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tv   BOS Budget and Finance Committee  SFGTV  March 8, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm PST

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take care. >> good morning. welcome to march 6, 2024 moteingly of budget and finance. i'm supervisor cone chan chair. i'm joined by rafael mandelman and melgar. clerk is brent jalipa. i would like to thank colleena mendoza from sfgovtv for broadcasting meeting >> to those in attendance make sure to sill upon lebs all
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electronic device not to interrupt. should you have documents to be include as part of the foil they should be submitted to myself. public comment will be taken on each item when your item come up, lineup to speak on the to your right along the kurt anxiety not provided, we invite to you fill out a comment card and leave them by the doors. if you wish to be recorded for minutes. alternateively you may submit it in writing, e mail them to budget and finance clerk at brent dlt jalipa if you submit it via e mail tell be forwarded and also included as part of the official file. you may send comments by u.s. postal service to city hall 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place
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room 224, san francisco, california 94102. items acted upon today will appear on march 12 unless otherwise stated. >> thank you. mr. clerk and before we call item one. reminds everyone we have budget and legislative analyst reports for 4-6 on the agenda. for those item we'll have the department presentation first, followed by the legislative analyst report and then questions and public comment. mr. clerk. call item one. >> a resolution approving a second amendment to the conditional property exchange agreement weshgs qx jackson llc. to extend the closing date to december 15, 26. for a transfer of the city real property at 530 sansome street
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exchange for real property at 425-439 washington street authorization the property and staff to proceed. with the fire station development project. and authorizing the property to enter in additions or other modifications to the agreement. don't increase the obligations or liabilities or benefits to the city. >> thank you. today we have our real estate director here. and the floor is yours. thank you. >> thank you. good morning chair chan, supervisor mandelman and melgar. director of real estate. before you this morning with the resolution retroactively approving a saekdz metropolitan to the property exchange agreement. known as the cpea. with eqx jackson which is a subsidiary of related companies. the resolution is to extend for
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3 years the anticipated closing date to december 26 on this transaction. the reason for the extension is the inably to obtain favorable financing in the current market. all other terms and conscience will remain the same of any changes in the deal terms in the footer would have to come back before this board for your consideration and approval. you may recall the cpea is a public/private partnership in related would build a now fire station 13 in xafrngs to the deed to 530 sansome a mixed use tower project. >> the firefighter is aware of the question and in spchlt that conincludes my presentation. >> thank you. i don't see names on the officer and let's go to public comment on this item. we inviolet member who is wish
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to speak, now is your opportunity to approach and address this committee. we have no speakers. >> public comment is closed. >> thank you. i look forward to seeing the project complete. and seeing how this build out and work out. >> and with that, colleagues i would like to move this item to full board with recommendation and may have i have a roll call. on the motion to forward this to the full board with a positive recommendation. vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member melgar. >> aye >> chair chan. >> aye. >> the motion passes. mr. clerk. call item 2 and 3 together. >> items 2 and 3 are resolutions authorizing the d. public hasn't to except and extend the grant from thes general hospital foundation item 2 in the amount approximately 373,000 forination a program, childrens health
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center healthyysteps. and item 3 is in the amount of approximately 213,000 for participation in the program entitled predictive analytics aiml for the period of time july first 23 through june 30 of 2028. madam chair. >> thank you. we have san francisco health network >> good morning. madam chair and vice chair mandelman and supervisor melgar i'm the department director of primary care and resident of san francisco for 24 years the first time i have been here thank you for having me. today we are talking about a program at the children's health center we are spreading in primary care to all of our health served children for children 0-5 and talking around care around development and
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>> sorry. pediatric development and focusing on the patients and their adult care givers. again we are asking for 373. before us and it is irrelevant for the next fiscal year. >> we did pilot this program overnight last throw years with a grant. and it offers family centered behavioral health care and promotion and prevention services to address adverse childhood experience the aces and interact intergenerational trauma. screening, prevention and early intervention services to 3,000 san francisco health network patients ages 0-5 along with their care givers. and provides tier 2 and 3 service 20% of children's health
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centers early childhood populations would not access care. we are seeking retroactive authorization for this. we received notice of the award 11 days prior to the predetermined projected start date. we are wanting to retrothis to november first. and the start date was predetermined by the grantor. and we brought this to the board of supervisors after going through the approval process including the controller's office review and approval. why we request retroactive approval of this item. thank you. >> thank you. >> i of course we are okay. go to public comment. >> oh. are we finished we will public comment on the two items.
