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tv   BOS Government Audits Oversight Committee  SFGTV  March 21, 2024 6:00pm-8:33pm PDT

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county of san francisco government audit and oversight committee meeting this morning at 10:00 am., thursday, march 21, 2024. >> board of supervisors i'm supervisor preston and joined by commissioner chan and supervisor peskin thank you, sfgovtv for staffing that meeting madam clerk any public comment. >> you pay submit public comment in writing to the government audit & oversight committee and and if
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you submit by e-mail i may send our written communications to u.s. postal service to room 244 san francisco and if you have documents like to be combhukd has part of file - make sure all - finally items acted on expected to be on the agenda of april 2nd a unless otherwise noted. >> thank you madam clerk before we wall the first item supervisor mandelman and make a motion to excuse supervisor stefani until 11:00 a.m. >> on that motion to excuse
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supervisor stefani supervisor mandelman and. >> commissioner chan and. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> three i's with supervisor stefani excused. >> and madam clerk call item francisco deputy sheriffs' association, to be effective july 1, 2022, through june 30, 2024. >> thank you this item is sponsored by the mayor and dhr employee relations director is here will be giving us context own that director graham
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welcome. >> good morning. >> sounds birth a welcome. >> good morning supervisor preston and members of board of supervisors. >> this is a relatively minor change um, to the existing contractor with deputy sheriffs' association on awarded by an art translator by arbitration panel what the programs and policies and the change in the settled documents last 2022 we submitted to the board and sideboard adopted. there was is in the zipper clause for two issues one issue was on the issue of mud
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arrested that is paid to the employees who arrived 15 ministerial and requested by the sheriff to find out what is going into the various pods at the jails assignments it is over time and that is in the over time sections that is one of the items that was discussed and the other issue was a number of letters and agreements had been signed between the sheriff departments and or department of human resources and the deputy sheriffs' association over 20 years ago both items the city conferred with the deputy sheriffs' association and researched in the case of the side letters we resolved those letters and only went to arbitration over 4 and the mud arrested pay out of overtime
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language we disagreed went to arbitration for that panel made and determinations the cities favor on the miss toward the two and the other letter of concerns how mandatory over time is regulated and a deal will be struck from the documents. >> thank you director graham appreciate the presentation and the context and i - i don't have any questions my finding our role is not really to weigh on the merits but oriented by the arbitrator ministerial role that is important for the transparency and appreciate you.
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>> unless questions from the colleagues open up for public comment madam any members of the public wishing to speak should line up by the windows, and all speakers have two minutes to speak. can the first speaker come forward? to the podium and begin your comments? >> >>. thank you. public comment is closed. (gavel) and i would like to go ahead and make a motion to send this yes, ma'am to the full board with recommendations. >> on that motion to forward this to the board with positive recommendations. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> commissioner chan, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> i have three i's with supervisor stefani excused and madam clerk call item 2 and
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madam clerk call item 2 and through 4 together. >> sheriff's department oversight board's first and second quarter reports for the calendar year 2023. (sheriff's department oversight sheriff's department oversight board's third and fourth quarter reports for the calendar year (cy) 2023. (sheriff's department oversight report] resolution accepting the sheriff's department oversight board's annual report for the calendar year 2023. (sheriff's department oversight board) thank you, madam speaker and wanted to welcome supervisor walton to the gaoc committee and thank you for these items and i'll the floor is yours. >> i want to say a word of thanks for all your leadership to make sure moving forward greater oversight and transparency with the sheriff's department thank you for your work on that and supervisor walton the floor is yours.
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>> at the supervisor preston sea want to committee as you know in november 2020 san franciscans supported the independent sheriff's office we received over three-quarters and san francisco oversight board and the office of cyber general submitting quarterly reports to the board of supervisors and today we're introducing resolution to accept that sheriff's department oversight board for 2023 have before you a resolution to accept the sheriff's department oversight board third and fourth quarter and the resolution to accept the sheriff's annual report thank
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you for the sheriff's department oversight board and work for the reports submitted. >> thank you for the department of police officer affordability and make sure that all the work is done during the process part of sheriff's department oversight board charge to hire an inspector general to organize the department we're very happy to welcome the inspector general terry reilly and invite you to share your first weeks and a brief update of the work of the new department welcome the floor is yours. >> director. thank you. supervisor walton and thank you, supervisor preston and the jail committee for having me here and pleasure to be in front of you
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today and welcome i've been in office as the inspector general for 3 months now and, of course, the first couple of week with the only boarding progress with the city and county of san francisco but also an orientation of the department of police accountability to make sure the cases out of sheriff's office are right. >> after on and on boarding and orientation working with all of the stakeholders um, in the city and county of san francisco so i met with supervisor walton and sheriff and legal staff, and the public defender's office and both members of board of supervisors and your staff. um, i have not met every member of
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the board of supervisors but met with the mayors staff and the city's budget team. that will be a very important thing to get us up and coming and met with several community-based organizations such as the san francisco jail coalition and san francisco latino task force and bart association task force and al why a the director of the programming at the sheriff's department. as and the budget process is very important i want to thank the depth of police accountability to create and reasonable budget request and
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met with the mayor's office a bunch of times and made public presentations on january 24th. and february 14, 2024, and submitted a finalized budget on february 21st and also entered an agreement up and running cases that are arriving over to the sheriff's department conduct they're handling so we are in agreement with the san francisco sheriff's office and the dph to make sure that no investigation is compromised and no, i g hiring on board with the staff. now we also have exciting news this week we're launching the new case management that will serve as a central hub and with
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the work analyzing and reporting of our data. and making our services more acceptable for the public. we are included in the case management is a dedicated electronic online complaint system that allows the public to file complaints from anywhere a complaint will allow complaints to track the progress and allow the tracking of the complaints they will be issued and number and will submit that number and update them on the progress of their complaint i think that worth noting that launching a fully management system costs millions of dollars and takes years to implement. however, in our case we much to do about nothing to get the system launched three months after taking office as a cost off 50
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thousand. the plan includes complaints page on the tablets of inmates inmates will make complaints directly to the jail council. complaint page enter in their tablet and i g has created. >> website that linkups to the information we recently adam o i g vision statement to the website. and we have established a presence also with the facebook and instagram and x formally triefrt and will help with the communication and we are currently working on developing and standardized discipline penalty for improper
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conduct by sheriff's sheriff's office staff. and this new system will promote fairness and transparency in the administration in the administrator discipline progress and establish and baseline for the staff to understand the types of discipline to expect with the concludes and then finally we we believe is important in leveraging technology to remove the sheriff's data management to make sure the accuracy of data reported particularly as that relates to the force and roadway lack of take advantage of reporting out on the data is more difficult than we believe should be given the technology that is available to us. so i appreciate i (clearing throat) allowing me to update i on the progress we made i believe we've
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made a lot of progress in the last three months and happy with the direction. >> first of all, thank you, inspector general and obviously this is took a lot of time i'm happy we are able to move forward with the work with the leadership and i have a couple of questions that reflects the needs of light department. in our conversations with the mayor's office do you feel it will be accepted what kind of feel are you getting. >> honestly, i do understand that we're in a budget deficit and understand it is tough going for everyone in the city and county of san francisco. which
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is why the budget is submitted is a budget that is very reasonable and have plan to phase in the office of inspire general it is only $2.5 million budget. you know, currently the charter requires we are supposed to have one inspector per one hundred deputies we would tech to be fully and full staff we have no investigators with the launch of our new system and for more inmates to make complaints it is important we right now - not been a one where i'm
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confident. >> and then you, you mentioned for people in custody to have the complained page added to the their tablets. >> yeah. >> what's your estimate for operations. >> honestly, i think that we could have that available within the next month. but the problem is that we currently don't have any investigators we have two investigators for the department on accountability that are handing the sheriff's department only it is really only a miniscule number of complaints that we are aiding with full staff. >> most vitality in terms of
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personnel needs. >> i been an investigator and right now been on (clearing throat) i've been on the job for three memos as an administrator assistant. i'm my only assistant. >> mr. chair, i have no more questions. >> thank you, supervisor. walton and inspector general willy and congratulations on the position and i think, you know, as described obviously a lot will rest on making sure the reports you can carry out and i 7, 8, 9 want to recognize doing the initial work basically extremely challenging you i can't imagine to learn you did
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don't have an administrator assistant or investigator. or thank you for taking that on and so many uncertainties. i did have a question just sounds like currently the complaints are handled by dba what - do you know the ball park of how many complaints they are currently annually handling. >> well, you know, i think without be able to give you an exact number we are able to manage the dba is managing that what is coming through the more serious cases the problem is that there is a lot of complaints that are slipping
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through cracks without the man power. my concern is that, you know, if we download the complaint to the their tablets will not have the man power to currently handle the demand that is likely to come in. >> that make sense by the dba has loaned us two investigators we can handle the more serious complaints and the plan is operational going though the complaint directly but folks in in custody that that multiple bilingual and in puttin.
