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tv   Full Board of Supervisors  SFGTV  March 4, 2024 4:00am-7:30am PST

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>> good afternoon and welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting for today, february 27, 2024. madam clerk, would you please call the roll? >> thank you mr. president. chan, present. dorsey, present. engardio, present. mandelman, present. melgar, present. peskin, present. preston, present. ronan, present. safai, present. stefani, present.
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walton, present. mr. president, all members are present. >> thank you. the san francisco board of supervisors we acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. please join me in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. madam clerk , do we have
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any communications? >> yes, mr. president. the san francisco board of surprisers welcomes interested persons to attend the meeting in city hall. second floor room 250 or watch the proceeding on sfgovtv channel 26 or view the live stream at to submit public comment in writing, send your comment to the e-mail address or use the post office, san francisco board of supervisors, 1 dr. carlton b goodlett place, city hall, room 244 san francisco california 94102. to make reasonable accommodation request under the ada or request language assistance please call the clerk's office at least two business days in advns calling
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415-554-5184. thank you mr. president. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues, do we have a motion to approve the minutes of january 23, 2024? motion by supervisor walton and second by supervisor mandelman. on that motion, a roll call, please. >> [roll call] there are 11 ayes. >> the motion is approved. madam clerk, please call the consent agenda?
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>> items 1-9 are on consent and considered to be routine. if a member objects a item my be removed and considered separately? >> anybody like a item or items severed? supervisor walton. >> i like to sever item 6. >> we'll sever item 6, on the balance of the consent agenda we take same house same call, those ordinances are finally passed. passed first reading and resolutions adopted. madam clerk, please read item number 6? resolution approving the settlement of the unlitigated claims filed by
4:05 am sales, inc. against the city and county of san francisco for $448,119.86; the claims were filed on june 26, 2023; the claims involve a refund of payroll expense, gross receipts, and homelessness gross receipts taxes. >> supervisor walton. thank you, i need to recuse to the item due to publishing relationship with amazon. >> madam clerk, i need to also recuse myself from this item as i have with regard two items that specifically involve amazon as my self-employed pension plan as amazon stock. is there a motion to recuse myself and supervisor walton? made by supervisor mandelman and seconded by supervisor safai, and why don't we take the roll on that and then i will hand the gavel over to supervisor mandelman who will conduct the vote on item 6. madam clerk, roll call, please. >> motion to excuse supervisor walton and peskin from item 6- [roll call]
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>> there are 9 ayes. >> hello madam clerk. please call the roll on item 6. >> on item 6, stefani, aye. chan, aye. dorsey, aye. engardio, aye. mandelman, aye. melgar, aye. preston, aye. ronan, aye. safai, aye. there are 9 ayes. >> the item passes. >> madam clerk, please read the next item.
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>> item 10, ordinance de-appropriating $3,500,000 from general city responsibility (gen) and re-appropriating $500,000 to the municipal transportation agency (mta) to support free two-hour parking in the portsmouth square garages, ambassador services and transit fares for the lunar new year parade in february 2024, and $3,000,000 to the office of economic and workforce development (ecn) to support a relief fund for soma area business and organizations from direct apec impacts and for a small business transit impact relief fund in the fiscal year (fy) 2023-2024. >> roll call. sorry, supervisor engardio. my apologies. >> thank you mr. president. i want to thank supervisor chan, the budget chair for working with me to secure $1 million in relief funds for small businesses struggling on taraval due to muni track reconstruction. i want to thank supervisor
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mandelman and melgar for the support oen the budget committee. most of taraval is in my district supervisor melgar shares a section and we know how much the merchants have been hurting. the replacement of the train tracks and utilities has been a major disruption. ripping the street is a business killer. many reported huge loss in sales. when the construction is complete it will benefit taraval and the small businesses for the next hundred years, but we can't give up on today's merchants. we need them to be around when the train comes back. that is why the relief funds are so important. funds should have been set aside years ago when this project was first planned but that didn't happen and money is tight in the current budget deficit. we are fortunate to have unspent funds from apec conference of world leaders in isf. there were small businesses who
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were harmed by no fault of their own. the merchants suffered from decisions and actions of city agencies. taraval merchants have a similar experience. we are one city. we can help businesses who suffer during apec last fall and those who continue to suffer today. this is about saving businesses which benefits the whole city because if people stop shopping along san francisco merchant corridors and go to daly city that is lestz tax revenue for us all. the help we are giving to soma and taraval merchants today is just the beginning. we must plan ahead for every construction project we know is coming. we need dedicated relief funds to offer small businesses a lifeline to get through the disruption wherever it happens in san francisco and i like to be added as cosponsor and would appreciate all of my colleagues support for this important legislation.
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thank you. >> supervisor melgar. >> i just like to be added as a cosponsor please. thank you president peskin. >> supervisor safai . >> please add me as a cosponsor. >> okay. on the item, a roll call, please. >> on item 10, stefani, aye. walton, aye. chan, aye. dorsey, aye. engardio, aye. mandelman, aye. melgar, aye. peskin, aye. preston, aye. ronan, aye. safai, aye. there are 11 ayes. >> the ordinance is passed first reading. next item. please. >> item 11 is resolution to octerize the tax collector to sell at public auction certain
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parcels of tax-defaulted real property, as defined herein. >> seeing no names on the roster, same house same call, the resolution-supervisor safai. >> sorry, didn't hit quick enough. i like to make a motion to remove three of the occupied properties on the list mr. president from the tax default and if you like i can name those properties into the record, but these are individuals that have-these are properties that have individuals living in them and we reached out to them and talked with them and like more time to try and work out completing their applications with the california mortgage relief program. they are great candidates for the program and think with more time they will be successful paying delinquent property taxes so i like to thank the treasurer tax collector staff with their tremendous effort to connect these property owners with these services.
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they consistently exceeded their legal mandate and outreach and want to thank them for that. non profit legal service from hera, home ownership sf, balance legal assistance for the elderly and connecting them with state programs like cal mortgage relief and hsh. if we can amend and remove-should i read the property addresses? >> yes, please. >> 92 elington avenue. >> what page? >> i think page 3 of the auction list. >> page 3-- >> 41 sears. >> i see it. >> and 26 stanley street. >> okay. mrs. amanda freed from
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treasurer tax collector's office. >> good afternoon. amanda freed from the treasurer tax collector office. we have no objuckzs. >> thank you. a motion made by supervisor safai to remove the three mentioned properties, seconded by supervisor stefani. colleagues can we take the amendment without objection? without objection the amendment is passed and on the item as amended, we will pass it same house same call. the resolution is adopted as amended. next item, please. >> item 12, resolution authorizing the mayor's office of housing and community development to
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expend soma community stabilization fund dollars in the amount of $200,000 to address various impacts of destabilization on residents and businesses in soma for a term to commence effective upon approval of this resolution through june 30, 2026. >> same house same call the resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 13, resolution approving and authorizing 1) the execution of a first amendment to the amended and restated loan agreement with octavia rsu associates, l.p., a california limited partnership, to increase the loan amount by up to $8,559,766 for a new total loan amount not to exceed $35,306,233 to finance additional costs related to a 100% affordable, 63-unit multifamily rental housing development affordable to low-income households, including 32 units for transitional age youth who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness, and including up to 3,200 square feet of commercial space located at 78 haight street (“project”); and 2) the mayor and the director of mayor's office of housing and community development, to execute documents, make certain modifications and take certain actions in furtherance of this resolution, as defined herein. >> seeing no names on the roster, same house same call, the resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 14, resolution
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approving and authorizing the execution, delivery, and performance of amended and restated lease no. 17134 for building 49, located at 701 illinois street within crane cove park between the port of san francisco and the young men's christian association of san francisco (ymca sf) that would, among other things, reduce the seismic improvements described in the existing lease, eliminate all rent credits for any seismic work performed by the ymca sf, require the ymca sf to open the public restrooms no later than july 1, 2024, and delay the rent commencement date to no later than october 1, 2024, as defined in the amended and restated lease; with no change to the initial term of 10 years, retroactive to august 1, 2023, plus options to extend for a total term of up to 34 years and 11 months, with an initial annual base rent of $92,809.80; affirming prior findings under the california environmental quality act; and authorizing the executive director of the port to enter into any additions, amendments or other modifications to the amended and restated lease that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities of the city or port and are necessary or advisable to complete the transactions which this resolution contemplates and effectuate the purpose and intent of this resolution. >> seeing no names on the roster, we'll take same house same call, the resolution is adopted. i like to recognize and acknowledge the student visiting from [indiscernible] university observing the board of supervisor for civic and government course. welcome. madam clerk, will you please read the next item. >> item 15 is referred without recommendation from budget and
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finance committee. ordinance amending the administrative code to extend by five years, from may 5, 2024, through may 5, 2029, the sunset date of the provisions authorizing the department of homelessness and supportive housing (“hsh”) to enter into and amend contracts without requiring competitive bidding for services relating to sites and programs for people experiencing homelessness (“projects addressing homelessness”), and the department of public works to enter into and amend contracts without adhering to the environment code or to provisions relating to competitive bidding, equal benefits, local business enterprise utilization, and other requirements, for construction work and services relating to projects addressing homelessness; and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act. >> roll call. >> on item 15, stefani, aye. walton, aye. chan, no. dorsey, no.
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engardio, aye. mandelman, aye. melgar, aye. peskin, no. preston, aye. ronan, aye. safai, no. there are 7 ayes and 4 noes with supervisors, chan, dorsey, peskin and safai voting no. >> the ordinance pass first reading. next item, please. >> item 16. ordinance amending the public works code to waive the banner and inspection fees for nonprofit organizations in certain neighborhood commercial districts (ncds) and neighborhood commercial transit districts (nctds) through december 31, 2026; and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act. >> roll call. >> on item 16, stefani, aye. walton, aye. chan, aye. dorsey, aye.
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engardio, aye. mandelman, aye. melgar, aye. peskin, aye. preston, aye. ronan, aye. safai, aye. there are 11 ayes. >> the ordinance passed first reading. supervisor walton. next item, please. >> item 17, resolution apologizing on behalf of the board of supervisors of the city and county of san francisco to african americans and their descendants for systemic and structural discrimination, targeted acts of violence, and atrocities; and committing to the rectification and redress of past policies and misdeeds. >> supervisor walton. >> thank you so much chair peskin. i just want to take the time first to thank all my colleagues for cosponsorship of this historic resolution and
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entire african american reparations advisory committee, the community including all our allies and everyone who wants to right the wrong of past harms. this resolution apologizes on behalf of san francisco to the african american community and their descendants for decades of discrimination targeted acts of violence, atrocities and exiting to rect fiication and re-dress of past policies and misdeeds. we have much more work to do but this apology most certainly is a important step and one of the over hundred recommendation made by the african american reparations and advisory committee. thank you. >> thank you supervisor walton. supervisor preston. >> thank you president peskin and supervisor walton i want to thank you for your leadership on the resolution. as well as your steadfast
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commitment to racial justice and specifically to making reparations a realty here in city county of san francisco. i also want to join with you in thanking chairmic daunl, vice chair holland and reparations advisory committee and human rights commission facilitating the work of the reparations advisory committee and as you noticed, this fomal apology was a recommendation of the reparations advisory committee. i fully support it and proudly cosponsored it at introduction. i did want to comment and we had a interest hearing in gao and appreciated a lot of the public testimony. chair mcdonald noted at the gao hearing we know a apology without action rings hollow and that is why this must be seen in context as a necessary part
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of accountability and reparations, not as a end in itself, but it is a important step none the less and meaningful and lays the groundwork for further commitment to the black community here in our city. i want to emphasize a point that reparations advisory committee vice chair hollands said at the goa committee hearing and that i hear regularly from constituents that i represent in district 5 and that is, people want an apology, but they also want a commitment not to repeat harms, and too often our city engages in policies that in the words of vice chair hollands "guarantee repetition". right now some leaders will back this apology while also backing drug testing to deny public assistance benefits to the poor, ramping up arrests of people addicted to drugs,
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criminalizing homelessness instead of housing people, building unaffordable housing for mostly wealthy white people on public housing land, and removing oversight of police when they use force disproportionately against black and brown people. woo ehave a obigation to center racial justice in every aspect of our work and as vice chair holland said in the committee, a tenant of reparations is a guarantee of non-repetition. this city has policies that are doing harm and we see new policies being proposed every day, particularly in the context of political campaigns that will com pound that harm and it our job as supporters of reparations and proud every member of the board is on record supporting reparations but it is our job as supporter of reparations not just to back good policies, but as vice
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chair hollands put it, to "stand in front of anything that will do more harm to black san franciscans and all san francisco". meanwhile we have before us this important resolution. as with the reparations report, the resolution itself is is a educational document and i urge everyone in the public to read it in entirety and i appreciate the care and thought that supervisor walton and his team put into such a important resolution. in committee i quoted in detail from the resolution about some provisions for particular residents for the community i represent in the fillmore. i will not reread those provisions. you can read them for yourself, but i will say that it is the part about redevelopment and legacy of displacement from the western addition and this is not just history and i want to emphasize this, we face similar issues right now today.
