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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  March 4, 2024 3:30am-4:01am PST

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>> hieveryone, san francisco mayor london breed and i'm really grateful to be here at good samaritan and the executive director is joining us to talk about a number of significant accomplishments with the office of early childhood education in san francisco and ingret is here as well as supervisor melgar and so many amazing folks who are really a important part of why san francisco has been a national leader in early childhood education, so much so, that we have been paid a
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visit by the executive director of first 5 of california, jacky wong. thank you so much for joining us. [applause] she wanted a piece of the action too, so she came all the way down from sacramento, because i'm really proud of everything we have been doing in san francisco. it goes back to 2018 when the voters of san francisco passed proposition c to invest more resources into early childhood education and i want to acknowledge someone who isn't here but a leader in the effort and that's former supervisor norman yee, who did a really great job of focusing on child care and making sure we have support and resources. as a result, san francisco has been able to do some transformative work and i'm really proud of it. we knew that there was a need to recruit and retain early childhooded educators and we have been able to provide
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increase in salaries with subsidies that lead to over 1600 early educators receiving raises of $12 thousand, which helps us with not only recruitment, it helps with retention. we have been able to double the number of child care slots going from 6,000 to 12,000 child care slots providing over 50,000 child care subsidies over the past 5 years, because of this office. we have been able to reduce this significant wait list by over 70% because of our investments. and also, we have been able to help rehabilitate and create new child care facilities. so far, 40 new and rehabilitated child care facilities, including 17 this year. san francisco is really investing in our efforts around
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early childhood education and i have been over all over the city cutting ribbons on new facilities, helping to provide resources and support to some of our existing facilities that needed a upgrade and needed the kind of new advance facilities that insure our children have these great environments, and when i walk into these facilities, i'm always excited and impressed by all the new improvements, all the little things that these kids get to enjoy that didn't exist before and i'm really proud of san francisco for being a extraordinary leader in the work that we have done and will continue to do to make sure that we continue those investments. so, today is really about taking a moment to reflect on how far we have come, how much work we've done together to get us to this point and to make sure that we continue to push the envelope and be a example
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for the rest of the state and rest of the nation to follow as it relates to investment in early childhood education. with that, one of the person who picked up the mantle to be the person that is responsible and focused on insuring that these investments continue and this work continues and we do even more great things for our children is no other then supervisor myrna melgar. [applause] >> thank you mayor. i'm supervisor melgar the supervisor for district 7 with the highest concentration of kids in our city and i'm so proud of the department we have here today under the leadership of our mayor london breed. we were able to merge two different departments, first 5 and office of early childhood to create a department that is integrated and serves the needs
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of families and children and very deep in this report is the wonderful outcomes and a lot of meaningful data about what it means to serve children, because when you serve children and with high quality program and care, it has outcomes that last the entirety of a person life time. graduation rates go up in high school. criminal justice involvement goes down. the health of the family goes up. there is all these really great things that happen when you invest in kids early and are you invest in their families to make sure they're supported throughout the early years of childhood that are so important. so grateful to ingrid director of the department for her vision and her stick to itness because a lot of folks are like don't change anything and then we created this wonderful
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infrastructure that supports programs, supports providers and supports the slots we still need to build for the little ones. the state is changing, we are investing in transitional kindergarten and so grateful to our first 5 partners and to the governor for that early investment from the state. we also have to adapt to make sure that we are leveraging everything to make sure that we support the kids. but one last thing i will say, this is all about kids and families. it is about all of us, so we have just gone through this terrible pandemic that has decimating our downtown. it had a profound effect in the way people work, so recent report by center for american progress is one of the largest groups that hasn't come back to work in person is women and the number one reason they cited is, lack of child care.
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as we are working together and the mayor is focused bringing people back to work in person, we will have the child care in san francisco that we need to make sure that families thrive, that they survive and those kids are successful for the entirety of their school careers and can enter the workforce success fell because that is what we do in san francisco. we are forward thinking and we are planning 15 years ahead to make sure that we do what we need to do. with that, i am so happy to introduce our dignitary today, jacky wong who is the executive director of first 5 who has come down from sacramento to be with us today and celebrate our successes. thank you so much. here you are. [applause] >> thank you so much. greetings. this year the year of the dragon we celebrate the 25th anniversary of proposition 10
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and the birth of the commission on children and families. i know we could not have done any of this without our local first 5 family. and the support of cutting edge cities like san francisco and the vision of leaders like mayor breed and supervisor melgar and supervisor yee before. our vision for the next 25 years starts here as we gather to celebrate a landmark achievement in our collective mission to nurture the potential of our youngest californians. in review of the annual impact report by the san francisco department of early childhood, i'm proud to say that we stand on the threshold of a brighter future for our children and the city. at the heart of this transformative journey, is mayor london breed's visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to early childhood development. her dedication is instrumental
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propelling san francisco to the for front of early childhood education, not just in the state but in the nation. i also like to acknowledge the significant contribution of supervisor melgar who support and advocacy for early childhood initiative is vital to the success of the department. her commitment to families and children strengthens our efforts and amplifies impact of our work. through an innovative initiative and historic investment we are reshaping the landscape of early learning and care, making more accessible, more equitable and more impactful for all our children ages 0-5. the department achievements, this past year are a testament to the power of collaboration and community. together, we expanded access to high quality early learning education.
