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tv   BOS Full Board of Supervisors  SFGTV  March 5, 2024 2:00pm-5:01pm PST

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please stand by for the san francisco board of supervisors meeting of march 5, 2024.
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>> good afternoon and welcome to today election day march 5, 2024 board of supervisor meeting. madam clerk, can you please call the roll? >> thank you mr. president. chan, present. dorsey, present. engardio, present. mandelman, present. melgar, present. peskin, present. preston, present. ronan, present. safai, present. stefani, present. walton, present. mr. president, all members are present. >> thank you madam clerk. the san francisco board of supervisors we acknowledge that
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we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. please join me in the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> madam clerk, do we have communications or
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announcements? >> yes, mr. president. the san francisco board welcomes all persons to attend the meeting in the board legislative chamber in city hall, second floor room 250 or watch on channel 26 or view the live stream at to submit public comment in writing, send to the e-mail address or via u.s. postal serve to the san francisco board of supervisor 1 dr. carlton b goodlett place, room 244 san francisco california 94102. or if you need to make a reasonable accommodation request under the ada or request language assistance you can contact the clerk's office at least two business days advance by calling 415-554-5184. thank you mr. president, members. >> thank you madam clerk.
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colleagues, members of the public i like to welcome and recognize and will hear shortly at our special order commendation at 2:30 to our chamber lord mayor of clerk counselor kieran mccarthy. welcome to our chambers. madam clerk, will you take to approval of the minutes? >> approval of january 3, 2024 board meeting minutes. >> motion to approve the board meeting minutes made by supervisor safai and second by supervisor mandelman. on that a roll call, please. [roll call]
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there are 11 ayes. >> the motion is approved and the minutes will be adopted as presented after public comment. madam clerk, please read consent agenda. >> items 1-7 are on consent. these are considered to be routine if a member objects a item may be removed and considered separately. >> any member or members like a item severed? seeing none we'll take this same house same call. those ordinances are finally passed. next item, please. >> item 8, this is a ordinance to extend the sunset date of contracting waver for homeless services. >> roll call. >> on item 8, walton, aye.
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chan, no. dorsey, no. engardio, aye. mandelman, aye. melgar, aye. peskin, no. preston, aye. ronan, aye. safai, no. stefani, aye. there 7 ayes and 4 noes with supervisor chan, dorsey, peskin and safai voting no. >> the ordinance is finally passed. next item please. >> item 9, ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by mason masuda against the city and county of san francisco for $9,000,000; the lawsuit was filed on may 9, 2023, in san francisco superior court, case no. cgc-23-606369; entitled
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mason masuda v. city and county of san francisco, et al.; the lawsuit involves alleged personal injury on a city street.. >> roll call. >> [roll call] >> there are 11 ayes. >> this ordinance is finally passed. next item, please. >> item 10, ordinance amending the planning code to modify density limits in the northeast waterfront historic district, the jackson square historic district, and the jackson square historic district extension, except for projects in those areas using the commercial to residential adaptive reuse program; affirming the planning commission's determination under the california environmental quality act; making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under planning code, section 302; and making findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101.1. >> roll call. >> supervisor walton, aye. supervisor chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, no.
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supervisor engardio, no. supervisor mandelman, aye. supervisor melgar, no. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor preston, aye. supervisor ronan, aye. supervisor safai, aye. supervisor stefani, aye. there are 8 ayes and 3 noes with supervisor dorsey engardio and melgar voting no. >> the ordinance is finally passed. next item, please. >> item 11, ordinance amending the planning code to require conditional use authorization for converting private parking lots or vehicle storage lots to fleet charging in all pdr (production, distribution, and repair) districts; affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act; and making findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101.1, and findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under planning code, section 302. >> roll call. >> on item 11, supervisor walton, aye.
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supervisor chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye. supervisor mandelman, aye. supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor preston, aye. supervisor ronan, aye. supervisor safai, aye. supervisor stefani, aye. there are 11 ayes. >> the ordinance is finally passed. next item, please. >> item 12, ordinance amending the business and tax regulations code for tax periods beginning on or after january 1, 2024, to require short-term rental hosts that do not operate through a qualified website company to file transient occupancy tax returns annually, waive the requirement for those hosts to obtain a certificate of authority from the tax collector, change the period for filing transient occupancy tax returns from annually to monthly for all hotel small operators other than short-term rental hosts, codify the tax collector's qualified website company program and the return and payment requirements for tourism improvement district and moscone expansion district assessments, and require qualified website companies to collect and remit tourism improvement district assessments. >> seeing no names on the
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roster, we'll take same house same call, the ordinance is passed first reading. madam clerk , please read item 13-15 together? >> 13-15 are three resolutions that approve agreements between the city through the airport for harvey milk terminal one and following food vendors. 13, resolution approving the harvey milk terminal 1 food and beverage food hall lease no. 23-0234 between tastes on the fly san francisco, llc, and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, for a term of 14 years with one two-year option to extend at the sole discretion of the airport commission, and a minimum annual guarantee of $1,250,000 for the first year of the lease, effective upon approval of this resolution. item 14, resolution approving the harvey milk terminal 1 food and beverage historic restaurant lease no. 23-0235 between tastes on the fly san francisco, llc, and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, for a term of 14 years with one two-year option to extend at the sole discretion of the airport commission, and a minimum annual guarantee of $550,000 for the first year of the lease, effective upon
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approval of this resolution. resolution approving the harvey milk terminal 1 food and beverage historic restaurant lease no. 23-0235 between tastes on the fly san francisco, llc, and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, for a term of 14 years with one two-year option to extend at the sole discretion of the airport commission, and a minimum annual guarantee of $550,000 for the first year of the lease, effective upon approval of this resolution. item 15, approve the food and beverage sitdown least with between a moura international. >> seeing no names on roster same house same call, the resolutions are adopted. >> item 16, resolution retroactively authorizing an agreement with fidelity national information services, inc. to facilitate the use of state-issued electronic benefits transfer (ebt) debit cards and acceptance of debit cards and electronic funds transfers at the alemany farmers' market, for a term period of january 22, 2018, through until the state of california selects a new ebt wireless payment processing service vendor; and to authorize the director of property to enter into amendments or modifications to the agreement that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the city and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the agreement or this resolution. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 17, resolution approving an increase to the administrative code, section
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21.43 power sales revenue limit and authorizing the public utilities commission (puc) general manager to execute power sales contracts, with anticipated revenue in excess of $1,000,000 or more subject to an annual revenue limit of $20,000,000 per fiscal year, through july 1, 2025. >> same house, same call the resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 18, resolution authorizing the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission to execute contract no. cs-1413, a memorandum of agreement with the united states department of the interior, national park service, yosemite national park, for the comprehensive management of watersheds within yosemite national park that supply the san francisco regional water system, for an amount not to exceed $40,958,727 with a total term of four years from july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2028, pursuant to charter, section 9.118. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 19, resolution
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authorizing the san francisco department of public health (“sfdph”) to continue to participate in california mental health services authority (“calmhsa”) programs under the terms of a joint exercise of powers agreement (“jpa”); authorizing sfdph to execute jpa participation agreements, approved as to form by the san francisco city attorney, without further board of supervisor's approval, unless otherwise directed by the city attorney; and to authorize the director of health to enter into amendments or modifications to the jpa that the department determines that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the city and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the jpa or this resolution. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 20, resolution retroactively authorizing the department of public health to enter into a grant agreement, for a term commencing on execution of the grant agreement through june 30, 2027, between the city and county of san francisco (“city”), acting by and through its department of public health (“dph”), and advocates for human potential, inc., having anticipated revenue to the city of $33,736,105 for construction at 1001 potrero avenue, building 5, wards 6b and 7a; including a permitted and restricted use; authorizing the grantor to apply for a receiver in the event of the city's default; and authorizing dph to enter into amendments or modifications to the grant agreement that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities of the city and are necessary to effectuate the purpose of the grant.
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>> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 21, resolution authorizing the mayor's office, through the mayor's office of innovation, to accept an in-kind gift of consulting services valued at $302,208 from various providers from march 6, 2024, through june 21, 2024, in connection with the civic bridge program; and to authorize the mayor's office of innovation to enter into amendments or modifications to the donor agreement that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the city and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the donor agreement or this resolution. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 22, resolution approving a predevelopment agreement between potrero neighborhood collective llc and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through the san francisco municipal transportation agency, dated as of november 2, 2022, including a $4,350,000 continuation payment and a potential termination payment of up to $9,990,000; and making environmental findings under the california environmental quality act. >> madam clerk can you read item 26 and 27 related to this item? >> iletm 26 amends the irken design element of the general
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plan and adopt the appropriate finding for potrero bus yard projbect and item 27 amends the planning code and zoning map to create the potrero yard special use district to change the height and bulk limits at 2500 mariposa street to facilitate development of the potrero yard modernization project and to adopt the appropriate findings. >> seeing no names on the roster, we'll take these items same house, same call, the resolution is adopted and the ordinances are passed first reading. next item, please. >> back to item 23, this ordinance amends the planning code to change the title of the family housing opportunity special use district to the family and senior housing opportunity special use district to authorize wirn the sud the greater up to 6 units per lot or 1 year per 1 thousand square feet of lot area on a individual corner. this item amends other items of
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the planning code and the zoning map and to reflect the renamed family and senior housing special use district to affirm the ceqa determination and to make the appropriate findings. >> supervisor engardio. >> i like to make a motion to amend the legislation with clerical amendments today. claire clarifying the board isicting ch acting on the 4th version. strike and replace third with 4th. replace [indiscernible] contained thin third and 4th versions of the ordinance. page 18, line 7 replace the third version with the third and 4th versions of this ordinance also include. >> is there a second for that motion? second by supervisor melgar. without objection the amendments are approved. to the item as amended supervisor chan. >> thank you. colleagues i like to duplicate
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the file as amended and then to urge to have your support and i like to make a motion to send duplicated file to land use particularly for the reason if i may to point to you on page 4 of this legislation articulating the boundaries which is line 8 and that's including the entire richmond as identified as the family and senior housing opportunity special use district. what i love to see is while i'm in support of this legislation, seeing a corning lot, i like to further define the eligibility specifically in the family senior housing opportunity special use district in the richmond giving the recent conversation we'll continue to have, which we have been having with planning department about the potential upzoning in the richmond. that is including intersections
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like geary and agraro up to 140 feet as well as geary and park presidio, the intersection that upphrone to 140 feet. i like to understand the impact of the legislation and to really identify eligibility that works for the richmond, so with that, i hope to have your support with the motion to send duplicated file to land use. thank you. >> okay. so, supervisor chan has duplicated the file and has made a motion to send the duplicated file back to the land use committee. is there a second for that motion? seconded by supervisor melgar. colleagues, we'll take that without objection the duplicated file is rereferred to land use committee and on the item supervisor melgar. >> thank you president peskin. i wanted to say we'll take it
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at land use committee and work on it. i want everybody to feel good about it and see it expanding our choices in this process, so we'll work on it and you have my commitment we'll work with your office to get it right. thank you. >> supervisor chan, can we take this same house same call? the ordinance is passed first reading as amended. next item, please. >> item 24, this is ordinance to amend the administrative code to establish the for givable loan for first time homebuyers program and forgivable home for first time home buyer fund to assist low moderate and middle income first time home buyers and require the human rights commission to establish policy and procedure to issue and possibly give loans from the fund including oversight, monitoring and forgiveness of such loans. >> supervisor melgar. >> thank you. colleagues i'm proud to sponsor this legislation along with supervisor walton today.
