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tv   BOS Government Audits Oversight Committee  SFGTV  March 15, 2024 10:00pm-12:01am PDT

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2024.) >> good morning this meeting will come to county of san francisco government audit and oversight committee meeting this morning at 10:00 am., thursday, march 7, 2024. board of supervisors i'm commissioner preston chair joined by vice chair supervisor stefani and supervisor chan madam clerk is mo he can and thank you, sfgovtv. >> madam clerk any announcements. >> a couple of announcements as follows: public comment excuse me - will be taken on each item had your item 6 interest comes up please line up on the right and have comment cards are submit in writing and either little following ways
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e-mail to the government audit & oversight committee clerk if you submit by e-mail forwarded to the supervisors and included as part of the initial files and sent a written communications to our office at dr. cal to room 244 san francisco, california 941 owe 2. >> downtown support special use district please submit them to me before the end of meeting and silence all cell phones to prevent in any interruptions of today's proceeding and items are expected to appear on the board of supervisors on march 19th unless otherwise stated thank you
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you madam clerk call item agreement with a nonprofit owners' association for administration/management of the established property-based community benefit district community benefit district community benefit district highways code, section 36651, for a period effective upon approval of this resolution,through december 31, 2033. >> thank you um, and this item is sponsored by legislative audits and supervisor is here to welcome sir. >> supervisor preston thank you, supervisor stefani and xhvrndz i want to offer brief remarks this item before you a continuation of work that supervisors savvy has been involve since his first day
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danish or establishing the excelsior one of the top priorities when he first took office and frankly was an issue that has consisted within the communities and to get it going and happy to see that as stage it is now and the effort within the excelsior outer mission neighborhood storm drain that was established in 2017 and it was worked on up to the pandemic period unfortunately, that was put on ice for period during the pandemic but picked up nearly two years and we're excited that is the board hsa had itself first meeting an february 12th and the residents are excited for the results of that and i'm
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here also i want to recollect the work of the folks within my office getting to this place and wouldn't have done it without her and want to see recognition here and recognize chris as well as jackie for their incredible work and lastly recognize the excelsior action group been in place for many years and crucial organization had heels us under the vibrancy of the corridor we appreciate your consideration. >> spca of ms. hazel wood the floor is yours. >> thank you, xheshgd and good
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morning. >> today before the resolution for the excelsior excelsior community benefit district and the board of supervisors adopted the resolution established the district in july of city a 10 year term and expired 31st 2023 and the district will be managed by the association as the excelsior group and provide the day to day operations for the management plan and the excelsior action group a nonprofit organization that is diligent in supporting this over two decades and here today with the director and in getting the cvd to the finish line and in order for them order for them to serve as the owners' association for administration/management of the established property-based community benefit district
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inclination with state and local law preventing the anniversary property business owners in order off a corin woods recognize of the contract period must enter the contract with a cvd and it is developed by deputy city attorney and adjust for each cvd and at noted the committee in february this contract and the cvd was a whole were updated to highlighted the prohibition of legislation that is in action. the contract formally established the oc d to make sure they are meeting the plan and providing services outlined and looting the assessment bond if approved this will allow the fund to be sdrersz in april.
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>> thank you, ms. hal he will wood thank you for the fund position the standard for all cvd downtown support special use district that is important to me and other colleagues and appreciate that added in this not in this amendment but. thank you very much. and next, we will hear from ms. ramos the director of the excelsior action group welcome. >> iementz i didn't prepare any comments but elaborate obtain about jackie and jeff presented here really excited to bring the funds i'm and this
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opportunity for the excelsior in the outer mission we have a general commercial corridor and investing those dollars button cleanliness to so vibrancy and supporting the small businesses in the community really excited and um, grateful for this opportunity. thank you very much. and thank you for your work on this so i see no questions or comments from colleagues open up for public comment. >> yes. members of the public wish to speak line up on the side by the window and all 13shgz have two minutes to speak and the first speaker please come forward and begin your comments. >> mr. chair comment. >> public comment is closed. (gavel) and i would like to go ahead and make a motion to send this yes, ma'am to the full board with
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positive recommendation. >> on that motion to the full board with a positive recommendation vice president supervisor stefani and supervisor preston and supervisor chan three i's that passed with everyone that has referenced thank you for your work appreciate it and madam clerk call item 2 through 5 together. >> >> 2 through >> 2 through and highways code,sections 36600, et seq.), section 36650, and the district's management agreement with the city, section
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(california streets and highways code,sections 36600, et seq.), section 36650, and the district's management agreement with the city, section with the city, section with the city, section approving an annual report for the east cut community benefit district for fiscal year (fy) 2021-2022, submitted as required by the property and approving an annual report for the north of market/tenderloin community benefit district for fiscal year (fy) 2021-2022, submitted as required by the - >> thank you madam clerk and um, we i have - i want to recognize and thank oewd for the legislative aid and been working with oewd in reviewing those downtown support special use district and any questions? answered before the hearing spend our thanks and recognition to her and i'm going to turn it over to jackie has he will wood with the oewd and if you could
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kickoff with addressing the items and introduce the various directors with us today and whatever order you choose thank you,- >> (multiple voices). >> thank you, combhergd and oxen that to our staff md 5 legal. thank you. >> and i'll introducing those on behalf of oewd as you my be aware they are combfrndz by the legislation with the (california streets and highways code,sections 36600, et seq.), section 36650 and second tax regulation article 15 and oewd is charged with making sure that all cvd are providing services at outlined in the plan for the assessment. those finding with
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tallied in the memo in today's presentation and this slide provides an overview they have sra budget i want to recognize they're all positions to the organizations. >> as part of the memo oewd reviewed did following benchmarks for each cvd benchmark with the current fiscal year budget and two is none of the budget obligation were met and it three compared to actuals and 4 identified in the projects in their annual report and going to start off the cvd met all they're benchmarks and cvd leading the
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pilot and in this reporting period they drafted the tickets and in addition the organization services they focused on running businesses through a variety of event and cvd led throughout the service area and the cvd a strong partner for the downtown corridor and conference center and this period saw a leadership transition during the - by kathy and after a robust search beginning in fy2022-23 and the executive director prior served
