look at the business you see the businesses and activity going
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on. and hire employees and also new merchandise. the businesses so i have brandt you see that this is almost like before the pandemic. so with the gracious support of the city and all the government official helping we see that there will be more visitor this is come to china town. watch over the parade. witness the elgages of the beauty pageant and the foods in the area and activities let us chair and celebrate the new year spirit. >> with joy and embrace the wood dragon to bring good fortune and prosperity to the city of san francisco and our community. in closing, bring join to the city, bring joy to the leaders
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and all of us to witness the streetaly in china town area and see the shopping, dining and having fun with the chinese new year. mayor, your leadership appreciated. i'm confidence your vision for the safe, clean and vibrant city will resonate as we celebrate. the new year the year of the dragon i wish everybody a happy new year happiness, safety, prosperity and good fortune for all. thank you. >> for the next speaker i want to introduce the president of chien these chamber of commerce. >> good afternoon. i'm -- residents of the chinese chamber of commerce. ip want to invite everyone we have our parade coming up on
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february 24. i hope that everyone will come. we also have community fair on the 24 and 25th in china town. with this said, i like to express gratitude to our mayor london breed. our city leader, our elected officials for all their support giving us all the resource and making china town always the best one in the united states. thank you. [applause] thank you. >> thank you. so much president lion and thank you to everyone joining us today! there you have it, folks it will be a good time in san francisco and a good time in china town inform during the month of february! i am so excited and people are already sdendzing on this community to support many of the businesses this are here.
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so when you in to china town on a day you don't know when new surprise you may have. with any of the businesses and i know i saw kevin from the fortune cookie place and all of the folks you gotta stand in 39 get those cookies have you a lot of visitors. woo very well great restaurants and night life lion's den is fun. come any day, any time to enjoy lunar new year and also after upon, we are not going anywhere. please, make sure you come out support china town and this jewel in the center and the heart of san francisco. we appreciate each one of you for joining us. and let's go, go g china town! [applause].culture.
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>> well to c h f a the society of america here on a chinatown the district preserved and the history of chinatown with any person of any background is sketch plan or accepted for all people the founder help to create the studies and with a major collection on the objects that tell the material history of chinatown and so much is offend in chinatown incredible all the texture of the design a way to get from the east to the west and beyond that have an
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amazing institution like c h f a to it is a historic day we are announcing the community meeting we are having on the 20th with china town community college center to talk about the first sober supportive housing hotel not simply in san francisco or california but i believe the nation. i had somebody say how do you know the first in the nation. i researchd and have admit found another that is permanent supportive housing that is sober. what is interesting is that we have over 8,000 single adults live nothing permanent supportive husbanding in san francisco not one building for sober hotels. that is an imbalance that's had
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this project would fill that gap. >> you know, we did a survey. people don't want sober hotels they want to be the way things are. we did a survey of the existing residents for you 50 responded. 71% said than i prefer to live in a sober hotel. think of that. there are people saying they poke for the poor and low income and cap recipients the recipients themselves want sober housing. and this project would give it. this project is designed so that people coming in to the hotel have all graduated from recovery programs, 12 mont recovery and sober programs or are existing permanent housing residents supportive housing who want a sober environment. that will tells you well is i ground swell of support for sober living and finally looks
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like our city is prepared mote this demand. i think our hope is this if this is successful, and once implement in the spring, that -- others will say, why have we not done more. i talk to people all the time. why people can't understand what do you mean? why don't we. and there is a state law that upon prohibits going to a homeless program with mandated service these are mandated. i don't understand why we would say you can't when you are subdiegz rent you can't require them to have service. also, the residents the voters preferred to give their tax dollars to people who are trying to turn around their lives. i did an interview with a media person. tissued around his life dieing from alcohol over dose now a journalist. it is a way to go. i look arnold and i see people
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like steve and richard from my office. richard can answer detailed questions about when we have planned. and crawlford here. tom wolf could not make it. j. j. smith. where are you? >> these other people who have built what is now become a powerful recovery movement. but i wish you were here to hear this reality is without the mayor's support all of our add have kaes for sober hotels would mean nothing. i don't know if it is fair to call the mayor the recovery mayor. i really hope by the mayor takeing political step a step when you see people had oppose interesting different than when we have done. opposition and doing it differented no keep it this way we always done it this wave even if it is wrong. she had the courage to say,