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i also want to thank supervisor engardio for cosponsoring it as well. in partnership with human rights commission and support from mayor office housing community development to create a new program that will make home ownership more attainable through a forgivable loan program. we have a number of down payment assistance programs, we currently do not have one that is this kind. this ordinance intends to provide down payment assistance to communities that have been harmed to targeted econom ic disruption displacement in manufactured barriers so san francisco can address multi-generational inequities and access it to home ownership and narrow and close home ownership wealth gaps. our most recent housing element lists a number of actions that could help increase access to home ownership for communities harmed. through targetsed economic disruption, displacement and
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manufactured barriers to accumulating wealth. at the land use transportation committee we had a robust discussion about why this legislation places the program under the human rights commission. i want to thank president peskin for input and prepared amendments that hopefully address his concerns. it has always been the understanding this legislation was to pass that the human rights commission would work with mayor office housing to administer the program. as they have the staff and technical expertise. it was important to us at hrc play a role in helping to shape the program because it has historically overseen many innovative initiatives to advance and improve outcomes for communities that have been the most harmed. therefore, i like to offer these amendments today which have been circulated. to codify rule of mayor office and housing community
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development. my office distributed this language. we have hard copies in front of you. the amendments would be on page 1 in the long title include the human rights commission work in consultation with the mayor office of housing and community development to establish policies and procedures to issue and possibly forgive the loans from this fund. page 3, line 16-17 under definitions, add the definition of, mohcd director and line 23, clarify the program regulations will be published by the human rights in consultation with mohcd. line 9 the establishment of the program is subject to the budgetary fiscal provisions of the charter. page 6 line 17-25, page 6 lines 1-2 include a section that spells out the hrc director shall consult with mohcd
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regarding program management and director may delegate to mohcd functions and responsibility set forth in the program. on page 7 lines 3-4, reiterate the program regulations are in consultation with mohcd and page 10 under annual reporting requirements, clarify that the human rights commission directser submit reports to the board of supervisor in consultation with mohcd. i believe the amendments satisfy the concern insure mohcd plays a active role in the administration of the program. i want to thank the human rights commission director cheryl davs and [indiscernible] for collaboration and we have hrc staff here today should anyone have any further questions. i also want to thank supervisor preston for his input on this legislation and some of these amendments were developed in consultation with his staff.
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i iclike to make a motion to adopt the amendments as i read into the record. >> so, supervisor melgar and today's been a little busy day. i'm just seeing these amendments for the first time. i would respectfully suggest if need be come and advocate from the floor page 6 line 18, the may be converted to shall and line 22 the may be converted to a shall. that would satisfy the concerns i expressed in committee. >> president peskin, could we then postpone the vote on this item until later in the agendy ajen genda so i may check with the city attorney and hrc director? >> absolutely. please read item 25. >> an ordinance to amund the public works code to allow the use of micro trenching to
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install fiber optic facilities and affirm the ceqa deermation and make the appropriate findings. >> supervisor safai. >> are thank you president peskin. briefly this is something a long time in the coming. we have been working to figure ways in which we can quickly cost effectively and pervasively around san francisco particularly in areas where many families still do not have access to high speed internet. if you look at those areas they are predominantly located low and moderate income of communities of color immigrant communities and anything we learned having access to high speed internet is extremely important, so i urge your support today. want to thank all the folks involved in this from the city attorney office for those advocates looking to bridge the digital divide and look forward enabling this to give access to families again, that have not
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had access to good cost effective high speed internet. thank you colleagues. >> no names on the roster, take iletm 25, same house same call. the ordinance pass first reading. please read item 28? >> ordinance amending the planning code to encourage housing production by exempting, under certain conditions, specified housing projects from the notice and review procedures of section 311 in areas outside of priority equity geographies, which are identified in the housing element as areas or neighborhoods with a high density of vulnerable populations; and removing the conditional use requirement for several types of housing projects, including housing developments on large lots in areas outside the priority equity geographies special use district; affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act; and making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under planning code, section 302, and findings of consistency with the general plan and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101.1 >> seeing no name on the roster, same house, same call, the ordinance is passed first
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reading. next item. >> item 29, resolution determining that the person-to-person, premise-to-premise transfer of a type-21 off-sale general beer, wine, and distilled spirits liquor license to the trader joe's company, doing business as trader joe's store 226, located at 555 fulton street, suite c (district 5), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and county of san francisco, in accordance with california business and professions code, section 23958.4; and requesting that the california department of alcoholic beverage control impose a condition on the issuance of the license. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 30, ordinance amending the administrative code to clarify the controller's audit and monitoring responsibilities with respect to nonprofit organizations contracting with the city; directing the controller to establish measurable performance goals for contracts with nonprofit organizations; directing the controller to periodically review and, as necessary, revise policies regarding contractors' compliance with city requirements; and requiring the controller to perform an annual review of departments' compliance with policies for auditing and monitoring nonprofit organizations.
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>> supervisor stefani. >> thank you president peskin. colleagues, as you may remember i first introduced the ordinance september last year after having asked the city attorney office to draft legislation codifying recommendations made in the controller's city wide non profit performance audit of 2022. at the first reading last december i sent this measure back to the rules committee to allow for more time to work with the group of smaller non profits who requested additional time for discussion to insure that equity concerns were addressed. i fully want to say, i have been so appreciative of their time and partnership and proud of the legislation before you today. i am confidence the ordinance will absolutely transform how the city monitors performance of contracts and will insure real accountability and transparency without compromiseing the city commitment to equity. my ordinance will centralize responsibility with the city
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controller and direct the office to establish measurable performance goals for contracts with our non profit organizations. it also directs the controller to review and as necessary revise policies regarding contractor compliance with city requirements and also requires the controller to perform a annual review how departments manage their contracts to assure mutual accountability. it will also require fiscal audits for all contractors who rchb at least $750 thousand in funding from the city. in addition, the ordinance now mandates transparnt public rule making process and compelling the city to support and promote the development of new smaller institutions that represent the diverse experiences of historically under served communities. i'm confident the ordinance before you has been strengthened by these amendments and will be grateful to continue in this work with non profit community to insure we have true mutual accountability in how the city conducts business moving forward. i are want to thank the
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controller office and all the non profits that we worked with. the city attorney office and supervisor safai, ronan and engardio for cosponsorship and of course like to thank chief of staff for all her work on this and urge your support. thank you. >> supervisor ronan. >> thank you. first i want to thank supervisor stefani for all her work on this and all the non profits that she worked with to make what i think is a really wonderful and seriously needed piece of legislation right now. we rely so heavily on non profits to meet the basic needs of our residents and i cannot be more grateful to them, but what we have seen is several instances of non profits that are trying to make things work and the needs for their work often lead them into a
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financial situation where they come to the city last minute to bail them out. there is other non profits where there have been-what's the word i'm looking for? unclear but potentially corrupt-thank you supervisor safai, corrupt activity that happened which is completely unacceptable. i think that is a minority of non profits but happened one too many times. once is is a enough and it has been more then once so i think the city and controller office needs to step in earlier because we partner with these non profits in order to serve the needs of our residents and we can't do a good job that from the board of supervisor if we don't know the challenges earlier on that so many of our non profits face. i just wanted to mention that and thank supervisor stefani for the legislation.