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>> and thank you, one last question before we open up for public comment. kind of describe what i imagine is a tear down budget as to it sounds like depth toward being fully staffed and operational i'm curious what is - is there estimate not what you're asking for in the budget but the costs to operate that needs to be a number of investigators per- >> (multiple voices). >> yeah. i think to be fully functional to have the number of investigators we're looking at a budget of 5 to $6 million. but like i said, we understand the current situation with the budget deficit and sometimes
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we're no so strategizing phase for the office with fewer investigators to get us on the ground. >> thank you for the early engagement with the supervisors and the public defender's office. and sheriff's and all stakeholders and including advocate community-based organizations thank you for approaching the early months of your tenure with from that perspective and with that level of engagement. um, supervisor walton. >> thank you supervisor preston one quick question engaging the community i'm wondering how to so going whether you plan for engaging. >> this past monday, i meet
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with the san francisco latinos and concerns right now there is been a new wing opened up at the jail (clearing throat) and compromised of predominantly latinos but lack of man power and resources they're not receiving the same level of services that folks in the other inmates in the other pods are receiving and so we are issues like that that the community-based organizations we were our of that problem but it is restoring the concerns from the community and
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community-based organizations are being great and positive about working with us and everybody gets an understanding a lot of times they don't understand the inspire general we are trying to educate folks in our role. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor walton let's go ahead and open up for public comment. >> thank you. >> windows, and all speakers have two minutes to speak. can the first speaker come forward? >> i'm juvenile probation department just president of the sheriff's board i want to condones reilly and our board secretary and mash the attorney
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for the police departments of accountability and making this smooth so as we noted in the charter we are required to have an investigator per one hundred deputies. but given that the inmate population has grown by 50 percent that makes us look at staffing also the numbers of person incarcerated. right now we laid down a lot of ground work and legal services because we only had enough money to have two hours we extended 80 hours and i've alone deliberate in having the investigations during our regular meetings to educate not only the members but also the community really to understand how the system works.
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and to really get interest of the stakeholders we are pleased to have a lot of participation in our meeting on a february and continue to do that. we went out into the community and the facebook was many of the members (bell ringing) were meeting at city hall thank you for your support about the budget we've not the p da has not met their deadline but. thank you. >> any more members of the public wish to >> thank you public comment is closed. >> (gavel). >> supervisor walton any final comments. >> definitely thank you. i
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want to, of course, thank the sheriff's department oversight board and general reilly and thank you, to the department of accountability the voters passed if overwhelmingly and need to make sure we do our due diligence to make sure we have the appropriate staffing so 19 we can have the appropriate sheriff's department and appreciate the sheriff's department in their role and everyone understand the importance of making sure we're able to investigate and do a good to be of protecting the rights of everyone so again, thank you folks for coming out and ask for the approval of items 2345e. >> thank you, supervisor. that walton and i will you're very good at thanking the voters for
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passing this infrastructure and want to note that authored and moved those things to the voters so have an opportunity to continue to take the leads on those efforts on the ground operational thank you, on that. >> and with that, madam clerk i'd like to move to send item 2, through 4 to the full board with recommendations. >> on that motion to forward town of kensington three and 4 with positive recommendations supervisor mandelman, aye. >> commissioner chan, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> i have three i see with supervisor stefani excused. >> thank you those items passed (gavel) at the director and at the chair
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president mentioning the fact that all the work went into this ballot i do want to thank the ladies for all he started this work and, of course, one of the promises and commitments i made to my friend to make sure we were able to do so see and just want to honor him that (unintelligible). thank you. >> thank you. adding that and madam clerk temporary shelter and other homeless services to support people experiencing homelessness, notwithstanding the behested payment ordinance. and note this item will be
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referred to the boarded by a committee report. >> thank you and emily cowen is here. >> thank you ombly cowen with the department of homelessness and discuss the waiver resolution that allows the mayor's office and the department staff leadership to solicit funding from or excuse from private individuals to support the expansion of this in our community. this waiver was authorized by the braid back in october and is expiring in april and we are in the processes of engaging philanthropy in
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supporting the expansion of homelessness and when he know the funds are contracting and replacing ask an extension to the waiver as you can see we are in a crisis when it comes to homelessness in our community with over 7 seven hundred of our unhoused on my given night and 56 are unsheltered and have a bold decision for expanding housing and shelters and homelessness prevention and users public and private dollars. we have identified some key properties that the department is moving forward with the expansion of family shelters and seen over there demand in the community of
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families in need of emergency shelters as well as other sheltering options and expanding and really piloting a workforce development subsidy for families that is something with public and private resources and as well as continuing to expand or excuse me - options for (unintelligible) we have had some successful public-private partnerships in our department two of which for example, and this project was a partnership between hsh and deputy to bring together private resources to construct a cab i think community and handle operating costs and which was in a huge
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initiative for several other youth serving nonprofit organizations to prevent homelessness in our community as well as time limited rent for young people in advancing homelessness and happy to stop there for any questions? >> thank you. any by chance we had an additional 6 months. thank you. >> commissioner chan. >> i'm i'm trying to understand clearly you have housed partnerships based on the previous (unintelligible) you the partnership outlines not document or in the presentation were established before the legislation was going into effect and we resolved a payment - went into effect and got a
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waiver last october we're going to continue that waiver and continue the conversations. >> the waiver and especially the ones that were approved. you know, in i'm kind of curious and i'm trying to understand so what you're presenting today is actually the private/public partnership you previously received prior to legislation that was approved. >> uh-huh and with the disclosure and waiver that must be obtained for the conversation and that you - and then also the rising up with the partners help me understand when we received the waivers are those partnerships all right. that project is done and it there is with the waiver that um, previously was in 2023 of october last year now expired in
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april 2024 that waiver particle do not have a funder or nor a dollar amount; is that correct? >> yes. that's correct it opened before the behested payment ordinance where the legislation was impacted and continues though it has been included the services are still administered. are in terms of what wiring trying to chief this coming year don't have an initiative but we are talking to philosophical corporations in san francisco about that includes the expansion of family shelters three includes the black history month programs housing subsidy pilot. that includes expansion of the
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flexible pool for use for families central. those are the three main issues though we have one other example is our in addition center at 880 post street interested in building out that on the first floor and don't have the money in our biggest but interested in that. >> with that waiver expansion you're looking - do you have with awning all the projects a proposed amount of dollars. >> all of those initiatives other than the capital the capital budget we're looking for is presidential $3 million the other initiates are available i have price per household and work with the folks to right size a donation or tie directly to a nonprofit but have price