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let's move in i different direction. so, interviewings her i would say give credit to the mir for having the political courage to take this on. [applause] and instead i will introduce the head hsh. >> thank you. randled and he thank you to thc for your per inship with the city on this. i want to thank the mayor for her support of the project. and i want to start out by saying this is the beginning. our community engagement process. we are excited that thc will be occupying this building and -- really work to support people through their recovery. and -- in their sobriety. but we also know that we need to reach out to the community and
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hear from the community about what is needed to make this building and the people who live in it good partners and engaged partners and neighbors. so we will be starting that process as. today this . is really just us announcing that we are getting red to do this. um -- i want to thank the mayor for her vision to further diversify the housing we provide. i want to thank the recovery community for your on going advocacy for people in recovery in our programs. we hope this new model will bhrt support people in achieving goals. we continue is very hard to be in recovery when you are around people who are not like minded and we thank you is a really wonderful new step for us to supporty people in recovery. i'm excited stand in the lobby of our newest permanent supportive housing and first
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sober living site the new will offer stability in recovery from substance use disorder. the initiative is a testament to the city's commitment to addressing the complex needs of individuals experiencing homelessness. and the intent of 935 kaern alines with our notification provide safe and stable housing apgzs with the context of housing first for individual hos have responsiblesed homelessness. >> by offering on site social service we can better support people in their journey. services in a safe sober living space combined will offer a chance at stability and an student to rebuild and a brighter future. >> sober housing representatives a long over due expansion of the city's housing first approach. we see this as a national model
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for a now version of houseing incorporates sober living for residents of thank you. >> [applause] >> mayor breed is coming we are able to make it happen. she'll be here in a moment. >> i would like to add i forgot to mention cedric al-akhbar. he is the foundations of our recovery and he is our next speaker. cedric? >> all right. good afternoon. everyone. i thank god that london breed looks in the community and the people for having more transitional housing to help people get to permanent housing. i was speaking to people that is here today and the community. that live here. and wanted to biggest challenges
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we should have to get the city back on the feet we have to work together. each one of us even with our difference. and brother shaw, i will encourage to you talk to the leaders in this community and the merchant in this community. to be able to get what they want also in this community and let them be a part of what happens here so they can be a part of making this community better. i do acknowledge you for the way you foal about had and the way you of course about this. i believe we all could be at this table to have that discussion. because one size does not fit all when we have to do in the city in san francisco is stop bickering amongst each other. get our people laying on the street off the street and put them back in responsible, effective and accountability living i thank you.
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[applause]. >> i want to mention that when you have a building is the entire building is a sober hotel there is comraderie with the tenants the biggest problem in sro is loneiness we have tenants in the rooms by themselves all day. they want to be part of a community we have events in the hotel to keep people together. the meetings we are having part of the recovery process, make people feel they are not alone. so, we welcome the support in the talking to the merchants and everyone in the community wants to be a part of the process society hotel is part of the community. as well. >> so does anyone before i will take questions before if anyone has questions for the mayor. >> um -- mentioned a safe preventive.
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[inaudible]. >> why is it taking so long? we did not have a mayor who supported the movement like this one the drug problem is worse since covid. and there has been my view is this is when we the city on a path but i don't know if you want to answer that question. don't want to blame you. living a year or 2. >> >> not a blame as much as most the funding we have to support people who experienced homelessness is state and federal funding and we believe in housing first housing first approach. what that means we bring people to hozing and believe people neil that is hard to do that before and wrap service around that. this is a different model. it is very exciting we'll be engaging in this model but it is -- it is a moss for people
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who are on the path to recovery. who can be supported in an environment. we think we need both. so the city has been focused on housing first. have a lot of that. yes or noly works well. and this is another option for people who need to be around other people who are in a recovery community. >> i see mayor breed entering? >> yes, she is here. >> mayor i'm glad you arrived. because [applause] i had will billed you america's recovery mayor. you came to recovery day in august 18th. and you are supporting recovery hotels you supported recovery every step of the way. so, during that title to be recovery mayor. mayor london breed. [applause] >> thank you, so much. randy. and thank you to whoefrn is joining us here today.
