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tv   Full Board of Supervisors  SFGTV  April 1, 2024 7:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> [gavel] welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting. clerk please call the roll. >> clerk: supervisor chan. >> here. >> clerk: present. dorsey. >> present. >>. >> clerk: en guardio present. supervisor melgar. >> present. >> clerk: supervisor peskin. >> present. >> clerk: supervisor preston. >> present. >> clerk: supervisor ronen. >> present. >> clerk: supervisor safai. >> present.
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>> clerk: supervisor stefani. >> present. >> clerk: supervisor walton. >> present. >> clerk: mr. president, all supervisor right side presented. >> we acknowledge that we're on the ramaytush ohlone land. they have never seeded lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the care takers of this place as well as for all people who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living on their traditional homeland. by affirming their soverne rights as first peoples. colleagues please join me in the "pledge of allegiance". >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
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>> madam clerk, do we have any communications or announces. >> clerk: yes, mr. president, the san francisco board of supervisors welcomes all interested persons to attend this meeting here in the board's legislative chamber in city hall, second floor room 250 or you may watch the proceeding on channel 26 or view the live stream. to submit your public comment in writing, send to email address or via postal service to the board of supervisors. number 1, city hall number 244, san francisco california 94102. to make a reasonable accommodation request under the americans disability actor to request an interpreter, please contact the clerk's office at
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least two business days in advance. dated march 14, 2024. this is the mayor's communication of a veto of file number 21309, this is item number one on the board's agenda. thank you, madam clerk, why don't you read that item. >> clerk: this is honored ans to modify the code to modify density. using the commercial to reuse program to affirm the determination and make the appropriate findings. so mr. president, just for a
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little guidance for the public, if a board member wants to vote in favor of overriding the mayor's veto, the vote should state aye. if you want to vote against overriding the mayor's veto and dis approve the ordinance, vote no the veto will stand and the ordinance will not be final lea proved. >> in other words, if you're still for it, vote yes, and if you're still against it, vote no. it was discussed in committee where in we took all of the amendments that were suggested by the planning director to the planning commission which we adopted which the planning
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commission recommended unanimously. and by way of background colleagues and i think this has been gravely miss reported in much of our local media or at least misunderstood. last summer, i partnered with the mayor of zone with the entire downtown and northeast water front to the reuse legislature, really intended adoptive reuse commercial office to housing. what we did not anticipate was that the removal of density controls on the northeast water front are all the way through fisherman's wharf could be used in conjunction with preempty state law to build 270-towers in historic districts in area zone 65 feet.
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i want to concur with the appropriate words of one of the longest-serving, and most prohousing planning directors we've had in resent times john ram and his email to the present planning director who recommended this to us were in the file where he indicates his support for the legislation that this board passed on 8-3 vote. it is responsible planning it's the right thing to do for the city's historic districts that date to the gold rush and does not prevent housing and i say that as a supervisor who is proud to have presided over and supported rezoning from the bay view to the eastern neighborhoods to western and central soma and rincon hillary
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clinton but this is, i think not only well considered but recommended by our planning experts by the mayor's four appointees to the planning commission, as well as three appointees of the board of supervisors. supervisor stefani? >> thank you, president peskin, colleagues when this first came to the board, i made sure to do my homework as i always do and extensive out reach. at that time, i was assured that this piece of legislation is compliant with the housing general plan which why the planning commission supported the ordinance after adding taylored recommendations. in particular, this ordinance does not include areas specifically listed for density decontrol. instead, it impacts the city's oldest historic districts, a small area amounting to
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approximately 15 to 20 street blocks. when analyzing these historic districts, i found only about 20 parcels that were not considered historically significant. meaning, the remaining lots in the district were already subject to extensive preservation protections. i think it's important to remember the scope of what we're discussing here when considering our votes. additionally, when this first came to the board, i explicitly stated my desire fwoer more work to be done to find a better solution that ads density in new construction. to achieve this solution, i lead the effort to duplicate this file to do this work. i'm currently working on the duplicated piece of legislation to strike a sensible balance that maximizing housing mixes while ensuring that density program programs are not used in a way that are adverse to
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these two small areas rich with community history and outside the housing element. this balance is in accordance with housing element guidelines. let me be clear, i have and always support policies that comply with our ambitious housing element. that is why i continually lead the efforts to build housing in district 2, most recently blocking the misuse of ceqa to delay a carefully crafted preservation project. furthermore i will continue to support policies that streamline and expand housing opportunities city wide. my goal here and in all housing discussions s to sensably maximize housing production to address the critical shortage that we face. i'm confident that the file that i'm working on will allow for form base density within
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certain parameters. this enable housing project while protecting the historic districts already rich with community culture. today, i stand by my original vote and will continue the follow-up work in consultation with the planning department, my colleagues, and housing stakeholders. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor stefani. supervisor safai. >> thank you. thank you, president peskin. i'm a little perplexed why there is been a lot misinformation spread. what we have is mayor's veto highlights the a problem with her inconsistencies, next week it's homelessness.
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leaving san franciscans wondering what is next. i want to underscore a point, the planning commission and i know president peskin said this this, voted unanimously to support this legislation, including all four of the mayor's appointees. so supervisor stefani duplicated a file and happy to work with her office to nair' this legislation further to reduce the ability to do double double density doan uss. and i think supervisor enguardio will say, he does not want a 60 story tower on sunset, i don't think the people in sunset want that. i don't think many neighborhoods want to see touring sky scrapers with lux' condominiums. yes w we need more densities. yes we need more housing but it has to be done in a respectful way, it has to be done when you're looking at the
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specifically context in where it's being put. why didn't the mayor get involved in this conversation earlier? why didn't she try to work with the planning commission and engage. why did she use the authority? that's the power of the mayor's office. the mayor has the majority appointments that's how the chart inis written. she also directs the department of planning, that is how the charter is written. the power rest with the mayor and now she is coming to the end of the conversation to veto to confuse every one. this is not about aable housing. that's a complete misconception. so let's see what we're doing. this removes any density, reuse program for the northeast water front and as president peskin said, they work collaboratively. the jackson extension. but it reinstates limits to any projects that propose to build
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any construction. the narrowed legislation is surprisingly modest in scope and it taylors the unique characteristics of a historic district. jack sonl scare historic district contains most of the soul surviving districts. in the northeast water front, contains warehouse buildings from nearly every decade in san francisco's history. so we have to preserve the character and the history of our city, while at the same time, giving buildings new life. and i think that's what this legislation does. the whole point is to keep charm while encouraging reuse. so, what is also left out in the conversation, what i don't hear about loudly, we need to building housing for working families that every one can afford. this inclusive of diversity and
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communities, not just call expensive condos for the rich and the wealthy. as i said i'm happy to work with supervisor stefani, thank you supervisor stefani for duplicating the file. and as somebody as since the day i came to the office, we've done 600 units, 65% have been affordable. we worked with our home density, home sf, we worked with people to extend and build additional workforce housing. that's what we need to be doing and we need to look at this. and by the way, i don't think much of this contributes in my way to our city's housing element. we have an ability to preserve the history and at the same time, meet our housing element goals. so thank you, president peskin, i will be voting against the veto here today. >> thank you, supervisor sa fa see. --safai. and before i confer to
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supervisor dorsey, this is somebody who served with four different mayors which is generally when a veto is contemplated, there is some out reach from the executive branch to the legislative author to say if you move this forward, we're going to veto, if you accept these amendments, we will not street o it. what is unprofessional about this veto is the the fact the way the charter is constructed which requires that before we change any word or come a or sentence in the planning code that the planning commission be given the opportunity for 90 days before we can hear it to comment to say they support, they don't support it, they support it with amendments, which we don't have to follow. but the way the system is designed to work, maturely, collaboratively in a government that needs to compromise and do things, is the planning department which as supervisor safai said, is a representative
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of the executive branch of this mayor, makes a suggestion, we follow that suggestion and then disingenuously get a veto, that is just rewarding bad behavior. it's not the way government is suppose to work if we're going to conduct ourselves maturely. and i find that as upsetting as the actual policy that we're dealing with. this is not a policy discussion, this is a political discussion and it's very unfortunate. supervisor dorsey. >> thank you, president peskin. i remain oppose today this legislation. sxl when we first voted on this, i worried that this is setting a dangerous precedence that protecting views and preserving density controls in entire neighborhood far beyond their resources would prevent us from achieving our goal, our morally and legally required goal to build more housing. and i think this risk opening the door to more problematic steps in the wrong direction
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and i think there are many other neighborhoods in san francisco that can lay claim to similarly legit mate arguments for being significantly significant. i don't think urbanism should allow density to dictate policies that fruft ate progress our housing crisis. taller buildings about not hurt our cities but exclusion airy will. it will not diminish our history but perpetuating zoning will show that we will not learn from it. so i'll be voting no and i hope that a number of my colleagues will as well. >> supervisor mandelman. >> thank you, president peskin, like a number of my colleagues i've been very frustrated about this fight which over this little piece of legislation
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which strikes me as being all politics and no policy a at all. i've heard, a million, not a million but many different arguments why this veto needs to be upheld. very few go to the merits of whether the legislation is right or wrong. and i do think the context matters and the facts matter. and i'm going to say it one more time, this was aaron's peskin's work with the planning department a year ago or less than a year ago to allow for more housing downtown. he passed allowing housing legislation to significantly expand the ability of developers to convert buildings doing the work we're all talking about, but peskin was actually doing it to allow for more housing in downtown. now because the world is a fast changing place and the state
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laws are changing rapidly, we're learning by the day, you know, he found out that this law unintended by him, was going to change decades worth of work, thinking about what our northeast water front should look like and our desire not to see the font tanna towers replicated over the water front from venice down to broadway. the area is tiny and historic districts. and so allowing for a modest give back of an expansion that president peskin had lead the way on. seems to be not only a reasonable of a colleague but the right thing of san francisco and totally consistent with how we have treated our water front going back. now i have not agreed with
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president peskin on everything that has come before this board. i have not agreed on president peskin on several of the land use items that have come before the board. but on this one, on the merits, he is correct. and i am happy to vote to override this veto and i think his correctness as been said a million time is the fact that the planning commission was supportive of the legislation, the proponent planning director and current planning director and opposition to this is pure politics. >> thank you, supervisor mandelman. madam clerk can you please call the roll jao. on item number 1, shall the ordinance be approved over the mayor's veto, supervisor engardio. >> no. >> clerk: supervisor mandelman. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor melgar. >> no. >> clerk: supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor preston. >> aye.
