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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  March 19, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> for those of you don't know me, i'm janet and tilts a pleasure to be here today for the irish flag raising the irish are optimists and irish flag
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raising i saw the sunshine slow the rain clouds that's what day i today is all about the irish helped shape san francisco and including buildings and engineering and science and medication and education, government and public service. my father thomas yes, ma'am graduated in 1949 and immigrants found opportunity and warm welcome in san francisco and found the love of his life my motel whose family where in the county and my siblings and i were raised with great pride in the irish heritage and (microphone feedback) welcome to introduce to i your mayor of 0 san francisco mayor london breed
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(clapping.) all right. good afternoon everyone who is so great to be here with each and every one of you to celebrate the flag raising that represents are your bond and continued work and growth what did you irish community here in san francisco this this year's theme is unit sf i appreciate leaning the united society and all the work they have done and continue to do to make sure we are building bridges we are working together and we're doing everything we can to move san francisco forward. it is so great to be here. with the lord mayor of clark mayor ma carbohydrate thank you. obeys here to celebrate this occasion and thank you to our council generally been a great addition to san francisco we
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appreciate and value our work relationships in the centuries of what it means san francisco has been celebrating st. patrick's day for one hundred and 73 years celebrated with the history and vacation dwelling the relationships bringing us toyota this this year this is anymore special lord mayor celebrating 40 years of the sister relationship between san francisco and cork (clapping.) it is no wonder that so many of our learned are joining us i want to take a moment to recognize them thank you to the chief marianne for being here and corresponding this event (clapping.) thank you to the members of board of supervisors i ask you all to stand supervisor safai,
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supervisor dorsey and others. thank you very much. >> (clapping) and also want to thank our assembly member matt apprenticeship any for being here as well (clapping.) and finally, recognize that the public safety over there our paul our police chief bill scott and fire chief jeanine nicole son and i know a beloved member of the irish community is here the former parade kathleen banning (clapping.) shout out to the residents bigger john who is joining us as well (clapping.) and the co-chair the sister committee
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for being here. (clapping.) and finally, i know that i served as grand marshal a while ago i feel like every single year i'm passing the torture i want to thank the folks for coming to san francisco 1979 developing his company more importantly continuing to be a course of inspiration and making sure that you are supporting you're one hundred and 40 people being sf as well as the cooperer field and treasure island thank you for your work and congratulations (clapping.) i want to also recognize the family of michael administering joining us and let you you know, his memory is recognized during
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this time as a here member and grand marshal we appreciate your work and commitment to the public service during the grand marshal dinner i met his son with the san francisco pd thank you for being here today (clapping.) so much xiechltd so much rich history and amazing people lipped unit 19is part of the theme this year so as we celebrate it is about bringing communities together. it is about recommending our challenging times but also recognizing that san francisco and our irish community represents row silence coming up with the stronger and better than that than ever before so many of you with our stories of row silence and your stories
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around coming to san francisco before crocker or other places we know at that time was not easy but today we're here with over 67 thousand people of irish decent has the prior chief joan talked about public service and police officers and firefighters and people who have established their own businesses and construction companies engineering and many people who helped to lead and would build the city and county of san francisco guy we recognition and recognize the history and in order to move our city forward and i want to ask the lord mayor of crocker as well as the council general to come down to accept that official
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proclamation. that cement we'll officially proclaim that irish-american friendship today in the city and county of san francisco (clapping.) oh, wait a minute what i'm a news lerlt and change it is now officially irish-american heritage month in san francisco (clapping.) to celebrate the most we're going to light city hall up in green make sure i come back to get our pictures and in is 16 the day we host one of the biggest st. patrick's day in the united states light city hall up in green make sure you join us
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and have a wonderful time thank you all so much. >> (clapping) all right. >> thank you. >> thank you, mayor london breed and now like to ask council general from ireland to come up this is the month (clapping.) thank you, thank you joanne the state of an the overview of happy st. patrick's day we're celebrating on this we have setting of this great home it is
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great thourn. thank you. >> today you read the irish side over flag over city hall we celebrate the connections to this great city to a home of a wonderful mix of the people's where there is unit and comfort and diversity and heritage poisoning success and failure and resiliency a city that is long home for the irish a community helped to shape and forge many relationships in this city thank you, mayor london breed i was reminded i remain jealous this year for the lord mayor and i don't think none jealous for any jacket but mayor, i witnessed the work for the people across the city and little irish and thank you for making in day special for st.