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very happy to be a cosponsor. >> alright. so, sounds like we can take this item same house same call. the ordinance passed first reading. and with that colleagues, we'll go to our first special order commendation and i want to start colleagues today by going back to what i started the meeting with y. have the privilege honoring our friends and allies from the san francisco cork sister city committee celebrating their 40 anniversary boosting relationships between cork ireland and san francisco and san francisco bay area. the sister city concept was championed by former president eisenhower in 1956 to foster citizen diplomacy between the united states and foreign countries in the hope of
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brokering alliance of peace, commerce and cultural exchange. i have grown to appreciate how critical another aspect of sister city engagement is and has become and that is mutual aid. at a time when the world is much more uncertain place natural disaster jz those of our own making rage across the globe, there is something very special and comfortable about building relationships that can come in handsy when times are tough as we have seen after the 1989 earthquake. the idea expanded to include feeling less alone in the world and knowing that across many miles there are people you never met who will come to your aid when you are in a tough spot and who are rooting for your success and vice versa. the sister city relationship between san francisco and cork was formally established in 1985 by then mayor diane feinstein when she lead the first delegation of 250 san
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franciscans to cork. this tradition was replicated by subsquantity mayor frank jordsen, gavin newsom and ed lee who lead to foster cultural and economic ties and i think many friendships were ceemented on those trips and endure to today. the committee is comprised of volunteers who work hard to ford a simpm mission with a lut of heart. promotion between our two cities. engage in everything from accessible webinars, tourism promotion and with branding events to cultural exchange and significant fundraising efforts. i should also note that the san francisco cork sister city committee works very hard to identify the shared values that bind our citys together and help define who we are as people, including our shared values of social justice and equity and you will hear how hard their fight to uplift and
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support communities facing prejudice and hate. on the 40 anniversary of this relationship i like to welcome to our chambers the lord mayor of cork counselor kieran mccarthy joined today by the san francisco council general, smith and members of the sf cork sister city committee and it is my great honor starting with the council general if you would say a few words about the importance of this relationship and what you have taken away from this work. welcome. [applause] >> president of the board, supervisor, thank you so much for this opportunity. there is a old irish saying-which translates as, people live in each other shadows. it speaks to interdependence of our world and means we rely on
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each other for shelter, for support, for love. there are not many places in the world where we see this. this great city, san francisco is one such place. no where is perfect. to a rich mix of peoples. unity and variety. comfort and diverse cultures and assured heritage pioneering invasion openness, success, failure, and resilience. the irrsh have been part of the city stor y up to today. in the building and shaping. right back to the city first chief of police, falen from cork to the first foreign born mayor of the city, frank [indiscernible] educationalest today young irish americans work across industries from construction to ai cyberto entertainment. we generation of continually
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contributing and enriching the city with projects like the new irish culture center in the sunset. the relationship between ireland and the united states is a mutually beneficial one. irish companies employ a hundred thousand people in the united states and ireland is the 7th largest investor in california through foreign owned nrts prize. the irrish helped form the united states and the united states helped shape and build a modern ireland. a country of peace and prosterity, confident about its future and our place in the worlds. we are fortunate in a few days time to have a national day that all most everyone knows. saint patrick s day is a opportunity to celebrate with 70 million people with irish ancestry, 37 million in the u.s., 2.3 in california and 700 thousand around the bay area. there are many more who show
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fondness for irlands in a number of ways. the notion of celebrating in our world today can provoke doubt and hesitation and good reason given the tragedy conflict and hardship in the worlds. but saint patrick day like lunar new year, plide and italian heritage pride and mlk and others here in the city allow us to gathser as communities to gather as a collective san francisco community. the saint patrick day program of events in san francisco is tremendous. i'm excited to participate in the expanded and diversified parade on march 16 under the theme unit sf. i'm also delighted to celebrate the 40 anniversary of the san francisco cork sister city relationship. as you said president, this is more meaningful following the passing of the architect,
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senator diane feinstein. happy saint patricks day to you supervisors and the people of san francisco. i'm delighted to introduce the lord mayor of cork. [applause] >> dear president peskin, dear board of supervisors, my dear friends, as lord mayor of cork it is very much a heart felt honor to be able to address on behalf of the city of cork and my delegation. thank you for the opportunity. i have three very brief messages if i may in the short time that is given to me. firstly, it is a particular privilege to speak in your historic and beautiful people palace and in this house of democracy and of course, in any house it isn't just the physical features such as windows and doors that make it a home, but its heart and
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spirit and my dear friends and the heart and spirit and multitudes of historic records highlighting the stories spoken about here and the journeys taking arising from debates. your leadership and democracy matters. not just here, but how it spreads from here to the wider region and into the corner of the world. the democracy and construction and evolution and champion matter in this beautiful space. my dear friends, 40 years ago your host of democracy here in san francisco and my house of democracy in cork we began our international exploration of the concept of democracy taking the form of a sister city relationship and in particular, this afternoon i wish to acknowledge division on your side and a former mayor diane feinstein, may she rest in peace. she was one of the key architects of the twinning
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arrangement and cork and san francisco continue to remember reflect and acknowledge her contribution not just in this beautiful city, but in california and especially through interest in international diplomacy. of course, international corporation as you note mr. president peskin, is one developed after the second world war and remains thin foundation as a peace project between cities and diverse countries. but as we know, peace breeds positive ideas partnerships and opportunities. in essence international cooperation explores democratic values and such exploration brings motivation and buildss opportunities and premoats resilience. my gilgameshage this afternoon is how our twinning brought us on oo important journey exploring democracy as a powerful exercise and in a world there are threats to aspects such as democracy, our partnership as a strong symbol of hope, lighthouse of
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opportunity matters more so then ever before. mr. chairman, mr. president, dear supervisor, my second message reflects upon the importance of journey and togetherness and despite the fact we live 5,000 miles apart over the last 4 decades and against the backdrop of opportunities and challenges in the world, we have worked together at the subnational level of government in a variety of active ambitious grass root problem solving and people to people project exploring economic par dime to social and cultural issue sharing ideas and best practice and learning from each other and helping both cities in the present and future. our twinning brings people together and connecting people with each other. building layers of deep trust, building layers of deep respect and forging new ways of working together and in a world where there are vast pressures to divide people, twinning brings people together in tangible and
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cohesive way and our twinning inspired and encouraged and enabled people to pursue projeths of mutual bftd and motivate and connect in different ways. created ideas among the people of our two cities which created more ideas among the people of our 2 cities and our projecktds varied over the 40 years and ranged from business contact making to art, cultural exchange and music, literature, poetry, astronomy. the role of cities. how we work on issues such as policing, homelessness, gender equality, women and politics and society, human traffic, lgbtq plus initiatives tourism to name just a few and the list is long over the 40 years. this regard i like to thank the san francisco cork twinning committee and their connection with the board of supervisor for all their hard work and volunteers and developing ideas and brokering the arrangement
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for twinning as well. my second message my dear friends is together we forged pursued many projects over the 40 years and there are very very memorable days together and been many positive stories. my short message is from chatting with various guardians of our twinning relationship, there is a deep push to do more together and i wish to take this opportunity to say from the cork side, we want to do more together and i hope you feel the same way too. after 40 years, there is a real opportunity to revisit the agreement of 1984 and update it to take in the challenges and opportunities of the modern world and as we all know, approaches policy, approach the challenges over the past decade and evolved and continue to evolve rapidly. there is more a focus on equal creation.
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the pace of strange is strong across leadership and national government. social inclusion, climate resilience, sustainability development and tech invasion. all cities more and more are partners to create new ideas and new opportunities and that is all our twinning work done today. we are only scratching the surface of what needs to be pursued and we need to create a new vision for our relationship and that is my short message. our togetherness is breathing more a need for our togetherness. to conclude dear president peskin and dear supervisor, let me summarize what we started together in 1984 has been a fantastic project in democracy and all the summering of ideas of heart and spirit that glow with that and secondly, the twinning project brought history of shared learning much motivation and explor aishz of some of the many topics of change which face cities across the world. my dear friends, there is still
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much to do. so let us continue together along the road of resolving challenges and building opportunities. sincere and heart felt thank you for the opportunity not just address in this people palace or important house of democracy, but to be a partner with you in the future of san francisco and in the future of cork in the south of ireland. thank you so much. >> thank you lord mayor mccarty. [applause] lord mayor, we look forward to continuing and deepening the ties between our sister cities and before i ask you and council general smith to join for a photograph in the well of the board of supervisor, supervisor safai has words he would like to share. >> thank you president peskin. i just wantsed to say briefly
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as one of the members of the board that actually was able to partake in the sister city committee trip i want to thank the counselor general and the lord mayor and i just want to say, it really was and has been one of the highlights of my time on the e board of supervisor, to be able to see the deep roots here in san francisco of the irish community and the connection in cork island. a lot of times people forget, we are city of immigrants from all over the world and how strong those ties are and how much they contribute to what makes san francisco special, so i are just are wanted to say that. i want to thank you all. thank the sister city committee folks for constantly putting this on the radar and pushing us to think about larger then the boundaries of san francisco and what that means for the future of our city. thank you mr. president. >> thank you. lord mayor, if you and counsel general would step in the way we like to present you on
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behalf of the board of supervisor with commendation.
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>> our next special order commendation is presented by dean preston. >> thank you president peskin and colleagues today i'm honored to recognize ugo ramirez a public servant-- [applause] who's work as manager of mohcd eviction prevention housing stabilization program saved 10s of thousands of of san franciscans from displacement. ugo, come on up. i see you are walking in the direction. let me say a few words about you first. i will say when ugo informed
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our office after over 9 years with the city he was moving on to the next chapter of his career with oakland. without hesitation we know we had to recognize his work here at the board of supervisors. for those who may not know, ugo along with his colleagues at the community development division under the leadership of mohcd director of community development brian chui has been a key architect of two programs that have done more to prevent displacement in san francisco then all most any city in the country and that's the tenant right to council program, which guarantees any renter facing eviction a free attorney in san francisco and our city local emergency rental assistance program also known as erap which insured city funds can help people impacted by the pandemic stay in their homes.
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colleagues, june 2018, you will recall that the voters of this great city passed a ballot measure to establish san francisco as a right to counsel city and urge our local government to create the scaffolding to make the promise realty. it was a tall task but ugo stepped up to the challenge. we worked with non profit pat partners, community advot cans and city staff to build up the program into what it is today. since then, cities and states across the country have asked repeatedly about our model and how they can replicate it in their cities. as if standing up a nationally recognized anti-displacement program wasn't enough, ugo tasked as the city and world hit with a once in a generation or century pandemic with crafting andworking on a
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program to disperse rent relief funds to those in need. and lets pause for a moment colleagues and reflect what a complex challenge that was for ugo and the team at mohcd community development. and that was to create a framework that can disperse rent relief to those in need in a system where three days to pay or quit can result in a eviction. three days. to create a system to address that while maintaining the safeguards necessary to insure that the money is spent properly and inherent need for expediency versus inherent need for oversight. so incredibly difficult thing to balance. these are complicated questions that keep people up at night to ugo these appeared to believe but speed bumps on a road to making sure government works
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for those most vulnerable. speaking of keeping people up at night, i want to recall a moment i think speaks volumes. the right to counsel program funding structure is complex. given the various non profit antidisplacement group capacities and necessity to make intake of people in need relatively simple. and eviction defense collaborative as you all know is generally the first stop for tenants in need. but often cases are referred to other organizations from there. all this to say as the budget was being hammered out, a few years ago and ugo you may not know you are legendary in our office for this, as the budget was hammered out, a question came up about right to counsel funding and i think i know a lot about the right to counsel program. i had no idea what the answer was. my team didn't know the answer but knew who was, ugo ramirez.
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the problem deep in budget night it was 2:30 a.m. and yet my staff called you. no idea why. somehow you answered the phone at 2:30 in the morning and of course walked through with my team pwhat was needed in the add back budget to make sure that the right to counsel program would be whole and deliver the critical services for the residents of san francisco. ugo, you helped so many people stay in their homes through your work. you navigated complex relationships and i mean complex relationships between the mayor office, community advocates, my office and so many others. you managed to stay focused on the work at all times on solving problems, on always leading with integrity and making government work for the people who need it the most. your departier is a huge loss
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for our city but what we lose, oakland gains as you take your skills and dedication to this work across the bay. as you reflect on your near decade of service to the city, and as you move into your new role in oakland, i hope you take pride in knowing 10s of thousands of san franciscans benefited from your work. we are grateful for everything you have done for the people of the city and county of san francisco and beyond. we thank you for your work and my pleasure to honor you today. [applause] ugo, i believe brian chui is here and might want to say a word before you begin your remarks.