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per household and can scale up and down based on the capacity of donor and the sure. >> (unintelligible). >> capital improvement in dollars and correct. >> and that how much is that. >> depends on the initiative we looked at the 5 years subsidy program with wrap around workforce support we have $300,000 per household in that like if we have a small - all relative terms of large and small a donor comes in and want to spore 5 people we can do that on a higher scale and in terms of family shelters identified about $200 per night per family and we're talking about 7
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million a year. we have those numbers and those are the conversations we have right now. >> i look forward to seeing that i think those i'll have to say i'm looking at the households to have the file and not necessary on is legislation when we approve that will be helpful to kind of take away the families i want to have an example we approve the behested payment ordinance or a pack and talk about the special events and welcome that millions of dollars you don't i clearly - i think that actually a great way to approach that your allowed that scale but that would be great having those - speaking of capital improvement of $3 million and seeking, you
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know, funding for this list of names and $300,000 per households those are really um, great ways in terms of really for us or at least for me when i look back this waiver is worth it or kind of a measure of success until - we fulfill the goals how do we do better and continue the waiver if need be. i'm going to ask my last question we clearly had, you know, a specific timeline for the waiver i anticipate to expire in april of 2024 and coming for a waiver and say a little bit about behind the scenes. >> my finding only request 6
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probation officers. >> each time? >> each time, you know, if we request a year in we come back we'll do but that's all that is allowed. >> that is the pace what is our expectation. >> honestly will be on ongoing thing we're not a fundraiser enterprise department with a spreadsheet but the whole public service industry the work we had a often very reliant on private support. and i have a background in the nonprofit segment a lot of fundraiser going on this is an ongoing parts of work should be happening we the city is the largest funder of homelessness and collaborating on strategy reduction that's what we're able to do pretty well regularly in
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our work before the legislation was passed and now because the programs we work that we are requesting a waiver. >> for example, tipping point is one of the bigger hunters of homelessness services we want to have a united strategy with them um, but they advocate for different policies- >> (multiple voices). >> so therefore we need a waiver. >> yeah. i think that is actually what my question is trying to get to see for the division of (unintelligible) and it does impact our policy and how we address those and then i'm not jumping from this point to that the policies and policy about homeless but, you know, i think that the behested payment ordinance is to date with that
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one six months my question at some point will circle back with an extension again that might so at which point are we going to have a conversation about, you know, with the existing budget of $6 million and more for the department to tackle the homeless issue and have more support at which point will we say tweaking of both the policy and the programs we have currently at the city and to really say at which point we take the dollars we're spending both private and public is just the actual matching to that of the and the delivery of the department and the programming and services that is provided.
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so- >> i'll leave it at that. >> i'm in support of this day we have the behested payment ordinance today and for another 6 months i think getting the kind of dollars our ama to raise for the last 6 months and i see that you need an additional 6 probation officers when you come back for the next waiver (unintelligible). thank you. >> thank you. and i also want to thank supervisor mandelman and ron even and owning guard for this legislation. >> thank you commissioner chan. and the 6 months i understand it is ma'am, and give us an opportunity to in terms of calendaring and reporting. to,
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you know, hoping back the next time more and more tackle folks approached for documentation can be part of the i understand that it takes time and i am curious just in hearing, talking about some of the issues the parties and how we deal with and navigate, you know, conflicts objective individuals and corporations and we got charity foundations part of some exceptions for the charitable foundations are in one category and concerns around voters fiscally other conflicts separate and individuals and corporations at least for me a question of how we handle those
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conflicts i don't know. i if this is for you or the city attorney by occurring basically when the in place anyone fair game to approach documents or some level of someone engaging someone is applying for a huge contract in different departments and approached by another department for, you know, conversations about a donations i know with an school of thought the money is not needed but objective it is up there for a reason i'm curious to the streak of the waiver is basically means that any individual corporation is on
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track so forth and so on as so the term interested party is one of defined relative to the person making the request and entities like hsh might not be interested parties for departments it is relationship definition. um, what this legislation will do is to allow hsh and i believe do mayor's office to fundraiser from interested parties to (unintelligible) whether those are interested parties to others departments i don't know. um, they might be. >> thank you i think that clarification is helpful i'm wondering if someone is in contract with or has a pending application or approval of their contracts the stirring city is on board with the different
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department is that something i don't know hsh will be that or let's see mayor's office i'm trying to figure out any category of the folks off limitation for fundraiser from the private sector from those kinds of approaches because of their activities? and applications? or contracts? with other entities. >> like i said, ours local laws focus on the relationship between the parties and the person making the ask. i depend on that addresses the payment requests to an entity to another department i don't know how
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we'll know that the folks would know about that relationship and if a donations comes to the board like i said, about the relationship and for hsh and the mayor's office they have a relationship with the interested party may make that request for a donation. >> got it thank you and i ask those because i think the as looking at 9 donations a gift to the board for approval or for contracts that we could to have transparent i support this policy and proposal for continuous for the waiver and i'll just editorial for i minute
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before public comment. this is what happens when we dramatically under tax the rich through a federal government that will audit a millionaire they don't do it like they should the failure of our government (unintelligible) exemptions for the weight any and paying taxes and so forth and so on so it is unfortunate we have government the time and energy to beg the extremely wealthy to fund those things in our city instead of requiring them through fund it through taxtion but not before the committee right now. and i think within the context we are in
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makes sense to seek those documentation donations and hsh and mayor's office do that i appreciate the presentation and to other to other questions or comments? open up for public comment of the public wishing to speak should line up by the windows, and all speakers have two minutes to speak. can the first speaker come forward? to the podium and begin your comments. >> mr. chair, appears no public comment. >> >> thank you public comment is closed. (gavel) and i would like to go ahead and make a motion to send this item to the full board with recommendation. >> sorry supervisor preston can you row state that. >> motion to send this item to the board that recommendation. >> on that motion to pardon
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this to the board with positive recommendations as the committee report supervisor mandelman, aye. >> commissioner chan, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> i have three i and including the fire department's street response teams, the department of homelessness and supportive housing's (hsh) outreach and response city departments, including the department of emergency management(dem); and requesting the fire department, hsh, dph, and dem to report.