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patrick's day for us in the irish community. and want to thank you to the team miriam and everyone involved in city hall thank you to the supervisors we had a great day not board yesterday thank you, commissioner chambers for the presentations in city hall that will continue and to liam and the board of directors of the united irish society thank you for your work to marry that the st. patrick's day celebrated and the entire irish for the relationships with that country and city and at the as phone call o for the support for my family and i offer decades almost after a year and a half and looking forward to as the
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mayor referenced to under united 70 sf sophomore the grand marshal tom very well-deserved tom and you're good people made a tremendous quack in the city and region thank you for that and also to the family of honoree grand marshal murphy thank you for being here a wonderful honor to be the honorees grand marshal and other big year forever irish and this region 40 years of the history relationship i'm deliberated that underlines the relationship and significant progress and culture center on 2025 and progress with the common america and have the championship the biggest championship in the united states this year and in the city and in august and you
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might see me there as well this is a year the hundred anniversary of diplomatic relationships with the united states a very special relationship and talk about on that over the coming days and weeks st. patrick's day we promote ireland and relationships we just conducted a decade of that marked the political body island of ireland some dark and some light by this year our theme is looking at the ireland in the future and in the world he threw the lens of our youth that is the theme the irish government theme across the united states and this year but more importantly let's joy ourselves today and joy
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ourselves for the next few week thank you, thank you (clapping). >> now like to perfect segue our first performance is by cal tick voices enjoy. >> (music).
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>> (singing).
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>> and i shall -
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(clapping.) thank you cal tick voices a round of applause (clapping.) and next gives me great pleasure
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speaking with marty joe owner since 1963 the year before i was born murphy school of dance led by mary joe murphy. >> (music).
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>> (clapping) thank you to the murphy school dancers another round of applause the mayor asked if i would do the steps maybe after an irish coffee i'll to ask the lord mayor, i had the pleasure to meet last time and mary please join me at the podium welcome. >> dear mayor london breed dear members of board of supervisors and members of london breed and exclusive members of city hall i brought
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jan as your honored guests thank you, so, so much for hosting this very, very important encouragement event and my dear friends i have if i may unfortunately, raise ireland's flag to recognize this day this is a bold much meaning reflection recommending the celebration of irish culture to the identity and particular events and journeys of irish people across kirnts of time and event rfkdz on the resilience and ambition and attitudes and mechanisms a deep sense of pride with an emotional pride and sense of hope for not giving up in the face of challenge. my
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dear friends ultimately so many to learn from such stories that's the first message and not judge the irish stories but the other stories across the world not just in san francisco i didn't across the world as well and my dear friends my second message has before you get us on an important journey and democracy i talked about with mayor london breed with threatened of democracy our prirn or partnership is a light of opportunities and for me those opportunities are together more in a devoted world more before and the restoring is one of the bridging poem to the and has inspired and mature benefits of projects and over the last 40
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years and also like to thank the san francisco crocker committee for their hard work with your executives and for hard work and volunteerism and so my second message is that we purview past years since dianne feinstein and the lord mayor john signed agreements and joan in crocker and send him our best wishes and always remember dianne feinstein and for her work and for international democracy but still much to do we need to continue our journal today and many roads and my third message my dear friends to ask the festivities in preparation for the anniversary a song has been