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how we handle development issues at midtown park apartments, plaza east, the safeway lot and other housing complexes in the western addition will show whether we learned from the past and committed to repairing damage delivery for black residents and bringing displaced families back to the fillmore, or whether we simply repeat the ingests of the past. thank you supervisor walton for the resolution. it is privilege to serve on the board with you. >> thank you supervisor. supervisor ronan. supervisor ronan. >> thank you. [speaking in the background] >> supervisor ronan. >> thank you, i wanted to thank you supervisor preston and associate myself with your comments.
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i was thinking the same thing and don't need to repeat it, but i wanted to just take the opportunity to thank you supervisor walton for providing so much leadership on this board to get some measure of justice for the black community here in san francisco. this apology is a historic move and it is meaningful in and of itself but it is just the beginning and not nearly enough, and standing next to you fighting for real material changes for the black community in san francisco has been a honor and i just can't commend your fight and your work enough and the work of this entire community. i also just wanted to mention and add what supervisor preston said, that there was a moment in history during the pandemic in 2020 after the horrific murder of george floyd where
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you could feel a change happening and you could feel a recognition of the injustice of horrors of slavery in the country and what happened every day today and there was a moment in the midst of a very scary pandemic, people in the united states were everywhere all across the country out in the streets and saying enough is enough. it was one of the most exciting moments that i have ever gotten to live through, because it felt like there was a real fundamental change and reckoning happening and then i don't know what happened, but that moment seems to have gone away, and now we are back to the same old same old rhetoric
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that has continued the injustice and inequities and awful racism against the african american population all over the country and in san francisco. the same old rhetoric blaming poor people for their poverty, blaming the victims of injustice for injustice. the same old tire over incarceration techniques to deal with health issues that have failed for the past hundred years in this country. so, i just really hope that beginning with this official apology, which is a big deal here in the city, that we get back to that moment in may of 2022 or 2020 where we saw the
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beginnings of a monumental change and just so proud to be a cosponsor and to be voteding on this today. thank you. >> supervisor safai. supervisor safai. >> thank you president preston, thank you supervisor walton for your tremendous effort working with the advisory committee, with all the recommendations. i think this is the least of which what we could take. really appreciate what you said and words you said putting a fine point on it. this is one step, but there is a lot more work that needs to be done, so thank you for your leadership. supervisor i want to add what supervisor preston said. we have a real world example in this moment. two lots sold by the redevelopment agency that displaced black owned businesses and black families in the historic fillmore.
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$1.5 million those lots were sold. they asked safeway to come in and here we are now the lots are up for sale. i know that we can do better. we can come back and insure that we are going to make sure that that is something the black community benefits from for generations to come, so i appreciate that. thank you for your leadership and proud to have my name on first step, which is simplest step. thank you to chair mcdonald and thank you for being here. thank you for being in the audience and thank you for your leadership as well. thank you. >> that's enough. ma'am, ma'am, we had public comment on this item. ma'am, colleagues, seeing no names on the roster the resolution is approved same house same call. the resolution is adopted unanimously. next item, please. >> item 18. >> read 18-20together?
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>> item 18 ordinance to authorize settlement of the lawsuit filed by mason masuda against the city for approximately $9 million involving alleged personal injury on the street. item 19 approves settlement of unlitigated claims against florence cong, kin wo construction, kwon wo iron works ink. and sfr recovery, inc. (collectively “the kong parties”) for restitution and civil penalty payments totaling $750,000; the claims involve allegations that florence kong provided gifts to a city official with the intent to unlawfully influence city officials in award of city contracts to the kong parties; other material terms of the settlement are that all of the kong parties will be debarred except for kwan wo ironworks, inc., which will remain suspended for a minimum term of three years and until full payment of the settlement amount of $750,000.
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item 20, resolution approving a tolling agreement to extend the statute of limitations for lyft, inc. to bring potential litigation against the city and county of san francisco for a refund of $5,156,634 of gross receipts, homelessness gross receipts, and payroll expense taxes to allow for possible resolution of the matter without litigation. >> seeing no names on the roster, we will take these items same house same call, the ordinances is passed first reading and resolutions adopted. madam clerk, why don't we go to our 2:30 special order accomendations? and don't see our controller. there he is. colleagues, today quite frankly is a day i have been dreading since our esteemed controller
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confided in be back in september that he would be the term is now stepping away from his role as our city controller and all around problem solver after serving as a true public servant for the last 26 years. i know you all know this, but ben is one of the stable consistent and dedicated public servants who kind of grew up in this building after being relocated or after are located to san francisco and being hired by my then nemesis who i honor in the chambers a couple weeks ago, former mayor willie brown back in 1997. he was a trusted budget and financial advisor serving 5 mayors. our budget analyst harvey rose noted he is actually served under 5 controllers and many many more boards of supervisors
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through recessions, economic booms, good fiscal times and bad. ben served as mayor budget analyst, city service audit analyst, mayor budget director and deputy city admin stwrairt before appointed by mayor new som. we are aware of the role he's played funding rainy day and other budgetary reserves through prudent fiscal management and practical planning that is insured that san francisco has enjoyed sue perlative tribl a bond rating and healthy fiscal reserves for many years. he was a anchor during the darkest days of the pandemic with a team of incredible hard working staff that worked around the clock at the emergency operations center in city hall.
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not only to interface with fema and the federal state government, but help run the city through a successful covid pandemic operation even through uncertainty and dwindling coughers and everything that loomed over-head. many new legislative aids not sumcome to myths and lor we had to clarify repeatedly ben actually does not have a secret magic money couch cushion he unleases to help close the budget dechset and seal the 11th hour negotiation deals. ben, you have always been a closer and when we see your exhausted smile in the we hours of the morning after the final budget vote we know everything will be okay. while his frlsh work is well known, many don't know ben also oversaw so many other functions of our city government only a
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ethical leader can do. everything from performance odd lt to investigating ethics and city corruption complaints. he has been the ombudsman, chief financial officer and city referee. there is a real reason every new commissioner oversight body always has a seen for the controller office and why we rely on his unbiased non partisan leadership. actually, ben does have a bias, his bias has always been whatever is best for san francisco and san franciscans. we all benefited from his diplomacy and collaboration during very tough budget years through numerous contverseries and during many rounds of business tax updates and tax policy debates. whether budget negotiations were reach fever pitch particularly when chris dally was on the board, ben was always there to calmly state the facts, tell what the options and steer towards
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solution and sent to be the city for out side parties. this requires trust. a seemingly impossibility in modern governance and that trust is builts over many years that made ben beloved advisor are for so many. not just elected and city staff. i can tell you that my chief of staff actually literally starlted crying when i told her ben was leaving. for many aids his nickname was clark cent probably because of the studio glasses and mild manner demeanor and also his reputation as a under cover super man always there to save the day. men mentored and empowered so many city works to be the very best versions of them sevl jz for that i'm deeply appreciative. you have been atrusted
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confident a very long time and still not quite sure what we'll do without you, but i know the incredible team you assembled and mentored will continue to uphold your legacy and integrity and the successor will benefit from the ground work you laid. no one will be able to replicate your story. i like forward to your memoir, which i'm sure the statute of limitations hasn't run on. but i know you feel more comfortable leave now that i have given willie brown accommodation in the chamber which you commented you have seen everything come full circle so you can go in peace. i expect you to keep your pledge to come back and help pitch hit in the months aheads. i thank you for the bottom of our hearts ben for all the many hats you have worn, everything you accomplished and for your friendship and wise counsel. you have my deepest respect and with that, i know my colleagues have words to share as well and
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then after we are done doing that i like to take public comment on item 43 and hear that. supervisor chan. >> thank you president peskin. wanted to thank you controller rose nfeld for your years of service and [indiscernible] that you are able to help me someone like me understand and not just me, i think the community and my colleagues to understand the numbers before us in context and to be able to put things in the context every day but most-importantly 3 a.m. budget night isn't a easy feat. i still have it sticky you gave me, budget night for the 2023. just help me put things in context about the overall big budget process, but also what
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we also known as finalizing the add-back and what not. but, just that ability to put things in that one little sticky note, it was just amazing, and i just am so grateful. you will be greatly missed and i think our newly appointed controller, greg wagoner had a big shoes to fill, but i don't think like i said before, i think that-i don't think you will go far. if we need you, we are or i will be calling on you in the coming months to be helping us, but again, just thank you so much for your service, thank you so much for your integrity and allow us to trust you during this process and during all these years. thank you so much for usher us through tough times especially and make sure that san francisco remained the fiscally
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sound government it is and that we will not astray so thank you so much. >> supervisor mandelman. >> thank you president peskin. thank you for your perfect words for ben rosenfield. as the district 8 supervisor i will claim ben as a resident of district 8 and we are very proud of you. i said different times and during my time on this board that the best form of local government is benocracy and i still sort of believe that would be correct. i think that-it is very basic level, ben's job is make sure we don't spend more money then we have, and he has done that, but he has done so much more i think working with room 200 and with us and somehow managing to
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make each of us who all see the world slow very different eyes and different perspectives trust him and believe he can be honest and transparent about his own policy preferences and also understand our policy preferences and try to figure out the best most productive least distractive way to do whatever the thing is that we want to do and he's just an extraordinary talent and i feel so lucky that i have been able to work with ben for these years and i am not thrilled about your leaving. greg wagoner is stepping into hard shoes to fill, but i'm looking forward work wg him as well, but we are so grateful ben, for your work. >> thank you supervisor
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mandelman. supervisor melgar. >> thank you president peskin and for your words. ben, i have known and trusted you implicitly for a very long time, since i met you while we were both working for then mayor gavin newsom and are through the years as a non profit director, contracting with the city and then as a aid and now in this role. i have always admired your particular combination of brilliance, kindness and generosity with your time and thoughts and so i will miss you dearly. i will miss your leadership and your north star. i like the benocracy thing, but you know, it is that value driven thing that you will always bring to conversation and just rightessness. i will miss you and know greg
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will be a good controller but i hope you are still around in our conversations here at the city. i know you will be. i just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you've done for our city and for the issues we care about. thank you, ben. >> thank you supervisor melgar. supervisor dorsey. >> thank you president peskin. one thing i came to realize early in my career in this building and think especially working in the san francisco city attorney office was, if i could be comfortable with being the dum best person in the room i can learn a awful lot from incredible smart dedicated and talented public servants. those people included beck and jesse smith and [indiscernible] ann pierson and those people also include you and i have really appreciated the opportunities that we had to work together. unfortunately i a year and a half to work with you as a member of the board of
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supervisors, but i knew you long before that by reputation and i know we spoke recently about how i will continue to rely on you for free advice from time to time. i still have a lot to learn from dedicated public servants and people no longer on the public pay roll, so you expect phone calls from me from time to time, and i just want to express my gratitude for your public service. >> thank you. supervisor walton. >> thank you president peskin and i want to add my voice. ben, you have been someone who has guided the city through a recession, through a pandemic and you have been able to deliver bad news consistently. [laughter] but in a way that doesn't make you feel completely hopeless and you also allowed for invasion and remain neutral through the work so i want to
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appreciate you for how professional you remain through crazy conversations and crazy times and for your ability to just provide facts and information and do it in a way that keeps us hopeful as we move forward, so thank you so much. you will be missed and i appreciate all of your work. >> thank you supervisor walton. supervisor ronan. >> thank you. ben, i got a chance to tell you how much you meant to me and meant to the city. you are one of a kind. i just hope that you're leaving feeling so good and so proud of the work you've done for this city, for so long. i'll concentrate my time saying enjoy, enjoy what is in front of you, enjoy your family, enjoy not being stressed out all the time, enjoy not being on the e clock all the time. you have given so much of yourself and have done such extraordinary work and i hope
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that in the transition time you have a blast and whatever you decide to do next ignites your fire and takes advantage of your enormous talent, but i also hope that i get to keep in touch with you forever, because you have been someone that i admired so deeply in the city, and just very grateful for all your work. >> thank you supervisor ronan. supervisor preston. >> thank you president peskin, and ditto to what colleagues said. interesting on the bad news supervisor walton referred to, for the first few years when i was in the job it was a pattern where you get the really bad news from ben fallowed in your next meeting by it's not as bad as i thought it was and fallowed the next meeting with, it is actually good news, but all that seems to vanished in
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the last year, so ben is getting out just in time and leaving for greg, the task of delivering bad news. let's honot. colleagues said it, you are one of a kind and just bring such incredible integrity, professionalism, consistency, kindness and just tremendous service to this city and to the people of the city and no matter what, politically charged environment you are walking into, delivering in a professional way and a real way for the people of san francisco is what guides you every step of the way. i am sad to see you go as well. i will say this, as i thought about it and thought about how
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we will do some of these things, whether it is dealing with the budget or trying to come up with creative approaches and i won't go through all of them but there are so many things it seemed impossible to do, so you have a long conversation and another one with ben who sits down and figures how to get it done for the city and residents of the city, so it is hard for us to think about losing you, but i will say that the part of your work that i think is under-appreciated and why i think we will be okay without you is that you have lead a incredsable team at the controller's office that is in place to continue to work and support greg and to move this work forward and i think that that is certainly something that i think the public doesn't see as much. behind the scenes work that the team you lead does every day in the city, so that leaves me
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optimistic even as i'm still scratching my head and me and me team are trying to figure out what a post-ben city san francisco controller office looks like. appreciate your partnership and everything you have given to the city and wish you all the best. >> thank you. supervisor safai. >> thank you president peskin. thank you ben for your tremendous service to our city. not many people would have committed themselves as long and as diligently as you have in the type of job you have. as you knee, the amount of stressthality comes along with making the difficult decision jz making the difficult recommendations. i want to add my voice to the chorus as someone that came on this board all most 7 plus years ago, the amount of time i learned from you, the amount of times you have come in into the room and presented options and
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given really strong choices to make the right decisions for san francisco and i think that's not an easy task and not a easy role to fill. just want to say personally strengthen by our relationship in terms of the role i have on this board and the work i have done and learned tremendously from the work you have done in this city. i'll just say, i know one thing that when ben's word or stamp is of approval is put on something, it ends up being the golden seal and it is hard to argue against and so it is like, hey, the controller said this. it changes the nature of the debate and i think that's a really really important role and it is done in a non political way and objective and fair way in terms owhat is better for san francisco. often you hear the words come out of ben's mouth, i will give you options. let me put together options for you.
