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tv   Entertainment Commission  SFGTV  March 21, 2024 2:00am-3:46am PDT

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welcome to the virtual meetingly of the entertainment commission i'm ben bleiman the president and start with announcements. we will like to start with a lands acknowledgment. we the entertainment excision acknowledge we are on the home land of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhab tantss with their traditions the recommend ram have never cd lost respondents as caretakers of this place. as guests we recognize we benefit from living and wing on their home land. we wish to pay respecting acknowledging the ramaytush ohlone community and affirming
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rights as first people. >> this meeting is hybrid occur nothing person in city hall broadcast live on sfgovtv and on zoom or listen by calling 669-900-6833. id8432960889 guy 5. we welcome public participation. there will be an opportunity for general comment at the beginning and an opportunity to comment on each discussionor action item. each comment is limited to 3 minutes. remote up to 20 minutes total for each item. because of the time limit it is possible not every person will have an opportunity to provide remote public comment. remote public comment from people received an
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accommendation for disability will not count toward the 20 minute limit. >> public comment in person and remote by video or call in. the commission will take it first from people in person and then from people remote. for those in person fill out a speaker card located at the side table. come up during public comment. state your name and your comment you will have 3 minutes. if calling by phone dial star 9 to be added to the list. when your item of inth come up. you unmute yourself. call from a quiet location and turn down television or roof if you are viewing it on sfgovtv mute it before speak during comment.
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while we recommend you use zoom audio or phone for public comment you may submit a written comment through the chat function on zoom. commissioners and staff are not allows to responded during public comment. thank you to sfgovtv for shareing meeting with the public. >> thank you very much. let's do a roll call. >> president bleiman. >> vice president wong. >> hee. >> commissioner davis. >> ear here >> commissioner perez. >> here. >> commissioner slander. >> here. >> next agenda item is number 2. general public comment. is anybody here to comment on items not on the agenda? the people on zoom if you have a general public comment now raise your hand. otherwise, if you are waiting for a permit to speak on lower your hand and raise it at this
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point. i see dana's hands is raised. now. >> dana do you have general public comment? can't hear dana so. if you can hear is and have comment, let us know. ien if she can hear. we will be able to come back to
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you later. we will move of unfortunately we can't hear dana. >> is that the -- final or are there more? there is no one else. >> close public comment and number 3, the agenda is approval of the meeting minutes for the march 5, 2024 commission meeting first is there public comment on these minutes? >> no comments. >> close public comment. and does anybody have a motion? >> moved. >> second. >> okay. president bleiman. >> aye. >> vice president wong. >> aye >> commissioner davis. >> aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye >> next is 4, report from
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director wayland. >> happy tuesday. i wanted begin my update for you with another reminder your final in person remindtory make sure to submit your form 700 no later than april second. you likely have a training that you will do with that. the annual training you need to submit certification of as well. if you have questions around the upon training orb the submission of form 700 reach out to commission second lowon. i wanted to give a very warm welcome to our newest commissioner here this evening arn thony schlander. anthony come from the night life world and our newest representative of our industry seat from the board of supervisor's appointments. sorry. neighborhood seat. you know what, it is because you
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have done so much already that you know may be you could do both. so welcome. and i wanted to give you a chance to say a few words to anybody that is listening and say hello to your fellow commissioners. >> to keep it brief. i'm excited be here and part of the commission. were i think the big thing is to help with recovery. for the city and i'm excited to be here. thank you. thank you. i wanted give a warm welcome toacea youngrice here with us. newest member of the commission staff. he will be our new part time sound inspector will not normally be here heel be out in the field. so ace apted to give you an opportunity to say hello and tell us where you come from and, take it away. >> thank you. native san francisco born here it is a pleasure to be here and
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look forward to serving and helping with the thriving arts and culture of the city and also providing for the safety and quiet of the residents. >> welcome aboard, you 2. and that brings me to my one substantive update of the evening for you all. this is relative to our night life and entertainment summit held on monday april 29th. this is occurring at 49 south vaness our office is located. it is in the main floor when you walk in. commissioners, they are expected to be there no later than 1 p.m. it it is an agendaized meeting we need to take roll call and minutes. this is obviously a meeting that is open to the public and so there might be a few standing around at that time. prior to 1:30 we will begin our resource fair. the second time we are hosting
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it. as a part of our summit. will be happen nothing the lobby outside of the conference room from 1-2 p.m. encouraging all permit holders to come early and check that out so they meet the various city departments upon that take part in helping permit night life activity in san francisco. after the fair we will begin the content of the summit at 2 p.m. and again i like to think of the summit as a 3 part event. so the first part of the event is like introduction and speeches from myself, other electives. we invited the mayor as we always do. we hope that she can confirm attention we have not heard yet. we invited a few the full board of supervisors but a few of them to give remarks. and then after that, we will be hearing from president bleiman
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and with van how then from oewd providing a policy update to all of our permit holders various things happening at the state and local level. things to look out for and engage in. and after that, we will start our two panel discussions. our first panel presentation is being managed by kate our deputy direct a veto here and called, i think this might be out of order. yep temperature is called the night shift. strategies for combating organizedy theft in san francisco and we are excited as of today we got all of our invitees for that panel confirm today is fantastic. we will have a relationship from the police department assistant chief lazar and we will have da jenkins participate in that panel. and then we will have rodney
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fong from the chamber of commerce. . that panel be followed by our final panel of the afternoon, this one is managed by dill ain't rice on the team. and it will be called night life to new livment emerging trends and strategies to drive engagement and revenue growth. looking forward to the panel. tell be joined by our newest commissioner anthony slander and we have danny bell if golden boys. katie from into the streets and quorum from arcanha an exciting day. we will end everything with a happy hour at aminna in haze valley. we are looking forward to seeing you there. we are hoping you can also help us push out the word through your social channels. as we lead up to the event. final note before i pass off the mic is that i do want to let
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everybody know this dylan rice on the team has a new title. we are excited about right siding the work he does from the commission staff. previous he was denoted as a sr. lift of cultural eventses and a lot shifted over the last several glorious when he does. dylan, what is your new title? >> yes. project and communication manager. >> awesome. >> thank you it is a great title and works for everything you do for our office. manage all of the press that come inform public record's requests. thank you and with that i will pass it back if you have questions, let me know. question is? is there public comment on the
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executive director's report? on we have whoond raised in zoom. david? i'm sorry i don't know if this was the right time to comment. for this is for permit that you want to speak on? yea it is for the palm house do an entertainment permit. is this the right time what you will do when that item come up raise where you are hand then and we will call people okay. >> i did not seat agenda. when is that. >> it is -- you look in the chat i put a link to the agenda. okay and 6d as in dog.