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>> thank you madam clerk a a um, i'd like to make some remarks on this one before we start and then hear from dba director carol and others as well. so today will be discussing the budget and legislative analyst performance audit and looking forward to this discussion. and would highly recommend i know colleagues you had a change to laboratory it and the members of the public posted online for that dba audit and a summary of it but to educate and certainly supervisors but about our street team so hearing more by my office and the commission of audit for the go committee in
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july of 2022 and this was after the city really dramatically scaled up it's use of the street teams on various types in the wake of 2020 killing of gulf of mexico and a nationwide discussion about when with antenna and overdose and addiction the fact that the city led the way in creating those teams i believe a huge step in reducing conflicts in with police officer and insuring that our first responders for many situations are those with the most relevant training on certain populations specific
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needs especially with the behavorial health crises and our street teams we'll hear more going on the economic development and intergovernmental relations committee with the most difficult work and really incredible work to engage with some of our most vulnerable neighbors in the city. i want to underscore going to this hearing to underscore the amount of work that is extremely difficult and frustrating and sometimes, the lack of players and resources and the street teams are at work and want that to - as we talk about policies and cooperation and the details but everyday have some of are committed and
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nonprofit workers do this work and when the city undertook those efforts i think that is fair to say the city was building the philippines while flying that and the programs were developing in responses to service needs in our neighborhood that were indemnified and needs westbound scaled up we called for this audit to make sure those teams have what they need to be successful have a maximum impact on our city so that policymakers can have the information they need to assess effective of those teams and make sure the teams are coordinating working
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together for an um. now nearly four years after many of those teams were either started or - i think we finally have the e l a audit a comprehensive look at how the teams are defining their goals and departments are providing oversight and districts and how those teams can improve efficiency and success and soon hear from the dba audit in a number of for various improvements around coordination and setting goals and contract and oversight and resources restless but hear about the changes and improvement already underway. by the departments to address those issues. um, and we really
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encourage the director and here team around the steps that are already underway some in response to the audit and some already underway. under d b m coordination. >> i was surprised with the departments that today will be the first time i believe that all the teams will be together a public meeting and 1rir8d want to hear from every team that is first time in a public hearing part of our city response system and glad in discussion helped the department to prioritize and familiarize the departments with their goals and operations those
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teems are doing essential work everyday and for example, sometimes that helps to think about the specific data points struck by january of this year for example, three crises response teams respond to over 1,000 calls for service in that most alone from the inception to 2020 that team responded to 28 thousand 200 and 89 calls in approximately 20 thousand climates those teams are already really an essential part of the fabric of our city responders and glad to talk that in their reports thank you, for thank you for being here. and especially
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thank and welcome from the budget and legislative analyst put a lot of work both this dba report and audit and the floor is yours. >> to the dba team for an overview of their audit and recommendations. >> thank you supervisor preston and members of the committee dan with the budget and legislative analyst office. and joined by my fellow audit folks and will be available for questions. so i want to give a brief overview of the budget from 2017 to 2021-2022 with additional changes and updates that happened since june 30th of 2022. um, the audit covered 11th street teams motion carries by four departments detector and he
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is department of homelessness and supportive housing and conduct audit under the general government auditing standard are by the u.s. accountability offices and kicking it off with the four departments and conducted many interviews across departments and reviewed prior report and internal programs and policies and organizational charts and training records downtown support special use district and investment. >> let me pause you to check i think we're supposed to be seeing the slides working out technical issues there we go. >> we evaluated and counter log data by the street teams and several ride longs with the management headquarters and
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conducted focus groups with street team staff and had a survey. in july of last year submitted the draft report to the 4 departments and the following months to ask you difference we submitted a final draft to those departments in october of last year so we can source more responses and the final report released on november 6th. >> our report includes 7 finding areas and two regions that are listed on the slide and briefly go through the 7 areas the first one - expanded significantly without a corresponding they're in planning public education or messaging for core data management and the rapid street teams public messaging about the financed and goals and high
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volume of coordinations and the lack of data sharing we find that several streamlining for the street planning coordination do exist many opportunities have been identified by staff and improvements are underway one recommendation drifshgd to the director of detector to report quarterly to the board of supervisors on key initiating and operations and to report on key public education my name is with the focus group outcomes and materials and public campaign and stockholders outreach and various two link that and sharing efforts. our second finding covered the goals and performance in the area we found that some street teams are
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90 have no metrics and some have goals for metrics that the metrics they report didn't demonstrate the progress and chiefing some teams support the metrics have limited success in achieving those goals and finally some teams including the street crises have been coachella the goals to follow up with the response teams have low connection rates with their clients and 5 recommendations directed to all 4 of the departments the first recommendation as directed to the director of public health to report edison that track the progress and teams should go report neighborly and ideally
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quarterly to make the report pubically available and easily assessable on the online databases and could - should include the performance measures. and the second recommendation was for the director of department of emergency management and the director of department of homelessness and supportive housing to collaborate to track the shelters and referral data for the clients with the goals of increasing shelter among a pack and report to the board of supervisors no later than april 30th open progress towards this could - third to modified the occ to see follow-up the
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rain water for clients referred to services and the fourth for the fire department deputy chief in medication to include modification and regular ongoing reporting of sort street response team metrics and performance and our final recommendation for this area for the same individuals to report on progress towards the health database and support and finding of the impact any other related progress to the board of supervisors by april of this year. our third or area finding area was data assess we find the four departments involved in the street team 8 data collections systems to manage and report street team encounters and those
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departments we found enable to easily share or link clients data between the department or across the teams this fox may make that harder to connect resources and prevent the city from analyzing the data about the outcomes and overview impact and local legislation creates information sharing guardrails has had data and what data can be shared, however, we did find an ongoing effort to have link the departments together and two recommendation for the department of emergency management in this ear. and that is to the department of emergency management coordinated street response program to submit reports to the board of
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supervisors starting in january of this year and every 6 months thereafter, for the data sharing efforts and identify key goals and milestones and participating agencies and any barriers for obstruction for the data sharing goals and the second recommendations to have a likely the sharing of get a data and no later on june and the department of emergency management safety officer as the central department will receive and distribute information to make sure the right teems receive the right level of information and the security this data sharing could having sends monthly e-mails to the departments department of emergency management with each team list of clients and the information contained in that
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data department systems. our fourth of 7 are covered contract performance monitoring oversight this area we found 9 contracts are 6 organizations in the operation of the street teams and the departments parallel public health are not providing appropriate oversight with the contractors specifically 80 two contracts not have a monitoring report in more than two years. and we found a third contractor was taken off a corrected action plan but no follow-up with that um, move. we found in street team contractors have not metro exceptions and dph has three contractors not sporadic scopes of work. and finally we found that one 17 contractor was
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performing work for the post overdose without a contract in place for over 18 months and four recommendation directed to the public health and department of emergency management the first recommendation directed to the public health department or the public health department business of office compliance that should by i can't think 31st of this year finalize the contract for fiscal year 2021-2022 and the second recommendation to the director of public health to explicitly include all contracts downtown support special use district either by listing in the scope of work or by a separate appendix and the fourth is to the department of public health and the department of emergency management and the director of department of homelessness and