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let me put ideas together and let's touch base again and that to me is a really important role and i think the person following in your shoes hopefully will keep on the same tradition that work. just want to say personally, thank you for your service, thank you for being the guy you were to all of us and i look forward to seeing you in your next endeavor. >> supervisor stefani. >> thank you president peskin and thank you for taking this opportunity to honor ben, who you have done the incredible. you have united this entire board of supervisors in agreeing that you are one of a kind and you will be so missed. when i heard you were leaving i too was dumfounded thinking how on earth are we able to do our jobs without him. i have been in the building 17 years and you were here bh i got here and you have been a breath of fresh air. you have been kind, you're brilliant and even keeled and
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level headed and pragmatic. everything anybody wants and deserve in a public servant and i can't thank you enough for that. working with you the past year on the non profit legislation has been absolutely amazing and how many times you said supervisor, if i hear you correctly-you are a very good listener and repeat what we want and find a way to make it happen and just i'm going to miss you so much. you are just incredible and i hope you enjoy your next endeavors, but you will always be in our hearts here at the board of supervisors. thank you, ben. >> mr. controller, on your second or third to last day, the floor is yours, ben. >> thank you mr. president, members of the board. i will be brief. thank you so much for those words. very touching for me. i have no power point today so makes me somewhat uncomfortable. just a couple quick comments.
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i moved to the city in 1997, much younger me trying a new city on a new coast trying to figure what i wanted to do with my time frankly. i remember my first day at city hall. i was-it started badly and ended well. i was late for a informational interview with mayor brown chief of staff eleanor johns, because i arrived at city hall only to find it was closed for seismic ret row mitt and had to figure where is the veteran building thing. late to informational interview, but the day ended with a offer to work as the most junior budget analyst in the mayor budget office. i have been here every since. i am approaching 10 thousand days since then. the best of them have had to do with my personal life and very happy to have the three most
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important people to me here, sophia, lila and vivian. professionally it has been a fantastic ride as well. i have found the work often frustrating, sometimes frustrating, often hard, but always interesting. it is always felt like it was important and i always gotten to do it with fantastic people around our government and that's made it worth it for me. mr. president, you were my first presentation at the board of supervisors as a budget director. you were sitting as budget committee chair. you were the president when i was first appointed 16 years ago to this job and it a honor you are still on the dais as i step away from my role, so thank you for all our work
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together. it was deeply humbling and scary to be handed the keys by the mayor and the board to the controller's office. the house my predecessor ed harrington builts when i started in the role 16 years ago. it has been an honor to be in the work for the last 16 years working with all you, mayors, through good times and bad, and it fills me with great pride to know i'm handing the keys off now to someone else for a office that continues to be filled with just fantast people doing fantastic work. again, just thank you very much. it has been a honor. >> don't go away, ben. hold on one second. madam clerk, would read item 43
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out of order? >> yes, mr. president. item 43, resolution to commend and honor ben rosenfield to san francisco controller and declaring february 29, 2024 as controller ben rosenfield day in the city county of san francisco. >> any members of the public [applause] >> vivian this is your chance for public comment. any members of the public quhoo who like to comment on item
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43? >> you really live in science fiction. this is san francisco not science fiction. good job. you know what, i'm sorry, you still have to pay for what you did or not do. everybody has to pay. san francisco is in worst shape then it was 20years ago. that's it. i'm sorry. that's the way it goes. need to pay and be happy. >> any other members of the public who like to comment on item 43, ben rosenfield day. >> ben! ben! [applause] >> just like to say it it is honor to work for the controller and we will miss him every day, accept for the fact
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our snacks will not disappear quite so quickly. [laughter] >> no other members of the public for item 43. >> mr. president, we have a ada requester. >> please proceed. >> staff, please send him through. welcome. >> hello. hello. this is michael petrelis calling. i am a public advocate and for years i have filed public records requests with ben. my request have asked for is what is known as a prop g calendar and ben and his staff-they follow the letter of the law about prop g calendars and they give me his calendar within three business days and this is in a remarkable
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contract with other public officials who when i make a request for their prop g calendars, they don't acknowledge i made the request or don't provide me with their calendars within three business days. so, i really wish that while ben was the controller, that there was a effort made at the board of supervisors, i wish supervisor saluted ben for just being a terrific practitioner of open government. when a member of the public has come to him and his staff for not only his calendar, but e-mails about certain subjects and all, they again acknowledge receiving the request and then they process it as required by law within a few business days.
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so, i hope that ben's successor will continue these terrific policies about adhering to open sunshine laws in san francisco. thank you ben for being a model public servant about public records. >> thank you mr. petrelis. [applause] public comment on item 43 is now closed and we will take that same house same call. the resolution is adopted. and mr. controller, we would like to present you with a official proclamation declaring february 29 ben rosenfield day in city county of san francisco. please step into the well. [applause] madam clerk, can
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you please read the 3 p.m., 28-32? i'm sorry, my bad. forgot. so excited about sending ben off. we will go back to the 230 p.m. special order accommodations, supervisor melgar. >> thank you president. colleagues, today i have the distinct honor presenting special commendation in celebration of black history month, black future month to a special team from within department of emergency communications at the department of emergency management. janet fallings,
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[calling out names] come on up. [applause] together, this outstanding team has a collective 132 years of service to our city in keeping our whole community safe. this dedicated group of people helped get our department through covid pandemic, the staffing crisis, construction wos during the renovation of 911 dispatch center, power outage, national security special event as well as countless every day emergencies. every single one of these folks rose through the ranks of 911 dispatch and all either watch coordinators or one case deputy director. so, #5u67b dispatchers and the
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staff that manage the teams are over-looked. as first responders when they are literally figuratively the lifeline of the residents during emergency. the job is difficult and taxing, it is hard on your families, but so critical we have these individuals and i just want to thank you also from the bottom of my heart for your dedication and service to the people of san francisco. we are so proud that this management team exemplifies black excellence in leadership, paving the way and building the path for other folks who are african american and staff to become leaders, exercise the leadership in our community. on behalf of the board of supervisors and the residents of san francisco, thank you for all you do to keep us safe and for sticking with us through it
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all. now without further delay, i like to turn it over to you to collectively accept the commendation and to say a few words. i see our fearless leader here, mary ellen, if you want to say a few words as well. thank you. >> thank you. i really want you to hear from these folks. i just want to thank you supervisor for this recognition. this is truly a team that deserves it. as we know, you don't see 911 staff often because they are back there doing the job. i'm so proud of this team. they have come up through the ranks. they are unbelievably dedicated and work well beyond the hours they are paid on the regular basis, and i really hope that one of them will be up here taking my job at some point in the future, so this is the future of dem. i'm proud we are a department that truly does reflect the community that we serve and we
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work hard at that. here they are. more important to hear from them. [applause] >> thank you >> hi. hello everyone. my name is janet. i'm assistant deputy director of department of emergency management. [applause] i would like to thank the mayor and are the board for this wonderful recognition. it is a honor. additionally, i would like to thank all the women of dem that helped me along my career path. i was trying not to cry. >> you got this. you deal with worse every day. >> i'll read for her. sheed with like to thank the women who helped on her career
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path. african americans blazed trails for us [indiscernible] i also look to thank family and friends all the ancestors who came to this land and [indiscernible] >> thank you. [applause] >> okay. everybody thank you so much for being here. this is truly a honor. the esteems board members, with great honor that i stand with my colleagues in this significant moment. we are proud to be the first group of african americans acknowledged as part of department of emergency management management team. [applause]
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we will not be the last. we recognize the work of our predecessors who labored under different circumstances. i want to express gratitude to director mary ellen carol and deputy director rob for open door policy which we value greatly. we understand there may be days they regret this policy, but we appreciate the willingness to provide honest feedback. with this support of progressive leadership we can bring about positive change. i'll close with a quote from president barack obama. "change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. we are the ones we have been waiting for. we are the change that we seek". thank you very much. [applause]
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that's my family. i am-daughter of [indiscernible] thank you. [applause] >> hello. my name is--qul have been at the department of emergency communications for 23 years. 14 years as dispatcher, 8 a supervisor and last august joined the management team as coordinator within the department. it is such a wonderful honor to be here and be recognized today. i like to give a extra special thank you to our esteemed mayor london breed, to our supervisors and also our director, mary ellen cairbl and our deputy director robert who was not in attendance today. when i started 911, 23 years ago it was scary to enter a job
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of unknown and assist callers not having a good day and possibly having the worst time of their lives. but to walk into that establishment back in 2001 and to see others who looked just like me was everything. in a world where african americans are minority, i cannot express the importance of representation. back then it was so good to see dispatchers, supervisor and managers to look just like me. it allowed me to see what was possible within our department. it was the hope i saw back then that actually is allowing me to stand here on today. it is a same hope i have for the other dispatchers and supervisors to see to know what is possible. as we all stand here before you, we have risen up through the ranks of 911, nothing short of pure determination, ambition, knowledge, skillset, but most of all, for the content of our character.
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we are the dream of dr. martin luther king, jr. thank you. [applause] >> supervisor preston. >> thank you president peskin and colleagues, in our final meeting during black history month, i am honored to recognize nate ford. a tireless-come on up. nate while i talk about you for a couple minutes.
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nate is a tireless community leader who most of you know and have worked with dedicated to education to mentorship and community building through sports and creating safe spaces for youth and their families here in san francisco. nate is a san francisco native who grew up in the fillmore and graduated from george washington high school. [indiscernible] basketball of 3 of 4 years and attended city college before deciding to enter the workforce. in 1990, nate appointed to be the athletic director of the san francisco boys and girls club. go on and serve in the position until 2013. in the 23 years, nate oversaw all the athletics for the club house, including his most beloved sport, basketball. in 2013, nate named the city
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wide sports director overseeing the entire athletic program for 9 clubhouses in san francisco and served in that role until 20twen. in 2020 transitioned fraump the boys and girls club and served all most 4 years as the community development specialist for the san francisco rec and park department rec wuty program. a city wide program of rec park that offers free recreational programming to youth under 18 living in shelters, foster care, public housing, and other vulnerable community members. outside nate's accomplishment at the boys and girls club and rec park some impactful work requires starting the [indiscernible] sf basketball program, spearheading black history day essay writing contest for the past 15 years,
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and cofounding a college recruitm academy that focus getting under served kids access and exposure to competitive camps and sports to help prepare athletes to play sports at the college level. junior nba pee we program started 33 years ago and with just 4 teams at that time, ages 6-10 years old, and the teams played against each other saturdays, each team lead by a volunteer coach. today the program has grown to 30 teams separated to four different divisions and expanded age range from not just 6-10 year oldss but 13 year olds as well. just last year, the junior nba pee wee program is the longest running youth league program in california.
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[applause] before i finish up i want to note this, when i hear ben rosenfield and all talking about ben, i feel bad who ever will come after this guy for commendations, then i realize i am giving an award to nate fords. i can go all day about this man. [applause] then you have nate sf rebel basketball program beginning with one team 34 years ago, still going strong and expanded to 16 team jz the nationals are recognized, travel locally and nationally to compete against the nation best while also maintaining. nate always insist on participant maintaining good academic standing while playing ball. a significant component of the rebels as i mentioned is the
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academic resources, tutoring, life coaching, academic case management, entrepreneurship and financial literacy class and sat and act class. helped 600 youth gain access to schools with financial assistance and are scholarship. over 120 rebel plays, 120 have advanced to collegiate leagues. nate i could go on but i want to hear you speak so we are so grateful for everything that you have done and continue to do for the city and county of san francisco and especially for youth and families here in the city. you have literally saved lives
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personally reduced community violence, mentored countless leaders and inspired people fundamentally inspired people to be the best selves. we want to thank you for all your work to create spaces for open and honest discussions about race, about diversity, about equality and doing all that within the context of sports. your ability to instill a sense of pride and awareness in the young athletes that you mentor in the face of so many challenges that they face is nothing short of amazing, so thank you for all that you do and congratulations on this award today. [applause]
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>> supervisor walton. >> nate you deserve a lot more then a commendation from the board of supervisor and award like this. i watched you for decades work with young people, go above and beyond 7 days a week going hard in the paint for our young people, including one of mine, so i want to appreciate you and acknowledge you publicly in front of everybody. thank you so much for your service and the work you have done and continue to do and all of san francisco we 100 percent appreciate you and this is just one of many awards you deserve for your commitment to our young people. thank you. [applause]
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>> mr. ford. >> thank you. thank you. [applause] thank you supervisor preston, thank you supervisor walton. thank you colleagues. supervisor safai. thank you. mayor breed, appreciate you. it is a thankless job and it is a tireless job and it is more then basketball. it is you know, turning kids around, redirecting, you know?