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>> thank you. >> any further public comment? close public comment is move to 5, a report from our senior inspector. >> thank you, president. good evening, commissioners we received 42, 311 complaints since march fifth. i have one update for you. let me know if you have questions. my summit about the brickston at 2140 union street who holds an llp permit and entertainment and end by 11 p.m. of they were issued an administrative suspension on july 23 for having 3 permit violations within a 3 mont period. you will see in the time line
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out lined below on page 2, throw violations for operating entertainment with doors and windows open and operating entertainment after 11 p.m. on two separate occasions. additionally i have include other citations they received since april of twoochlt in total, the brickston received 8 citations since the llp permit on december, 2021. the recent on march 12 for operating entertainment at 12. . 20 a.m. on independent eversunday march 10th. she hook took a sound measurement the volume in compliance when she remiamieded the manager the permit required them to end entertainment by 11, heave did not stop dj. as such, they were issued a 500 dollar citation for entertainment after 11 p.m. you owner was reminded if we
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observed another two violations before june 8 the grounds to suspend their permit againful let me know if you have questions or follow up guidance. questions or comments? other items on the report? that want to be -- brought to the commission's attention in tell we are down an inspector. >> yea. [laughter]. all right. i have no questions. >> we will open for public comment is there opinion comment on the inspector's report? >> no public comment. >> all right. close this agenda public comment
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on this agenda item and move on to number 6 hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. i believe deputy director will introduce the consent agenda >> thanks. good evening. we have two permitos consent for 1 imtoo permits out door entertainment and sound with extended durations all conduct out reach and no oping position nor occurrence for permits. the staff recommendation is to approve the consent with a staff recommendation as listed below. is is there public comment on the items on consent agenda? do we have a hand from zoom in david if this is for items on
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consent. you can hear public comment if not wait until an item come up. i'm sorry, i'm sorry bum i'm on my phone and not home i don't know if this is the [inaudible]. >> not yet >> stand by >> we will announce it. thank you. >> okay. >> thank you. >> all right. any further public comment? on the consent agenda? we will close public comment. do we have a motion? >> move approval with consent agenda with staff conditions. seconded. >> president bleiman yoochl aye >> wong >> aye yoochl commissioner davis >> aye >> commissioner perez.
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>> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> consent has been approved. permits approved and move to the next item the regular agenda. >> the first permit on the regular agenda is jam to bam for limited live performance for flanahan's pub on noriega street. an old school bar and seek llp permit to most entertainment and hosting outside sound in parklet. they were allowed outlet from 5-10 this application they are seek the ability -- and the amplified sounds prerecord friday a small speaker and sports themes include in the foil is a copy of out reach and a list of commercial and
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residential addresses who receive today. there was no opposition and the station did not have added conditions. here to speak can the owner of greg meadow. >> good evening. i'm greg meadow the owner of flanahan's pub a small neighborhood bar in the fabulous outer sunset district. we are a legacy business and during a meeting at the bar with older locals, we came to conclusion over a few pints the bar was established in 1978. the outer sunset is the last working class citizens lives and thrives. our pub offers a place for locals to come, unwind and interact face-to-face. our clientele is thrilled we are applying for the llp and have
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120 signature in support. and if approved they are excited enjoy programming where we have live jazz on sunday. dj from time to time or karaoke. supporting artists and locals in general is the core what the neighborhood gem of i bar is b. on any day we may have a fundraiser for local little league. sale for artists or pass the hat from a local radio station. additionally to show how small a city sf is i was tickled when i read the agenda special noticed 2 friends applying. i like to offer support for the halfway club and the palm house david is waiting to talk b. two institutions which show case the best sf. a shout out to employees for all you doll for the arts. in san francisco. thank you to kate special may for your upon behind the scenes
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efforts and the sf entertainment commission for having me. thank you for your support. >> questions. >> this is the best presentations we had awhile. >> [applause] i appreciate a good sense of humor and yes, thank you. >> laurie. >> i don't have questions so you can have a seat. and we may call you back depending how public comment guess. open things up for public comment. start with someone -- anyone in the room. there is no public comment. >> we'll close public comment. do we have motions? >> i move to approve this with
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staff recommendations. >> second. >> president bleiman. >> aye. >> vice president wong. >> aye >> commissioner davis. >> aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner sdlander. >> aye. >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> congratulations. follow up with our staff at your earliest convenience for next steps. we can move along. >> the next permit is jam to bam llp that includes out door entertainment and sound on the front patio at 2032 union street. they applied for billiard parlor permit. this application was on the december 19 hearing agenda and continued to a future hearing date due to lack of quorum they are here with the same application. palm house held a jam permit on the front patio 4 to 10 p.m.