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as yerba buena center for a decade about scott and the technology did apply with the technology and not reported violations during the brown act and moving to the next cvd so japantown met 2, three and 4 in the benchmark one and in terms of that benchmark um, the benchmark one compares this to the management budget and japantown cvd met the requirements enhancement category that covers the services largely and in the economies beyond the small business the environmental enhancement category of the categorytion of their contract block by block in reality and
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provide hospitality for those categories cabaret located to those fy2022-23 report. >> so in terms of looking forward cvd should monitor this benchmark with the budgeted back in line with the management plan and had thereby a problem in the future reporting they should request cvd to assist them or address this as (unintelligible). >> in terms of japantown service delivery the cvd was focused on offering and helping small businesses and community at large recovery from covid and in fiscal year (fy) 2021-2022 respond to the tickets generated and in compliance with the cvd
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and no reported violations from the backseat records act and mccormick to the east cvd met all benchmarks in the reporting period and in terms of period the cvd launched successfully for the application of temporary transbay terminal site and walking toughest councilmember david ryu privately owned open spaces and also a key component of the funding to one has and 34 though serve requests and didn't
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employ service technology and no violations and last but not least the tenderloin cvd met all the benchmarks during this period except for benchmark 4 and benchmark 4 was next due to reporting and didn't or the are on moving forward they're carrying forward and the oewd recommendations that the organization includes that information in the report which they did in fy2022-23 and do want to note as noted here that in terms of their reporting have had consisting been late in their official report starting in fy2022-23 when directly it will be helpful on time with this mission and that is um, a habit moving forward. and in terms of their service deliver
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cvd addresses that and i'm sorry continues to address the objectives and partners with the community at large for end goals including the passage the incredible program that cvd with the programs and closed out 55.65 percent of those generated and the cvd saw the transition benchmark final year by the director simon and what is hired on in fy2022-23. and was innovates straggler to this program co-founder of safe passage program and this cvd employs the technology but no technology in the cvd didn't include the information on um,
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key pieces of the program, however, followed u followed up with that information for 2021-2022 and complied for fy2022-23 no reported violations oewd to oewd of the brown act or the california public records act. that concludes my presentation. on the cvd at this time open for questions from the committee or go ahead and have the cvd - okay. ppf so i'd like to. >> go ahead and for the directors. >> (unintelligible). >> from the yerba buena cvd. >> welcome. >> thank you. >> thank you for having us. i'm scott the executive director for the yerba buena community benefit district and happy to present the 2021-2022 and.
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>> couple high-level um, i think you're aware of this but the organization for cvd for the quality of life for the residents in our neighborhood and queens and community spaces and reinforce the economic we clean and streetscape programs and martin anticipate our community benefits so i'll highlight that one for you, we do a regranting program for public safety and community programs we reinvest back in the nonprofit and culture organizations to spreading the work throughout the community we're proud of that program and want to highlight that for i today. um, i think you're aware but on our neighborhood in the downtown core we're on market street under the highway from second street and with a little
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um, on the west side of 5th street as well and um, yerba buena is diverse and sort of a showcase neighborhood for san francisco we're proud of that and south of market what is happening there have amazing array of organizations that are 16 culture institutions and museums and nonprofit high profile organizations and have 12 hotels large tourism in the district and mentorship an amazing district one had the and three 0 small restaurants and bars and multiple open spaces we have 11 thousand residents in the district we're proud of that and obviously including the central san bernardino county subway with the diversity community really the beautiful showcase neighborhoods so we're very proud of a couple of highlights from the greater with
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an hundred and 13 - 10 thousand of graffiti have been removed and cleaning regular and on demand for each of those a him waste was removed seven hundred and plus times and multiple calls 16 hundred and 71 calls through the 311 we respond to and multiple bike racks one of the great programs created yerba buena cvd artist and so all the bike racks that are raptd are art designed and did murals throughout the neighborhood as well and had community guys on the street this year and out there from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day of the week and respond for services throughout the year and have a
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special hired m b sf police on duty in the neighborhoods and in addition to the various locations in the neighborhood. we brand ourselves as the artist district museum districts obviously works well, for us and campaign highlighted in the year which was experienced the art of campaign but highlighted the yerba buena and again, this is back on art a quick culture festival kickoffs on the website and you can walk the tour through the neighborhood and see the amazing work and have um, sf tours, etc. a positive community and regave me our community and business community we secure with one of the organizations with $70,000 for public spaces
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and beautifuling around the convention center to the garner in this fiscal year and held forums for supervisors the raise that happened too years ago and had a director retirement an amazing director my procedure and i was on the board prior but honored to be the new director and we served as a team in the community with advisory board and i mentioned the community based a list of organizations supported in that that fiscal year and um, amazing organizations with the children museums and have foundation called the lab and sf mo ma and yerba buena among other things great organizations in our communities doing great work and
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jackie talked about the financials our budget to actuals within the threshold um, just high-level we have our actuals at 36 percent of our services on the scene and scraping and three 4 percent of security. um, 16 percent in management and on branding so management plan with our budget numbers but proud of those numbers that 36, three 4 and 14 serves beyond our modification and supporting the services. come see the art that's our presentation. >> appreciate your presentation and work and i've seen on the roster commissioner chan. >> about the spending on safety and security would you
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walk you through about through the through the chair what baa say is public safety spending. >> sure we um, have multiple buckets westbound that as i mentioned earlier have a officer and hiring a police officer a large portion of that safety and security we hire them to - with the availability and have a 10 heir shift every year each day and we have ambassadors four ambassadors on the street intart with the community and providing a safe space for the community and our population and so we have those two pieces and then at this point have the social services specialist to context the service members those are the three large finland's in
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fact, i don't have any breakdown but the majority i'll see can be the second tier is um, the ambassador program this year is our social services. >> understood so what i'm seeing in this more of a report you called a community guide. >> yes. >> and in this is you different from - to our overlapping i understand you're over laura pena the sf travels and not part of that. >> not part of welcome master plan the master is advisory committee visitors and greeting ours are a different level of service and amazing services that complement each other. >> how many do you have people up to two.