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we were just up at san bruno jail trying to redirect and change lives and that is what it is all about. you guys hear from one of my former players, he is getting honored tonight. she played for me and now passed the bar. she is one of mine. this is what it's all about. i want to thank my family first, because my kids they share they dad with thousands of kids and it was a lot of times where i was out at tournaments and not around them, not at they stuff. it is a sacrifice, and it is one that you make those tough
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choices sometimes, but i always appreciate them for standing by me and respecting sometime when dad isn't there, i just appreciate them. i want to definitely thank her because she puts up with me. gone all the time. that's a tough job in itself. a few other people, the san francisco rebels families, parents, players, if you are here, stand up. any of my parents. [applause] i couldn't do this without you guys because you guys trust me to take your kids all around the country and trust me to take them for days sometimes weeks, so thank you. i want to thank boys and girls club, rob, herald, maxine, some
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of my other former colleagues is here. mike jones is here. but thank you guys as well. it is just a lot of people. ray kelly. linda barnered, monica from park and rec. thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you. mrs. felicia jones. you always know i got your back, thank you. alright. but you know, since it the pandemic the san francisco rebels produced more scholarships in that little time and i remember supervisor safai argued that we get some kind of tapes and stuff for those kids and since then we had 7 kids going to division 1 play division 1 sports and that's been the most in the last 20 years, including my son plays for university of oregon football.
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it has been a great ride so thank you. it is all about bridging the gap. the rebels was never about basketball, it is bringing kids from all walks of life and playing with each other. 34 years we still doing it. i appreciate it. i are appreciate everyone and i swear i do. if i missed you, i'm nervous. y'all never seen coach cry up here before, but thank you guys, i appreciate you. thank you. thank you. [applause] >> you deserve it! [applause]
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>> supervisor mandelman. >> thank you president peskin and if i could get tyler to come on up. dr. tramere. apparently someone left their glasses in the front.
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front speaker, somebody-glasses. we got glasses for somebody. >> thank you mr. clerk. >> alright. colleagues, today on this final tuesday of black history month, i have the joy and honor of presenting a special commendation to dr. tyler tramere, lgbtq plus and hiv activist movement leader, fill anthpist, [indiscernible] ce e of the san franciscof aids frownidation. grew up in dublin ohio, a small surb of columbus famous for being the home of wendys and that's about it. initially on the paths to career in the arts inspired by two key figures, his mother and grandmother who active engagement inl community and politics encouraged him to get
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more involved. at the age of 21, just entering senior year of college learned he was hiv positive and for the next two decades to give back. advocate for strong effective policy. starting out as the administrateb assistant to ceo of hiv organizations served at the ohio aids coalition, southwest center for hiv/aids national alliance of aid s director [indiscernible] also served as member of the national quality center consumer advisory committee and national center for invasion in hiv care. the list keeps going. he also served on the board of advocates for youth, the national association of people with aids as well as positive peddlers and hiv cycling group.
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improved the lives of thousands of people living with hiv or risk of contracting the virus and won national recognitions for his effective leadership. in 2012 the obama white house named one of the nation's emerging lgbtq plus leaders and then the next year in 2013, the white house named as the nationally emerging black leadership. 2014 became ce0 of the cascade aids project. a position he served more then 7 years and during that time expanded the organization from staff of 55 to more then 185 and one office location to 7 across two states. mergeer with house of portland and launched prison health to provide mental healthcare. on january 4, 2022, appointed as ceo of the san francisco aids foundation. he is the first black
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individual and only the second person living with hiv to lead that organization in the 42 year history. leading the san francisco aids foundation through covid-19 recovery advocated every level of government for funding and policy that support people living with and at risk for hiv, lgbtq plus people and people who use drugs. in a moment for hiv aids funding is uncertain, prioritize to get through zero through investment and direct service at the local and state levels. also emphasized programs and service for long-term survives and people aging with hiv. as more then 50 percent living with hiv are over the age of 50 nation wide. equity inclusion in regards to race, gender sexually and age are focus and uses experiences and expertise to insure the san francisco aids foundation continues to lead with these values and approaches.
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dr. tramere, pretty sure we do not and will not agree on each and every policy question we have to deal with together, and we will tussle over this or that matter going forward, but i am very grateful for your work in san francisco and beyond and on behalf of the board i want to offer thanks and appreciation for your service and leadership as well as for your consistent splendor and for giving your amazing mom reasons to visit us. also i want to thank andy stone for help organizing today's commendation and bringing everybody together to celebrate dr. tramere. and with that, dr. tramere, the floor is yours. [applause] >> well, thank you supervisor mandelman. first, i like to thank the board of supervisors for this honor and are taking time today to recognize black leadership.
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you see, as black people far too often are stories and our contributions in society go untold and unrecognized, so today i like to share this recognition with all of the past and present black staff volunteers and board members of san francisco aids foundation who hard work, dedication and passion have paved a pathway for my own here today. as you mentioned it was two years ago this month that i had the walking through the doors of san francisco aids foundation. on that day i joined the foundation as the first black ceo, just shortly after our first black female board member joined. this was really a moment in our history that was profound because it marked a moment in our journey that doubled down on commitment to closing gap it
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between the stated organizational values and the actions we were willing to take as a organization. today i remain filled with so much emotion and unbelievable pride for the amazing team that i have the honor of leading every day as i attempt to approach every day with the weight that responsibility and with the guiding force and support of my ancestors holding me up. this month black history month is so important to lift up the critical healthcare services of black communities. black communities and in particular lgbtq plus black people are disproportionately impacted by health crisis, including hiv and overdose, and face overwhelming challenges around housing and homelessness that exacerbate despairties. to honor black communities we
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center to insure we continue to invest in the health of our communities. [clapping] in the midst of difficult budget years we cannot allow cuts to hiv funding and evidence based overdose prevention programs and services our communities depend on for survival. i agree, i know we won't always agree on the approach to solving the critical issues that are impacting our city. i do however want to believe that at the end of the day we have the same end goal. we are each doing what we believe is in the best interest of our city and the people and each of our overall hopes in the midst of multiple issues we are mitigating harm and saving lives. we should do so in close in communication and collaboration working together in coordination rather then working past one another. in closing, it is important for me to say that as community
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leaders and elected officials it is central to our mission of confronting racism and anti-blackness to listen to the critiques raised by black leaders and community advocates and respond to those critiques with visible changes in policies and multifacet approached that don't deepen despairties. we have a platform that directly influence public opinion over issues of importance. through the stories we choose to tell, the subjects we portray, the data we uplift and voices represent all contribute to a narrative whether we want to or not and believe we are do it or not therefore each has a responsibility not just a responsibility but a moral obigation to make sure our narrative and the policies we advocate for strike a appropriate balance and not
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propagate racism and stigmaization and bring harms. these steps alone will not end systemic racism and anti-blackness, they are however the step toward change. we must never cease advocating for our people, our movement or vision. thank you so much again for this trumendess honor. [applause]
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>> supervisor walton. >> thank you president peskin. i do want to just say congratulations to all the honorees today. it has been a honor this black history month to be able to honor a lot of women trail blazers in the community. today i have the privilege and honor honoring bayview native, tyree howard. [applause] defies all the odds as first generation college graduate. she earned her bachelor degree from tulanu unistrrsty studying sociology and miner in [indiscernible] she then continued her education at the university of san francisco law
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school receiving her doctorate and passing the california bar exam in july of 2023. [applause] >> dedication perseverance and ent lectual prowl ess propelled through years of rigorous study and preparation. with unwavering commitment to justice and equality she embodies the spirit of schaisk and progress. journey driven by a deep commitment to succeed and lead younger generations to serve and uplift her community. i center no doubt that she will continue to inspire others and make significant cont ributions to the legal field and beyond. your education, the knowledge you gain cannot be taken away from you. you are a inspiration to all of
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us, especially to young black women. keep climbing and congratulation again for graduating from law school and for passing the california bar exam. [applause] >> thank you. i like to thank supervisor walton for this acknowledgment. i cannot express enough how important it is to uplift one another as a promote unity within our community. also thank you for paving the way for people like me and other generations to come. next i like to thank give a few thanks to people in my family. i like to thank my uncle donald dudley for his guidance. everything he says to me is held to high regard and a lot
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of things you taught me have been pivotal to my success in law school and passing the bar exam. my cousin kyle church challenging me to dream bigger. my mother for encouraging me throughout my childhood to try new things giving the privilege to focus strictly on school and challenging to be the best whatever i do. i also like to thank my grandmother for being a mate ark of my family and [indiscernible] and how important it is to always keep trying and never give up. lastly, i want to thank my family. can all my family stand up who is here? [applause] this village behind me and the smiles that they are wearing ing right now is the bigger
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picture. it always has been my bigger picture. i could not ask for a better family. the way you all care for others inside our community, the way you support people and don't look for something in return, it is inspired me to be who i am today. so, i just want to say thank you again. your ongoing support has gotten me this far. i truly love you all, so thank you. [applause] >> supervisor safai. supervisor safai.
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>> thank you president peskin. okay, colleagues, i know we have a long agenda in front of us, but--hey folks. alright. so, it is absolutely my pleasure to wrap up the commendations today honoring someone that i have known for all most 20 years. just from our time working in the community and for his tremendous effort of being a community leader, a father, a coach and truly a exalismary san franciscans and that is minard monroe from the lakeview community. [applause] i'm sure many know rinard as he is actively involved in education and a program
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facilitator at least the last two decades and more half his life and truly a leader for our community. a lot of people say that, a lot of people throw around the word leader, but in this instance, i want to underscore somebody that reaches out, somebody that listens and somebody that knows how to bring people together and cares about his community and will do everything he can to make sure that it is recognized. currently he is the executive director of youth first. if you are not familiar with youth first, it is a year round academic enrichment program that serves many at risk youth ages 5-15 years old and beyond that their families. rinard made sure the services his participants receive is more then comprehensive. while the focus is on academic achievement with tutoring and
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math, science, english, language arts, reading, arts and crafts, this is enhanced with sports, enhanced with recreation activities as well as many cultural celebration and trips all over northern california and california in general. more recently, rinard took the plunge and brought in an additional partner to work with kids mentoring them in algebra. i had a chance to see that recently and it was truly amazed with the success that program and how strong foundation is built for a bright future in math. he's not just ed of youth first, he was also the lead in founding member of invest black in the lake view community, a movement that was created after the murder of george floyd and centered around advocating for investment in the black community that create environments for the community to thrive in. he also lead the effort to
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insure invest black is memorialized in the community with a mural located on broad street painted tried to be removed and restored and continuously restored. during times of challenge, rinard rises to the task of creating dialogue, building bridges and as i said before, truly seeking collaboration and community building. just to put a point on the invest black and work that went on, just that incident alone and so many others he dips into his personal finances to make sure that the work will get done and there is never any excuses about why something can't happen. he might give a little complaints along the way, he might let you know he's not happy in that moment, but at the end of the day he always stays focused on the work and always knows it is never about him. it is about giving back to the
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community. a broad range of things he is involved in. the other thing he has done recently is a annual comedy show. it is one of the highlights of the community. people all over san francisco and the community he is part of want to participate in it and i think it started during covid, and that was a way to bring light and humor to all the pain and suffering people were experiencing. he continues to build on first hand experience with community and coalition building to expand on knowledge of public safety, racial justice and working in-most recently participated in the trip of sfpd. organized a solidarity luncheon in partnership with cyc to bridge the divide between aapi and black community and in addition to that, he is constantsly a strong adcovt for academic enrichment and strong advocate for bringing legacy project to the community,
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something promised that has not been delivered and that's the ocean view library. in that moment he reaches out, listen to people's opposition and bridge the divide. i can go on and on about this man and contributions to the community but i want to say this, we often will honor people at the end of the careers. rinards is just-rinard you got decades ahead of you brother. don't make faces. you got decade more to give and i know that because you never get tired. lucky to call you a friend and i want you to know that when we come into this roll a lot of times elected officials get accused of not listening and i appreciate the guidance you have given me personally and how i have been able to listen and learn from you and how much we have grown together in the
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past 8 years of me serving the community and i never forget you sat me down and said, ahsha, a lot of peachal people come and talk, and if you want to work together we can do big things for this community and following you lead we have done a lot of really big things so thank you for being a champion for social justice, our children and families and keeping the community centered around safety and being a role model for so many others. thank you. >> supervisor walton. >> thank you supervisor safai for acknowledging rinard today. i want to say and don't know what you mean by just beginning. he ain't no whippersnapper. i want to thank you for your being a community voice for lake view. i remember a time we lost a young child in in my district
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and you stepped up and spent hundreds of your own money to make sure we were able to commemorate that young man and his family and that is just one of many things that you continue to display to show your commitment and love for a community here in san francisco, so just wanted to acknowledge you as well as say thank you to supervisor because you deserve this honor. thank you. [applause] >> normally i'm in this room fighting for equality for our community and trying to get you guys to pass things to help our community, so it is pretty good to show up and actually be honored today, so i want to thank the board of supervisors, especially you supervisor ahsha safai for this honor and for me, doing the work for the community when you get honored it is really not about the
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person. i'm just a part of the vehicle. maybe steering wheel sometimes, sometimes the seat, but it takes us as a whole to make a difference here in san francisco, and so i want to thank my community partners before i talk about anything else. i want to thank the omicc family with mary harris and al harris. all the great work with dahlia fitzpatrick and monique and felicia. those people are crucial in our community because lake view and omi is overlooked and under served so we have to-everybody use fight and give back, so we try to change the narrative and invest. we are just trying to get more investment in our community. we don't have a grocery store in our community so we try to do everything together and working together makes all the
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difference. unfortunately ahsha says i got many years to go. i founded youth first in 1999 thanks to mayor willie brown at the time. he actually was sitting in another office and i walked in and i was talking to mike brown who passed away, running icy and talking about all the ideas i want to bring to the community, because things were not happening over the we were having a lot of gun violence in the community and i said we neat more programs for the kids and outlets and mayor brown i was walking out and mayor brown grabbed me and said come back here. what do you do? i said--he's like, he said what do you do? i said what do you mean what do you do? you are about to be a program director at after school program. i said i already have a job. no, no you don't. you are going to do this al
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pilgrim community center and that is how we got started. i want to thank willie brown. i want to thank the mentorship from reverend brown. i know she was going off earlier but thank felicia jones for her leadership. she does a lot for the community and she does a lot for people and so i want to thank you guys for always being there for community. i love you too felicia. ahsha calls me at night. sometimes i send him to voicemail and then i answer because i know it is something i have to do. what i say about supervisor ahsha safai and i know he gets a lot of criticism, but i say when he came into office, is things he said he was going to do and try to accomplish for our community, he actually got out there and got it done.