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since november of 2020 and operate with extended duration one time permit for sound since december 23. they have obtained one time indoor event permits. under this application, they like to host indoor entertainment until scompleven out door dailying to 10 p.m. and not more than 10 events with entertainment per calendar year and each not exceed 4 hours. like to host outside sound 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily for the patio. in advance of the hearing the applicant notices neighbors about the ll p application and near low 30-day in advanced of the hearing on december thenth the dead line for comment i received 4 letters of opposition. all of this documentation is included in your file tonight. one neighbor who submitted initial letter of opposition
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resent it in advance of tone's hearing in response to the opposition letters i provide education to the theirs and ask if they would like to talk to the applicant one took me up. >> i held the meeting with the neighbor, council and the owner to discuss occurrence. it is important to note for thing commission this neighbor lives in the rear of the business and the application is for indoor entertainment and out door and sound autothe front of the business. the business is not have out door programming to the rear of the business they have a back room with wind sxoes open for vent ligz they don't have an h vac system. . base on the feedback hearing noise the owner said all windows closed by 10 p.m. and will physically removing the crank handle sopate rons can't open. i received a now letter from the neighbor's council out lining 2 permit questions to install
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limiter on sound system and indoor entertainment to end by 10 p.m. speaking to the owner the system has volume limit based on inspectors. and djes and bands bring in their sound equipment. owner is requesting to have indoor allowed until 11 p.m. will which is the legal time for the district. where we have received a sound complaint this year. the complaint on a saturday february 24 at 11. . 20 and stated the music started at 9:30 and windows were open. and the inspector responded when she arrived the front speaker in operation but no windows open. she spoke to the manager and the manager turned them off. am northern station does not have add conscience. let me know if you have questions and what is going on here otherwise i like to invite
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the owner jeff davis to speak. jury room questions before jeff speaks? >> do i plug this in you in? i will send pictures when i get done speak. >> thank you. . feel like i have been here a bit. palm house on the 10 year anniversary we are excite body that and we had up's and down's and -- obviously with covid we came back and fought back. 22 was a good year. 23 unfortunately was pretty bachld and 2024 is starting off not in as good as 2023. we are 50% down in sales. however there is hope. hope is the permits we have been
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getting for live entertainment whether it it is 2 in the morning or whatever we have been doing with the permit. so. those are help and for us to sustain on and be competitive in the marina we will need this permit. otherwise i'm scared for what will happen to palm house. restaurant sales and food sales are down. 50%. since 2022. and i don't want to be in obviously -- union does not want on lose another business. so far i don't want to say this permit will make or break us but it is to that point. and as far as -- our neighbors and what not. i live in the marine a get it and understand the concern and i made and as many -- choice or what not to help out with this.
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including the windows in the back. i will show where the speakers are located in a second. our neighbor that lives in the back who will bring up the challenges. it is sending pictures the windows whom have not been sxoep weather they were left open after a superbowl and nobody in the building you see stacked chairs. a picture of a window open. and pictures of a cracked window one time we got a complaint open 3-4 inches and the gentlemen texted our manager on duty and it was shut immediately there was nottent. a winnow was crack and theed the manager might have miss today. we had taken off the handles on the windows of guests cannot open them. i cannot look them the fire department does not like that. i am willing to conicide and put
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lookos. i'm not sure if the fire department would like that. as far as anymoring limitations, we have volume limitos our house sound system and it was tested by the commission and that's where our limits are. so, and if we bring djes in with their own equipment. they face the equipment not toward the back of the building but union street. we test with meter when is we make sure we are in compliance. we never got complaints the deputy director said from anybody else and toward that street it has been the back toward the wind sxoes speakers don't face toward this back window.
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this is our back room and the back windows. this is the neighbor back here. this way at this time bar and the pool table. going that way is union street.
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this is the speaker location of where our speaker is in is that back room. stheez of the back windows facing the neighbor the speaker is facing our kitchen. that is how small the speaker is. it is not a boom box. the standard 6 inch speaker. facing toward the kitchen. this is the min bar area. you see our pool table. back well is the back room the windows these here -- are toward a business. a cannabis business here and you see our speaker facing the bar. not facing the speakers or the windows.
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that's our front door. and when we set up a d judiciarying booth this , is the booth 9 times out of 10 this is where it will be set up. see, well is the back room and here is where dj's bring in speakers. these are facing union and not back there. and this was sent on superbowl. after superbowl at 9:44 p.m. it ended at 8:30 or 9 not one person in the build when this was sent you see stacked chairs here. i don't know00 autogentlemen said music blaring but nobody was in the building i don't know how there would have been music. cloning crew on friday and saturday this is a sunday night. i mentioned, we have -- the
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complaint with this window no cracked open here. 4-5 inch when is my manager got the text this was immediately shut. and taken care of. i can show more pictures here is our bar area. this leads toward union street. here is our patio. here is the outside patio that leads toward union. our neighbor is in the back there. our speakers we have one little speaker here. and worn speaker here. and our patios in there. that is all i have was pictures and when not if you have questions. about speaker location, let me
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know. >> hello mr. jeffrey, welcome. >> thank you. >> i have a couple questions >> who is responsible for managering the dj performing artists that you book. >> my manageros duty we have them on duty every night and day. and a lot have been in night life including myself you run a lot of the program and in night life as well. i get it. >> thank you. and one second. we are having technical difficulties with the sfgovtv it might be our mac book. [laughter]. there were issues before. >> yea. >> were you able to see the pictures. >> yes. i didn't know. >> the regular cam ralphs not working in the room i knowledge there is another issue with sfgovtv.
