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tv   BOS Budget and Finance Committee  SFGTV  March 4, 2024 4:00pm-6:01pm PST

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>> good morning the meeting will come to order the february 28 budget and finance i'm connie
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chan chair, i'm joined by vice chair mandelman and melgar. our clerk is brent jalipa. and i want to like to thank corewin cooley from for broadcasting meeting. . >> thank you a reminder those in attendance make sure to silence electronic device not to interrupt our proceeding fist you have documents as part of the file submitted to myself the clerk and public comment on each item on the agenda. when your item come up and public comment is called lineup on the west side to your right, my left. and not necessary to provide comment we invite to you fill out a card by the doors. if you wish to be recorded for minutes you may submit comment in writing. e mail them to mis the budget
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and finance clerk at brent. jalipa if you nit e mill tell be forwarded to the supervisors and included as part of the official time send written comments by u.s. postal service to city hall 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place room 244, san francisco, california 94102 and items acted upon today will appear at the board agenda of march fifth unless otherwise stated. >> thank you, mr. clerk. before we call item one remind everyone we have budget and legislative analyst reports for items 6-9, 11 and 12 on today's agendaful for those items we will have the presentation followed by the budget and legislative analyst. then take questions and public comment. mr. clerk. call item 1.
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>> item 1, ordinance emamending the business and tax code after january 21 of 24 to require short term rental hosts that don't operate through a company for transient occupancy tax returns. wave requirements for the certificate of authority from the tax collector change the period for filing the returns from annual to among low for all hotel small operators. codify the tax collector's website company program. and the return and payment requirements for tourism and expansion district assessments and companies to collect and remit to immruf move assessments. >> we have the treasurer's office here. >> good morning. chair chan and supervisors office of treasure and tax
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collector. i'm presenting an item tht simplify tax and fee filing for short term residential hosts. following an election in 202e22 as of january first short herm rental hosts are assessed under the tourism improvement district. hosts may pass this on to their guests. as we work to implement this collection from hosts our goal is to simplify the filing and payment of the tid4 host. i thank our partners at sf travel to notify hosts of new requirements under the tid and cohosted a webinar to explain the purpose and how this will work that is posted on our website. as you know, short term rentals required collect and remit transient occupancy taxes. we offered many options for
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hosts to collect and remit the obligations. hosts can collect and remit it month low or annually or work with a website company to collect and remit the taxes on their behalf. >> in practice, the vast majority is collected by qualified website companies. hosts who operate short term rentals directly or nonqualified platforms do collect and remit them annually now. we don't have any tot remitted month low by short term rental hosts. to ease collection of the new tid requirement we are seeking to require our qualified website companies collect and remit them on behalf of hosts as part of their agreement with our office to collect and remit the tot. we will discontinue the option for hosts to collect and remit monthly. and require all hosts who don't operate through a qualified
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website to file and pay the tot and tid assessment annually. >> i would like to request that the board consider amendment we circulated clarifying the tid requirement for qualified website company system not retroactive. contirmed with the deputy city attorney it is not substantive and shared the language with the clerk. thank you for your consideration and i'm happy to take any questions. >> i do have a question. >> sure. could you -- i think -- because it is just not included in the legislation itself i know it is somewhere. could you walk us through quick the definition of qualified website company? >> sure. >> so the transyebt occupancy tax is 14% tax on stays paid by guests and remitted by hotels or by reservations, website
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companies or short term hosts directly. when this became popular in san francisco, we worked hard to figure out a way for to get these collected buys of platform companies themselves, that was at the urging of hosts who found that collection and remittance of taxes confusing and overwhelming and really wanted this to be done in a one stop shop. so in order to become a qualified website company to collect and remit the tot to our office, companies this is opt in, optional. they have to submit a declaration to our office that they will adhere to our terms and conditions. and they are required to file and remit taxes among low to our office. and with those taxes they have to submit detailed information about each stay. all of information this we
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require for this is posted on our website. any member of the public and guests and hosts can see what we are requiring and getting from the platforms. now we have 3 companies participating. air bnb and mr. bnb and that will be an opt in program. but it does institute the majority of revenue collected at this time. >> so, we are now look at so called like -- to make it easy to stream line for those who register under the qualified websites or company. the changes at ti d was did not cover short term and now it does. if we don't pass this legislation and -- qualified website companies choose not to
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collect it now they can collect but we are not requiring them. what will happen is that the companies will submit the tot on behalf their hosts. next year in january, we'll go out to their hosts and say, okay you have to submit in extra filing for this tid assessment. we notified them that this is their requirement they need to do this. we can't anticipate they will be upset and they will think, i thought this was going to be collected by my website company like for taxes and why are you coming after me. they are a snaul amount of revenue to go to each host t. is not a great use of anyone napa time. our hope is by dook this. tell be stream lined we collect it monthly that will make it easier for the improve am district to do what they need to do with the revenue. and stream 39 so it operated like the tot.