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>> up to two we had three if that fiscal year but two on the average and mentioned the officers that is great and i said literally 10 hours per day. >> that's our goal we don't - i mean san francisco has a second challenge with the program and officers in general and filters down to the program. so we in the period seeing better retention in terms of selection and seeing pretty good potentially amazing officers who support our community on a regular basis and i'm curious, you know, have the aid program as well. >> not they not have a shortage but suffering. and not right now but like to learn more about that in terms of hiring
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and sounds like you know about the i could shift three around can be but - >> we've looked at and other solutions we're not hiring a private security the programs are the best effort to get cash in the community and connecthec and the police force helps to implement and supports our team we're aware. >> but again, this interesting, you know, we have retired police officers program and at least i want to say that is working out real really well, so it is good to see you're hiring officers. >> and kind of an additional investment (unintelligible) and types of (unintelligible). >> yeah. >> thank you. >>. thank you. >> thank you. xhvrndz and no
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more questions let's move to the japantown cvd welcome. >> great. >> great to see you in city hall i'll say before i get started when i saw the one benchmark didn't have something about small business i was baffled i couldn't imagine a v d not i providing services within the japantown cvd during that specific times glad to learn that was a budgeting allocation and technical issues glad that has worked out and thank you for your support in small businesses in japantown and the floor is yours. >> good morning and thank you,
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supervisor preston supervisor stefani and supervisor chan thank you for your giving me the opportunity to give give a summary about the fiscal year japantown i had to say that feels like many moons good i have my newsletter we did in that fiscal year, you know, of course we were coming out of covid and focused on covid and testing and providing at home test kits by to help the small businesses. um, and on top, of course, japantown clean and safe is was is always will be a priority too to slowly a lot of the seniors are coming out of
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their dwellings and i think you see in the district ambassador al keeping our eye on that on the seniors to make sure they cross safely on the streets dangerous crosswalk and, of course, we started the community clean up and, of course, our great way to keep the trash out of the way and as our cleaning staff that's the way it is can't believe how many cigarette bulths within the city blocks have two o two shopping centers and theatre and two grocery stores and 200 small businesses so it, you know, we see a lot of
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foot traffic during covid saw a lot of foot traffic that is what you see here um, safe and secure to make sure on the small businesses for staying alert on safety issues in japantown and brevend my staff regularly put out safeguard 2010 of break in car issues and during 2021-2022 we saw a huge jump in break ins in japantown and you were ambassadors were cleaning as you know all throughout the day has been luckily has been improved and - but, you know, keeping i
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am the news on what is happening in japantown and our surrounding neighborhoods that really when our folks met with the surrounding neighborhoods and part of that work is part of a northern district station board and that kept us in tune what is going on in the surrounding area we created a crisis plan for the district and for their annual event that was a good wake up call for us in japantown one thing we don't have in japantown a plan so this was a big step into the right direction really great that we don't have currently and promoting santa any background is marketing and
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communication in japantown and it is always a fun thing to do and this is for the fiscal year (fy) 2021-2022 we partnered with the cvd and sf office of small business for fleet week and shop and dine for the - we also were fortunate to meet to introduce to a japanese company if tokyo and active art exhibits and brought that here to japantown i think that december we say over 15 thousand people evolving that was a great partnerships and to let you know, we continue that partnering today. could putting together visitor friendly maps
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and with the quality of life and adding temporary murals were all part of and fun part of promoting japantown and making it lively as well and you'll see the street centers were created we also participated in a lot of webinars to help to promote jpa and going back to supporting the small businesses a lot of grant were available for small businesses during fiscal year (fy) 2021-2022 a as you know japantown we have a lot of small businesses that are not english speaking first language that is where we stepped in to assist them making sure they knew about that one for thing to help to guide them through the month of time online application process. um, and also supporting small businesses meant we had to keep
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them updated with covid rolled news providing them with post covid testing again test kits as well. and then our budget as jackie mentioned as well as supervisor preston that we had a little over budget for the environmental and in japantown we met with the two community ambassadors and looking at the block by block contractor block by block you're contract was one hundred and 53 for a small cvd was a small biggest put a dent we tried to figure out what else can we do and later on we figured beauties of the hospitality portion and the small businesses indeed working
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towards the economic funds of the budget. and um, it is what it is one thing oh, i wanted to say in previous fiscal year we need the raise half a million dollars from the resilient fund that fund helps us purchase masks whatever throughout the fiscal year (fy) 2021-2022. and being a smaller cvd was the small budget we are constantly looking for opportunities and always seeking support from our bigger businesses in the japantown with too so i mind also thing oewd chris, of course, and commissioner adams me, me part of the team and it is what it is.