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>> yes, brian chui, director community development mohcd. i just want to echo the supervisor comments and wanted to add a personal heartfelt declaration from the staff at mohcd. i first met ugo when working at another jurisdiction and he was committed to trying to find a way to come to san francisco to bring his talents here and we are so lucky he chose to do so. i think as the supervisor pointed out, we really created unique programs and i would say the best programs in the country in both areas of rental assistance and right to counsel and he did it with a smile, with compassion, with a sense of humor and always with a sense of integrity that i think has created a solid structure that while we will certainly miss him, the infrastructure he's built will continue on and we are looking forward to him
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bringing that same sense of compassion and invasion to the city of oakland where he'll be overseeing more people then he was seeing here. his first day was just yesterday so he's new at oakland and he took time to be here today and i just want to again say on behalf of myself and are his team, which is sitting here in the audience and the entire family of mohcd how much we appreciate his work and wish him the best in his new opportunities. thank you ugo. >> thank you, brian. [applause] >> president peskin, supervisors, thank you supervisor preston for your kind words and thank you supervisors for this great honor. the past 10 years have been both the most challenging and most rewarding 10 years of my
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career. i live and breathe community development and it was my dream as brian said to do community development in this great city. meaningful community development work is rooted in love for people and our communities, especially our most vulnerable. i love the work and i love the people who do the work. my dedicated colleagues at mohcd and our sister departments and our community based partners on the front lines of antidisplacement and homelessness prevention. i dedicate this special commendation to them to our tenants rights community, to the legal aid community. and those who center our most vulnerable residents in their work. i found when the city does right by them, we do right by 10s of thousands of our most
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vulnerable residents. again, thank you for this great honor. i hope the fall in love with oakland as i did with san francisco and i won't be far, i'll just be across the bay and always rooting for san francisco. thank you again. >> thank you ugo. [applause] >> next on our special order
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commendation is supervisor mandelman. >> thank you president peskin and gregy, come on up. [applause] colleagues, today i'm offering a special commendation to castro community on patrol. the patrol is the brain child of gregory known in the neighborhood and pretty much everyone as gregy. back in 2006 in the wake of violent assault on gay men in the neighborhood, gregy wanted to do something in response and so he did. hi he put out the word and recruited volunteers who spread in 3 on nights and weekends or when crowds gather raising the prospect of unsafe behavior and medical emergency that might need response. over 300 volunteers joined
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gregy army of neighborhood love. team members go through first aid and behavioral training, learn where the neighborhoods defibialators are how to use them and how to deliver narcan. in a city of police shortage castro community serves a essential role as eyes and ears oen the street, a bridge to police fire and emergency service and a way for community minded folks to give back. the work can be stressful and demands tact, gregy explains if it gets dangerous we'll back off. we try to de-escalate and calm the situation. along with patrol the group offers a menu of public safety courses. in the wake of a shooting at a colorado springs gay night club two years ago the group set up training for night life employees in castro and soma and in april community on patrol will receive the fbi
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director community liaison award in washington dc for actor shooter trainings which include agencyant from the fbi and homeland security. the castro would not be the castro without castro community on patrol. we are grateful for you gregy and grateful for the castro community on patrol, and with that, the floor is yours. >> thank you supervisor mandelman. president peskin and supervisor, i'm so happy to accept this commendation on behalf of the patrol. i do have to make a correction, i wasn't the founder, carlton paul was the original founder however i have badge 54 so i was early in the events. castro patrol started as the supervisor explained in reference to some very serious street robberies and a number of sexual assaults especially targeted at older gay men who
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were in various clubs. once the patrol was put together we had over a hundred volunteers in the beginning, but in 2008 a study by the university california san francisco did a research that found most organizations like ours do not survive past the first 12 months because once the organization is stood up, the original problem dissipates and the interest in continuing drifts away. we saw it differently. the lgbtq community since we go back in time has always been the target of the riot of every 4 years as each presidential cycle comes along. we can go back to the hearings by the senate in the 1940's with the fear of communism as well
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as gay people at that time. we can go to [indiscernible] in 1960's. if we look at the early 2000 it was same sex marriage and now today it is healthcare for transgender people and objection to people who will put on make up and wear a wig and stand on stage to entertain people. we know we in the castro will likely be a target for the right wing unless we show a visible presence that shows we are here to take care of our fellow folks as well as the community. as the supervisor pointed out, we have a lot of other things besides our public patrols. we do training, the aed we purchased to make sure late night defibialators are available and all the other
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things we do to keep the community safe. we also have prepared a full set of training materials if any of your neighborhoodss would like to have a similar type of operation. we offered this for several years and so far we haven't found anybody in san francisco willing to take us up but we have cities across the united states and international to use these training materials to set up the volunteer organizations to keep communities safe for whatever reason. if you have communities that would be interested in that, please get in contact with us and would be glad to connect you with this important information. with that, i would just like to thank all you for the fact you are bringing our organization to this really high level of attention and we plan to continue this type of service to the community as long as we need to, which might be forever. [applause]
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>> next on special order commendation, is supervisor ronan. >> thank you so much. colleagues, in honor of women history month and international women's day, i am unbelievably excited to honor the one and only gloria--
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[applause] that is how excitesed i feel too. i'll start remarks in spanish and translate them into english. [speaking spanish] [applause]
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>> supervisor ronan i'm informed sfgovtv is down so hold there one second. >> [speaking spanish]
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[applause] >> i'm going to briefly translate so everyone knows how amazing you are that dont speak spanish, glory is immigrant right organizer. multiracial grassroots organization that builds community leadership to advocate for low income san francisco and oakland residents. gloria volunteered for 14 years with people organized to win
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employment rights. comes from a movement family, mother grand mother and community organizers and leaders. if you have been involve in immigrant rights you likely worked alongside gloria or family. gloria was born in mexico in 1954. she says her biggest inspiration for community organizing was her mirther who worked and raised 12 children and known for supporting the homeless and immigrant children who stopped on their way to the united states. gloria mother spared a room, food whatever she had in actions inspired gloria and her sibling s. moved to mex cocity changed by the 1968--saying this horribly,
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massacre-gloria was not a call nl student yet but remembers her brothers coming home after tear gased and telling her she would always stand up for her community no matter how intimidating or the force against her people. after studying at worked as working rights in mexico giving workshops to text tile works and inspired every day how the workers learned to advocate for themselves. gloria and family fled mexico after surviving acts of violence and arrived in the bay area. first entry to san francisco was a homeless shelter with daughters and grand son who serve from cancer. as gloria and daughters worked to secured for home. continues the work that always came second nature no matter how much she was struggling. through goria organizing and advocacy in san francisco gloria played a significant role in many public campaigns
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to strengthen our policy. part of bringing free muni for youth passing due process for all ordinance. stopping tow policy for immigrants and insuring immigrant children have the right to counsel in san francisco. gloria also recognized nationally as a immigrant right leader as traveled protested and barticipated in act of civil disobedience to 11 million undocumented immigrants. thank you gloria for decades of subs on behalf of immigrant communities in san francisco. you inspired and uplifted so many in the immigrant rights move. you raised a beautiful family of movement leaders and dear friend and powerful organizer [indiscernible] former youth commissioner [indiscernible] and beloved chuy who remains
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oin our hearts and spirit. you are embodiment of never afraid to speak truth to power. that defines you. i am so so grateful that i have been able to work with you and learn from you over the years. thank you so much gloria and congratulations. [applause] >> [speaking spanish]
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[applause] >> thank you. i know you only give this recognition to myself, but all of the activists that are here, they are building community, they bring work, housing and shelter like to all the immigrants heres, so i know like this commendation is not only for me, but everyone here behind me. >> [speaking spanish]
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[applause] >> just like me, all the people behind me and they have years on the struggle so this recognition it must be to all of us. >> [speaking spanish] >> over here there is a leaders
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like building social justice in the city and there is plenty more, and i hope like more ear years of people like building justice and why not building with you with all of you together? >> [speaking spanish] >> i wish all you and all your work is all the work this community provides. >> [speaking spanish] >> the reason this is a very liberal city is all the people that keep coming and coming and changing the city to a more liberal face. >> and the people that fought to win due process for all.
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>> [speaking spanish] >> i hope we don't have to struggle so much from now and i hope the support from all of you. >> [speaking spanish] >> to work with all the lovely people. the support from this community. and this community did all this with love. you have seen their work. especially i want to recognize the work of hillary.
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i have seen here work with the most poor communities in the bay area. >> [speaking spanish] [applause] >> i want to give special thanks to the community
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organizers and movements that show up to support and i hope you all show up and show your names and organizations and we can all like keep fighting together like for more lovely san francisco. >> [speaking spanish] >> if not asking too much if we can take a picture with the community organizer and the people in the crowd. [applause]
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>> madam clerk, can you please return to item 24? >> item 24 is pertaining to forgivable loan to first time home buyers fund. >> supervisor melgar.
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>> okay, i was hoping supervisor ronan was going to vote on this, but okay. after consulting with the city attorney president, it seems like the amendments that you have offered are substantive and would need to go back to committee and it is my strong desire to have the staff be able to start working on this program now since we do have a reporting deadline in the legislation of july 31 of this year. so, what i like to do or suggest we do is that we take the amendments as i read into the record and duplicate the file, amend the duplicated file with the amendments you have suggested and send that back to committee, but vote on the amended file today. >> thank you supervisor melgar. just for colleagues not at the committee hearing, the issue that was raised at the
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committee hearing was in the face of a very constrained budget was the issue around duplication of services and i think supervisor melgar without putting words in her mouth was speaking to frustration about what one department was delivering and my concerns were about having infrastructure in a department not in this particular line of work and so the wording around shall is really wording around not duplicating services and not force upon a department the technical issues of issuing loans of subordinating loans, of dealing with non payment of loans, all that would be dealt with this by the shall language so i won't be able to vote for it today, but would be able to vote for the file with the language which would get rid of the duplication of services in
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a economically challenging time. so, happy to proceed and you can certainly duplicate the file. i can vote for the amendment with the shall language. supervisor safai. >> can you just explain one more time what is happening? it is duplicated. you make the amendment but because it is a substantive amendment that duplicated version has to go back to land use? >> that is what supervisor melgar-supervisor melgar has amendments she wants us to adopt that say the hrc director may delegate- >> right. i got that. >> the language in the ordinance says the hrc shall be responsible for implementation operation and management of the program. i see that as- >> that part i got. just wanted to talk about the mechanic. the duplicated file goes back to committee and vote on the amended version today and the duplicated file will catch up is what you are hoping to
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happen soewe vote today so it keeps moving. are the amendments you proposed substantive? >> the amendmentss i'm proposing are not substantive. that is why we can vote on them today and they have reviewed by the city attorney. >> got it. okay. thank you. >> so, why don't we adopt the amendments, duplicate the file, volt vot on the first file, amend the second file-motion to amend as previously described by supervisor melgar. is there a second for that second by supervisor engardio. can we take that-we have a different house on the amendment. roll call, please. >> supervisor walton, aye. supervisor chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye. supervisor mandelman, aye. supervisor melgar, aye.