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significantly improved workforce compensation for our educators. those who take care of our babies. and constructed new facilities to serve more families when other cities are shutting down facilities. thank you for that. these strides are not merely numbered in a report. they are lifelines to a future where every child in san francisco has the opportunity to thrive from the very beginning. the significance of the department work can not be overstated. the foundations we lay for our children today will determine the prosperity of tomorrow. by investing in early childhood we invest in the architects of the future. insuring that they have the tools, support, and love they need to build a world better then the one we know today. better then the one we know today. but let us know not be content
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with our progress, let this report serve as both a celebration, and clear call to action. there is more work to be done. more barriers to dismantle and more dreams to nurture. let us continue to lead by example. showing the state and the nation the transformative power of early childhood support as exlempifyed the work of the department. the commission future in the next 25 years of first 5 is guided by this north star that all children deserve a system that is healing centered, trauma informed and culturally responsive. before i conclude, i have the honor of introducing and extending appreciation to a remarkable leader. ingrid executive director of san francisco early childhood education. the department flourished with a unparalleled dedication and
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insight. welcome, ingred. >> good morning. thank you so much for being here and thank you so much for everyone who is in next to me, which i feel very intimidated because these are people who are really not only commitmented to the work of early childhood and champion it in a way you dont see anywhere else. through the leadership and conviction the mayor shows i thichck it is testament what san francisco and other places can do when you really put your collective arms around this issue. the passage of proposition c was monumental. it was unprecedented resources to be able to provide children families and everyone who is part of the system of care resources to be able to fulfill a dream, having champions like supervisor melgar and also jacky wong at the state level helps show there could be a way
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of able to address early childhood despairties and this is what proposition c has allowed us to do, but most-importantly the mayor's support has been really consistent around investing these funds not only in really young children, but also all the people who make up like i said, this is system of care. this last year, we have been able to provide wages and compensation to teachers in early childhood field who are mostly women and women of color who have bared the brunt to provide care to thousands of families throughout the city without receiving just compensation. baby prop c allowed to do that, but it has been a collective effort. it is through our department through the departments of early childhood that we show these bold nish tvlgs that can be done. not only for the people who are part of this workforce, but also to the families who depend on the care and education that these services provide across the city. we have been able to provide an
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increase believe it or not of over 150 percent now in within one year of providing access to infant and toddler care. never seen anywhere else across the nation or even in the state. this is historic and we have been able to start seeing how those investments are turning out as we see the impact that that in children school readiness and so, as the department creates additional access for children across the city, we are able to support more child care facilities like the one you see here today that create really inspiring and learning places for children to thrive. we look at children across the city to be able to have the same opportunities and be able to see that their potential is a great potential ahead and as the years unfold, we will be able to see we are growing the number not only of children in early care settings, but also
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increasing compensation for those people who are responsible for nurturing and learning every day. with that, it is-very grateful to be able to introduce to you one of the folks who make that happen and that is angela torres who is one of the early educators here who also-part of this amazing network of people who across the city make learning happen for children every day. angela. [applause] >> good morning everyone. i will share a few thoughts on prop c. before the passing of proposition c, i found byself struggleing to make ends and provide best care for student. as a new mother the financial strain was harder with added expense and responsibility that come with parenthood. since proposition c, i have been able to focus on my role
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as a teacher and mother without constantly were about felsh stressors. the resources and support allowed me to create more nurturing and engaging learning environment for my students also insuring i can provide for my own family needs. prop c, has been a lifeline for many early educators. teachers like myself. there is still more to be done, especially providing affordable housing for early teachers. prop c is a step in the right direction, but we need to continue advocating for further imuvprovements. despite this, i'm grateful for the positive impact prop c has and continue to support the efforts. thank you. [applause] >> i went into the one of the families for---
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[applause] >> i suppose this makes me the speaker of the parent committee. well, i'm a huge fan of any program that specializes in advocates for multi-cultural, multi-bilingual education, especially early on. the earlier we introduce diversity in our kids life, the better for everybody, especially in early education. i think a familiar and nurturing environment is absolutely key. something like we have here in the facility. i'm personally a city native. i grew up here in the city and i actually was able to benefit from a program from good samaritan. i played in the youth soccer team and now my kid attends the school, so it all most feels it comes full circle. i am grateful for the proposition, grateful for the things that it has provided and
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overall, a huge advocate of it, so thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you. thank you. my name is mario paz, the executive director of the good samaritan resource center and thank you for being here. thank the mayor and special guests. i think the mayor said it best. san francisco is a national model. in this space, we believe that every child deserves a high quality early care and education experience and we could not have done this without the support of the department of early childhood, without investments we are making not just in the program but in our teachers. i think you heard, teachers are earning a living wage and are that in itself is so