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>> what will happen to the individual hosts. that are not registered with the qualified website company. >> now when they do is they file annually the end of january. and than i file for all stays that happened in the year prior and remit the tot now they will also remit their tid on top of that. >> will there be both listing for a qualified website company and not. >> yes. >> wee have that now and that is fine. they are qualified website company collects the revenue on behalf of the stays and they are on the hook for everything else. thank you. and so that means the filing will be the tax will be filing separately and as a host themselves, they will have to file separate low from the how many of the state aside from the
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qualified website >> that's how we have been doing it for many years wield like to add in tid to make it clear what obligations are. >> thank you. . appreciate t. i don't see name on the roster no questions at this time and then let's go to public comment on this item. >> we invite the members joining who wish to speak number one step up and address the committee. >> we have no speakers >> thank you. no public comment it is now closed. >> i would like to amend the legislation to strike out the possibility for retroactivity and set the new date on and or after january first, 2024. and that is the proposed amendment today. i would like to amend it and then sends the amended version
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to full board. let's call roll on that motion. >> >> the motion to amend the ordinance and accepting the amendments offered by the treasure tax collector and forward that to the full board as amended vice chair mandelman. >> aye >> member melgar. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. >> the motion passes. >> and -- mr. clerk. call next item. >> item 2 a resolution authorizing the mayor's office innovation to accept an in-kind gift valued at 302,000 from various providers marijuana 6. 24 through june 21, 24 with the civic ridge program and mayor's office of innovation to not materially increase the liabilities to the city and necessary for the purposes of
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donor agreement or resolution. >> thank you. and of today we have administrator's office. >> no. mayor's office of innovation. >> thank you. chair and members. will. an in-kinds gift of consulting service 302 thousand dollars. you have all heard about the civic bridge program a few times. we had a waiver about a month and a half ago. came through a different committee this year we are bring forward low projects. one with department of emergency management. one with the fire department and the third with department of public health all focused on improving data collection and service delivery in distressing
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street behaviors or conditions. typically civic bridge is a program of >> hen a 16 week partnership where a corporation base in the san francisco donates time with up to 6 volunteers for 20% of their time and value that using the tap root calculation. we are continuing to do this for one of our promise. we have two innovations this year. the department of public health will do a shorter sprint with less time dedicated. that project is foreign focused on how we make sure that people seek treatment with substance
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use or with a people that use substances when they are ready to accept service, how do we make sure our service is set up without barriers. they are doing convening and stake holder engagements to figure out where we as a city might be falling down and how to pull that together. the other is in we are working with oi group u.s. digital response for the dem. they are a national nonprofit functions like civic bridge itself. they recruit individual volunteers not companies themselves. but individual volunteers to work on projects like this. those volunteers donate services to u.s. digital and then they do nit their time and cordination to us. to this affect, to make sure we are representing not just the time value u.s. dick tality cordination and reflect the
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volunteer services the city attorney suggested an amendment on page one line 20 i have copies. adding plus the cordination of related volunteer services. the chair had asked me which corporations they are working with. we don't know they are in the recruitment stage. positions they are recruiting for are a service sdriern, form design and gentleman forms designered haves from donating their own time we don't know where they work yet. the third program and they'll work with zem to redesign h sock form. to make sure we are improving how many people answer the questions. are we asking redundant questions. inputting the dates the same way that dph does so when we try to
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link we don't have tong about whether you have written out tuesday or february. it sounds simple but is quite technical on the back end. the third project is the fire department adobe is donating a team ofville tears to think about the ems6 project and how to understand whether they are doing, how to measure their success. you know that ems6 and not to speak for the fire department but the ms6 steam how people who call 911 frequently. and we tong about what it means to be successful with that group of people. they measured success in how you get people off this list. sometimes new people come of i apologize to the department fist i screwed up the details of your
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project this is the best i understand them. and i'm here for questions. >> what is the ems. >> ems6 is again not to speak for the fire department. i understand it, the divifthz community paramedicine team dealing with people who routinely call 911 on a regular basis. for example somebody who might not have a healing insurance plan and they call 911 when they get sick. and the upon fire department has a dedicated team. i think represented in the bla report. about coordinated street response recently. >> and adobe is? offering a logic model redesign? yes. >> matt, you want to talk about the logic model and design
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means? >> for the logic model redesign it is helping taking the time to work with fire to reflect on had the programs and the out come are. are the operations best like meeting. kinds of what the operational goals are and how you electronic the impact to be able to better understand the great work they are doing and like where there are opportunity to improve or double down on space or interventions. so hopefully it is providing 6 additional volunteers to give them the time and space to take in all the information across the fire department teams to better understand the program and help them think through what the key performance will be. sorry. matt larson with mayor's office. [inaudible] program manager. >> thank you. it is interesting. i think i like to learn more
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about this. only with the thinking about we will be think burglar how do we evaluate contracts and results and just -- learn more about what adon't seoffering in terms of a logic model it is interesting the benefits of the program. it soundses to me it is not just about hitting the understanding the benefits but in the possible improvements and like are we hitting target for the state reporting? yea this is a bit a new program for me from what i understand it is the forefront that san francisco is leading in this space and helping to guide some of the state level understanding of what impact it is.
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where we should drive toward there is a great opportunity for scale here. working with fire to continue to improve a program that is at the forefront. >> if it start in february, it is 16 weeks program. so you are finishing august? >> mid to late june. >> great. love to hear and learn more when they finish. >> thank you. i don't see names on the roster we are good. we can go to public comment. >> members of the public wish to speak on item 2 now is your opportunity. step up and address the committee for two minutes. we have no speakers. >> seeing no public comment it is now closed.
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i would like to make the amendment read out loud which is the page one, line 20 and the courtination of volunteer services and learn more when it happens. this sounds good i like to learn about the form. with that said, make that amendment and move this item to full board with recommendation and i roll call please. >> on that motion to amend the resolution offered by the mayor's office innovation. and forward that to the board as amend vice chair mandelman. >> aye and add me as a cosponsor. >> thank you. >> noted. member melgar. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. >> thank you and the motion passes. thank you and mr. clerk call items 3 and 4 together. >> items 3 and 4 are resolutions
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authorizationing public health and dph to enter in amendments or modifications to the agreements that not increase the obligations or linocaines to the city and necessary for the purposes of resolutions. item 3 authorizes the department to continue to anticipate in california mental healthy services under the terms of join exercise of power's agreement. authorizing jpa to execute the participation agreements by the city attorney without further board approval unless being directed. and item 4. retroactively authorize the department to enter in a grant agreement for a form on commission of the grant agreement through june 30 with the city and count and he advocates for human potential inc. anticipated revenue to the city. 3.upon 7 million for construction at 1001 potrero
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avenue building time 6b and 7a. including a permitted and restricted use and authorizing the grantor to apply for a receiver in the event of the city's default. madam chair >> thank you we have department of public health here. >> good morning i'm deputy director for behavioral health and here to speak on item 3. we are looking for support to continue working with the cal mhsa joint power's authority. briefly about cal mhsa joint power authority organization form in the 2009. funds and this organization allows for county across california to participate and collaborate on projects together allows us to pull resources and develop strategies and programs. all focused on behavioral health.