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okay. >> okay. bring their own equipment they will plug in to your in house sound system? >> some of them can plug in house but most bring speakers and plug in to the decks from there. a lot don't have the stuff to plug in a house system. if they do the sound is measured through the volume control. they can't go past the volume already on. >> able to manage. >> yea >> and exactly. if speakers from the dj we have the sound meter they will check. hay start at the top and front of the building and the back and in compliance >> great. >> are you able to community these rules about sound limits to artists in the process of book. >> absolutely >> for instance this past
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welcome a permit for st. patti's day a night permit but changed to the day. thank you for that. i made sure i communicated probably more than i needed to to dj about making sure windows are shut. making sure whether the sound is under the volume we need it to be and what not. they -- again to a point where this is annoying to them but i'm trying to be a good neighbor. i get temperature i'm trying my hardest >> okay. thank you. >> welcome. anymore questions before public comment? have a seat. i forgot. congratulations. >> forget to mention that
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commissioner wang recused herself due to her she is related one of the owners. open this for public comment. i best dave is ready. one zoom >> anybody in the room. start with the room. >> good evening. i'm andrew an attorney at wrak and freedman representing the owner which the neighbor's palm house on behalf my client and other neighbors of palm house my office wrote a letter issues with palm house and in80 to limit or control noise during productions at the property. since the december 23 hearing palm house application was heard. there were 4 instances neighbors
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made appeals to the sdurg entertainment unable or unwilling to secure to lim noise from live events. ownership this palm house does not have the capacity to install the cooling system. despite assurances from ownership the windows closed during events palm house staff aloud them to remain open causing neighbors to suffer through noise above limits stretching in the night. in speak briefly mr. davis point about -- and we suggested this
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installing h vac system they have a sound limiting device which mr. daves says is in place and not impose this as a condition we ask should they over look the in80 to close
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noise the approved permit should restrict indoor entertainment to 10 p.m. thank you for your time and consideration. >> thank you. we have one hand raised on zoom. david unmute yourself. if you hear me. >> i am -- thank you. i'm david i'm the gay gourmet a food reviewer for the san francisco bay times. i know restaurants, i know clubs i review them regularly. i have been a patron of the palm house for since inception. i know jeff and benson and sa timma the general manager
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intimate low. i want to refute what the lawyer said. number one, these owners and managers are people who care about their neighbors. and respond to concerns. so number one he is wrong about that. number two. i know that they don't have heating in the restaurant. so, his climb this they need to have air conditioning is false. and third, i want to say that this is really an important business in our community. and san francisco needs to support our small businesses at bring night life and community to our town. this is when makes san francisco fun. that neighbor who lives behind them knows well this he rented a place on youn street. so like what is the deal there? if you know you rented on union
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street it is a busy street. i mean we -- we will live in pacific heights and had -- one of those car things a couple nights ago. you know that is what happens when you live in the city. they need the permit until 11 p.m. jeff and benson and fatimma i'm telling you these are good people. and if there are any problems they will take care of them and also i'm calling from my vet's office because this establishment is so dog friend low and one of the few dog friendly places in the entire city. we need to preserve that. so, i want to endorse what jeff is proposing. >> thank you.
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devon unmute yourself and you have 3 minutes. >> can you hear me? >> yes. >> okay. i want to refute what the left person said as well. i'm a neighbor of the palm house bar i live on union street and i want to register i'm opposed to the entertainment permit. although palm house has a restaurant liquor license they operated the establishment as a bar for the past 10 years and it is continuing to be a noise problem for neighbors. like most san 41 homes bedrooms other rear of the building it has a few windows that face to the interior of the black. and since our bedrooms are facing that direction we are recipient of the noise.
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when i moved our home 20 years ago this establishment was a restaurants. several things over time of home, palmetto. crab shack. they had good food. reasonable hours accident quiet conversation and windows remained close and no imact on the block. since they have been operating as a bar and night club. well is loud music and people and people yell to be heard. since it is hot and noise and he kruded they open the windows allows the noise to fill the block facing the sleeping areas of neighbors. you then and there has been going on for 10 years. brett hen active and in speaking with them about it. it affects all of us that are on that side of the buick an an where our bedrooms face the
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basket palm house. including the other neighbors that signed the letter, or older families not comfortable engaging in this political interaction. they were complaining about being week up late in the night. remember my final statement is i don't neil palm house has demonstrated they ever good neighbors. noise problem gone on. they have not done anything about it and i ask you denight question for the permit it will make it worse. thank you. >> thank you. another hand from shawn.
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>> can you hear me? >> yes. why great. i have been a patron of the palm house since inception including prior the restaurants that were mentioned by the neighbor. il refute a thing he said for sure it a restaurant and bar. i have been there for 10 years and know the menu past and present. i think it is a well managed establishment. and i from what i hear from the committee member's report and the investigation that -- everything that is applied as here in zoning. revving lazes for the area and we do than you know among other commercial districts in san francisco need to have driving small businesses and i would life to ensure and see the future of the palm house secured by a positive vote on this
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request. thank you. >> thank you very much. thank you, shawn. that's it >> no more public comment on this item >> close public comment. we can have discussion. not quite. one in the room. i'm brad sailor i own the property on buchanan street. ecoath the other neighbors mentioned. we want the palm house to thrive but want them on keep noise to themselves. we have not had that in a long while. i spoke with jeff numerous
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times. our principle complaint is windows. i heard that the windos will be closed at 10 but i think what the condition on the permit was the windows closed during any live performance.
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well is the windso the noise was coming out of i can play the video down here.