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stuck in my head but the lyrics to the beautiful scenery and bringing san francisco indeed a song for several years on the chart in ireland since 1984 so this is dedicated to you and i have no doubt other mayors so the people in the audience who are from ireland if you know this walking. were falcons build their nests and they fly they know the call of firemen in any breasts and against the sky where twisted rock they run down
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to the sea and living on the western shore for the sunset ask for anymore he stood by there is a lot to see and sank. >> song for ireland and talking along the day try to make you stay. and joe how have news and singing songs to past the night away and watch the silver dancing in the sun and living on your western shore for the sunset ask for more i stood by your atlantic sea and sank a song for ireland and i sink a
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song for ireland (clapping.) thank you so much. >> (clapping) (laughter). >> to conclude dear mayor london breed and my friends let's reflective on the learning for the racing of the flag and continue to renew our journal together in the relationships and let's remain true friends as is lyrics sank thank you for the opportunity to address you in that beautiful, beautiful palace (clapping.) thank you, mayor. mccarthy if you tire you can go to the
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entertainment industry and [off mic.] >> beautiful, beautiful. >> charming before i call up the next speaker someone i want to introduce when a who has met joan someone i know since i was a little girl and my family and father and wonderful public sovereignty this is deputy chief former president please stand dermot (clapping) thank you. >> thanks for what you've done for the city i love this city big city and small town i went to high school with his drought terry require we're getting close towards of end i'd like to make sure we introduce liam
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frost did a great job of the is society (clapping.) ethic, of course, i get to follow the talented sirens and all the speakers i'm the president of units irish society of san francisco and demeanor met was my procedures i want to say wow. one hundred and 73 years for the irish have been celebrating and it was brought to our attention no longer the same day but sfaipd for the month of mark and this can only happen from when one hundred and 74 years ago like our tom and you decided to get to the and celebrate the irish heritage and could angle last this many years
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have mayors will i london breed that welcome us with the irish flag raising and doing everything we can to celebrate our parade so mayor london breed and her staff foster and others helped to organize this and then the council general smith and jennifer is the advice council all those people make piano last one hundred and 73 years and i'd like to um, supervisor supervisor stefani for putting on the reception and continue the staff with joe and others organizing and any ask chris to council u come up and give little mayor a token of our appreciation for having us a
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vase in ireland (clapping) [off mic.] >> there we go. >> put this on the shelf. >> any for the parade every year this gongs and not like and we can do better the only people that know there is a hip and now have jan i'm not sure james understood how much work but thank you to james and his family for allowing him to do all that work (clapping.) as well as the whole board of units irish sovereignty i was handed this board and like being on a big ship and all i have to
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do it stay out of the way and every year everything is done the business the hospital and the day cape county of los angeles day and looking to ask the rose committee to one of our events to make that agent better and next to get more people to support this. >> put own this parade we need a lot of help in the city and got nick with the sf mta rec and park phil and others and the staff and, of course, jeanine nicholson and asking a lot of them to do the work we appreciate that. >> (clapping) you know, there is a boss but
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are face to face with the captain jason from northern station and their staff of a toby moore and frank and you accessibility adam shaw. when we have those meetings we're sitting across the table those are the ones that gets this done for one hundred and 73 years i appreciate the city employees taking care of of us so once again thanks (clapping.) i'd like to congratulate and thank our grand marshall tom and his wife may mary and as honoreey grand marshal it is huge honor to be a grand marshal of san francisco but a lot of work we ask a lot of those people most of these guys want to be in the background we ask them to go on tv and they're not me but they do that and we