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i appreciate him fighting for that. even when nate and i wanted to start our academic program for kids to get-my son plays division 1 basketball, so in indiana and we came to ahsha with his idea. ahsha was out there fighting for us to get allocation of funds for that. along with howard smith. i'm appreciative of all the people who make things happen for community because i was that person growing up in the single parent home and my mom is here and i want to always make her proud. [applause] i know how much it means to have people in your corner. you need the coach, you need the teacher, you need after school program. i was that kid. i couldn't afford to go on all the trips so i know how much it means to someone. when we talk about at risk, we are not just talking about the
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kid who doesn't have it. at risk means the kid who has it all because they are at risk not going what the kids that don't have it are going through. you put them all together. youth first, this is aboutblack history but black history is american history. my program we are true models of san francisco. we have every race. i know ahsha just visited our program last week to see our coding class. we have every race in our program. all thriving, all learning and loving each other and that's what it is all about. i will end with this, i thank emily for supporting me through all this, but as we move forward, we know we have tough times ahead of us with our budget and all those things, but we really have to focus on coming together as a city to really not just celebrate individuals, we have to celebrate each other as a whole and that's what i'm about.
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celebrating all of us because we all are so important so i want to thank you for the honor. >> thank you. [applause] madam clerk, can you please read the 3 p.m. special? >> item 28-32 convening as committee of the whole. however on february 16, the office of the assessor recorder notified the clerk of the board they received the wire transfers and the necessary documentation for the outstanding transfer tax demands settling the delinquent payments for the properties listed in 29-32. given these matters have been resolved the treasurer tax collector no longer requires the committee of the whole and asked the board to cancel the call. item 28 is the public hearing on the report of delinquent real property transfer taxes
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for today. for item 29 is for 34 turk street, 30 is 141 eddie street. 31 is 174 ellis street and item 32 is 988-992 howard street. >> alright. we opened the public hearing and all these items have been resolved. any member s of the public who would like to comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. can we have a motion to table items 29-32? motion by supervisor chan and second by supervisor stefani. without objection the items are tabled. please read item 21. >> item 21.
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resolution approving an agreement with the nonprofit owners' association for administration/management of the established business-based business improvement district known as the “san francisco tourism improvement district,” pursuant to the california streets and highways code, section 36651, for a period effective upon approval of this resolution through december 31, 2038. >> seeing no names on the roster, colleagues, we will take this same-there is supervisor safai, same house, same call. the resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 22, ordinance amending the planning code to modify density limits in the northeast waterfront historic district, the jackson square historic district, and the jackson square historic district extension, except for projects in those areas using the commercial to residential adaptive reuse program; affirming the planning commission's determination under the california environmental quality act; making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under planning code, section 302; and making findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101.1. >> supervisor melgar. >> i think that i will let president peskin speak first, since this is his legislation. >> thank you, president peskin. >> thank you colleagues.
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last year mayor breed and i introduced and the board unanimously passed legislation aimed at adaptive reuse of vacant downtown buildings from office to residential, and that legislation contemplated particularly in a smaller historic building typology, the ability to add a couple floors to them, and in that legislation in a attempt to add density, we took out from the c2 zoned area, which is north of downtown, it sweeps along the embarcadero all the way to fisherman's wharf north of washington street, we took out density controls under the idea that anybody who wanted to convert buildings in what has
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historically been a warehouse area much converted to office, a very popular office area interestingly enough, northeast waterfront has a lot of tech office refugees from downtown, but we took the density controls out. what i did not understand, i don't think anybody intended is that when we density decontrolled that area under the notion we wanted to see more units, when combined with state preemptions around bonus density, we now had a number of proposals that don't exceed the height limit by a floor or two, but exceed the height limit by 300 and 400 percent. we have a proposal for a 267 foot high tower in the northeast waterfront historic district in a area zoned 65 feet and 250 foot proposal in a
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area zoned 84 street in jackson square historic district so once we realized this unintended consequence introduced legislation to reimpose the density limits. the planning department staff and subsequentially the planning commission recommended that we impose that only in the city's designated historic districts, which are a small portion of the c2. we need to figure out ways to make sure we don't end up with a series of fon tana towers along embarcadero but that is more difficult project because it is based on lot size. i am working with director hillisand staff to figure the right way going about that, but meanwhile on 7 to nothing vote the planning commission recommended changes to what i introduced, i accepted the changes, that is before this board of supervisors today.
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let me clarify and planning department staff aaron star is here, that this is not a departier from the housing element. there is no reference to the c2 to density controls we added that i ask to modify today. it is not part of the housing element. it was never part of san francisco's housing expansion strategy. it was if you will a extra that has come with unintended consequence. i personally believe and have voted for you name it, the family sud, the supervisor mandelman's 4 and 6 unit stuff, coauthored the inclusionary reduction, but i don't think that we have to destroy the city to save it and indeed that is what this modest change would do and as i have said repeatedly, it comes with the
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support of the mayor's four members of the planning commission who embrace planning staff's suggestions which i intern embraced and three members of the planning commission approved by this board of supervisors. i am committed to working on the blachbs of this project and figuring out how to do that. there has been suggestions that we duplicate this file to use it as a vehicle to make the amendments in the future relative to balance of c2, more then happy to do that and may be offered by one of my colleagues. i'm available to answer questions as is, aaron star from the planning department. >> thank you president peskin. supervisor melgar. >> thank you president-chair. temporary chair. walton. i voted against this at committee and i wanted to explain why and i am grateful
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president peskin you are open to duplicating the file and continuing the work and grateful to work of colleague supervisor stefani who will also speak to this. we spent the past three years working on our housing element and while i acknowledge that this legislation is compliant with there housing element and sb330, i think it meets the letter if not the spirit for me and i want to explain why. in the housing element we came up with a framework to provide density and add housing. market rate housing and affordable housing in areas of the city that had not seen it before. mostly on the west side and i have worked with my colleagues and particularly supervisor engardio to do the heavy lift on the west side we need to do. and we acknowledge that there
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are historic despairties based on race that plagued our city and have yielded the disequity in density that we have across san francisco. the framework we came up with protected areas like the mission, like chinatown and bayview, the tenderloin, because they were priority equity areas. in addition to that, for the first time we passed a environmental justice element as part of the general plan, which protected areas that had seen the brunt of environmental racism and unhealthy things like air quality and pollutants, so this area is not a priority equity area, nor is it a environmental justice area. i think that president peskin pointsed out it was one of the first historic districts and
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yes of course it is. i would rather if we go this route that we do it together because we have done the housing element together. we despite disagreeing on density and upzoning and density decontrol, we have mostly done this together, so i fear that if one district can carve out a area others can as well. perhaps not with the same mechanism, but we'll be creative and find others so if we treat historic dist rths icts and don't want to talk about density decontrols and density bonuses and i know supervisor mandelman brought this up during the streamlining legislation discussions, i rather we do for the city as a whole for all historic districts to have the conversation and come up with findings to have a cogent
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justification for this all together rather then a one-off, which i think is not good for our overall discussion. because that i will not be able to support this legislation, but do look forward to continuing the conversation and doing more work. thank you. >> thank you supervisor melgar. supervisor stefani. >> thank you supervisor walton. i had several conservations regarding the ordinance with steak holders on both sides and the planning department and to be honest it st. one of those votes where yes or no makes me-doesn't make me comfortable so i want to work through and get to a point to continue to work on this legislation because i think it needs more work. through the conversations i have been informed the planning department worked extensively with the sponsor to insthur the policy here is not in direct conflict with the housing element including narrow the impact to specific protected historic district and also
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means incorporating amendments that insure the control implemented exempt commercial to residential adaptive reuse project, projects that help utilize vacant commercial space to bring new housing in existing buildings. let me clear, my goal here and in all housing discussions is to sensebly maximize housing production to address the critical shortage we face. in some cases we allow expanded building and envelope and increased heights to build more herben frepdly neighborhoods and others eliminate control on density to bring more affordable units and bedroom units that fit within existing programs such as height limits. we must deliberate how to strike the sensible balance to maximize housing while insuring that density bonus programs are not used in a way adverse to areas rich with community
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culture. a goal that is part of the housing element and to that end i would like to duplicate the file which i understand i'm able to do in order to work with the project sponsor and any interested colleagues to craft a piece of legislation that achieves the sensible balance. this balance will seek to find a solution that allows for form based density within certain parameters that enable housing projects with increase density that protect the established historic districts already rich with community culture. i am grateful for the buy in from the planning department and director who i had several conversations about the legislation and he's assured me we will work with my office and president peskin's office to find a solution and of course supervisor melgar as well. today i will support the legislation to insure these two historic districts are not subject to cuprecious change in development and going forward i will work on the duplicated file to achieve a better
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solution that sensebly maximize density and look forward to bringing this to the board soon again with president peskin and the planning department and all who want to be involved because like i said, i think this needs some work and i would also then move to send the duplicated file back to committee. >> thank you supervisor stefani. i don't think we need to vote on duplicated file, correct? >> that is correct, mr. president. single privilege. but to send to committee, yes. >> second on that? motion by supervisor stefani and seconded by supervisor melgar and believe we can take that same house same call. supervisor mandelman. >> thank you supervisor walton. i want to thank supervisor stefani what i think is elegant solution to this which will
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continue for a while. there are many things that we ought to do that i like to see us do sit city wide. i like to eliminate density controls not in select areas but across areas because density controls don't make sense. i donelts think they are a reasonable way to regulate neighborhoods and think we should have form density everywhere in the city. the thing that keeps me from proposing that measure or supporting that is the way that interact with state laws that allow that very reasonable solution to just barrel through any planning we may have done about what our neighborhoods are supposed to look like going forward. we can add 10s of thousands of units. we probably can add hundred of thousands of units in ways that are respectful of san francisco history and our policy priorities, preservation of rent controlled units.
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i'm hopeful we figure a way to do not just in particular portions of the city, but entirety of the city, but i do think that the point that has come up in these relatively small little piece of geography, which is these historic districts in the northeast is going to be a problem for us going forward and i do think we spend time thinking about how to plan for neighborhoods setting heights, other restrictions to kind of guide development going forward and if the combination of density control, which is the correct thing and state density bonus is buildings that bear no resemblance at all to anything we planned for and in fact as president peskin pointed come out 400 percent taller, going from 6 or 8 stories to 25
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stories, that is not going to restore san franciscans confidence we can move happily into a future of greater density and still preserve what we love about san francisco. it suggests the opposite and produce backlash and be bad for everybody so figure how to do this right. thank you supervisor stefani for committing to try to work on that and thank you president peskin for trying to protect the historic districts. >> thank you. supervisor dorsey. >> thank you. i just associate myself with supervisor melgar's remarks and i share concerns about potentially problematic precedent added density controls like this could risk creating. i think the legislation could send us in the wrong way on needed housing production, even being compliant with the housing element at a time when we have obigation to produce more homes so uncomfortable back-tracking on efforts to promote adaptive development. i fear the legislation might
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do so i will also vote no. >> supervisor safai. >> thank you president peskin. listen, i think we have a lot of work ahead of us. i think that is pretty obvious. we definitely have somewhat a forced mandate coming from the state, right? not exactly sure 100 percent of the numbers they put forward are the accurate numbers but assume they are. now we are dealing as supervisor mandelman said with additional layers that have come down as a result of some of the frustration i think more a state wide frustration that is now, when we do density decontrol, when we look for greater height in areas that might not have traditionally received that height, then you add those layers and go from a 40 foot building to 200 foot building. i don't think that's something any neighborhood in san francisco wants.