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thank you for your time commission members. if you decide to guarantee the permit keep it to 10 p.m. so we can sleep at night. >> all right. is that it for public comment. why i think that's it. for real >> closing public comment. we can discuss. >> seems like the crux of the issue is the windows. which i think usually the situations it is like the crazy situation and this is pretty easy. i have never heard of the fire
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department saying that openable windows can't be locked. because you think about how many buildings don't have the windows you can't open or close i encourage to you contact your local fire inspector. seems like -- an easy solution. you know get a portable cooling unit. easy. >> pun intended. >>y i owned a business on youn street and i do it is a unique street it can be busy. and there are neighbors this are very, very adjacent especially with -- sleeping quarters. one thing that came to my mind
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during dj shows you had them in the door way with the rest space behind it. this -- the idea to have a sound curtain installed. publicly on the back area. sound curtains can do wonders to block noise i'm not interested in personal low in conditioning a sound curtain but open to it if you want to discuss temperature i think keeping themes necessary and finding alternative cooling mechanisms that are not will an h vehicle system. swamp coolers and things to do this other than not powerful but can make wonders of difference for a busy place that is hot. you know i will take issue with something one caller said the
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granting this permit make it worse. i don't think that is the case with us or our track record. we got a really get indicated staff that is devoteed actually handling noise, pacific low opposed to the police who are busy and noise from clubs and night life is not their priority. so, in my importance, and 6 years on this commission. when we have granted a permit often times niches have somebody than i can roach out to. and work with. and come inspect for them and find things like open windows. and advise permit holders and help them get in appliance and sometime fist they don't get in compliance we have a series of ever increasing fines that we imposed on people that -- help
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them get in compliance. and so this is one place i take issue that oftentimes bring people in the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission provides an added layer of -- compliance to maces that felt they did not have that before. so. >> thank you. i like your idea of -- may be requesting the applicant to have the -- the -- [inaudible]. may be not that condition but anything they can do to sound proof their venue. or anything they can do to mitigate sounds from the business would be recommended. >> all right. are we ready to motion. motion to approve with staff recommendations. >> second.
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>> president bleiman. >> aye. >> vice president wong. >> commissioner davis. >> aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye. >> commissioner schlander. >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye yoochl it has been granted. follow up with our staff. please keep in minds the comments we made a sound curtain do wondersure narrow. you don't have to responded you can talk to the staff later. >> all right. moving on. >> next on the regular agenda is place of entertainment for the third floor on battery street. it is new bar and restaurant on the third floor the j holing
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offers breakfast, lunch and dinner. a private out door patio. thunder permit application they are seek the ability to host rbi door and out door entertainment and sound until two a.m. the out door programming the applicants not exceed 8 hours of sounds and or entertainment. the applicants conducted out roach and notified the commercial and residential neighbors of their application using a service. they sent 549 letters, 447 went to business and within where are 2 to residents. in the file is a list of the address and a map of the area they noticed. there was no opposition. and senior inspecter sent a sounds limit reflect in the the staff recommendations below. i will note the business did receive 2 sound complaints on february 23 and february 24. and received notice of violation for hosting entertainment
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without a permit has seized activity. >> sfpd included the calendar and continue on the application. and here to speak with you is owner cat and hotel manager charlie kim. >> good evening. appreciate the opportunity to being here. thank you for your time. i'm charlie kim i represent k hp a san francisco based hotel investment company. we have been invest nothing san francisco hotels for over 20 years. and we were in charge of the kenton hotel brand. with me here is kash feng i will
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let him introduce himself. >> hello. i'm kash feng. we haveful. neighborhood restaurants most low in south of market district from live sushi. dancing. am steakhouse. and we partnered with k hp it operate the restaurant at the j hotel the third floor. and we are applying for the license for the third floor restaurant lounge with out door patio. locate instead lobby of the hotel. we are plan to host events and live performance and dj for the community. our goal to help recover downtown san francisco by giving
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folks another good reason and place to hang out. we flan host event upon 2-4 times a month on friday. saturday and sunday. between 5-10 p.m. we will have live performance and dj including bands occasionally we will going after am later until 2 a.m. for major events like new year's eve. we don't plan to do this often and we have about 300 holing rooms on top of that. thank you for your consideration. thank you. yo i will talk about the history the hotel and our investment in downtown. this hotel had an entertainment permit. reapplying to have permit under the restaurant group and extend the hours a bit and added the
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out door amplified sound component. we purchased this holing in 2021 we were the first hotel company to start invest nothing downtown san francisco again. we are believers in the long-term future of san francisco. and think live performances and entertainment and restaurants are -- very badly needed to bring people back. we spent 50 million dollars on reason violation and touched every service the hotel was golden meridian and fallen in disrepair. and you know i think reimagining the food and beverage spaces to serve the community will help. both the property and the city of san francisco. i have a quick presentation to show pictures of restaurant space and the renovation we did.
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them is the third floor of -- the hotel. where the will be seand the instruct and patio are. this is the main dining room here. and this is the lobe area. and this is the out door patio and you know we installed these sound screens and wind screens and landscaped the patiel to make it nice. this is our bar area and our lounge. and here is before and after shots. you know this is the entrance of the holing before. you know we put all new surfaces on the ceilings. and this is our entrance to the
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hotel. this was bar 333 downstairs in is still under construction and when the bar will look like where we are targeting a top 50 bar in the world. this is our ground floor restaurant space. dining room what it will look like. these are before and after of the guest rooms. again, touched near low every surface of the property. and trying to make this high end. this is a shot of the meeting space. more shots of the third floor. the dining room. and the upper terrace. and -- yea that's temperature i like to open up to questions. thank you.
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>> no questions, thank you for invest nothing downtown. >> i do have a question. in terms of how will you be notifying holing guests about the possibility of events and sound and it pertains to neighbors. what would you put nothing place of hotel guests. both are able to know about the entertainment in advance and have someone they can contact if sound is keeping them snup >> great question when guests check in. we notify them if there san even in the hotel. and just of you know being the nature of being a hotel our guests are important to us and
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don't want to bother them. we rbi tend top only host the events on friday, saturday and sunday. we generally end at 10 p.m. we tried go later and received complaints. we are trying to pull that back and be a good neighbor. within the vicinity of our hotel in a block radius it is all office. there are condo residential developments 2-3 blocks away the sound has to be really loud to reach them. . you know some of our neighbors are in the upon entertainment business. punch line down the street and yea. you know we are this is a new thing for us and we are here for comments if anything come xup our goal to be a good neighbor in downtown. >> thank you. >> i wanted to note this establishment is around the corn
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upper from -- downtown san francisco front steet. i think it is grit. are without anymore questions we will open for public comment. public comment. >> no public comment. closed. >> do we have a motion, more discussion? i move to approve with staff conditions. second. >> president bleiman. >> aye >> vice president wong >> aye >> commissioner davis. why aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> congratulations approved i look forward to visiting when i get a break. >> moving along.