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supportive housing or december nominees to conduct mid year reviews for the performance towards contract obligations for any contractors for the first three years of contract and the result of the evaluation reported to the board of supervisors. and fourth and final recommendation for for the hot team in the next monitoring program by work together a plan. >> the 5 area of our reporting covered resource referral capacity we found that requested referral like the shelter beds are not immediately available to the client at the time of which energy and the response team and the other response teams between june of 2022 and march of 2023 requested resource was knowing
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available 13 percent of the time or 5 times a day and 84 percent of time the lack of shelters either because no shelter or the shelters are closed at the time of energy and that was strained by the overview inventory and time and day of the week. three recommendation for 4 of the departments and one for the board of supervisors. for the first recommendation to the department of health and department of emergency management and department of homelessness and supportive housing and the fire chief should report to the board on the number of encounters which a resource was requested and unavailable and summarize that apply by the day of the week to - and non-hospital setting and those resources are availability for the street clients the
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second recommendation was to the director of department of homelessness and supportive housing of outreach and temporary shelter work with the fire department to identify the place shelter outside of intact hours and the third recommendation to the board of supervisors we recommend the board should identify department of homelessness and supportive housing home by the fwai strategic plan for 2023 to 28 to expand the response team by adding 75 now beds and additionally housing and other temporary accommodation and including after hours for street team clients. the 6 area section of our report covers the dispatch teams 1r5ib9 and demand we found that work hours for the
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dispatch street team the response team wellness and other teams have been - we found the nature of the city's team requires sometimes - making sure the availability of the skirt and going forward availability of the heart team requires sufficient staffing to available be able to backfill absences when they occur we found since march from the street response teams that street criticized team respond to the 9 three at 97 percent of calls and not significantly increased since july of 2022 that indicates that skirt has been able to meet the
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displaced for skirt response, however, data from the san francisco ems agency shows that the number of any any squalls related to opioid overdose response - or other overdose emergency response is increasing in san francisco and two recommendation for the departments. the first is to the directors of public health department and department of homelessness and supportive housing and the fire chief by january 31st of this year reported to the board of supervisors work ratios of skirt and evaluate whether emt and hot members are adequate and in addition additional measures to make sure the adequate street team coverage and meet the displaces for the street services and the second recommendation in this area for the director of department of
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emergency management coordinated street response to make sure that ongoing monitoring of hard staffing and service ratios and calls conducted on a regular basis and report to the board of supervisors by january that's it and whether or not the hard contractor met all the issues and the. of this finding covers the area we found a perspective among some staff - decreased since the launch of the teams we found this perspective increases the turnover and job satisfaction and that opportunity to build relationships with finding each other with the paralympic social gathering are helpful and address the differences can
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arise and three recommendations for all four departments for the fire department deputy chief and department of health director of crises response team they should restate opportunities for skirt it team members to meet each other with the goal of a sense of belonging and row establish the practice on skirt calls to increase opportunity for management and problem solving among other things the unit and thirds and final recommendation for the fire chief the director of department of emergency management and puktd to explore opportunities for the sense of belonging on an among the workers and contractor and with that, we that concludes my presentation. i'm available for any questions that you may have. now or later
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on in the hearing. >> thank you very much. >> for again, thank you to you and your team for all the work i think we'll hole questions and move to move to carol from the department of emergency management kickoff the presentation on behalf of the department. i know we have a number of the folks i hear from the various departments feel free to reference. >> (multiple voices.) >> and absolutely i'm the least important person. >> i don't think i agree with that (laughter) >> the floor is yours. >>. thank you. >> welcome. >> thank you supervisor and carol the executive director for the department of emergency management and we are here we know to talk about the idea that requested starting in august of
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2022. and this was i really want to acknowledge the work that was put into this and especially and want to thank dan and then the entire team for they're true thoughtfulness and diligence in the way they approached this um, this work. the entire team, you know, this is very serious kind of heavy work that the team does and question proponent the way you all xroechd that and want to thank my colleague chief nicholson and her team in particular for their commitment to collaboration and coordination and corresponding across city department is not easy we made difficult decisions
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together over the last year or so and, you know, we are swimming in the same direction at that point and grateful to the partnerships. we are here today to spotlight a key question of the audit with the cooperation and the response services and answer questions you may have after the presentation. um, you know, we know that you read and received a number of updates from various departments we do want to noting is that many of the recommendation that the dba has were gone before the audit starred we feel like that is a good sort of endorsement of the work and have agreement on many
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of the ways in which we can improve this work. you know, i finally want to say for me and as the department head a try privilege to support the work of my team load by others and myself you'll hear from i've been in service for two years i don't know that i worked with them a more dedicated and compassionate group of people and include the other teams part of that their my people i want to call them out we hope this conversation will be a good change to have a better understanding how this complicated system works i want to point out in our companions supervisor preston you mentioned this all started four years ago those teams were conceived and
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bitter during covid so four years ago, we were deep into covid and had too years ago two years to go. and to assess those teams work better together and at lauren will showing show make improvements i'd like to invite lauren up to provide an update on this and on some of the recommendations from the report. also as noted have response from dph and the focal point. >> thank you director carol and good morning, everybody. thank you, commissioner preston for bringing us tonight e together and commissioner chan and supervisor stefani for listening this this important presentation
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and the work we are doing and good morning to others as well. i have updated live i have copies if you like to follow along i do not know if you have them but we have hard copies okay. perfect. >> supervisor preston i appreciated your comments i feel like so many of them resonate with the comments today and like director carol want to thank my colleagues in the fire department and dph and hsh for doing this work together it is hard and amazing to work with the talented people. the presentation will take a little bit longer than 20 imaginations i know a few questions into the again information into the team but hold off on questions we'll
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be able to better answerable the questions. >> okay. so what can we expect today? what we said to do is clarify the work the team focus a deeper dive into the progress and really want you to be satisfied that all our teams and multiple departments are making progress on the dba bla oid /* /* audit we want to look at the past but street teams early as 2004 street and a pack bringing essential services to people in depress on the streets for several years in 2019 advanced new crises responses and cooperation and a myriad of other serves as the new teems
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were challenged no wonder confusion front lines were delivered services and comborpgs was needed in 2022 building on this they were asked to tighten the teams more broadly and cooperated response decision was created and 2023 brought the alignment of skirt and wellness the configuration of office of coordination and launch of heart and any partnership with the mayor's office of innovation and was looked improvements we looked to understand the public frustration or misunderstanding of the streets progress and d m
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our partners launched a campaign and getting input from people how to simply information and who to call for city services this ruled in the brand name of sf street team and the creation of an call resource that we shared with staff and heaping can continue with the inputs what is coordinator street erroneous a network of crises response rapid response and planned outreach for adults 18 and older we are unified to bring people together for shoerlts and serves as quickly as possible the program has an all-star line up dem faced the
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cooperation and manages ambassador programs and help to - overdose responses and operates to name and few the fire department division drives behavorial health nominees and suspected overdose and homelessness and supportive housing the homeless team strives for shelters and housing we couldn't do our work without auto variety of partners committing including dph and mta and and urban (unintelligible). >> i'm not running through this slide i know your family
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familiar but we'll is a lot of acronyms so people know the team and at the supervisor preston for the suggestion it is a lot to we are serving people in great crises and stress supervisor preston articulated it we're on the front line dealing with people with serious mental illness and have untreated medical needs and don't have a support system or resources to fall back on singing bridges have been burned our clients have lost hope this statement didn't mean all experience those feeds but our clients often do the challenges of clients are the street team shoulder every day. the reality is that there is on a massing i