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jp socrates not a state agency but it is in between a nonprofit and a state agency. some of the examples of projects that we have done with the jpa since we joined. we are working with them on a program that allows us to have presumptive eligibility for foster care children served in other countees. a pilot allowing us to bring peers in a more formal role in our system. and hopefully soon become pillar in our system and working on we wrapped this project up behavioral quality improve am project under cal aim and this participation agreement allowed us to access consults services and other supports and we have done just an example there are others a warm line chat a pilot
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project and able to pilot technology. partnering we were collaborate to build it rather than all the counties doing it inspect low it helps us spend public funds. would allow us to continue and when we have new projects seek approval if the city attorney to be sure there is not impacts. and we would not need to continue coming become to the board for approval. than i are small projects and really offer opportunity for innovation. and also as out lined, we would continue to have the agreement until it was terminated. there are things in the agreement that call for binding or nonbinds being arbitration if there are disputes and board
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members and others involved are not going to be held liable for mistakes. and that is the agreement. and we have again part of the jpa since 2013. we are continuing to partner and allow us to use your contracting process and allow us to better resource other resource. but pool mental health act funds. partner with other counts and hes the jpa can and behavioral health across the country and this will help us further this goal. we are hoping you will approve this, happy to answer questions. i come back annually for the over all jpa for approval >> under this, no. the resolution allow you to have the agreement on going and as we
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add projects which are generally small, 100,000500,000 we would not have to go through the whole process but going to the city attorney and they would review them and sure there is not an impact on the city's liability or out lay of resource. >> right. >> so what today colleagues what we are approving here is for this is that we are not waiving our charter 9.118 but waiving over all your agreement i don't know about the waiving portion you are asking. we are not waiving. >> thank you. we're ready for the next item.
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3 and 4 together. >> next. good morning. thank you for hearing item of n is a request for approval of nonstandard term in a grant agreement. similar to what i presented january 24. this is round 4 behavioral health infrastructure. blanking. sorry. continuum infrastructure program policies. this is round 4. specific low in agreement with the advocates for human potential. department of health care service for a construction and in patient psychiatric unit. i would like to -- grant
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agreement for round 4 in december of 2022, dph received an award from the b chip program for not to exceed amount of 33.7 for construction and infrastructure. part of the budget process last year we received approval from the board to accept and extend that amount. we are here today because the agreement to enact that grant contains nonstandard terms that require board approval. >> the funds will improve a 12 bed inpatient unit for youth 12-17. staffed 24/7 issue 7 days a week. it is aimed for youth experiencing psychiatric crisis.
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place ams in the setting arise from involuntary holds due to concerns for dangers to themselves or others. will increase opportunity for psychiatric care for youth. and just to note, currently there is one inpatient unit through dignity health currently. specifics of the nonstandard terms very similar to round 3. . proposed terms are enter in an agreement with the hcs for 33.7. the city agree for declaration restrictions on potrero. of the 6 and 7 floors consistent with the grant funding terms and consistent with prop c use for
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30 years. and there will be an obligation for the city to defend and indemnify and hold dhc harmless and authorization for the state to apply for receiver. in the event the city defaults. last, we are seeking as retroactive authority. dph respect today on december 1 of 22. agreement the award agreement came to us on april 27 of 23. the accept and extend approved with appropriation's ordinance for fy24. given nonstandard terms there were rounds of negotiations with city attorney and ehp and this is the result of witness we came to agreement from those negotiations. closing, thank you for hearing the item and we hope you
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approve. >> vice chair mandelman. >> well, this is needed. and i want to thank everybody who worked make this happen. and i like to be added as a cosponsor. >> thank you and justmented clarify the nonstandard terms. could you elaborate a bit. i assume that is from your presentation the terms -- i'm clicking on the -- that. was -- is the nonstandard term which is what you are listed on there is no number. >> sure. >> slide 3. >> okay. so -- it talks about the declaration of restrictions could you help us understand what that means?
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care for youth for 30 years of the agreement and accept the monsxhe use it for different type of care. and then we are obligated you know as we accept the grant money and the terms and that but the same time we are responsible for everything in the event this we are default. that the 6 and 7 floor like the entire facility is going to -- it is for the state apply for leadership is that correct? >> that's correct. the areas that receive money and improvements related to the funds the state have the ability
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to apply for receiver. >> we are the city of san francisco is responsible to run and manage this and that is the basis for the upon grant and we are committed to the space to de dedicate for the use for 30 years. and in the event the city default which every not under my watch that we would codefault the state is able to apply for receivership for this program and purpose in the area. >> the intent of that and the deed of restriction system to -- maintain the use that the state originally envisioned and approved the granted for. >> i wanted to clearly understand what we are accepting.
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yes we imviolet the public who wish to address the committee regarding items 3 or 4 now is your opportunity to approach. we have no speakers. seeing no public comment, it is now closed. and would like to move both to full board with recommendation and roll call. >> just to clarify. cosponsorship with 4 or 3 and 4? >> thank you. on that motion to forward to the board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. >> aye >> member melgar. >> aye >> chair chan. >> aye. >> we have three aye's >> the motion passes. call 5 and sick together and want to clarify 6 does have a bla report. >> items five and 6.
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5 a resolution improving increase to the administrative codes revenue limit and authorizing the commission general manager to execute power of sales contracts with ref now and ac~ess of a million or moore subject to revenue limit of 20 million for fiscal through july first of 25. item 6, authorizing the general manager to execute a contract agreement with the united states d. interior and national parks services >> for watershed in the park apply the san francisco water system for an amount not to exceed 40.9 million for 4 years. thank you. we have mr. mike hinds general manager for cleanpowersf here.