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>> thank you supervisor chan. >> um. thank you. >> for all the work you've done in japantown really one of my frankly my i like japantown my favorite spot and virtually can name all the doors doughnuts but have - you know, you fill up some store funds with the shop calls kettle to for my kid but great to see kids enjoying those spaces i really appreciate it and i can't say enough all the shops and during a tough time in the pandemic and what i find you've done during the pandemic and was curious if you're because of (unintelligible) some
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great combinations of outdoor space and in door space in the middle for people between the one side and the other and bridges the entire space for japantown. and make that robust because you really have proclaimed the piece like so many things over the weekend i'm curious like i have calendar out and basically on the market that you put out on the calendar and again, which was happening will you be doing that for the year 2024. >> definitely and we received certain cannot we're waiting to hear from for the small businesses or will be a way finding to make sure that people know which entry they can come in and partnering with the
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director and i personally asked them for the support buses out there to show japantown is on a lot of things in the planning mode. >> so which is the construction done? >> piece plaza after the cherry. >> in may and how long will the construction last. >> they said 18 months. >> yeah. and about two years. >> great. (laughter) (unintelligible) and so during the time the construction time what will be the plan for the small businesses like especially i'm thinking will the construction been happening in the garage parking? >> from what i know the garage will not be effected and maybe under construction but no
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mention of closures for garages. as far as, how we're going to help small businesses is really making sure that we have activations in the other areas working closely with like the boutique and the japantown task force and church, i think has garnered the pays for u.s. bank property and utilized that to mc it comfortable and, you know, just spread the love for the east-west community. and for the construction is focused on (unintelligible) and correct. >> will you move some of the committees to - space? >> (unintelligible). >> so much of the outdoor activations is happening i think a lot of the organizations will
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utilize like i mentioned the hotel boutique and the japanese community center in california fortunate we have those buildings organizations around that with i know utilities. >> thanks to chair, i had the opportunity to join him in the community with a (unintelligible) and, you know, renovation and just really i'm so excited for japantown and in the future that comes, you know, what in step with the theatre adjacent all of the in moa of of any thinking about that conversation immediately adjacent to that. >> not this year we stay close with the property planners family so i think when the time
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is right will reach out to us and letting us know what is go on we're a small cvd so- >> we'll keep you posted. >> i know the president can help you. >> yes. optimistic (laughter) and i'm sure that supervisor preston and i will tag team to make sure that especially, when construction begins you'll need space to activate and happy to support you another alternative i see, you know, a couple of hotels and can activate for festivals and many other things for the activists in japantown and glad to help you with that. >> thank you supervisor chan and definitely is pretty amazing how i think that japantown has
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um, come from a period during the pandemic where that was really a real question of survival of japantown and what was happening to the businesses and occurring for the subjective this reported a period like coming back and reopening and i think the cvd and all the neighborhoods really california together to really overcome a lot of adversity and show resilience and encourage japantown back and strong and want to recognition um, supervisor chan mentioned that the investments and you mentioned some of the various investments but around from the voters and investing in bonds and the peace placing the state
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money on that as well and (unintelligible) renovation and celebration of that kickoff a bunch of money from san francisco and as well as from community and great to all celebrate that together so it's good to see and hope to be more in terms of investments in the community as well as celebrate a lot of the businesses around for a while and have actively you work with and the status around the bridge recently is celebrated and just one other thing that is really relevant this the topic how active many of the businesses and the neighborhood groups were if not just advocating for japantown but one of the things i think that get a lot of attention how
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japantown businesses um, and neighborhood organizations and chinatown organizations advocates came together with our office with my colleague peskin around protection passed for small businesses i i guess evictions during the pandemic and again, providing some defenses for businesses around it's been a long time coming. debt and championed but what is significant about those they were helpful in protecting the businesses in the area that we're advocating but protection benefited small businesses all across san francisco so wanted to recognize that and thank i and a lot of the businesses i
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work with that are still involved and also before i give up the mic for the next person i wanted to say everyone listening and watching to come and celebrate it is coming up and in april so, please join us. >> and supervisor stefani. >> i want to thank you for your good work and japantown thriving all the time and someone that lived in japan for over a year so nice to be able to invite and go to the marketed and then go to the restaurants and just feel that um, sense of japan here in san francisco it is important and just love is so much. thank you very much for all your work for the continued success. thank you. >> thank you. and next up on
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the east cuts cvd robin. >> thank you very much. supervisor preston and supervisor stefani and supervisor chan thank you for having me here today here we go so i'm robinson the deputy director to give you a report on fiscal year (fy) 2021-2022 and it is interesting and a challenge to remember what we need the but. >> great. experience just from the east side of second street yerba buena to constituting street south market in fiscal year (fy) 2021-20224 thousand parcels plus in the last report 4 thousand 5 hundred parcels and increased by 4
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hundreds and one of the interesting aspects we're building residential housing at a really impressive rate especially in san francisco the challenges for development here we currently are 200 percent affordable projects and looking for affordable housing in the next week or two happening in the terminal and um, like most of my peers do public stewardship we provide twenty-four hours from 5:30 to 10:00 p.m. and overnight security and throughout the day. and in commissioner adams nearly 800 needles and 120 tons of trash and on top up the trash
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cut to the chase trash cans and my team regularly connects folks to shelters and every day duty of our team and a few action hostile before and after cleaning up garbage and we have a man to take care of the park and we have mo park at harrison and doing the first park and maintained the funding for the microscopes and landscaping programming that happens in the park and partner with rec and park on mini park a small pocket
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park and small streets in the neighborhood it is just really an amazing oasis away from the hustle and business he will we have and landscaping and precovid three three programs a week few we're getting close back to thirty from tuesday to lunchtime music to fitness classes and the target sort of teenagers and started after school dj program. and a shameless plug on the easter egg hunt an amazing that event and
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then have two future parks one acre a temporary terminal sites and the other is the dog park and the project is under the dog park to get more attention to it but cvd is raising funds for the dog park and 1932 that entirely and participating with the rec and park department on the pelican park and lastly, a really now we have 15 thousand residents we have over 8 thousand housing in the neighborhood and 20 of how do we in the neighborhoods how we develop an identity and a place of pride a picture of a silence disco with the sales force park and as mentioned by jackie even
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before the terminal closed we negotiated with the dj to and ccii three acres and have two acres and affordable housing project as i mentioned, and brought in two soccer programs for the affordable housing and have pencil or pickle ball courts and has become the communities crossroads the center that has been an amazing source of pride for our organization but for the neighborhood. um, and in to be a pretty hard streetscape we look for opportunities to sort of improve and enhance the community in amend opened the