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>> clerk: supervisor ronen. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor safai. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor stefani. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor walton. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor chan. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor dorsey. >> no. >> clerk: there are 8 ayes and 3 nos with supervisor enguardio, melgar and dorsey voting no. >> the ordinance is approved over the mayor's veto. madam clerk, can you please call the next item. >> clerk: item 2, this is an ordinance to amend the agreement between the city and barrel company llc for potrero to allow for the establishment district number 1, the power station and to make the appropriate findings. >> thank you, roll cal. >> clerk: on item 1, supervisor en ga*io. ?*. aye. mandelman. >> aye.
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. >> clerk: melgar. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> clerk: preston. >> aye. >> clerk: nen. >> aye. >> clerk: safai. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor stefani. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor walton. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor chan. >> aye. >> clerk: and supervisor dorsey. >> aye. >> clerk: there are 11 ayes. >> the ordinance is final repassed. next item. >> clerk: item 3, ordinance to amend the planning code and zoning map create the special use district to affirm the ceqa determination and make the appropriate findings. >> same house, same call, the ordinance is finally passed. next item please. >> clerk: item 4 ordinance to amend the planning code to modify offset requirement for height succeeding 30 feet to permit large movie theater signage in the japan district to allow medical dispensaries
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to continue operating until december 31, 2024 to clarify eligibility for reduction and inclusionary housing requirement and to correct an error in the zoning control table for the urban mix use district to affirm the ceqa determination and make the appropriate findings. >> same house, same call, the ordinance is finally passed. item 5. >> clerk: establish a homeward bound program administered by the human services agency and department of homelessness in support of housing for individuals experiencing homeless at-risk of experiencing homelessness or who have formerly experienced homelessness, individuals to receive pay travel and relocation support to a destination where the vimg has somebody to receive them. >> same house, same call, the ordinance is finally passed. next item please.
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>> clerk: item 6, ordinance to appropriate approximately 4.8 million in ambulance service revenue to deappropriate ate approximately 85 million from permanent salaries, fringe benefits and problematic projects and to appropriate approximately 90 million to overtime in the department of management fire department, san francisco public utilities commission and sheriff's department and police department in order to support the department's increases in overtime as required of the administrative code section 3.17, this ordinance requires a two-thirds vote for approval of fire department proefntions of approximately 14.5 million pursuant to the charter 9.13 sub c. >> same house, same call, the ordinance is passed on first reading. next item please. >> clerk: item 7, this is an
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ordinance to amend the business and tax regulation code to extend through june 30th, 2025 the first year permit license and business registration fees for specified small businesses that newly form or open a new location. >> came house, same call, the ordinance is passed on first reading. next item. >> clerk: item 8 ordinance to amend the administrative code to revise the fees for copies of certain documents in and services provided by the office of assessor recorder. >> same house, same call, the ordinance is passed on first reading. item number 9. >> clerk: hoger public defenders to accept and extend 525,000 grant pursuant to state bill number 101sb1101 ado rating 20.4 million as amended in 2023 by senate bill number
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104 to be distributed by the judicial council council of state bar and public defender's offices to provide representation and care act proceedings matters related to care agreements and care plans term through june 30th, 2024. >> same house, same call, the resolution a adopted. next item please. >> clerk: item 10, resolution to approve and authorizing director of property on maf of the city's department of emergency management and the department of technology to execute a sharing agreement for the continued use of emergency radio telecommunications and associated equipment with the department of veterans affairs, medical center, san francisco at a base rent of approximately 180,000 per year with 3% annual rent increase to see commence june first, 2024 through may first, 2029 for initial term of 5 years with three year option
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to extend. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. next item. >> clerk: item 11 resolution to authorize and community development to execute document to see relate to go a loan of 936 for property located at 936 through 940 gary street pursuant to the small sites program and seismic safety program for a total loan amount to con timer the determination and to make the appropriate findings. >> same house, same call the resolution is adopted. madam clerk, can you please read 12 through 14 together. >> clerk: 12 through 14 are three resolutions that pertain to pier 70. item 12 approved the second amendment to the development agreement between the port and
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the fc pier 70, item 13 is ordinance to accept irrevocable, solutions infrastructure for street and roadway services as applicable to accept the infrastructure for city maintenance, subject to specified limitations, to establish the public right away with and street grades to amend ordinance number 1061, the regulation with the sidewalks to establish official sidewalk with on 20th, 21, 22, louisiana and maryland streets to accept a public works order recommending various actions in regard to the public infrastructure improvement to delegate limited authority to the public works direct tore accept specified and liability from the port of san francisco to long term less', to
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authorize other official to a tonight the appropriate findings and for item 14, to grant revokable permisable. to delegate authority to the public works director in consultation with the port of san francisco to assign responsibility for sidewalks maipt ens and liability to various entities, granting revokable permission to fc pier 70llc to maintain an access conduit within the project and to adopt the appropriate findings. >> seeing no names on the roster, we will take these three items same house, same call, the resolutions are adopted and the ordinance pass on first reading. madam clerk, can you please read item 15. >> adding 13 is the adding the
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commemorative street in recognition of sean montrose a as a local figure. >> supervisor ronen. >> thank you, i'm incredibly excited to tb voting on a street at the intersection of park and holly park circle located in burnle heights. he had a bright beautiful and limit life ahead of him. he was am bibeder loved by his community and constantly looking for way to uplift the youth around him and deeply proud of his roots. as you know, his life was taken from by a valejo police officer in 2020 but his memory and legacy live on and the community that continue to organize against police brutality and his sisters who continue to fight for justice not only for their family but others and in the structure
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that's community has erected in his memory. this street naming is located where sean grew up and where his family still resides today. it's also add jays apartment to the library that has been installed in the memory giving access and empowering young people to learn about social justice movements and leaders. the passing of this item will help the community heal and serve as a beacon for whom shoun was a mentor and remind the city of his great contributions. i want to thank supervisor melgar, mandelman and my office who did the all the heavy listing. i want to thank two of my hero, sheros, michelle and ashley montrosa and finally i want to thank the many burnle height neighbors who have reached out in support of this street
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naming. i would appreciate your support, colleagues, thank you. >> thank you supervisor ronen, seeing no names on the roster, we will take the same house, same call, the resolution adopted. madam why don't we read the last item on the regular regular calendar and then go to our special 2:30. >> item 1516, is to appoint lieutenant leonardo poggio. >> i apologize that i have not had a chance to reach out to you but look but look forward to working with you. seeing no names on the roster, we will take the same house, same call, this motion is approved. and we'll move to our special 2:30 special order recognition of commendations.
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starting with supervisor stefani. >> thank you, president peskin and can i have stephanie and cody come up to the podium. colleagues this is, probably one the most commendation i would have done in a very long time. these tie women before you, here at women's history month, are some of the strongest women i've met. for too long, i've watched grieving mothers in the gun violence prevention movement, not only bear unspeakable grief for losing their own children but then be forced any position to be advocate to protect all of our children in our communities from a depraved gun lobby.
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these mothers, the women that i met, are forced to be reckoned with and honored to fight alongside with them. i'm honored to commend leslie cue and cody, like i said when i started out, these are two of the most strongest and most courageous women. leslie is the mother of name sake. the organization was founded following the tragic killing of her 9-year-old son, pierce. pierce was shot in his sleep by his mother in a murder-suicide. pierson's murder shattered the life of miz mother, entire family and classmates at steward school. somehow with the strength i
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cannot fanthom, leslie was able to find a way to advocate for other children. leslie revolved to transform tragedy for action by advocating for change for family law practices that mandate's clients to declare any firearms they posses. clients would also be required to store these weapons in a location that they cannot access. i'm going to stop and wait until everybody is paying attention because this is really important. implementing a policy that requires clients to disclose and temporary relocate firearms to a third party location diminishes the risk of violence, domestic abuse, threats of violence, power imbalances and also of life.
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the court of children trials has been on the rise and our easy access to guns has not helped the situation. on average, one child per week, and i'm going to repeat that, one child per week is murder beside a parent or step parent during divorce, separation child support or custody negotiations. many of these tragic events occur during on going legal disputes. leslie, there are truly no adequate records to say how much i admire and respect you and how i will continue to do everything in my power to be in your corner in every way possible. the light you shine, and the hope you bring to those fighting to keep our children safe from gun violence is beyond courageous, and i want to recognize you and know that you are here with your family and the people of pierson's pledge, we have your back and i
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thank you for everything you've done so far. and i want to recognize cody doherty, pierson's plea for gun storage. and i've been to a few of the events and i get to hear what these incredible women have been doing to fight and it's amazing and cody's story shows a woman who is determined to not hear the word no. and just, plow forward, she joined leslie to support the effort by identifying locations, for gun storage and one might think that may be an easy task find a place to put hands sman somebody dangerous. however when cody contact to inquire about the storage, she encountered hostility, they don't want you to store your guns they want to tell you lots of them.
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they don't believe in that really. and just the little fact, in 2022, there were nearly 78,000 licensed gun dealers that's more than all the mcdonald's, burger king and twice the number of u.s. post offices. so in june of 2023, cody took matters into her own hands by obtaining her very own firearm licenses enabling her to store the weapons herself and expanding her work nationwide. now pierson's pledge national storage map is available in ever single state. we all know the urgency which with the crisis of gun violence must be addressed. there is no single way to win the fight against gun violence epidemic.
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women like cody and leslie, like i said are leading the way so courageously. with the effort that leslie and cody are leading with pierson's pledge i'm hardened by the their impact their dedication not only honors the memory of pierce but calls for action for all of us. so on behalf of my colleagues here at the board of supervisors, it's my great pleasure to present you with certificate of honors and to thank you for what you've done to protect families and children in the city of san francisco and across the country. and i would like to give you a chance to say a few words. >> thank you supervisor, stefani. [applause] >> speaker: thank you, supervisor stefani. thank you for being here and
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for honoring my son pierce. although i would trade it all for just one second with him again. as supervisor stefani told you, he was shot by his father, my ex husband when we were in a custody case. in an instant i went from choosing what to cook for dinner or going to the morgue to identify his body and i about it every dame, whether that was the choice. pierce was only nine and it's still a hard decision to live with everyday. but as, supervisor stefani said, this happens to a child every week and there is got to be something that has to be done. and so, you know, in the
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beginning, it was really hard to breath, it took every ounce of energy i had just to breathe but with the love of my family, my partner jim and with my friends with with the community they walked through hell with me and brought me back to make sure that i can stand here today to try to do something. so pierce's pledge was laufrmgd as a birthday to him. it was his 11th birthday and it's his legacy. and it was built on action, so my first action was my friend a family law attorney and decided that after this, she said, i've had enough, i'm not going to take clients uns they tell me if they have weapons and i'm going to store them. she took them into her law firm.