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thank you. >> good morning chair chan and supervisor melgar and mandelman i'm the general manager of power enterprise responsible for clone clean and our power resource. i'm going to present the first of the 2 for you. >> our group is responsible for manage the cleanpowersf and hetch hetchy power electricity supply. i'm here to seek support for the annual revenue limit on the power sales contracts delegated to the general manager and administrative code section 2143. by ordinance number 176-22 the board of supervisors added section 2143 to the administrative code. approving form electricity purchase and sales contracts and delegating authority to the
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general manager to execute power sales amounted revenues of a mission. subject to annual cap of 10 million dollars for a period of 3 years through june 30 of 25. section 21-43 helps the puc move more quickly in a competitive marketplace to deliver cost effective power supply to meet requirements for customers and ensure when we have products to sell, we can act of the commercial pace to achieve the best price. today we are seek your support to increase the revenue cap for power sales contracts that exceed a million from 10 million to 20 million. per year. increasing this revenue limit will help us obtain the best possible value for rate payers. both our clone clean and hetch
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hetchy power programs engage in power procurement through competitive bidding processes consistent with best utility practice. the p you gos c manages supply and dhand and navigates requirements, we buy and cell electricity products this exceed our customer's projected power needs. the products allow the puc to maximize the value of our assets entrusted to us. wholesale products have been significantly higher than expected since the board of supervisors and mayor established 2143 of the administrative code. increases reflect factors including energy shortages and trade interruptions triggered by the pan dem and i can higher demand for energy and rufederals used in clean energy technologies. in addition, new california energy projects have in the come
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online as expected due to supply chain disruptions and permitting and grid connection. as a result, our power programs are sprngs higher priesz for all energy product creating higher costs and higher revenues. when hetch hetchy or cleanpowersf solicit offers to purchase excess power supply resource this year our power sales of contracts utilized most of the 10 mission cap board authorized. staff participate this is higher priced market will continue. given the market continues and the need to move quickly in the marketplace we ask that you approve an increase and the power sales revenue limit. delegated exceeding a million in revenue from 10 million per year to 20 million per year that concludes my remarks and thank
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you for your consideration. happy to take questions. >> thank you for your presentation and the puc. this may be a question for colleagues i was thinking about the universe wield be worried about puc selling too much. i guess the point of this is, i suppose if you were selling just unimagined amounts of power mean that something changed how we were using the power we are producing and may be where the board of supervisors needs to see that i was i'm a little uncertain whether we need an outside capful given we have one i'm happy to support raising it. do you think this covers -- 20 million is high enough figure there is no universe you will
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push against that through july 2025. i'm hesitant it say no universe but we think it is reasonable especially for the fiscal year. we are more than halfway through. section 2143 authority expires end of next fiscal year. based on projections and when we been the portfolio this is is recently and gives curb yen to dot business we need to do. >> i encourage i think this board is supportive of this activity for the puc and you know to i -- i am theme support longer time lines and larger amounts until someone can explain we be worried about that. i would like to sponsor this. >> thank you. gi would think if this is the case we need top amend the code section 2143?
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i see a no from the real attorney? with that let's go to item 6. this one has the bla report. good morning chair chan. supervisor melgar and mandelman i'm margo hanford with the sfpuc on division manager for hetch hetchy water and power. the item buffer will authorize the gm of the puc to execute a memorandum of agreement with >> yosemite national park including trail maintenance, studies and revows of plan and projects and mutual security. the agreement will also authorize the general manager of the puc to enter in a separate nondisclosure agreement with the national park service to provide
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protection of sensitive security information that may be shared in connection with the agreement and/or implementation. the pbl puc approves the memorandum of agreement on january 23rd in the amount not to exceed 40, 958, 727 and a total term of 4 years. we request the board approval under chapter -- charter section 9.118. the puc is required about the federal and state safe water drinking act to demonstrate ordinance of the tuolumne the existence of watershed control program with yosemite with the tuolumne watershed above hetch hetchy reservoir. the park service existing regulations help with the act
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designed to prevent microbiological contamination of water in hemp hemp and he to protect public health of watershed visitors. the national park service has jurisdiction over management of the hetch hetchy watershed in yosemite park consistent with the terms of 1913 act the national park service organic act the wilderness act and federal wild and scenic river's act. puc and the narc park service have a serious of agreements since 2005 in which puc funding used by the national park service to manage microbiological contamination of surface water. the current agreement approved by the board on april 30 of 2019 by resolution 219-19, expireos
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june 30 of 24. the puc and the national park's service seek to continue the cooperation and pursuit of goals and acknowledge the puc financial commitment to the national park service implementation commitment to watershed protection. environmental stewardship and security programs. the puc respectfully requests the board of supervisors approve the puc general manager to execute the memorandum agreement with yosemite park to allow puc to continue cooperation in the pursuit goals acknowledge the puc financial commitment and the national park service implementation to watershed protection, environmental stewardship and security programs. thank you for hearing my item. i will answer any questions.
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thank you. >> nick from the budget and legislative analyst. a resolution approvesage agreement between the puc and the national park service. the agreement is 4 years and has not to exceed 40.9 million dollars. purpose of the agreement is to allow the puc to fund park service activity to maintain the yosemite watershed. a version has been in place for 20 years. it is consistent with the prior agreements that have been approved by the board of supervisors. with the addition being now there are additional locality pay included in the budget to account for salary increases for park staff. this agreement funded by hetch hetchy water and power rate pay sxors recommend approval of item 6.
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>> thank you i don't have questions about this one. i appreciate puc, i appreciate miss margaret's work in taking care of our watershed. and with that, let's go to public comment on the 2 items >> members of the public, today who wish to address the committee regarding items 5 and 6 your opportunity to approach and address the committee. we have no speakers. public comment is closed. andy like to move both to full board. >> on this motion to forward to the full board with positive recommendation both items 5 and 6, vice chair mandelman. >> aye and add me to both of them as the sponse. >> noted. member melgar. >> ayech >> chair chan. >> aye.
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>> the motion passes. >> and mr. clerk call item 7, 8 and 9 together. >> resolutions approving the harvey milk food and beverage licenses. i'm sorry. terminal one food and beverage leases with the following county okaying body and through airport commission. each for a term of 14 years one, two year option to extend. effective upon approval. item 7, a food hall lease with taste on the fly san francisco for the annual guarantee of 1 and a quarter million for the first year of the lease. item 8, historic restaurant lease with taste on the notice san francisco the annual guarantee of 550 thousand for the first year and 9, a casual sit down restaurant lease international inc. and for a
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minimum guarantee of 450,000 for the first year of the lease. madam chair? >> thank you and we have airport with us. >> good morning. member of the committee i'm kathy with the san francisco airport. the resolutions before you seek approval for two leases with taste on the notice and one lease with amora international in the harvey milk terminal one for food and bever an concessions. under the terms the tenantspate greater of guaranteed rent or tiered percentage rent of gross revenues. first taste on the fly lease is for a san francisco historical restaurant concept and has an initial mag rent of 550 thousand dollars. the second taste on the fly lease is a san francisco food
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hall location. and has a minimum guarantee rent of 1.25 million dollars. a mora international lose is for a casual sit down location and as a minimum guarantee rent of 450 thousand dollars. all 3 of these leases have 14 year terms with one, two year option to extent. and together represent 31.5 million dollars in combined rent for the initial term of the leases. our revenue staff forecast sale in all of the locations will be in excess of mag amounts and believe the tenants will pay the grirt percentage rent structure. the lease are all result of a competitive request for proposal process with the 3 lease before you. representing the highest scoring responses and responsible prosecute posers for each concept. the budget analyst reviewd and
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recommends approval and i will be happy to answer questions. >> upon 7, 8 and 9 approve concession leases at the airport's terminal one with taste on the notice and amore. they were procured and details the terms on page 8 of our report. and as we show on page 9 over 14 years of the leases the minimum guaranteed rent totals 31. 5 million dollars to the airport we recommend approval of the items. >> thank you. with that i don't see names i thank you so much and thank you not just to airport team and to our commission for the work on this. sending the contract to you gos i look forward to seeing they
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mack myself the profits from the lease agreements. with that let's go to public comment. we have no speakers. >> public comment is closed. i like to move the 3 items together to full board with recommendation and a roll call, >> on this motion to forward all 3 resolutions to the board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member melgar. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. >> we have 3 aye's >> the motion passes. call item 11. >> item number 10. >> yes.