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can wanders to so labor intensive an example i was at a conference and attended a presentation they described working with an elder person living on the streets of la and encouraging services from the team and finally got a place for the first, few months she was sleeping on the floor of the unit so unfamiliar with the beds and the teams worked together to build confidence and the team syllabled this great misconduct and seemingly small win for some but people working on the front line. the majority of time a person has to be willing to accept services no levels that
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our dreams not pulling everyday in our community and shared the commitment to goat people off the street and into a supportive housing environment and despite what the public thinks 33 we have successes people on the slides jackson was in the campaign we can share came to san francisco in 2011 and was homelessness until the team had a trust and consistently returned to where we was on the street he left the streets and was connected to a navigate center his life changed and so many other stories a person was living on the streets discovered in the marina is off the street and shill she recalled in a hotel a couple of months ago and
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nova has my team visits with a woman with serious mental illness and, of course, in the richmond people really go through to seek ruveng and have serious nominees more outreach to that neighborhood to plant seeds and plant - those few mentioned don't shadow the needs of the city but need the data to tell the story we have a lot of work to do but one thing i've learned our team will keep going back and not give up on the clients maufrnd the behavior in san francisco those concerns turn both high volume public library service requests those are routed to the team there 9-1-1 and the non- emergency 311
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and, of course, with you all city leadership requests and thousands of calls identifies the needs and hundreds being routed to the team our 9-1-1 and 311 dispatchers makes sense of high volume and gets the calls to the right team. there is a logistics in order to the call routing a ambulance for how calls are respond to move forward three buckets please notes the summary don't adequately sdrach the surface starting from the left crises response team respond to the most sensitive behavorial and time sensitive behavorial health notice and first are activated through 9-1-1 and operate citywide and during that operates 24/7 and 2020-20247
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days a week and in the middle rapid response for the newest coordinating response. and since newer than others was created and in recognition of the service gap san francisco didn't have a dedicated team. the third party concerns from the public library regarding people with experienceed homelessness and hard response to is an array of trespassing concerns and others concerns they took a response team approach operators twenty-four hours and 8 hours and heart is activated through 311 on the right-hand side of the slide an array of teams that have planned or doendz outreach those streams a deep
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understanding. those teams can't be activated through 9-1-1 and three 11 but on planned schedule and dispatched teems in different zones and an array of scowls they operate 24/7 and each team has a distinct job. and where 6 or more structures hot operates across the police district for 14e6r89d housing and street medication during the specialized resources for medical nominees and poet provides services. and the triage and occ neighbors created in 2023 addressed acute needs for homelessness and this is a
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lot of information and a friendly reminder we have the website for the public to return to get all this information again. now turn to the progress to tighten our coordination at a system level i mean i'll insure how question insure we're best leveraging the resources to get people services. how are we using data to drive the operation? our progress can be described across three levels first, you structural corporation information sharing. historically have been barriers to sharing private and confidential information and for good reason, however, created innovation coordinating care for clients and data disagreement
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but a mechanism for sharing that in the last year lemonades a multiple implementations of a legal framework for sharing the information across departments it is truly foundational, and, secondly, as mentioned the team serves as a coordination backbone and multiple - operates at as 20 though foot view to better understand the gaps missing improvement opportunities and how teams work together and to provide the project management needed to advance this effort and lastly in an and i ray of meetings for coordination and system improvements. and finally needs are addressed in the meetings by
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dph and daily operation and always lac to coordinate better in the interest of our clients. we have relaunched a monthly service to activate the service on improved cooperation of services and tightening long term care and other expanding exploration and third on high users they consider how the services work in relationship to others and leverage one service for streets in support of another ultimately with the goal of more efficiently getting supportive services, and, secondly, better using the data to drive operations and almost every street team as a dashboard
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we line the data systems to illustrate your story grateful for the mayor's office or it for their excellent leadership they're taking to help us advance street response teams and reporting data goals and through this partnerships too accesses the first is a multiple displacement back end a pact for client history from soloed data will be the backbone of gaergd information and sporadically for operational use a tool that allows the front line workers to better understand clients and a person was last located and coordination plan and this is
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complicated work. the full value will take time by all departments are learning for the opportunity and taking steps to share the data an early an success the integrated success helps to upstairs we have the support we have clients who have contacts this will help us finds clients and services. lastly we are lineing around accountability we metrics that quantify you're work and highlight our successes. and all teams dashboards impact reporting are follow up we look forward to publishing the data and better finding the dhajz of our work and the north star front recently brought teams
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together to discuss the top line goal the workshop is developing statement the north star efforts to work collaboratively with two reduce the behaviors are urgency and a true quality of life for all san franciscans and continue to fine-tune this to deputy chief chaplain beneficiaries and recommend by the c ra have a spotlight goal and progress is being made to line the system to have a complete back end data set how to bring the data can drive the metrics we're thinking about what information will illustrate the work in our um, when information is valuable to the public and leadership and while many peeblts some beneficiaries are mentioned that include total people served and
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democrat garlics and across all teams the needs for clients and across teams or don't we get people served one will likely need medical care or health support we have hujz but we'll be able to look at things like people participating in services and have the right services available? or misleading at the back end we can fine-tune the types of mechanical amusement device permit and looking forward to reporting on that it is hard 50 is the item number but all partners understand the value of this work and moving forward to get those educates owe mentioned earlier in
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possible might hit too goals into three by report but as recommended by the bla team. as we move forward our priorities will continue to center clients and use data to better thinks the services to drive operational strategies and maximize turn out to identify systems friction and use regular data to trouble shoot and lastly look forward to sharing a robust report on the clients during an annual report to the board of supervisors. and with that, many colleagues here that are ready to answer questions were raised by the bla team and i will i'm going to turn it over to back to i supervisor preston thank you so much. >> thank you for the presentation. and i also want to um, echo to thank director carol
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particularly around our work and preparing in reviewing the audit finding with the departments and um, including your full team everyone sentencing our praise around all your work of coordination and transparency something for all of your work from that very much appreciate it. >> i did have some questions to figure out what departments individually or before you get senate bill 9 departments specifically can you just if you pull up the presentation up sorry i ripen from asking you about a lot of slides. refrain
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from asking you a lot of questions about slides. >> it is the one our refer to. >> the one in our presentation is different than that. i noticed that. >> (multiple voices.) >> and wondering why - what i'm seeing i mean this is - seems pretd fungial for the overall vision what i'm reading the response is collaborate to improve the quality of life for all san franciscans when i heard you say that i thought i'm kind of missing a more explicit helping the people to get into homes and in the file here reads
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differently says the division to kwofrpd response team reduces the stress and insure a path to stable housing that is - i'm wondering. >> yeah. >> why that changed- >> (multiple voices). >> i don't know if you're the person. >> i appreciate you're bringing it up this regular slide and the information is literally developing. through some of the efforts of it team so the vision statement was part of the statement that served during that group meeting and earlier and the final statement from that group meeting of streets focused on the top tier goals this one and so i put that one in there initially didn't say have that one available when i do the presentation and got one yesterday and decided to line the presentations with the more
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immediate and current information if that conversation it is nitrative we and getting concrete outcomes and having something for the north star something we are continuing to weigh out business but point is well-taken we want something might be called a smart goal and opportunity to measure how we're getting there so we'll looking forward to getting updates. >> so it is good to know an interim process i think that is significant; right? obviously focus on the operational issues that are raised in the audit and the finding how we proved the services but some level there is up and coming we operate within
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a sort of communication political environment; right? in which different views of the function of purpose of the state investing resources and how we are articulating the vision is very important and so i'm concerned with the removal of language that xist but look at the revised version we're looking at and that is x political take the view of the person that is housed; right?