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and we realized that it was not sustainable and cody, she is an amazing friend, we went to high school together and she decided, she texted me and said, leslie can i help you. and i said, i can't even read the word gun, can you google online where we can find gun stores that can store guns. that's the biggest problem asking lawyers to store. she went down a road of incredibly inspiring and moving actions and like you said, supervisor, she does not take no for an answer. so she went for it and started calling over 1700 fsls, she mobilized a group of volunteers and she called through. and from there, we called through every sfl license 1 holder in the u.s. and now we have a gun storage map. and it turns out there is only
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3.5 of fsls that say yes to storing well. that is 11 in 30 calls. you have to call 30 stores to say, yeah, i'll store your gun for you. and somebody in need, somebody in suicide, somebody who really needs to store their weapon, is not going to make 30 calls. so now we have this map that we're very very proud of. that we have and it's, it's because of cody's incredible action. and i'm forever grateful to the action. but of course we couldn't do this alone. the san francisco community has been incredibly powerful and loving and they have shown up for me. and they share this tragedy with this and they have stood by this pledge. to supervisor stefani, your heart of gold, you called me mom's mom and talked to me and
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share with me in the pain. and i know that you, showed up last when i asked you for a favor to ask for phillie side awareness week and you and mick came here and asked to make april the 9th to the 15th phillie side awareness in solidarity of mothers. and other cities are doing it. and you said yes, and i'm so grateful to you guys for making this awareness and bringing it to the stage. because fillia side is a major problem. to my team, i have a great team julia webber, christie peter wong, cody my board, the volunteers they show up and they go to every laura vent, we have a stand there and they ask every lawyer, one by one to sign the pledge. they tell them the problem and give them information and they
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do it, one lawyer at a time. and i'm incredibly proud of that team for walking the walk. and just in time, rudy, the guy right here, even pierce's classmates have joined united middle kids student, we're doing an event hopefully across the street right here, it's called for pause for pierson's players and they're hosting a dog competition. all the money raised from this dog competition will funds a gun buy back. all the guns will be destroyed and made into a beautiful piece of art. so that these guns will never hurt anyone ever again. and i'm so grateful for rudy for standing with me in the united players team and the amazing kids, 11, 12, pierce's classmates, they're doing it, they're showing up and doing it.
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so anyway, i'm very honored to be standing here. i really wish i was standing here for something else, to be honest but i'm grateful to you all. and as a new friend who also lost her son in the same way, she said if there was a few moms that would have stood up for us a few years ago, then maybe our kids would be here today. i'm grateful for you guys for knowing pierce, i brought a picture of him. beautiful boy. and i'm grateful that you will help me continue his legacy. so thank you, i'll leave it cody. >> thank you. [applause]
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>> i would like to thank the board of supervisors, namely supervisor stefani, thank you so much. and thanks to her staff for this immense honor. i would like to thank leslie for trusting me to take this journey with her. she is the true definition of a hero, and i admire her more than she will ever know. as a mother myself, as a friend, as a san franciscan, i knew i had to do something about pierson's horrific mutteder, i could not stand by. thoughts and prayers were not enough, i knew i needed to take action. pierce deserved more. every child harmed by gun violence deserves more. so when leslie's launched
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pierce's pledge, i reached out and that pledge almost a two years ago. it amazing me how far we've come. i never expected that i would obtain a gun smith to provide reliable storage for our family law attorneys that sign the pledge or for anyone that needed reliable fire storage in california. nor did i expect to shaping sb368 which which requires ffls to store their firearm. and first and only national firearm storage map. and i definitely never thought in a million areas that i would have multiple meetings with the white house, the white house office of gun violence prevention. leslie and i have examples of what everyday people can do when you come together and take a stand.
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our work is not anywhere near finished, this is obl the beginning but we're incredible grateful to have this acknowledgment from the great city of san francisco and we know that you are support will help profell us further. so thank you very much. >> thank you, ms. doherty. [applause]
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>> next we'll go to supervisor walton. >> thank you, president peskin. today we're honoring the life of dorothy asberry and celebration of 102 years of life. this remarkable women's journey embodies resilience determination and spirit of unwaiving strength. born in 1921 in alexandria use use, her story began with humble roots, received education, up to the fourth grade instilling in her a foundation of knowledge and curiosity about the world around her. at the tender of age of 16,
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dorothy embarked in a journey of love and adventure, marrying charlie, together they ventured to san francisco in pursuit of employment opportunities at the shipyard. it was there to dorothy's past took a turn and sent her to school to master the operation of sheet metal machine contributing to the production of essential components for ships. but dorothy's didn't end there besinger she graced various industries with her presence, from restaurants to healthcare, showcasing her dedication to hard work. yet a mitt doers thee faced unimaginable tragedy, she lost
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her only son at the tender age of 13. despite the profound grief she endured, dorothy's spirit remains unbroken a testament to her resilience and inner strength. today at the age of 102, dorothy continues to inspire us all. her san francisco home where she has decided for seven decades stands to her testament to her enduring presence and community. with each step she takes, she defines the limitations of age navigating life with grace and dignity. in her moments of leisure, dorothy enjoys the simple things in life. she loves tend to go her garden and sharing on her beloved warriors from the comfort of her living room. her spirit remains vibrant and unwaivering as we reflect on
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dorothy's incredible journey, let us draw from her determination and endurance and love, may we embrace love with the same courage and tenacity that she embodies. thank you dorothy for gracing us with your presence and for teaching us the true meaning. your legacy will continue to inspire generation to see come. congratulations. [applause] >> speaker: good evening, i'm dorothy asberry, and i want to thank everybody in this
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building and not in the building. i'm so proud that i'm able to say thank you, and able to walk around and smile at all the beautiful faces that i see. and god bless you. thanks for having me. talk with you and letting you know that i'm still alive and still praying for y'all. thank you so much. >> thank you ms. ashberry. [applause]
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congratulations our next commendation will go to mandelman. >> thank you mr. president, can we get dr. john brown. good afternoon, doctor. today i'm presenting a special. in that capacity, he overall aspects of the emergency care system.
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to save lives lives each and everyday to plan for major disasters with local and federal teams. as a young physician, dr. brown before hitting the emergency room door would be as or more important as the care the patient receives after. as medical director dr. brown oversaw 3000 technician sxz paramedics during his nearly three decades of leadership. along dozens and mock disaster emergency response and capabilities. through his work at zuckerberg general and partnership with ucsf, he supported a program to provide a better healthcare. received his early training in
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the navy where he served as a physician for 14 years and used his experience on mission traveling to haid'. student county of san francisco has benefited and we want to thank you for your contributions to this city and county. we wish you well in your most well deserved retirement and dr. brown the floor is yours. >> thank you. [applause] >> speaker: thank you, mr. president and supervisors. it's been my pleasure during the 27 or so years that i've been serving the city of san francisco to come before you to present for various conditions and causes so it's nice to be in this manner and to be recognized, i appreciate it. i simply want it say this work has not been of my own making. there is 1800 emts on duty in san francisco, 600 plus
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paramedics, including our new cadreworking the terrible opioid epidemic that we're dealing with and 100 plus dispatchers and literally thousands of providers that are working in our hospitals to take care of their patients in their hour of need. it's been their work that has kept the city going in this arena, it's been my pleasure and my privilege to be their advocate and to be their regulator and also to be able to give them some guidance and advise in their medical matters. and i'm pleased to say that i think we have made a lot of process and i appreciate your continued interest in the work of the san francisco ems agency providers and hope that you continue to call us to be accountable for your work and service. it's been my pleasure to have my career here and thank you
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for the acknowledgment. >> thank you dr. brown for your service. [applause] >> thank you, president peskin. it's not everyday that we get to offer a common daysing. if we can have folks come up, carla and sean. today, i have the distinct pleasure of honoring the women's 100 times 1100 relay team. last year, 100 different women, each ran one mile to a set a new 100 by one mile relay record for the fast time time
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of 9:18:32, we held the previous record by over five minutes, well done. this is historic event took place at san francisco state university, at the clock stadium in district 7 and of course it was no easy feat. the event also raised over 5,000 for girls on the run in the bay area, so double well done. the organizers of this event recruited 100 women runners from all walks of life to join this effort, the youngest runner was 13 and the oldest was 63, we had many mothers who were part of the relay including a mom who was 5 months pregnant at the time. the relay was co-hosted by the
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nikes san francisco women's millar club and san francisco road runners, and empower racing them, and the olympic club foundation. we are also so proud of you bringing the guinness record title to san francisco and really want to take the opportunity to commend the organizers and volunteers, the sponsors and especially the 100 runners who showed up and gave their all. so we are immensely proud of all of you and i hope that we can continue to celebrate this growing women's running community that unites so many people. and i want to welcome sean shocks with the director and carla robertson, volunteer coordinator, live saver to share a few remarks. congratulations and you're welcome.
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>> so on behalf of the 1100 women who run the track, the ooh alternates are sponsored, our legion of volunteers as well their many partners, i would like to thank you for recognizing the world record, it really was done in the spirit in achieving this for san francisco. the relay is not often run but it is a legitimate race t involves 100 women passing the ballot. the average speed to break the record was 5:35 seconds and to put that in perspective, we view women who are not professional athletes, professional track athletes or
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current coligient runners, we had run faster. all have a san francisco tie, whether it's by birth, resident, employment by college or running club, everybody had a tie to the city. and it was really important for us to do that. but it was also important for us to reach across the different lines within the city and to try to find women who were moms whether they're just post partum mom on the track. it was very inspiration to see not just, you know, very young fast women who are in their 20 or in the their prime of their running but women in their 40s and even 60s out there representing women, the running community and san francisco out there that day. it was a wonderful day.
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i don't know if anyone recalls, the june last year was the informingest, we had one day with sunshine and that's the day that we ran the relay. we're very proud and happy that san francisco is greatest running city in the country. so thank you. >> i'm here to represent the volunteers, it takes 1100 women to break the record, but also took more than 50 volunteers. i pulled from run clubs, high schools, everywhere i could and people really showed up and every single one of my volunteers showed up that day. there are no excuses, herculean efforts, and it shows the power of community. people think of running as a solo sport but if on golden gate park or embarcadero, you
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will often see people running together and that's the thing that i love the most about running, you know, they say if you can't do it, teach it, and if you can't run a six-minute mile, coordinate the volunteers and that's how i got involved and it showed that we can have people all paces, all faces were welcomed at this event and running really is a something that can for a relatively low cost bring people in our community together. and so thank you for recognizing that. >> thank you. [applause] >> when did you get here. sorry, i didn't know you had so many runners in the house. [applause]
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>> madam clerk, would you please read item 17. >> item 17 was considered by the government audit and oversight committee at a regular meeting on thursday march 21, it was recommended as a committee report. item 17 resolution to authorize the office of mayor and the department of homelessness and support of housing. solicit donation frz various entities and organizations to support the expansion of temporary shelter to support people experiencing homelessness, notwithstanding ordinance. >> roll call. >> on item 17, supervisor engardio. >> aye. >> clerk: mandelman. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor melgar. melgar absent. supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> clerk: peskin aye. supervisor preston. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor ronen. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor safai. >> aye.