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call item 10. >> item 10, a resolution retroauthorizing agreement with fidelity information service inc. to facilitate the use of state issued electronic benefit transfer cards and acceptance of debit cards and electronic fund transfer at al meny farmer's market for a term period of january 22, 2018 through the state of california selects a new wireless processing vender and authorize the director of property to enter in amendments or modifications to the agreement. that don't increase the obligations or liabilities to the city and necessary for the purposes of the agreements this resolution >> madam chair >> thank you we have >> claudia. good morning, chair chan special supervisors mandelman and melgar. claudia, deputy director of real estate division.
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san francisco administrative code provides that certified farmer markets shall accept forms of payment from participates in federal, state or city food assistance programs. over 20 years the al meny market under the jurisdiction of the real estate division has been accepting the food assistance programs. it pip in the u.s. department of agriculture foodservices food stamp benefit's programs, the electronic transfer project or ebt the market has to have and does have an ebt point of sale machine. the market accepts ebt debit cared provides al meny market tokens for use at the market. and received electronic fund transfers from the state of california reimbursement for payments. in 2005 the board and mayor approved a resolution
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authorizing an agreement with jp morgan financial services to facilitate the use of state issued debit carted machine at the market. 20018 the state changed the agreement to fif manages issuance of the benefits to recipients in the state including the ebt de debit and point of sale machine. in our about 2018 the real estate division enter in the no cost agreement with fis for ebt point of sale machine. a new one at the market. unfortunately, real estate did not come become to the board for approval of the new contract. upon discussion with the city attorney's office and review of the law approval by the board for the contract and the use of the ebt machine at the market is
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need. we average about 150 to 350ebt users at the market each week with average spending of over 10 thousand dollars just for ebt and another 10 thousand for market match. the desires to ensure that food program recipients have easy access to fresh and whole foods throughout al meny market and would like to continue with the no cost agreement with fi s to allow toed stamp benefits to use state issued cards at the market. approval the resolution will comply with state and local law and the promise continue at the market we request your positive recommendation. >> thank you. a question, who pays for the fee the state? the state pays for ebt a reimburse am program. >> that's all my questions let's
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go to public comment. >> members of the public who wish to address this committee regarding item 10 now is your opportunity to approach. we have no speakers. public comment is closed. and we like to move this item to full board with recommendation and a roll call >> on that motion to forward tot board with positive recommendation. vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> melgar, aye. >> aye >> chair chan. why aye. >> thank you and motion passes. call item 11. >> a resolution approving a continuation payment under a predevelopment agreement with potrero collective and the city. acting by and through the mta.
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dated as of november second, 2022. and making environmental findings under the california environmental act. madam chair? >> i guess i'm chairing, for a minute. >> mta hear about item 11. >> good morning chair chan and supervisors and chair mandelman. i'm public affair's manager for the sfmta building progress program and the sfmta is here today to request approval are a continuation payment for the potrero yard modernization project which is needed to continue to the next phase of the project's predevelopment agreement. this mile stone payment is needed in order to continue work for the pda phase of the project following the adoption of entitlements and ceqa
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certifications. as background the adoption of entitlements will be coming before the board next week is what triggers the timing of the miami stone payment. the entitlements authorize the refined project you see here a 4 story bus facility with housing and maximizing units and affordability and that's the primary alternative for the project. we are entitling up to 465 units there are 2 types of housing affordable family earning up to 80% ami and what is terms workforce housing earning 80 and 120% ami. the eir studied paira transit and the sfmta views that a backup use during the pda phase we learned the nature and time of housing finance suggest different from the bus facility the housing needing more time.
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because this variance is transportation related use including it allows the sfmta to be able to fund up front the increase structure ral strength of the roof needed for the housing to be built above. and provide extra time for how does to get financing. and then reimburse. in the event the podium housing cannot be built reasonable time frame the backup allows the roof of the facility used for important transis function to the float. and 104 units of affordable housing on bryant is included in this variance. the continuation payment is authorized under the predevelopment agreement between the potrero neighborhood collective and the city. and this project is the city's first public/private partnership lead by planary america the infrastructure for bus facility
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and includes meta, ycd and tabernacle and other teams. the continuation payment is 4.35 million dollars payment. the amount is specify instead pda and the pda requires tmc to suspend the predevelopment work. once the project environmental impact report is cert 5ed and the entitlements are approved. in order to have tmc at any time work after the eir and entitle am mile stone is reaches the mta need to send a notice to pmc and then pay them the 3.45 million continuation payment. we recognize they encouraged the predevelopment costs in pursuing entitle ams and environmental review to date. and that the entitle ams will
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increase the value of the site for the sfmta. the project is on schedule and that is a key focus. the schedule we have presented before. you see where we're today with the green box and this is right at ceqa and entitlement approvals. in order to continue to the pda phase 3 activities that dark blue portion of the time line. the payment mile stone needs to be approved. we had a question about the agreements and term sheet the schedule shows the agreements have been schedule the end of pda phase 3. not where we are today. the term and protect agreements are developed and negotiated and final iegz the documents is part of the phase 3pda work. we need the payment in order to authorize that work. in terms of timing we anticipate
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final iegz the term sheet and the project agreements in the fall of this year. and the sfmta will brief supervisors on the term sheet prior to the agreements going before the sfmta board and the board of supervisors. this project has prioritized transparency from the start and we will be in close communication with the supervisors prior to project agreements coming before you for approval including regular updates to the transportation authority board. additionally we wanted provide context for the pda work done by the team to date this . work is recognized bithat continuation payment. public input guided it from the start. sfmta engaging the community since 2018 when we established the neighborhood working group.
