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tv   Homelessness Oversight Commission  SFGTV  February 21, 2024 9:30pm-11:35pm PST

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online item 12 vote to elect whether to disclose any or all discussion on item 11 held in closed session. san francisco administrative code section 67.10 action a motion to not disclose. item 11, with the exception of factual information on item 11 a to be provided in the minutes, i'll second the motion. any members of the public like to make public comment regarding line item 12. please approach the podium. i'm seeing none on the motion. commissioner walker, how do you vote? yes. mr. walker is. yes. commissioner benedicto. yes, commissioner. benedicta was. yes. commissioner. janez. yes commissioner is. yes. commissioner byrne. yes, commissioner. burns. yes, commissioner. ye yes. commissioner yee is yes. vice president carter. overstone. yes. vice president wilson is. yes. and president elias. president elias is. yes. you
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have seven yeses. line item 13. adjournment. going 90 charlie. go ahead. we moved to san francisco in 1982. we came from the philippines. i have three kids. nathan jessica.
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going 90 charlie. go ahead. we moved to san francisco in 1982. we came from the philippines. i have three kids nathan, jessica and iva. i was really young. when i had neat, i turned 19. and then two weeks later, he was born. so when he was fine, i used to watch cops all the time. all the time and so he would watch with me. he had his little handcuffs and his little toy walkie talkie. and then whenever the theme song came on, he would walk around and he just thought he was the baddest little thing. i think he was in kindergarten at sheridan because he and i attended the same elementary school there was an officer bill. he would just be like mom officer bill was there then one day, he said, mom, i touched his
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gun. and he was just so happy about it. everything happened at five minutes. i would say everything. happened at 4 to 5 years old. it's like one of those goals to where you just you can't you can't just let go. high school. i think you know everybody kind of strays. he was just riding the wave. and i mean, he graduated. thank god. one day i think he was about 20 or 21. he told me, he said mom. i want to be a cop or a firefighter, i said. no you're going to be a firefighter. but that's really not what he wanted to do. his words were i want to make a difference. and that was a really proud moment for me when he said that my dad was a cop in the philippines for 20 years. i think a lot of that played a role into his becoming
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a cop. my dad was really happy about it. my mom. she was kind of worried, but i just figured i can't stop him. he can make his own decisions. stu. i just want to say what's up? how you doing? good. good. no i'm trying to look good for us to looking good for us to so when he was in the police academy, mind you this kid was not a very studious kid. but i've never seen him want something so bad when he was home. he'd be in his room studying the codes. he really fought for it. hi. what's your name? i'm nate. nate is great with kids, and he would give them hugs or give them stickers. i think that that's a positive influence on the kids, and then the people around you see it. once he makes that connection
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with people and they trust him that foundation that respect people look at you and see your actions more than your words and so that i think will reach people more than anything. you could say you later, brother. thank you. all right, see you. it's a really hard job. i know you. you see a lot of the negative for me. i would not put myself through that if i didn't care. you know, you have to be the right kind of person. you have to have the right heart to want to do that. when people ask me if you know what my son does , um, i just tell him he's a cop , and i just feel like i'm beaming with pride. i always told him when he was young that he would do something great. and so to see it. it's i have a moment. i'm very proud of him.