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we are excite body the possibility of a sober living environment for people who have struggled with addiction and are in a situation where it is hard to maintain sobriety because of their environment. and when we were in places like the tenderloin community and i met with a number of people there. they were looking for other alternatives. and this possible site presents a possible alternative. let mow say, today we are official low kick out kickoff our out reach efforts. our goal and looking at the site is to reach out and to roach out to the surrounding community and to talk to the community about what this means. i will tell what you this means. what this means are people who have been clean and sober for a year having a place to maintain
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sobriety. it means making sure the people who are here are not impact other people's sobriety. and this means that we have plans in place so if someone gets to a moves to a different direction, our goal is to not 3 them out on the streets but take them out of the environment in order to place them in another location that could provide a lot more wrap around supportive service. this facility, our goal in this facility has everything to do with clean and sober living. >> and so what that means again is having out reach efforts with the merchant specials people who work and live in in community it begin those discussions. there is still a process that will occur this will -- go through the department of supportive services. and ultimately, again, it is so
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critical for us to think about other opportunity. and thinking about other locations outside of the tenderloin community. thinking about places where all people belong in the city and county of san francisco. that especially is important for the recovery community. as someone who grew up in public housing where during the height of the crack epidemic and saw lives destroyed, and changed and saw the lack of support and resources that were really available to help people turn lives around; it has been critical for us as a city to think about our investments. to think about the community differently and realizing that it is not one size fits all. not one program and that is it. it is a multitude of programs. it is sober living.
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it is sober recovery. it is making sure that we meet the needs of people where they are and we match the people with the solutions that they need in order to live a clean and sober life. >> today representatives a part of the commitment the city is trying to make to reach those goals. in addition to the 150 units located in this space, what i'm excite body are the wrap around supportive service this come with that. to make sure that we are not leaving people on their own but continuing to be that resource to be that partner. partners like the salvation army. positive direction, equal change with cedric. tenderloin housing clinic with randy shaw and so many who care about the work this we need to do as a city to not only talk about our belief in helping people to get clean special
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sober. but when we are invest nothing that sobriety. that is when we are here today to talk about to launch this effort. which includes a community out reach effort. we are grateful to be here with our various partners. we have so much work to dom we know but i think a project like had could be a game change and transformtive and exciting for so many people who deserve a second chance to live a life free and clean and sober in the city and county of san francisco. thank you very much. [applause]. >> that's why i called you. >> just to be clear for the people who are here to protest, we want to make sure we have an opportunity to sit down and meet with you and talk to you. about your concerns. and to be clear this is in the has been 100% approved today as
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i said, it is a part of kickoff the out reach efforts which will definitely occur. because our goal is to not intrude on a neighborhood it is to be a part of a neighborhood. we want to make sure that we upon listen and hear you out. we come in peace. to have these conversations. we this afternoon there are some bheem have not been directly out reached tochlt but want to make that commitment today this our goal is to sit down and be able to have this conversation as we go through this process. our hope is you understand this this is not about providing treatment. this is not about providing anything other than a safe living environment to be clean and to be sewn and contribute to the businesses and the surrounding community. and we want to work with to you talk about how we can do that i want to make that very clear.
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>> thank you. >> [applause] >> great any questions. >> [inaudible] >> i will say we are complying with the legally required noticing period on the 20th. >> why do we. [inaudible]. >> i can respond to this. >> and let me say, there is a process associated with this. there is still will be a meeting to talk this where your voices could be heard well is a plan to do a robust process to talk to various merchants and community groups. we have been in touch with a number of agencies.