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>> clerk: supervisor stefani. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor walton. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor chan. >> aye. >> clerk: and supervisor dorsey. >> aye. >> clerk: there are ten ayes. >> the resolution a is dopted. item 18, this item was considered by the land use and transportation committee at a regular meeting on monday march 25 and recommended as a committee report. item 18 ordinance to amend the code prohibit special use district the lower poll many commercial district. tobacco paraphernalia, where and to establish that after 1180 days of non use, a legal non conforming tobacco establishment in the sud or ncd will be deemed abandoned determining restoration and to make the appropriate findings.
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>> same call same house. . >> supervisor mandelman? >> thank you, madam clerk. and i have two items today. first i'm introducing a resolution to initial the process of landmarking gilbert bakers rain low flag of harvey mill many plaza. in 1978 at the request of harvey milk designed an 8-stripe rainbow flag for the queer community. the flag was first revealed in the gay freedom day parade in san francisco. necessitate the removal of pink and turquoise and the blue was changed to a different shade. includes six colors and since become an iconic recognized
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presentation of freedom equality and lgbtq plus pride. gilbert bakers flag was installed at harvey milk to the board of supervisors. the 20 by 30 flag is more than a big flag on a tall flag poll. it's a political art work. gilbert worker created many flags but but remains the soul permanent installation. has become a physical beacon of pride and self empowerment for both the residents of san francisco and for visitors from around the world. as you know the lgbtq community is under attack and books and curriculum, many have banned
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rainbow flag seven in california alone. deserves recognition as a historic art installation and a symbol of hope, flying everyday of the year in defiance. i want to thank the gilbert baker foundation for their interest inland mark designation and work to make it happen. for conducting prim work, deputy city attorney andrea, and adam in my office for his work. and the dozens of community organizations and lgbtq plus leaders who have expressed support designation for bakers installation. i want to thank supervisor dorsey and stefani for their cosponsorship. secondly, i am introducing a fee waiver ordinance for a
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commemorative plaque to honor a great san franciscan, the late peter gabriel, act visit, writer and social nons of novaly. peter was professor at new college interest law school for more than 30 years teaching students how to use legal activism to advance legal change. he was also a founder in legal scholarship. he was the editor at large from his founders in the 80s and wrote countless pieces to connecting law and social change. peter served as the first chairperson as police review commission, won a seat in the san francisco central committee and was chair of the city's commission on natural and community service. and also executive direct for spirit art and politics, a center he created in honor of his hoteler.
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helped create the novi love market, and noy valley square. acquire the real foods subpoena. had been engaged in union busting against employees who were trying to engage. and ultimately closed the store after missing 30 workers. peter leslie and other activist convened a meter of over 230 residents. that meeting, they got more meetings and it was in one of those meetings that they thought of the farmers market. the former' real food workers were offered job peter and his, within lrb and workers won the law enforcement. the proposed ordinance will
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designate a between sanchez adjoined as the site of the future commemorative plaque, the plaque will be installed in the spot where peter would stand on many saturday morning. i want to thank the knowy valley market and of course lisa jakes for their partnership and collaboration on this ordinance and then i also want to thank adam from my office and snyder from public works and chris and tom for their help and guidance and drafting and the rest i will submit. >> thank you, supervisor mandelman. thank you supervisor melgar. >> thank you so much, madam clerk, as you know w west portal in district 7 was a site of a tragic car crash that took the lives of four san franciscans last week.
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while the sfmt a said there is nothing about the con fission of this intersection that cause the crash. we know there is more that we must do to make our streets and transit stops safe. every one should feel safe, walking and taking public transit but unprotected are not safe. could be made much safer. we saw it in west portal last week, with saw this on folt on saturday, and on the 9th and lincoln last year. today i'm introducing a resolution urging the mt a and department of public works to identify high-risk transit stops and crosswalks and install physical infrastructure struck tower too make them safer. i'm also calling on the department of public health to
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identify these intersections and the corridors that pose a high risk to pedestrian and cycling, before a tragedy occur and to develop a high risk network in addition to our existing high injury network, we should not wait for serious injury or worse even death to occur before we make improvements to our streets that save people's lifes. thank you to supervisor ronen and chan for your early cosponsorship and we look forward to ensure that san franciscans with get across our city shortly. and traffic violence is a major public safety concern in a public health concern for communities across san francisco. and i have always been in
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support of investment in solutions. the human toll, of loss of life, and injury under any circumstances is i am measurable, not only must we suffer from the loss but only i am fact of our unsafe streets. and those families suffer individually as well. we have all heard that the necessary safety improvement we need to prioritize over something else. but i'm asking how much does it cost whether it we don't invest in the safety improvements. today i'm requesting a report on fiscal impact of traffic violence on our streets, including medical care and mental healthcare, loss of work and property damage and loss. something similar was done in michigan last year, the university of michigan quantified this and compared
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this to the losses from crime. and guess what? , it was higher, traffic violence loss was higher than criminal activity. so i'm hopeful that with new information on high-risk areas as well as a fiscal areas of our cities, we can begin to make a difference and make a rell process on our vision roles. the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you supervisor melgar. supervisor peskin. >> thank you, madam clerk, colleagues, i think you've heard these facts, occupational cancer is among the highest in san francisco firefighters and many have died from these types of cancer from 2006 as setforth by the san francisco firefighters cancer foundation.
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the national institute of standards and technology has identified high concentrations of what are called for ever chemicals p-fast in the inner layer of fire fighter turn out protective gear in a landmark study that was done last year and determined that p fast can observe through the skin through their protective garments. and san francisco women firefighters who are about 15% of the fire fighter service have been diagnosed with braes faster at rates 6 times the national average. so i think it is clearly time to ban p fast in turn outs and i want to thank supervisor safai and chan for their early cosponsorship of legislation that will mandate that we phase this out as quickly as possible
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not more than two years by june 30th of 2026, i want to thank the firefighters local 789 and their present floyd rawlings for being militant about this issue as well as the san francisco fire firefighters cancer foundation. this will require that we purchase p-fast free turn out. two of them for each and every one of our fire suppression members that is about 1500 members so about 3000 turn outs. somewhere in the range of 3500 dollars a piece, we're looking at a 10-mill dollar bill over the course of two years. i'm delighted that the fire department has applied for and obtained and we will soon accept grant in the amount of
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3.3 million dollars from fema that will go some of the distance to doing the financial work that needs to be done. but i also want to say that while these are tough fiscal times, there are ways that we can and do safe money and so i'm slightly, pivoting to thanking all of you who on september 26, joined me when we did something that rarely rarely happens, we voted to turn down a lease for city office space at 1155 market street. we voted unanimously at my urging to do that. the lease rate that was being proposed troubled me because it was above the fair market value. but their thinking by the agencies that brought it to us was the cost of moving out and moving into a new building made
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that slightly above fair market value cost difference, worth it. today i'm introducing legislation we are not abandoning mid-market even though the owner of that property wrote some inflammatory letters saying that we were banning mid-market. we're moving three blocks to 455 market street, at 40 dollars a square foot instead of 65.60 a square foot which is going to safe this city far more money than the turn outs are going to cost. so there are way to see save money, we're going to consolidate additional at 14.55, we have gotten cheaper rent, we're going to move folks from sfmt a and the agreement also includes an option to purchase that building if we choose to do so.
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and let's be clear, this city needs to adopt to the market. and when the market was coming down, what was troubling me in september, it was time to talk with our feat. sxl that talking has reduced to from 65 to 40 dollars a square foot. i want to thank and acknowledge frank cisco when we sent a very very clear message. and then finally colleagues, i would like to adjourn the board meeting in the memory of somebody i had the honor of knowing for many decades who has been a character at the northbeach watering holes including the specs and city light bookstore, although he was also a beloved resident of burnle heights in supervisor ronen's district and that is the bohemian poet, doctorsski
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who is a legend, first biography of lawrence getty. he was a teenage sidekick and poet collaborator with the charles great beauski, he was a speech writer for mayor george mossconi. he continually shared his poems. nearest modest 17s apartment at the entrance of bob coffin alley named by matt gonzalez by another great northbeach, should be landmark as a true oasis for beat souls of all ages.
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there is much more to say about him. he was. and no malter where you live in the city, he made the cafe city lights and specs his literary home. so i would like to adjourn in his honor 500-page book of selected poems overseen by nearly published by thigti can press and every thinking aye of portrait poems is said to be published in 2025 by city lights. publishers my deepest condolences to his partner, jesse cabrera and all of his extended family in the literary world, the rest i will submit. >> clerk: thank you mr. president. supervisor preston. >> thank you, madam clerk, colleagues it's not often that i get to tell you about a
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program that can help us produce nearly 10 percent of our element goal of our affordable housing. especially afterdeck aids. it's exciting to build new subsidized housing. but i wish that was the end of the story i wish i was here with good news. and instead while other cities are jumping on this rare opportunity to secure perm nature subsidies, our mayor and housing authority are letting this opportunity pass us by. and that is why today, i'm introducing a resolution call for the san francisco housing authority to fully leverage what is known as the fair clause to rad option provided
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by the u.s. department of housing in urban department hud to create up to 3668 new deeply affordable rental units with permanent indefinitely federal subsidy here in san francisco. part of the concern here is that the window to do this is set to expire if we do not initial the application process for these units by september 30th of this year. i want to thank super peskin and supervisor walton and chan and as well as supervisor safai and supervisor ronen. colleagues i remain shocked that our city is not pursuing this option to fund thousands of units. that the federal government is offering in perpetuity.