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supervisor peskin, no. supervisor preston, aye. supervisor ronan, absent. supervisor safai, aye. supervisor stefani, aye. there are- >> supervisor ronan is back in the chamber. >> supervisor ronan? >> supervisor melgar is moving her amendment to item 24. [multiple speakers] >> ronan aye. there are 10 ayes and one no with supervisor peskin voting no. >> now supervisor melgar is duplicating that file as amended. on the parent file as clerk john carroll calls it, a roll call, please. >> on item 24 as amended, supervisor walton, aye. supervisor chan, aye.
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supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye. supervisor mandelman, aye. supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor peskin, no. supervisor preston, aye. supervisor ronan, aye. supervisor safai, aye. supervisor stefani, aye. there are 10 ayes and one no with supervisor peskin voting no. >> item 24 is passed first reading as amended and now supervisor melgar, would you like to make a motion to make the two mays at lines 18 and 22 on page 6 into shalls? >> correct. >> okay. a motion to amend the duplicated file made by supervisor melgar, second by supervisor engardio. can we take those amendments same house same call?
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and then is there a motion to rerefer the duplicate file as amended to the land use committee made by supervisor melgar, second by supervisor ronan and we will do that without objection. madam clerk, can we go to item number 31. >> item 31 is motion appointing jenny perez, deborah dacumos, john reissenweber, jason chittavong, hanley chan, prince kelly jordan, james boatman, and darya kutovaya, terms ending march 17, 2027, to the veteran affairs commission. >> roll call. >> supervisor walton, aye. chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye.
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supervisor mandelman, aye. supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor preston, aye. supervisor ronan, aye. supervisor safai, aye. supervisor stefani, aye. there are 11 ayes. >> the motion is approved. next item. >> item 32, motion appointing jesus guillen, natalie burdick, madeline howie, nicholas parker, sacha ortega, and andrew seigner, terms ending december 16, 2024, to the market and octavia community advisory committee. >> same house same call, the motion is approved. lelts let's go to 3 p.m. special order item 33-36. >> continued open from december 12 and january 30 on february
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23, 2024, we received correspondence from the appellate requesting the appeal be withdrawn. item 3 is public hearing of person interested in the decision of public works dated november 1, 2023 approving tentative parcel map for 2 lot subdivision project at 1365-1371 york street. item 34 is the motion to approve the decision of public works and tentative parcel map. 35 is the motion to conditionally disapprove the public works disapproval of the tentative parcel map and 36 is motion to direct the appropriation of findings. >> supervisor ronan. >> yes, colleagues. i just wanted to thank the landlord and tenants for coming together and resolving this dispute underlying this appeal and i also want to give a very special thanks to anna herrera of my hoswho did a lute of work to get to this resolution. as a result of those positive
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conversations, the tenants have withdrawn the appeal. thank you. >> okay. is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, the public hearing is closed and the item has been heard and filed. is there a motion to approve items 34 and table 35 and 36? made by supervisor ronan. is there a second? seconded by supervisor mandelman and take the motion same house same call. item 34 is approved and 35 and 36 are tabled. please go to committee reports. >> item 37 and 38 were considered by the land use transpportation committee at regular meeting monday march 4. item 37 was not sent as a committee report. item 38 was recommended as amended bearing the same title. 3 ailth is a ordinance to amend the planning code to require conditional use authorization
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to establish parcel delivery service uses prohibit non cannabis delivery service as accessory use and revise the zoning control tables to affirm the ceqa determination and make the appropriate findings. >> seeing no names on the roster, we will take item number--item 38. >> 38, correct. >> same house same call. the ordinance is passed first reading. madam clerk, let's go to roll call for introduction. >> first member is supervisor walton. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues, i have one in memoriam this afternoon for mrs. dors vincent. today we want to honor the life of doris vincent who lived a life empower those around here through self-less acts of kindness, advocacy and political vaurfbment.
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a helping plan in san francisco particularly in the bayview hunter point community where she called home since 1961. mrs. vincent community involvement took shape while attending--she had a soft spot for children and young people chaperoning school activities, serving as a cub scouts den mother, pta historian, working with the tiny tots, ywca and yard monitor in elementary schools. service to bayview hunter community worked with naacp, model cities, the san francisco organizing project, residents of the southeast sector, circle of positive women, project open hands, bayview senior tenant brown bag program and many more. she served two terms as board
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member of bayview opera house and patrolled the streets of bayview hunter point citizen patrol and appointed to mayor hunters point ship yard advisory committee and elected to bayview hunter point project area committee. mrs. vincent was the first black person hired as a sales clerk by san francisco white house department store and worked for 28 years as a western conference teamster union supervisor where she insured equal opportunities for many people of color. mrs. vincent service extends far and wide from involvement in church ministries and youth groups to active participation in numerous community organizations and initiatives aimed uplifting the bayview hunter point community and beyond. her relendless pursuit of knowledge and her diverse life experiences coupled with dedication to equality and justice have left a indelible
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mark on the fabric of our community. we have truly lost a mate ark. mrs. vincent will always be remembereds a a trailblazer getting things done with compassion and love that mirrored a saint. commitment to her community was consistently evident in the way she provided for so many who needed her on a daily basis. she did not need a aunt rauj to be effected and knew how to achieve a goal. san francisco most certainly has benefited from having her as a resident and martyr. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor walton. supervisor chan. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues, this year as we kick off women history month, i introduce a resolution today to recognize equal pay day. every year equal pay day is symbolic day that helps raise awareness to impact the pay
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inequities. thais day changes every yire and for 2024 equal pay day is march 12 and marks the current state of the gender pay gap for women. 84 percent full time year round workers and 78 percent for all workers including part time and seasonal worker. over the years equal pay day has developed into a year long calendar to reflect diverse communities as well as part time and seasonal workers. throughout this year, i plan to introduce additional resolutions as we reach each of these milestone to be inclusive and mindful about women and inequities they face every day, that we face every day. so that will be asian american, black, native, hawaii and pacific islander, latina [indiscernible] throughout this year we will recognize in each
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calendar-each time when they finally reach equal pay day in this year, so and the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you supervisor chan. supervisor dorsey. submit. thank you. supervisor engardio. submit. thank you. supervisor mandelman. submit. thank you. supervisor melgar. >> thank you madam clerk. today i am introducing a resolution reflecting a mou between the puc and san francisco unified school district for the instill augz operation maintenance and green infrastructure. this is a great partnership between the two agencies. sfusd owns over 400 acres of land in san francisco with average of 75 percent impermeable surface. the sfpuc would like to help them manage the storm water run off. this mou will provide the sfpuc
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with a opportunity to funds, design, bid, construct and maintain green infrastructure throughout san francisco on sfusd property. the two agencies working together on a common goal to increase greening of the school yards and decrease storm water for the next 40 years. it is great and i hope to have your support. the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you supervisor melgar. supervisor peskin. >> thank you madam clerk. today i is a in memoriam for long time san francisco photographer david johnson. many probably know his images. he captured the fillmore district in stunning and poignant detail. he died last friday in marin county at the age of 97 and has left a remarkable legacy. i had the pleasure of meeting him on a number of occasions. he was actually a student at the san francisco art institute. he was the first black student there.
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he was a student of ansaladsms. p johnson photographed notable leaders and personaltiess including langstan hew [indiscernible] images documenting black san francisco became iconic going into the library of congress and bankcroft library at uc berkeley. as part of the golden decade of photograph ers who left their mark from 1945 to 1955 johnson studied along [indiscernible] born in seg grated florida, served in the navy in world war 2 before applying to the new photography program at san francisco arts institute. a institution that aparentsly is going to survive after their
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bankruptcy. ansal adam says he wanted to participator in the program and worried he would not be admit because he was black but did land a spot, the first black student to do so and also welcomed to stay at ansal adams house in sea cliff until he found a place of his own. with adams advice to photograph what you know, johnson focused on the harlem of the west, san francisco fillmore district. while many know about johnson photography career, his civic contributions are just as lasting and significant and not always garnered the attention they deserve. for example, black maids and janitors had to use bathrooms thin basement at ucsf after cleaning floors up stairs and prohibited from using the facilities in the place they were working and serving. passionate advocate for equal rights and helped organize the
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black caucus that negotiated for employee rights while working at the school. johnson filed a lawsuits against the san francisco unified school district to force the designation of schools in 1971. johnson verses sfusd. in his later life a social worker for foster families advocating for mental health for unhoused. he is survivored by 4 children and wife author jacqueline sue. we lost a incredsable treasure in david johnson and his legacy is another reminder we document preserve and celebrate the people and institutions who helped shape an ever evolving san francisco. this takes many forms including working to reinvigorate the cultural economic vibrancy of the fillmore decimated by redevelopment and racist policies that still exist. it is also about preserving institutions like the san francisco art institute that helped develop and nurture story tellers and photographers
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like david johnson. my deep est condleance to his family and community he uplifted the last many decades. the rest i submit. >> thank you. supervisor preston. submit. thank you. supervisor ronan. >> thank you. colleagues today i am introducing a hearing request to address serious concerns about a censorship of art and free speech at yerba buena center for arts. public owned and funded community arts facility in san francisco. february 15, 8 artist featureed in bay yaur ur9 exhibit altered air art work in a powerful moving call to action for permanent cease fire in gaza. this board of supervisors supported a similar city stance through resolution calling for cease fire and our vice president kamala harris called for the same. instead of making room for perspective of the artists,
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ybca promoted the exhibit showcasing diverse voices responded by shutting down the exhibit attempting to remove the artist artwork without consent and closing down ybca's gallery and program for the public for the past three weeks. these actions translate into no field trips for high school students and canceled film dance and art performance for the public at large. it is also concerning to me that all the censored artists are people of color. the artists peaceful protest is collective creative response what is happening in a devastating conflict. on the website ybca describes the bay area 9 exhibit as a effort to answer the question and i quote "what are artists making, thinking, dreaming about right now". it should not come as a surprise to anyone that many
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artists people all over the world of all professions back grounds and persituations are thinking about people of gaza. dreaming of the end to displacement of 2 million people majority are clern. the leadership characterizes the action as dangerous precedents. leadership claim the artists peaceful protest will lead to kay osand disruption which is a damagingtrope that squashes the artist constitutional rightss to free speech. ybca workers have refused to remove the work ordered by the ceo. as they do not want to participate in the censorship of the artists. i'm deeply concerned for the wellbeing of these ybca workers and the precedent that ybca leadership is setting through the censorship of the artists in a public arts institution.