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unless maybe you are in the soma is and you have multiple tall buildings already. that's just the truth. because it is a very different scale, very different form and very different level of infrastructure. the other question is, with what we are doing, how are we thirnging about the longer term because wree are talking density, we are talking height, but where is the larger vision for affordability and a lot that conversation hasn't been brought forward yet. we haven't merged the entire conversation. we have time to figure this out, 2026 and i think that absolutely we should have urgency to this conversation, but i like the idea of duplicating the file. thank you supervisor stefani for that. we can continue the conversation and we can have a more thoughtful solution. i am hundred percent in favor of density decontrol. we were pushing forward with that in our own district, but when we got the additional layers, and all a sudden
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something that could be 65, 75 feet could be maybe a 20, 30 story building, the scale and the size that just seems disproportionate for what we are trying to achieve in certain areas and why we have to look in a more comprehensive fashion. i will support the amendment today and definitely want to move forward with a larger vision, but also including the vision of where we incorporate in affordsability because i think that is something that has not been talked about continuously. thank you. >> thank you supervisor safai. supervisor chan. >> thank you president peskin. i have a lot of concerns. i don't see that--there is reason for historic districts to be historic districts. they are very unique and different. in fact, i think that for these
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three particular historic districts i'm looking not just about these 3 areas and also adjacent which includes chinatown and think the change with these three districts, it is create a domino impact beyond this area and i just do not believe one size fits all approach in density and in planning. i think it is actually quite fine to evaluate district by district, neighborhood and really looking what is already there and what we can do to increase density and build the type of housing or even mixed use that people could afford and i see land use and planning from that approach. the reason i support this, i really hope that as we continue to move forward with the conversation about upzoning and density increase all around the city that i just want to be on the record about how i approach
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this. i don't see this as just one thing and one type of policy work for san francisco. in fact i think what makes san francisco unique that only we have [indiscernible] all the neighbors are unique and different and i like to see when we think about planning be zoning or density that we actually think of it and approach it that way as well. thank you. >> thank you supervisor chan. we have item 22 in front of us as well as a duplicated file where there is a motion and second to send it to committee, so can we do that without objection? the duplicated file is returned to committee and on item 22, madam clerk, a roll call, please. >> item 22, stefani, aye. walton, aye. chan, aye. dorsey, no. engardio, no.
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mandelman, aye. melgar, no. peskin, aye. preston, aye. ronan, aye. safai, aye. there are 8ier r areers and 3 noes with dorsey, engardio and melgar voting no. >> the ordinance passed first reading. >> item 23, ordinance amending the planning code to designate the grand theater, located at 2665 mission street, assessor's parcel block no. 3637, lot no. 023, as a landmark consistent with the standards set forth in article 10 of the planning code; affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act; and making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under planning code, section 302, and findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101.1. >> roll call. >> stefani aye. walton aye. chan, aye. dorsey, aye. engardio, aye. mandelman, aye. melgar, aye.
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peskin, aye. preston, aye. ronan, aye. safai, aye. there are 11 ayes. >> the ordinance passed first reading. next item. >> item 24, resolution determining that the issuance of a type-90 on-sale general music venue liquor license to bruno's management llc, to do business as bruno's located at 2389 mission street (district 9), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and county of san francisco, in accordance with california business and professions code, section 23958.4; and requesting that the california department of alcoholic beverage control impose conditions on the issuance of the license. >> same house same call, the resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 25, motion to approve the mayor's nomination for reappointment of lydia ely to redevelopment successor agency oversight board term ending january 24, 2028. >> same house same call the
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motion is approved. >> item 26 motion to appoint anthony sch lander term ending july 1, 2027 and maria davis. >> same house , same call, the motion is approved. >> item 27, motion to appoint edward parillon term ending december 13, 2026. >> seeing no names on the roster, same house same call the motion is approved. madam clerk, can we go to our committee reports? >> 33-35 were considered by the land use transportation committee at regular amend the planning code to require conditional e authorization for converting private parking
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lots or vehicle to fleet charging production distribution repair to affirm the ceqa determination and make the appropriate findings. >> okay. item 33 i distributed a small non substantive amendment wherein footnote 24 would be amended to remove the retroactive requirement for 311 notice, so it would read, p, where existing use of private parking lot or vehicle storage lot and development application constrrt the private parking lot or vehicle storage lot to fleet charging use submitted prior to january 11, 2024 and the rest that sentence is struct. is there a- would somebody make that motion? mandelman, second by safai. take without objection?
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and then on the item as amended, can we take that same house same call? the ordinance is passed first reading as amended. next item, please. >> item 34, this item recommended as amended with new title. ordinance amending the planning code to require conditional use authorizations for establishing parcel delivery service uses, prohibit parcel delivery service as an accessory use, and revise zoning control tables to reflect these changes; affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act; and making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under planning code, section 302, and findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101.1 >> supervisor safai. >> just want to be added as a sponsor to 33, 34, and 35. somehow that was miss ed. >> it shall be noted. >> thank you. >> we'll take item 34, same house same call. the ordinance pass first reading. next item, please.
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>> item 35, the item recommended as committee report with same title. resolution supporting california state senate bill no. 915, introduced by senator dave cortese, which prioritizes local control in the decision to deploy autonomous vehicle services, contingent upon an autonomous vehicle service company receiving approval by the california department motor vehicles and the california public utilities commission, and will prevent deployment in a geographic location until a local government passes an ordinance authorizing operations. >> same house same call, the resolution is adopted. madam clerk, let's go to roll call for introductions. >> supervisor stefani is the first up to introduce new business. >> today thrilled to finally introduce a ordinance aimed safeguarding our community safety and fiscal responsibility. this ordinance insure that city funds designated for fire arm procurement by the public safety agencies are exclusively
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allocated to vendors who strictly adhere to both state and federal fire arm laws. last year a report by brady united against violence shed light on concerning practices within law enforcement procurement across california including right here in san francisco. the report dish closed over 90 law enforcement agencies in our state including ours unwhitingly spent upwards of $20 million on fire arms ammunition and related equipment from 6 federally licensed fire arm dealers with documented history of violating fire arm regulations. these violations notably included failure to report sales involving multiple weapons, red flag for straw purchase and fire arm trafficking. this revolution deeply troubling to me and underscores the critical need for robust vetting procedure and how law enforcement agencies purchase fire arms and related gear.
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as a city that provides on being a leader in gun safety, it is incomknnt to insure law enforcement agencies exercise due diligence in selecting vendors and making search purchases. san francisco as a beacon of gun vaeft advocacy and law enforcement agencies share a collective responsibility to up hp hold the highest standards when it comes to purchasing fire arms and the evidence is clear. fire arms recover in criminal incidence trace back to vendors who flouted fire arms laws time and time again. by instituting rigorous vetting for fire arm industry vendors we not only protect taxpayer dollars, but also mitigate the risk of the cycle of gun violence that plagues our communities. grateful for everyone who worked on this including vicky wong, the office of contract administration, our carmen chui, the brilliant attorney
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ruth born steen with brady and my chief of staff demin cudonovan and grateful for everyone who worked on this. it is such a important piece of legislation and hope to have all your support. i introduce two resolutions in support of legislative bills. the first of which is senate bill 1170. sb1170 takes the significant step forered with in empower women to run for elected office by allowing non incumbent candidates to use campaign funds to pay for mental healthcare cost not covered by insurance. the political climate is hostile and far too common for candidates particularly women and people of color to experience threats and harassment on the campaign trail. in a recent report by california women list on the state critical culture, nearly 2/3 women surveyed reported experiencing harassment during campaign compared to 50 percent of men.
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more alarming, 42 percent of women reported speenser stalking once while running for office and the issue was more stark for women of color. the number is a full 15 percentage points higher then male counterparts. this amounts to sad realty that the hostility and viteral faced by women running for office cause mental health distress. the impacts contribute to barriers and people of color face running for office and often disincent vise individuals considering adding vices to our government. empower more women and mother tuesday run for office isn't about words och encourage; it is about breaking down the bear knrrs. sb1170 strives to do so insuring all candidates have access to mental healthcare services as a navigate the distressing challenges faced while running for office. i like to thank senator [indiscernible] taking the significant step forward in reducing the barriers women
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face when thinking about running for office and proud to bring this rez solution toats add san francisco as a supporter of the policy. the second resolution is in support of ab2286. a reintroduction of a bill that require human safety operators in atoninous vehicle. we in san francisco and state wide have seen the roll out of autonomous vehicles come with danger. february 23 the dmv receive said 6908 autonomous vehicle collision reports including blocking emergency personnel, crashing into buses and hitting and killing pets. locally a pedestrian was pinned by a autonomous vehicle. requiring firefighters to use the jaws of life to lift the car off the woman. also know heavier vehicles are capable of causing significantly more damage and
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expotentially higher risk of fatality. ab2286 replicate as bill supported by this board and . by requiring human safety operators the bill enables continued testing of the development of autonomous heavy duty vehicles on public roads in a manner that protect job and the public safety. this resolution affirms san francisco support for sensible development of heavy duty av while protecting good jobs as a technology is tested and advanced. thatd polk thats it. the rest i submit. >> thank you. supervisor walton. submit. thank you. supervisor chan. submit. thank you. supervisor dorsey. submit. thank you. supervisor engardio. submit. thank you. supervisor mandelman. >> thank you madam clerk. i have a in memoriam today. asking that we adjourn in memory of logan miller died december 11 last year. logan was on my list, the list
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of individuals we keep in the district 8 office of high needs individuals mostly unhoused who mental illness or drug use or both caused themp to do harm to them sevlgs or others. in plane sight just trying to walk down the sidewalk. i talked about the list before. sometimes our listees get real help. too often they do not. logan isn't the first person oen the list to die during my time on the board and he will most likely not be the last. each death is in my view a indictment of us all. logan was a unhoused 32 year old man in the castro from iowa rchlt he was seen using drugs in public and acampanied by his girlfriend courtney. [indiscernible] screaming one . needless to say, they generated countless calls and e-mails.
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logan was a priority for lots of departments. offered shelter and he is and courtney all most always refused. tried to get him into treatment, he refused. [indiscernible] law to expand use of conservatorship for those with substance use disorder. promise the new rules allow the courts to recognize the addiction and mental impairment and offer the support. i believe his death is a argument for proposition 1 on our agenda for vote later today. spending package on the ballot
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that expand and finance mental health. more beds are needed in san francisco and california hope to lift folks like logan off our streets and without more beds, sb43 will most likely be another unfulfilled promise. rest in peace logan. >> thank you. supervisor melgar. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues, earlier today i joined mayor breed and director of the office of early childhood and the executive director of first 5 california jacky wong to celebrate important milestones. we collectively met as a city advancing early care education in san francisco and establishing the new department of early childhood and evidencing really strong outcomes. i can report very proudly that
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san francisco is at the forefront way above the median in california and that's good for all of us. we have former board president normal yee to thank along with former supervisor kim, voters early care education advocacy movement for the passage of bayview prop c. in 5 years we have doubled the number of children receiving early care education subsidies annually from 6 thousand to 12 thousand. we have cut the wait list for early care and education by 72 percent. we have increased salaries of 1600 early care educators predominantly women of color. we made great strides and have a way to go to build out a universal early care education system but we can pat on a back to job well done. state code requires to conduct
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needs assessment every year. the early care education needs assessment of 2023 stated the total available capacity that is the number of licensed child care spaces meets only 16.5 percent of the need of infants and toddlers. i say again, 16.5 percent of the needs of infants and toddlers. st fr preschool age children, we thankfully can report that we now have met the waiting list. we have made great strides and starting to see the result of the states investment in transitional kindergarten. we recognize there may be other barriers to success then just money. want the needs assessment is valuable, it mostly focus on the needs for subsidize lots, not the total needs of the workforce, which we must address if we are to reach the
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goal of universal child care. this also open opportunities for us to leverage our dollars with private employer contributions to advance the collective goals for needs for preschool and child care. we need to be forward thinking and really grapple with how to manage child care which is critical part. child care early education is integral component of educational system but also many other the other goals that we are pursuing like bringing workers back to our office buildings downtown and recruit public safety and first responder personnel. i will be requesting that the budget legislative analyst to conduct an analysis to determine the comprehensive unmet needs for early care education looking at economic projections and workforce trends in san francisco. thank you and the rest i submit.