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in 2022, the house called to explore at that time, it was specifically for plaza east. and we urged that they initial the application to reserve units under the fair clause to rad option. that is still nearly 2 years later, that's not been done by the housing authority. but fair cloth do rad as an option was made even more attract you have by changes at the federal level in 2023. and yet the housing authority still refuses to utilize this program even after an increase offer from my office and advocates including the national housing law project. the housing authority inex mrikably has not announced its
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intention to submit a single request for what is known as the notice of rad rents which is what initials the fair cloth to rad option and it's important to understand that just submitting this which is literally a few clicks it's a non binding process, it would reserve even for some reason, the nonprofit developer or city opted not to pursue the development, it is a non binding process but one that is necessary to reserve the funds to finance new units. national alley, other cities are taking full advantage of this new program. as of september 2023, last year, more than 4,000 units were already in hud's fair cloth to rad pipeline including projects by the district of columbia housing authority, cambridge housing authority,
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philadelphia housing authority, chicago housing authority and gal vas tan housing authority in texas. the boston housing authority is already limiting the rent augmentation ability for fair cloth to rad developments so grow their units to nearly 3000 units on city owned land and private developments over the next ten years. mayor woo in boston, issued a request for quotes from developers and owners of new multi family rental construction within the city of boston to see who is interested in developing these deeply affordable units. and a veiling themselveses of this federal option. similarly the housing authority, the city of los angeles, amended its 2024 agency plan quote to use all of its fair cloth limit authority
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specifically 1965 available units through the fair cloth to rad program. and if wonder what fair cloth is that i'm talking about, it was a horrible amendment to federal law back in 1998 that set as a maximum, a cap the number of public housing units in any public housing authority, in any city at the number that existed in 1999, it was anti public housing amendment by senator fair cloth from south carolina at the time and it was designed to prevent the growth of public housing. but what happened overtime, as as the number of public units has decreased and here in san francisco we're down from in 1999, we had about 4,000 units of public housing, we're now down to several hundred even at the public housing. but what that means is we have
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what we have fair cloth authority to actually buildup to 4,000 units which is another 3665 units if we can finance them and now finally the federal government is providing a way for to us finance. the city and the housing authority must step up and follow the lead of these other cities that i mentioned, utilize this important and time sensitive option. if we're serious about achieving our affordable housing goals, especially having recently passed the housing element with bold goals of creating over 46,000 units of affordable housing, this federal opportunity must be part of the plan. the time is now for the mayor and housing authority to ensure that we're not losing out on funding thousands of new hud
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sub sid eyesed. i look forward to not only pass this resolution but to ensure that the city fully avails itself of this opportunity to fund thousands of new rental units for extremely low income san franciscans. and the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you supervisor preston. supervisor ronen. >> commit. >> clerk: thank you. supervisor safai. >> thank you, madam clerk. i just want to add some words on the press conference we had today but also on the issue with regard to changing out the turn out for firefighters. i want to appreciate president peskin and supervisor chan and all the firefighters that came out to participate. it's absolutely chock but not surprising that the number cause of death for firefighters is cancer.
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and much of that is preventable. we can change these turn outs, this cost that supervisor peskin referred to, over two years, 10 million dollars in many ways will diminish after we've replaced the first round because you're talking about a whole set of existing firefighters that are hearing cancerous uniforms or better known as turn outs. so this to me, seems like a moral obligation. we have the resources here in san francisco, we just have to make the difficult decisions. pfast was a thing to protect people but all it's done is bring cancer to those that wear it. and many firefighters have lost their life to cancer.
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floyd raw wins and wood, came out of the foundation. we learned a lot and we continue to learn a lot. so i'm very proud to be part of this effort, to be a lead cosponsor and it's something that hopefully colleagues we can move very quickly to do and begin to safe lives for these individuals that are constantly putting their lives on the line on a daily basis. thank you. and the other thing, i might we should colleagues, maybe have a moment of silence for those that died in baltimore with the tragic accident what a horrific, horrific accident that we saw. many of those folks, the few that did die were workers that were doing construction on the bridge, they were not notified to get off the bridge, and it's a tragic accident. so maybe if supervisor peskin if we can end in their honor have a moment of silence for them that would be appropriate
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and that would be appropriate. and the rest i submit. >> let's take a moment of silence for those killed in the bridge accident. now. [silence] next up on roll call. >> clerk: thank you, mr. president. >> clerk: supervisor stefani. submit. thank you. supervisor walton. submit, thank you. supervisor chan. >> thank you, madam clerk, colleagues this morning, we had a very robust discussion as the county of transportation commission about vision zero and i'm grateful to supervisor melgar's leadership on really trying to help us and bring us together a really, a plan of how we can do better and really prioritizing the high jury corridor.
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and implement a plan to provent, tragic traffic fatalities in our city. so we do look to our city department as the subject matter experts to implement project and advance city priorities. however, from the discussion that we had this morning, and time and time again, we know that in the past five years, we have seen a sharp increase of traffic fatalities without adequate response in the form of implementation of proven infrastructure improvements from the san francisco sfmta. we call for an audit from the county of transportation authority, we understand that the timeliness and fiscal accountability of these improvement but the report show us that sfmt a has failed
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successful to implement major capitol major capitol projects or even some of these quick built projects with urgency that our neighborhoods and our safety demand. so today, i'm requesting that the city attorney drafting a resolution authorizing an emergency declaration to prioritize the completion of vision zero infrastructure improvement on our high injury corridors. this request reflects the urgency on our streets right now which has been exacerbated by strategy and management to prioritize these projects in a timely fashion. we ask that again and again, we ask when will this project be completed. we're giving a lot of reasons why they are not and we have listened. but we say it's enough. the delays are not acceptable and we're going to, with this
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emergency declaration, take away some of those discusses to say, let's implement them now without further ado. thank you, and the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor chan. supervisor dorsey submit. thank you so much. mr. president, there is no names on the roster, that concludes the introduction of new business. >> okay beinger let's go to general public comment. >> clerk: at this time, the board welcomes those of you who are here, to speak. you may speak on the--committee calendar. other general matters not on today's agenda but must be on jurisdiction. all content has been reported out. we're setting the timer for two minutes. welcome to our first speaker. >> thank you >> speaker: last night i had the privilege and honor to attend a city hall with david chu the city attorney and asked
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about the system sherlock and to my surprise, he had never heard about it. and i find it that hard to believe because i've been speak abouting this to. so, i had to think this through and i'm going to talk about intuition and gut feeling, what is if your gut feeling was wrong. sherlock cannot block but alter now you deal with issues and incidents. we had 811 overdoses last year and hundreds of reversals. also for illegal gun investigation, it places a cloud on the person and it's suppose to guide them to healthy decisions. what is be blocking this normal signal from getting them to
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healthy decisions. san francisco, we need to figure this out and it starts with reducing access and stop giving credentials to people who have no experience. two cases come to mind in the 70s, the devil made me do it in texas. that was a death penalty case and the person got 5 years because somebody influenced somebody with technology and dan white, we know what dan white did, influenced with technology and only got a five-year sentence, in california it's a crime to convince others to commit a crime. >> well hell sate on mother fuckers, i want to talk about prophet itself. i follow the rules and punctuate my other comment with profanity and you cannot censor it.
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however somebody does not talk to the matter. the bible preaching mother fucker talks about relevant shit and sometimes it's hateful to transfer jews and muslims among others. now the first amendment is not to get arrested to scream. it's not a license to give some fucken bible study that is not relevant and the president needs to say, you're cut off. this sunday is trans day or vengeance in recognition, i'll read you experts from a colab about trans phob why and vacate the republican shelter and prop f supporters.
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to wall--and arms say hello to your new gender beinger look as for husband, we had to perform a hysterectomy. lick my california funded k*unt and chock on it. >> through the president through a former, we have a request for an ada accommodation and we would love to have those individuals be moved through the system now with your permission. >> please proceed permission granted. >> speaker: thank you, i'm calling in support of president's peskin's resolution
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in the case of sam with you's death. what the resolution is calling for is transparency accountability and responsibility to the aapi community. i thought this resolution was a common sense no brainer resolution. but i learned this is controversial resolution. why has this turned into political football between a da's office and the board of supervisors. although i have never worked in the d.a.'s office, i had over 30 years plus of experience as a judge. i'm retired now. i have worked with at least 6 prior district attorneys, joe freed as some of you may not remember him but i know aaron peskin remembers him, daniel smith, our vice president
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kamala harris, george gascon and jesse beaudin. from my experience, this is standard procedure for high ranking lawyer, usually a homicide manager or similar to pin any and all police questioning of homicides suspects. the d.a.'s office should not say as in this case, that it is not our case jurisdiction and to police formerly presents it to us with a charging recommendation. this may be technically true but the d.a. certainly has the legal authority to seek an arrest warrant or grand jury indictment or otherwise move forward with a case. the district attorney should have taken a proactive role from the very beginning.
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after all involved, this involves another elderly woman that died amid asian hate crimes. the district attorney cannot -- ~>> thank you. >> thank you, your honor. next speaker. >> clerk: can we hear from our next caller beinger please. >> speaker: hello, okay, we are ready. yeah. [speaking foreign language]
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>> translator: i'm the president of the community association hoe land, i have to regret unfortunately event on the streets for the past years. safety the most significant concern in the community. most members are concerned of getting out in the early morning or late afternoon. >> speaker: [speaking foreign language]
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>> translator: law enforcement can do more transparency for law process in the future if somebody happens, about the case increase, also we hope the law enforcement and community
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advocate to work together putting more resources to helping the victim. for example, bilingual staff should be provided to we see more support and help thefl overcome their. also community advocate can understand the case process to follow-up not treating them like a bouncing ball and refer without getting public help. >> speaker: [speaking spanish] --[speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language]
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>> translator: the supervisor cannot handle this matter for the community, when we need. i hope the supervisor can encourage law agency to increase the transparency so that westbound feels safe walking on the street. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. okay. lea mcgaoefr thank you for allowing the interruption. >> speaker: of course. so i send you emails and make these comments for the purpose of preserving my existence for the public record. here are a slew of comments made on the twitter x platform accounter the same one that you got death threats, no one with any power condemned them, this was january 30th, initialed by one of friends of my supervisor and friends of other y'all in here. so with my picture, kill it
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before it breaths, when you're playing for the night and somebody head shots you or snipes you. i wish we had a trans genocide would be better off, somebody put this fat cow down an argument for euthanasia. this is what i wrote the next day. this is nearly a poem, belonging a team never meant to be cursed. clouds never forming until it holds the bleeding because our hearts are flooded with blood. i've been bleeding to long i never forgot i needed a luxurious blo for myself. but i'm taking my bloody bucket, careful not to slosh and look for a safer place to
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exist. i'll never belong anywhere. i just need to find a little cottage for me and a trans wife to live in. thank you for, line, knicks diamond, rain a hernandez, aaron, bush nel and so much more. >> thank you for your comments. can we hear from our next speaker, please. >> president, peskin, you helped me years ago, you may remember, i had a issue with -- ~>> sandra, may i ask you to speak more directly into the microphone, just pull it towards you. i'll resume your time. >> speaker: thank you.
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again my name is sandra helprin, i help the ece early childcare educators of san francisco. i used to be a tremendous school teacher, back in 2004, i earned 19 dollars an hour. 20 years later, the average salary has increased dramatically to $27.20 an hour. to do a little math, that's 56,000 a year. to educate our most vulnerable, most in need of quality education. to figure out what your figure amount per dollar is, take your salary divide by 52 and then divide by 40. i think that we can all degree
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that we got where we are today because of good teachers, who cared about us and cared about the education, that we received so that we could become excellent people. i just want to bring your awareness that the salaries are very low and yet they are, people out there getting a college education which costs a lot of money. to wrap this up, prop c money has been allocated, we call it baby prop c for teacher salaries and we hope that this money can be allocated for that and not diverted to other means although, good, but they will have their time as well. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. can we hear from our next speaker, please. welcome back to the chamber. nice to see you supervisor.