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i call a hearing to review ybca actions. ultimately we need to reopen the bay area now 9 exhibit stow the public can experience as the artist intended. request this hearing be assigned to the government audit oversight committee and real estate department arts commission grants for art yerba buena garden conservancy and ceo of ybca appear at the hearing. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor ronan. supervisor safai. submit. thank you. supervisor stefani, submit. thank you. mr. president earlier you quoted one of the clerks land use clerk and i'll quote you. all of those items will be appropriately referred. >> thank you madam clerk and at the request of supervisor preston can we make the in memoriam for david johnson from the entire board? without objection. let's go to general public comment. >> for those who in the chamber and like to provide general
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public comment to the board of supervisor please come forward to the podium. we are setting the timer for two minutes. welcome. >> hi. something you just made me think about. only concerns unintelligence. mostly human beings want to control the world. we said it isn't possible. so, it is like--there is no [indiscernible] you see any? i don't see any. there is not. we know it. you know now. i am not going with the thing about the school we are going to create. no matter what, there are different things still about it. we need many artist because we [indiscernible] but it will be a process to learn.
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are we going to achieve that of course? it won't happen tomorrow. we need best school. the best school is super cool. we will replace the too much bikes. we are going to transit all over the place to see the world and understand what's going on. things like that. then whatever. for now, yes again, technology no. 5g, sorry [indiscernible] stop it. try to stay away from technology. you will be trapped in it. you know it. okay, i think i said enough today. sorry you passed the deadline. it was the end of the month to [indiscernible] you startsed with ugly technology. no good.
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last thing, honesty--conditions your ability to evolve from the [indiscernible] >> thank you for your comments. next speaker. welcome! >> the word of the lord came to jonah saying, arise. go that great city and cry against it for their wickedness has come up before me. jonah rose up to flee from the presence of the lord and went down to japa and found a ship going so paid the fare and went down into it to go with them from the presence of the lord. but the lord sent out a great wind into the sea and there was a mighty tempest so the ship was like to be broken. the mariners were afraid and cried every man unto his god
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and cast forth the wears in the ship into the sea to lighten it of them. but jonah was gone down into the sides of the ship and lay and fast asleep so the ship master came to him and said, arise, call upon they god. god will think upon us that we parish not. they said to fellow come and let us cast lots that we may know who cause the evil has come allot us. the lot fell upon jonah and said tell us who caused the evil has come upon us? what is the occupation and winds come and what is thy country and what people? he said, i'm hebrew and fear juhovea, the god of heaven which made the sea and dry land. then the men afraid and said, why has thou done this?
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the men knew he fled from the presence of the lord because he told them. in 34 days from now we are going to have a total solar eclipses at the same time that a comment that rarely comes in every 71 years and it will go through-- >> thank you for your comments. alright. next in line. welcome. >> my name is jim maxy. my domestic partner is resident at lagoon aul honda hospital. i just discovered that if you have durable power of attorney and go to laguna honda, you cannot bring in your durable power of attorney. it is considered contraban. if you are a domestic partner you can't bring in domestic partner registration with city and county of san francisco
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because it is considered contraband. you can't bring in diagnosis from a doctor at laguna honda because it is considered contraband. you can't bring in transaction registers from representative payees because it is considered contraban. why on earth does someone get durable power of attorney and be someone domestic partner if laguna honda can say, you can't bring the documents in to prove it? >> thank you for your comments. any other speakers who like to address the board during general public comment? >> public comment is now closed. madam clerk, please read the adoption without committee reference? >> 41-45 were introduced. a unanimous vote is required on
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first reading today. alturn trfbly a member may request resolution first reading to go to committee. >> would any member like a item severed? supervisor chan. >> item 41, please. >> item 41. on the balance, a roll call- >> i like to be added as cosponsor to item 41 and 44. >> it shall be reflected item 41 and 44. madam clerk, on items 42-45 a roll call, please. >> 42-45, supervisor walton, aye. supervisor chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye. supervisor mandelman, aye. supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor preston, aye. supervisor ronan, aye.
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supervisor safai, aye. supervisor stefani, aye. there are 11 ayes. >> those resolutions are adopted and motion approved. madam clerk, please read item 41. >> resolution to urge governor nusem and the california legislature to retain the state funding of the public defender pilot program for three years. >> supervisor chan. >> colleagues, thanks to supervisor ronan preston and walton for your cosponsorship. i want to make miner technical corrections. these corrections are on page 3 to reflect updated members of the budget committee line 10 from senator skinner to scott wiener and line 11 from senator maria elana duranso to senator iaecia and [indiscernible]
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deputy city attorney ann pierson determined this is not substenative. >> motion to amend by supervisor chan. is there a second? second by supervisor melgar and take those amendments without objection and pass the item as amended same house same call. the resolution is adopted as amended. madam clerk, please reads the in memoria. >> adjourned in memory of the following individuals on behalf of supervisor walton for the late doris vinceants and on behalf of supervisor peskin and motion by the president to be on behalf of the entire board for the late david johnson. >> we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned]
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[music] since the opening on third and mission in 2010 the grove is a epicenter. tis is part of the community. we bring tourist, we bring convention ears and have a huge group of locers who live here. we are their living room and love to see them on a regular basis and seek newcomers to the city of san francisco and serve them a good dose of san francisco hospitality. we make everything in house from scratch every dape we vahand carved [indiscernible] the chicken pot pie we serve probably a hundred thousand if not more. roasted chicken, prime rib,
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salad[indiscernible] coffee cake and [indiscernible] all the pies are fresh baked. the home made cookies are done, once, twice a day, depending how fast they go. we believe in goold old fashion home cooked food. we want to be a welcoming, warm hospitable place for everyone to come and hang out. respond time with friends and family, meet new people. have important conversation. relax and enjoy, rejuvenate, get restored, enjoy one another and the at mus sphere the growth. the grove is over 730 to 830, 7 days a week, breakfast, lunch and dinner. ♪
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>> welcome to hamilton recreation and aquatics center. it is the only facility that has an integrated swimming pool and recreation center combined. we have to pools, the city's water slide, for little kids and those of you that are more daring and want to try the rockslide, we have a drop slide. >> exercises for everybody. hi have a great time. the ladies and guys that come, it is for the community and we really make it fun. people think it is only for those that play basketball or swim. >> i have been coming to the pool for a long time now. it is nice, they are sweet. >> in the aquatics center, they
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are very committed to combining for people in san francisco. and also ensuring that they have public safety. >> there are a lot of different personalities that come through here and it makes it very exciting all the time. they, their family or teach their kids have a swim. >> of the gem is fantastic, there is an incredible program going on there, both of my girls have learned to swim there. it is a fantastic place, check it out. it is an incredible indication of what bonn dollars can do with our hearts and facilities.
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it is as good as anything you will find out why mca. parents come from all over. >> there are not too many pools that are still around, and this is one-stop shopping for kids. you can bring your kid here and have a cool summer. >> if you want to see some of the youth and young men throughout san francisco play some great pickup games, come wednesday night for midnight basketball. on saturdays, we have a senior lyons dance that has a great time getting exercise and a movement. we have all the music going, the generally have a good time. whether it is awkward camp or junior guard.
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>> from more information, visit - >> my name is david lee i'm returning for state advisable in 19 and to bring ideas and voice to sacramento and born and raised in san francisco and i grew up got married and started a family here i know that san francisco is the greatest city in the world my wife owns a small business and we all share a lot for the city. i've dedicated too dictates in public gave me and working with the chinese-american program and
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conduct voter outreach and caucus to the bayview and for 15 year been a civil rights education and work in the college support he esl and many oil with api and my goal to empower. hundred years ago people who look like me and now you look at the assembly many of the most powerful voices identify and we had such great legislators and many come from the api community i'm running as a long term api member and educator and if leblth fight to make tuition in california community colleges 100 percent free and cost of living is difficult for students to comfortably attend colonel in
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the richmond have belittle nefarious and we're failing san franciscans and the next julie christensen i'm running to represent my home and building i can make that more equitable for generations to come. >> i'm candidate for assembly be district 19. >> i've been told why i'm running well, i'm running to be here and pack speak when i and before any statements and i remind walking down the road and in the pointing and listen to yourself the person is crazy they've got in their you laptop and this is san francisco don't they know. yeah probably true. would you steer it?
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>> what is is that made you more superior? >> i believe it is possible to build a society where all people in this situation we're people are accents and if you believe the dismantling the next question how do we do it? that my friend is the question of government and it has been the question of government since the creation how do we promote the welfare. how do we do it? >> i don't believe we're going to get there by the writing is on the wall welfare checks or getting ourselves out of the situation we have to be smarter
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and thank you for listening and at the for or even and thank you, for your consideration god bless you and god bless san francisco and god bless the united states of - >> hello what san francisco neighborhood has the highest per captivate number of children? if you guessed the tenderloin you'll be right and what san francisco neighborhood has the highest number of dedicates from fentanyl poisoning if you i guess the tenderloin you'd be right again now image of the children the tenderloin having to underneath walked on their way to school when will this i find rotting trash or surrings or intoxicated adults indoor
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ways and the people that died if fentanyl poisoning this is a a status quo and must stop but the good news is we can make it stop we can find long term treatment and insist that drug users internal about ref additional public and aid and convince the dealers be charged with a felony news if we have the will we can do this and make the tenderloin and all of san francisco be far more welcoming and safe for tourists and working class families and especially tor children for our children. this is my dream for san francisco and all avenue california this is what i'm fight for. including but not limited to a cynthia krooeven a long terms san francisco democrat and liable and a candidate for sale state senate district 11 please vote
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for me in the upcoming mark election we can do this together. >> i'm candidate of is a matter of fact, i'm also (unintelligible) scientist for more than 20 years my theory are the era and all the problems in san francisco at city hall where i work but (unintelligible) the welfare of the city. had served as senator but itself city i lived from and fight for (unintelligible) early in care
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of the involvement economic of our city and political (unintelligible) so the city of san francisco has (unintelligible) plan to have the list of all (unintelligible) i will turn more (unintelligible) so everyone can have highest quality of life and enterprise now how organized to make sure that not longer (unintelligible) prejudicial two go out in single parents and families from the (inaudible).