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east community garner 20 community garner 7 are dedicated to part of our housing building in the picture and that are for community beds and multiple people work together and the other 10 are awarded to a lottery the property is owned by ccii we magazine this community garden and have getting my peers through the newsletters we do a quarterly property management with 50 project managers representing millions of tenants and view community events tonight to office on 28 fulton with a happy hour and if you want to come and social media and banners we're trying to finally as you'll see on the
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screen overwhelmed chair screening safety that limit sliver the pink sliver the communication building we are screwing every ounce of those dollars out that's my last slide any questions?. thank you. mr. robertson and supervisor chan. >> thank you supervisor preston i think in our more detailed kind of really pertain that and wanted to understand and look at both again, just sections you mentioned about the parks and screens just the maintenance work that you said i think that is what - i also think that in our last year was that last year? the year before you tabbed
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the earnings that you - the cvd made can you walk through that. >> i'll use sales force but a center that is operated and we are joined by j p members for the cvd board members for the oversight and stewardship of our finances and partner with the staff and the ventures to participant in the landscape walks for the programming calendar for the year. who are we reaching? or not reaching and better be reaching? and one of our goals for sunsets and years going forward how to make people more aware of sales force park
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innovative and the everything else this san francisco should be coming to beautify and a beer garden and that is i think does that answer your question? >> i think so because you're in collaboration so is it for promotion because you're talking about the marketing and how does that overlap. >> for parks will be for the stewardship and maintenance for the park is paying for the grass and the trees and pcia for the park and in the case of guide place community park our money on the closing decorative gate. >> vp. >> it is staffing yeah we do stewardship. >> i think i know the answer i think that is some of our yerba buena but i saw the photo with
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the really in his pink jacket but walk through more in details about the plan for like public safety? >> yeah. sure we do not have the resources or not a program we don't have a camera program with that said, one of the features a tremendous (unintelligible) we are on the streets twenty-four hours and have people out there i have a staff member on the southern police station and do meeting with the project manager property managers and ambassadors doing all sort of things with the eyes and ears with the - and elevating to non-emergency or two emergencies and circumstances but really
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just hours staffed. >> remind me quarrel maybe a different cvd in terms of - the cvd have a special hotline and you we don't i mean, i guess we do twenty-four hours i think all of us have it so we don't but, yes, i called them on my way here wanted to address- >> (multiple voices). >> has. >> (multiple voices.) >> and a number. >> (multiple voices). >> actually call for assistance. i think that was one of our reports. >> actually is on my report i think a little card has a anybody on that. >> how is that going? >> i think people look to the et al. my peers like the really nimble to the solutions so if
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there is graffiti or someone having a mental health issue there is someone there. >> thank you. >> i had a question as you're talking for ms. hazel wood one of the things in the different cvd reports that we have some cvd mr. robertson said don't have surveillance cameras and others don't; right? we have some cvd choose to work with the programs with bringing on the that don't. um, and i think so the circumstances of the neighborhoods different cvd are working in, you know, call for
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or, you know, different approaches but i'm curious like is oewd generally kind of neutral on the choices and i imagine that in the technical assistance role with the different cvd are asking about some of the people we contact with the ambassadors for example, lots of options and just yeah, i'm wondering if shed a light on how oewd approaches and suggestions around those different issues or um, yep or have recommendations how does that work? >> yeah. i can speak to it and also i do benchmark (unintelligible) deputy director who has been in the role for a number of years but to speak
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quickly in terms of where we're at in terms of where we're moving forward and a lot of their efforts and limiting budget is identified whether cleaning or safety services or economic services that guy's in terms of where potentially that tonnage comes from and in terms of conversation will turn to chris in terms of the guidance. >> welcome, sir. >> any light you shed on that i'm curious about a range of options like up to 5 or 10 places; right? and that is the decision the cvd maintains i'm curious what if any roll oewd places in laying out the options
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or making recommendations or an approach. >> thank you that's a great question. vice mayor perkins economic development that is a fantastic quell i wish i had three hours by generally speaking when a neighborhood row 92 or cvd renewing or forming a cvd they voep an management and that plan has generally what the services will look like and sometimes a higher degree of specificity for example, the tenderloin is incredible in their management plan and what kind of services they'll be presiding and others are more vague and up to their owners association/board of directors and we are neutral during the
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conversations but a by the end partner in terms of the planning we need a long term 10 to 15 years and for example, if someone is talking about safety services and have you talked about to talked to another cvd what works and what does but we'll not say good idea or bad idea but not legal and they can't do something. >> okay. i'm wondering like cvd is could go that plan? are we satisfied or something and come to oewd for technical assistance and they get like okay. here's the list of the 5 or 10 cvd and
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before a recommendation of work with this group or work with that group and the same on, you know, whoufg it comes to cameras the owners are involved funding did cameras we don't know if on the other hand, recommended do or don't have surveillance cameras; right? or here's the way the land is and creating the plan for the group. >> just to be clear, we have never i tell all the cvd we don't provide names of contractors if they have questions about contractors they can talk to their colleagues and get recommendation from other cvd we don't do that if this he
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ask if we know of their works to they didn't work with cvd that's all we provide if cvd want us to provide recommendations we tell them no that's not something we're in the business of doing and on their board of directors to typically issue competitive excelsior is going through right now. solicit those and review those. >> thank you for clarification that's helpful and echo actual the last three talking to kate about vendors and not just cameras but rely on each other. and in in any effort to be brief i would be remiss to not thank jackie and chris and oewd they really play an amazing roll in
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playing making sure we are doing what we are to do and stewards of the public funds and issue an rfq by being good surprises when you wanted to see who is doing cameras or the options (unintelligible). >> thank you very much. yeah and i appreciate that clarification and entirely appropriate role; right? and what the gentleman said about encouraging the partnership and options which is organizations around what is working and what is not then having oewd do sort of a neutral is an important analysis. so unless there are other questions for mr. robertson i'm not seeing any at the for your work and
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presentation and want to thank you for um, the pride if which you are talking about the affordable housing communities i know that is really important and i think it is just great you are you feature that in your report and it is point of. >> i apologize for interrupting but never received an ami from anybody in the neighborhood we're built over 1,000 units and how do we build it climate change and. >> (multiple voices.) >> and may it be a others take note of what i think a lot of us have talked about affordable housing in our communities and just did want to note thank you for that as well and advocacy for open space community gardens and the neighborhoods that is a
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challenge and so with those thanks i'm going to turn it over to last but definitely not least tenderloin and executive director only been this time period you have been the cvd because of the district it happened like the sum of increased involvement and knowledge that your work is since you're the the direction but hard to mention the cvd before you but i guess the first you're coming on board. >> this is the year i almost want to skip this year this is the year i worked for a different county and bring me back to the tenderloin please (laughter). >> welcome (laughter) and the floor is yours. >>. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor preston and really i'm so amazed