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>> thank you. chair chan. vice chair mandelman and melgar for hearing us i'm elizabeth and i'm an analyst for d. public health. i codirect our lab at [inaudible]. i'm here to talk about a grant we received from the female endowment for 250 thousand dollars. the goal of the grant is to reduce racial equity gaps and readmission rate in heart failure population through cognitive and care pass. the requirements require us to provide information to the san francisco general foundation on our progress, activities and testimonies. once we finish spending this grant. our program at the general hospital is under our team our pioneering solutions for care through technology team. we are a team of physicians.
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scientists and build and quality improve am managers with goal of achieving improve inspect health for patient population through advanced technology artificial intelligence and machine learning. tell support build the mortality risk model for cardiac patients and improved allocation provider decision support and improve our retention of at risk funding. >> we are secret row active approval of the item as we did not receive notice of the award until december 23. with the project start dpaeft july first. the start date was predetermined by the grantor. thank you very much. >> thank you. let's go to public comment. members of public who wish to address this committee regarding items 2 or 3 has the town to
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approach and address the committee. we have no speakers. seeing no public comment it is now closed. i like to move the items with recommendation and with that a roll call. >> on the motion to forward both resolutions to the full board with positive recommendation mandelman. >> aye. >> member melgar. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. >> we have throw. >> thank you the motion paddles. >> mr. clerk item 4. >> only item fire? yes. >> okay. item 4 is a resolution approving the issuance. >> my aapproximately gees. item 4 and 5. >> item number 4 and 5 item 4 a resolution approving the issuance and sale of not to exceed 644.7 million principle amount city general obligation
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refunding bond series 2024-r1 to refunds notes ending general obligation bonds approving form and authorizationing the distribution of the official statement. authorizationing the execution deliver and distribution of the official statement. relating to the assist series of 2024-1r bonds ratifying actions and granting general authority to officials to take actions in connection with the authorization issuance, sale and delivery of the series 2024r1 bonds and item 5 is ordinance appropriating the 644.7 million in placing amountos controller reserves in fiscal year 23 to 24. madam chair >> today we have controller's office of public finance here. >> good morning. thank you for hearing item. members of the committee. i'm from the controller office of public finance.
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the two piece of legislation you have before you are resolution approving issuance and sales of general obligation refunding bonds series 20 tor-r1 and appropriation ordinance appropriating the proceeds. and about this in the amount of 644, 675 thousand dollars. the proposed refunding would pull from the eligible refunding candidates call dates have either pass on june 15 of 23 or are about to be callable on june 15 of 24. so the list on the slide is -- the represents the full universe of callable bonds that are eligible for the transaction. and we believe that is not to exceed amount would be sufficient to refund all of the eligible maturities. however, in accordance with the
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city doomentd debt policy we issue refunding bands if it produce a debt service savings of 3% of the parvalue of fund bondos net present value basis. so. it is possible that -- the timing of the transaction or structure may change. the relegislation before you allows for the full number of eligible bonds to be refundd and we would structure the transaction to meet our threshold of 3%. >> and so -- we will work wither advisors to structure it to meet that threshold. we have issues and competitive rfp for the investment banking pool and expecting to receive responses on friday march 8. and so we will selecting under
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writer based on the responses and move forward to structure the transaction after that. we have plans to price and close the bond in thes april to may time frame of the spring. >> the proposed bonds are total not to exceed is 674, 675,000. at the moment in november when we got our good faith estimate from the add visor estimated was 3.21%. with refunding esescrow and financing costs sufficient to dot transaction. however that did not meet our 3% threshold for the full amount bonds that areelf eligible. to be refunded. and in the time since the good faith smament was done in november. the rocket moved favorable low by 40-50 basis points.
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we'll reevaluate and again creating a structure that meets our 3% savings threshold accordingly. this is our financing time line, we are here on march 6 at budget and finance hearing. hoping for approval of the legislation. and signature by the mayor by the end of march and again hope to price and close by may of 24. if you have other questions can i would be happy to take it and otherwise, that concludes my presentation. thank you. >> good morning. nick from the budget and legislative analyst office. item 4 and 5 would allow the office public finance to issue up to 644 million dollars of general obligation refunding bonds to refunds bonds issued between 2017 and 2018 could be purchased by the new bonds and
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lower the interests costs of the city. notified the department transaction does not provide enough savings at the moment to meet the debt policy regarding refunding bonds but this could change. we recommend prove of 4 and 5. >> thank you. i appreciate the budget and legislative analyst walking me through in advanced of the mote to help me understand the refunding process. and i appreciate everyone thinking ahead and trying to get this done so this we are in time to be flexible and will get the best interest rate and when we are ready. so, with that i don't see name on the roster let's go to public comment on the two items >> members of the public who wish to address this committee regarding 4 and 5 now is your opportunity to approach thing lect urn.