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>> speaker: i'm sandra fewer, and i did not know you could an f-bomb. don't worry. i'm here to support the resolution authored by supervisor peskin on the death of nz yang faning lieu that occured on july third, 2023 and decision to declare her death an accident. it is disturbing and alarming that the same assault assaulted another asian elderly woman and this could have have not prevented if her death was more thoroughly investigated. the answers that should be answered, would have lead to the decision, that what lead to the decision that ms. wu's
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death an accident. did her family members have a real understanding of their rights? it is the truth that decisions regarding a possible homicide are always made with a representative of the district attorney's office monitoring it. it is also true that the office of district attorney has the ability if it disagrees with the decision of police department, that it can with one, request the police to further investigate, two assign its own district attorney investigators to further conduct investigation and three, present the case to a grand jury. so as far as we know, none of these things happen and we need
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and know why. we want our public departments to be as efficient and responsible as i'm sure all of you do. in this particular time of increased incidents of a a pi hate, the asian communities need to know that cares about their well being and their safety. and i want to thank supervisor walton and chan for the support of our aapi community. thank you. >> thank you, >> thank you former supervisor feuer. >> next speaker, please. >> speaker: good afternoon, my name is andy wong and i represent chinese for affirmative action of the coalition for safety and justice. we're also here to support president peskin resolution to further investigate the death of ms. with you. i want to talk about concerns about incidents involving
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asians in our communities. we have been able to provide direct services to those affected by these tragic events. established during the rise of high profile cases. while we may not have all the information that to* category these cases as anti asian hate, is that we donough there are families in need of our support. it's center victims and survivors by offering culturally confident and in language support taylored to those need. are equipped with all the necessary information regarding the rights available resources and how to navigate sometimes complex systems of care. our ask extends beyond the families of ms. wu and the march 4th assault. justice cannot be achieved if
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victims and survivors are unaware of their rights or if they feel deproid of essential information from sfpd and the d.a.'s office. final note, our organization is in direct contact with the daughter of the survivor of the march 4th assault and she gave us permission to share that her mother and others are fearful and want to know how we can prevent these types of incidents from occurring again. they want to know what the plan is to ensure every one's safety so elders can know. in closing caa and ccsj would like to express their gratitude to president walton, and safai for--. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. welcome. >> speaker: hi good afternoon, board of supervisors. i'm win i live in district 10
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and work in district 3. a partner organization with the coalition for community safety and justice. like those that we spoke before me, we call on the d.a.'s and aapi to increase their engagement with the community by providing a direct venue for service providers and victims they support to ask questions. understand what information they are entitled to during the investigation period and complain what this process is suppose to look like. this is what victims tim center and community informed care looks like. feelings of being ignored.
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that becomes secondary trauma, your loved one is gone and nobody hears your suffering. accountability from the perpetrator of harm and also accountability from the systems and city that has not centered victims survivors and their families. we thank president peskin and chan and safai for introducing this resolution. my name is jeremy and i'm speaking on blaf of the democratic club. i want to express our support of passage of item 23, president peskin calling for the release of the video of surrounding the death of ms. wu. our mono lingual seniors are
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afraid and live in fear of their safety. all we ask is for transparency, because charges have not been brought forward, there are so many unknowns, we as a, we are left to peace together the facts and speculate, the a a pi community just wants to know what happens so we can hold our law enforcement accountability and make sure that they're meeting their most basic standards. our law enforcement agencies truly protecting and serving the resident of san francisco. i urge the board to pass item 23 and show that this board supports transparency to the public and supports our aapi seniors. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, welcome. >> speaker: good afternoon, president peskin and members of
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the board, i'm henry duerr and i'm a resident of the richmond district. i come before you to join in support of the previous speakers to urge you to unanimous lea proof item 23 this afternoon, urging the district attorney and the san francisco police department to release all investigate tory and other accounts with regard to the death of ms. wu. regretably we cannot, the family members of ms. wu can never bring her back or see her again. on the other hand, we have an obligation to investigate and to understand what is the in language cultural competency of the d.a.'s office and the police department in terms of
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serving today's victim of crime. especially those who are limited english proficient. this need for in language service reminds me of the golden dragon massacre that occured in 1970s. in the wake of that gang shooting at the restaurant in china town, then police chief charles gain accused the community of having a code of silence. we responded, it's not a code of silence, what is the problem is that you don't have police officers who can speak cantonese, or other languages. and to the credit of mayor feinstein's for those who are plaintiffs in the lawsuit, we got the city and the justice department to put into consent decree the hiring of 20 by language wal police officers.
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those police officers played a role in eradicating gang. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. >> thank you, mr. durr. >> clerk: welcome to our next speaker. >> speaker: good afternoon, every one i don't give praises to man but to god. so what i noticed, i work in the tenderloin, so what i noticed from and sixth street, so when i know when i'm walking from sixth street from my home, every street up in the tenderloin, you have five corner stores popping up. you have put legislation in four people to sell fruits and vegetables but they're so high that people can't afford them.
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me myself we like making salads, so we always have to go to a grocery store. we need grocery stores in our neighborhood in the tenderloin. they need a full scale scores. you have families that you're housing and building family homes and people cannot afford to buy the produced stuff that they have at the corner stores. i'm urging to open up a full grocery store in the tenderloin. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. >> speaker: my name is salakaia, it was a suppose to. i'm a very obedient person to tell me something to do something, that my spirit speaking and what is going on
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with the homicides my community. many people that know me, my son was murdered, the four black boys shot to death. my son was trying to cash his check on january the 9th, 20115, indicate katie steiner, i've been coming here on a continuous basis asking why we don't have a trial date of concerning the murder of four black boys. i have not seen any of you bringing a resolution for these black boys and majority of these african children who have been murdered in the children. i have never seen a resolution done. we talk about the cultural, many mothers are suffering such as myself but i bring my pain and bring it to something instructive. in honor of this asian community and maybe my people
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will rise after them because they're standing for theirs. also san francisco we're going to rename it to queen kalfia, the queen that california was named after. the spirit of saint francis have not prefailed in this city. spiritually this city is corrupt. ain't no saint frances is here, he stood for giving to the poor. many of you are in your position sxz you're very settled, dwell. you are put into these positions to bring people in a bad to bring them equal to you, it has not done. i've been fighting for this community, 338 years and every dime that i get, i give it back to the community. how many of you with non profits of millions of dollars. >> thank you sala.
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>> i first rise to say thank you for the sponsorship of the legislation that president peskin along with supervisor safai and supervisor chan have put on regarding turn out and replacements of turn out in the fire department. it was 2006 when our own ronen stefani said we had to do something. how it was that we were going funeral after funeral and after funeral and now as it sits in 2024 that 250 firefighters have lost their lifes to cancer. and come to find out that the protective gear that is suppose to protect us when we go in, is the gear that is killing us from the inside.
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so the work that our cancer prevention foundation has been doing in conjunction with testing and other things that we do and sponsor, has to continue. this becomes our responsibility not only to those of us who currently are in the fire force but to those of us who come after us. we have to leave it better and make it better. health and safety is something that we all should be conscious of. so i thank you all for considering this consideration. thank you supervisor sa fa see and chan and president for sponsoring this. >> thank you mr. rawlins for your leadership. >> clerk: next speaker please, if any other members, please line up otherwise this gentleman will be the last speaker. welcome. >> speaker: gao* hi good afternoon, supervisors.
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i believe it's government responsibility to ensure that everybody has affordable access to the bear necessity of life and according to the san francisco food security task force, one in san franciscans are at-risk of hunger. that's why i'm calling and urging you to support supervisor preston's resolution to call for a full service grocery store in the tenderloin, a food desert, please, act. thank you. >> thank you. >> clerk: all right, mr. president. >> that will conclude general public comment. general public comment, is closed. madam clerk, would you please read the adoption for reference calendar--. >> clerk: 21 through 29 were introduced for adoption without community reference is a unanimously vote is required for adoption of resolution on first reading, alternatively
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one member may request a resolution to go to committee. >> i know that item number 21 needs to be severed. mr. walton? >> may i be added to cosponsor to 24 and 25. >> you will be added. supervisor melgar. >> yes, i would like to pull 22, please. >> all right, 22. and madam clerk, please add me as a cosponsor to item 24. supervisor ronen. >> can i be added as a cosponsor to 24 and 25, as well. >> it shall be. supervisor safai. >> please add me as a sponsor to item 24 and i forgot to mention that supervisor stefani was also a cosponsor to item number 25. >> okay, the record will
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reflect that superintendent safai is a cosponsor item 24 and. madam clerk, can you please call the roll cause we have a different house on items 23 through 29--oh. more people on the roster. sorry supervisor dorsey. >> i would like to be added a a cosponsor as 24 and 25. >> noted. supervisor preston. >> i like to sever as 4 and be added as a cosponsor if it's not shown on 23 and 27. >> cosponsor on 23, 25 and 27. okay, madam clerk, on items 23, 25, through 29 a roll call please. >> clerk: on items 23, 25
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through 29, supervisor en ga*d guardio. >> aye. >> clerk: mandelman. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor melgar. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor preston. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor ronen. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor safai. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor stefani. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor walton. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor chan. >> eye. >> clerk: and supervisor dorsey. >> aye. >> clerk: there are 11 ayes. >> those resolutions are adopted and motion approved. madam clerk, would you please call item number 21. >> clerk: this is a resolution to setforth an official board of supervisors to prioritize municipal affairs and issues that affect the city and county of san francisco in the conduct of board business. >> supervisor en guardio. >> i work to add some amendments that were circulated.