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by what was presented today and just thinking about that time though i was not in the city that year but knowing that um, this was really partnerships and leadership coming out of the toughest time for our city and our cvd were really in the for the most part of direct response work and amazed by collectively all the work um, that was accomplished if year and um, the true partnership and support from oewd and other cities partners. um, so, yes, i had my coworkers help me with this prediction for fiscal year (fy) 2021-2022 where i was not my gap year out of tenderloin the work
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continued and i worked with the community and um, and my coworkers during this time so just to start, you know, as you likely know our neighborhood and the toifrnd is so densely residents have the most concentration of affordable housing protected housing and that brings um, many immigrants and refugee and teachers and individuals living in sros over three 5 hundred children call the tenderloins home and have 6 thousand seven hundred and 50 um, seniors and have the e-cigarette highest density of seniors living in the tenderloin and medium income of $38,000 a
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low income neighborhoods of people of color and we have over three hundred small businesses that are largely women and immigrant owned and really the most rationale kur89 neighborhood in the city and also host the largest open air drug trade in the city as well and have to mention that um, so your i'll start with the camera program a program that is not covered under the assessment we'll talk about this more when he go into the budget but tlc communities are above the tax assessment none of the programs with covered and we do significant fundraiser every year as a nonprofit to grow and manage our all of our programs
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so we um, that's of pa year of significant growth for the camera network and just to be clear, a camera retreatal system no live monitor of our cameras and we work with i'm the police department the public defender's office, the district attorney and even unprivate citizens to seek justice for violent assaulted crimes and two staff members read into the record to h responding to the from tone per coverage to 60 percent. um, your safe passage program this is a big transitional year for i'm our team our safe passage what happened started as a
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volunteer program volunteers and up until this year so fiscal year (fy) 2021-2022 was the year is transitioned into non-exempt hourly employees all the team members run the program all within the tenderloin the tenderloin residents. um, you know this during this year our safe program was focused on emergency responses a lot of food access, you know, we switched to delivering meals to housing sites. um, and helping provide escorts working safe walking escorts to it food pantries throughout the neighborhood that was children went back to school and it was, you know, really challenging our streets deteriorated significantly during the
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pandemic and if not for the presence and support of urban (unintelligible) i really fear what that would have been like to be a corner captain if phase it was dhainl for our corner captains to help kids again to and from school and a lot of focus under and different activations and fence a lot of street closures and we did play streets a lot of activities to help get the seniors and children out of their homes where they really were um, you know, still sheltering in place and coming outside for supportive resources and activities including covid
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testing i want to mention that is the year we're celebrating 15 years of programs i want to thank you, supervisor preston for honoring the podium in the 15 year for me and really is the best investment of a tax investment right back into the neighborhood through jobs and employment and, you know, the program itself really came direct from neighborhoods and a direct response to their voices. um, that's also the year that um, we shifted from the prior year our team was asked to expand our safe passage program to the parks the parks were closed and macula park and others parks. two of the three
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parks had just been renovated and i remember having the opening celebration and the next week was sheltering in place and those parks closed all three in them during the early stages of the project and the city asked us to have a presence in the parks it to reactivate them to open them back up it is the year question um, really solidified this is a the program built out the program of having statedship and cleaning at the parks every day we also had a lot of different activations and services in all the park on daily basis we coordinated with covid testing and today, we employ 20 residents as parking
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stewards and open to close every single day. >> so this is also the year our both our youth boys and neighborhood pride efforts deepened as we built the capacity direct the direct advising of the from tenderloin youth, residents, small business all were suffering greatly during the pandemic and november of 2021 was a resident march to city hall for young girls attacked trying to get to school and really sparked, you know, really the same thing this sparked the safe passage among the mother a sense of who is taken care of of our children and how do we keep them safe?
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this was really residents and a lot of small business owners coming together and saying, you know, we need immediate action we need immediate intervention and p lc v d has built that for direct voices really a funnel of organizations getting the needs met directly. so, you know, today we're seeing, you know, the results of some of those collective efforts including the tenderloins action plan that brought $4 million to the toifrnd an incredible partnering that the planning department. our clean team wisp under
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contract in the past year brought them in house and this was the corresponding app brought the 311 apps to the tlc for a quick rapid response during the toughest years of pandemic i can't say enough about the team and how they remained potential workers throughout the entire pandemic every single day out there from exempt one day of the year. >> as i mentioned before our budget, you know, we ended up significantly raising money over our tax assessments this was the year of significant growth for tlc v d to $5 million above the
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assessments and the park because we were front line workers in many ways and staffed up significantly. i kind of surprises me when i starred at tlc v d i was was on the boards before that thereof one board member and today 70 staff members and most of them around 50 are tenderloin residents that is really my commitment and into leading this organization we believe that tlc v d should be led by residents of the neighborhoods um, i digress this was a significant year of growth for the organization and um, and, you know, our at large focused on cleaning again, our
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assessment dollars don't cover the cleaning needs. um, and so we through the state continue to um, work towards building out a more robust biscuit for cleaning and for our parks and big passage programs. um, i want to say simon this growth was really under his time at tlc v d expanded our grant making efforts and brought us in $5 million above our assessments. those funds really went directly to daily initiatives on improvements in the stabilization of the neighborhoods and up to 4 years of the growth and led a strategic planning process somewhat where the board and
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staff underwent a three year strategic plan. um, through significant lose victories and changes and challenges simon served as steadfast leader up until he left as executive director in 2022 we're grateful for all he gave to the tenderloin and we're a stronger organization because he was there so at the and shout out for simon. i'm so honored to be the tlc v d i can't building it's been a year about a year and a half now and i guess want to share our values our team is really guide by our organizational courage and connections responsibility and just added the belonging. and i
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couldn't be more proud of this work and team really the favored we love and fight for everyday and so grateful for all the partnerships we receive, you know, day after day at tlc v d i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >>. thank you for your time. >> thank you, very much. and for the presentation and for all your work and definitely want to echo the congratulations and comments throughout the 15 year anniversary of the passage i want to say after toifrnd tenderloins was added to our district we went there the passage team and meeting the employees and volunteers it is incredible described many aspects not just about functionally about safer passage