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appreciate that that's why we're honoring people like them and past fire chief joann that's she talked about mercy hospital and mike murphys kids behind me - i worked with mike murphy with my son at bayview station a small town and it's amazing i get to honor people like. so thank you, (clapping.) and as always have to thank my wife i get a lot of phone calls she looked me and roles her eyes okay, honey. the support i get from here is amazing. and i
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appreciate and love my wife and want to shout out also to every board member they in the same boat so thank you, (clapping.) this is the season to celebrate being irish and i invite everyone to become irish for the season and let us unit san francisco. thank you. (clapping.) thank you, liam. >> this concludes this part of ceremony and irish coffee or two i know again, the generosity of supervisor stefani down the hall you on your doors we appreciate that thank you. . thank you. >> um, thank you, mayor london breed and i was going to say i want to congratulate tom hunt a your family as grand
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marshal the wonderful experience and mike murphy thank you, ferry the attracts to our city before we conclude mayor, i the president to briefly count the voices have you come up for a certificate. >> (laughter.) >> this is mary who oversees cal tick voices (clapping.) i'm going out a limp are i still principal at sanity (rustling of papers.) and wonderful principal and next mary joe murphy and school of
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dance (clapping.) great job. >> (clapping) thank you, everyone for joining us happy st. patrick's day and month thank you, london breed. >> good
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>> shared spaces have transformed san francisco's streets and sidewalks. local business communities are more resilient and our neighborhood centers are more vibrant and lively. fire blocks and parking lanes can be for seating and merchandising and other community activities. we're counting on operators of shared spaces to ensure their sites are safe and accessible for all. when pair mets, firefighters and other first responders arrive at a scene, they need clear visual access to see the building entrances, exits and storefront windows from the street. that means parklets should be transfer in the areas above
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inches above the sidewalk level. it's best if these areas are totally unobstructed by transparent materials may be okay. you can check with fire department staff to make sure your site meets visibility requirements. emergency response crews and their equipment need to be move easily between streets, sidewalks and buildings, especially when they are using medical gurneys, ladders and other fire fighting tools. that means that parklet structures need a three foot wide emergency feet every 20 feet and 3 feet from marked parking spaces and emergency access gaps need to be open to the sky, without obstructions, like canopies, roofs, or cables and should always be clear of tables, chairs, planters and other furnishings. emergency responders need to use ladders to reach windows and roofs to buildings and the ladders need unobstructed overhead clearance and room to be placed at a 72-degree angle against the building. clearances needed
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around the ladders to move equipment and people safely up and down. so not all parklets can have roofs ask canopies depending on the width of the sidewalk in your area. please make sure that your electric cables are hung so they are out of the way and (indiscernible) to the structure, they can be pulled down by firefighters. cable connections need to be powered from an outdoor reciprocal in the building facade because hard wire connections are much more difficult to disconnect quickly. these updates to the shared spaces program will ensure safety and accessibility for everyone, so we can all enjoy these public spaces. more information is available at sf dot gov slash shared spaces.
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>> i think a lot of times we get in adult lives we are afraid to follow our passions and think life can't be that easy. but i truly do believe i followed my heart this time in my journal in city government i did not know that is where my passion lied. i kept following it and ltd. to great opportunity to serve the city. [music] >> i'm katy tang the executive director of the office of small business. >> small business contributes to san francisco's economy. they provide the bulk of employment in the city and employing a million people in san francisco. and roughly 90% of the businesses are defined as small businesses.