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>> we have no speakers. public comment is closed. >> colleagues i like to move 2 to full board with recommendation. a roll call. >> on that motion to forward both items to the full board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. >> aye. why member melgar. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. >> we have throw aye's. >> motion passes. >> and mr. clerk call item 6. >> item 6, a resolution approving authorizationing the office contract administration to enter in a contract with the city and count and he allied waste service of north america llc for refuse collection and disposal service at city facilities with a contract duration of 7 years commencing april first 2024 through march 30, 21 option to extend for 3 years through march 30 of 34 a duration of 10 years with the
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total contract not to exceed amount 119 million for the full taen 10 years and authorize oca to enter in amendments or modifications to the contact that did not increase the obligations ownership liabilities of the city and necessary the purposes of the contract or this resolution. upon madam chair. you don't see director and unless i'm -- directors here in the chamber. but it is my understanding from my conversation with city add administrator which you the department asked we continue this upon item to the call the chair based on the questions raised last week. that we are waiting for answers. for those from the questions. and concerns. so with that, i am going to public comment on this item. >> yes. member when is wish to address the committee regarding the
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continuance of item 6 now is your opportunity to approach. >> police, i will start your time. >> thank you. >> chair chan and vice chair mandelman and member melgar. i'm regional vice president for ricology san francisco. we appreciate this body's continuance of the item we will submitted a letter last week and the poke about concerns we had about the plan. and environmental occurrence adding over half a million truck mys to san francisco streets each year. pricing concerns with compactors could have result in the i different outcome in point scoring. labor occurrence takeing w away from union represented workers. obviously many that are here today in san francisco and giving that w to unrepresented workers in san jose. and additional labor concerns
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shared from teamster local 350 last week that we share. again for the reasons we request that this committee dig in the, further it sounds like you are doing and greatly appreciate and i thank you for your time. >> thank you. are there other members who wish to address this committee? now is your opportunity. >> that completes our queue. >> thank you. no public comment it is now close. and with this colleagues you know there is the budget and legislative analyst report i urge us to go over but i do have concern, i think we share what especially vice chair mandelman we both share the labor occurrence we heard from left week i would like to learn more including labor harmony before we dmoit this contract. i like a roll call to continue
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this motion -- a roll call and motion to continue to call of the chair >> on the motion to continue this resolution to the call of the chair, vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member melgar. >> aye >> chair chan. >> aye. >> thank you and the motion passes. mr. clerk, do we have other items today. >> that concludes our business. thank you i want to reminds us, we do have our first appropriation committee today at 1:30 i will see you then and the meeting is adjourned
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>> (music). >> (multiple voices.) >> landing at leidesdorff is as the new public school in downtown san francisco for people to come together for 0 lunch and weekends a new place to enjoy the architect and our culture. >> landing at leidesdorff one of several initiatives to the
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road map for the initiatives all about using your public space and network for now environments to 0 invite people adopted not just to the office but any time of the day. >> it shows there is excitement and energy and people wore looking forward to enjoying the space that people may want to end up in downtown. >> we've been operating in the financial district since 2016 with the treasury and coming up we had a small surge in business in the leidesdorff and in about the financial district and a good time to grow here. >> as a small business the leidesdorff is making us being part of it as being part of in project. for me makes we want to be part of san francisco. >> so landing at leidesdorff
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for me represents hope for san francisco and the sense that this is become such a safe welcoming area. >> we local artists coming in and exercise boxes and live music but the hub of culture. >> the downtown partnerships has a studio in san francisco. they identified 6 locations throughout the downtown area we come together with new activity and spaces. >> is between us a place to tell our own story and history. >> it was named after a captain one the black leaders of san francisco before that was called san francisco he was the first treasurer of the city and commercial street a cross street the hifblg original shoreline of san francisco was just a few feet behind where we're 12357b8z
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around opportunity to bring people to locations we have an opportunity to tell stories and for local businesses. >>
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