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for kids to and from school by people in the neighborhood and caliber ac should be informational for others out on the streets and a enter acting with folks on a crisis in the street and whether a drug issue or i've seen this multiple times and aging with folks that are struggling and who was striking
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how effectively the safe passage program has been engaging folks in a safe environment and resulting in a safer place can't thank that team enough and congratulations for the 15 years of that work and then, you know, a lot of the other work you've mentioned around the activations it is important people are landmarking what is long term solutions and ways to keep the neighborhood stronger with the challenges so important to have not just the mentality of dealing with problems but what are the positive things we're bringing to the neighborhood? i feel like the activation referencing and others are such. >> march 14th and-
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>> (multiple voices). >> yeah. yeah absolutely and i guess one final thing i want to say i noticed in the tenderloin um, i think there is an overall under investment by the city life talk about equity and how - under investment in many ways in the tenderloin. not just this mayor or the board this is a generation of under investments. in the community. so often we see that thing we would expect for core government services why cleaning and operating parks and staffing parks and having um, a safe passage service things that one might hope will come a from the government; right? are often
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limited and the policy discussions beyond that's what it's all about. talking about the cvd but the reality in in environment we see the cvd and other groups rely upon to provide a lot of service that better, more equitable would be provided not necessarily pushed on to the cvd i want to recognize that ongoing challenge that i think you all operate under you and i have talked about that with the partnerships for example, and in some ways cvd has helped people in a, you know, any violation of the city the parks would have the staff in there; right? but we know
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staffing is not possible right now. if i really want to activate the singularly part of tenderloin for hours and more availability of parks and so the cvd has stepped into some of those roles i want to thank you for that partnership and that willingness to sometimes it is frustrating. are not prior by the city or may have to do those on a shoe string while the demands on our time i want to recognize that and i want to put that out there for the partners. >> with that, colleagues let's go ahead and open up all the items for public comment and members of the public with wish to speak on those items should line up now by the windows all
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speakers have two minutes to speak can the first speaker come forward? >> mr. chair comment. >> public comment is closed. (gavel). >> and i would like to again thank mr. c and hazel wood for their work and the directors we heard from and they're team. so thank you and for your prediction and work and at the point send item 2 through 5 to the full board with recommendations. >> on the motion to recommend recommend 2 through 5 to the full board supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> i have three
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>> to silence your phones and other electronic devices. public comment during the meeting is limited to 3 minutes and let's call item 6 to extend the resolution to the city and force chevron and usa as which parties has responsibility for the contamination of the property located in kern county california and on the usa holding upcoming eric without litigation to extend to
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authorize the city attorney for the modification to the agreement not materially increase the obligations and a necessary to have the total agreement or resolution like to note this item has been agendized in the committee report. >> thank you madam clerk and after open up for public comment and i want to note that it is my intention to let the colleagues unless they want to have a selection to act on that without kwooefrn in closed session go ahead and open up for public comment at this time a members of the public should line up by the windows and all speakers have two minutes to speak can the first speaker come forward and mr. chair no public comment.
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>> public comment is closed on this closed a while this i want to go into closed session and discuss this before i do i relatively have buffoon straightforward with the agreement i have no questions that require closed session thank you to the city attorney's office for this information and colleagues anyone want to go into closed session before we act on that no comments and questions from colleagues so let's we will stay in open session and i'd like to make a motion to forward this with recommendation to the full board as committee report and on the motion for this forward to the
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full board. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> i have three i's at the that motion carries. and madam clerk any other business before us and no other business today. >> thank you we are adjourned (gavel) [meeting adjourned]
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when i shoot chinatown, i shoot the architecture that people not just events, i shoot what's going on in daily life and everything changes. murals, graffiti, store opening. store closing. the bakery. i shoot anything and everything in chinatown. i shoot daily life. i'm a crazy animal. i'm shooting for fun. that's what i love. >> i'm frank jane. i'm a community photographer for the last i think about 20
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years. i joined the chinese historical society. it was a way i could practice my society and i can give the community memories. i've been practicing and get to know everybody and everybody knew me pretty much documenting the history i don't just shoot events. i'm telling a story in whatever photos that i post on facebook, it's just like being there from front to end, i do a good job and i take hundreds and hundreds of photos. and i was specializing in chinese american history. i want to cover what's happening in chinatown. what's happening in my community. i shoot a lot of government officials. i probably have thousands of photos of mayor lee and all the
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dignitaries. but they treat me like one of the family members because they see me all the time. they appreciate me. even the local cops, the firemen, you know, i feel at home. i was born in chinese hospital 1954. we grew up dirt poor. our family was lucky to grew up. when i was in junior high, i had a degree in hotel management restaurant. i was working in the restaurant business for probably about 15 years. i started when i was 12 years old. when i got married, my wife had an import business. i figured, the restaurant business, i got tired of it. i said come work for the family business. i said, okay. it's going to be interesting and so interesting i lasted for
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30 years. i'm married i have one daughter. she's a registered nurse. she lives in los angeles now. and two grandsons. we have fun. i got into photography when i was in junior high and high school. shooting cameras. the black and white days, i was able to process my own film. i wasn't really that good because you know color film and processing was expensive and i kind of left it alone for about 30 years. i was doing product photography for advertising. and kind of got back into it. everybody said, oh, digital photography, the year 2000. it was a ghost town in
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chinatown. i figured it's time to shoot chinatown store front nobody. everybody on grand avenue. there was not a soul out walking around chinatown. a new asia restaurant, it used to be the biggest restaurant in chinatown. it can hold about a 1,000 people and i had been shooting events there for many years. it turned into a supermarket. and i got in. i shot the supermarket. you know, and its transformation. even the owner of the restaurant the restaurant, it's 50 years old. i said, yeah. it looks awful. history. because i'm shooting history. and it's impressive because
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it's history because you can't repeat. it's gone it's gone. >> you stick with her, she'll teach you everything. >> cellphone photography, that's going to be the generation. i think cellphones in the next two, three years, the big cameras are obsolete already. mirrorless camera is going to take over market and the cellphone is going to be better. but nobody's going to archive it. nobody's going to keep good history. everybody's going to take snapshots, but nobody's going to catalog. they don't care. >> i want to see you. >> it's not a keepsake. there's no memories behind it. everybody's sticking in the cloud.
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they lose it, who cares. but, you know, i care. >> last september of 2020, i had a minor stroke, and my daughter caught it on zoom. i was having a zoom call for my grand kids. and my daughter and my these little kids said, hey, you sound strange. yeah. i said i'm not able to speak properly. they said what happened. my wife was taking a nap and my daughter, she called home and said he's having a stroke. get him to the hospital. five minutes later, you know, the ambulance came and took me away and i was at i.c.u. for four days.