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>> the city of san francisco invest nothing resources to care for people experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis on the streets this includes new programs and the expansion of pilots. >> paramedic and street crisis. you all right? >> when we receive a call on 911 when someone is experiencing a mental health crisis, the street crisis response team would be sent out for that person. more people are looking at 911 for the medical or police or
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fire response this is actually a response that is needed on 911, mental health is a big issue. >> we are like another tool in the box. because sometimes people call 911 and will not want to go to the hospital. >> and other times people are afraid of safety or worried about the person and -- sometimes they will send pd out which may not be the best resource for that person. jot street crisis response team assists and stabilizes many experiencing crisis on the street. >> sometimes people have more complex needs. behavioral health clinicians from the team or best, provide follow up care after the initial 911 call response. >> best provides street behavioral health support over dose follow up and linkage to appropriate mental health treatment and medical care. >> behavioral health starts with
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us and the coalitions that can relate. and build the friendships and the resource this is go with that. >> if you are experiencing an emergency, or a worried about someone's safety on the street, call 911. for nonemergency, use 311. you can learn more i'm chanel joyce i'm a firefighter for the san francisco fire department. i currently am the station 4. in the mission bay districtism lived in san francisco in noe valley. grew up with my mom and i went to high school in san ma te'o. after high school i went to mississippi where i played volleyball in university of southern mississippi. what got me going after college was i was applying to place
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related to fire and police i loved my experience but my family is home. i grew up here and could not be far from my family anymore i came back. >> i have been a firefighter for 4 years the transition to the fire department has been seam tells is the same. team work and coming together. transitioning to the job med me comfortable that i made the right decision to come become and work for a fire department that is big in diversity and equality and becoming a fell. i got to be a member at a few different fire stations. each station has their own culture. i worked in places that are xroem and with a young crew and had the most seniority have 3 or 2 years in whatever it may be. learning stuff when people have been in the job for 20 plus
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years and learning from people got in it grew me to adopt and work with everybody. >> a lot of people will come up to mow and say, thank you for your service noise to see a woman in the fire department. you are doing it. it is nice to see kids waiving look a woman firefighter. they get excited i love that part of the job seeing the excitement that people see. you are a woman you can do this job. every person has a good experience with the fire department. no one ever spokous they say, they are here. they're do this work and everybody loves them. not everybody gets that in their job. i don't do it for the recognition but niez nice to see people that respect had you do and know you did a lot to get here and you still do to work and you set your life on the
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line for other people. it is cool. in fire prevention. i'm very happy at fire prevention because not only am i able to enforce the code and make changes to help the citizen of san francisco be safe in their homes or place of business, but i think my work also make sure that my fellow firefighters and first responders, when they respond to a fire, the building is also safe for them. >> you're watching san francisco rising with chris manners. today's special guest is brooke jenkins. >> hi, i'm chris manners and you are watchs san francisco rising, the show about restarting rebuilding and reimagining our city. ourguest san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins here to talk about theopeioid crisis, criminal justice and more. >> thank you so much for having me. >> thank you for being here. let's start with organized restale threft. some jurisdictions across the
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country imposed most of the punishment against people shop lifting in groups but that may be applied disproportionately to epipooal and doesn't address the organization behind it all. how can we make sure both prosecute the ring leaders behind the crimes and make sure justice is handed out eveningly? >> making sure we get to the higher level of organizations in the organized retail threrft area so that is something myophilus is very much focused on working the police department on. looking at organized retail threat ringzsx but we have to make sure people are being caught who have stealing and that is a big challenge in the sit a so we have worked with retailers and small business owners to insure the necessary protocols and procedures are in place to at the very laest catch people who are stealing because they have been running out of the stores and therefore facing no consequence so we have to start there and trying to do
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more with intervention with the youth who are some of the population doing some of the threfts. many stores have turned to not detaining employees stealing oertrying to stop them and that change in procedure lead to making it very difficult for the police department to capture these people stealing. we have been working with them on a change in their protocol going back to the way it used to be done so we can actually have the opportunity to have people face consequences. >> right. so, let's move to the opioid crisis which had a devastating impact across the community and across the country, including san francisco. how can your office help address the issue? >> the main thing is going back to where people feel there is a consequence dealing drugs in the city. we can't treat drug steel dealing as a victimless crime. we have ooverage 2 people dying a day from overdose. there are
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victims of this offense so quha what is did is say no longer the case we decriminalizing drug sales in san francisco as the da office. we have to put consequence on the table and insure the most agregiouss sellers so massive quantityties of fentanyl, some enough to kill all most half the city. sometimes with people with wep ens and guns are multiple of cases with fentanyl are treated differently then thoges with small contties so i ask those people detain in custody. we can't have them on the street hours later, but also trying to work with the police department and our city making sure our laws are enforced. it is the only people people suffering from addiction will have a opportunity at recovry. imagine if you are trying to get clean and every 10 steps doin the block you are offered the drug you have been addicted to. it is impossible.