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so, they contribute to the economy but also just the quality of life. small businesses are more then and there a place of transaction it is a community center. a play where people gather. know each other and form memories about the city. >> at the office of mall business i run a team this helps report all mall businesses in san francisco whether they are looking to stfrt a new business or expand or perhaps they are feeling with issues. our office is here as a point of information for anyone with a business that has 100 or nower employees. >> i was growing up i had many ideas of when i wanted to do. i wanted to being an olympic swimmer. and i wanted to men be an architect, you name it i had many ideas for what i wanted do when i grew up. and i never anticipated entering
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in politics. this opportunity came along wh started working for former supervisor carmen chu and she became the district 4 sunset district supervisor. that was my firstent row in politics and government in a different level. and so when i was finishing up my time working for legislative aid i thought, i will go off and do something else. may be explore opportunity outside of city government what was then approached by this opportunity to also serve as a district 4 supervisor. if not the traditional route that many people think of when you enter in politics. a lot know that is manage than i want to do and run for office. that was not part of my culture and upbringing with manage my parents were wondering why i
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wanted to go in that role this legislation and important because so many women when have it return to work after having a child feel embarrassed or don't feel comfortable asking their supervisor for will any lactation accommodations. i saw it as an opportunity you could use the position where you have tools creating legislation and pass laws and where people listen to to you help the community and pass cause catharsis important to the city and individuals. my family immigrated to the united states from taiwan. and they came here in pronl probably late 20's almost 30. and so, they came also in the knowing english limp barely read or write but had to quickly understand english to i can't haveigate services and find a job in america. i grew up in the san francisco
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sunset district i spent most of my childed hoo up until i went off to college. so when i started working in city government, i think i had mixed reactions about my involvement working government because for some of our parents generation, there is i bit of distrust in government. i think there are questions about why i was entering in this field of work. i think you know when i went in city government i thought about my parents like so many other who is have to navigate city services and resources english first language and help the individuals both navigate, intercept that is on an application approximate signage. it is fulfilling to mow to help people like my parent and feel like government is there to support them and not to harm them. my parents are happy that i
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retired early from politics and being a district 4 supervisor i could have continued on for a couple more years approximate decided to leave early. i think that over all they were able to see some of my work appear in the chinese newspaper. through that they were able to see i was able to help communities in a tangible way. >> the member of the board of supervisors. >> transportation authority. for the city and county of san francisco. congratulations. >> i think about one importance when i was worn in as district 4 supervisor. years ago, and someone actually came up to me during the swear nothing ceremony and said, wow, i'm traveling here from canada, and i just i could not believe i saw an asian female worn in in this role a leadership role this meant so much that someone would say that and felt they were
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inspired by the scene. so -- i hope that as more people see people that look like them and more women coming in positions of leadership than i feel they can doing the same. person this inpyred me is carmen chu who is our city add administrator but also was district 4 supervisor when i worked with her as a legislative aid. at this point, i too, was skeptical of going in politics. i saw someone who had herself never seen herself in politics. got thrown into it and put her heart and soul and dedication to serve people. and it gave me the confidence to pursue that same job and i honestly would not have either chosen or accepted or considered serving on the board of supervisors were not for carmen. >> if you want to make your
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business accessible. >> in my role in city government where i have seen the most challenge is people who don't know you and you are here to serve and help them that they classify you as our city government and here to hurt you. so, people will talk to you and -- and just you know treat you disrespectfully. and sometimes i noticed that they might do more to me as a female compared to my male colleagues. but you know i try to be empathetic. one of the most significant barriers to female empowerment we feel like we have to be 100% meeting all of the qualifications before we think that we are qualified to do a job. if we look at a job description or an opportunity to come your way well is self doubt about whether you can fulfill the obligations of that role. i think that the confidence is
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huge and sometimes i think we make up for it by trying to gain more experience. more and more and more in whatever we can put under our belts we'll feel better. that may not be the case. we might be qualified with when we have already accomplished. i started rock climbing indoors a couple years ago as an activity to try to spends time with my husband and also to try something new and i finds that rock climbing there are so many parallels to life. you know when i'm on the wall i'm concentrating and trying to make it to the next piece without falling. there are daying you think i'm not making progress. you come back and wow, i hit another level. and so i feel like in our daily lives and w we think we are not