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>> the next is a play-offs entertainment permit near shawn bistro. two previous ordinance deviate under ground grill team had a poe permit for the same entertainment only for indoor karaoke we did not receive sound complaints staff suggest the will sound limit below. mrrnts notified the neighbors and there was no opposition. there are no added continue and here is one of the owner. grover fawn. >> good evening. sorry about that good evening. i'm grover fan. onone of three owns in the outer
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sunset. we are a small 49 seat restaurant from noodles and dumplings to upon and a wide variety of skewers. you cook at the table temperature is a fun thing to do. we opened in september of 2023. had to close in january to repair to a burglar that happened in the night. nobody is hurt we were closed at that time it, a group hit the 4 mall business in the area within this 2 block wraid radius. a setback but we survive and want to continue to work and be a good neighbor and provide good food. we have been closed but hope to reopen end of this month. my partners can't be here they are putting finishing touches on the place we upgraded a few things. i'm here to request a review for an entertainment permit.
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we have a small private room about 150 square feet about karaoke equipment, a machine we hope to use and hopefully bring in extra cash. we added sound mittinggation not to bother our neighbors throughout shared wall. keep reached out to the guidance of kate, to reach out to 21 neighbor during our out reach. thank you. thank you, kate for all your guidance during this process. you are super parent and able to put up with my stupid questions. thank you. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> questions >> yea. >> i have a picture. >> a collage. stuff we have the store front
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and the food. not the skewers yet. >> as a fellow out are sunset resident life to see this happening. i think there is room for more karaoke in the neighborhood i don't see an issue with this. >> thank you. >> >> i think your menu looks great. [laughter]. i believe commissioner perez has a request. >> hello thank you for coming. i want top give you an opportunity to expand on your community out reach. how much responded what was communication. >> reached out to 100 foot radius. we did it by mail. i typed a letter with the recommendation and the information and the good neighbor policy that mail today out. it did not cost much. only between the alcohol license was 600. why from the mailing about
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nobody responded. >> to my knowledge, nobody. >> no. >> and upon then you have, let of neighbors. when would be your policy if there is in case a complaint? how would you handle that? >> we it is like i live 4 blocks and up we are we know the neighborhood and my parents are a black away. it was a lot of the neighbors we talk to and most of our customers local and we -- want to maintain a good relationship with neighbors the reds dents there they are our primary customers. we would welcome anything whether or not we dial down the volume or whatever. with karaoke minutes we have the customers can change the volume and dial it up but we our managers will snep examine dial it down if needed.
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we have i phone number. on google special yelp and everything the contact information is there. i move approval. >> second. >> president bleiman. >> aye >> vice president wong >> aye >> commissioner davis. >> aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner schlander >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. why approved follow up with our
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staff for next steps. >> next permit on the agenda is for jam to bam llp amendment from america row cafe out door programming under indoor permit. during the pandemic the cafe held a jam permit for sounds wednesday-saturday. under the llp amendment they are seek ability to have out door programming daily but noted exceed 6 hours total per day except 6 times a year like the out door and or amplified sound allowed to up to 8 hours. the sound and entertainment is located in the cafe. they like to opening statement flarjt windows for the sound to project for the patrons on the sidewalk to hear the music. the inspector will set a sound limit based on the programming schedule. the applicant conducted out
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reach sending 29 letters to neighbors. and there was no opposition and they received one letter of support included in your file tonight. sfpd northern station, two letters of support. >>. no added ness and here to peek with you is the owner nick parker. hello i'm nick parky the owner of mercury cafe we are in haze valley. right on octavia street and been
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there for 15 years celebrated our 15th year birthday last saturday which i thank kate for helping me get a one day permit for the open for that. we have had live performance since i think 2020. and they are jazz performance. they happen like once a week every thursday. used to be every wednesday. we have also hosted occasionally other events like ballpark time which you may have heard about. and pop ups they start at mercury cafe during the pandemic. and so than i are pop ups and the purposes behind the this -- permit is to be able to have windows open. so they can have the dj's perform to the people in the
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parklet. usually they close off the street. when they do this they do. obviously. >> we want to have the ability to open up windows to improve ventilation for the cafe. inside and also -- because windows face octavia street many of you know is busy and noisy. we would hope and anticipate there would noted be a problem regarding sound, noise issues. and -- i did have pictures so to show you the front windows spread 8 feet open to the parklet which is in front of the cafe itself on octavia street. and the inside is approximately i think -- 12 by 15 feet.
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i don't know it is in the files of what the stage area is like in the front of the building. so it would be basically would consistent in the place in the cafe itself and project outside to the sidewalk if weather permits. in addition to that i add that the cafe itself is just where simple cafe. serve food and wine and beer. we are not open later than 9 o'clock. and we get along with our neighbors in fact many consider us to be a neighborhood spot. with all that i hope you will consider this application. positively and -- i -- thank you for my time.
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questions to the applicant? you can have a seat. is there public comment on this agenda item? >> no comments on this item. >> do we have motions? i move approval with staff recommendations. seconded. >> president bleiman. >> aye. >> vice president wong. >> aye. >> commissioner davis. >> aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> congratulations approved and you can follow up with our staff for next steps. >> the next permit on our regular agenda is for deco dance i'm going to suggest to the commission we go ahead and continue this to the next hearing on april second.