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that are part of this community. and have gotten a lot of positive feedback as far as recommendations which is why this place is looked at as a sober living facility where you have to be clean and sober for at least a year before this is an option. the conversation will continue, this will not be the last opportunity. we are here to announce that this is something we are trying to make happen in the city of san francisco. so i want to be very clear that this is still an on going conversation. in order to accept feedback and hopefully you know get to a place where we can all be on the same page with the understanding that this is going to be a complex and hard conversation to have. we are here to listen and work with the community and why we did this before now is to announce what the city is doing to make sure that we are expressing we are committed to
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providing alternatives options for people to have clean and sober living and this possibility presents itself as an option to do that. >> are there other questions? >> [inaudible]. can you say more about what services will be offered and relapse sns >> richard will run our program. why don't you come and answer that question about. richard who -- running the program. >> yes. what is the question. what service will be offered and how will relimited partnerses be treat when they occur. >> every client will have a relapse prevennes plan in the first 30 days. we will have relapse groupos site and support groupos site. we'll reach out to the 12 step programs and have aa and na meetingos site and other recovery activities. >> it will be we will have
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recovery support specialists that will be working directly with cloinlts and also have recovery case managers. >> erika. >> hi. [inaudible]. i have a question about security. will there be security detail in front whether it is [inaudible], anybody will be patrolling? >> there is no security now, is there? we don't anticipate outside security. this will be a peaceful hotel. and its a peaceful area. we don't anticipate problems. >> any other questions? >> now. second question. >> the home committee meets
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march 7th. march 7th. okay. look if you have questions or think of we'll be here if you k have technical questions like the methods. recovery richard is the expert. he can answer and will explain it. i continuing is a special day i was talking to the times and i said i open karen bass is paying attention what london broed is doing. hope it miss to l.a. after this. >> i will add. with the work that we are doing here in san francisco we have been able to help over 15,000 people exit homelessness in general. and part of that has toefrg do with trying to help address some of the issues this exist. out on the streets of san
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francisco, which residentsment. residentses and businesses say they want us to deal with the people who are struggling out on the streets of san francisco and part of addressing it making sure we make investment in possible places like this to change people's lives. i believe this we can come together on this. i believe that this account be an extraordinary opportunity to work together. and to make sure that we create an environment where the people who live here and the merchants who live here. feel the people who will be a part of the community can be the supporters and protectors. i seen it happen before. in the district that i used to represent we had a very similar situation. i stein at the embarcadero navigation center people were opposed this environment. and the people who are part of that navigation center the
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people who protect the merchants and the communities and keep the area clean and free of the challenges that existed there before. so, we could look at this as an opportunity to come together and to make sure that we are doing everything we can to uplift people. while we are supporting the businesses and uplifting the businesses as well. this could be looked at as an opportunity. let's not let this be a chance for people to divide us. we have been through a lot during the pan dem and i can as a result real came together and the city is strategier. we left lane is sensitivity around upon what happen 2 years ago during the rise of antiasian hate violence in our city and in fact, this year we have looked at the numbers ap i hate dropped. by over 90% in san francisco. because people that we worked with african-american in the
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community. chinese-americans in the city became the ambassador and it is people who protected our seniors on the streets of san francisco. this is when we want to be able to do. is use this as an opportunity to support this community. to support the merchants and protect the people who live here and make sure that the folk who is are part of living at the new environment that they become embed in the the community in the way that uplift this community. so i want to be clear, we want to do more than just sdendz on a neighborhood and not become a part of one we want to work with the community. you have my commitment in terms of conversations that need to happen. and in terms of the out reach this needs to happen. we want this to be a win situation i'm hopeful we can get there. thank you all for being here today. [applause]. thank you and that's all. enjoy the day. thank you.
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>> >> (indiscernible) faces transformed san francisco street and sidewalks. local business communities are more resilient and our neighborhood centers on more vibrant ask lively. sidewalks and parking lanes can be used for outdoor seating, dining, merchandising and other community activities. we're counting on operators of shared spaces to ensure their sites are accessible for all and safe. hello, san francisco. i love it when i can cross the street in our beauty city and not worry
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whether car can see me and i want me and my grandma to be safe when we do. we all want to be safe. that's why our city is making sure curb areas near street corners are clear of parked cars and any other structures, so that people driving vehicles, people walking, and people biking can all see each other at the intersection. if cars are parked which are too close to the crosswalk, drivers can't see who is about to cross the street. it's a proven way to prevent traffic crashes. which have way too much crashes and fatalities in our city. these updates to the shared spaces program will help to ensure safety and accessibility for everyone so we can all enjoy these public spaces. more information is available at sf dot gov slash
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shared >> >> good afternoon this meeting will come to order the february 12 regular meeting of land use commit east board of supervisors. i'm supervisor melgar chair and joined by the board president aaron supervisor peskin and preston the clerks