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>> i'm yvette a mother of two teenagers and a renders parent anticipate in my local community served for 25 years as a long term resident of san francisco i watched as our city has been devastated my deep love and concern for families and encouragement from fellow san franciscans have inspired me to be the next california state senator one of my primary policies. a year state started in public safety must come first that policy is better support for first responders and crime victims and those suffering with mvnt i believe that a solid education is the remedy for
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children and successful recall the of three board members in 2022 and recognized by the moms for america organization for my staunch support of excellence in education and parental rights and our economy is crucial for ryan jobs and maintaining a high quality of life i will loss legislature to reduce unfair instructions and excess taxation groceries and should not be out of reach for average californians and in the bayview as a state senator hats endorse my campaign please vote for
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when i shoot chinatown, i shoot the architecture that people not just events, i shoot what's going on in daily life and everything changes. murals, graffiti, store opening. store closing. the bakery. i shoot anything and everything in chinatown. i shoot daily life. i'm a crazy animal. i'm shooting for fun. that's what i love.
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>> i'm frank jane. i'm a community photographer for the last i think about 20 years. i joined the chinese historical society. it was a way i could practice my society and i can give the community memories. i've been practicing and get to know everybody and everybody knew me pretty much documenting the history i don't just shoot events. i'm telling a story in whatever photos that i post on facebook, it's just like being there from front to end, i do a good job and i take hundreds and hundreds of photos. and i was specializing in chinese american history.
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i want to cover what's happening in chinatown. what's happening in my community. i shoot a lot of government officials. i probably have thousands of photos of mayor lee and all the dignitaries. but they treat me like one of the family members because they see me all the time. they appreciate me. even the local cops, the firemen, you know, i feel at home. i was born in chinese hospital 1954. we grew up dirt poor. our family was lucky to grew up. when i was in junior high, i had a degree in hotel management restaurant. i was working in the restaurant business for probably about 15 years. i started when i was 12 years old. when i got married, my wife had an import business. i figured, the restaurant business, i got tired of it.
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i said come work for the family business. i said, okay. it's going to be interesting and so interesting i lasted for 30 years. i'm married i have one daughter. she's a registered nurse. she lives in los angeles now. and two grandsons. we have fun. i got into photography when i was in junior high and high school. shooting cameras. the black and white days, i was able to process my own film. i wasn't really that good because you know color film and processing was expensive and i kind of left it alone for about 30 years. i was doing product photography for advertising. and kind of got back into it. everybody said, oh, digital
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photography, the year 2000. it was a ghost town in chinatown. i figured it's time to shoot chinatown store front nobody. everybody on grand avenue. there was not a soul out walking around chinatown. a new asia restaurant, it used to be the biggest restaurant in chinatown. it can hold about a 1,000 people and i had been shooting events there for many years. it turned into a supermarket. and i got in. i shot the supermarket. you know, and its transformation. even the owner of the
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restaurant the restaurant, it's 50 years old. i said, yeah. it looks awful. history. because i'm shooting history. and it's impressive because it's history because you can't repeat. it's gone it's gone. >> you stick with her, she'll teach you everything. >> cellphone photography, that's going to be the generation. i think cellphones in the next two, three years, the big cameras are obsolete already. mirrorless camera is going to take over market and the cellphone is going to be better. but nobody's going to archive it. nobody's going to keep good history. everybody's going to take snapshots, but nobody's going to catalog.
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they don't care. >> i want to see you. >> it's not a keepsake. there's no memories behind it. everybody's sticking in the cloud. they lose it, who cares. but, you know, i care. >> last september of 2020, i had a minor stroke, and my daughter caught it on zoom. i was having a zoom call for my grand kids. and my daughter and my these little kids said, hey, you sound strange. yeah. i said i'm not able to speak properly. they said what happened. my wife was taking a nap and my daughter, she called home and said he's having a stroke. get him to the hospital.
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five minutes later, you know, the ambulance came and took me away and i was at i.c.u. for four days. i have hundreds of messages wishing me get well soon. everybody wished that i'm okay and back to normal. you know, i was up and kicking two weeks after my hospital stay. it was a wake-up call. i needed to get my life in order and try to organize things especially organize my photos. >> probably took two million photos in the last 20 years. i want to donate to an organization that's going to use it. i'm just doing it from the heart.
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i enjoy doing it to give back to the community. that's the most important. give back to the community. >> it's a lot for the community. >> i was a born hustler. i'm too busy to slow down. i love what i'm doing. i love to be busy. i go nuts when i'm not doing anything. i'm 67 this year. i figured 70 i'm ready to retire. i'm wishing to train a couple for photographers to take over my place. the younger generation, they have a passion, to document the history because it's going to be forgotten in ten years, 20 years, maybe i will be forgotten when i'm gone in a couple years but i want to be remembered for my work and, you
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know, photographs will be a remembrance. i'm frank jane. i'm a community photographer. this is my story. >> when you're not looking, frank's there. he'll snap that and then he'll send me an e-mail or two and they're always the best. >> these are all my p.
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>> (music). >> the ferry building one of san francisco most famous that as many of 15 thousand commuters
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pass through that each gay. >> one of the things that one has to keep in mind regarding san francisco is how young the city we are. and nothing is really happening here before the gold rush. there was a small spanish in the presiding and were couriers and fisherman that will come in to rest and repair their ships but at any given time three hundred people in san francisco. and then the gold rush happened. by 182948 individuals we are here to start a new life. >> by 1850 roughly 16 thousand
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ships in the bay and left town in search of gold leaving their ships behind so they scraped and had the ships in the bay and corinne woods. with sand the way that san francisco was and when you look at a map of san francisco have a unique street grid and one of the thing is those streets started off in extremely long piers. but by 1875 they know they needed more so the ferry building was built and it was a long affair and the first cars turned around at the ferry building and picking up people and goods and then last night the street light cars the trams came to that area also. but by the late 1880s we needed
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something better than the ferry building. a bond issue was passed for $600,000. to build a new ferry building i would say 800 thousand for a studio apartment in san francisco they thought that was a grand ferry building had a competition to hire an architecture and choose a young aspiring architect and in the long paris and san francisco had grand plans for this transit station. so he proposed the beautiful new building i wanted it wider, there is none tonight. than that actually is but the price of concrete quitclaim two how and was not completed and killed. but it opened a greater
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claim and became fully operational before 1898 and first carriages and horses for the primary mode of transportation but market street was built up for serve tram lines and streetcars could go up to the door to embarcadero to hospitals and mission street up to nob hill and the fisherman's area. and then the earthquake hit in 190 six the ferry building collapsed the only thing had to be corrected once the facade of the tower. and 80 percent of the city would not survive the buildings collapsed the streets budges and the trams
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were running and buildings had to highland during the fire after the actuate tried to stop the mask fire in the city so think of a dennis herrera devastation of a cable car they were a mess the streets were torn up and really, really wanted to have a popular sense they were on top of that but two weeks after the earthquake kind of rigged a way getting a streetcar to run not on the cable track ran electrical wires to get the streetcars to run and 2 was pretty controversial tram system wanted electrical cars but the earthquake gave them to chance to show how electrical cars and we're going to get on
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top this. >> take 10 years for the city to rebuild. side ferry use was increasing for a international exhibition in 1950 and people didn't realize how much of a community center the ferry building was. it was the center for celebration. the upper level of ferry building was a gathering place. also whenever there was a war like the filipino war or world war two had a parade on market street and the ferry building would have banners and to give you an idea how central to the citywide that is what page brown wanted to to be a gathering place in
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that ferry building hay day the busiest translation place in the world how people got around transit and the city is dependent on that in 1915 of an important year that was the year of our international exposition 18 million living in san francisco and that was supposedly to celebrate the open of panama differential but back in business after the earthquake and 22 different ferry boats to alamed and one had the and 80 trips a day a way of life and in 1918 san francisco was hit hard by the flu pandemic and city had mask mandates and anyone caught without a doubt a mask had a risk ever being arrested and san francisco was hit hard by the
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pandemic like other places and rules about masks wearing and what we're supposed to be more than two people without our masks on i read was that on the ferry those guys wanted to smoke their pipes and taking off their masks and getting from trouble so two would be hauled away. >> the way the ferry building was originally built the lower level with the natural light was used for take it off lunge storage. the second floor was where passengers offloaded and all those people would spill out and central stairway of the building that is interesting point to talk about because such a large building one major
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stairway and we're talking about over 40 thousand people one of the cost measures was not building a pedestrian bridge with the ferry building and the embarcadero on market street was actually added in and in 1918 but within 20 years to have san francisco bay the later shipbuilding port in the world and the pacific we need the iron that. as the ferry system was at the peak two bridges to reach san francisco. and automobiles were a popular item that people wanted to drive themselves around instead of the ferry as a result marin and other roots varnished. the dramatic draw in
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ferry usage was staggering who was using the ferry that was a novelty rather than a transportation but the ferry line stopped one by one because everyone was getting cars and wanted to drive and cars were a big deal. take the care ferry and to san francisco and spend the day or for a saturday drive but really, really changed having the car ferry. >> when the bay bridge was built had a train that went along the lower level so that was a major stay and end up where our sales force transit center is now another way of getting into the city little by little the ferry stopped having a purpose. >> what happened in the 40 and
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50's because of this downturn we were trying to find a purpose a number of proposals for a world trade center and wanted to build it own the philly in a terrible idea objective never gotten down including one that had too tall towers a trade center in new york but a tower in between that was a part of ferry building and completely impractical. after the cars the tower administration wanted to keep americans deployed and have the infrastructure for the united states. so they had an intrastate free plan the plan for major freeway systems to go
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throughout san francisco. and so the developers came up with the bay bridge and worked their way along embarcadero. the plans were to be very, very efficient for that through town he once the san francisco saw had human services agency happening 200 though people figure out city hall offender that the embarcadero free was dropped and we had the great free to no where. which cut us off from the ferry building and our store line and created in 1989 and gave us the opportunity to tear down the free. and that was the renaissance of ferry building.