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i have hundreds of messages wishing me get well soon. everybody wished that i'm okay and back to normal. you know, i was up and kicking two weeks after my hospital stay. it was a wake-up call. i needed to get my life in order and try to organize things especially organize my photos. >> probably took two million photos in the last 20 years. i want to donate to an organization that's going to use it. i'm just doing it from the heart. i enjoy doing it to give back to the community. that's the most important. give back to the community. >> it's a lot for the
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community. >> i was a born hustler. i'm too busy to slow down. i love what i'm doing. i love to be busy. i go nuts when i'm not doing anything. i'm 67 this year. i figured 70 i'm ready to retire. i'm wishing to train a couple for photographers to take over my place. the younger generation, they have a passion, to document the history because it's going to be forgotten in ten years, 20 years, maybe i will be forgotten when i'm gone in a couple years but i want to be remembered for my work and, you know, photographs will be a
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remembrance. i'm frank jane. i'm a community photographer. this is my story. >> when you're not looking, frank's there. he'll snap that and then he'll send me an e-mail or two and they're always the best. >> these are all my p
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my name is doctor ellen moffett, i am an assistant medical examiner for the city and county of san francisco. i perform autopsy, review medical records and write reports. also integrate other sorts of testing data to determine cause and manner of death.
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i have been here at this facility since i moved here in november, and previous to that at the old facility. i was worried when we moved here that because this building is so much larger that i wouldn't see people every day. i would miss my personal interactions with the other employees, but that hasn't been the case. this building is very nice. we have lovely autopsy tables and i do get to go upstairs and down stairs several times a day to see everyone else i work with. we have a bond like any other group of employees that work for a specific agency in san francisco. we work closely on each case to determine the best cause of death, and we also interact with family members of the diseased. that brings us closer together also. >> i am an investigator two at the office of the chief until
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examiner in san francisco. as an investigator here i investigate all manners of death that come through our jurisdiction. i go to the field interview police officers, detectives, family members, physicians, anyone who might be involved with the death. additionally i take any property with the deceased individual and take care and custody of that. i maintain the chain and custody for court purposes if that becomes an issue later and notify next of kin and make any additional follow up phone callsness with that particular death. i am dealing with people at the worst possible time in their lives delivering the worst news they could get. i work with the family to help them through the grieving process. >> i am ricky moore, a clerk at the san francisco medical examiner's office. i assist the pathology and
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toxicology and investigative team around work close with the families, loved ones and funeral establishment. >> i started at the old facility. the building was old, vintage. we had issues with plumbing and things like that. i had a tiny desk. i feet very happy to be here in the new digs where i actually have room to do my work. >> i am sue pairing, the toxicologist supervisor. we test for alcohol, drugs and poisons and biological substances. i oversee all of the lab operations. the forensic operation here we perform the toxicology testing for the human performance and the case in the city of san francisco. we collect evidence at the scene. a woman was killed after a
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robbery homicide, and the dna collected from the zip ties she was bound with ended up being a cold hit to the suspect. that was the only investigative link collecting the scene to the suspect. it is nice to get the feedback. we do a lot of work and you don't hear the result. once in a while you heard it had an impact on somebody. you can bring justice to what happened. we are able to take what we due to the next level. many of our counterparts in other states, cities or countries don't have the resources and don't have the beautiful building and the equipmentness to really advance what we are doing. >> sometimes we go to court. whoever is on call may be called out of the office to go to various portions of the city to investigate suspicious deaths.
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we do whatever we can to get our job done. >> when we think that a case has a natural cause of death and it turns out to be another natural cause of death. unexpected findings are fun. >> i have a prior background in law enforcement. i was a police officer for 8 years. i handled homicides and suicides. i had been around death investigation type scenes. as a police officer we only handled minimal components then it was turned over to the coroner or the detective division. i am intrigued with those types of calls. i wondered why someone died. i have an extremely supportive family. older children say, mom, how was your day. i can give minor details and i have an amazing spouse always
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willing to listen to any and all details of my day. without that it would be really hard to deal with the negative components of this job. >> being i am a native of san francisco and grew up in the community. i come across that a lot where i may know a loved one coming from the back way or a loved one seeking answers for their deceased. there are a lot of cases where i may feel affected by it. if from is a child involved or things like that. i try to not bring it home and not let it affect me. when i tell people i work at the medical examiners office. what do you do? the autopsy? i deal with the enough and -- with the administrative and the families. >> most of the time work here is
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very enjoyable. >> after i started working with dead people, i had just gotten married and one night i woke up in a cold sweat. i thought there was somebody dead? my bed. i rolled over and poked the body. sure enough, it was my husband who grumbled and went back to sleep. this job does have lingering effects. in terms of why did you want to go into this? i loved science growing up but i didn't want to be a doctor and didn't want to be a pharmacist. the more i learned about forensics how interested i was of the perfect combination between applied science and criminal justice. if you are interested in finding out the facts and truth seeking to find out what happened, anybody interested in that has a
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place in this field. >> being a woman we just need to go for it and don't let anyone fail you, you can't be. >> with regard to this position in comparison to crime dramas out there, i would say there might be some minor correlations. let's face it, we aren't hollywood, we are real world. yes we collect evidence. we want to preserve that. we are not scanning fingerprints in the field like a hollywood television show. >> families say thank you for what you do, for me that is extremely fulfilling. somebody has to do my job. if i can make a situation that is really negative for someone more positive, then i feel like i am doing the right thing for the city of san francisco.
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24. the meeting is being called to order at 4:37 p.m. this meeting is being held in person in city hall, room 400 and broadcast live on sf gov tv. the small business commission thanks media services and sf gov tv for televising the meeting, which can be viewed on sf, tv two or live streamed at sf we welcome the public's participation in person during public comment periods. there will be an opportunity for general public comment at the end of the meeting, and there will be an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. public comment during the meeting is limited to three minutes per speaker. an alarm will sound once time has finished and speakers are requested but not required to state their names. sf gov tv please show the office of small business slide. today