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>> thank you supervisor melgar. supervisor peskin. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues, i am in receipt and you shall shortly madam clerk be in receipt of a letter of resignation from gabriela ruiz who served for a long time and with distinction as a representative of the board of supervisor on the planning commission. i want to thank her for her service and she has done a great job of representing many communities in san francisco but particularly she has deep roots in both chinatown and the mission. in the wake of her regination i'm nominating gilbert williams who hails from supervisor safai's district and is a union carpenter by trade and has been advocate as a member of podare representing working class san
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franciscans and i think you will all pget to meet him in the days and weeks ahead as he will be coming around and speaking about why he is qualified to be a member of the planning commission and he will be scheduled later next month for a hearing at the rules committee and the rest i submit. >> thank you mr. president. supervisor preston. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues, today i'm calling for a oversight hearing on the delays investing in elevator repairs and sro hotels. as you recall, the mayor and board agreed in june 2022 to allocate $10 million funded through a certificate of participation to fund these critical repairs after nearly 600 days of delay, it was only after we elevated this question recently, a question time and
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the san francisco chronicle did an expose on the delay that we finally got positive news. i want to thank supervisor safai and president peskin for cosponsoring this hearing request. the background is less then a month after redistricting in 2022 when tenderloin was redistricted into my district, we are about to enter a budget process and my office prioritized and went to bat for increasing funding for sro elvariety repairs and successfully secured $10 million for these critical upgrades supported by this entire board of supervisors and agreed to by the mayor. since that time, we and our constituents in the tenderloin in particular and other sro residents in other districts
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regularly pushed for the administration and hsh in particular to release these funds and again, this has been going on since pushing since 2022. over a year later our frustration shared by our constituents was really through the roof. it simply made no sense what so ever. the funds had not been moved. we had commitment after commitment to get the funds out the door that had come and gone. first we were told by hsh the noting of funding available is issued february 2023. then hsh promised summer 2023. and i want to in particular thank the budget committee and supervisor safai for really drilling down in that budget committee when we were not getting commitments around when the funds will be released and
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delays. supervisor safai pushed and demanded hsh come to the hearing and make a commitment. they did and committed the notice offunding availability would go out by that summer, by summer 2023. that date came and went. next they committed that they would issue the notice offunding availability by the end of the calendar year in 2023. that date came and went. finally, after we submitted the topic for the most recent mayoral appearance january 30, we were told the nofoissued by february 12. when that deadline was blown we brought the issue to the attention of san francisco chronicle and just hours after the chronicle published their story on friday, february 16, we receive an e-mail that early evening from hsh at long last
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over year and half later notifying the funding availability was officially posted online, so we are thrilled to see this critical step taken to finally move these funds and get these repairs done, but we still have no explanation for why it took so long to get to this point. i think our constituents deserve a explanation. if there is system problem that cause the delay we need to know what it and fix it. if this was simply not a priority for the mayor administration we need to know why the health and safety of the sro residents isn't a priority. this isn't just about looking backwards and i want to be clear that part reason for this hearing is we remain very concerned about when these funds are going to finally get out the door.
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to be clear, all happened so far is that after year and half of delay, department issued notice offunding availability. they not released the funds and in fact, here we are 600 days later with a nofa but the timeframe in to select the money and to select the sro and are get the money out the door for critical elvart repairs is projected to take another 8 months. our office has received no explanation and ask could that be expedited and talk often about bureaucracy delays red tape and so forths. what is going on here? we have not gotten a explanation about the reason for the delays or why this will take another 8 months. i think that is unacceptable timeline. i don't accept our constituents have to continue suffering
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unable to get to and from their homes because of something that the mayor administration should have addressed over a year ago and still appears to be slow walking. we need increased transparency on these funds and this project. we need to expedite the crucial investment and make sure there are no further delays in getting these funds into the elevator repairs that our constituents who live in sro needs and deserve. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor preston. supervisor ronan. submit. thank you. supervisor safai. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues, i'm sure as many have seen in the news today, it isn't hard to be thinking about union square today and macy's
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department store. so many things it symbolizes for san francisco. it is probably one of the most iconic retail spaces in the city. generations san franciscans and visitors macy's is associated with union square and tree lighting and 4 00 plus workers who could lose their livelihood, there is more about feeling nustajic it is about a pay check and way of life and pay rent or mortgage and put food on the table for families. many represented by the united food and commercial workers union. today macy's closeier feels like a gut punch and pledged to stay open until sold to a new owner but we should use the time to work together to think about a bolder vision and future of union square less dependent on retail, more interested in active use that attract people because retail
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only is failing to attract them. add entertainment night life use, universities colleges, multimedia art to draw visitors outside the holiday season, performance art in the square, potentially streets being reconfigured or shut down like during the holiday season or restaurants with use that attract all ages. mini golf, ping-pong, karaoke to name a few. we should examine whether we provide free parking like they do during the lunar new year and portsmouth square during the times of year that are slow. the flag ship it apartment store across the country is dead or on life support and we need to reimagine the spaces
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and breathe life into them. today in partnership with supervisor peskin calling for hearing for the city to include planning department, building inspection, office economic workforce development, controller office, department of labor standard to inform the new future. we want to hear from partners and partners in labor. i like to see quhoo is covered by displaced working protection act. something i worked on many years and we want to extend protection to include expands under retail and hear from union square alliance and others to insure we have a bold direction as we set the new future. hotel council, the travel and others. thank you colleagues. i think this is an unfortunate announcement but also think it presents a opportunity for us to come together and provide a
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bolder vision and a vision of what san francisco can be. this is one of the flag ship and one of the most important spaces in san francisco. union square represents 40 percent of our sales tax retail revenue in the city county of san francisco, non food and beverage. it represents a significant piece of san francisco that we need to call come together and work on to insure it is successful and successfully reimagine. thank you, the rest i submit. >> thank you. mr. president, seeing no names on the roster that concludes introduction of new business. >> [indiscernible] >> at this time, the board welcomes your general public comment. you may seek to the january 23 board meeting minutes as presented,itement 38 whether the board should go into closed session on item 44, the closed session on labor negotiations.
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you may also speak to the items for adoption without reference to committee. item 39-44. you may seek to other general matters not on today's agenda but still must be within the board subject matter jurisdiction. all other agenda content will have been reported to the board by a appropriate committee where the public comment requirement occurred. and mr. president through a previous arrangement we are prepared to provide ada accommodation at the appropriate time. >> please proceed. >> to the clerk staff, can we hear from the first individual in line that would be our ada caller? welcome, caller. >> hello. this is michael petrelis calling. i want to address the closure announced today of macy's. i was just there in january shopping because they have a
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excellent selection of xxl clothes for big guys like myself, so chubby guys. i have been shopping as macy's and my husband and sorry to hear they are closing. i want to point out that we had a golden opportunity to increase customers and profits at macy's and for businesses in the union square area if we had only permanently pedestrianized the stockton street pedestrian mall. it was a wonderful idea that brought vibrancy to union square, brought more people who would not have otherwise come to the area, and unfortunately cars are now running on what should be that pedestrian plaza. once the building is empty, i
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propose turning it into a indoor garden and organic farm. so, that we the people of san francisco can grow our own food, grow flowers and bring vibrancy and life not just to that soon to be empty building at union square, but to the entire area. do not support turning it into a roller rink or any other business. i think it is time that the community have garden spaces inside these many empty buildings. >> thank you there for your comments. first person in line in the chamber, please welcome.
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>> a few things specifically about--intelligence technology. qr codes is a trap set by for unintelligence so don't fall in it. don't use qr codes. every time you see x attached to something you are sooner or later with pornography. no autonomous vehicles. let's go to something very important. you pay attention you are part of the team whether you like it or not. unit 1 for the new system of education have been ordered to create in order to change the course of humanity with the precedent set in san francisco usa. no science fiction. the reason why you cannot
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control humanity, let alone the world because you have to be unintelligent enough to believe you can. you are if you try fighting against internal rules of existence. the reason for being. happiness-feeling with the--if you don't do that you are fighting against eturnty which by definition cannot [indiscernible] because it is eturnty. since everybody has to pay for what he or she has done, i launch a proposition for you to pay with following a formation for you to become a teacher in the new system of edge ucation we are going to create from scratch. you come to--that is what she's
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waiting for. >> next speaker, please. sir, you with welcome to come to the next podium which might be more comfortable. >> john, born and raised in san francisco, 86 years old and i have a--42 years clean and sober. every morning i go to a aa meeting and this morning the elevator didn't work again. third time this week. 1280 mission street, 9th and mission, which i-i broke my hip 6 months ago so i had to move from supervisor peskin's neighborhood castro hotel to 9th and mission. i had 4 or 5 guys waiting for me out, drug addicts.
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i had the [indiscernible] got me there in time. this is happening all too often. i asked the manager why they don't fix the elevators and they told me about the mayor sitting on all that money. i called the mayor office to find why she is sitting on the money, the mail box is full for a week. they dont want to answer any questions. this is our mayor. good luck to who ever is running against her. that's why i'm here. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> get money. get the money. >> welcome next speaker. >> good afternoon board of supervisors. as all you know, chrisfer cline and want to talk peace community and community. 813 overdose in 202 flee 3 and 66 in january. the da is talking about task force to go after drug dealers.
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t yesterday on the steps of city hall the community gathered to talk about treatment option as. getting there but not peace unity and community. low estimate plas 400 thousand plus citizens of san francisco more then one digital surveillance. that contribute to systemic bias racism and sometimes simply be agdescenting voice or simply don't like you for one reason or another. reducing surveillance by 95-97 percent will not impede fbi, homeland security [indiscernible] state and federal partners and replace into compliance with health and
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human service, the national institute of helths. i urge the board to move forward with a task force working together with all county agencies to include the mayor office,b collectively for peace, unity and community. remember if we move forward with removing surveillance the city and county reduce overdice by 70 percent. and macy's is closing the same nordstrom is closing because of digital surveillance used to force them to close. simple as it gets. if you want retailers to come back and city to thrive, form a task force and reduce the digital surveill nls. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. welcome. >> thank you. my name is amanda perez and i work as social working in the freedom project at the san francisco public defender office. the freedom project advocate to insure people rehabilitated and
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still serving long prison sentence get back to court based on current circumstance jz insure all services needed are available. we are proud to boast we had a zero recidivism rate since staffed with team, social workers and paralegal staff. the governor proposed budget cuts $40 million to the public defender pilot program in 2023 to 2024 which is a third final year of the pilot program. we are grateful to this board for considering the resolution being introduced today by supervisor chan to eliminate this proposed cut which impacts both the public defender office and the san francisco bar association. over the last 5 years several state laws recognized the need to reevaluate prison sentence after passage of time and rehab
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effects. the laws allow judges to determine whether incarceration is counter productive [indiscernible] the freedom project has done amazing work with these funds and ready to do more. the freedom project helped reunit 84 individuals with communities since began in 2020. 46 of whom serving life sentence. incarcerated eldsers is others ready to return home is expensive. july 2020, to 23 we saved the state of california [indiscernible] we connect with the vital services and housing they need. for example, 100 percent of our clients stable housing when released. >> thank you for your comments. if you would like to turn that in we are happy to take the
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document from you and put it in the minutes. thank you. next speaker, please. welcome. >> [indiscernible] i live in d6. i got a comment first. what a shitty memoriam for logan. can we all agree, nothing nice to say about the human. like keep his name out of his mouth if you are not saying something nice about someone died oen the streets. hope you all can see that. closing the meeting in memoriam of [indiscernible] non binary youth in oklahoma forced to use a restroom that didn't match the gender. no adults protected and fails as a society. should be alive. [indiscernible] who was standing up for the trans friends and girl school rust restroom. olding kids beat up [indiscernible] and died the next day. san francisco also does not have all gender restrooms
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despite [speaker speaking too fast]. we need to protect all kids and that means at least comply with state law and having are gender restrooms in the school and every building across the country. so much antitrans hate is riled up and dangerously amplified and san francisco is very own x formally known as twitter. do you care? actually, i know this board and mayor doesn't care. this is for anyone san franciscans watching and learning about this for the first time. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker,b welcome. >> thank you. my name is mark, i am part time administrator of the post conviction unit at the bar association, so mrs. perez i join her comments in terms of supporting the resolution that supervisor chan has introduce d
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to you all in helping to restore the funding for sb129 and urge you to vote for it unanimously. the work we do is vital from the bar association standpoint, there is 14 people released over the 18 month period that are our unit started. we have particularly two paralegals who specialize in this work who are able to save the county a lot of money in terms of court time as well as screening over 600 cases working on over 150 cases and currently representing 52 people in court and more is coming with this kind of legislation. so, from a standpoint of this being legislatively mandated in saving the city money it is important, but also the work
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we've done is training 16 lawyers, getting them on the panel so they can do this work. it isn't trial work. the type of work that is done is ordering volumes of records from cdcr. i have a picture here of 40 thousand pages of medical records that is a outlier, but a lot of the work that is done involves 10s of thousands of pages that save money in terms of the attorney mitigation specialist or experts having reviewed that. so, i think it is cost effective. it's a humane project and urge you all to pass this resolution unanimously. >> thank you for your comments. well come to the next speaker. >> good afternoon board. my name is richard peterson.