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>> that land was developed for a new ferry building and whom new embarcadero how to handle travel and needed a concept for the building didn't want- that was when a plan was developed for the liquor store. >> the san francisco ferry building has many that ups and downs and had a huge hay day dribbled adopt to almost nothing and after the earthquake had a shove of adrenaline to revise the waterfront and it moved around the bay and plans for more so think investment in the future and feel that by making a
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reliable ferry system once the ferry building will be there to surface. >>
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>> i don't think you need to be an expert to look around and see the increasing frequency of fires throughout california. they are continuing at an ever-increasing rate every summer, and as we all know, the drought continues and huge shortages of water right now. i don't think you have to be an expert to see the impact. when people create greenhouse gases, we are doing so by different activities like burning fossil fuels and letting off carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and we also do this with food waste. when we waste solid food and leave it in the landfill, it puts methane gas into the atmosphere and that accelerates the rate at which we are warming our planet and makes all the effects of climate change worse. the good news is there are a lot of things that you can be doing, particularly composting and the added benefit is when the compost is actually applied to the soil, it has the ability to reverse climate change by
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pulling carbon out of the atmosphere and into the soil and the t radios. and there is huge amount of science that is breaking right now around that. >> in the early 90s, san francisco hired some engineers to analyze the material san francisco was sending to landfill. they did a waste characterization study, and that showed that most of the material san francisco was sending to landfill could be composted. it was things like food scraps, coffee grounds and egg shells and sticks and leaves from gardening. together re-ecology in san francisco started this curbside composting program and we were the first city in the country to collect food scraps separately from other trash and turn them into compost. it turns out it was one of the best things we ever did. it kept 2.5 million tons of material out of the landfill,
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produced a beautiful nutrient rich compost that has gone on to hundreds of farms, orchards and vineyards. so in that way you can manage your food scraps and produce far less methane. that is part of the solution. that gives people hope that we're doing something to slow down climate change. >> i have been into organic farming my whole life. when we started planting trees, it was natural to have compost from re-ecology. compost is how i work and the soil biology or the microbes feed the plant and our job as regenerative farmers is to feed the microbes with compost and they will feed the plant. it is very much like in business where you say take care of your employees and your employees will take carolinas of your customers. the same thing. take care of the soil microbes and soil life and that will feed
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and take care of the plants. >> they love compost because it is a nutrient rich soil amendment. it is food for the soil. that is photosynthesis. pulling carbon from the atmosphere. pushing it back into the soil where it belongs. and the roots exude carbon into the soil. you are helping turn a farm into a carbon sink. it is an international model. delegations from 135 countries have come to study this program. and it actually helped inspire a new law in california, senate bill 1383. which requires cities in california to reduce the amount of compostable materials they send to landfills by 75% by 2025. and san francisco helped inspire this and this is a nation-leading policy. >> because we have such an immature relationship with nature and the natural cycles and the carbon cycles, government does have to step in and protect the commons, which is soil, ocean, foryes, sir, and
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so forth. -- forest, and so fors. we know that our largest corporations are a significant percentage of carbon emission, and that the corporate community has significant role to play in reducing carbon emissions. unfortunately, we have no idea and no requirement that they disclose anything about the carbon footprint, the core operation and sp360 stands for the basic notion that large corporations should be transparent about the carbon footprint. it makes all the sense in the world and very common sense but is controversial. any time you are proposing a policy that is going to make real change and that will change behavior because we know that when corporations have to disclose and be transparent and have that kind of accountability, there is going to be opposition. >> we have to provide technical
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assistance to comply with the state legislation sb1383 which requires them to have a food donation program. we keep the edible food local. and we are not composting it because we don't want to compost edible food. we want that food to get eaten within san francisco and feed folks in need. it is very unique in san francisco we have such a broad and expansive education program for the city. but also that we have partners in government and nonprofit that are dedicated to this work. at san francisco unified school district, we have a sustainability office and educators throughout the science department that are building it into the curriculum. making it easy for teachers to teach about this. we work together to build a pipeline for students so that when they are really young in pre-k, they are just learning about the awe and wonder and beauty of nature and they are connecting to animals and things
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they would naturally find love and affinity towards. as they get older, concepts that keep them engaged like society and people and economics. >> california is experiencing many years of drought. dry periods. that is really hard on farms and is really challenging. compost helps farms get through these difficult times. how is that? compost is a natural sponge that attracts and retains water. and so when we put compost around the roots of plants, it holds any moisture there from rainfall or irrigation. it helps farms make that corner and that helps them grow for food. you can grow 30% more food in times of drought in you farm naturally with compost. farms and cities in california are very hip now to this fact that creating compost, providing compost to farms helps communities survive and get
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through those dry periods. >> here is the thing. soil health, climate health, human health, one conversation. if we grow our food differently, we can capture all that excess carbon in the atmosphere and store it in unlimited quantities in the soil, that will create nutrient dense foods that will take care of most of our civilized diseases. so it's one conversation. people have to understand that they are nature. they can't separate. we started prowling the high plains in the 1870s and by the 1930s, 60 year, we turned it into a dust bowl. that is what ignorance looks like when you don't pay attention to nature. nature bats last. so people have to wake up. wake up. compost. >> it is really easy to get frustrated because we have this belief that you have to be completely sustainable 24/7 in
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all aspects of your life. it is not about being perfect. it is about making a change here, a change there in your life. maybe saying, you know what? i don't have to drive to that particular place today. today i am going to take the bus or i'm going to walk. it is about having us is stainable in mind. that is -- it is about having sustainability in mind. that is how we move the dial. you don't have to be perfect all the time. >> san francisco has been and will continue to be one of the greener cities because there are communities who care about protecting a special ecosystem and habitat. thinking about the history of the ohlone and the native and indigenous people who are stewards of this land from that history to now with the ambitious climate action plan we just passed and the goals we have, i think we have a dedicated group of people who see the importance of this place. and who put effort into building an infrastructure that actually makes it possible. >> we have a long history
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starting with the gold rush and the anti-war activism and that is also part of the environmental movement in the 60s and 70s. and of course, earth day in 1970 which is huge. and i feel very privileged to work for the city because we are on such a forefront of environmental issues, and we get calls from all over the world really to get information. how do cities create waste programs like they do in san francisco. we are looking into the few which you are and we want innovation. we want solutions.
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dev mission's goal is aiming to train young adults, youth so we can be a wealth and disparity in underserved communities like where we are today. my name is leo sosa. i'm the founder and executive director for devmission. we're sitting inside a computer lab where residents come and get support when they give help about how to set up an e-mail account. how to order prescriptions online. create a résumé. we are also now paying
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attention to provide tech support. we have collaborated with the san francisco mayor's office and the department of technology to implement a broad band network for the residents here so they can have free internet access. we have partnered with community technology networks to provide computer classes to the seniors and the residents. so this computer lab becomes a hub for the community to learn how to use technology, but that's the parents and the adults. we have been able to identify what we call a stem date. the acronym is science technology engineering and math. kids should be exposed no matter what type of background or ethnicity or income status. that's where we actually create magic. >> something that the kids are really excited about is science and so the way that we execute that is through making slime. and as fun as it is, it's still
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a chemical reaction and you start to understand that with the materials that you need to make the slime. >> they love adding their little twists to everything. it's just a place for them to experiment and that's really what we want. >> i see. >> really what the excitement behind that is that you're making something. >> logs, legos, sumo box, art, drawing, computers, mine craft, and really it's just awaking opportunity. >> keeping their attention is like one of the biggest challenges that we do have because, you know, they're kids. they always want to be doing something, be helping with something. so we just let them be themselves. we have our set of rules in place that we have that we want them to follow and live up to. and we also have our set of expectations that we want them to achieve. this is like my first year officially working with kids. and definitely i've had moments where they're not getting
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something. they don't really understand it and you're trying to just talk to them in a way that they can make it work teaching them in different ways how they can get the light bulb to go off and i've seen it first-hand and it makes me so happy when it does go off because it's like, wow, i helped them understand this concept. >> i love playing games and i love having fun with my friends playing dodge ball and a lot of things that i like. it's really cool. >> they don't give you a lot of cheese to put on there, do they? you've got like a little bit left. >> we learn programming to make them work. we do computers and programming.
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at the bottom here, we talk to them and we press these buttons to make it go. and this is to turn it off. and this is to make it control on its own. if you press this twice, it can do any type of tricks. like you can move it like this and it moves. it actually can go like this. >> like, wow, they're just absorbing everything. so it definitely is a wholehearted moment that i love experiencing. >> the realities right now, 5.3 latinos working in tech and about 6.7 african americans working in tech. and, of course, those tech
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companies are funders. so i continue to work really hard with them to close that gap and work with the san francisco unified school district so juniors and seniors come to our program, so kids come to our stem hub and be exposed to all those things. it's a big challenge. >> we have a couple of other providers here on site, but we've all just been trying to work together and let the kids move around from each department. some kids are comfortable with their admission, but if they want to jump in with city of dreams or hunter's point, we just try to collaborate to provide the best opportunity in the community. >> devmission has provided services on westbrook. they teach you how to code. how to build their own mini robot to providing access for the youth to partnerships with adobe and sony and google and
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twitter. and so devmission has definitely brought access for our families to resources that our residents may or may not have been able to access in the past. >> the san francisco house and development corporation gave us the grant to implement this program. it hasn't been easy, but we have been able to see now some of the success stories of some of those kids that have been able to take the opportunity and continue to grow within their education and eventually become a very successful citizen. >> so the computer lab, they're doing the backpacks. i don't know if you're going to be able to do the class. you still want to try? . yeah. go for it. >> we have a young man by the name of ivan mello. he came here two and a half years ago to be part of our digital arts music lab.
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graduating with natural, fruity loops, rhymes. all of our music lyrics are clean. he came as an intern, and now he's running the program. that just tells you, we are only creating opportunities and there's a young man by the name of eduardo ramirez. he tells the barber, what's that flyer? and he says it's a program that teaches you computers and art. and i still remember the day he walked in there with a baseball cap, full of tattoos. nice clean hair cut. i want to learn how to use computers. graduated from the program and he wanted to work in i.t.. well, eduardo is a dreamer. right. so trying to find him a job in the tech industry was very challenging, but that didn't stop him. through the effort