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reducing quote/unquote the behaviors and so forth and this is part of this work and an important part of this work; right? but for a lot of people in the outreach the core of people are suffering that results in putting peep in healthcare and housing no need to respond as this process takes place i want to in strong terms recommend that not the removalal or but the addition of this language i think that is centered more of the perspective of the person if stress. >> thank you for that. >> commissioner chan. >> thank you and i want to thank everyone for those work
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but definitely thanks to lauren for doing what you're doing i have (unintelligible) for the district one office and having to do one person that is a point of contact so responsive and so grateful and grateful for i know that sometimes, i send an e-mail on the weekends that's what the incidents happen and get the mayor to respond and may - with that said, i have an operation question i'd like to understand and including, you know, one of the part of this talking about data coordination and absolutely agree how are we coordinating that? are they - do they have a - i pad or phones for example. thank you very much. creating that slide about all the names
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of teams and what they do. like for example, in that a shock or team will the team actually have an understanding of what shelters are available at that time and where? hike in realtime? and and that's a great question. >> the first response is very much trying to get up the workflow of the team similar to what they're currently doing we did excerpt experiment in the past it frustrating and capturing the data and then with the help of it team and the data
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team the partners back end data from the podium and grading the data together once those are together and matching the names and, you know, kind of to be sure the person is the same person we can start to create that client he list what the bla is recommending and we need the look at a variety of other factors who was the team that submitted that? what other teams have made contact with one person down the road to your point some on, on i pad or mobile device or computer people can say learning bell or sum up sam dodge met with lauren bell last week and here's the result,
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aye. >> what we we're trying to get lauren bell to wrap around a common goal and it is huge it has been this kind of work is so hard with the criminal justice system years to link this with public health and health and human services so we're making progress it takes time will not a happen in 5 years or less we want to do that right but that high utilityer list - >> linking the clients that are doing a master database but how to make sure all those
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things responding and supposed to offer a whole list of services with the homeless shelters with a realtime updated at that location for two individuals meets the standards and requirement do we have something like that how does that work? >> it has burn happening. a long time and making sure the other colleagues can speak to the front line that client leveling coordination been happening it through the best ghabdz a need we use different tools and microsoft tools and microsoft planner for centralized information and make requests. some requests are super you high sensitive may need to happen a s ap but that
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kind of client level coordination has been happening for a link time and happens regularly i don't know if there are others want to speak to that that >> dodge welcome. >> supervisor department of department of emergency management i wanted to speak a little bit about the shelter availability and the behavorial health residential other treatments of availability to department of public health coordinated care for hsh and the shelter operations a client services division collecting all the information about the bed turnover and what is happening early in the morning with the distribution of the beds and manages what hold those with
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readily available beds not like we're trying to use the same bed at the same time. years ago had that problem and like a race to the bed and instead working, you know, getting the team to allocate the services directly but under realtime we have connections and we are able to call each other and working we've got 7 beds set aside and 6 we have a feeling we may need a little bit more capacity and then able to work with teams in between the teams to row allocates resources where needed and wrapping dedicated 5 beds and only used 3. , you know, there is two available like a human interface to really make
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sure we are sharing the resources. >> thank you you that's great i think i wanted to understand and in an event i'm sure dealing with consolidating we'll have better results and any last question through the chair, i'm seeing - it is great to see breakdown of which team responses to what and so help mow understand the, you know, is a consideration which teams were looking at right now. will be able to carry that out or to actually responsible to carry that out. >> that's a great question. and clearly that is you can identify i think my question is which of the families actually have the capacity and license to
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carry out the services? >> you know, i'm going to let - >> (multiple voices). >> it's an opportunity. >> yeah. >> good morning simon assistants deputy chief from the san francisco fire department. >> the sdmunts paramedics are trained and authorized by the behavorial health division of dph to write an initiative to be whole. so conservatorship 52/50 a thirty day holds the really coveringships are - a member of a street crises or one of the
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supervisors that are members on the streets are over dose training. >> so when i'm looking at this slide my apologies dwrong the number of slides but all delivery i see the category the responses and rapid responses and my assignments is that a list of those teams that you have i assume i'm assuming sorry i'm asking if you can help methinks for example, the street medication team will have respond or have the ability in the extent to you identify an individual you actually have the capability to carry that out or have to go back and call the 9-1-1 to do that? and. >> someone in the health
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department wants to speak broadly on that that would be great the street team has a number of psychiatrists. >> if there is a streets medicine team not having the training they can call us on the telephone and does not have to call the dispatch center through 9-1-1 an option by call directly. >> because i'm looking at this and my serums someone like when we go out in an non-emergency and like - i guess what i'm trying to ask what the capacity for - like how you described it not just a scale of coveringship
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i'm asking for all who do and do not have the capacity for the right to hold or - all across someone on each team has the ability. >> street medication likely does and street crises does street overdose and our captains we don't consider and street response team - but they do have the ability to write the hard teams does not. >> and the hot team does not. >> hi supervisors my name is kathy lengthy work for the budgeting and behavorial health but the project manager for the team and so in our role we are fouling on response teams and chief spoke to the feeds of a coveringship for disability and
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i wanted to just comment that our director dr. hillary is leading a steering committee that oversees and taking referrals from the departments that chief mentioned and so we - i wanted to mention that dph holding this conservatorship and have in connection are the steering committee actions for coveringship. >> and the steering committee and we would love to come back and to that i don't have that information but with the health and human services they oversee the public cover take care - i'm
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glad that proposition one passed and now a concern, of course, for us, you know, now that the care - no finally implement implemented and everybody here on board and kind of coordinate the effort not only have an established model to really care for those on the streets are mental health issues we have refer to the data to apply. some of the funding and those resources. that's really my intention and my questioning and
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look forward to circle back at a time with the teams but, but for the richmond i can only speak for that we do so overdosing for in the mental health crises and oftentimes the most difficult population. and in need of our services and maybe in realtime or maybe have to circle back later by find that what we oftentimes i hear from the early establishment now the lack of resources i look forward to seeing that with is bla report and thank you for the
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recommendation and hopefully to see improvements and, you know, i do believe that is a new model a new way row acting to the crises on the street and when you come to you -. thank you very much. >> thank you commissioner chan and i want to thank you and reck i think the best is the fourth edition to the street team and the one which we believed in we're in the first areas in any district was the zone that was covered and expanding and continue to support that i think we - took some huge step forward early in the pandemic around our crises response capacity but i think what we noticed for any
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office i'm sure and my colleagues office to get someone out immediately and really crises; right? at that moment. what was often harder with the case management for people may not be accepted the first time and request the trust connections and really spend time can say days or weeks and i think up and coming not seoul the best and certainly dramatically improve the city's capacity to have that kind of engagement alongside the others doing that work i do want to give that feedback that is an important part of appreciation, you know, the crises response and planned outreach i think
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that is a category especially in the last year or so, so further ways to go. i did have a question for the department of public health i don't know if it is for you or not you tell me i want to address the bla and an opportunity for dph to expand an some of the this we talked about in preparation for this hearing and in particular finding around dph familiar to perform regular contract monitoring and find this is a little bit alarming to us and everyone one of the teams had operated a few months without a contract so i wanted to you or your colleagues give you an opportunity to address that. >> i speak to that i'm the
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director of the care and our session is the post overdose team and the dph business office is the one responsible for completing and monitoring the report including the dph street team contractors were 5 programs subject to the monitoring and in fiscal year 2021 and i we did get caught up and two programs for the street overdose response team not subject to monitoring and a lot of that is based on the subject the way that the team the peers is vested in the team coming up with three goals and objective for peers we've
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been struggling to fought how to have that enveloped as their role and zoning out that determines that going out with the street team an active work if progress. i can also to i know you mentioned is delays that came up not something any of us feel good about and really um, struggling to unpack the perfect storm that occurred. with the role out of the clients records and the system health department that really rolling out when this one contract was coming to the