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i wasn't planning on speaking, but i'm making two comments. one, i have a disability and have been taking muni the last couple years since i have been able to get around, and note that many people get on muni without paying. not that they shouldn't pay, many of them have disabilities, many pushing baby carriages, but my point being, there should-you should have a way of counting how many people actually use muni because i think the numbers are far great er then you perhaps realize. it is crowded on muni. my second comment was more personal. i am one of the largest property owners in noe valley and i have often talked to-not often, i talked to mandelman
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and duffy and wiener about developing the property. i had files, plans filed with the planning for 7 years now to build a house on what's presumably a empty lot. yes, the parcel must be split, but seeing nothing but delays and unfortunately that is why requirement i was planning using the money from that trophy house that will be built that i can't afford to own or live in and pay the mortgage or the taxes. but, it will support me for the rest of my life hopefully it will be longer then what's typically predicted for somebody my age. i'm 81 years old and i love the city. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please.
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>> good afternoon. i'm peter warfield, executive director of library user association library user 20084 at couple points today. the library is planning on approving a new so called strategic plan. later regular meeting in march and it is complete rejection apparently of the existing mission statement and essentially blank check with no measureables no mention of reading or history of literature and looks for a blank check for anything.
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the library not lived up to its existing purpose which has been roughly speaking as it say s free and equal access to information knowledge and independent learnjug joy of reading for our diverse community. well, has the library done that? not really, it is completely leaving behind and excluding people less connected to technology and those by in large are all vulnerable pop yulation. the -when i said that i hadn't been invited in any way or included in the strategic plan a member of the commission said, i should have been. he should have been. that was not included in the minutes. neither was my issue with the minutes later saying they had excluded that and should
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include that never included. the library is also unfortunately not any longer safe place. >> thank you mr. warfield for your comments. welcome to our next speaker. >> shalom to you board of supervisors. my name is--chandler. and i'm speaking in regards to number 17 about the apologizing to the african americans and descend nlts ants. >> i'm pausing your time, item 17 has had its public comment. >> no problem. i'm talking inl regards to the african american nation and issues of violence and atrocities spoking about. going and looking at policies, the bottom line, the damage is done.
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all of the evil that happened to us as a nation of people, you can't change it. as one of the people spoke about paying, it is now time for you to reap what you have sewn and what i mean individually, i speak of the atrocities that happened concerning dan white and the murdering of harvey milk and george muscone and evil doing just 5 years after killing two. this city is now--there is is a spiritual obigation here. it is so good to sit here and act like everything is okay and i know everyone know everything is not okay. the bottom line, this is spiritual here and now since we are warring who will represent as far as i'm concerned if you are not a godly or holy man or woman you are ready to remove a
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police chief who is a decent and honorable man. mayor london breed might not be perfect but she's not corrupt cht i need everybody to understand that. the bottom line is that there is a lot of dead bodies in the black community and we are starting now memorials all over the city to acknowledge every child that has been murdered in san francisco and who case is not solved. you can go to laguna and page, it has already begun. there is alters all over-- >> thank you for your comments. >> this is the tribe and the staff of uda. justice has begun. >> thank you. >> i think you might have
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staged me. i was going to talk about the wisdom of building massive or building projects. [indiscernible] anything else needed which is--if i understand the conversations. look, we are already living in the most dense city west of manhattan with 75 degrees in kansas city today. what about alternative. why can't be a city that shows how to thrive with density? let me say this one thing mpts how can the west side of san francisco not be historical district? you got car town, the lava rats, the stop sign, [indiscernible] my truck i lived is in there. [speaker speaking too fast]
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sf state, [indiscernible] lake merced. the city harry bridges built with longshoreman and warehouseman union. local 6. the west side not historical, [indiscernible] rolling in his grave. >> thank you for your comments. any other members of the public who would like to address the board? seeing none, mr. president. >> public comment is now closed. madam clerk, please read the adaungz without committee reference calendar. >> items- >> minus item-- >> yes. 39-44 minus item 43. on adoption without reference to committee today. a member may ask a item to be removed. a member may request a resolution on first reading to go to committee. >> would any member like a item
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or items severed? supervisor stefani. >> item 42. >> item 42. supervisor ronan. >> i want to make sure i'm cosponsor of 43. >> you are now cosponsor. supervisor safai. should we just add everybody to item 43? it shall be. supervisor safai. >> can you please add me to item 42? item 40. >> cosponsor on item 40, yes. >> that's it. >> okay. supervisor mandelman on there? no. okay, on the balance of the adoption without committee reference calendar, we can take that same house same call, those resolutions are adopted
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and motion approved. madam clerk, please read item 42. >> item 42, this is a resolution to support california state assembly bill 2319 to strengthen the training protocols in the california dignity pregnancy child birth act of 2019 introducing penalties for non compliance from healthcare providers. >> supervisor stefani. >> thank you. colleagues this resolution is in support of ab2319 that [indiscernible] this black history month we asked to support policy action that addresses the pervasive racial bias. there state of maternal healthcare system in california is another glaring example of the realty. black women represent 5 percent of the pregnant population in california can and constitute 21 percent of the pregnancy
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related deaths. black women three times more likely then other women to die during or immediately after pregnancy. in 2019, the california state legislature passed the california dignity and pregnancy child birth act requiring hospitals and other health facilities to train paranaitdal care providers on unconscious bias that impact despairties. rates of compliance were dismal. while reports by the california department of just ares were successful raising the percentage of care providers to complete the training it is clore mere needs to be done.
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pregnancy healthcare providers are showing proof of completion of training or facing penaltiess for non compliance. grateful to assembly wilson and weber. continue to legislative strides necessary to push forward toward reducing and one day eliminating the racial despairties. please join me supporting the efforts by voting yes on the resolution. thank you. >> supervisor melgar. >> thank you president peskin. thank you supervisor stefani for introducing this resolution. please add me as a cosponsor. >> supervisor walton. >> [indiscernible] >> alright. on the resolution, same house same call, the resolution is adopted. madam clerk, please read our closed session item 38?
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>> item 38,closed session for the board of supervisors to convene in closed session on february 27, 2024, to confer with the mayor's office and the department of human resources, pursuant to california government code, section 54957.6, and san francisco administrative code, section 67.10(e), regarding negotiations with labor unions and bargaining units representing city employees; scheduled pursuant to the motion contained in file no. 240140, to be considered on february 27, 2024. >> alright. we are going to convene in closed session and if you are not a part of the closed session, if you could please [meeting reconvened] >> we will reconvene in open session. is there a motion not to disclose made by supervisor ronan, second by dorsey. and we will take that without objection. madam clerk would you please
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read the in memoriamism >> today meeting is adjourned in the memory of the following beloved individual for late logan miller on behalf of supervisor mandelman. >> we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned]
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meter. >> hello, i'm captain tom the coordinator for the san francisco fire department. this oversight is the three and 4 anniversary of loma linda earthquake i want to go over a few things to help you preparation building a supply kit and supply kit does is not have to be put together all at once take your time on the website have a list of recommendation and have enough food and water to feed your family through three to 5 days and purchase the fire extinguisher if you have an extinguisher at hand will stop a small fire from being a by fire it is simple to use check the
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gage make sure it is charged and then repeat the word task task stand for pull to pin aim the novel and screws the trigger and successes to the because of fire the last recommendation to look at the gas meter electrical gas lines cause fires in the loma linda earthquake and we want to show you how to turn off the gay only turn off if you hear gas or hear hissing and coordinator nathan will demonstrate how to turn that off. >> with a whenever i'm going to turn it over one quarter turn. so in on holler orientation in turn off our gays meter don't
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turn it back on get a service call from >> flyshaker pool was a public pool located on sloat boulevard near great highway. it operated from 1925 to 1971 and was one of the largest pools in the world. after decades of use, less people visited. the pool deteriorated and was demolished in 2000. built by herbert flyshaker, pumps from the pacific ocean that were filtered and heated filled the pool. aside from the recreational
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activities, many schools held swim meets there. the delia flyshaker memorial building was on the west side of the pool. it had locker rooms with a sun room and mini hospital. in 1995, a storm damaged one of the pipes that flowed to the ocean. maintenance was not met, and the pool had to close. in 1999, the pool was filled with sand and gravel. in 2000, the space became a spot for the san francisco zoo. these are some memories that many families remember swimming at flyshaker pool.
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>> let us not seek to satisfy first for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatered. >> will be neither rest nor tranquillity in america until the negro is granted his citizenship rights winds will continue to shake foundations of our nation until the days of justice e merges. now is the time. [applause] to lift our in addition from quick sandses of injustice to brother there the whoed. now is the time. we must conduct our struggle on the high plain of dignity and he discipline.
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no we are not satisfied and we will in the be satisfied until justice rolls down like water and righteousness! [applause] so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, i still have a dream. [applause]it. >> happy 30th anniversary. to san francisco's sfgovtv. congratulations sfgovtv on many, many years of serving the city and for bringing information to
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everyone that lives here. >> happy 30th anniversary sfgovtv i'm supervisor for district 7 thank you to the staff for 0 supporting the process to government to transparency and to making sure we celebrate >> shared spaces have transformed san francisco's adjacent sidewalks, local business communities are more resilient and their neighborhood centers are more vibrant and mildly. sidewalks and parking lanes can be used for outdoor seating, dining, merchandising, and other community activities. we're counting on operators of shared spaces to ensure their sites are safe and accessible for all. people with disabilities enjoy all types of spaces. please provide at least
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8 feet of open uninterrupted sidewalk so everyone can get through. sidewalk diverter let those who have low vision navigate through dining and other activity areas on the sidewalk. these devices are rectangular planters or boxes that are placed on the sidewalk at the ends of each shared space and need to be at least 12 inches wide and 24 inches long and 30 inches tall. they can be on wheels to make it easy to bring in and out at the start and the end of each day. but during business hours, they should be stationary and secure. please provide at least one wheelchair accessible dining table in your shared space so the disability people can patronize your business. to ensure that wheelchair users can get to the wheelchair accessible area in the park area, provide an adequate ramp or parklet
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ramps are even with the curb. nobody wants to trip or get stuck. cable covers or cable ramps can create tripping hazards and difficulties for wheelchair users so they are not permitted on sidewalks. instead, electrical cables should run overhead at least ten feet above sidewalk. these updates to the shared spaces program will help to ensure safety and accessibility for everyone, so that we can all enjoy these public spaces. more information is available at sf.govt/shared spaces. >> making to may grandkids a program all about pop ups,
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artists, non profits small business in into vacant downtown throughout the area for a three to 6 months engagement. >> i think san francisco is really bright and i wanted to be a part of it revitalization. >> i'm hillary, the owner of [indiscernible] pizza. vacant and vibrant got into safe downtown we never could have gotten into pre-pandemic. we thought about opening downtown but couldn't afford it and a landlord [indiscernible] this was a awesome opportunity for us to get our foot in here. >> the agency is the marriage between a conventional art gallery and fine art agency.
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i'm victor gonzalez the founder of gcs agency. thes program is especially important for small business because it extended huge life line of resources, but also expertise from the people that have gathered around the vacant to vibrant program. it is allowed small businesses to pop up in spaces that have previously been fully unaccessible or just out of budget. vacant to vibrant was funded by a grant from the office of economic workforce development that was part of the mayor's economic recovery budget last year so we funded our non profit partners new deal who managed the process getting folks into these spaces. >> [indiscernible] have been tireless for all of us down here and it has been incredible.
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certainly never seen the kind of assistance from the city that vacant to vibrant has given us, for sure. >> vacant to ibvooerant is a important program because it just has the opportunity to build excitement what downtown could be. it is change the narrative talking about ground floor vacancy and office vacancy to talking about the amazing network of small scale entrepreneur, [indiscernible] >> this is a huge opportunity that is really happy about because it has given me space to showcase all the work i have been doing over the past few years, to have a space i can call my own for a extended period of time has been, i mean, it is incredible. >> big reason why i do this is specific to empower artist. there are a lot of people in san francisco that have really great ideas that have the work
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ethics, they just don't have those opportunities presented, so this has been huge lifeline i think for entrepreneurs and small businesses. >> this was a great program for us. it has [indiscernible] opening the site. we benefited from it and i think because there is diverse and different [indiscernible] able to be down here that everybody kind of benefits from it. television. >> asian american pacific islanders may is asian american & pacific islander heritage month about san francisco the asian-american about the history and curtain or encouragement. >> about fun and family and food. >> about all of us celebrating
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each other together after celebrating the cultural tradition a our future. >> showing you the regular things like the families and connecting the japanese heritage and my heritage in hawaii and other asians around the city and world and growing up with the bay area. >> asian american pacific islanders it about showcasing the apa heritage culture contributions and full staves of music and the great diversity within the community i'm not a asian-american but have a great communication and about celebrating the stories of blood lines of apa heritage and the difficult challenges creating opportunity and building a new. >> let's celebrate may is asian
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american & pacific islander heritage month and victorville our writing our future for the future may is asian american & pacific islander heritage good evening everyone. we welcome you all to the bar association of san francisco's judicial candidates forum for the march 5th primary election. we've invited all of the candidates to join this forum, and we are very happy to have with us today. judges biggert and thompson and assistant district attorney roland present for this forum. this race has attracted a lot of attention in the press. it's also generated a good degree of voter questions. judicial elections for superior court seats