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the driver is providing a now bus yard prioritize strong public transit the too longs to prevent climate change efficiency and working continuous for the sfmta staff. buses can be repaired faster improving reliability for the community and the yard will be phase one and accommodate 54% more buses. you see the affordable family housock bryant and above the bus facility up to co247 units earning up to 80% ami. and this vow shoes the workforce
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housing up to to 18 units for those earning 80 and 120% ami. the stay stay working to create a preference for our staff for housing units you see one of the 3 retail space here at corner at 17th and hampshire. >> project would be will built in faces the bus yard is phase one and 2 the proposed affordable family on bryant. phase 3 is the affordable and workforce housing boost bus at the right and the affordable housing item a and workforce is item b. that housing boost bus facility after it is completed. . other public benefits includes supporting transportation adjacent to franklin square. enhancing the existing bike lane
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on 17th on the block as well as improving the period of time crossings for safety. had view shows bryant and 17th you see one of the sfmta entrances as well as a small retail space. and the public restroom we are providing which is located across from franklin square. and finally you see the 2 public art opportunity on establishth. these are learning scale art opportunity in yellow. the mosaic art opportunity is at the right. and then at the left is a glass wall in front of interior bus ramps that creates a public view in the facility and a glass art opportunity. there is a third opportunity on mariposa those are identify instead process run by sf arts commission. that concludes our summary of the project and the sfmta is
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happy to answer questions. i have chris the project director here as well. and also from the pmc team chris harvey. thank you. >> thank you. nick from the bla want to speak to the policy considerations and recommendations. one relates to the term sheet a discussion that occurred between 2020 and 21 between the mta and this committee when the mta seeking municipal code labor to procure developers for this project. and there was a commitment by the agency at the time to bring a term sheet to the board for endorsement that request was made by this committee and accepted by the agency. the benefit doing that process it allows the board to know what
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the conditions and terms of the agreement that will be submitted for approval are. and make its voice known. there are other ways of pleasuring that through individual briefings with supervisors and sounds like the process they debegan to describe meets the spirit giving the details. i encourage the discussions if the board is interested to happen sooner given there are draft agreements drafted per of the predevelopment work. we have a technicality recommendation to the resolution which is that this resolution as written state says that it is approving a payment 4.3 million dollars and i think it should be rewritten to say approving the predevelopment agreement.
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the agreement with the payment exceeds 10 million dollars and therefore roars board approval. i'm happy to answer questions >> thank you. supervisor melgar. >> thank you, chair chan. at the lengthiest committee, on monday. we approved 2 related items to the project and supervisor ronen came and made a strong case of approval. i love this project i think it is really great. i also -- am very aware it is the first public/private partnership and ambitious project of redevelopment of mta land that is coming. i don't want to mess it up. i think that you have been -- the mta owns a lot of land that is underutilized in the city and
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i want to make sure that we set you up for success in the long-term. i do also remember this -- about the term sheet and reminded by labor we approved the items on monday at the land use committee. you know helpfulically in san francisco around the derailment projects. these things are tacked down in nielth enemy ceqa not the end. when we are starting construction. so, i am weary of not doing what we said we would do. because i think that a project of this scale and other projects i hopeful low coming after this involving redevelopment of mta land requires trust.
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everyone that we are doing business watch i don't want to set us up for you know the eroding that trust. i want everybody to believe is this we can do testimony well and on the and up we are consistent with when we promise. i will support this item today i want to make sure that you guys remember that you know those of us here are watching. you know on land use and on budget. i will keep track of this project closely when it come to this and make sure that you know we -- are doing what we are supposed to and also i don't want to unnecessarily harm the project partners. they also need to get paid and the predevelopment costs covered. this will go forward.
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what i don't want is to have this item come for approval you know like 2 weeks before it has to. and we don't have a term sheet or the term sheet is not to the acceptable to you know the partners or whatever. that has happened with other projects before and i -- think this kind of effort is just too important to have it happen here. okay. >> thank you. >> thank you. i think my quell be according to the time table that you have different stages does not have a period like a time a calendar. i mean i understand this today is that is the stage we are in. you mentioned this you will brief the supervisors of the term sheets before the development final and agreement come before us. what is the expected time period
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between the or when do we expect the term sheets and also then what is the time period with the term sheets briefing and the final development agreement approval? >> good morning chair chan. chris, project director for potrero yard. we do a plan spring the item to the full board for approval in fall likely october or november. and so it would be our commitment to bring the term sheets in advanced of this time. probably mid to late summer so we have time to address concerns that may come up. >> so i want to say only because the board does go on -- legislative sections recess. which is first week of august. i'm encourage everybody to be mindsful and if that is the case we hope to see you in july.
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a language on identifying a continuing payment. is there an effort to really tweak that language in the legislation? or -- can we and --an pierson i appreciate we prepared language for your consideration. so it would be the end of resolution the final page add a where as clause. if city makes the continuation
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payment the obligations could exceed 4 million dollars require to you under city charter if approved and take affect the board approved the pda and authorizes the mta director of transportation to issue the continuation notice and make the payment to pnc on terms in the pda. >> thank you. is that something that the sfmta can accept and entertain them for us to make that? the pda was ash proved on november november first of twoochl i can't spoke to the legality of the board, it is
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something this we do not anticipate. >> yes was approved by the sfmta board and are did not require board approval the amount was not reaching the threshold. i think what the bla suggested is that with this payment it might. and so in caution we are recommending at their recommendation we agree with adding this language. >> vice chair mandelman. unless somebody has an objection this is actually like a reasonable thing for the board to say. >> yes. the sfmta does not have objections. >> thank you. >> and so with that locality go to public comment. we have in speakers.