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processing of workspace it takes time for the city to understand some of the different music costs and how they're relevant to the specific programs and had a lot back and forth with some of the it requirements was there a cybersecurity requirement of $20 million? of $5 million or can that wavered a so a lot of work with the contracts and it and consultation with the city attorney what was required and then the nonprofits it was going through their own guidance of getting facebook from counsel there from their insurance broker and kept in contact and working closely with that and keep them appriseed a very very
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unfortunate situation. >> - thank you for that information sounds like in past you've claimed explained and curious if anything you approach the contract that is changing going forward a one opt for the reasons you articulated or structural reasons for that like falling through the cracks and that is mcdot (unintelligible). >> one hundred. >> the caused the contract to take 18 months has been resolved and working closely to identify
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um, there are a lot of standards um, you know, monitoring requirements that have been unare readily available and working closely to make sure that those are more and more clearly defined that the contractor is able to sort of be do you mind towards that from the get-go so the delays are something we don't expect moving forward. >> thank you. >> i had a question for dph welcome my question around the staffing the hot team staffing initial was raised in the audit as the concern we recently approved with hsh and the contract for that hot team staffing and that contract is
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including a hiring plan i want to find out how that team is doing from a staffing prophetic or any other comments you may have and absolutely happy to cancer that from the department of department of homelessness housing we were there with the outreach team with an the finding we had is staffing is a real challenge for this team and have an 90 percent staffing occupancy rate and very pleased to share that we are at an 89 percent across the outreach and case management and 80 percent across the motorist e administrative position but partnering closely for the retention plan they submitted
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last november as part of the contract and minded to acknowledge and thank them and excited to see that moving forward we think the addition of staff that came with that if you contract and still minnesota that staff. >> excellent news. thank you very much. and i don't know more efficient director carol maybe wants to take this rather than department by department let me know i want to ask some staffing questions generally looking at all the teams where some of the demand hadn't been rising and where the staffing is matching the demand others where maybe we're seizing an overdose (background noise.) and tragically arises for demands for service i don't know if i can give you a snapshot of
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from your perspective which are adequately staffed and versus the steams where - >> i don't know that i can speak in details but in general, i think we are seeing improvements in staffing across the board and looking at anecdotal imi mean from cliniction don't exist and the hot one team i mean, i, speak for 9-1-1 seeing a lodging so we're seeing that and with that critical staffing crisis across
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many disciplines we are seeing more the light but it is something we track very alcohol and something we also as we, you know, i think that the metrics and data collection will help us; right? because will cut up and coming we're going to look at whether we're meeting that metrics and sometimes that will be because maybe we have the wrong approach or maybe the resource maybe more overall sometimes could be staffing issues. i them more optimistic standing here than in august of 2022 certainly. [off mic.] >> i'm getting nods. >> from thank you. i do think my next question about the
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reporting and public information dashboard and i do think as we're doing that mindful how to present that staffing information; right? very easy for someone in the public to think can be many emphasis with the budget time when it rolls around perhaps not a budget barrier but also in another way so but on the issue of both reporting i was asked but reporting to the public and then the idea of the all team dashboard that was brought up and maybe start with that one. is there. i don't know if this is for you a timeframe when that
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can be- >> (multiple voices). >> yeah i'm going to let my colleague answer that and so. >> west all the right data into the data stream where there are data links and shout out to the partners for working with the it to get that in there a lot of important information but not all of it yet. some of the next steps will be it working with the team to making sure we have the data we need to produce a dashboard to illustrate some of the questions and the interests we have i did talk with the it if we get the data and turning they can do what they need to do that technical with that work we should be able to do something but hope not
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hoof there's a lot of moving parts. but maybe not the final dashboard we're going to continue to improve that but collective impacts across the teams and again, it is hard to say for sure i think what we're committed to reporting back to you and the progress we are marking. >> and there was a little bit of a different take. i think in our conversation he talking about reporting back annually to get bla on the suggestion of several types of reporting but more quarterly reports i want to give or director carol an opportunity to share thoughts on that we're interested in nailing
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that down and furthering not it will interfere with the work and shown the progress but reporting is important so um, what at what frequency and yeah. i think that is. >> you nailed it there is a little bit um - tonight i think a quarterly report to this extent is a lot of work from folks and, you know, we also want to continue to make strides on the public dashboard and on the data. so i think we are very open to figuring out with you what makes sense on both sides. and um, however, like a formal it takes time and a lot of people sitting here not doing
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their day to day jobs i want not support on a quarterly basis but once we get the dashboard may alleviate some of that pain we can meet in the middle and have a report sometime before three and with the dashboard we can get it out. we're definitely we want to be able to provide information on how we're doing and just if you look at the idea that we are, you know, just this presentation so much it has heaped since the audit was done we know we're making progress my fourth what areas you want a specific update to provide those
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things. >> thank you. >> that sound. okay. >> i look forward to working with you much further. >> you know, we certainly are happy to do it that is a balance of, you know, getting you the data and information that you want to hear. um, and making sure that it is something. teams whether not bring them away for the critical work we're doing. >> thank you very much. some of that h when the dashboard is operational and the lady out in the public way someways that kind of reporting to me the less frequent once - a range of information makes sense for the public and an issue for people to call for a hearing-
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>> (multiple voices). >> to insure we're continuing on that pact. >> i this the idea of annual reporting with a more of for mall presentation that is also those are all irish-american new and things change almost constantly we're making sexual harassments is a balance how much, you know, wyatt's the best way and best timeframe will be helpful to have a relevant ground presentation. >> great. . thank you very much. >> and why not we go ahead and open up for public comment of the public wishing to speak should line up by the windows, and all speakers have two minutes to speak. can the first speaker come forward? mr. chair,
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appears no public comment. >> public comment is closed. and conclude by thanking the bla for tackling this and producing this important audit and for the constructive engage with all departments and want to reiterate my thanks to b m not just for the ongoing report by the office leading up to this hearing and all 4 of the departments involved for their work in putting those teams forward a in cooperation being receptive to the audit and to all of the departments as i said
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with b m for the engagement with myself and staff and he hernandez in particular very much appreciate the collaboration i will say one of the reasons we called this audit in addition to the broader policy issue i talked about at the outset was i will admit to a feeling when we commissioned in 2022 um, that often it felt like our office sort of and i'm sure for other offices our staff was (laughter) and that folks were all receptive hearing from our staff and is constituents and it is
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often legislative aid and across the city in one of our stations tenants and the police department just stepped up and said i'm going to be the one to call that; right? and often my legislative aide and not really they're job but it is unsustainable and fortunately, i think we're all on the same page that's why we see the leadership and consolidation a move from one point and staffing to actually do that and kind of an add on to this report. up until within the last particularly in the last year or so and how we
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have the staffing and the job to corporate that; right? i want to recognize a lot of folks including our legislative analyst stepped up and had to fill that void a little bit and ultimately encouraged by the progress having a better and more efficient and coordinated and more transparent looking forward to continue to work when i all with that goal. um, physicals my colleagues or anyone on the roster not seeing colleagues i'd like to make a motion to file this. >> madam clerk please call the roll. >> on the motion that that hearing be heard and filed
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supervisor stefani, aye. >> commissioner chan, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> i have three i's. >> thank you motion carries and thank you all (gavel) and madam clerk please call item 7 through 22 for closed session together. >> is composed of 7 ordinances and 9 resolution of a approving the stoements and lawsuits and unlitigated claims into approximately three 2 240uz to $3.9 million. >> thank you, madam clerk open up for public comment for the members of the public wishing to speak should line up by the windows, and all speakers have two minutes to speak. can the first speaker come forward? mr.
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chair, appears no public comment. >> public comment is closed. and i will move to convene in closed session. >> on the motion to convene in closed session supervisor stefani, aye. >> commissioner chan, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> i have supervisor preston and
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(in closed session). >> we are for the now in open session. >> madam clerk back in open session and thanks for your patience and madam clerk please report on the deliberations. >> we are um, forwarding item 7 through 22 to the board with positive recommendations. >> thank you and i'm opposed to move to not disclose the
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closed session discussion and madam clerk please call the roll. >> on the motion to not disclose supervisor stefani, aye. >> commissioner chan, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> i have three i ar zone that that motion carries and any further business before the committee. >> no further business. >> we are adjourned thank you, (gavel) [meeting
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