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making enough of i change in the city. and sometimes we have to take out time to reflect every day as long as you try and give it your all and you look back you will have made a significant contribution there is no limit to where you go in terms of rock climbing. i want to reminds myself of that in terms of daily life. >> follow what it is you are interested in, what makes you feel excited about wake up every day. you never know and be open to all the possibilities and opportunity. [music] (clapping.) the airport it where i know to mind visions of traffic romance
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and excitement and gourmet can you limousine we're at san francisco inspirational airport to discover the award-winning concession that conspiracies us around the world. sfo serves are more 40 million travelers a year and a lot of the them are hungry there's many restaurant and nearly all are restaurant and cafe that's right even the airport is a diane designation. so tell me a little bit the food program at sfo and what makes this so special >> well, we have a we have food and beverage program at sfo we trivia important the sustainable organic produce and our objective to be a nonterminal
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and bring in the best food of san francisco for our passengers. >> i like this it's is (inaudible) i thank my parents for bringing me here. >> this the definitely better than the la airport one thousand times better than. >> i have a double knees burger with bacon. >> i realize i'm on a diet but i'm hoping this will be good. >> it total is san francisco experience because there's so many people and nationalities in this town to come to the airport especially everyone what have what they wanted. >> are repioneering or is this a model. >> we're definitely pioneers
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and in airport commemoration at least nationally if not intvrl we have many folks asking our our process and how we select our great operators. >> ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ the food option in san francisco airport are phenomenal that's if it a lot of the airports >> yeah. >> you don't have the choice. >> some airports are all about food this is not many and this particular airport are amazing especially at the tirnl indicating and corey is my favorite i come one or two hours
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before my flight this is the life. >> we definitely try to use as many local grirnts as we can we use the goat cheese and we also use local vendors we use greenly produce they summarize the local soured products and the last one had 97 percent open that. >> wow. >> have you taken up anything unique or odd here. >> i've picked up a few things in napa valley i love checking chocolates there's a lot of types of chocolate and caramel corn. >> now this is a given right there. >> i'm curious about the
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customer externals and how people are richmond to this collection of cities you've put together not only of san francisco food in san francisco but food across the bay area. >> this type of market with the local savors the high-end products is great. >> i know people can't believe they're in an airport i really joy people picking up things for their friends and family and wait i don't have to be shopping now we want people take the opportunity at our location. >> how long has this been operating in san francisco and
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the late 18 hours it is one of the best places to get it coffee. >> we have intrrnl consumers that know of this original outlet here and come here for the coffee. >> so let's talk sandwiches. >> uh-huh. >> can you tell me how you came about naming our sandwiches from the katrero hills or 27 years i thought okay neighborhood and how do you keep it fresh you can answer that mia anyway you want. >> our broadened is we're going not irving preserves or packaged goods we take the time to
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incubate our jogger art if scratch people appreciate our work here. >> so you feel like out of captured the airport atmosphere. >> this is its own the city the airline crews and the bag handlers and the frequent travels travelers and we've established relationships it feels good. >> when i get lunch or come to eat the food i feel like i'm not city. i was kind of under the assumption you want to be done with our gifts you are down one time not true >> we have a lot of regulars we
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didn't think we'd find that here at the airport. >> people come in at least one a week for that the food and service and the atmosphere. >> the food is great in san francisco it's a coffee and i took an e calorie home every couple of weeks. >> i'm impressed i might come here on my own without a trip, you know, we have kids we could get a babysitter and have diner at the airport. >> this is a little bit of things for everybody there's plenty of restaurant to grab something and go otherwise in you want to sit you can enjoy the experience of local food. >> tell me about the future food.
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>> we're hoping to bring newer concepts out in san francisco and what our passengers want. >> i look forward to see what your cooking up (laughter) ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ >> today we've shown you the only restaurant in san francisco from the comfortableing old stand but you don't have to be hungry sfo has changed what it is like to eat another an airport check out our oblige at tumbler
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>> good afternoon and welcome to the march 19, 2024 regular meeting of the san francisco board of supervisors. madam clerk, please call the roll. >> thank you mr. president. supervisor chan, present. supervisor dorsey, present. supervisor engardio, present. supervisor mandelman, present. supervisor melgar, present. supervisor peskin, present. supervisor preston, present. supervisor ronan, not present. supervisor safai, present. supervisor stefani,