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public comment is closed. i would like to amend the legislation proposed by the bla. sf read by deputy city attorney and with that amendment to move this item to full board. >> on that motion, amend the resolution offered and read in the record and forward this to the full board with positive recommendation as amended, vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member melgar. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. >> thank you the motion passes. i wanted to alert sfmta in the event that we don't see a term sheet before we go on recess i may have a letter inquiry request for term sheets so our colleagues are prepared before your development agreement come again for approval so our
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colleagues with the time to digest complicated developments. thank you very much. with this, call item 12. >> item 12 a resolution approving the office of contract registration to enter in a contract with the city andal eyed waste service. for the provision of refuse collection and disposal services with duration of 7 years commencing on april first of 2024 through march 30 of 2031. with option to extend for theft additional years through march 30, 2034 for a contract duration of 10 years not to exceed 119 million dollars. and to authorize oca to enter in amendments that don't increase liabilities to the city. >> madam chair.
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i want to first say thank you to carmen chew it is historic for this contract and we want to say that we appreciate aural the work that you and your team have put together. and director correla, thank you for walking and presenting the contract today. it has a bla report we will go to your presentation first and the bla report. i have thoughts and questions urined labor harmony and dynamics i'm learning b. first, thank you and your tome for the work you guys have done. >> thank you.your tome for the
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have done. >> thank you. thank you for having mow here today and to supervisor machine man and melgar. i'm here to request approval of the citywide contract for refuse collection with allied waste service. with me i have 2 if sf environment and the planning department. the city has held a consolidated contract for city government fasill uts since 2004. the last long-term condition transact approved in 2014 for 6 years not to exceed 48 million dollars. in november of 2020oca brought a new long-term contract but no action was taken. for continuity of service they enters in the interim cop tract covering develop 2020 through
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november of 21. this had an initial not to exceed 5.6 million and a year duration from december first of 2020 through november 30 of 2021. it was amended to 9.9 million dollars and got an exception and it was approved for not to exceed 15.6 million. i want to note that during this time city attorney's office advised oca the ordinance did not prohibit the city from competitive low procuring the service for facilities. to allow time for us to solicit for the service issue and enter in new contract the board approved the extension in june of 22, increasing not to exceed to 39.sick million and extending
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the duration through june 30 of 2024. i want to note oca did amend the contract in june of 23 to adjust the rates as nrz authorized at the june approval. oca with doh support did issue a solicitation in june of 22. and in january of 23, our evaluation complete and issued a notice of intent to award to allied waste services. in official 23, the ceqa process kicked off. in november of twe, allied submitted their application to the department of public health for the refuse truck permit. and in february of 24, several weeks ago the planning finished ceqa and issued an adendz up and will let planning speak further
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if you have questions. we do if this board approves this contract. in merchandise we expect to compute it and finalize the dph permits with transition occurring in implementation occurring between april and june of 2024. i want to note this transition is includes over 380 cites that will be switching to a new service provider. and with service to begin no later than july first 24. and final note here in june 30 of 24 ricology contract for service will end. the cop tract initial duration of 7 years spends to 10. the not to exceed amount for full 10 year is 119 million dollars. and this is based on
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representative month of equalization and includes a 15% contingency. the contract scope includes refuse collection for all city departments. comprising over 380 locations. and includesance later service, collection of bulk items, palettes and other service. as well as the lease and purchase of compactors that are used in several locations throughout the city. the rates. the rates structure is uniform collection rate. which is no different from the current contract and this means the same rate applies for the 3 waste strolls trash and compost. based on frequency of service whether weekday and weekends and size of scombins recovery discount applied the monthly bill for each location based on
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recycleables and compostable material this is is no different from other current contract with ricology. there arance later charges forrance later service and the equipment. bulk pick up and equipment loses and overages. which is bins are over filled. and we have contamination charges. which is for repeated mixing of materials and bins recycleables in trash bins. the contract includes a rate adjustment based on the % change and cpi. >> here you see projected expenditures and the base service and thence later service comprices the bulk at around recall 9 mission annually. the compactor and overages are
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estimated less cost to the city. -- you will see a line item for contamination we did not estimate the charges at this time. but we are projecting 7 year contract 79.4 million dollars includes a 15% contingency and they were adjusted annually 3%. the total 10 year contract would be 119 million when we are requesting your approval for. in terms of performance monitor and performance measures i want to note there are a number of provisions in the contract that oca will be periodically monitoring. upon response time to service issue ands complaintses by the city including, the percent of
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calls that are resolved on the first call. service levels is important. we will track the number of missed collections and the percent of missed collections on call and holiday service requests and compliance with a number of audit inspection and requirements per environment code chapter 19 and state bill 1383. there are other requirements. finally we will be assessing the machining low bills and the basis. i want to note they are complex bills and so we will be tracking again number of billing errors and percent and timely resolution of the billing error fist they occur. on the zero waste side i'm sure you know the citywide goals include reduction of generation by 15% by 2030 and reduction of
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disposal of -- to land fill by 50% by 2023. on the contract side there are government zero waste goals. and the department of environment will be assessing improve ams to the existing zero waste programss well as determining if the city agencies have achieved increase in recovery by 5% in the first year of the contract. upon before i conclude, i want to note that last week oca submitted revisions to the contract. name low to claire myifiy the permitting requirements and to clarify define how recovery discount will be, ploy exclude how it is calculated i want to thank the bla office for catching that. we have been advise third degree is not a material change.
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and i want to i think it is important to acknowledge a number of clothes across the city who have been critical to in terms of bringing contract before you today. name low gloria, eon, the office of contract administration and socko and jack at sf environment. jessica and jenny at department of city planning. angela at city add administrator's office and deputy administrator rape and he will director of environment sf environment tyrone and city administrator chu. with this i will conclude and request approval.administrator . with this i will conclude and request approval. item 12 a resolution approves a new agreement with allied waste
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to collect trash from city facilities does in the impact the residential or commercial treasure collection in san francisco. which is still ricology. per city revving lazes pertaining to commercial and residential trash collection. this agreement was result of come petitive process. the first time this agreement put out to bid and it result in the 2 potential bidders. with this the highest scoring bid and providing savings to the city we detail it on page 23 of the report. noted between 9 and 10 mission over the 7 year term. tell be funded by general fund and enterprise funds and recommend approval of item 12 >> thank you. i appreciate all the work that has been done.