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there has been recent concern that voiced and i like more time to work with the applicant and the neighbors. to smooth those out. you have to make a motion. >> i move continuance of item h. deco dance. >> second >> is there public comment on continuing this item? >> no comment. >> all right. public comment is closed. >> president bleiman. >> aye >> vice president wong. >> aye >> commissioner davis >> aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye. >> commissioner thomas. >> aye >> it has been continued. >> okay. and the final permit on the agenda is llp mer permit out door entertainment on the private pat row of the halfway club at 116 geneva the halfway club is a bar and restaurant
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eastbounding is permit to host entertainment upon including live dj. music. live music. karaoke, fashion, drag shows and comedy acts and recorded music for guests while dining. thunder persh mitt they like the option to host out door entertainment 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. not exceed 4 hours per day and host sound monday-friday 4 to hen and saturday and sunday 12-10 p.m. inspector is scheduled the sound test this week and limited applied. the applicants conducted out reach sending 30 letters to neighbors and no opposition for the permit. and sfpd station had no added continues. here to spoke is the owner greg quinn.
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thank you. this is terry our bar manager and good friend and our av guy. he has a few photos of the facility. i guess the first is the over all graphic identity of our restaurant . i work in the the restaurant street for 25 years. them is my first rairn. ownershipful open for two montes and previously there have been restaurants there 1978 or may be further back. people have been positive it is diverse and a wide range of age groups visit and families coming
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in. and supporting us from day worn. and there has been alost interests in programming in our restaurant. we are busy on the earlier side. we are latest afternoon and evening strong for us we think is great and focus at that time. like low not going past we'll never go past 10 o'clock and happy hour.
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i notice there is residential use near by as well. what other sounds management strategies you put in place there. why i think for one we did reach out to the neighbors our neighbors are regular customers we have a good repyre. my cell phone on my card and i hand them out to guests encouraging them tom stay in touch. social media and messages from neighbors with questions we stay on top. we have a land line in the restaurant we independent to. from there we -- because our
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clientele is diverse age group we want everything to be a comfortable listening level you have conversation over what we are doing. it is the best for the restaurant. we will being on the. control of the sound had there say promise. >> broken record a support place. i'm fwlad that there arefect in there and opening a new venue and -- this looks great. i look forward to visiting. >> thank you. >> hello welcome to the neighborhood i live in excelsior. i pass by every day i tried go a few weeks ago but not open. i'm glad to here you are open and looking forward to checking you out and hearing about the programming.
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tell me about the live music you are playing. we are planning on starting with just the solo piano player. a couple friends who play and experienced and hope to start there. we had a number of local musicians check with us and see if what programming we do and we will plan on mix it up and see when works. perfect location to put the artists from angles >> and case neighborhood issues and complaints what is the best way to contact you guys. there are a number of way list is condition tact information on our website.
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and there is plenty of google or yelp would have this information as about. and your general policy addressing complaints. it is is this we want to keep the neighbors happy they are the life blood the support from the neighborhood is incredible so for and maintaining that relationship is important this is a very unique neighborhood there is multigenerational people grow up limited partner and stay there and i know what a neighborhood like that it is important to make sure we are friendsing with sxefrn not make waves that is a prior for us >> i lived there for 42 years. we hear that all the time >> congratulations. share said a lot of customers with the broken record i home that continues. >> great bar. >> where i want to note that commissioner perez lived there for 42 years the entirety of his
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life. all right. you can have a seat i don't have questions. >> thank you. why is this public comment on this agenda item? >> no public comment. >> close public comment do we are motions? >> i'm theme make a motion to approve this permit application with staff recommendations >> second. >> president bleiman. >> aye >> vice president wong. >> aye >> commissioner davis. aye >> commissioner perez. why aye >> commissioner schlander >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> all right. congratulations. approved and just follow up with our staff for next steps. >> all right. we move on to agenda item 7. okay. the request of commission this was agendizeed bring the owner of ga salt before the commission to discuss the incident with our
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inspector on march second of 24. you may recall the inspector a sound will complaint and waiting to take a measure punishment heard danielle yell and he became aggress and i have started yelling at her m. report third degree danielle pushed a patron out and the way. after the inspector was outside she had left her notebook in and when she went to get it danielle why would f that chick walking toward her. and the inspector had to rush to her car and hide until he went to a business she felt unsafe from his actions. i e mailed danielle and explain third degree was unacceptable and i never received a response back. i like to provide an over view of the enforcement history. appearod february first of 22
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and december 20 of 22. to recap between april of 21 and december of 22 we received 79, 311 sound complaints and numerous e mail complaints. 18 prior to the business being granted an llp permit on july 29 of 21. upon perform the rill remaining made since the permit was granted the business found in violation 12 the 45 times we visited. and they received 2 am notices of violation and sick citations. on going violations were about operating above allowable sound or past 11 p.m. the last citationos october 29 and november 19 of 22. for operating entertainment at 12 and 2:30 a.m. business was found operating entertainment after 11 p.m. on
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sick occasions. i gave you the u. because the hearing on december 20 of 22 the commission voted recondition the llp permit to allow entertainment on prdz and saturday nights until 10 p.m. that reconditioning did impact in 23 we received 4 sound complaints and none were substantiated because they came in the middle of the night. >> for tonight's item and discussion action item the commission as the ability to recondition the permit further. we don't have specific staff recommendifications we suggest reminding the permit holder of importance of respecting all city employees and never aggressive to an imspecter. i'm not seeing the owner but
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have the 80 to take actioneen if not present. i don't see combg knob line. i see one person. i was the whon requested this to come. can you reminds us what their conditions are? friday and saturday until 10 p.m. my feeling person has shown he is in no way shaper form responsible enough to hold an entertainment permit. it does seem as if he is selling the bar and seem according to the manager that it is any day now. however i will mention that is what the manager said last time which was 6 months ago. right yoochl december of 22. 2 years ago. >> so, having sold many embarrass in my life.