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significant and assuring we can retain and recruit high quality educators for our children. in this city, we believe every children deserves to succeed, not just a privileged few. that's the values we share. in this space, we want to make sure that every every child when they leave here not only are they ready for school, but they are also ready for life. and this is the investment that san francisco is making. a true investment and for that we are grateful to the department of early childhood and for the mayor for her support and everyone. so many partners that made this happen. we worked hard to get here. again, i want to thank san francisco, i are want to thank all the leadership here. every child in the space here now can dream for a better future. thank you. [applause]
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>> san francisco is a positive impact on my chinese business. >> i'm the founder of joe-joe. i'm a san francisco based chinese artist. i grew up in the bayview district. i am from china i started at an early age i started at age of 10 my grandfather my biggest inspiration. and i have followed with my traditional art teacher in china:i host educational workshops at the museum and local library. and i also provide chinese
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writing in public middle school and that way i hold more people fall in love with the beautiful of our chinese calligraphy. it is a part of our heritage. and so we need to keep this culture alive. hand writing is necessary field that needs to be preserved generation toieneration. this art form is fading away. but since covid i have been very dedicated to this art and i hope that my passions and serving this art form. there are many stores and shopping centers and companies that are interested in chinese cal iing ravi. i feel motivated to my passion for chinese calligraphy in
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today's world. so people can always enjoy the beauty of chinese calligraphy, from time to time i have a choice to traditional chinese calligraphy to make it more interesting. we do calligraphy on paper. i can do calligraphy different low. >> my inspiration is from nature and provide calligraphy that was popular style of persons time. i will invite to you check out my website or instagram. and there is some events and updated upcoming events that you can participate. our work toget
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>> handicap throwing it out there anniversary sfgovtv thank you for keeping our san francisco community informed. >> hi this is supervisor savvy happy thirty anniversary for the access to the community and all the partners in san francisco so many people don't know had is happened on a daily process within the hassle of san francisco government if makes it accessible to everyone. >> happy anniversary sfgovtv wow. h wow. the san francisco police department likes to congratulate off the record for thirty years ofculture. >> well to c h f a the society
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of america here on a chinatown the district preserved and the history of chinatown with any person of any background is sketch plan or accepted for all people the founder help to create the studies and with a major collection on the objects that tell the material history of chinatown and so much is offend in chinatown incredible all the texture of the design a way to get from the east to the west and beyond that have an amazing institution like c h f a to >> my name is patricia yuen and captain of the fire department
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of division of training. >> i was born as a child of 2 wonderful, dull this is decided to have 7 kids. they had 6 girl and one boy. a traditional family family immigrate in the 70 and mom owned a sewing fact row in china town. my dad worked 60 hours as a waiter. their hard work ethic trickled down to the family >> my journal tow becoming a firefighter happened when i was in college. my senior year had 2 friends that were firefighters. lieutenant rob wong who is still working and retired ricky hughy. they would tell me about their advent urs. daily activities of being a firefighter. i think it was the unknown that sparked my interest and finding out more about the department. what it does. every day is different. that really made me want to work hard to get that job as a firefighter. when i got in the department in
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1996. okay. asian firefighter association let me see what this is about. back then the main people what were in the organization, retired chief chan. retired chiefically. took he under their wing and said, you have to represent go out to the chinese new year parade. show up to events that are in item an town community and show an example to the community that our parents become doctors and lawyers, firefighting is a great job. you are helping others in the community. >> our program neighborhood emergency response team training program, started after the quake in 1989 and 6 course program where you take all sick classes to teach how to rely on themselves help themselves and neighborhoods. started back in 1996 teaching. i'm an active instructor now in 2023. we train up to 2,000 people
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every year and really it is our best way to reach out to the community so we can inter~ act in case of disaster. representing myself in the fire department always thought of it as dot best job can i do. work hard so i earn the respect of all of my coworkers. i know that now that i have more time to go out to my community, i see moiz in a lot of people that would never envision themselves as firefighters. i think as years progress i saw how important it was to put myself out well and show them this is a great job. show your best. shape the lives of people that did not think about theion here. i think it is just that progression of knowing how important it is to teach people more thing and seeing how important it it is as the years passed. by.
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>> ph.d. >> my name is i'm a leader of the town in san francisco we try to provide japanese something we make like seaweed it creates like the many flavors we try to provide like more open japanese flavor as well as the james values like people get to experience in japan like a great exexexexexexexexexexexexexexexex
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>> good afternoon and welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting for today, february 27, 2024. madam clerk, would you please call the roll? >> thank you mr. president. chan, present. dorsey, present. engardio, present. mandelman, present. melgar, present. peskin, present. preston, present. ronan, present. safai, present. stefani,