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that is one way we are dealing with the supply side and we are taking a different approach on the demand side, which is to say, if people are publicly using drugs over and over again, that we believe we need to intervene in those situations and so the police are citing them and when somebody reaches 3 of the citations, we then file a complaint, but route them into a treatment court to try to help them get help. >> they have a option take treatment or face charges? >> correct. essentially. we of course encourage treatment because that is what these folks need. >> absolutely, absolutely. san francisco is known for being forfront of criminal justice reform with initiatives such as community justice center and restoreative justice, how do you plan to build on the efforts and push for aggressive policies insuring we have a fair system that holds people accountable? >> i have been clear accountability comes in many different forms.
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historically, da office used one form and that is incarceration. the way i functioned as a prosecutor over the years is make sure we are finding the appropriate form of accountability for each and every person for their specific circumstance, and so for some people it may be incarceration, others it is treatment and going through behavioral health to stabilize mental health issue. some it is say ing we toopt see you get a job so we require that you go through a trade program so you can get a skill that allows you to take care of yourself in a different way. for me it is investing in those opportunities which requires us to be partnering with community based organizations to identify what programs we can send people to, but i'm very much invested in seeing our collaborative courts, which is what community justice center, drug court, young adult court
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seeing those courts thrive and encouraging the lawyers to explore those opportunities. >> right. what role do you think the da office can play addressing the issue of police misconduct and promoting accountability? >> our job is to prosecute police officers when they commit such misconduct and use excessive force in a way that is illegal so we'll continue to maintain that is our job and our position. we prosecute all crime in san francisco, it is not about what your statue is, what your position is or what office you hold. the law will always be our standard. we can't treat differently where they come from, whether they wear a uniform or not, our standard is the law. for me, as a black latino woman it is issue very personal to me. we had a death in police custody in my family that i heard about my entire life. i'm raising two black children including a
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black son who you know, i will have to talk about these type of issues as he grows up. i was out raged long before george floyd. the list goes on and on, but as a prosecutor i have to maintain one standard and it is whether somebody according to the law has committed a crime and so that's what we always look at. >> absolutely. finally, what message do you have for the people of san francisco and what you hope to accomplish during your tenure? >> i want the people of san francisco to know i'm committed serving the function the da office was designed to serve which is make sure we promote public safety across san francisco. like i said, we have to have accountability in our city. what we see going on in our streets is the result of people feeling as though there was none. they didn't fear even the police walking by as they were committing a crime because there was a belief that even if you arrest me,
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the da office isn't going to do anything that i'm afraid of experiencing, and so we want people to have a healthy fear of what a consequence will be, but i also want san francisco to know we are a da office that stands by the val aoos we have here in san francisco which is second chances, compassion, responsible alternative to incourseeration bought the end of the day accountability has to be what people said back on the street or community in a fashion where they can succeed. every time somebody cycles into the system we are thoughtful what the person needs to get back on their feet and not create another victim in the future. >> quite right. thank you. thank you so much for coming on the show. i really appreciate the time you have given us today. >> thank you. >> that's it for this episode. we'll back for another
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shortly. for sfgovtv, i'm community. >> hello, i'm iowa join the series for the city and county of san francisco for thirty years ago all san franciscans can watch their government in action to reliable service and program tuesday's sfgovtv for all you do and
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(laughter). >> hi, i'm pilipinas chi chai mateo and am the artist here. i'm current working on a title meaning together and the reason
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why i choose that theme because celebrating the legacy of some of the latin tennis especially with the power that put us together as formed when he come together and before us putting for our recognition and housing. but through our art culture and we see that today which we're together and it is always a hope for the generations after us. >> here in this district where we revising the languages and culture but in yes or no answer why we do this i get to see kids come out of this kind mr. ryu rattle where they came from and we are here. such an honor to be
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part of this legacy of togetherness and those opportunities have painting a mural such as this but teaching different skwashgs and learning more about my culture i thought i already knew but so much more to this is beautiful we have so much to give each other and we're also willing to work
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>> good afternoon. everybody. i'm san francisco mayor london breed and i'm so excited to be swearing in janet tarlov to the mta board with her family, her friends, people from the merchant's association and so many folks that she's had an opportunity to develop relationships with to the council of district merchants and so many of our communities. the glenn park community. food is a unify but your establishes in glenn park was something of an institution. it still is, the grand canyon -- did i not say that