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and i think that i'm interested to see april in the event we approve it out from here and receive the approval from full board -- that with the contract like to just keep a close track of the april through june transition p.ed and learn more how it is going. and would like to understand that in the event this we may need a long are transition period. what would this look like. do you have those answers today? or >> yes. i think that we certainly understand the need for contingency planning we have done a lot up to this point as much as we could do before the contract is approved. we will know more about the time line for full implementation of services once we begin what
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implementation process. that said, i will be forth right well say possibility we need to extend the ricology contract to have over lap completing transition we can get back on that. >> when will you know have -- april? that's when you know whether or not you will need additional time period for the transition? yes. likely april -- that said again we need to start consulting closely and wing with the contractor and the city departments. there are a number of parties involved here coulding the departments need more time. objection be that -- there are piece of equip we need to obtain. right and make sure they are near place. that said, we should be able to get back by april to let you know the contract expires june 30 of 24 and board approval
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process will take time. >> yes. i'm thinking that is like our budget will june is our budget time. >> thank you i don't see names go to public comments on this item. >> members of public who wish to address the committee involving item 12 now is our opportunity to approach and address the committee. first speaker will approach i will start your time when you begin. >> good morning chair chan and vice chair mandelman member melgar i'men boyd vice president for ricology. we submitted a letter in response at this time city's environmental report and allied draft agreement both made public a week ago. the letter addresses occurrence that we have after reviewing the documents similar concerns we raised in a 2023 letter we sent
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to the board. we did not have the information at that time. in particular, environmental impact concerns with collection vehicles from half monto san francisco to martinez back to half moon bay each day. labor occurrence the jobs of san francisco residents impacted and pricing occurrence we detail. the city of san francisco has a reputation as a leader and environmental stewardship. exsolution of environmental sxrns out come labor out come from the scoring process don't seem to aline with the city's values. further, the rate tables in the contract may be flawed. for each those reasons we urge this committee to reconsidering evaluation and whether the award service the best interests of
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the community. thank you. >> thank you for addressing. next speaker, please. >> good morning. i'm john with local 350 and council sxeven the union of the garbage and recycling workers in san francisco. we have occurrence over labor issues with this award. i share the concerns that ricology highlighted in the draft agreement that's not when i'm here to dus i'm talking about labor occurrence. curb side recycle that is collected are processed by our members at pier 96 who make 39 dollars an hour with pension and health care benefits. and also mostly san francisco residents the mroel hire requirement what is proposed by republic is transferring that material to san jose. which is where we will process
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by nonunion sorters who are the subject of a joint emplayer organizing case bouncing between the mlrb and federal appeal's court. our case we file in the 2014 a joint employer petition. those workers make 24 dollars an hour with no benefits. that is significantly less not thats san francisco residents performing work. republic has local labor issues as well as regional and country wide labor issues. they group in santa rosa management orchestrated decertification from the youn. a 3 week strike in anaheim and san diego. h extend tickets to our area
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tell impact the service this republican perform in san francisco they will prevent our members from kroosz crossing the picket line. speaker's time elapsed. time. i aapproximately jiez for kuth off we are timing 2 minutes. >> good morning, mark here to speak on behalf of local 350 under the umbrella of teamster council 7. working in the solid waste industry is difficult and essential job. true labor includes minimizing work site friction so labor and management can focus on the essentials of waste work. the awardee being considered today has collectsive bargaining agreement in place in some
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locations not all. in california. in some locations in the united states. not all. awardise relationships with our locals cannot be described without friction. present low, there are a number of labor actions with the awardee. they include strikes across the nation ksdz be extended the bay your in the future. difficult labor relations at the work cites nationwide are not ran. and local low our sister local in california would like to make you aware that their relationships with the awardee are far from harmonious and without friction. joint council 7 like to present a caution flag as you are making this consideration. thank you very much. >> thank you. if there is anyone else who
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wishes it address item 12? this completes our queue >> thank you. no more public dment is now closed. >> i would like to have understanding about the contract. in terms of the process. if director -- correla if you can help me understand. so, when this guess out to bid it allows a period of protest. >> that's correct. >> yes. >> and that in that time period will some of the information would have been known so that companies and workers and be able to weigh in during that protesting period? >> i think the issues raised by the public speakers it is public they would not have been known because the it is unknown hot proposers are each does not whon
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is proposing they would not likely not have known who the proposers were expect what the labor conditions and employment conscience were. that said, provisions in the rfp and the contract those could have been objectd and protested during this period. >> understood. i think it is clearly the informations for me, colleagues. and i just have and really thanks to the people who came today and speaking on it on the record public low. what i would like to do is if you colleagues have your support today to continue this for a week to allow for me personal low to learn more about the impact sounds to me i don't want to go into a contract with the new vender without a clear
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understanding both on a local labor practice. and how would it impact us for the long-term. will i am always on the side of having contracts weather a formal clause of labor harm no or not it is my goal to see there is intention even if not language within the contract to see a vender not the contractor -- wanting to with the intention to achieve labor harm no in san francisco. vice chair mandelman. >> thank you i think that is a reasonable way to proceed. occurrence raised that are concern to me and think it would benefit us to have a week to look at this. >> thank you. and so with that i will like to continue this item to the next meeting on march. i will let our mr. clerk to
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clarify and confirm the dates so i am not saying it wrong. so i would like the motion to then and there to the next budget and finance committee. meeting and a roll call, >> on this motion to continue this resolution to the march 6 meeting of the committee, vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member melgar. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. why we have throw aye's. >> the motion passes. and mr. clerk do we other business? this concludes our business. >> thank you the meeting is adjourned.
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meter. >> hello, i'm captain tom the coordinator for the san francisco fire department. this oversight is the three and 4 anniversary of loma linda earthquake i want to go over a few things to help you preparation building a supply kit and supply kit does is not have to be put together all at once take your time on the website have a list of recommendation and have enough food and water to feed your family through three to 5 days and purchase the fire extinguisher if you have an extinguisher at hand will stop a
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small fire from being a by fire it is simple to use check the gage make sure it is charged and then repeat the word task task stand for pull to pin aim the novel and screws the trigger and successes to the because of fire the last recommendation to look at the gas meter electrical gas lines cause fires in the loma linda earthquake and we want to show you how to turn off the gay only turn off if you hear gas or hear hissing and coordinator nathan will demonstrate how to turn that off. >> with a whenever i'm going to turn it over one quarter turn.
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so in on holler orientation in turn off our gays meter don't turn it back on get a service call from >> good morning. the meeting will come to order. this is march 4, 2024 rules committee meeting. i'm supervisor ronan and joined