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i move that we accept these amendments. >> okay and those are sitting in front of us, motion made by supervisor engardio. without objection, the amendments are adopted. supervisor ronen. >> thank you, colleagues. i have been struggling a bit with this resolution and i want to start off by thanking supervisor engardio for being so open to conversation and so open to amendments. i appreciate the way you handled this whole thing. but, the reason that i'm struggling with it, is it goes without saying, that the vas majority of us, prioritize municipal concerns most of the time if not all of the time and
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if we didn't do that, i think our con at this stew enters would recall us or vote us out of office. and i think there is a narrative out there that is not accurate. that tries to say that and it's part of this whole doom loop with san francisco narrative that we don't focus on the right issues. and i take umbridge with that. i'm often fighting for groups and for people with the least amount of power, people are that are often dis favored in communities. people that are ignored. and that requires creative i have and releveraging the smallest power to fight against the odds. and so many of the issues that i've worked on, i don't, i don't even do any legislation,
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that the best way to to address those areas is a non legislative route. i've also done a ton of work addressing kids, even though i don't sit on the school board, why is that? because the kids succeeding or failing is directly related to crime on the street, to homelessness, to mental health disorders, our world is extremely complex and to say an issue is a municipal issue, i just don't think that's a simple act and i don't want to feed in my more to this political rhetoric that is out there that this board is not doing our job because we decide to focus on an issue that somebody else said is not a maou physical pal matter. to me that may be incredibly
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important to my constituents. and i'm elected by my constituents they chose me to be their representative and to make those judgment calls. i'm going to be voting no on this. i don't want this to be used as a way, you know, not by anybody voting in favor of this or the other author, i don't think that that would be the case, but, whether it's the press whether it's people that have political beef, used to critical judgment calls that we make colleagues about how to use our limited power to fight for causes and constituents that we need to fight for. and i can see that happening. i do believe that you have you
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know, good intentions in passing this resolution, i've just seen too much times how they're misused in way that's they shouldn't be. i just want to explain why i'm voting no. >> thank you, supervisor ronen. supervisor preston. >> thank you, president peskin and colleagues when i initially learned of this resolution, it was one that i did not expect to speak to. but i feel compelled to speak to after seeing the media coverage. it's been the cease fire resolution that the board passes, you can read it for yourselves and see that. but you would not know that from the media coverage.
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of this resolution, the resolution reaffirms that the board prioritizes municipal affairs, that's what we do in every board meeting, in every committee, and i think in every one of our offices. for those that try to rewrite, over spending and administration of services.
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and it's click bait for a media that is so consistently devalues the lives of black people that a simple statement calling for an end of palestinian, the provision of humanitarian aid, the release of hostages and condemnation of islamism and must be relitigated yet again through this resolution or the coverage of it. even though, that was overwhelming supported by the people of san francisco and this board. now i predicted when engardio told me about this resolution.
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i predicted that the words would be spun as advocates for daring to support a cease fire. and so far it appears that this is the entire premise of this resolution. so i'll take my colleague for his word that that was not the goal but it's a predictable outcome and it's a shame, we voted on cease-fire and despite the mayor's best efforts, to try to defeat it, it passed with a veto proof majority over two months ago.
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so notwithstanding this attempt to relitigate. let me reiterate that i'm proud of the cease fire, proud of jews, health, faith leaders and many others who spoke up in support and proud of this board for passing it. it was time well spent on a crucial issue and i renew my fall for a cease-fire today. and let's be clear, the cease-fire did not prevent us from tending from my other business, the cease fire did keep us late here one night. that's our job.
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rather than a sign that the work that we are doing matters to the people of our city. my office has always prioritized and will continue to prioritize issues that affect our constituents and the people of the city. improve public transportation, but also our resolution calling for a cease-fire humanitarian. many of my constituents have lost and continue to lose family members throughout this horrific conflict.
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and my constituent and my families have less safe because of the on going atrocity being carried out with our tax dollars. meanwhile continues have deteriorated even further in gaza. in our city, people continue to take to the streets to demand a cease-fire and in addition providing a platform to share their stories, the passage of cease-fire resolution, helped build momentum and we are seeing the impact with the biden administration rhetoric al it be not the axes. starting to acknowledging the loss of life humanitarian tragedy and need for cease-fire.
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our govern gavin newsom has called for a cease-fire, the biden administration whiling continuing to send weapons to. this would not have happened without the advocacy of so many people across the nation and across the world and that includes action from this board and the people of san francisco. so colleagues we should be proud of our work for all of our constituents, especially those who are dehumanized missed and ignored. after we pass this, which i expect we will, i hope we can
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turn to legislative matters that have an actual impact on the lives of san francisco rather than just providing click bait for the media. thank you. i do support, that if they feel passionate are going to follow and the resolution itself, is doing exactly what it says we should not be doing. >> thank you.
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>> supervisor engardio and then let's call the roll and move on. >> thank you, mr. president. this is not a controversial resolution. it simply reminds us that city supervisors to prioritize the city affairs that we have direct over. this does not ban on anything. the resolution just asked us to be mindful when doing so of the time and resources that we spend. when we have so many pressing local issues like public safetiness, drug overdose, housing affordable, survival of small businesses in addition to our downtown so there is a lot on our plate. this resolution says let's put our priority on local issues. it's not reity litigating any of our past. i voted for cease-fire and my vote shows the support for this international issue which was before the board. this resolution still allow us to weigh in. going forward it asks us to be mindful. my goal with this resolution was to bring this board together and commit to focusing on the basic work we were elected to do. the people of san francisco frankly are not happy with the
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job we're doing, polls consistently show up to 70% of san franciscans do not approve of our job performance, so we need to come together and say to residents that we hear you, we are committed to working on the local issues we can do something about. since this resolution was about bringing together. i spoke to every board member about it. i worked with supervisor to make changes. and i really appreciated being able to do that work with them. i introduced with cosponsor who were not on the same side of the issues. so there is plenty of issues that divide. yet working to solve those tough municipal problems that's our primary job description.
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thank you. >> roll call. >>. >> clerk: op item 21 as a mebded. engardio. >> aye. >> clerk: mandelman. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor melgar. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor preston. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor ronen. >> aye. --no. >> clerk: ronen no. sa fa see. safai aye. chan aye. and supervisor dorsey. >> aye. >> clerk: dorsey aye. ten ayes and one no. with supervisor ronen voting no. >> the resolution is adopted as amended. item 22 please. >> clerk: this is a res threwsing recognize gerald
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shapiro for his commendable ca at san francisco university and to declare shapiro workday. supervisor melgar. >> colleagues i just wanted to take a moment to wish dr. gerald shari po to wish a very happy retirement after 40 years of san francisco state university. dr. shapiro has taught over 5,000 professionals social workers who many of whom are working for the city and county of san francisco, i think there is one in our chambers, the former supervisor as well. throughout the years, they're grounded with a commission to provide change, versatility and cultural humidity. we commend dr. shapiro
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leadership and mentorship in this area. thank you for your support to honor this commitment as a student educational leader and thank you president. >> roll call. >> on item 24, excuse me, on item 22, supervisor en guardio. >> aye. >> supervisor mandelman. >> aye. >> supervisor melgar. >> aye. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor preston. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor ronen. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor safai. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor stefani. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor walton. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor chan. >> aye. >> clerk: and supervisor dorsey. >> aye. >> clerk: there are 111 ayes. the resolution is adopted. item number 24. >> clerk: resolution to call for a full service grocery store in the tenderloin. supervisor dorsey.
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>> supervisor prose ton. --preston. >> i put this to the tenderloin as a urgent priority and to direct city department to see prepare report on progress potential sites and current plans. so thank you all for the strong support. we've also received and some of you may have seen as well, letters from the code tenderloin, senior center glide and lower pole being neighbor, people's congress and veterans alley all voicing their strong support. i want to thank them for reaching out.
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also heard from a tenderloin resident who cooks at home daily and started a petition in the support of resolution. and received over 200 signatures, that's just in the last few days. and i'm very pleased but not surprised by this out pouring of support. this is a longstanding desire of the tenderloin neighborhood and it's been noted in numerous reports by city departments and community base organizations. so there is an important step to make this more of a priority and push the department's to move forward. looking forward to working with them and all of you. and last but not least wanted to thank my legislative aid jennifer for her work on this.
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>> thank you supervisor preston. seeing no other names on the roster, we'll take item number 24, same roll same call resolution is adopted. clerk will you please read the memorial. on behalf of the president peskin for the late kneel'. supervisor melgar on behalf of the entire supervisor for the late cawai pinto olivera. >> we are adjourned.