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things happen. they don't sell. they get delayed. ir want to discuss when to do here. my feeling is we are unable to revoke a permit. our limited to congress and my feeling is that additional conditions should be put on this. just so we are acting in our role to the best we can. being aggressive toward our inspector whether it is a male or female or other is not okay. ever. especially begin circumstances say it was bad. i'm open to ideas i don't have preconreceived ideas but open to ideas. i think we should limit it more. i think this we should either have it until 9 or just one of
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the days or both. i think limit as much as we can this is disgusting and embarrassing for our city and bar and club owners. agreed t. is absolutely unacceptable. and my suggestion is to limit it to one hour a day a week. other thoughts? we have a chance to grand stabbed here. [laughter]. not turn down that -- the opportunity don't come every day. >> [laughter]. >> i mean i think you know, i am hearing what you are saying about it can take awhile to transfer ownership. i also it seemed like the manager was the better actor of the. clearly. the manager was the better actor
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of the two and of upon would not. our actions to slow do you think transfer of the bar. but i'm not sure that they would so i look to the bar owners to00 i can't think of how they would affect the sale of the bar in any way. i'm of mind we need to act whether. >> agreed. i feel like what conditions we put on we had revisit in theent there is new ownership. >> agreed. i think -- you know as he is the
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manager and he is purchasing it we need to show him that this commission needs to be taken seriously and condition on his permit taken seriously. >> yea. he did seem like a good actor. the manager. >> and but with this power dynamic when you w for somebody and they tell you do one thing when you continue is in the helpful. you are between a rock and hard place. right. >> my memory of the previous hearing the manager showed up the owner did not. and the manager did a fair amount of you know explaining what happen exclude why this was the previous -- hearing. yea. i was thinking you in was limiting to an happy hour. those hours. one hour a week.
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is sounds nice and i think just of the to keep us from going too far from compliance or -- legal stands point we should limit it to 7 p.m. how many days a week. two. friday it was friday and saturday. currently. why now it is entertainment on friday and saturday until 10 p.m. none on sunday-thursday i would be open to 10 p.m. it is not a night time thing anymore. >> yea. >> if anybody wants to suggest i'm all ears. >> we are doing something. his actions were aggregeous to justify one day a week.
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limit to fridays. from fridays until 7 p.m. split the baby. >> i agree. >> yea. all right open for public comment is there public comment here? none. jol no public comment. >> close public comment and is there a motion and you will have to explain your motion. looking at you. >> i would like to move to recondition the permit and limit it to friday nights until 7 p.m. only. >> i second. >> okay. president bleiman. >> aye >> vice president wong >> aye >> commissioner davis >> aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye. >> commissioner thomas. why aye >> that permit is reconditioned. the last is commissioner comments and questions i
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believe? am i correct? yes. i am. >> what do you got you gotta have something this week. i would like to welcome our newest inspector. i'm sorry i did not catch your name. >> asa. welcome to the family. and look forward to working with and you want to congratulate anthony. familiar with amazing work in the community organizing hugely successful. events, pers of activations around the city. and so as a fellow neighborhood representative looking forward to working with and advocate on the neighbors and citizens of the great city and other entertainment community at large. congratulations. >> welcome, guys. >> yea. >> welcome. >> yes, welcome. i'm excited have you and seemed
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like a dark time an among ago we had no commissioners left and -- upon [laughter] and had to work hard to guest quorums and now look at us. we have 2 great new commissioners, new sound inspector. spring is here. spring has sprung. where public comment on the last item? >> none. >> closing public comment and adjourn at 7:11 p.m. clear clear
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>> [music] you are watching golden gate inventions with michael. this is episode exploring the excelsior. >> hi i'm michael you are watching golden gate inventions highlighting urban out doors we are in the excelsior. pickleball. let's play pickleball! pickleball is an incredited low popular sport growing nationwide. pickleball combines tennis, bad mitton and ping pong. playod a bad mitton sized court
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with paddle and i plasticic ball. starting out is easy. you can pick up paddle and balls for 20 buck and it is suitable for everyone in all skill levels you see here. the gim is played by 2 or 4 players. the ball must be served diagnoty and other rules theory easy to pick up. the game ends when i player or team reaches a set score 11 or 21 point bunkham win bright 2 pickleball courts are available across the city some are and others require booking ahead and a fee. information about the courts found at sf recpark. org if you are interested in playing. now i know why people are playing pickleball. it is so much fun you play all
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ages. all skill levels and pop on a court and you are red to g. a lot of fun i'm glad i did it. all right. let's go! time for a hike! there is i ton of hike nothing excelsior. 312 acres mc clarin the second largest p in san francisco. there are 7 miles of tris including the there was fer's way this spreads over foresxeft field and prosecute voids hill side views of the city. and well is a meditative quiet place in mc clarin p you will siendz labyrinth made of rock:now we are at glen eagle golf course special try out disk golf >> now disk golf! so disk golf is like traditional
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golf but with noticing disks. credit as the sport's pioneer establishing the disk ballsorption and the first standardized target the disk ball hole. the game involves throwing from key areas toward i metal basket. players use different disks for long distances driver, immediateerate. mid range and precise shot, putters. players begin at the t area. throw disks toward the basket and prosecute seed down the fare way. player with the lowest number of throws the end wins the game. disk golf at glen eagle cost 14 dollars if you pay at the clubhouse. there is an 18 hole course this
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is free. du see that shot? i won! am i was not very good now i have a huge respect for disk ball player its is difficult but fun. thank you for joining me in the excelsior this is goldenate adventures.
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>> for those of you don't know me, i'm janet and tilts a pleasure to be here today for the irish flag raising the irish are optimists and