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you're watching san francisco rising with chris manners. special guest is david chu. hi i'm chris manners and you're watching san francisco rising the show that's about restarting rebuilding and re imagining our city. i guess today is david chiu, the city attorney for the city and county of san francisco , and he's here today to talk to us about the opioid crisis,
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reproductive rights and the non citizen voting program. mr chu, welcome to the show. thanks for having me on happy to talk about whatever you want me to talk about, so can we start by explaining the difference between the city attorney's office and the district attorney's office? i think it could be slightly confused. that is a very common fusion with members of the public so um, if you get arrested in san francisco by the san francisco police department, all criminal matters are dealt with by the san francisco district attorney . we handle all civil matters on behalf of the city and county of san francisco. what that means is a number of things. we provide advice and counsel to all actors within city government from our mayor. every member of the board of supervisors to the 100 plus departments, commissions boards that represent the city and county of san francisco. we also defend the city against thousands of lawsuits. so if you slip and fall in front of city hall if there's a bus accident
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if there is an incident involving the san francisco police department, we defend those matters. we also bring lawsuits on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, where most famous for litigating and obtaining the constitutional right to marry for lgbtq couples have sued gun manufacturers, payday lenders, oil companies, you name it, who are undercutting the rights of san franciscans and the city and county of san francisco. so now moving on to the opioid crisis. i understand you've had some success in court, um, dealing with manufacturers, distributors and pharmacies. could you elaborate a little bit on that for us, so the opioid industry and by that i refer to the legal industry that prescribes pain pills. um over years. uh, deceived americans and resulted in literally thousands upon thousands of deaths and tragedies that we see on our
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streets every day when it comes to the addictions that folks are experiencing. many of the addictions really stemmed from what happened over a decade plus period where the prescription pain industry marketed prescription pills in ways that were false. we were one of thousands of jurisdictions around america that brought a lawsuit against the opioid industry. but we've had a particular set of successes that others have not. ah we initially brought a lawsuit a few years ago against every part of the opioid supply chain, and that included manufacturers, distributors and retailers, including pharmacies over the course of four plus years. a number of these corporate defendants settled with us. we've as of this moment brought in over $120 million of cash and services. to the city to help address the root causes of what we're talking about. but a few months ago, we had a really historic verdict against the
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pharmacy, walgreens and their role walgreens was responsible for literally over 100 million pills, flooding the streets of san francisco over a period of years where they flouted federal law that require them to track where they're pills were going to. they had a what? what we refer to as a phil phil phil. pharmacy culture where folks would bring in their prescriptions, and the pharmacist would just fill them without checking why someone was coming in multiple times without checking why certain doctors were seen a 100 fold increase in the number of opioid prescriptions that they were prescribing. so we had a historic judgment against walgreens recently, but it's been a very intense lawsuit. and we know that will never bring back the lives that we have lost to opioid addictions. but it's critical for us that we get the resources that we need. maybe one other thing i'll mention because it's often confusion. a large percentage of folks who
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are addicted to street level drugs say heroin or fentanyl started their addictions. with painkillers, opioid medications that were prescribed through doctors provided through pharmacies and so literally the suffering that we're seeing on our streets was caused by the opioid industry over many, many years and has created the significant crisis that we are dealing with right now. right right now moving on. i understand after the recent supreme court ruling, striking down robust as wade that you've put together an organization that's designed to help mm. provide free services to people who are both. seeking abortions and providing them can you tell us about the organization? sure so, um, before the dobbs decision came down, but after we learned about the leak from the supreme court about the draft that suggested the decision would be as bad as it has turned out to be, um, i reached out to leadership from the bar association of san francisco
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because we knew that if that decision came down there would be tens of thousands of patients around the country as well as providers whose legal situation would be in jeopardy. women doctors, nurses who could be subjected to lawsuits who could be arrested who could be prosecuted, particularly in red states? 26 states where rights are being rolled back or in the process or have already been rolled back because of the dobbs decision. so we put out a call to lawyers all over the bay and frankly, all over the country, and as of this moment there have been over 70 law firms that have answered our call to be part of the legal alliance for reproductive rights who have committed to reviewing cases and providing pro bono assistance to patients and providers who are at legal risk. we also are looking at potential cases that these lawyers can bring against various states. in these areas that are looking to deprive women and patients and providers
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of their of their rights. um it is a very dark time in america, and i'm really proud that that barrier attorneys, the legal community care have stepped up to answer the call. it's very important that's great. so now the non citizen voting program that was passed by voters just for school boards has faced them court challenges recently, but it was in place for the most recent election that we've had. how do you see that situation panning out? in fact, it's been in place for now. five school board elections. um so a little bit of background in our san francisco schools over one out of three kids. has a parent who is a non citizen who doesn't have a say in the election of the policy makers that dictate the future of our san francisco public schools, and so over a number of years, there has been a movement to allow immigrant parents to vote in school board elections. few things i'll mention about that is our country has a very long history
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when it comes to allowing immigrants to vote. from 17 76 for 100 and 50 years until after world war. one immigrants were allowed to vote in most states in our country on the theory that we want to assimilate immigrants in american democratic values and institutions, and it wasn't until an anti immigrant backlash in world war one that that sort of ended. but in recent years, um cities across america have allowed this to happen. in fact, at this moment, believe there are over a dozen cities that have voted to allow non citizens to vote in a number of context. now, this is particularly important in our schools just given how challenge our schools are, and given that we know that when we engage more parents in her school system, regardless of their citizenship it helps to lift up our schools for all parents. and so in 2016 the voters of san francisco past about measure that allowed this to happen. unfortunately earlier this year, there were conservative organizations that
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came to san francisco to bring a lawsuit to try to overturn this , and i should also mention it is obviously the perspective of our office and our city that this is constitutional. nothing in the constitution prohibits non citizens from voting. and in fact, there's an explicit provision in the constitution that allows chartered cities like san francisco when it comes to school board elections to be able to dictate the time and manner of those elections. and so, uh, we are involved in litigation on this issue. there was an initial ruling that was not good for us that essentially said at the trial court level. we shouldn't allow this. um we appealed it up to the appellate level. the appellate court made an initial decision to allow this past november election to proceed as it has for the last previous four elections. we're going to be in front of that court soon. stay tuned. we'll see what happens. it was good to hear that the city was able to
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reach a settlement with the center for medicare and medicaid services are meant laguna honda could still operate. how did you manage to reach that agreement? it was not an easy conversation . just a little bit of background. so laguna honda has been an incredibly important institution in san francisco for 150 years, taking care of our most vulnerable patients are frail, very elderly patients, many of whom are at end of life. and a few years ago, there were some issues in that hospital. some violations of rules that we very much want to make sure don't get violated. there were folks that weren't using proper ppe, who are bringing cigarette lighters into the facility, who might have brought some contraband into the facilities. we have zero tolerance for that and have made that very clear. we self reported some of these violations to the federal authorities. and unfortunately from our perspective, they took the very disproportionate step of ordering the closure. the permanent closure of lugano, honda. problematic on a number
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of reasons. first and foremost, there are just no skilled nursing facility beds not just in california but around the country. after their order came down. we literally were putting 1000 calls a day to skilled nursing facilities around california and around the country and could find nowhere to move the 700 patients that we had had in the gonna honda but just as disturbingly as we were forced to start moving some of these patients, a number of them died. there's a concept in medicine known as transfer trauma. when you move someone who is that frail and unfortunately, folks folks died and we were at a point where we were five weeks away from the deadline for the federal government. that they had provided to us to close the facility. so uh and we have been trying for months to get the federal government to reconsider their action, so i was compelled to bring a lawsuit on behalf of the city and county of san francisco and very pleased and appreciate that we were able to come to a settlement whereby
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transfers will be delayed at least until next year. we're going to have at least a year of funding. to keep the facility open, and hopefully we can get back up on our feet and ensure that no future violations occur because this is an institution that has to stay open for the good of these patients. quite right, quite right. so finally, congratulations on winning an important public power service dispute with pg and e. um why is it important that the city's rights as a local power provider maintained well, so san francisco has been a local power provider for decades. we are fortunate to have access through our hedge hetchy hydroelectric system to provide electricity to a number of providers, particularly public recipients of that. and unfortunately, pg any has used its monopoly when it comes to private electricity to try to stop that, and to block that, and from our perspective, they violated federal law in adding literally
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tens of millions of dollars of expenses to san francisco and institutions that we're trying to ensure um, public power infrastructure. put years of delays on our ability to do this, and so we had to bring a number of appeals in the federal commission. ah we were successful in those appeals, and there was a decision recently that basically held the pg and e could not use its monopoly to unfairly delay or add tens of millions of dollars of cost. to the city and county of san francisco, as we are trying to move forward with our vision of public power. clearly pgd has not been able to serve not just san francisco but northern california. well we all know that with the wildfires with its bankruptcies, with all the issues that they've had, we think there is a different model to move forward on and we are grateful to the court. and providing a ruling that allows us to move forward. well thank you so much for coming on the show. i really appreciate the time you've given us here today.
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i appreciate and thanks for your thanks for your questions. thank you. well that's it. for this episode, we'll be back with another one shortly for sf gov t v. i'm chris manners. thanks for watching. yeah. >> i'm san francisco's first drag laureate and the first one in the world. the drag laureate program and the position is one this celebrates an artist for being the best in their craft and i'm proud to have received that xroel it it is afternoon ambassador role. a role that represents the lbgtq+ community in san
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francisco the focus on the drag performers and trans-activists and performers in san francisco as well. when i heard the city was creating the drag laureate role i was so excited because it did foal like they were paying attention to us. and cared about when we gave culturally and economically to the city >> here is your new drag laureate for the city and county of san francisco! i'm getting the call from the mayor i was chosen was fantastic day. i will always remember. i thought that it would just be about the bay area. because of what happening in the world it became a national story. i hope it can shine a light on san francisco and how they take care of the drag community and
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the lbgtq+ community. i hope that i can help carve out this position and create a role with programs and events this can be passed down to future drag laureate this is come after me and can set a stage and standard for what this program is in san francisco and national low and inner nationally. there is a rich history in san francisco. that the drag community has been part of. i'm very proud to follow in their footsteps and able to maintain what the drag community has done in the past and move forward with creating a bright future. my job is to elevate and celebrate
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>> [music] you are watching golden gate inventions with michael. this is episode exploring the excelsior. >> hi i'm michael you are watching golden gate inventions highlighting urban out doors we are in the excelsior. pickleball. let's play pickleball! pickleball is an incredited low popular sport growing nationwide. pickleball combines tennis, bad mitton and ping pong. playod a bad mitton sized court with paddle and i plasticic ball. starting out is easy. you can pick up paddle and balls
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for 20 buck and it is suitable for everyone in all skill levels you see here. the gim is played by 2 or 4 players. the ball must be served diagnoty and other rules theory easy to pick up. the game ends when i player or team reaches a set score 11 or 21 point bunkham win bright 2 pickleball courts are available across the city some are and others require booking ahead and a fee. information about the courts found at sf recpark. org if you are interested in playing. now i know why people are playing pickleball. it is so much fun you play all ages. all skill levels and pop on a court and you are red to g. a lot of fun i'm glad i did it.
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all right. let's go! time for a hike! there is i ton of hike nothing excelsior. 312 acres mc clarin the second largest p in san francisco. there are 7 miles of tris including the there was fer's way this spreads over foresxeft field and prosecute voids hill side views of the city. and well is a meditative quiet place in mc clarin p you will siendz labyrinth made of rock:now we are at glen eagle golf course special try out disk golf >> now disk golf! so disk golf is like traditional golf but with noticing disks. credit as the sport's pioneer
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establishing the disk ballsorption and the first standardized target the disk ball hole. the game involves throwing from key areas toward i metal basket. players use different disks for long distances driver, immediateerate. mid range and precise shot, putters. players begin at the t area. throw disks toward the basket and prosecute seed down the fare way. player with the lowest number of throws the end wins the game. disk golf at glen eagle cost 14 dollars if you pay at the clubhouse. there is an 18 hole course this is free. du see that shot? i won! am i was not very good now i
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have a huge respect for disk ball player its is difficult but fun. thank you for joining me in the excelsior this is goldenate adventures. >> driver, bye. >> hi. i'm will b. mixture weltake a walk with me. >> i just love taking strolls in san francisco. they are so many cool and exciting things to see. like -- what is that there?
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what is that for? hi. buddy. how are you. >> what is that for. >> i'm firefighter with the san francisco fire department havings a great day, thank you for asking. this is a dry sand pipe. dry sand pipes are multilevel building in san francisco and the world. they are a piping system to facilitate the fire engineaire ability to pump water in a buildings that is on fire. >> a fire truck shows up and does what? >> the fire engine will pull up to the upon front of the building do, spotting the building. you get an engine in the area that is safe. firefighters then take the hose lyoning line it a hydrant and that give us an endsless supply of water. >> wow, cool. i don't see water, where does it come from and where does it go? >> the firefighters take a hose
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from the fire engine to the dry sand pipe and plug it in this inlet. they are able to adjust the pressure of water going in the inlet. to facilitate the pressure needed for any one of the floors on this building. firefighters take the hose bunked and he will take that homes upon bundle to the floor the fire is on. plug it into similar to this an outlet and they have water to put the fire out. it is a cool system that we see in a lot of buildings. i personal low use federal on multiple fires in san francisco to safely put a fire out. >> i thought that was a great question that is cool of you to ask. have a great day and nice meeting you. >> thank you for letting us know what that is for. thanks, everybody for watching!
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bye! [music]
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